
Diary Dates

5th Sept (Tues) Line Dancing Classes resume in the High Street Hall (1.30pm) 6th Sept (Wed) Kirk Session meets at 7.30pm in the Session Room 7th Sept (Thurs) Easy Exercise Classes resume in the High Street Hall (2.00pm) 7th Sept (Thurs) Office Hour 7-8pm : No appointment necessary 9th Sept (Sat) Scotmid Funerals : 90th Anniversary Celebration Service in the Church at 2pm followed by refreshments in the High St Hall 9th Sept (Sat) Car Boot Sale at Primary School 10th Sept (Sun) Service at 10.30am (with a retiring offering on behalf of the RAF Benevolent Fund) 11th—15th Sept Church Office closed 13th Sept (Wed) Fabric Committee meets at 7.30pm in the Session Room 17th Sept (Sun) Service at 10.30am 18th Sept (Mon) Last date for October church magazine material 20th Sept (Wed) Finance Committee meets at 7.30pm in the Session Room 23rd Sept (Sat) Church Open for Doors Open Day (11.00am—4.00pm) 24th Sept (Sun) Rededication Service at 10.30am 25th Sept (Mon) Seedling Coffee Morning at 10.00am in the Kirk Loan Hall 29th Sept (Fri) MacMillan Coffee Morning in Church 30th Sept (Sat) The Lit & Geographic Coffee Morning in the High Street Hall 1st Oct (Sun) Sacrament of Holy Communion with services at 8.30am and 10.30am 4th Oct (Wed) Kirk Session meets at 7.30pm in the Session Room 8th Oct (Sun) Service of Harvest Thanksgiving with the Sacrament of Baptism 14th Oct (Sat) Men’s Breakfast Fellowship Meeting in the High Street Hall at 8.30am with guest Speaker, Alan Cumming, who will talk about the Scottish Women’s Hospitals and Elsie Inglis 15th Oct (Sun) Service at 10.30am

Corstorphine Old Parish Church, Kirk Loan, EH12 8HD Scottish Charity number: SC016009

Sunday Worship at 10.30am - On the first Sunday of every month there is a short service of Communion at 11.30am except March, June, October and December when there are services of Holy Communion at 8.30am and 10.30am Church Office - 2A Corstorphine High Street EH12 7ST. Office Open : Monday-Friday - 8.30am -1pm Contact details : 334 7864 [email protected] The Thursday Office Hour - In the Church Office, High Street Hall, on the first Thursday of eve- ry month 7.00-8.00pm (except July and August). No appointment necessary. Church Halls - High Street Hall, 2A Corstorphine High Street EH12 7ST and Kirk Loan Hall, 18 Kirk Loan, EH12 7HD 1 Letter from our Minister

Dear Friends,

If you turn to the parish records page of this magazine you will see some sad stories and some happy stories. The sad stories come from the register of deaths where we have recorded the names of people you will have been friends with for many years – people you sat next to in church, or shared coffee with after the service, people who were neighbours and friends, peo- ple you hadn’t been in touch with for a while, and people you were in contact with until the end. While each name you read will bring sadness, it might also bring back memories of jokes you shared, and good times you had, of the shared recognition of human concerns and delights, of familiarity and laughter.

On the same page you will read the names of wedding couples, couples at all stages of their lives who have felt the time is right to marry, sometimes involving large numbers of friends and fami- ly gathering in their finery, others opting for simple and quiet celebrations, but all equally im- portant and sincere and blessed. You will read too of new members, and of people who have served the church in different ways over many years, with photographs showing them proudly holding their certificates, a little embarrassed perhaps that they have been publicly thanked, but quite pleased nonetheless.

Elsewhere you will read of significant wedding anniversaries, friends to whom we send our love and best wishes, with the knowledge that in all those years of marriage there has never been a cross word said . . . at least not one that can be repeated in public.

On other pages you will read of one of our 9.40 mums, Elaine, planning a trip to help travelling families in Romania, and of a Macmillan Coffee morning to raise money for cancer support. You will read too of changes to the Kirk Loan Hall and of the Doors Open day later this month.

