- God of Wisdom, with 3D MODEL ONLY

Scan Hindu Heritage


updated 4. 1. 2021 | published 4. 1. 2021


Hayagriva or Hayagreeva is also considered an of Lord . He is worshiped as the God of and wisdom, with a human body and a horse’s head, brilliant white in color, with white garments. Hayagriva literally means ‘one with a horse’s head’. He has four hands, with one in the mode of bestowing knowledge; another holds books of wisdom, and the other two hold the Conch and Discus. He is considered the Guru of goddess - the goddess of Knowledge. His blessings are sought when beginning study of both sacred and secular subjects. His face is always serene and peaceful, if not smiling. He is most commonly worshipped along with his consort Lakshmi, seen here sitting on his lap. This signifes the coming together of wisdom symbolised by Hayagriva and wealth symbolised by goddess Lakshmi. Lakshmi Hayagriva form combines wisdom and prosperity. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hayagriva

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