MISSION STATEMENT This is who we are:

 A community of faith, focused on listening to God

This is what we are: * Sociable, welcoming and inclusive

This is what makes us who we are:

 Growing disciples wider, younger, deeper

2 Our New Vicar

Role Title - Vicar, St. Peter & St. Paul’s Church and St. Mark’s Church, Mansfield

Responsible to - Bishop of Southwell & Nottingham

Purpose of the - To oversee and collaborate with the Role Associate of St Mark’s in providing ministry to the two congregations and developing further outreach into the community for growing disciples wider, younger, deeper

Principle - Lead the two parishes Tasks Lead the ministry team—Ordained, Readers and Lay Leaders Lead staff and volunteers through worship and pastoral care Governor of St Peter’s Primary School Trustee of Mansfield Church Estate (Registered Charity)



 A motivational leader with a passion to engage with and inspire all ages to see new possibilities as we seek to implement the Diocesan vision and strategy of “Growing Disciples - Wider, Younger, Deeper”  A creative and strategic person, able to support church members in turning good ideas into actions with tangible outcomes.  A good team player who works confidently with ordained and lay colleagues to reach out in mission to the local community - schools, local businesses, charities and local government


 Mature in faith, faithful in prayer, enthusiastic to developing the home groups, prayer ministry and lay development  Committed to an inclusive Church and at ease with wider community involvement  Sharing a vision for the future of our church ministry in music, with the desire to develop and grow the musical life of the church


 Committed to growing the church and growing disciples alongside colleagues in the deanery  Committed to sacramental ministry and comfortable with traditional and contemporary styles  Committed to being visible across the parishes and able to travel freely to visit local hospitals, schools, care homes and parishioners etc.  An excellent communicator, in person, in print and across social media

Pastoral Care and Outreach

 A bridge builder who has a clear vision of outreach and can make connections with all sections of our parish, our town and community  Understanding of the challenges of disadvantaged communities  Able to relate to young people and their families. This is a key area of outreach within our Church  Able to connect with the more senior members of the church, including the housebound and those in residential care

The Employment Equality (Religion and Belief) Regulations, Section 7.2 applies to this post This post will require an enhanced check from the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS), together with a check of the barred lists. These will be renewed at least every five years 4 Meet the team at St. Peter’s and St. Mark’s

St Peter’s St Peter’s Church Wardens & Deputy Church Wardens Rev. Mary Foden-Currie (NSM) Mark Ashton, Irvin Robinson, Tina Barnes, Jo Knowles, Keith Allsop

St Mark’s St. Peter’s Team — Liz Thomas (Children’s Worker), John Hooton Rev. James Curry (Assoc. Priest) (Treasurer), Alan Bentley (Verger), John Marriott (Organist)

St Peter’s Readers Sonia Tate, Brian Gaunt and David Pulman

5 Rt Rev (Bishop of Southwell & Nottingham) with members of St Peter’s ministry team, including Rev. Mary Foden-Currie (front centre), Lay Reader David Pulman (rear centre) and Lay Reader Sonia Tate (front right), enjoying some festive cheer with the members of St. Peter’s Robed Choir

Mansfield Deanery Mansfield Deanery covers a population of around 124,000 including urban, suburban and rural areas. It currently has 17 churches, 9 full time equivalent clergy (3 of which are vacant), 2 curates, 1 lay church leader, 11 active retired clergy and over 21 active readers. The Deanery Synod meets 3 times a year and is currently working together with the Diocesan initiative to “Grow disciples Wider, Younger, Deeper” and there have been extra meetings recently to explore strategies in which we can support each other to this aim. There are several types of Deanery Chapter meetings which meet once a month including infor- mal clergy lunches, training or business meetings, times to worship and pray together, to share good practice and discuss wider mission and ministry issues, and wider ministry chapters with retired clergy, and others. We would trust the incumbent at St Peter and St Paul’s with St Mark’s would seek to make these meetings a priority and share in the mutual support and learning they offer. We would look forward to the new post holder joining the Deanery and working alongside us as we continue to work with the “Transforming Mission of God” in and around our churches and communities

