WIN Magazine V12 N31 1976
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T I lYe also completed two projects for I Êuess the reason I was disappointed Heathcote: lVe built a stone stairway up witñthe article is I feel Hollv Near is ¿ steeo hill to the A-frame. ÏYe cut down aböut a lot more than AM hit singles ¡bout^ten trees from the woods and cut and recording contracts on major labels. them into approx. four foot-logs which Words like "iisterhood" and "wo¡nen we carried ôËprox. ten yards for com- becomine strong together" are much munal uòe. closer toihe feeiingi I've had in Holly In some ways this maY not seem like a and Jeff's concerts-in the last six heaw scheduie for women to tackle. months, and Monketud's article didn't ab. Therä are families that have nine touch on that at all. h¡- children with extensioris of grand' I realize that one, two-Page (with and in-laws who ac- oicture) article can't cover all facets of ?¡- -comolishDarents, aunts deal. ll¡hat was so dif' än artiit like Hollv Near, but I am dis' a creat No.31 fereñt abouTus? Our backgrounds were aooointed that thê article didn't Sept.23, 1976 I Vol. Xll, the not so verv different. Some of us lived in niéntion the thines that most excite the counh!, others in the city, some in people I know wh-o've heard Holly and community 8nd others alone or in ieff in the last several months. couDles. Some in professions, careers' I loved \{endv Schwartz' revíew of know what was different; I "You Can Knorí. Ail I Am." iobj. I don't _ANNEBRANCE Defend Susan änlv know that we started out as 4. Why We Should stróncers end in t$to short weeks we t,i E. P¡lo Alúo' CA Saxe / Shoshana Rihn ' " becañe sisters. And it is in sisterhood 9. An lnternational Gathering of that we have out to Powet-the Power Women Betty Johanna and change ourselves and our environment. I was sutorised bv the wholesale con- / letters denmatioi of teliäion in the "second Ann MorrissettDavidon -PAlRUSK Tlvoll¡ Iì[f Five Year Plan. l" NryIN 8 / 12/761 as 12. 5-1795: Streamlining 1984 "an absolute Doison." BillBlum My boyfriend is an unemployed ex-Marine Vietnam veteran. Since he came back so:nething Ihave difftcuþwith. ÌYe Tthen I cot home from the WRL con' I grant mosf reügions have repressed 1976 home a couple of years ago all our plans turned out ruined. also posted a schedule on which tojot ferenceãnd sat down to the st¿ck of sex, but not that "religion reptesents 16. Another America: WRL' ' humans." He did well in the Marines but back home nobody cares. He couldn't find a job down out names for cle¿n-up and meals evervthinc that is evil in Conference / Joanne Sheehan so he started at U of Houston. Youiplan-ends with suggesting what is scËool the His GI bill-eot fouled uo and he didnrt and that I had trouble with. Still I never 17. Changes get his payments. Then he got sick and the VA (Vete-rans Admidistation) didn't once felt out of harmony with the needed is fewer answers and more care. They did nothing for him but give him a bunch of pills and ask if he used questions. Why not try a few queries 20. Review uromen nor did I feel any dis-harmony '\ dope. He.'s never.even_trlgd So his doctor bills, wlth no GI money, took all añong us as a whole. Rather I experi- ihsteäd of such dogmãtic asseitions. 4opç. bY Peg Averill. our marriage savings. He had to quit school. enced strong, warm, sensitive support Why have religions tended to repress Cover: Designed Then heãnswerãd some kind of ad about his Marine job and pretþ soon this in every way at every level of my being. sex? man came to see him. I thought he was going back in thle Marinès bécause he There was one incident which Are these reasons valid today? sàid he was going to get lots of money for hid combat job. Then I found out he angered me and I expressed itfleetingly In what ways is prayer infused with STAFF was going to Africa for some kind of company. \{e need that money real bad, but to several women who also shared it. straight meanings? I didn't like that kind ofjob for him because maybe he would get hurt like he Yolu could answer these yourselyes' or did Then I found out that part ofthe Peg r' Dwight Ernest in the Madnes. We talked and talked about it. He still wanteiÍto go. iust leave them in query form in, saY, Averill morning meeting was taken up with a o Susan Pines Thenmy girlfriend listened to what I told