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Women killed, $300,000 damage to toxicology lab

by Hwsaa J Ferrer paper ignited the sp iled ether and a cology department for over a year An employee who resigned over a destructive and potentially explosive but be frequently visited the depart year ago from the Toxicology Depart blase beoan Ramsey s la v e r e d out ment after be left Ramsey resigned ment of the IU Medical ( enter shot fas side and was arrested by four IU PU I because of a self perceived made < form er supervisor and started a firw quacy in fulfilling the aspirations that resulted in extensive damages According to Col Spurgeon D that Linda bad ot him Dr Forney last Wednesday Davenport director at IUPUI Police said This was not true no com Linda Leu Lehrman. 31. a labors Ramsey who is in stable condition st plaints had ever been direr ted toward lory technician at the facility was Wiahard Memorial Hospital admitted Ramsey s job performance * kilted by the form er chemiM James to the murder and arson The last face to-face c ontact with Ramsey Then the gunman started a About ISO parsons were evseuated Ramsey was when Dr Forney had to fire which destroyed two labs Dr from the Medical Research and Set ask him to stop coming around be Robert B Forney, director of the torn eocet buildings and the fire was cause bis visits were disrupting Lab cology lab salt mated the damage eventually contained oratory work That was over six could amount to Uoo 000 In an interview with the Segwmor* months ago Witnesses reported that a man Dr Forney explained that thr IU per Soon after Dr Forney received a armed with a S caliber nfte entered sonnei department screened Ramsey letter from Ramsey explaining bis the laboratory about 4 pm called to and he hired him as a laboratory tech intent to sue the department for its Mrs Lehrman by name, and shot her metan because Central State had failure to give bun a letter of recoin in the head given him a stable bill si psycholog) mends tion Then, according to Dr Forney cal health, and because be met the job Dr Forney explained that he con Ramsey the form er employee of the tected the IU attorneys to prepare a laboratory plied solvents sgstnat the Ramsey had received psychiatric defense position but he did not expect laboratory door sod attempted to set help as a provision at his p it acUen or far that matter physi them on fire with a burning notebook 197* He was arrested by the IU PU I cal a rffen Failing to cause an immediate ex police a/ter threatening a woman with Over six months passed without any plosion Ramsey fired at a container a gun when she refiwed to date him contact between Ramsey Dr Forarv of ether Finally, he turned the rifle Dr Forney told the S e«em or« that and Mrs Lehrman until last W e on himself Meanwhile the burning Ramsey had not worked for the taxi * y and photos on Page 11.

BSU elections held this week by John CmAey students will be attacked as a first School of Education sod student as ) of them e sietant in the Student Activities office the Black e t a cnouttee be 8 rudtong far BSU vtcey ** the election established to investigate the causa of She d ie s a need far a I at its officers ih n **h Friday of this the sttntM o problem The reeulM at the study could I Chary I Vertaar and Henry Green aity Is the eaed to reduce the attrtttoe rale INDIANA at IU PU I poet. Alfreds Carter and James * social UNIVERSITY Howard are vying for the position of — * I 'o m v am c a m p u s *— vice president end Elisabeth (hitiga the Student Assembly to is naming unopposed for the office ef working relationship boh treasurer Only three of the other aed that likewise, the Candida tea have allied themaelves os university aed the c*y are similarly IUPUI uas founded in l%9 with the tied, said Carter merger ot Indiana and Purdue Vertner Alfreda Carter asd 8 the Carter would bhe to see pear ceim Elizabeth ('hiUfa current premdont of the BSU and be­ •cling sad the ta t of tutorial pro Universities and, to celebrate the The election ballots have been et I in that of by the BSL She school's 10th Anniversary, the S a g a m o re mailed to eligible BSl members The be a aid in has printed a four page special dealing ballots are to be returned to the office improving the activities go ek of by • I of Norman Brown faculty the BSU by a campus admit vk ith the event II P IT s past and present the BSU ib Cavanaugh I Green sites a need for the are covered, and a look is given at the 108 ( Admissions O ffice» aid in the James J8 mere majoring m English ■ Carter s campus future 1.« m >k for it, beginning on Cheryl Vertner. a junior majoring to provide a well rounded education to opponent far the vice presidential in marketing, is the challenger in the terms of social and cultural aspects seat race for president against incumbent Green agrees with fas opponent that His im m o la te goal would be a total Heniy Green The attrition rate the m ajor problem facing the BSU 8 reorganisation of the BSU's structure among black students is the baaia of * r platform and u the problem that He qualifies the reason why he wards improving academic she considers to be moot important for should be re-elected by saying that fas performance among black students at the BSU experience is the prune qualification IUPUI Since this is an academic Through trial and error, stated Green institution, the BSU should stress prw he has a better insight to the role of grains (or academic achievement, the BSU in the university atmosphere when they first come to the m over said Vertner Attrition among black Alfreda Carter, a junior in the “ im p e g e S ) S Sagamore 4/30/79 r-»HoftS IUPUI News

Free concert... Parking changes announced A free concert featuring the band American Radio will be given at the IU PU I students returning for the for construction purposes This Research Building (No 88 on Herron School of Art Auditorium oc May 4 a t ! pm The band plays a mixture fall semester in August will find a few parking area will be the location of the university maps) of rock, jazz and bluet changes in parking areas and in the South Parking Garage Students with valid permits also can The public fcs invited to attend. location of the Parking Office park in areas for blue and green Director of Parking Services Construction on two new parking permits west of Agnes Street after 5 Robert M Tirmenstein said: "The garages for IU P U I is scheduled to pm Monday through Friday and any university is making every effort to begin this summer, causing time throughout the weekend designate the closest available areas temporary relocation of student, Two other temporary parking areas for student parking in the temporary faculty, staff, and visitor parking in will be established, but will serve parking relocation.” Activity fair... those areas primarily blue and green parking Most of the parking area north of The temporary student parking permits. These areas will be east of The form at of the faU new student orientation hac been changed and this the State Board of Health Building areas will be south and north of New Universtiy Hospital year will include an “ Activity F a ir" to be held an Aug l a n d ! New students and west of the Union Building will no York Street More than 800 parking The Parking Office will move in are urged to sign up for the “ Introduction to College L ife " sessions which are longer be available for parking. This spaces will be available Students are May into the Bowers Building, 410 listed in the fall schedule of classes area will be the site of the West reminded of additional parking areas Agnes Street Student organize lions sad "o ld ” students who wish to help should reserve Parking Garage which are east of the Engineering and The construction of the perking these dates for participation in the program The parking lot south of University Technology Building (No. 84 on garages should be completed Hospital on Michigan Street ( No 57 on university maps) and south of the approximately one year from the university maps) will also be vacated Center for Advanced starting date

Science dean... Joe just can't remember Two candidates for dean of the School of Science are scheduled to visit Joe just received his final exam in Novem ber to assist students, staff, Generally, five to six sessions with a IU P U I this weak: Dr Robert M. Burton, on Tuesday from 8:90-10:90 am; paper in political science He studied and faculty with problems such as test rmmsslor are needed to learn relaxa­ and Dr. Marshall C Yovits, on Thursday from 9:90-10:90 ana. more than 10 hours and feels pre­ anxiety Wakefield commented, “We tion and self-control. The student Both sessions wiii be held in the Krannert Science Building, Faculty pared. He picks up his pencil, reads have professional psychologists, should ultimately be able to perform Louafe. Students can attend the Open Forum and meet each candidate. the first question, and. Kaboom! His counselors, and social workers to pro­ the systematic relaxation on his own mind goes blank, be breaks out in a vide the needed guidance in most per­ and gain the confidence to take the sweat, and be doesn't remember a sona) problems Helping students who test This process can be done before single fact about political science have test anxiety entails inducing con­ testing or at the moment of testing Joe is not the only student to exper­ fidence in the student through desyn The Counseling Center is planning a ience test anxiety. According to thetizaUon workshop in the fall for students with IU P U I Cm— eUng Center Director “ We teach the student systematic Garden plots mam test anxiety The purpose of the center Donald P. Wakefield, “ It is a common relaxation,” be continued "W e start is to provide short-term counseling for problem. We have counseled scores of at the bead and teach the student to Garden plots, through the M ayor's Garden Program , at Noble School, S th most personal problems, such as stadeats with the problem Since Nov­ relax every part of the body Through and Tibbs, and Eagle Creek Part, S6th and Reed R d , will be reedy for rental sexual concerns, career decisions, ember alone, 90 students have come to relaxation, the student gains control starting Wednesday, April 95 social problems, motivation, and drug the center for help in dealing with test of himself, frees himself of emotions) J0‘ * 90’ plats may be rented for I I ($1 for senior citizens), and 50' x SO' and alcohol problems plots are available for 111 (8) for senior citizens). Gardeners will receive an anxiety.” and physiological anxieties, and, in identifying badge with their name and plot number They will also receive The problem seems most prevalent torn, can establish a confidence in The center also plans workshops, six free packets of seeds and an information sheet with tips on planting, during finals. The student gets behind him self.” seminars, and group sessions in self­ garden care and harvesting in his studies and attempts to learn his Wakefield said that most students management, socialization, asser­ For more information please call the Mayor’s Garden Program subjects in one or two weeks. How­ experience test anxiety, but some tiveness, weight control, and stress Headquarters at 8944178. The program, sponsored by the M ayor’s Office, is ever, many students experience test individuals are capable of convince Joe’s tests are not over yet, not by a anxiety throughout their school ca­ operated by the Indianspolis Department of Parks and Recreation themselves they can fact tests without long shot L ife is full of them Learn­ reers and never learn how to cope professional help. Other students re­ ing the skills of relaxation and self- with the problem quire training in self-mangagement, control can help Joe or any student, The Counseling Center at IUPUI, and physiological and emotional con­ faculty or staff member, cope with 419 Blackford Street, was established trol. lifq!s anxieties

