Asylum Reports have been received for 1914-15 from thaw marked wikb an asterisk :-English adWcDh Cmmty.--Beds, Berks, Bucks, Cambridge, Carmarthen,. Chester, Chester (Parkside), , , Denbigh, Derby, , Dor+et,* Durham, Eysex* (Brentwoorl), (Colchester),* Glamcrtgm,* Gloucaster, Hants, , Isle of Man, Hereford, Hart- ford, ,' Lancarshire (Lancaster), (Rainhill), (Prestwich),' (Whitsingham), (Winwick)., bicester, Lincoln (Kesteven), (Bracebridge), London County, London City,* , Monrnouth,. , Northampton, Northurnberlan&* Notkingham, Oxford, Salop,* (Wells), (Taunton), Stafford (Stafford),* (Burntwoad),* (Cheddleton),* , (Brookwoad), (Netherne), [East),* (Chichester), Warrvick. Wilb, Worcester (Poaick),* Barnsley, Hall). Yorksbire (Wakefield),* (Wadsky), (Menston), (Clifton), (Beverley) (Storthe NalI). Borougia.-Birmingham (Winson Green), (Robery Hill), Bristol, Canterbury, Cardiff, Derby, Exeter. Hull Heath.. Ipsvich, Leisester, liddlnbrough, Ne~ca~lgNrn;eh, ham, Plymouth, Portsmouth, Sunderland, West Ham. Hasfiit&.-Manches-Hac,dz ter, Wonlord, Barnwood,* Albert, Lincoln, St. I.ukels, St. Andrew's, St, Ann's, Coppice, Warneford, Coton Hill, Bethlern, Earlswoad,* Bootham, The Retreat (York),* Broadmoor, Rampton, Royal Eastern Countiev Institution for Idiots (CoIch~ster),Y~~trupotit~n d~y2ums Board.* Scotland.-Aberdwn (Kingseat),* Argyil, Ayr, Dumfries, Edinburgh,* hiidlothian, Fife, Dundee, Montrase, Inverne~,~Lanark," Barony, Glasgow (District), (Royal),' (WoodiIee), Govan,* Kirklands, Perth, Murthly, itoxburgh,* Stirling, Baldovan. Ir#lad.-brrnagh, Ballinasloe, Belfast, Cartow, Castlebar, Clonmel, Cork, Downpatrick,' Ennis, Enniworthy, Parnham, Kilkenny, Kiliarney, Letterkenny, Limerick, tandondery, Maryborough, Monaghan, MulEingar, Ornagh, PaErnerston, Richmond, St. Patrick's, Sligo, Waterford.

The following Asylum Reports have also come to hand :-Egypt, Cape rrt Good Hope, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Victoria, New York? Masss- chusetts Houpital, Ontario, Verdun, Warren, Pennsylvania, Phila- delphia Friends, Binghampton, Willard. Northampton, Long View, South Australia, Cleveland, Mattenwan.* New Soath Wales, Agra and Oudh, Assam, Madras, Bengal, Bombay, Central Pro- vincea, Rangoon, Punjab, North-Western Prov~nces, 'rezpur, Mississippi, Pennsylvania Hospital, Wash~ngton, Utica, Long Island, Virginia Central. Illinois Wmt, New , Butler. Maryland, Pennsylvania West, South Mountain, Manhattan, Indiana East, Con- necticut, Carolina N., Dakota N., Ohio, Carthage, Buffalo, Michigan East, Missouri, Alt Scherbitr, hiassachusetts Board,' Virginia West, Pennsylvania, Danville, Sheppard and Pratt Hospital, Baltimore, Pannryivania, Harrisburgs, Psnnsylv,snia, Nurristown, Aarbns, Lebanon, Hudson River, Rochester, Taunton, Iowa, Jamaica, Gnhamstowo, Pretoria, Albany, Tarrytown, -Straib Settlements, Lower Austria. Authorr of Original Papers receive as reprints of their articles free ct cost if application be made on the siips when returning proof. If any tsfrsreprint* are re- quired, notice shoutd be at the same time sent to the Printers, Mepgrs. ADLARD& SON and WEST NEWMAN,as, Bartholomew Close, London, E.C.,who will supply them at a fixed charge. Unless instructions are sent by authors of Papers when ths proofs are raturned, no copies can be guaranteed.

