West Sept-Dec 2015 Parent and Carer Support Booklet

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West Sept-Dec 2015 Parent and Carer Support Booklet Programmes, Activities and Groups for parents and carers in West Edinburgh Sept-Dec 2015 1 Contents Page New services – Childcare for eligible two year olds. Fox Covert Early Years Centre. 4 Parenting Programmes Mellow Bumps 5 Peep 6-7 The Psychology of Parenting Project (PoPP) : The Incredible Years / Triple P 8-9 Raising Children with Confidence 10 Raising Teens with Confidence 11 Teen Triple P 12 Parent and Child Activities Adult and child swim sessions 13 Baby Massage 13 Bookbug 13-14 Buggy Walks 14 Cooking with kids 15 Craft Fridays 15 Diggers and Dreamers 15 Early Years Group 15 Family Forest Schools 15 Family Learning 16 Family Swim Sessions 16 Funky Fridays 16 Get Going (weight management) 17 Homework Club 17 Parent and Child Workshops 17 Play, Stay and Read 17 Play@Home 18 Storytime 18 The Drop-In 18 Us Together Activity Group 18 2 Parent Groups The Cool Club 19 Dads’ Club 19 Foster Carers’ Group 19 JUNO 19 People First Parents’ Group 19 English for Speakers of Other Languages 21 (ESOL) Support and Advice (NHS and City Edinburgh Coucil) Ante Natal Classes / Parent craft classes 22 New Parents’ Group 22 New Baby Groups 22-23 Breastfeeding and Weaning Advice 23 Parent Information Points and drop-in 24 Support and Advice - Organisations Crossreach – postnatal depression 25 Children 1st - family support 25 Dads Rock – counselling 25 Families Need Fathers 25 First Hand 26 Home Start – family support 26 Making it Work for lone parents (employment 27 One Parent Families Scotland 27 The Edinburgh Lone Fathers Project 27 Playgroups 28 Activities for all ages 29 Early Years Centres and Hubs 30 Contacts 32 3 New Service Early learning and childcare for eligible two year olds Certain children are entitled to receive up to 600 hours of free early learning and childcare during school terms. For a list of establishments offering this service, to find out if your two year old qualifies for a place, and to apply please go to: www.edinburgh.gov.uk/info/20071/nurseries_and_childcare/1118/ early_learning_and_childcare_for_two_year_olds 4 Parenting Programmes Mellow Bumps This is a six week course for women who are about 20-30 weeks pregnant. Sessions last two hours. Groups are small: 4- 8. The aim is to help expecting parents reduce stress, care for themselves physically and mentally, in turn nurturing their unborn child. Participants will learn about very early brain development and what their babies can do. This improves attachment even before birth, helping parents connect with their new-born. Parents will grow in confidence by being part of an intimate group and learn where to access help now and for the future. For more information contact [email protected] 5 Sessions use stories, nursery rhymes, activity games and songs to create a fun learning environment for parents/carers and their children 0-5yrs. Groups are facilitated by trained staff and are available in a range of settings throughout Edinburgh. Baby parents/carers and babies 0-1yr Gylemuir Early Years Hub Contact 443 1207 South Queensferry Early Years Centre Monday 1.00pm-2.15pm Contact Jackie McNab 331 3594 Stenhouse Early Years Centre Monday 2:00-3:00pm 31 Aug–28 Sept 2 Sept-30 Sept Contact Lesley Brown or Sue MacDowell 443 1207 Tynecastle Community Wing Thursday 10:00am-11:00am Thursday 11.15am-12:15pm Contact 337 3275 Ones – Fun to be One parents/carers and children 1-2yrs Tynecastle Community Wing Tuesday 10:30-11:30am Contact 337 3275 6 Twos and Threes parents/carers and children 2-3yrs Queensferry Primary School Nursery Class Thursday 9:30am-10:30am Contact Karen Scott 331 1349 Broomhouse/St Joseph’s Primary School nursery classes Groups to resume after October break Janice Ramsay 443 3783 Ellen Campbell 443 4591 Threes parents/carers and children 3-4yrs Corstorphine Primary School Nursery Class Wednesdays 1:30-2:30pm Contact Lorna Hutton 334 3865 Kirkliston Nursery class / Community Centre Friday 9:00-10:00am Contact Tracy Clark 333 3260 Peep @ Gorgie War Memorial Hall The hall is currently closed for refurbishment. Please contact Dalry Primary School nursery class for information. 7 The Psychology of Parenting Project provides two positive parenting programmes for parents/carers of 3-4 year olds, The Incredible Years and Triple P. The courses offer help to adults to strengthen their relationship with their child and encourage positive behaviour. The courses look at effective techniques for dealing with common childhood behaviour problems. Strategies to manage behaviours such as aggressiveness, tantrums, shouting, answering back and refusing to follow rules are also explored. Specially trained group leaders work with parents/carers on goals for themselves and their family. Participants will meet once a week as a group for two hour sessions watch DVD clips discuss children’s behaviour work out new ways to manage situations at home talk to other adults in the same situation learn ways to stay calm There is also 1:1 phone support. Refreshments are provided. There are some crèche places and help with transport costs can be arranged. 