Urban education mmm

The Consortium for Urban Education will sponsor the Second Annual Teacher Candidate Interview Conference, Thursday, May 1,1171, • am to N ever mind the statement la the 4:90 pm, in the basement of Schwitser Center, Indiana Central University. FaU Schedule of classes that says The purpose of the conference is to present forthcoming teacher education student IDs are required at IUPUI. graduates with an opportunity to interview for available teaching positions Only some schools, such as Nursing, F orty Indians school district, including Indianapolis Public Schools, will be 4 a.ffl. Medicine, and Social Work, require present at the conference. thetl card. For summer ID card For further information regarding the conference please call the appointments, caU 984-9891, and be Consortium for Urban Education at 904-3709 Inside IU PU I News...... pages 2,3 prepared to show a current Bursar’s receipt. Letters...... page 4 Our View...... page 5 Oar View...... page 4 Interview with Indy runners... Saad Muhammad..... page 8 Ten Years The Indy Runners Inc. will hold their next meeting Wednesday, May 9 at 7 of IU PU I...... pages 7-18 pm hi the Grteeom Roam of the Union Building. A fun run will proceed the Kelly and Duke...... page 12 meeting with runners leaving from the Union Building at 5:10 pm Bfll Govaghen, a world does marathoner from Indianapolis, will speak on Congressional My candle bums at both ends, Ms experiences at the Boston Marathon. Bill placed 98 in the marathon and Insight...... page 13 it will not last the night. hm alee qualified for the Olympic Trials Calendar But ah, my Jos*, and oh, myfritndt— For more Information about the meeting, call M4-J704 Central...... page 13 ft gives a lovely light! Midwest Arts First Fig Gazette...... page 14 Edna St. Vincent M illay Classifieds...... page IS

✓ V______/ 4/30/Tt f

Metro player disputes Overman's, Bunnell’s stories

to; Am MliWf you ban t have anything la study I "This h a groat They iOandl T * going lo give it to thr people mads up some at my cIm b w ort ly hut it ) m id fine we ll pet yen h ie straight I n tired of the athletic ro- from the prof eeeon through tapes but I still ouaeadout ae J u etd m l ardlM lor giving point uf new and sket went to talk to tfh counoehr* they laid Cone* Overman giving hm point at But. Lienshan said, the IU PU I fa r "Th ere were tunes that the team to work me that to gs to pharmacy school hme vmw becam e there s b - e^- in both of ulty members hold no regard for the was out on the rend and I mimed a really fouls ths players up I would hern le attend demos tram I Om it sto rm They're both b - s— team s r e k as s representative of the ta t, but the profam er would m y Yen am 5 pm every day New hew w u I people to their own individual u d n university moreover they have no can t make this t o t up, and 1 said, Launohea cites s Inch I n just going to tall it the way it empathy for the players and. on the but I'm en the bedBetbeil team end enum of this cenhmed satuntMn etch still go lo practice end | really is whole ignore their problems Now. I we were out of town Well, that s Just Street doeea i tea Tai leaving I’m got notiui* to I a n w ia s stretched Ids lanky fram e notes it's pretty hard to study because added sharply peer ed deliberately over his sun glasses and announced his intention to leave the IU PU I Metros The M center who says he just rock V roll, fn can t take it anymore, listed plenty W IN $ 3 ,0 0 0 IN Enter Scholl's Grand Grafaeti Contest end put your feet on thr at reasons why he has chosen to pack SCHOLL’S GRAND up and go “I feel I've stagnated here road to 13.000 in nchae I cvwh August SL 1979. so both in school and in basketball GRAFEET1 CONTEST fuel pKk up an entry blank at thr pick tg> an entry blank soon O Thu^s are too uncertain here tim e s LOCK FOR THIS Scholl Exert nr Sandal (hapiay m C ane by «*ntm g Scholl. Inc . 213 no future in this program - a t least I better (hug and ckarounl Wares Sduliev Dhpt 229, Q u c * o couidnt see any physical evidence at ENTRY Then decorate the foot and thr any future just talk about it-a n d BLANK sandal pictured (or send a photo of there are no guarantees about any SCHOLL your own decorated foot) Uer Thn n your chance to no s lath thing EXERCISE crary end wm big m Scholl's "All I could look forward to next 13,000 Grand Grafesti Corttaat year is cutbacks Lennehan contuv SANDAL ued They are going to cut bock our a scholarships and financial aid. yet DISPLAYS There's s 12.000 grand pnar and they re going to r a m our housing 11,000 for the beet entry in each costs It sndicuioue IUPUI seemed like a pretty good Klee to the California native when he signed hie letter of intent, but the events that happened during the year have changed his mind 1 wanted to HOW TO TURN get away from home, it was a chance to get an Indiana University degree end I liked Coach Overman " Lennehan admitted that everyone HOT LITTLE TOOTSIES involved with the program told him from the onset that the IUPU1 basket ball program was a fairly new one and that the lf7»-79 season was ex INTO COLD HARD petted to be a rebuiidu* year " Back then I thought, ‘a rose just ain't gonna die when It s a bud, but boy. I was wrong, he says, cha grined Things have gone straight downhill since then " "This thing (the program ) is doom •d he charged "This piece will nev^r be big time or even c k m to K I'v e seen junior college programs back home that are more organised and better run than this one Lennehan doaan t think that this is the fault at either II vice-President l«ftanapohs Dr Gieen Irwin or the Athletic De­ partment. but believes that others in the university administration are to blame AJJ they care about is IU B ." be explained The Metros are tike IU s stepsister For example, even though IU PU I is supposed to be part of the Blooming ton system, tbs IU PU I Metros had to pay a fee to use the IT Bloomington teem s plane when we went to Mar queue to play Northern Michigan this year A fee to use their own system s plane' "Th ere s not enough money and the student s dan t give s damn, he went on. "and the profs doa t care either Although he graduated from jttfh school with a strong " B " average Lennehan was one of the six Metro players who encountered classroom difficulties and subsequently became scholastically ineligible second sem eater He claims that it was practi cally an impossibility with the road schedule the teem played this year, for the players to keep up with their 4 Sogomor* 4/30/79

