Name of Deceased (Surname First) Address, Description
Date before which Name of Deceased Address, description and date of death of Deceased Names, addresses and descriptions of Persons to whom notices of claims are to be given notices of claim (Surname first) and names, in parentheses, of Personal Representatives to be given CARWITHEN, Elsie 14 Eaton Gardens, Hove, Sussex, Widow. 24th Barclays Bank Limited, Trustee Department, 139 North Street, Brighton 1, Sussex ... 8th October 1966 Margaret. July 1966. (121) RASTALL, Fred 2SA Brooklands Avenue, Sheffield, Retired Gentle- Kesteven, Lamb & Williams, 8 Bank Street, Sheffield 1, Solicitors. (Harry Buxton) ... 10th October 1966 men's Outfitter. 24th January 1966. (122) HARRIS, Richard Lacey... 8 Derby Road, Cheam, Surrey, Retired Bank Westminster Bank Limited, Trustee Department, 56 Dingwall Road, Ciroydon, Surrey 17th October 1966 Manager. 18th June 1966. (123) sw? LAWTON, William Bryn Dewi, Marian Glas, Anglesey, Retired Sea Carter, Vincent & Co., Wellfield Offices, Bangor, Caernarvonshire, Solicitors. (Midland 8th October 1966 Captain. 23rd April 1966. Bank Executor and Trustee Company Limited.) (124) CARTER, Henry Gordon Bodlondeb, Beaumaris, Anglesey, Solicitor. 12th Carter Vincent & Co., Wellfield Offices, Bangor, Caernarvonshire, Solicitors. (Cecily 8th October 1966 June 1966. M. C. Carter.) (125) BOURCHIER, Frances St. Raphael's, Danehurst, Dane Hill, Sussex, National Bank Limited, Executor and Trustee Department, 28 Cavendish Square, 19th October 1966 Chadwick. Spinster. 12th June 1966. London W.I. (126) £N? W WRETHAM, David George 51 Holmesdale Road, Reigate, Surrey, Retired De- Morrison, Harries & Willows, 46 High Street, Reigate, Surrey, Solicitors. (Alfred 14th October 1966 corator. 9th July 1966. Charles Wretham.) (127) LAW, Esther Katharine Bramstone, Chipping Hill, Witham, Essex, Spinster. Barclays Bank Limited, Trust Department, P.O.
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