Foreign Language, Area, and Other International Studies: A
DOCUMENT RESUME ED 195 174 FL 012 093 AUTHOR Petrov, Julia A., Comp.:Brosseau, John P.,Ed. TITLE Foreign Language, Area, and Other International Studies:A Bibliography of Pesearch and Instructional Materials Completed under the National Defense Education Act of 1959, Title VI, S'ction 602. List No. 9. INSTITUTION Center for Applied Linguistics, Washington, D.C. 'SPONS AGENCY Bureau of Postsecondary Education (DREW /OE), Washington, D.C. International Education. TEPORT NO F-90-14017 PUB DATE BO -CONTRACT 300-90-009 NOTE 94p. EDRS PRICE MF01/PC04 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS *Area Studies: Conference Papers: Educational Pesearch: *Instructional Materials: International Studies: *Language Pesearch: Linguistics: *Modern Languages: *Second Language Instruction: Surveys: Teaching Methods: *Uncommonly Taught Languages -71)ENTIFIEPS *National Defense rducation Act Title VI ABSTFACT This bibliography lists publications produced by proiects sponsored by the International Division (nowOffice of International Education) of the U.-S. Office (nowDepartment) of Education, for the period of the last 21years. The approximately 900 citations cover studies and surveys, conferences, linguist:LCstudies, research it language-teaching methods, and specializedmaterials in the commonly and uncommonly taught languages and inforeign area studiet. Each citation includes author, title, authoraffiliation, institutional source where applicable, publication informationwhere applicable, and EPIC ordering cumber where applicable.An index by author, institution, language,
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