her. I was real upset ãnd crying and discussion over my anger. It was telated life, not, as says, "Thejoys äiscussion groups. ZAEN Ruihann Evanoff -FIIAIYI(LIN CA everything, but she listened to my problems. to something outside of ourselves but oflove." Pomona, Murray Rosenblith a She talked to LeRoy and showed him a story in your little magazine written by nonetheless had a definite effect. The somebody who used to be in Vietnam also. The story was real good about why women were expressive in their Concèrn UNINDICTED veterans should not go to Africa ftYIN, 2/19/761. but whether or not there was total CO-CONSPIRATORS LeRoy read that story and got real mad. I thought it was because ofwhat I did, agreement with my view I don't know but he said no, it wasn't about that. I don't know úhat he was mad about, but, and that is not what was important. Al- ¡ LanceBelville ¡ MarisCakars' anyway, he didn't go to Africa. lowing for my view is what was JanBarri Cákars* . J erry Coff¡n' . Lynne Shatzkin Coffin' I am so glad because later I news 3usan saw on the TV about what happened to important. My sisters respected my Ann Davidon . D¡ana Dav¡es ' Ruth Dear i veterans who went to Africa. And what things they did there. I am so glad he space to express my feelings and I ie- Raloh DiGia' r Brian Doherty. William Douthard* stayed home with me. Things are no better,but they're sure not worse. ceived no condemnation disrupting Kaien Durbin' o Chuck Fa8er o Seth Foldy foi o LarryGara o JoanLibbyHawk*,' .,' My gidfriend told me you won't print my name if I don't want it, otay? out conference by highlighting JimForest Did miss WIN? Did your mailboxes seem particularly Neil Haworth o Ed Hedemann Crace Hedemann Because LeRoy told me that that company is real mad'so we'd better not tell something vou . ezer*' Becky outside of it but which you've come to.ex- Hendrik Hertzberg' Marty J ' Johnson anybody. But you did me a big favor so I'll take a chance and say a big thank you touched upon all ofus. empty on that special day every week when Nancv lohnson o Þaul Johnson r Alison Karpel . L¡nzer* ' fot your magazine and especiàlly that My peit á fresh issúe to appear? Did you wonder if we were going Crair Karpel John Kyper Eliot story. nexi fear was that th'ere would be lackion Mac Low . David McRevnoldst -NAMEffiI! too much t¿lking, and there w¿s a lot of to make it out again? ¡ DavidMorris e Marklvlorris* MarvMavo . talking, but that too was different. The Well; w.e mad=e it, barely. We all took a little to rest Jim Þeck'o TadRichards ¡lgal Roodenko* talking came from the personal depths Fred Rosen . Nancy Rosen Ed Sanders and travet, visit friends and take it easy. We pqi{ off several o Martha Thomases ofeach womán her Wendv Schwartz* Congratulations on your issue on Ap- I look forward to the follow-up issue there. From press¡ng bills, but we really haven't made much progress Art Wäskow o Beverly Woodward* palachia I particularly you personal experiences, her environment, ,, *Memberof []VIN, 8/191761. are planning. äsainstãur most ¡mportant money problem-paying the staff . WIN Editorial Board enjoyed the photos by Doug Yarrow- -MAITWITT her dreamsând aspirations, and each Edltor, IllWWJou¡nd tike gòing into a bid sbng-and-dance about the it is so rare that a publication really lets one ofus listened ând felt what she felt, We don't feet 'the Wachlngton, DC ' pictures help tell the story. cried when she cried and laughed when usual sorry state of our finances. So, if you/ve got somg spare S03Atlantic Ave.l SthFl. t ' I was pleased to read No¡ma Beckerls she laughed. cash (or cliecks) around, now ¡s as good a time as any for a : Brooklyn, NY f 1217 letter and Ann Morrissett Davidon's We maintained our household within donation to WlN. Telephone: (212) 624-8337, 624'8595 If I may be pdrmitted a small correc- article [\{IN, 7 /22/ 76]. Probably be- the boundaries of another community lf you some changes in the way we look it's because we published Thursday except for the first tion, it was Deborah Baker's article on cause I have just returned from a con- and extended our cooking to include notice WIN is every page24-28 frave someõne ¡rewdesign¡ns WIN's laiout. Þeg Averill, whose week in'January, the lást week in March, the second about coalfield women and ference at Heathcote Center in Free- those of the Heathcote community.