The copies of the Joarrwal of Memtul Sci.mcc are regularly sent by carrier, wbo in every case obtains a receipt of deliwry, to the Ordinary and Honorary Members of the Association. Complaints of non-receipt of the Jourx~tshould be sent to Messrs. ADLARD. Any change of address should be intimated to the General Secretary. JOURNAL OF MENTAL SCIENCE, JULY, 1916. r BOREATTON PARK. Founded by the late W. H. O. SÄNKET, M.D., F.R.C.P., for the reception of a limited number of ladies and gentlemen mentally afflicted, and now conducted on the same lines tiy Ins son, E. H. O. SANKEY, M.A., MB.,'..

The house, a first-class country Mansion, specially adapted for its purpose, stands about 400 ft. above the sea and commnnds maxwrt- cent views of Welsh mountain scenery. The Gardens slope to the West, and lead to the Deer 1'ark, one of the oldest in the kingdom. There is fishing both for trout and coarse fish in the pool«ir, the Deer Park, and the right of fishinjr in ¡i'nout5 miles of the Kiver Perry is leased. There are Hot Houses and Orchard House. Private Golf Course of 18 holes. Tennis Courts, and Croquet Lawns. So far as possible ihr patients of both sexes take their incalÃ- and associate at all times with the family of the Supei intendent, the object being to make the house as much as possible like an ordinary country house. Arrangements can be made for friends of the Patients to reside in the house should they desire to do so. There is good stable accommodation, and Horses, Carriages and Motor are provided. For further particulars apply — Dr. SANKEY,BoreattonPark, Baschurch, Salop.

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Pages Original Articles.— Occasional Notes on the Mental Deficiency Act ; by Sir Bryan Donkin, M.D.Oxon., F.R.C.P.—Cases of High Grade Mental Deficiency; by Jane I. Robertson, M.B.—Diet as a Factor in the Causation of Mental Disease ; by Chas. Mercier, M.D.Lond., F.R.C.P.Lond.—Zcla's Study of Heredity ; by J. Barfield Adams, L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S., M.P.C.—Catatonia as a Type of Mental Reaction ; by David K. Henderson, M.D.—Extracts from an Address delivered April I2th, 1916, before the Zoological Department of the University of Chicago ; by Casper L. Redfield.—Presidential Address : Our Work as Psychiatrists, and its Opportunities ; by Edward N. Brush, M.D. 469—594

Clinical Notes and Cases.— " Pseudologia Phantastica, or Pathological Lying, in a Case of Hysteria with Moral Defect" ; by Williamina Shaw Dunn, M.D., D Se. . . 595—599

Reviews.— The First Annual Report of the Board of Control, for the year 1914.—An Introduction to Social Psychology; by William McDougall, F.R.S.Loud.— The Sex Complex ; by W. Blair J3ell, B.S., M.D.—The Theory of Psycho analysis ; by C. S. Jnng 599—6OCj

Epitome of Current Literature.— I. Psychology and Psychopathology.—2. Clinical Neurology and Psychiatry. —3. Treatment of Insanity.—4. Sociology.—5. Asylum Reports . 609—634

Notes and News.— The Medico-Psychological Association of Great Britain and Ireland.— South-Eastern Division.—South-Western Division.—Northern and Mid land Division.—Asylum Workers' Association.—Hospital " Preparedness " in .—Examination for Nursing Certificate.—Obituary.—Ballin- asloe Asylum.—Correspondence.—Notice to Contributors . . 634—652