° " ' Vlew Letters

Do not pass go

Legislation affecting US journalists seems to be taking a “ one step forward, two steps back“ course these days, and the results Election coverage praised leaves many a future journalist wondering just where we do stand in the courts. * > To the Editor: and SA election Undoubtedly the Clearly, Jim Anderson and Arlene election news coverage informed the Thomas demonstrated values The step forward comes in the form of a Florida Supreme Recent student elections evidenced the highest percentage student voting record student electorate of the is­ noteworthy by any standard, but Court ruling which set a precedent allowing journalists to photo­ turnout in university history. The re­ sues, and of the importance of the more so by the university standard- graph, record, and broadcast court proceedings (to take affect cord results indicate that, while election. Hence the Sagamort was a that of indefatigable personality and May 2). This decision represents a significant achievement to­ student awareness is increasing, the substantial factor in the election’s integrity beyond reproach. ward making public court hearings truly “ public,” and defend­ w all of student apathy is beginning to success. In closing, the coordinated joint Further, the SA Elections Com­ efforts by university organisations, as ing the overworked—but nonetheless vital—people’s right to crumble. Moreover, the election re­ sults firmly support the premise that mittee, chaired by Jim Anderson, Jr., demonstrated by the Sagamore and know. students believe the Student Assem­ and Arlene Thomas, did an excellent SA Election Committee, made a Whether the ruling will have an immediate effect locally is un­ bly is the instrument for promoting job of coordinating the elections while university student project an actual known; we doubt that news media will begin monitoring the student needs and interests, and for affording the students of each univer­ success Hopefully all university daily dope in local courts for live broadcast. But in cases such as effectuating university policy. Both sity division the opportunity to vote organisations, student and non­ In addition to conducting impartial student, and all other interested indi­ Judge S. Hugh Dillon’s busing controversy, local residents would the Sagamore and SA Elections Committee deserve congratulations elections, Anderson and Thomas viduals will join hands with the new have benefited from an “ eye and ear” in the courtroom to allow for their contributions toward the suc­ worked at the polls without compen­ SA Administration for the purpose of them to draw their own conclusions from the proceedings. cessful election. sation in place of absent poll workers. making the SA successful in its re­ Meanwhile, however, the US Supreme Court accomplished the In particular, Sagamore editors The chairpersons also counted ballots sponse to university students’ needs “ two steps back” through its April 18 decision in the libel case of Mike Gallaway and Karen Wagner, beyond midnight in order to have the Warmest Regards, Frank Brinkman, Jr. Herbert v. CBS. Contained in the suit was a provision which deserve to be commended for their ex­ election results immediately cellent coverage of the SA candidates available far Sagamor# publication SA President-Elect allows the courts to inquire into a reporter’s “ state of mind” at the time when the alleged libel was enacted. Stemming from Herbert’s charges that SO Minutes producers and Mike Wallace were libelous in their representation of him in a report, the decision has met with almost universal disapproval across the country, especially from the news media and Dress or­ ganizations. We think that this outcry is well-founded, since it is far too much to expect a reporter to account for his state of mind while covering a story, or for an editor to have to examine his motives under legal pressure when making daily policy decisions. The thought, carried to extremes, is even a bit scary. Without belaboring First Amendment rights ad nauseum, we must won­ der how a “ free” press can be required to maintain personal equanimity in addition to its responsibility to fairly depict facts in their presentation, particularly regarding such un-objective stones as child abuse and rape. The emotional outrage of the press is an important asset in its role as “ watchdog” in our society. It is valuable tradition which cannot and should not be cooly mechanized and tempered under penalty of law, until the emotion is dry and the outrage empty. The press has the responsibility to be objective and responsible in its coverage of events, but a reporter's or editor’s “ state of mind” has never belonged in a story, much less in the courts.

The Sagamore welcomes letters to the editor. Letters should be limited to 300 words, be to the point and include the naide, phene number, and address of the writer. No letters will p e printed unless they are signed. Only the name will bepublishtd with the letter unless the writer requests anonymity. The editors reserve the right to edit all letters and to reject those letters they feel are objectionable. All letters should be typed and addressed to the editor, Cavanaugh Hall, Room 001-G.

The Sagamore is published by students of Indiana University-Purdue administration or faculty of IUPUI. The Sagamore is a semi-weekly University at Indianapolis Views expressed are those of the editorial (weekly during the summer) newsmagazine published at 925 W staff or of the individual whose name appears in the byline Those Michigan St., Indianapolis, Induna 46202 Editorial phone, 264-4008. / o o Q f n o r e views do not necessarily reflect those of the student body. advertisement phone, 264 3456 business phone. 264-2539

Staff Writers r la Chief Gloria K. Johnson Ndungs K. Balakushna Carrie Kilmer Mike Gallaway Kenneth C. Beall MartCoddington Cyndi Kilmer Credit Manager Kirk Carpenter David Edy D. Grant LukenbUl Harry Roberson Joni Steele Shirley Couts Bob Higgins, Jr. Cathy Bauters Photography Scott Wilson Annette Elslager Karen Kayne Shar Richards Don Gorman Louise Kitchen o m c e sun Kimberly Shae Evalds Valainis Editorial Cartoonist Karina Quixon Diane Adams Jeff Zorman D a k Wei Lots Smith 4/30/7?

Catholic BSU elections Stodeot Cantor

•My. aad thr establishment of the BSU a to nail high scfcoofc and tabte at registration it IUPU1 baa to at Finally. Howard fe e t that the BSL needs to build a cloaar alliance with the black community at large Such programs would include an « Breathalyzer celebrates 25th year

Twenty-five years ago. in the base My far a n *n t workshop o4 a home on the north Breathalyser lasts which utilise the l with s higher side of Indianapolis a new instrument principle of breath analysis to mea degree of objectivity in its operation sure the amount of alcohol in the Borkonateui who in ISM was (hroctor inf driver problem became a reality blood,ta are accepted as evidence in of tho crim e lab for the Indians Stale It was a rather meager beginning drinkingfor them ifrivuig caaea in courtrooms Police produced the Breethalyaer || , - f 1,4a. , m | (or a device that waa to aaaume such a throughout this country. Six prototype units were built, W n | 9f)frVTtMN major role in highway traffic aafaty AustraliaEhsabeth and (h many itig a parts a junior of Europe who based on the original modal These There were no expensive laboratory The use of the breath analysis pnn were field tested by venous police equipment, research assistants or re­ a pie as s substitute (or the more agencies in the U S and Canada and search pants The inventor paid all involved blood teat analysts dates after incorporating and testing thou the developmental coats out of tus own back to the mid 1880a and the develop suggestions IW instruments were pocket ment of the Dnmkometer by Holla N budt These quickly found their way Call 164*4987 He even had to sell his car to help Harger It professor emeritus of bm into practical police and courtroom for laf armtftap defray the expense of getting the chemistry and toxicology use in many parts of the two com instrument patented A lew years later the portable tries Persistence won out however and lntoxuneter and the Akom eter a p The first commercially built The Recovery Room today the invention the Breathaly peered Breathalyser went ta the Grand ter and the inventor Indiana Um The Dnmkometer was found to be Rapids Mich Police Department 1868 Lafayette Rd 634-8642 and the second and third to Ontario varsity Profeaoor Robert F Borken highly subjective in its operation the Special Therapy tor Students stein—enjoy a vote of confidence of AJcometer highly unstable Since then approximately 15 000 in the scientific medical and legal com In response to s request from the hnbAl Wturtfel Commenting on the Breathalyser a 1800 government report prepared for truer the Recovery Room s In VISTA. That’s the beginning of the end of a the Auatraliaa Capitol Territory weekly pinball champion lot of the problems in America. And we need you to noted the committee is satisfied ship! Free beer to the ww that the Breathalyser is an accurate help Wt* don’t care about your age Where there’s instrument providing a reliable _ nerV______a problem, there’s a solution. And it could be you. method of measuring bloodokohol JU»r AjHATSwpocwft flSQilWO in your community or someone e jy 's as a VIsTA concentrations in the human body volunteer VISTA is coming ^ frfftain U*ne alive This report led to the adoption of the with us. Breathalyser as the only official blood alcohol testing instrument in Any Meal, Any Time of Day Call VISTA toll free: 80O-424-85H0. Or write that territory Other Australian states VISTA. Box A. Washington, | | | | h f A soon followed this lead Similar action •Breakfast *1000)1 D C. 20525. V l a l A took place in Canada where the Breathalyser is the instrument of •Dinner

The Breathalyser received addi Our service « fast and tnendty so 10m your A Pv*D ic Sa-.c# o« Th.% A Th# Com"C I tional recognition by b e n * one of the tnends m our dvung room Or caR aheed and first instruments to be placed on the use our carry out service tor any item on our 1874 approved products list of the new expended menu at tne West 16th Street National Highway Traffic Safety Ad Waffle House wtiere Quality and convenience ministration In its 25 year history said Borken cometogW* >«/«,*«>* stein there has never been a success ful attack in the appellate courts on the scientific analytical principle of 2621 West 16th Street there are tw o w a s hAT CAN CARRY LIGHT TO the Breathalyser There have been Carry Out Orders: 631-5922 7 reversals of court decisions but these a il of the CORNERS were linked to instrument misuse Globe the sun i n constitutional issues improper main tenance or training of the operator DOWN HERE " How has the instrument weathered STANLEY H. KAPLAN1 25 years of scrutiny by law medicine for Over 40 Years The Standard of and science1 Borkenatein who is former chair Exceience In Jfrst Preparation man of the IU Department of Police Administration and currently is direc tor of the Center for Studies of Law in Action responded DATLSAT it s innate stability is its strength Too. it requires less skill on the part of 6RE • 6RE PSYCH • 6RE BIO • GMAT the operator And. its life expectancy PCAT • OCAT • VAT • MAT • SAT is unlimited There s nothing to wear out NATIONAL MEDICAL BOARDS' VQE' ECF1K The first Breathalyzer produced F U 1 ' NAT1 DENTAL BOARDS commercially is still in operation in Grand Rapids MOUTH MAMS • NURSING BOARDS Noting that in the last five years PtaaihRs Programs and Hours several new blood akohol testing ui I P has Aay Cast* Aai Saefe strum en Is based on gas chroma to M m ^ tk JtmM TosreP v< Mas* Tit hMsrean graphs infra red absorption fuel I f m rsar sesauunow cells and catalytic burners have ap ■ v tniiwm c«ew tescuoavt ames ten peered on the market Borkenatein I ” * ror* ^ . . w s c w i ^ i . S a g a m o r e I 1 ass H snadwaod V a o s * • « m w w concluded ■ Classoa lonolng lor MCAT OAT LkAT QSSAT arxl OHS the II 'PI A rwvis magazine Current production figures indi I Sorwig Btoorrunglor rxJwapuO Sour Bw 0 and Woe' u '*LK 'A* s! M» hajar Swert cate that the Breathalyzer is retaining ,V or TT*.* its popularity .1 —i* •..> ,1 -AhZUk V '* • Sagamore 4/30/79 — interview------Saad Muhammad discusses bout

