Foreign Language, Area, and Other International Studies: A
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DOCUMENT RESUME ED 195 174 FL 012 093 AUTHOR Petrov, Julia A., Comp.:Brosseau, John P.,Ed. TITLE Foreign Language, Area, and Other International Studies:A Bibliography of Pesearch and Instructional Materials Completed under the National Defense Education Act of 1959, Title VI, S'ction 602. List No. 9. INSTITUTION Center for Applied Linguistics, Washington, D.C. 'SPONS AGENCY Bureau of Postsecondary Education (DREW /OE), Washington, D.C. International Education. TEPORT NO F-90-14017 PUB DATE BO -CONTRACT 300-90-009 NOTE 94p. EDRS PRICE MF01/PC04 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS *Area Studies: Conference Papers: Educational Pesearch: *Instructional Materials: International Studies: *Language Pesearch: Linguistics: *Modern Languages: *Second Language Instruction: Surveys: Teaching Methods: *Uncommonly Taught Languages -71)ENTIFIEPS *National Defense rducation Act Title VI ABSTFACT This bibliography lists publications produced by proiects sponsored by the International Division (nowOffice of International Education) of the U.-S. Office (nowDepartment) of Education, for the period of the last 21years. The approximately 900 citations cover studies and surveys, conferences, linguist:LCstudies, research it language-teaching methods, and specializedmaterials in the commonly and uncommonly taught languages and inforeign area studiet. Each citation includes author, title, authoraffiliation, institutional source where applicable, publication informationwhere applicable, and EPIC ordering cumber where applicable.An index by author, institution, language, publication type, researchsubject, and geographical area is appended. (JP) C *********************************************************************** * Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best thatcan be made from the original document. *********************************************************************** Publication No. E-80-14017 List No. 9 FOREIGN LANGUAGE, AREA, AND OTHER INTERNATIONAL STUDIES A Bibliography of Resear0 and Instructional Materials ompleted under the National Defense Edut -.ton Act of 1958, title VI, section 602 compiled by Julia A. Petrov Office of International Education edited by John P. Brosseau U S DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. Center for Applied Linguistics EDUCATION & WELFARE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF' %.. EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRO. OUCEO EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGIN- ATING IT POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED 00 NOT NECESSARILY REPRE SENT OFFICIAL NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EOUCATiON POSITION OR POLICY U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Shirley M. Hufstedler; Secretary Albert H. Bowker, Assistant Secretary for Postsecondary Education 2 NOV 3 Foreword Under Section 602 of Title VI of the National Defense Education Act of 1958, as amended, the U.S. Office of Education provided significant financial assistance in support of a wide range of activities in international studies, primarily at the higher education level. These activities include sur- veys of status, needs, and priorities; specialized research and studies; and the development and testing of ;nstructional and research materials, teaching methods, and curricular appr..aches to foreign language, area studies, and other aspects of international education, particularly with regard to the non Western European parts of the world. This cum ,dative listing, the ninth edition in the series, summarizes in the form of an annotated bibliography the r exults of Al activities carried out under the research authority of NDEA Title VI that were.completed by May 31, 1980. Approximately 55 additional projects were in process or about to begin at the time when this edition went to press in September 1980. As becomes apparent from a perusal of the list, the larger part of the re- search and development activities has to date been concentrated on foreign lan- guage instruction, particularly on the "uncommonly taught" languages of the world outside Western Europe. It is probably fair to say that most of the courses, grammars, readers, dictionaries, bibliographies, and related materials developed for the study of the previously neglected and less Commonly taught foreign lan- guages in Americanhigher education today are the result of the NDEA Title VI research activity. Many of the items found in this bibliography would not have been prepared without the financial help available from this small but crucial program. Despite its modest annual budgets, the NDEA Research program has demonstrated a remarkable sustained productivity and usefulness of end prod- uct over the past 21 years. A review of the program for the years since 1976, when the previous bibli- ography was