Area Dean, The Revd Angela Fletcher

6 The Vicarage

The Vicarage is a light and spacious, well maintained 5 bedroom house, set within a popular, affluent housing area. There is a gym, mini- supermarket and a friendly pub close by, as well as “Green Flag” local parks. Making an ideal family home with a warm and welcoming atmosphere, and with extensive wrap-around gardens and private driveway leading to a detached garage, with parking for several cars. With generously proportioned rooms, these could be an ideal space for meetings or missional work. The Vicarage is situated at one end of our elongated parish, 1/2 mile from St. Peter’s School, and approximately two miles from St. Peter’s Church.

ABOUT MANSFIELD The ancient market town of Mansfield is situated in the heart of Sherwood Forest, close to the beautiful Derbyshire Peak District, with good access to the rail net- work, M1 motorway and the A1. With a very warm welcome, we offer a range of independent and high-street shops, a thriving theatre, cinema and restaurants, whilst Mansfield Town Football Club (The Stags) keeps the town cheering on Saturday afternoons. On a practical level the town has ample doctors’ and dental surgeries (with 4 nurs- ing/residential homes within our 2 parishes), all the major supermarkets, and great leisure facilities including “Water Meadows” with its fun pools and slides plus a larger pool for serious swimmers, We also host an annual 10k race (see photo of runners, right, passing St. Peter’s) and a fun run. Educationally, there are 6 primary schools within our parishes, plus several good secondary schools in the Mansfield area, or you could choose the “Outstanding” school which is rated amongst the top 3% in the country. The award winning West Notts. Further Education College and newly built Univer- sity Centre sit within St. Mark’s parish. Go a little further afield and you will find The Major Oak; with its stories of Robin Hood, Newstead Abbey (home of poet Lord Byron), Hardwick Hall, and the grand estates of “The Dukeries” to name but a few of our world famous historic local attractions. 7 ABOUT OUR PARISHES

St. Peter & St. Paul’s Parish

The wonderful Grade I listed Church of St Peter and St Paul (known locally as St Peter’s) has stood in the centre of Mansfield since the beginning of the12th century. Our church is the original Parish Church and hosts many of the Civic services, with around 10,000 people in the parish.

Weekly Services (Common Worship) Ave. Weekly Attendance Sunday 08.00 Holy Communion (said) 20 09.30 Holy Communion (sung) 80-100 Thursday 10.00 Holy Communion (said) 15-20

We also offer Monthly Services (Informal worship) These include a Sunday morning “Family Service with Holy Communion” held in Church, as well as our new “Café Church” which is held in our Church Centre. These services are led by our Family & Children's Worker with ample support from our children’s volunteer team, musicians and junior choir. “WWW” (Welcome, Worship & Word) on Sunday evenings attracts around 15 adult worshippers each month.

Baptism & Confirmation We encourage families to bring their children to Baptism, and preparation classes are provided for parents and god- parents. We hold over 30 Baptisms per year, and these currently take place on the 2nd Sunday of the month at 3pm. We currently use the Emmaus Course for Confirmation of both adults and children, and 40 members of our congregation have become candidates over the past 5 years.

Church Life The Church has a strong ministry team which includes retired clergy and three readers. The team meets quarterly with church wardens and our employed Children’s and Families’ Worker. Musically, we have a Director of Music/Organist and a robed choir that joins with St. Mark’s choir from time to time to sing Evensong and occasional festival celebrations. Our latest project is the Junior Choir which is small but enthusiastic, and are a big part of our family services. There is also a dedicated team of Bell Ringers for our 8-bell tower. These groups give a great opportunity to develop the musical life of the church. Our house groups have developed over recent years, and we are seeing growing numbers come to Lent courses.

