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PLANNING COMMITTEE Meeting - 21 October 2009 First Part of the meeting Present: Mrs Lowen Cooper (Chairman) , Mrs Cranmer (Vice -Chairman) Mrs Cranmer, Mr Bowater, Mr Brown, Mrs Holloway, Mrs Simmonds, Mr Thomson, Mr Weir and Mrs Woolveridge* Also Present: Miss Arnold, Mr Clark, Ms Vigor -Hedderly and Mr Wilson Apologies for absence : Mr Bradford, Mr Dhillon and Mr Reed * Members attending site visits taken on 14 October 2009 61. MINUTES The minutes of the meeting held on 23 September 2009 were confirmed and signed by the Chairman. 62. APPLICATIONS AND PLANS Key to the following decisions: ADV - Consent to Display Adverts; ARM - Approval of Reserved Matters; CI - Certificate of Lawfulness Issued; CON - Conservation Area Consent; D - Deferred; D (INF) - Deferred for Further Information; D (SV) - Deferred for Site Visits; D (PO) - Deferred for Planning Obligation; D (NEG) - Deferred for Negotiations; FCG - Consent for Tree Work; LBC - Listed Building Consent; OP - Outline Planning Permission; P - Application Permitted; R - Refused or Rejected; R (AO) – Refused against Officer recommendation; RC - Removal of Condition; TC - Temporary Consent; TP - Temporary Permission; ULBC - Unconditional Listed Building Consent; UP - Unconditional Permission; VG - Variation Granted; W - Application Withdrawn. (A) APPLICATIONS FOR CONSIDERATION UNDER PLANNING ONLY:- 1. 09/00706/OUT Development o f a living and working community R Pinewood Studios for the creative industries comprising external Ltd streetscapes for filming, employment uses, education provision, residential development, landscaping and re-profiling of a former landfill area, formal and informal recreation provision, local retail and community facilities, an energy centre, access roads, car parking and ancillary facilities. Land adjacent to Pinewood Studios, Pinewood Road, Iver Heath, Iver, Buckinghamshire (Notes: (1) Prior to consideration of this application, Mr Mitchell Gear, on behalf of the objectors, and Mr Ivan Dunleavy, in support of the application, addressed the meeting – allowed as an exception to the rules on public speaking. (2) Mr Wilson, in attendance at the meeting as a non-member, addressed the Committee on this application (3) Mr Thomson declared a personal interest arising from his neighbours’ links with Pinewood Studios). Planning Committee - 21 October 2009 2. 09/00707/FUL Highway improvements to the Five Points R Pinewood Studios roundabout. Five Points Roundabout, Uxbridge Ltd Road, Iver Heath, Buckinghamshire. (Note: Mr Thomson declared a personal interest arising from his neighbours’ links with Pinewood Studios). 3. 09/00708/FUL Highway improvements to the Denham R Pinewood Studios Road/Sevenhills Road junction. Junction at Ltd Sevenhills Road and Denham Road, Iver, Buckinghamshire (Note: Mr Thomson declared a personal interest arising from his neighbours’ links with Pinewood Studios). The Committee adjourned at 17:15 and reconvened at 17:45 Second part of the Meeting Present: Mrs Lowen-Cooper* (Chairman), Mrs Cranmer (Vice-Chairman), Mr Bowater*, Mr Brown*, Mrs Holloway*, Mr Reed, Mrs Simmonds*, Mr Thomson*, Mr Weir* and Mrs Woolveridge*. Apologies: Mr Bradford* and Mr Dhillon* 4. 09/00916/ FUL Two detached houses with integral garages and P L & P Services construction of vehicular access. Land rear of Budleigh, Parsonage Lane, Farnham Common, Buckinghamshire SL2 3NX (Note: Prior to consideration of this application, Ms Linda Keely and Mr Colin Snowden, the objectors, addressed the meeting) 5. 09/01080/FUL Change of use from shop to hot food takeaway (Use P Mr Dean St John Class A5). 19 Langley Park Road, Iver, Buckinghamshire SL0 9QL. (Note: Prior to consideration of this applic ation, Mr Chris Ring, the objector, and Mr John Porter the applicant addressed the meeting) 6. 09/01123/FUL Redevelopment of site to provide 5 dwellings (one P Oakford Homes terrace of 3 units and 1 pair of units) with Ltd associated car parking, landscaping. Alteration to vehicular access. The One Pin, One Pin Lane, Farnham Common, Buckinghamshire SL2 3RD (Notes (1): Mrs Cranmer informed the Committee that she had been reported in a local paper expressing the views of her ward regarding this site in 2008, but had come to the Committee without any pre-determination regarding this application). (2): Prior to consideration of this application, Mr Nigel O’Driscoll, the objector, and Mrs Jane Carter the agent addressed the meeting) 211009 Planning Committee - 21 October 2009 7. 