published, reveals that substantial attention continues to be given to the uncommonly taught languages. For example, instructional materials have been recently completed or are in process for Arabic, Armenian. Chinese, Hindi, Indonesian, Kanuri, Malayalam, Marathi, Nepali, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Slovene, Somali, Tigrinya and Turkish. Likewise. the program has continued to support important studies of status, needs, and priorities in international studies throughout the education spec- trum, with increased attention to elementary, secondary and teacher education: Recent examples of activities with a focus on foreign languages include an up- date of a survey of existing materials for teaching the neglected languages; the continuation of the basic biennial surveys of foreign language enrollments in American higher education and in the secondary schools; a conference on lan- guage acquisition with resulting recommendations for needed further research: studies related to foreign language testing: and a Survey of the state of the art of Chinese language study in the United States, with implications for such study programs in the future. Examples of activities with a non-language focus or with a scope broader tha .1 language alone include a computerized inventory of Soviet and East Euro- pean studies in the United States, with accompanying directories of specialists, relevant study programs and resources, as well A- projections of likely future trends of supply and demand; and a national survey of how a representative sample of college freshmen and seniors perceive major global issues. The NDEA Title VI Research program has also helped develop basic refer- ence and instructional materials for country and regional area studies, as well as other aspects of international education. 'Theseinclude a comprehensive survey of resources on Modern China to result inan annotated instructional manual. for secondary schools; the development of instructionalmaterials on Southeast Asia, for use in the junior high school curriculum;a guide to the study of the Soviet nationalities, concentratedon the non-Russian peoples of the USSR; theprepa- ration of a series of guidesto audio-visual materials on Africa for the teacher of African and global studies in grades K through12 and the junior college;a hktory of Southeastet n Europe forundergraduate college courses; andcom- pletion of a film with accompanying study guide---on«iinemporary Tibetan Bud- dhism. Like its predecessors, this cumulative listingwill be useful to scholars,cur- riculuspecialists, and program planners concernedwith the research, materi- als development and recommendationsof experts in many aspects of inter- national studies, particularly the teachingand learning of foreign languages and the availability of instructional materials concernedwith geographic area studies. It will be of special value to supervisors andteachers of foreign languagesat various levels ofinstruction, particularlyat the postsecondaryievel, and to those coocerned with research in linguistics and thepsychology of language learning. It rill also he helpful to Government agenciesand educational institutions and organizations concerned witha wide variety of research and training programs in international studies. The compilation of this cumulative bibliographywas again the responsibility of Julia A. Petrov, chief of the researchsection. The editing and preparation of camera copy were the task of the ERIC Clearinghouseon Languages and Lin- guistics at the Center for Applied Linguistics inWashington, D.C. The Depart- ment of Education is grateful to the Director, Dr. G. RichardTucker, for mAing the staff and facilities of the Center availablefor this work:. Key to Abbreviated Notations ACTFL = American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Langlges 2 Park Avenue New York, N.Y. 10016 CAL = Center for Applied Linguistics 3520 Prospect Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20007 EDRS* = ERIC Document Reproduction Service P.O. Box 190 Arlington, Va. 22210 FSI = Foreign Service Institute Department of State Washington, D.C. 20520 GPO = U.S. Government Printing Office Superintendent of Documents Washington, D.C. 20402 IRAL = International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching, published by Julius Groos Verlag, P.O. Box 629, 6900 Heidel- berg, Germany M.F. only = Available from EDRS on microfiche only MLA = Modern Language Association of America 62 Fifth Avenue New York, N.Y. 10011 MLJ = Modern Language Journal, published by the National Federation of Modern Language Teachers Associations, 13149 Cannes Drive, St. Louis, Mo. 63141 N.A. from = Copies are not available from EDRS, but description of item EDRS and ordering address can be obtained by consulting ED num- ber cited in entry NAVC = National-Audiovisual-Center (NAQ General Services Administration Washington, D.C. 20409 PMLA = Publications of the Modern Language Association,