by Mike Gateway more—in the sixth and seventh “ Wall actually, it was a butt, " he said te d Mike Reardon rounds. “ I think on a couple of occasions he “ 1 thought I hod woo the fight on • “ I was aware that Starts (D r. Scott butted me I don't think his glovce did couple of o ca ik n when I started Starks, the ring-tide physician) was U because he wasn’t throwing them throwing upper-cuts and Johnson going to stop the fight after thaMghth fast eoough. 1 think the inside clinches started wobbling there real good round because of the cuts on my face. did it with the heed ” (It took six Even in the seventh round I knew That really made me change my stitches to close Saad Muhammad's what I had to do. I can't quite remem thoughts because I realised what was cuta.) bar certain rounds, but there were a about to happen. Whether I got The new champion said that he had couple of times l had him kind of knocked out or whatever, I had to go always wanted to be a fighter, even wooay and I knew what I had to do. I out there the next round and do what I back in his childhood days. “ I lost my knew it had to be the eod of Johnson ’ had to do. It was the time to get it ! " parents when I was very young," be Three days after he took the World Saad Muhammad said he thought said, “ and really, 1 didn’t have a good, Boeing Council Light the referee was correct in his decision good life My footer parents took good crown away from home-town favorite to atop the fight when he did. “ I think care of me, but I grew up in a bed , Matthew Saad the feferee was correct," he said, neighborhood. The nuns who took care Mshammed (Matthew Franklin) “because Johnson was pretty of me for awhile gave me the name discussed the fight in an interview hurt—he was very, very hurt. You Matthew (from the Bible) Franklin with the Sogamon saw him yourself on television. (after Benjamin Franklin). 1 wanted Saad Muhammad said that the Johnson was out of i t to make a name far myself small turnout at the championship “ I was cut, sure, but I could really “ That name took me so far aa it took bout (about M M ) and the fact tint they have given Johnson some brain me, but aa I was m ore adult, I wanted would be backing Indianapolis’ Mar­ damage (if the fight had gone on). I to become somebody in my own cul­ vin Johnson really didn’t bother him was in the state of mind of just being ture, to I said 1 must look for a good much. tough, I still would have lived on, but name bemuse other guys had “ At first it seemed like it might be Johnson, with the type of punishment names-Jewish names, Puerto Rican hard to get a fair shake in that 1 issued out to him In that round, I names. Indianapolis Although they promised actually would have.. ." "I kept the name Matthew because a fair shake. I knew there was only “You would have killed him,’’ a it is a good name, because the nuns one type of Judge that was going to be friend suggested gsve me that name and it’s a good with me, that was gob* to be my Could Saad Muhammad have gone Bible name Saad means good future. right hand. I really don’t know how another couple of rounds? You see, it means something is begin­ many people were there, but I wasn’t “ Of course,“ he answered, “ I could ning. and I am beginning a new life as worried about the crowd, I was have went 15 rounds Well, 1 mean, the new champion of the world basically worried about Marvin you have a man who is very strong, Muhammad means ‘praise and Johneoo ” just Uke me It’s just that when you worthy and worthy of praise ' In my The moot difficult part of the fight, have two good fighters, it's who wants field I am looked upon, so here again Saad Muhammad explained, was the best out of life and Johnson wasn't was s name-suiting me " Johnson's “ awkward style of a strong enough to get it Saad Muhammad said that he be­ southpaw, but eventually 1 figured It “ This is something I wanted to lieves the split between the WBC and out I wasn’t surprised by Johnson's be—« champion I knew I was very the World Association to be m e displays ths right hand that early aggressiveness, because I know messed up as far as the face was damaging the sport of boxing and carried him to victory ovor how Johnson fights, and he comes out concerned I knew I had to go to my announced that he “ plans to put the Indianapolis' Marvin Johnson in aggressive right hand and knock him out, and I two hack together again " o n ly thalr WBC llght-haavywalght “ In the sixth and seventh rounds. I did that ’ Will started telling m yself that I must get Regarding his cuts in the Johnson give M arvin Johnson a rematch bout? tltlo bout, won by Saad off, I must start doing better than I ’m fight. S a id Muhammad said that this “ 1 think so," he said smiling, “ in the ju d g e ... Muhammad In aovon rounds. doing That's when I started doing was the second time he had been cut. future.” (Photo by Mika Reardon) Wear your favorite beer for only $3§2. Now you can wear your beer without spilling a drop on yourself Just slip into one of our Good Taste of Beer T-Shirts They look terrific on ouys or girls They re perfect for wearing around campus or to Happy Hour But we only have a limited supply so send for yours today

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l A*p» 6 *'.<**, O ar.M J* me 1979 4/30/71 ? r