09/00655/ FUL Application to discharge and modify planning D(PO) LS Taplow Ltd. obligations in the Section 106 Agreement dated 16 th April 1997 ‘To permit the sale of food and drink’. The Bishop Centre, Bath Road, Taplow, Buckinghamshire SL6 0NX. RESOLVED that this application be deferred and the decision to grant permission be delegated to the Head of Legal and Democratic Services/Head of Sustainable Development, subject to agreeing the definition of Highway works (Note: Mr Weir declared a personal interest in this application arising from ) 8. 09/01146/FUL Retention and alteration of first floor and roof R Mr & Mrs extension incorporating front and rear dormers. Kotecha Two storey rear extension. (Amendment to planning permission 06/00777/FUL). Waterside (formally known as Harmony House), Bakers Wood, Denham, Buckinghamshire UB9 4LG. 9. 09/01148/FUL Retention and alteration of first floor and roof R Mr & Mrs extension incorporating front and rear dormers. Kotecha Two storey rear extension. (Amendment to planning permission 06/00777/FUL). Waterside (formally known as Harmony House), Bakers Wood, Denham, Buckinghamshire UB9 4LG. 10. 09/01150/FUL Retention and alteration of first floor and roof R Mr & Mrs extension incorporating front a nd rear dormers. Kotecha Two storey rear extension. (Amendment to planning permission 06/00777/FUL). Waterside (formally known as Harmony House), Bakers Wood, Denham, Buckinghamshire UB9 4LG. (Note: Re applications 09/01146/FUL, 09/01148/FUL and 09/01150/FUL- letters from the owners and their solicitors were tabled for consideration before Members reached their decision). (B) APPLICATIONS DETERMINED UNDER DELEGATED AUTHORITY The Committee received for information a list of applications determined by the Director of Services. 63. 34A SWALLOW STREET, IVER HEATH, BUCKS, SL0 0HG The Committee considered a report of the Director of Services requesting authority to issue and serve an Enforcement Notice in respect of the unauthorised erection of an outbuilding (timber shed/workshop) and children’s play fort on land at 34a Swallow Street, Iver Heath. The unauthorised development was erected on the land to the rear of the site in March 2006 and was substantially completed in August 2006. The unauthorised development is known to be used by the site owner’s son and his family who live next door in 36A Swallow Street. The site has a detailed planning and enforcement history and had been the subject of a number of planning applications including those for residential development. The land benefits from Certificates of Lawfulness dated 21 st March 2005 (planning reference 04/01046/EUC) and 23 rd May 2008 (planning 211009 Planning Committee - 21 October 2009 reference 08/00575/EUC) for use of this land for residential purposes in connection with 36A Swallow Street (but not as residential curtilage). On 21 April 2008 the Council refused an application for proposed operational development using Permitted Development rights rather than express planning permission (planning reference 08/00414/EUC) on this land. The subsequent appeal was dismissed on 13 January 2009. The Planning Inspector confirmed that the land on which that development was located did not form part of a residential curtilage and did not therefore benefit from any Permitted Development rights. The same principles were applied by officers to the land on which the subject unauthorised development was located. Enforcement Officers visited the site and requested that the unauthorised development be removed. A site visit taken on 11 September 2009 confirmed that the unauthorised development remains. The registered owner of the site, the owner’s son and his partner together with the sons planning agent have been informed in writing that authority was to being sought for the issuing of an Enforcement Notice seeking the removal of the unauthorised development and any associated materials in respect thereof from the site. The Committee reviewed the reasons why it was considered expedient to take enforcement action. The unauthorised development had been erected on land situated within the Metropolitan Green Belt where there is a presumption against development other than for a specified list of categories such as development for agriculture or forestry. The unauthorised development does not fall within any of these categories and as such constitute inappropriate development, which by definition harmful to the Metropolitan Green Belt. As well as being unacceptable in principle, the unauthorised development represents a prominent physical and visual intrusion into the Green Belt, and no very special circumstances had been advanced sufficient to warrant an exception to the normal operation of Green Belt policy. As such the unauthorised development is contrary to policies GB1 and EP3 of the South Bucks District Local Plan (adopted March 1999). The site is located within the Colne Valley Park wherein proposals will only be permitted where, amongst other criteria, they maintain and enhance the landscape in terms of its character, its scenic