All of these announcements, celebrations, anniversaries, plans and projects speak of the church at its best – sharing the sorrow of those who mourn, and the joy of those who celebrate, reach- ing beyond our own needs to help others, and providing a warm welcome to visitors, building partnerships with our parish and continuing the everyday work of the Old Parish in worship, fel- lowship, mission and care.

I pray that you will find cause to celebrate achievements and give thanks for lives lived, to join in with new ventures and to come along to familiar events, to celebrate God in our midst, and give thanks for His love.

With best wishes, 2 Guild News Readers in Church ‘Go in Love’ For more years than she can remember, Nor- Sunday 24th September at 10.30am ma Thomson has been carrying out one of the Rededication Service many unseen tasks in the Old Parish. She has been making sure that we have someone to Tuesday 26th September at 7.30pm read the lessons on a Sunday morning.

Opening Social Now Norma has decided that the time has Old Time Music Hall theme come to stand down from this and hand over to someone else. Thursday 5th October at 7.00pm Edinburgh Presbyterial Council We cannot allow her to 'retire' without say- ing very big 'thank you' for doing this im- St Andrew’s and St George’s West Church portant job over these many years and hope Communion with the Very Rev Dr Russell Barr that she enjoys her retirement. and Rev Ian Gilmour Christine is now going to be taking over from Tuesday 10th October at 7.30pm Norma in arranging we have readers on a Sunday morning in church. Cherry Blossom to Geisha

Gordon Lobban With a new organiser, perhaps we can find

some new readers. If you have thought about reading in church then why not give Christine a call or drop her an e-mail? (334

7864 or [email protected]) We can always ar-

range for you to have a 'trial run' in the church with no-one listening before you fi- nally decide whether or not to join the list of readers . It would be good to get a few more The Leadership Team looks forward to welcom- names on the list. ing everyone back to our new session for 2017/2018 and we would also be delighted to welcome any new members including the men in our congregation. A warm welcome is assured.

Our Opening Social is on Tuesday 26th Septem- Christian Aid Week 2017 ber at 7.30pm and the theme is Old Time Music

Hall. A prize will be awarded for the best deco- Christian Aid Week 2017 raised the fan- rated hat (please note this is optional!) tastic amount of £2,390.50 before Gift

Aid. This was the total raised from the If you would like a syllabus or more information Quiz Night, the Hunger Lunch and dona- about the Guild please contact myself or Doris tions in the Christian Aid Envelopes. Crichton, Joint Convener, 477 0067.

Thank you to everyone who came Brenda Russell along to one of these events or who Joint Convener donated via the envelopes. Tel : 629 1456


Letter from our Probationary Minister, Allan Morton

After a few months with you, I wanted to take this opportunity to write and give you an update on my progress in the placement and say something about what lies ahead for me. Firstly, I must express my sincere gratitude for the way in which you have welcomed me in your midst and encouraged me on the journey. Your support has been marvellous, and much appreciated.

I have thoroughly enjoyed sharing in worship with you over these months. It was interesting to discover on arrival that our esteemed organist (he didn’t pay me to say that!) hails from Alloa – just along the road from where I grew up in Kincardine. I have particularly enjoyed honing my skills in children’s talks at 1030, and interacting with children and young families at 0940. At 1030, even when there are no young children present, my cry of “Good morning, young people!” tells you exact- ly where we are in the service!

I also greatly benefitted from my month ‘in charge’ and valued the experience of being required to put services together week-on-week, even for a short time. I pray that those of you able to be present at worship were blessed, even if, like me, you welcomed the return of our wonderful Minis- ter! (She didn’t pay me to say that, either!) During that month, I also spent a day at St. Columba’s hospice and caught up with a few of our elders, whilst also taking care of Wednesday lunchtime services and pastoral visitation. I was so blessed by the welcome I received in the homes of many of our elderly and housebound members. To those of you reading this in your homes, but unable to be with us regularly – you are in my thoughts and prayers often.