IUPUI: 10 years in review

( \ • tagom on 4/JO/7*

h y i e a l l eensnm e m s w v w q , aa eviosncoo o> uw "This spreads the students a round," said Hine Witt’ Mer*tU aad Pw t*'O etto*toM two programs ho t added to IU P U I -L a a re and Shop It’s aloe another way ef expanding toe university arch-rivals together named to seme like tot aad Woskend College Leaning back to his office beyond traditional walls •m b toftl jut might crack that OM Oaken chair, Beat entoustoatlcelly discussed tote latest C o m ii* up on May • Is a television program, Bucket once and tor all But m trg t they did, tonavatlve venture concerning advances in dentistry, featuring creating tot third largart university in tot state A tot of tot credit, hs said, gets to Executive IUPUI professors, which will bo boomed by Tito yttr wea lM -m an Itnt waited on tot Dean Edward C. Moors, who approached East satellite across the nation The program la being mete, Jet Noma to lid tot Jeto to « Super Bowl with the prohtom of an eight portent drop In sponsored by Continuii* Education, and la a ina put Richard Nixon in tot enrollmenta Beat had previously expanded (ho response from higher education to the need for While Hu m , aad tUPUi wea created This year college opportunity to Include working people profoosionals to keep up-tinkle Smiling Hlne m arts to t tenth anniversary of what hat been who ceuta'l got away durti* toe weak with affirms an Idea which students struggling termed tot "thatgua marriage" of ti Wookond Osltogc New, he turnod his attootion to through finals a r t probably mo«t reluctant to Purdue Universities hoar "Anyone in a professional field has to be a Actually, the merger wasn't guilt to hasty "1 found myoolf to the position of b o h * a single continuing student, he said " A professional The Idta had beta kicked around since about parent for several years," East related, "to I never quits studying " finally teemed to be an was able to realise first hand what a mother's Indianapolis has recently undergone extensive \ necetaity It had gotten to tot point busy schedule la really Ilka. Too many women campaigns to revitalise the downtown tr o t, and where tot state just couldn't afford to have two wore excluded from education before Oftoa, IU P U I has boon a m ajor factor in toe city's major universities, which often competed with they quit school upon getting m arried or having growth. Richard Lugar declared several years one another. In Uw tam e city Why fund two first children and plannad to go back after toe kids ago, "It Is impossible to imagine a great city year physics courses, when o m would suffice ’ were gone, but never made It without a great university, they enhance each However, much a t things would be simplified Women am new playing • major role In other " la the tong-run, bringing theta two m ajor keeping lUPUl’i enrollment figures up-they Mayor Hudnut has remarked that. "IU P U I uatanlttot togtther was certainly not a simple constitute a full 7B percent of the Learn and Shop may be the number-one cause, the prim e reason, lath la fact, It turned out to bo gargaatuous program Many women find it much mom for many young and middle-aged persona to keep convenient to attend neighborhood classes coming back downtown " Soothing rivalries, jealousies, and ovo ta m tn g a Maynard K. Hina virtual mountain of administrative work was not Another aspect which went into the creation of Profile a job to tnvy of aayoM The job foil to Maynard shopping center claim was the weather For K Him, who became chancellor of the newly several winters, toe weather has made it and out, figuratively and literally What Loom IU P U I la the eighth largest em ployer in created lnsUUtuUon Increasingly difficult for faculty and students to and Shop has really accomplished la toe tearing Marlon County, pouring over 1100 million into hi A charming, soft spoken man, with a got to claim "What's om th u * that's always down of eomo of thooe walla by bringing faculty local economy, annually Hine called IUPUI a characteristic twinkle In his eye of someone who open?" East asked himself "Shopping centers " and courses to neighborhoods And at East "state raeource " The state benefits from the has witnessed a tot of students com e and go, Hint The arrangement la mutually beneficial to toe maintained. "The community will benefit We ll Medical Center, the Law School (largest in •poke in • cryptic manner of his appointment as university and commercial business "W s don't have a mom enlightened community ." Indiana), and the high-quality research chancellor “Tiny knew I wouldn't be ‘empire- have to pay for the classroom space and we get Hlne related several innovations In the School predominant In the health flekfc The School of building, "' bo observed, "since my retirement the new students," stated East The department of Medicine A program has been created which, Dentistry la well known for its research In was coming up in four years " stores get the business of the student In effect, allows the university to add one new preventive dentistry That may ba, but more likely, Hint was chosen Commenting on some reports that Loom and medical school, without constructing a single Hlne also mentioned that the campus has far other reasons A diplomat's skills wore Shop hasn't actually increased business In the building Students will be accepted to the IU grown geographically closer to the city and that needed and Hina had the reputation of knowing •lores, East laughingly referred to himself as • School of Modlcine-Indianapolls and allowed to the faculty is taking more active roles in the city the city, getting along well with people, and living example of toe program's commercial take freshman courses at Ball State, Purdue The city la increasingly utilising lUPUI's being, probablv, the one person who could succom " I prefer to stay out of shopping University, IU, and Notre Dame Then they will expertise For example. IU Vice President successfully pull all the ends together centers." he sold. In the couree of vtiling Learn finish at the Indianapolis campus Indianapolis Glenn W Irwin, Jr , serves on the According to Hint, "Many people thought It and Shop classes, though, East has purchased a "Seventy-five hospitals have been connected Indianapolis Greater Progress Committee, would be tmpooaible to got IU and Purdue to suit, a shirt, rubber galoshes, and two Uoo " He with our medical center by two-way television," which concerns Itself with urban problems This work together A good deal of the credit goes to declared, " I t does w ork." •aid Hlne This la economically advantageous is something that wouldn't have occurad 10 years K IM , who when appointed as chancellor, was Learn and Shop, called a "public m agnet," has because it Increases the number of students and ago, but lU P U I's Impact has grown a great deal unable to boast of an office, desk, or even a filing brought education to a lot of people who never keeps Interna and doctors in Indiana This plan Mom evidence of the growing relationship cabinet Nonetheless, he somehow coordinated would have received It any other way East hai boon copied in many states and la. in between "tow n and gow n" la the Indianapolis tot numerous schools which reported to him, explained that many adults am hesitant to come eatencs, another "tearing down of walls " Center for Advanced Research This was started including too School of Physical Education, the to the campus, fearful of all those "bright young "T h e idee that you have to have a student in several yearn ago as a cooperative venture U w School, tha.Medical Center, and the Schools things " Ironically eoough, what many adults the tam e building for four years to become a between the city and the university Housed on of Nursing, Attted Health, and Science, Into one fall to m a llis la that many of thooe "bright young doctor la no longer existent," Hlne contended campus and made up of faculty who divide their cohesive unit things" am perfectly content to keep the adult The Dental School hfeoabo been the focal point time between raeearch and leeching, the Center This dentist by trsds, spoke from the Dental students In Learn and Shop and Weekend College of recent Innovative efforts Students can lake tackles such problems as pollution, sludge, and School library about the university he knows so classes, dial iking the increased competition courses by televlaion from Ft. Wayne, energy conservation The research on solar well His present title Is Chancellor Interims, which hard-working adult students engender Evansville, and South Bond, and can complete energy undertaken by the center was of value which means, h i quipped, "without m e rtt/ '-a According to East, universities wall people In the «iU m program in their home-town if desired. the entire country wry obaarvatien on retirement One can sente the slifhl frustration of such a vital and intelligent man at being out of hs "m ain stream " whaa so much wisdom could be offared Yst, Hint placed a solid stamp on lU P U I’s history when he got If off to a good, stable start As ha remarked, "T h e institution la solid and now w ill continue to grow and develop " The fusil* of the two universities created a whole much s lr w * s r than the sum of the two parte, ru students gained the advantage of Purdue s technological courses and Purdue benefited from lU’a broad liberal arte . A joint statement taouad by IU and Purdua P retid m te Jomph Sutton end Frederick 1 would "roelisa the * and financial

T. of change and growth, innovations . According to Hlne, lU P U lla w o ll- keews after tea years "It Is recognised In « way, etoept athletically, as Innovative'


Perhaps to t moat outstanding Innovation has come from the School of U b v a l Arte. Dr James East, associate dean t f that school, cam e up with one of the moot successful Ideas of the decade—Leern and Shop. Learn and Shop la a program which utilities deportment store training rooms for classroom space Learn and Shop has roeatvod attention from ooast-to^oast, has appeared on the front pegas of to t Wall street Journal, and has even gone International (A faculty member reported that Learn and Shop has found Its way Into a newspaper in Jakarta. Indonesia * Inquiries concerning tola successful new program have been forthcoming from M states aad two provisos* i n Canada. The a e a who earns up with this project looks, An artist'• rendering ef the futuristic BPfA/Behoof ef Bualneea cam put to be completed sometime In early 1ti1. (Print oourteey arts, and talks more Ike a Now York executive ■ulMIng lllu«tr«tM lh« b -u tH u l .nd func.ton.1 .ddHton to Ih . S WPU OHMoof PuMtaMW» ) than aa academ ic His dynaciam has ohvieusly 4/30/7? Sogamor# t

Tying the city sad campus together to a mar* racraotiaoal vein M the Tennis Court Complex ■der construct Km Students have i getting • hit wmry of § campus covered. to addition jo community work • beetle Composed of six herd ea a i i college surface courts and IT clay courts, the complex student too wtlJ be available for student and faculty mo. and An activity la s succem if M's i will bo open to the general public for taniua and executed and valuable to the total scope of leooona By bringing the National Clay Courts to student activities, proposed Wag< Indianapolis the tennis courts will serve to give Interest in student activities this city some pfoeUge every year Still, interest in many activities Although it Is one of the largest universities in remains embarrassingly low Take, for Indiana, newhere on lU P U I’s compuo dooo one example, thr number of Student Asoemly seats find such typical college scenes os the infamous left unfilled Or a typical student who upon fret ro w ", too pood sorority la ..a t, nearly taking time to vote in the recent elections found frostbit faces from long, cold trudges to class that he name was more than likely the only one hundreds of bicycles swerving every which way on the *b o le page checked off for h a vu * voted at once (causing more foar than Dead M ans Athletics at IUPUI could be doir* better to curve oa I d l l . or numerous dormitories those say the Meat Indeed the Metros have suffered a sanctuaries of freshman insanity IU PU I is In sorry see son beleaguered by lack of university one word urban and public support and now with Coach Perhaps the nature of this commuter campus Overman s resignation it looks as if • sinking is beat characterised by one statist* P artin g ship may be quickly going down However many places outnumber dorm rooms by 1ft to one And feel that Overman s resignation was more than even though Bloomington students might justified and it will wake people up and help sometimes feel that they d give on arm and a log change thirds for the better for just a /Ow of those p a rk u * spaces Indy Hint felt that the lack of student interest in students never feel that there are enough and activities is simply the typical situation at an would probably be pleased with more campus urban university We have serious minded students not much interested in athletics he Nonetheless lU P U l'e city status is often explained They go to shoot and come home pointed to as its moot favorable feoture As Jr much like students at the City College of New Irwin put it, ‘ The population of our students is so York do thoroughly integrated with the population of While in favor of student activities Hine Indianapolis that it cannot be found for political asserts that they can t assume a dominate role and marketing campaigns Thslr ( students 1 only i t 's not the role of the university to entertain common characteristic is the tact of their students Education should come first enrollment at IU PU I One thing which Hine feels has served to pull students together is IU PU I • student newspaper the S eg o w o rf The formation of a unified campus newspaper followed a few years after the IU Purdue m erger Previously Purdue students published the Component, and IU students bed the Onomatopoeia Since being formed the Sagamore has gone on to win numerous awards In 197ft it was named as the newsmagazine of the year by the Indians Collegiate Press Association, and has taken high honors in the following years m Advarftigbt