8 The Incredible Years – 14 week programme Courses will take place in venues across the city including: Gate 55, Craigentinny Early Years Centre, Viewforth Early Years Centre, Craigroyson Primary School, Gilmerton Community Centre, Royston Wardieburn Community Centre Triple P – 8 week programme Courses will take place in venues across the city including: Dr Bells, Greendykes Early Years Centre, Royston Wardieburn Community Centre, Tollcross Community Centre, Craigroyston High School, Wester Hailes Education Centre Various days and times Start September/October See www.joininedinburgh.org for full venue listings, dates and times. Apply online at www.edinburgh.gov.uk/parenting3to4 To request an application form, contact Helen Purves 07717 317665 or email [email protected] 9 Raising Children with Confidence This is a 7 week course which aims to give all parents/carers the chance to explore emotional health and wellbeing and consider how they can best promote it in themselves and their children. Drawing on the latest research it helps explain why parents’ actions make a difference to their children’s emotional wellbeing and future positive mental health. This programme is suitable for parents/carers of children aged 0-11yrs. Courses are held all year round throughout the city in primary schools and community venues. For more information visit www.growingconfidence.org Blackhall Primary School Wednesday 9:00-11:00am Start 10 September Booking essential, contact Arran Finlay 336 1023 Dalry Primary School Wednesday 1:30-3:30pm Start 7 October Booking essential, contact Grant Gilles 337 6086 Rosebery Hall, South Queensferry Thursday 9:15-11:15am Start 29 October Booking essential, contact 331 2113 Tynecastle Community Wing Monday 10.00am-12.30pm Start 19 October Crèche available. Booking essential. Contact Maysoon Sutherland 337 1376 10 Raising Teens with Confidence A six-session course for parents/carers of young teenagers, looking at teenage brain development and behaviour, communication, risk taking and the impact of stress, on families. Craigmount High School Monday 6:30-8:30pm Start 26 October Contact Sharon Gibson, Depute, 334 6823 Forrester High School Tuesday 6:30-8.30pm Start 22 September Contact Forrester school office 334 9296 The Royal High School Tuesday 6:30-8:30pm Start 1 September Contact Paul Chambers, Depute, 336 226 Tynecastle High School Day to be confirmed 6:30-8:30pm Dates to be confirmed Contact Jacqui Ramsay, Depute, 337 3488 11 Teen Triple P (Positive Parenting Programme) for parents, step parents and carers of teenagers 11-16yrs This is a practical parenting programme which can help participants cope positively with some of the common issues associated with raising a teenager. The group and individual sessions give parents/carers an opportunity to explore ways to build a stronger relationship with their teenagers, resolve conflict, manage problem behaviours and help their teen stay safe. Craigmount Community High School Wednesday 6:30-8:30pm Start 9 September Teen Triple P for dads, step-dads, grandfathers and other male carers Tollcross Community Centre Wednesday 6:30-8:30pm Start 30 September To request a place go to www.edinburgh.gov.uk//teentriplep, Contac Jillian Hart on 07860 736129, or email [email protected] Programmes run throughout Edinburgh, find details of other groups on www.joininedinburgh.org. 12 Parent and Child Activities Adult and Child Swim Sessions Drumbrae Leisure Centre Wednesday and Friday 9:30-9:55am Contact 312 7957 [email protected] Baby Massage Classes usually run in 4-5 week blocks. The sessions are suitable for parents/carers and babies from birth until they are crawling. Baby Massage can strengthen the bond between parent and child. Massage may help relieve the pain and discomfort babies feel during teething, colic and digestive problems and releases tension in their muscles to improve sleep patterns. Notes and massage oil are usually provided. Clermiston and Gylemuir Early Years Hubs Stenhouse Early Years Centre Booking essential. Contact 443 1207 Bookbug Sessions Free song, story and rhyme sessions for children 0-4yrs with their parents/carers. There are regular Bookbug sessions in most city libraries and some community venues. Some libraries also run Polish and Gaelic sessions. Balgreen Library – 529 5585 1st Tuesday of the month 10:30am-11:00am Blackhall Library – 529 5595 Friday 10:30am-11:00am Drumbrae Library Hub – 529 5244 Wednesday and Saturday 10:30am-11:00am 13 Bookbug contd…. Corstorphine Library – 529 5506 Tuesday and Saturday 10:30am-11:00am Kirkliston Library –529 5510 Friday 10:30am-11:00am South Queensferry Library – 529 5576 Tuesday 10:30am-11:00am The Gyle Shopping Centre (upstairs at back of Food Court) 1st Tuesday of the month 10.00am-10.40am and 11.00am-11.40am Buggy Walks Designed to provide inspiration and encouragement to help parents/carers and their children in buggies, or who have just learned to walk, explore the outdoors.
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