As I look to the future, I still hope to make some progress on some ‘project’ work. These plans will develop over the next couple of months – watch this space, and listen out for further information on Sundays.

My next step is a ‘Final Review’ at ‘121’ towards the end of September. If this review of my train- ing is successful, then I become eligible to apply for my own charge on 1 October, with the place- ment here ending on 31 December. I would value your prayers as I discern God’s call for this im- portant stage of my life.

With my prayers, and best wishes.

Your Friend,


BBC Radio Scotland

The Old Parish will feature in the BBC Radio Scotland New Every Morning Sunday broadcasts at 6.30am on the following dates: 24th September, 1st, 8th and 15th October. If 6.30am is too ear- ly to listen, the services are available on BBC iplayer for four weeks following the broadcasts. 4 Distributors Needed 50th Anniversary We are still looking for a vol- of Ordination unteer to deliver magazines to District 25, 4 homes in Our congratulations to Rev Ian Brady who Lampacre Road, Tyler’s Acre was ordained 50 years ago on September Road, Avenue and Gardens. 6th. Ian began his ministry in Glasgow and moved slowly eastwards, coming to Cor- We are also seeking a magazine distributor for storphine Old in 1976. District 5 which covers 8 homes in Featherhall Crescent South, Featherhall Crescent North, After his retirement Ian continued to Featherhall Avenue and Ladywell Road. preach and provide pastoral assistance at Kirk. Please get in touch with Rena Ingle if you feel you can help. We send our love and best wishes to Ian and Rena Ingle Pat and their family on this special Tel: 334 9467 [email protected] anniversary.

Buddy Swimming : Over 50 and ageing well!

Have you or someone you know lost their confidence in the water? Would you like to go swimming, meet new people and have fun? If so, we have trained volunteers who will meet you at the pool and who will assist and support you while you are in the water. Ageing Well have a new Buddy Swimming Class in the Drumbrae Leisure Centre, 30 Drumbrae Terrace, every Thursday. Meet in the café at 10.15am for a 10.30am start.

For more information please contact: Ageing Well Tel : 458 2183 [email protected]

MacMillan Coffee Morning - Friday 29th September

The World’s Biggest Coffee Morning in aid of MacMillan Cancer Support takes place this year on the 29th September and for the first time ever, the Old Parish is taking part. Come along to the Church itself on the 29th between 10-12 for cof- fee, cake, and a blether.

There will be home baking on offer too and details on how you can contribute to this will follow soon.

It would be great to see you and your friends there to help us raise money for this very worthy cause.

Graeme Allan 5 Ken Swinney Long Service with the 13th Edinburgh Boys’ Brigade

On Sunday 25th June, during the Anniversary Sunday Service, we eventually managed to gotcha Ken Swinney with a Long Service Certificate for 67 years service as an officer with the 13th Edin- burgh, Corstorphine Old Parish, Boys’ Brigade Company.

Earlier in the year we had realised Ken had joined the Corstorphine Old Boys’ Brigade in session 1949/50, 67 years ago. You are probably asking yourself why recognise 67 as a significant number to mark, as we usually would acknowledge a number ending in a ‘0’ or ‘5’, well 67 has a BB signifi- cance for Ken. It was in the 67th Edinburgh Company, St. Aiden’s, Stenhouse Cross, that Ken started his BB service as a boy. As Ken’s service as a boy was coming to an end discussions took place as to his future BB service as an officer. The 67th had more boys going to be discharged that year than they could take onto their Staff, therefore Ken and his friend Jim Brennan agreed to move to the 13th Company and become Officers here.

As a young officer at the 13th Ken took a full roll within the Company, leading many classes, Drill, P.T., Bible Class and Camps. Ken became the Company Treasurer in the 1950’s and took over as the Webb Ivory co-ordinator in the 1960’s, so he has performed these rolls for over 60 and 50 years respectively. In 1957, due to staff shortages, Ken covered, and became Officer-in-Charge of the Life Boys’ for about a year.