Even though IU PU I might not afford an active social life there are distinct advantages to an urban school Job opportunities are available as on no other campus and contracts with the professional world are more easily made with the help of lU PU I’s part-time faculty And while you may find the campus posters which read A Purdue graduating dees arttnn that institution eras located at the Merotf Vole Harvard Princeton IUPUI somewhat droll, Building (Photo courtesy of IUPUI Archives) > IU PU I does hold certain advantages which these Ivy League schools do not According to Hine Bohha M e m l building known as S Building activity “ Ivy League schoools concentrate on philosophy i Social Service) An anonymous gift of $1 million has funded and theory Our students get more practical The previous two buildings have been construction of 00 modular bousing units, ^ g S c a t io o and find jobs quicker than Harvard destroyed, but C Buildup m East Mietugan S t . planned to begin tim summer The (nam ed Olpnn W Irwin, Jr. students Not that w e're right and they re wroog is still standing •tudents housing will be located on a site bounded he added We re jirat different Purdue first established itself in 1909. in the by Leading and 1 imestnne Streets, end Michtgas By virtue of its being an urban campus. IU PU I Marott Building on Mendian Street Following and New Y « t Streets Student Activities opens up educational bortaons to students who that, they located an the 17-ecre wth Strert As additional tlOO.OOO has bees slotted fsr might otherwise have miaeed them The merger Irwin looks upon this thorough integration of Campus beautification on the cam pin With matchug peid off When the university was established in town and gown as an unintended but major In leas than 10 years, almost 1100 million worth funds provided by the National Endowment far 1949. there were roughly 1S.9M students socceaa of IU P U I Students may be inclined to of campus construction has taken place la 1979 the Humamtras and the university s sculpture ■ scattered throughout the different schools Now disagree While it's true that close to half the the tow school was moved to its present S3 l b e n * designed for the sunken grassy area north thet figure has looped to over 90 000 students student population is married almost «o percent million building A b o built in the early *791 were of University Library David Von Schtogel ae After this year s commencement over to.000 hold jobs students sverage age is 17. and Cavanaugh Hall. Lecture Hall, the University artist from Yale who takes into consideration the graduates will have earned IUPUI degrees To that many of these students don't care about any Library (formerly Blake Street Library), the area i landscape when be creates was rbneee meet this incredible growth over 100 faculty end •ambiance of social life at IUPUI a large Nursing Building and the Engineering and from over M l artists to do the sculpture The staff members hove been added since 1 9 « percentage is left which could, and does, care Technology Buildup sculpture made of brushed stainless steel with Some students may be concerned about about more than attending class These students Construction is an on going process with an “infinite lifespan will be composed sf coming to IU PU I. w o o d e n i* if the downtown •retryin g another M0 million worth on the d rea m * board configurations of geometric triangles based oa cspus is really safe Form er Mayor Lugar Three years ago. the Circle City Circuit was Currently under way is the tl million the Pythagorean Theorem blasted this notion, calling It a myth Ho Despite rapsd growth and c h a i*e some th in p established as IU PU I s answer to Bloomington s Business S PE A Building Corn plot ran of his contended that downtown streets. If anything Little SCO and Purdue s Grand Prlx Attendance building will give the Indunapohs School of do remain the same Almost 19 years age s a rt safer than the suburbs due to the higher at student functions is notoriously low on this concentration of poflc* u the area campus, but things do seem to be picking up a The IU School of Business is one entity It ts portraying two IU PU I students who finally found Dr Paul Bogan has observed that IU PU I bit composed of one school, one faculty and one s parking spot in the Sahara Desert and thee parting lots are the beat lighted of any university No doubt whatever degree of success any to the state and that IU PU I crim e Incidence is student activity has met with, it's been helped interestingly enough reports to the Indunapolu Winter comes and students face the drama! low as compared to similar schools along by Mike Wagoner director of student school Hine called this “ an administrative situation of trying to park their car around, over, activities Construction maneuver to make both sides work together in-between, or under the glaciers that rapsdty Wagoner whose door is always open has a A cco rd u * to School of Business Dean Schuyler begin to fill up tiie parking lots O at sf the / warm, easy going manner and seems to The campus has also grown up physically in Otteeon. As the School of Busmens gets better biggest hassles of a student s day often seems ts remember names instantaneously In the midst thee past 10 years In the tarty 1979s. the dowTv it will make a bigger contribution to the he it just trying to find a place to plant the car of his busy offices from which s constant traffic community With the new facility we will truly Many students become creative in thsar never of students seem to come and go. Wagoner graduate university moved to Us present, more become part of the city * day Untoy working ending search for places and invent them Many commented on student activities at IU P U I centralised location on West Michigan Street life students a too get their cars lowed “ If we re going to judge the success of an Previously classes were held at the old Charles B o n n (tone of the School of Public Perhaps help is on the way Pinas am activity on numbers what do we compare them Lumberman s Insurance Building, ftll N and Eavtonnanta! Affairs, has staled. SPEA underway for construction for throe new parking la ? " asked Wagoner cryptically “ A good turn Delaware Street, which was tanned the A has a natural mission In Indianapolis ‘ garages with an estimated y m spaces Oras out is d tffven t for an urban campua ho said ( Administration > Building AMo used eras the old Indianapolis Is the heart of local governmental garage wtU be bulk an Michigan Stow*, north to dean, Martha Franco*’ She discussed IUPUI's future: I don't have a crystal ball,” said Francois, "but I don't see a really great growth period throuoh the 1980s " Col leaf enrollments have declined nationally, but IU P U I fares better then many because of its urban character Need has been expressed far a larger fulMime ears to faculty According to Dr. Irwin, "Ten years ego only had we had about 888 full-time Instructors for IS,080 that was that. The students Now we have only 1,900 for 80,008 ” wasn’t always ins Francois stated that the School of Liberal Arts "Em erson Hall, the medical school, was built has two new slots for full-time faculty next to this same hospital, and that’s how we got Very recently, Dr Irwin expressed concern started," stated Matthew The school overlooked over inadequate faculty salaries He fears that the swamp ground, which became a land-fill and "w e will not be able to recruit from the best to fill was eventually filled by such things as bodies of our vacancies.” dead animals, abandoned cars, bedspnngs, Francois views the situation in a more positive mattresaes, and, well-you name it-and it went light. "T h ere's a glut of Ph D.s in the m arket,” into the swamp. Construction crews and workers she said "Faculty don't have anywhere to go.” often uncover interesting things in this area She added that the quality of the faculty has gone today. up. Referring to new faculty, she contended that, Matthew likes to tell the story of th e ' mystery- "th e young people in the school are of superb bodies" on campus Back in 1881. m alana quality ." devastated one-eighth of the population A When budget cuts come, faculty must be "cut plague cemetary was improvised, but only eight intelligently," according to Francois "I hate to bodies were buried there The rest of the bodies be ruthless." she remarked, "but part time could be anywhere on campus, but have been faculty insure the jobs of full-time " rumored to be under the School of Medicine Dr. Irwin maintained that part-time faculty buildings "give our students the benefit of practical Rather singular groups of people have settled experience but there is much that cannot be in this area, including our own "infam ous Tribe built upon part-time faculty." And, in Francois of I&hmael " This was an interesting tribe on words, “part-time faculty doesn t build the which numerous sociological studies have been university up like full-time. They don't do done. Started by Ben and Lixzi Ishmael, the tribe research or serve on committees They do add grew to about 5,000 Staunch believers in inter­ expertise and flexibility ” m arriage. the tribe clainfcd such histories as the In view of the legislature's failure to man who said that his mother was his father's appropriate needed funds, IU P U I may find it daughter The tribe lived in literal squalor and difficult to build-up the strong full time faculty it all the prostitution, dope and murder was laid needs in the coming years at their door-ateo. In the 1830a Riley Hospital was Francois emphasised that the university may built, forcing the tribe to move on not be experiencing the rapid growth of the The streets around IUPUI reflect the area’s previous decade, but that it is growing stronger early history. Blake Street, adjacent to the "When you’re taking mammoth leaps and library, has a very apropos name, considering bounds, its hard to keep up," she said. "N o w we that Blake owned the first collection of books in can solidify what w e’ve established '' And this Indiana An indefatigable settler who made his can be a very healthy situation for the student. first fortune from Ginseng (Indianapolis’ first Francois commented that when leas students are product to be exported from the city), Blake coming in. “ you think more about the students invented a three-story steam mill, which was you h ave." way ahead of its time. He founded Crown HiU IUPUI’s first 10 years appear to have been Cemetery, was president of the first railroad, remarkably successful. And its unique urban Much of ttw grpund that IUPUI now raata on waa rurwkmn housing at ona tlma. brought the first piano to Indiana, and had a character seems to be insuring iU future. A (Photo courtaay of IUPUI Archives) finger in everv oie. recent Gallup Poll indicated that more and more It's hard for today s city student to believe that students are opting for an education close to this urbanized area was once a vast and home beautiful wilderness and that IUPUI's present Above all, IU P U I's value lies in educating the the E/T Building with an elevated walk-way to students seem to feel that it's all in fun and have location was once considered so far-removed population and it has met with innovative campus Another will be built acmes from the pointed out other nicknames such as PU and Ball from the city that it was once used for farming, success in every corner Chancellor Hine summed it up succinctly when he said, "The University Hospital and a third west of the Union U. which aren’t exactly complimentary. but as Matthew urges, "T a k e another look, it’s Building Hine suggested that IU P U I isn't unique in its really quite fascinating '' constant growth of lUPUl-in numbers of long-name status, citing UCLA and the students, size and competency of faculty, and Name University of Nevada at Las Vegas as examples The future the increasing number of programs-indicate that there’s not only a great need for IU PU I, but Then there are those issues which refuse to die. Historical View Past, present, and-future What's in store for that it’s also meeting the challenges IUPUI Is People were talking about IU P U I's name then IU PU I? Who better to talk to than IU P U l’a latest doing all right." and they’ re still talking about it now A student One person who is passionately interested in orientation issue, printed soon a fter the m erger, IUPUI's history is Jeanette Matthew, offical called the new university’s name a “mouthful.” archivist Many students are unaware of the mentioning the “ busty cheerleader," who ji^t Archives, as they're holed up on the third floor of couldn’ t get out the school yell, breaking do m the library That's where you’ll find Jeanette after about 101-U-P-U-ls. And while the choice * Matthew and a wealth of information complied adjectives employed today might be different, on IU P U I the cheerleader’s complaint is alive and kicking Matthew is of the opinion that, "M oat people Dr. Ryder offered encouragement, “ After think there's no history behind the university. you’ve lived with it a while, it comes quite After all, who ever heard of IUPUI before 1 M ?” naturally.” But she holds that Purdue is just the latest Hine said his position on IU P U I's name was merger with IU, a school which has the basically, "If that's all you have to complain reputation of bringing in private schools She about. I’m home free. Call it anything." Most said that each of the of 15 schools and divisions students appear to feel the same way, wondering has its own history Exam ples of other m ergers what the City-County Council got so excited include— the Medical school in 1908; the old about. A rose, by any ether name, is after all ... Normal College in l»41; the Law School in 1944; IUPUI, spelled the same forwards and and the Herror S ^ toI of A rt in 1967 backwards, gives prominence to Indiana Students wht take a look into the past and University Hine observed that this is because at catch a glutipae of IUPUI’s colorful history may the time of the merger, there were feel a bit like Alice popping through the looking- approxim ately 12,000 students and about glass. 4,000 Purdue students. Also, the well-established Believe it or not, IU P U I is partly located on Medical Center gave IU a head-start over what the Indians considered to be the greatest Purdue IUPUI has been IU-oriented since the hunting ground in the Midwest. "T h e Indians beginning, Hine said. “The checks came from IU haied to g v* it up to 'those silly w h ites,"’ and I reported to IU.” Matthew observed Hine rues the day, but claims that the first Much of IUPUI. including Ball Residence and time he ever heard of OOO-EEE-POOO-EEE the Union Building, was "sm ack dab" on form er was when IU President Joseph Sutton, a scholar swamp-ground, Matthew stated humoursly As a in the language of Thailand, volunteered the matter of-fact, IUPUI didn't really get off to a information that IU P U I was pronounced OOO- very auspicious start. In the early l « » s . a Dr. EEE-POOO-EEE in Thai. “ I wish he’d never Livingston Dunlap was pushing for a local Dr. Glenn W. Irwin, Jr., Mayor Wllllom said it,” kidded Hine hospital, but hospitals w ere unpopular in those ceremonies for tha SPEA/School of City-County Council members view this days, looked upon as pest houses Hudnut and othar community leaders Businaaa Building. distortion of IUPUI’s name as derogatory Yet Dunlap finally got his hospital, and it was attend laat fall's ground-breaking 4/X)/7» tanaroi n Toxicology Lab