8 Thanks to our full-time verger, St. Peter’s is the only church in Mansfield open to visitors and worshippers throughout the week, Tue—Sat (Monday is our Verger’s day off). Clerical support is provided by our part-time church secretary. We have strong links with Mansfield Churches Together and regular ecumenical services across the town. The St Peter’s Centre, adjacent to the church, provides substantial accommodation for a wide range of community, church and our Uniformed groups throughout the week. This is a major town and community resource. We employ a Centre manager and a caretaker, and have a team of dedicated volunteers. The Centre is the home of our annual Pantomime and Model Railway Show, our monthly Craft Market, and is used by the Social Committee to hold various events throughout the year. St. Peter’s is in a reasonably good financial position, with significant reserves. It also benefits from an independent charity whose purposes include paying certain expenses for the ministry and lay workers, maintaining the church and its services, and developing the mission of the church. The Vicar will be ex-officio a trustee of this charity.

Parochial Church Council St. Peter’s has 11 members of the church elected to serve on the PCC along with 3 additional ex-officio and co- opted members. We are a warm and energetic group of different ages and spiritual backgrounds. Our Standing Com- mittee consists of the Vice-Chairman, 2 Churchwardens, 3 Deputy Churchwardens, Treasurer and Secretary. The PCC usually meets 5 times per year, with the SC meeting whenever required, and in any event 1 week before the PCC. The responsibilities for managing the church and community activities are allocated amongst groups led by members of the PCC.

The Parish of St. Mark’s

The parish of St Mark’s lies on the south side of Mansfield, close to the town centre. The Church itself is a fine Grade II listed Victorian building, consecrated in 1897, There are currently around 8,000 residents within the parish, with plans for a major new housing development that will increase this number significantly in the next few years. The development also allows for a new Cemetery.

Weekly Services Ave. Weekly Attendance Sunday 09.30 Holy Communion (sung) 50 Monday 19.00 Evening Prayer 7 Wednesday 9.00 Morning Prayer 12 Thursday 9.30 Said Mass in our Lady Chapel 20

9 Church Life With a flourishing and vibrant congregation, worshipping in the Affirming Catholic tradition, St. Mark’s has recently welcomed their new full-time Associate Priest, who lives in the Vicarage adjacent to the church. Music plays a big part in the life of the church. The robed choir is an active part of the church community, and occa- sionally joins with the choir at St. Peter’s, which brings our 2 churches together in both worship and social occasions. Regular musical concerts are a feature of St. Mark’s fund-raising and community events and they are often able to attract performers from around the globe (and a little nearer to home). Henley Community Centre lies directly behind the church and is used for many church and community events. They run a Boys Brigade, Brownies & Guides, along with a weekly youth club, Sunday School, and Tots group. With one large room containing a stage, separate kitchen and toilet facilities, there is opportunity to develop this facility. St. Mark’s motto is “Living Worship, Growing Disciples, Seeking Justice” and has long been a champion of Social Justice in the town and surrounding area. Part of the Vicarage land has been turned into a successful Community Garden which was recently awarded another “Outstanding” Level 5 RHS Neighbourhoods in Bloom Award, with praise for the way they have included children and young people in the project. In addition to this, the Mansfield Community Hospital lies within the parish as well as a residential home, the ‘Framework’ residential centre for the homeless, the YMCA hostel and the Samaritans’ and Cruse offices, which offer much scope for missional and pastoral ministry.

Parochial Church Council This small but dedicated team of people have been a long-term support for the congregation and ministry at St. Mark’s, especially through the recent interregnum period. The PCC are also the backbone of the social and fund- raising activities. The Standing Committee meet regularly to give updates on the day-to-day issues, and are involved in the work of the church and wider community groups.

St Peter’s X

St Mark’s X

St Peter’s Vicarage X. 10 Congregation Comments

I would like my Vicar to be someone who …..