During the 1970’s, when Kens’ sons, David and John, were boys in the company he took a step back and became less involved taking weekly classes within the company, but still was on the rota to lead the P.T. session, take the Bible Class or open the halls for the BB Saturday Club night every 4-5 weeks. During this period I can confirm Ken was the most important Officer in the Company – Why? – because he stocked the BB Tuck Shop! During the 1970/80’s although not being there every week Ken could also be relied on when needed for transport to sports, drill or band competi- tions and events. He was always available to help with the transport to and from the weekend camps at Craggan, Loch Tay. I’m not sure how long it took for the coin to drop, but David Macnab would invite Ken up to join us for Sunday lunch – well the hidden task was not just coming to lunch, Ken would then roll up his shirt sleeves and help clean up the centre – especially the Kitchen, which I’m sure he left a lot cleaner and shinier than when we had arrived!

During his time with the 13th Ken has not just focussed his service with the Company, he has served the Battalion in many different ways, one of his most notable must be his period of service as West District Secretary for 25 years.

Although the certificate only has Ken’s name on it, we must also record Nancy’s service to the Company. Nancy also has a 67 connection, with her brother Tom having served in the 67th. Over the last 67 years Nancy has also supported the company and helped Ken with his service.

During the past 67 years Ken has worked with 8 Captains and 5 Chaplains, on marking this mile- stone, we would like to thank Ken for his first 67 years service, and wish him all the best for serv- ing the company for many more years to come. (Please see the photograph on Page 13)

Kevin Aitchison Company Captain


Friends of The Friendly Hour

I hope you have had a good summer. Sunday 1st October Family Fungus Foray The autumn session of the Friendly Hour led by David Adamson resumes on Wednesday 20th September from 10am - 11am in a new venue - The Please meet in the Walled Garden at 2pm to High Street Hall. try and find and identify those hidden occu- pants of the Hill which are visible mainly in This is a community project and open to all. the Autumn. Please come along and bring a friend. We

are sure you will enjoy a chat over a cup of Remember to visit the Walled Garden, re- coffee or tea and biscuits. stored and maintained by volunteers. It is open to visitors every day. All will be made welcome.

Margaret Borthwick Tel: 334 9217

Kirk Loan Hall

The Old Parish Kirk Session have agreed to grant the Corstorphine Trust a 25 year Lease over the Kirk Loan Hall. As you all know, we have been using the Hall less and less over recent years and by granting this Lease, the Hall will be used more while we at the Old Parish retain ownership of the property without having to meet running costs and repairs.

The Corstorphine Trust will use the Hall for a variety of purposes and events but the primary rea- son for taking over the property is to find a permanent home for the Astoria Cinema organ which is currently being restored.

The Lease will come into effect on 1 October after which none of our church organisations will be using the Hall on a regular basis. The Line Dancing Class and the Easy Exercise Class have already moved to the High Street Hall and our Guide company will have moved by the time you read this article. The Friendly Hour will also move to the High Street Hall in September.

This long term Lease is an exciting development for the Old Parish and shows the church’s willing- ness to become involved in community projects and to ensure that our properties are being well used.

Ramsay Allan Assistant Session Clerk 7 CHURCH FLOWERS FOR SEPTEMBER

(The name of the team member arranging the flowers is in brackets)

3rd September Bert and Marion Clarke for their Diamond Wedding (Sheena Crisfield)

10th September Scotmid 90th Anniversary Celebration (Sallie Bryson)

17th September In loving memory of Robert and Sheena Pettigrew In memory of Bert and Edna Gray from Shirley Dickson (Margaret Price)

24th September Anne Greig in memory of her parents and sister. In loving memory of Sophia and James Tait from Lorna and Duncan Macmichael (Mary Cooke)

On 27th August flowers were very kindly donated by Carol and Alistair Mackay in loving memory of Rebecca and Liz, for Heather Robertson on her birthday with love from her daughter, Sheena Cris- field and family and Moira Stewart for her birthday.