This diagram Indicate# the acana and tha reported Ona bullat hols was aaan by Sagamora » sequence of eeenta aa tha Sagamora haa ieerned a Ilia cabinat in Or Forney • office (2L I tham Ramsay aiiagadly antarad tha building and turnad tha gun on himaaff in tha outar i procaadad diractly to tha laboratory where Linda cording to university sources and procaadad out Lahrman was wort log, indlcatad by tha circia Ha •Ida tha burning building, whara ha coiiapaad (4} stood about thraa feet from har, witnaaaaa report Tha shadad araa indicataa tha baaamant aaction and flrad thraa timaa Ha than aat ftra to tha which was compiataly guttad by fire. tha raat of tha solvents (1), but want back down tha corridor to tha baaamant and soma upstairs rooms ra office araa poaaibly shooting wildly aa ha want tensive smoko and watar do mags

Lehrman’s friends grief-sUicken k> K L Wsgaer said she was enrolled la IUPUI ► * l^da Lahrman*. Descriptions of Linds Lou Lehrman courses and was an intellectual by those who knew and worked with "Why** I Just don t understand how happening As Ramsey continued to cal Canter while her nthbend was this could bap visit her after be stopped w o r tu * in going through law school, and was • I t " the lab. she was as nice to him ns she keeping it as he began tus practice could be She was just like t t y he She was described as a healthy Dan t even try to understand it It's hoiesonrve girl who always just s terrible senseless waste and a be in school Dr Forney as bad as s person can there was no reason for It at nil Ramsey hurt, angry man byk L Wagner They also rem em ber that ta aspects of Jun s behavior seemed la Do newspaper accounts of Jim months afterward, when Jun him to be vary child hke Ramsey as so angry and bitter man Both Fornay and Linda Winnan seem to describe the JOyaar old i he had before has knew that Jun had been a patient at Plainfield native* One man who knew ( antral State but they bad arver seen him says no "Jim was angry Id anprwve and hr got a job an a chmnisf maybe- but not bitter just hurt ” at the stale Department at Toocoiogy Shortly after Jun Ramsey quit Ms The son of the late J Raymond Dr Robert Forney the man who hired Jim Ramsey remembers him job Ms mother (had after aa a and Betty Ramsey fam ily friends illness Fam ily acquaintances as a “bright, conscientious recall Jim as s withdrawn person who Mat Couch with Mm. ‘ could not handle pressure very employee who always

^ 8


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Don’t leave school without it. Now that you’re going out into the world, you’re going to need the American Exprevs'Card. It’s indis­ pensable, for vacations or business. But don’t wait, because we've made it easier to get for graduates. All you need is a $10,000 job (or the promise of one). It’ll be tougher later, so look for this display in the Student Center and other locations around campus. The American Express Card. P ont leave school without it. | 4/30/79 Sooamorw IJ Study abroaddlffarant than dam (hroctor* at the Ovaraaai Cam

