Student Avoids Abduction, Credits 3/3 Rocks Valley
INSIDE SCOUTS BOATING Legal Assistance A-10 Safety A-9 Shoot, B-1 Classes, B-1 Ticket to Fun B-3 Vol. 26, No. 46 Serving the base of choice for the 21st century November 27, 1997 Thanksgiving Dinner Student avoids abduction, credits Come join your Marine Corps fami- ly at the Anderson Hall 'Fantastic D.A.R.E. Thursday from 1 to 5 p.m. On for know Feast training how the menu are turkey, ham, beef, between the child and a parent. gravy, candied sweet potatoes, cran- Cpl. Melinda Weathers When the man didn't give the berry sauce, corn, peas and onions, MarForPac Public Affairs Topic correct response, the girl pulled rolls breads, salads, fruit cup, mixed MARINE FORCES PACIF- away and ran for help, school nuts, assorted pies and more. Get CZI Girl outsmarts sus- IC, Camp H. M. Smith A officials said. Once she arrived tickets at the ASYMCA. Cost for - kidnapper. 7-year-old Pearl City girl out- pected safely at her afterschool day- family Members of corporals and smarted a suspected kidnapper care center, she shared the below is $3.90 and $5.20 for all oth- CI She credits a outside Lehua Elementary ordeal and description of the ers. For more inforination, call 257- Marine Corps Drug School Thursday thanks to the suspected kidnapper with her 1621. Abuse Resistance teaching of Cpl. Joshua Scott. care giver, who quickly called Education officer with Scott is a 20-year-old Marine the Honolulu Police. Dental Assistants Corps Drug Abuse Resistance telling her how to deal Police notified Lehua officials Education officer who teaches with such a situation.
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