My thanks go to these members and all those who gave flowers over the summer months. If you wish to make a donation for flowers in memory of someone or just for yourself, please contact me.

Sallie Bryson Tel 334 2614 Email: [email protected]

Weekly Gentle Walks Golden Wedding Celebration

Corstorphine Youth and Community Centre have Weekly Gentle Walks, leaving every Wednesday at 1pm (weather permitting) from the Hub, St John’s Road.

The walks last around 45 minutes at a gentle

pace and are ideal for those who haven’t exer- Congratulations to cised for a while and want to be fitter! Norma and George Thomson (ED33)

Please get in touch with Charlie for more in- who celebrate their formation on 07725 323769 50th Wedding Anniversary on 16th September

From everyone at the Old Parish! 8

Romanian Big Smile

My name is Elaine Craig and I have been attending the 'wee service' with Moira since my eldest was born in 2011. I have been volunteer with an organisation called FAST (www.fastromania.eu/www.fastcharity.co.uk), since 2003, my fellow volunteers and I volunteer under the group called Romanian Big smile. I am returning to Romania this September, after a 7yr absence whilst I looked after my two growing boys, to see what has changed/improved, or still needs changed and improved.

FAST, the Foundation for Social Assistance and Youth, was founded in Sept. 1998 by Daniel and Ema Hristea, a couple who just didn`t accept the poverty and hardships some people in Romania had to endure during the times following the fall of communism, and decided to do something about it.

My fellow volunteers and I try to support this by doing whatever we can when we are visiting. We have done simple things like helped feed the Roma children, to rendering houses, and planting trees.

We have struggled over the years in taking the kind gifts people have donated due to baggage allow- ances, so when we are blessed with an offer of a donation we usually ask for money that can then be used to buy items when out there, such as wellies or blankets, or by taking the Roma children some- where they have never experienced before such as the cinema or the Zoo. If you feel you can support us in any way, we head out there on 14th September and any and all dona- tions will be greatly received and will go directly to improving the lives of the children we work with when in the Roma communities.

If you would like to help you can donate via our Romanian Big Smile account at:

Clydesdale Bank Sort Code - 82 62 32 Account No - 90052077

Thank you in advance for your support and time in reading and learning about FAST.

Yours, Elaine



A date for your Diary : The next Old Parish Church Craft Fair will take place on :

Tuesday 14th November 7—9pm : High Street Hall

All welcome (more information in next month’s magazine) 9

Duties for October

Welcome and Uplift 1st Team 5 C McKay R Bowerbank M Bowerbank P Carnie J Walker (Communion Sunday - count only) 8th Team 6 H Edwards A Edwards D Crichton S Crisfield J Cassie 15th Team 7 P Salton D Hood E Stewart D Cameron M Cooke 22nd Team 8 R Ingle J Hartil K Ingle L Gorrie M Hills 29th Team 9 I Gordon J Wakeford K Lawrence F Morrison G Allan

Sunday Beadles 1st 8.30am D Pearson 10.30am A Thom 8th J Gorrie 15th A Thom 22nd R Allan 29th J Gorrie

Bell Ringers 1st 8.30am R Ingle 10.30am K Walker 8th A Hay 15th H Edwards 22nd P Carnie 29th R Ingle

Office Hour 5th S Bryson

Sunday Coffee 1st The Guild 8th M Ewart/M Watt 15th K Hutchon/E Sinclair 22nd L Sisson/M Gordon 29th S Crisfield/B Petherick-Kerr

Wednesday Church Opening 4th A Broom (Cor Trust) 11th S Clark 18th R Wills 25th D Stewart

Quiz Night (an evening presented by Project Play)

Saturday 23rd September at 7.30pm

Quiz starts at 8pm, St John’s Church Hall, Corstorphine

Ticket £10

please contact [email protected] for tickets

Easy Exercise Class

The Easy Exercise Class (aimed at the over 60s) resumes again on Thursday 7th September from 2-3pm in the High Street Hall. All exercises (done to lively music) can be done sitting down. For more information please email Esther on: ses- [email protected]. No charge for the classes.