abroad tar a yoar of study Since 1M0 Congressional Insight nearly 2 000 II studonta have parfin paled in the yoar abroad program From the Aral handful of ttudenU Still too oorty U> judge the I lU implication* of Throe Mile lalaad The near studying at Luna. Peru, the Overseai Study Program hat grown to more tragedy there hoe bloated aom< long bunad quartern to the surface Your hame than 100 ttudenu a year studying in asm oversews c H a n The students enroll at III. pny IU fees and get IV A more far reaching question Who should pay for nuclear damages'* The Except for transportation the yoar answer could determine the final fe w of the nuclear industry Currently the l ^ of overseas study at IU noted thet one ef the favorite c abroad coats hole more than a yoar There is generally i Price-Anderson Art limits s power company • total nak in an accident to 16* ef IU students at k on aa II campus million A major mishap could coat into the billions Kent in Eagland » American I Repeal of P n c e Anderson coverage could be the final nail in the industry t y at some of the have hare, he explained T h e stu coffin That’s the IndM try t opinion, atao outside exports Rap Tod Wotas D l prw deni gets no syllabus but n given long N Y ) hat introduced a bill to watch It would Hftthe liability coiling completely ties in the Western World, tore ted in reeding lint* The student may have Industry critics aay it would force plant licensees to be more safety wise if all Canterbury England Strasbourg only one exam and that s at the and ef re at stake ; ’ ; Vienna Austria Bologna , ^aine months in some areas of study Surprise The nation n facing an overxuppfy of doctors by lftO HEW says be Madrid Jerusalem Israel Students who have Imd the everw then there will be 23.000 toSl.OtO more physicians than needed in the U S Some in Sas Paulo Brazil and Lima study experience imve described it as Germany^ Dijon or Mexico (Tty Seville < ongreas doubt claims there will be such s surplus But most agree the doctor Faculty members from IU ar other the highlight of my college career shortage found in the iMOs has been taken care of participating schools serve as ram Partkcipaata la w te be la^dy man This is bad news for medical schools The 1)4 institutions around the country are threatened by cutbacks in government support They say it’s unfair They re The Revival of being punished for doing too well their job of alleviating the doctor shortage Now 14.000 students are graduated by medical schools every yoar That s nearly Fleshy Freddy's aad Playboy’s double the school output figure 10 years ago Loss of government grants will force school tuitions to nee Also, it will moan Male Dancers cutbacks in faculty fewer minority students they say ( ongreas will tackle the manpower issue this summer or early fall The 1074 Laches' This Thursday. May 3rd. the Playboy's N t^ itd ub authorization bill for medical school support expires next year The Senate and welcomes male go go dancers back to Inchanapohs Many of House authorizing committees want to get an early start, so they can begin in your favorite dancers from the Flunky Freddy’s and Playboy s earnest early in 1M0 Those involved expect s mayor political fight complex questions The old law took three years to enact will be there, including Tantalizing Tim’. The Bircf and more Three basic questions will be confronted as debate on the issue begins It starts Thursday, May 3. at 9 pm, at the Playboy's — Indy’s • How accurate is HEW • projected oversupply of doctors by two” Medical only male go go nk^itclub schools have a self interest in downplaying predictions of surplus • What about geographic maldistribution of doctors’* Most agree that rural areas and inner cities are underserved National Health Service Corps scholar F* &UJ0 sujexe (euq u«q pumun tjiwpms ships are intended to reward those who agree to go to regions su fferti* shortages after graduation That program was beefed up m the 1174 law Moat expect PUyfcov i Niffct Clttfc f continued support for the corps other incentives SO70 Lafayette Road • Can more doctors be steered toward general practice and away from special r ties'* As the number of surgeons has gone up. the number of opersUons has taken a corresponding M fe flfc e r * s suspicion that much of that boost in surgery has more to do with helping meet T a r payments than with m aintain!!* patients health Look for efforts to encourage more students to become GPs Medical schools scored s partial victory in the first skirmish Last month Preaidant Carter proposed cutting in half grants given to the schools based on the number of students enrolled They're called capitation grants Under pressi,ire You Can Still from medical schools the grants were cut only SO percent But some see even that reduction as the beginnn* of the end for the program The across the-boerd grants do rowUm provisions to encourage better chain Reserve Your button of doctors outaidr of fashionable high income areas But thr admims tration argues the grants don t treat the problem adequately Courses „ for the Calendar Central FALL SEMESTER April! Ftnul Exams Begts through May 6 Low fr. i s m s Krgia ( through Moy 11) J u ly 5-11 < o e U M is i N o n lo g Edwcsttau through Moy 11) High Risk M othen and Bobiea." fee $300 Nurting Building loleroatlooal Dinner I » p m Union Building Phystatagy Seminar PoolUve Teaching Bohavtor speaker J, 4 pm Medical Science Buikhng WEEKDAYS May! ( eoiiaolag Medical Kdwcattan through Moy 4), Newer Concept* and Registrar’s Office, Cavanaugh Hall, Room 301 Techmquea in GaatrowteeOonal Radiology lam to & pm Hyatt Regency Dental School Moral l aveiUag 1 » pm. Dental School Lobby WEEKDAY EVENINGS M a y l ^ Evening Administration, II P I I Toastmaster • Meetlog. Noon to 1 IS pm. Union Building Mezzanine Floor, i for more Information, call JM'7442) Nursing Building, Room 105 May 4 Krannert Building, 38th Street, Room 153 C Sorting Edwcaltao through May ! ) . Situational Strooa Manage ment, Sanaa III foe MO Nuraing Building TV fter8a lor Women HeUsrolog u W ort < through May S ). I pm. May 4, 11 SO am May* C h a n n 4 »

Mays Indiana Js* calls Task Farm, lam , Lecture Hall 101 Yoo4h ( oofereoce • am, Lecture Hall 110, Itt. aad l«S

M a y ! Fhsal Eaam aEad U Sagamore 4/SO/7V tfcl

1 i f i i I f l a Q O — records------‘Rogues’ Allmans’ best since ‘Eat a Peach’ MON-WED mdsd Mho a gheet tar years frivtag rhythm kid down by the bai ttm ie «m weeheet cut ae tfm etaum THURS-SAI Capricorn (CPN Otll) between Chet Atkins and Muddy te fill in tar Duane, and a m Theelbumtsbyaemeaai Waters The bead as a whale rofthtot Nr •creamed at each other, and after With taw i Gregg squealed on his as-read Aad it aamas that Belta ea $1.00 Cover Charge are pitiful affaire with a dollar i manager tar A u g ------the roesrslsa la a ta m fta ta r haeup, whore the heart should be. The hot is bead apt* up and d he aew has semsoas la p a y adjf sf. aad working relatieasktp ea SA W THIS COUPONS endless, Savoy Brown, The Pretty a t truly affective shds dmpHe tha (act that they have worked Things, Jefferson Starship with Marty So. after three years of drug «ad alcohol rehabilitation, mediocre DRAFTIBS 2S< Balin, The Small Faces O r e * a l i e have Ma > wifl # t f t It m in k and Char, the beys are bach la ­ When the newt surfaced about a to have i thta Is a new group tar the amet part, aad until aad Trucks from the aid days, the He's I it would be m ore of the same group has sddad David Rook aad keyboard work Hu only aad A fter Duane s death and Eat A Pooch, Goidfbes oa baas aad " DaagsrisM" permed song is " I t Juet Ain't E asy.'' a 6308 guford o/enue the band didn't esactly make musical Daa Tatar ea guitar rtjbnopofe. ndono mce bhioay cut which u mu of tha f nJlfhtened Regtiea demat ceme Net eaty Is In H fh lsu ed Rogues the Hsatas g to the level af tha first taur ABB 46220 Brother! and Slater* and Win. Lose, best ABB album sines Bet A Peach, tlbuma, but you caa still add H te your or Drew are beet forgotten. Gregg but the band seems to have celled Craxy Leva," but dsopito the Chick Corea has hot backside by Den German is very dulling and a greet deal of r'a oar Return to forever U v e tan tares bars wort aooms to dominate all first stars like keyboard genius Chick aide tracks The urn of a tat of bores is by Chick Corea aad Stanley Clarke Corea. Jan singer Gayle Moran, aad quite uncommon for Chick Ceres are dlaplayed throughout tho oa BUY 1 superprogressive )au bassist The ascend nda. however, is I • that both of than Stanley Clarke The material was redeeming of the first toda's I recorded in M ay of 1177 at the Palladi with a tuns called "The GET 2 FREE urn Theatre in Uto NMht." written by Chick Carta It held upon its release must have hem taken up the m ajority of the second Here is an a it probably i due to a lengthy remixing time. The skta and moves quite well with seme not got too many ravesi h em tho Jan i recording U excellent for a Uve pm- The song is performed world, but if you are a Chick Cores i not often hoard Uve aad a Return to Porever fan i One’s interest in this album is net and which fortunately was captured | a II generated until the middle of the fully in recording secood side Listening to the first aids ■ have a hot backside f Children’s fantasy shop opens at museum T il* D td u a o Shop. » o e*hibtt which •tar systems, and owing a robot store at that price and haw much money seeks to teach economic principles to Visitors will be able to cboooe one sit­ was earned or lo o t" $12,100 children through fantasy situations, uation at a time and the computer will There are no wrong anew are, ac­ has opened in the Chtkfcon a Museum set up the economic fram ework for cording to Tainfum. but players are for college in Indianapolis the simulation informed about the consequences of thoir decisions The game provides "la the robot stare.' the player "reel economic concepts of supply becomes en owner with robots for end choice, coat and scar­ sole," said Purdue Prof Marianne city,'she added TalafUM, ICEE associate director Admission to the exhibit ■ free The "The computer gives the wholesale museum, at IPth ead Meridian cost for each robot and the pupil seta Streets, is open Tuesday through Sat­ $2500 Cash Bonus i computer tells urday from IP am to I pm ead Sunday robots were sold from 1 toft pm

The U.S. Army offers new the pear of the monkeg educational bonuses for "Mischievous end impish" are perfect adjectives for to the Chinese Zodiac, they also qualified men and shared by people b o n in the women. 0,1993,1PM. 1PM. 1 M ). Plus rally "fu n " nature and such $2,500 cash bonuses for for being clever and certain skills. with an enterprising nature which puts these beat u m . And. as U these traits weren't

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