Brings younger people into the church whilst respecting older Listens but doesn’t judge Has a caring spirit for the members hom el ess an d d est itu e te ng ha Is e c fun tl Is dedicated to developing will welcome, c us all en ari s g ng ge deeper faith an Is forwardra thinking and d ou nc e

lop o ve k t Shares a vision for the future of de tal d can an ou our church ministry and music e Y ag ur co Compassionate and open minded,en wel- h ll ut c i o om W r y in ou messed g our workve with families and to ol a nv - ll— i Is deeply rooted in the up, the hurtingyoung, and old; the rich, awkward poor; the Is Sincere and Christian faith, led by trustworthy the Holy SpiritIs Male or female

Values tradition, but can lead us d or gently into new styles of worship e L th to s ten is Being well organised, leads Lour Ministry team,Is prepared to commit themselves to our staff and volunteers with respect, openness andchurch and our community, and lead ca re, a with faith, hope and love nd through thew PCCork for the benefit of all s cl osely with Will reach out beyond the con the church greg atio n 11 Stories from our Church Family We are very fortunate to have a loyal and devoted congregation, many of whom have been long standing members of our very special church family.

We were interested in why they felt so at home here, but we also wanted to know what had drawn some of our newest members to St. Peter’s

Here’s what they said….

Hi, I’m thirteen years old and I’ve grown up as part of the St. Peter’s family as long

as I can remember, since I was two. I love coming to St Peters church. From the first time we came to St Peters we were made It’s home to me and I love it. My faith has From the moment you step into to feel welcome, from the grown and in June 2015 I was confirmed. the beautiful building you know minute we stepped in to the you're somewhere special. church. I’m now beginning to get involved in help- ing with Sunday School and other things, I have found a second family; My We had a young baby at the and want to be part of encouraging more church family, we've been time and we were nervous accepted and welcomed by every- younger people to discover the Christian about him disrupting the one. faith. service but everyone, with- Children are allowed to be children out exception, made us feel Amie during services, that includes being at home. loud and spontaneous. Each of us are encouraged to grow That was four years ago and our faith by activities outside of the we can honestly say that St usual services. Peter's has become a part of The first day I came to St. Peter’s I felt I our family. I feel very comfortable here and belonged. that it's where we belong; we've Heather I feel peace here, and the prayers touch come home. my heart. I feel connected; a warmth from Carolyn worshipping with the congregation


I was brought up in a family without religious beliefs and had minimal contact with any church, yet I knew there was something missing from my life.

As a family we were drawn to St Peter’s - my only explanation is that we were led by the Holy Spirit.

We’ve been welcomed and nurtured here, though there’s been bumps too. My life was much simpler before with just myself and immediate family to consider, but St Peter’s has become our home and this is where we are called to be.

Being a part of this community has helped me along my journey to deepen my faith and trust in the living Christ, to seek out and question what being a Christian means and trying my best to live out my faith and share it with others. Mark

12 Some thoughts on moving forward

Strengths Opportunities

Strong ministry team Developing links with our schools

Well-established Congregation We hold Civic services for Mansfield

Paid family worker, verger & secretary New housing estates within our parishes

2 Parishes sharing resources Our church is open through the week

Regular Baptisms, Confirmations & Weddings Social Committee bring events into the church

We embrace Traditional & Modern worship Food Bank & Hall Homeless Project

St. Peter’s Centre (with paid manager & caretaker) To strengthen links between our 2 churches

The Net magazine Digital Age / Social Media

Weaknesses Threats

Music lacks focus An age gap within the congregation

Engaging with our Youth/Teenagers Reserves are being used to balance our budgets

Invitational ministry, need to connect with the “fringes” Objectives/Plans sometimes lack focus

Website maintenance & development Burnout of our regular volunteers

Older congregation

Contact us

Mr Irvin Robinson (PCC Vice-Chair) You are welcome to make an informal enquiry with St. Peter’s and St. Paul’s Church Archdeacon David Picken () Churchside by email: [email protected] Mansfield via his Southwell Office: 01636 817206 Notts at home in Edwinstowe: 01623 238957 NG18 1AP on his mobile: 07917 690576

Our Church Office OR 01623 640250 Jo Padmore, PA to the Archdeacon [email protected] [email protected] 01636 817206