10 Edinburgh Street Pastors Listening, Caring and Helping

Edinburgh Street Pastors was set up in the year 2009. We are a group of Christian volunteers who are trained to respond to the issues that arise during the night time economy. We patrol the streets each Friday night, and one Saturday per month. We can be found on the street be- tween 11pm and 4am. Each volunteer serves on one team that goes out once per month. We cur- rently have 5 teams, but want to create another 3 so that we can patrol every Saturday night as well.

Edinburgh City centre is a very different place at night. Thousands of people flood into the city from all over the world to enjoy the pubs, clubs, theatres, cinemas, restaurants and other enter- tainment. Edinburgh’s night club scene attracts many stag and hen party groups from around the UK. There are also huge numbers of people begging and sleeping rough on our streets at night.

The kinds of people we support are: vulnerable street homeless/ beggars; clubbers or pub goers who are on drugs or drunk, tourists, vulnerable young people, people with mental health problems, and those who have become incapacitated because of substance misuse. We also build community and connections with the police, council workers, taxi marshals and bouncers. We seek to be a positive influ- ence and a witness for Christ.

Our aim is to listen, care and help. We do not seek to judge, but want to extend the grace and compassion of Christ to those who are in need. We serve people in various ways, and often get opportunities for praying with people on the street and share our faith. We have lots of spiritu- al conversations with people who want to know why we volunteer to do what we do.

Our volunteers come from a variety of backgrounds but we all have one thing in common : we be- lieve that Christ is the answer to the problems of the night time economy.

Our next round of training starts in Autumn. The training is across 2 separate weekends : 20th to 22nd of October, and 17th to 19th of November. The training comprises sessions on Friday evening, all day Saturday, and Sunday late afternoon in both instances.

INTERESTED? Please contact Heather Eboji our Recruitment and Training Coordi- nator on : [email protected]

Diamond Wedding Celebration

Many congratulations to

Marion and Bert Clarke (ED34) who celebrated their 60th Wedding Anniversary on 31st August

From everyone at the Old Parish! 11 12 Doors Open Day Saturday 23rd September 2017 - 10am-4pm

As mentioned in last month’s magazine, the Old Parish is once again taking part in Doors Open Day organised by the Cockburn Association. The Church will be open on Saturday 23rd September from 10am through to 4pm. Stewards will be required so please think about maybe helping out, even for an hour or so and add your name to the Rota.

No specialist knowledge of the church is required as we have guidance notes for visitors. Hope you can help.

Donald Baird : [email protected] : Tel: 334 7591

13th Edinburgh Company, The Boys’ Brigade (http://13edinburgh.boys-brigade.org.uk)

The Boys’ Brigade started back on Monday 21st August. As some might have noticed our recruitment banner is up again on the church hall wall, and I have a few new membership enquiries to follow up that have just come to me from the BBUK HQ website over the summer. We hope to get into the schools over the next few weeks to try and recruit new members. We meet as follows on Monday nights (All groups meet in the High Street Halls), and if anyone knows of potential new members please pass on this information/ contact details.

Anchor Boys 6.30 - 7.30(Primary 2 & 3) Junior Section 6.30 – 8.00 (Primary 4, 5 & 6) Company Section 6.30-8.00 (Primary 7 - 6th Year)

This year is a special year for the Company as it is our 90th year. We hope to increase in numbers this session and celebrate out 90th Birthday in March 2018 – watch this space for more!

I recently received a certificate from the Church of Scotland World Mission Fund to acknowledge the total of £259.36 we raised in 2017, this was through the generous retiral offering at out En- rolment Service and the “20p’s” collected in ‘smartie’ tubes by our members.

If you require any more details of BB membership here in Corstorphine or elsewhere please con- tact me.

Kevin Aitchison Captain Tel: 334 7731 13

Parish Records

Deaths 16th July Elizabeth Pleass, Erskine Nursing Home, 468 Road, Edinburgh

28th July Joan Irvine, 3 North Gyle Farm Lane (ED15) 1st August Elsie Tyler, 46 Featherhall Avenue (ED5) 21st August Norman Laing, House Care Home, Murrayfield Avenue (Postal)

Weddings 17th June Natalie McRae and Jai McCraw 1st July Stacey Baillie and Grant Middleton 26th August Kerri Henderson and Liam Roberts, Mains

New Members — Admitted on Sunday 25th June 2017

Lindsay and Alex Hagon 39 Broomhall Road, Edinburgh EH12 7PW (ED7) Emily Christie 4 Templeland Road, Edinburgh EH12 8RP (ED17) Julie Dunn 31 Tylers Acre Road, Edinburgh EH12 7HY (ED25) Keith Walker 136/8 Gylemuir Road, Edinburgh EH12 7UG (ED14)

Long Service Certificates

Also on 25th June, a special Long Service Certificate was awarded to Ken Swinney (left) for 67 years service as an officer with the 13th Edinburgh, Corstorphine Old Parish, BB and Long Service Certificates were also awarded to Elders, Bill Williamson (middle) for 50 years and Andrew Thom (right) for 30 years.

Change of Address Christopher and Brenda Watson are moving from 1B Forrester Park Green (ED24) to : 8/2 View, Edinburgh EH4 7QW (ED29) Audrey Nicholson is moving from 1 Claycot Park, (ED9) to : Cairdean House Nursing Home, 185 Redford Road, , Edinburgh EH13 9PN (Postal)

Officebearers, Elders and Magazine Distributors are asked to note these announcements and to adjust their records accordingly

Church Contacts

MINISTER Rev. Moira McDonald 476-5893 [email protected]

PROBATIONARY MINISTER Allan Morton 07943 816607 [email protected]

WORK PLACE CHAPLAIN Rev. Kristina Herbold Ross 07702 863342 [email protected] 01383 510511

ORGANIST AND CHOIRMASTER Dr Archie Ewing 552-3799 [email protected] DMus, FFCM, LTCL, LLCM

CHURCH SECRETARY Christine Mill 334-7864 [email protected]

SESSION CLERK Alison Edwards 334-5093 [email protected]

ASSISTANT SESSION CLERK Ramsay Allan 332-5809 [email protected]

TREASURER Alistair Christie 334-4893 [email protected]

FABRIC CONVENER Ramsay Allan 332-5809 [email protected]

MISSION COMMITTEE CONVENER Carol Christie 334 4893 [email protected]

WFO CONVENER Graeme Stewart 339-7718 [email protected]

FINANCE CONVENER Penny Salton 334-2652 [email protected]

CHRISTIAN AID CO-ORDINATOR Linda Ingle 444-2395 or 07530 988240 [email protected]

PUBLICATIONS DISTRIBUTION ORGANISERS Ken and Rena Ingle 334-9467 [email protected]

WEDNESDAY CHURCH OPENING ORGANISER Donald Baird 334-7591 [email protected]

ROLL KEEPER Marlene Pearson 538-5592 [email protected]

GIFT AID CONVENER Linda Gorrie 339 3687 [email protected]

SUNDAY CLUB LEADER & MAGAZINE EDITOR David Drummond 334 -5741 [email protected]

SAFEGUARDING OFFICER Liz Allan 332-5809 [email protected]

PRESBYTERY ELDER John Hartil 476- 9761 [email protected]


EXECUTIVE MEMBER Jane Walker 539-1080 [email protected]



BOYS BRIGADE (CAPTAIN) Kevin Aitchison 334-7731 kevin.aitchison@.ac.uk

GIRL GUIDES Joanne Newby 467-5900 [email protected]

RAINBOWS Debbie Scott 622-0487 [email protected]

BROWNIE GUIDES (Unit Leader) Fiona Blair 538-0371 [email protected]

FRIENDLY HOUR Margaret Borthwick 334-9217

FRESHSTART LEADER Jane Walker 539 1080 [email protected]