Bandit Leeks

Candy Sweet Onion

Cabernet Red Onion Onions can be planted in the spring or fall seasons. Plant onions in early fall in warm soil so a strong root system will be established before winter sets in. As winter arrives, the onion crop goes dormant. Then, in early spring as temperatures and soil warm again, the onions come back to life. Parade Bunching Onion (Scallion) P. 2 Tuscan Garden Colourful Veggie Garden

Cabbage Patch & Pals

Heirloom Garden Rainbow Cauliflower

Signature Salad Asian Stir Fry Super Foods

P. 3 Likes lots of sun Prefers full sun and nutrient rich, or part shade. well-draining soil. Imperial Star Artichoke Adagio Arugula Lucky Lion Edamame

Exquisite, tender, gourmet, stringless bean. Jade Green Beans Detroit Supreme Beets Emerald Crown Broccoli

Combination of broccoli and kale. Good for stir-fries. Atlantis Brokali Gustus Brussels Sprouts Famosa Savoy Cabbage P. 4 Perfect for stir-fries and coleslaws. Farao Green Cabbage Bishops Cauliflower Tiger Collards

Award winning. High yielding. Crisp and sweet .

Calypso Cucumber (Pickling) Sweet Success Cucumber Nadia Eggplant

Finely curled, deep red are sweet and tender. Black Magic Kale (Dinosaur) Redbor Kale Vates Blue Curled Kale P. 5 Heirloom. Also known as Merveille des Quatre Saisons (Marvel of 4 seasons).

Bergam's Green Lettuce Continuity Butterhead Lettuce Gourmet Salad Blend Lettuce

New Red Fire Leaf Lettuce Parris Island Cos Romaine Lettuce Rouge d'Hiver Romaine Lettuce

P. 6 Prefers warm, well-drained, soil, high in organic matter.

Bandit Leeks Athena Cantaloupe Baby Watermelon

Sweet and mild flavour. Good for salads, burgers and sandwiches.

Cabernet Red Onion Candy Sweet Yellow Onion Parade Bunching Onion

Sugar Ann Snap Peas Dill's Atlantic Giant Pumpkin Sirio Radicchio P. 7 One of the most intensely spicy species of the chili peppers. El Jefe Pepper (Hot Jalapeno) Habanero Rojo Pepper (Hot) King Arthur Pepper (Sweet)

Orange Marmalade Pepper (Sweet) Snackabelle Red Pepper (Sweet) Thai Dragon Pepper (Hot) Sweet bell pepper. Good for stuffing. Good yields.

Rich, sweet flavour P. 8 great for fresh eating. Santorini Spinach Buckingham Zucchini Squash Noche Zucchini Squash

Thrives in full sun and likes warmer weather.

Burgess Buttercup Squash Waltham Butternut Squash Berries Galore Strawberry

Bright Lights Swiss Chard Grande Rio Verde Tomatillo P. 9 P. 10 Perfect for burgers and sandwiches. For the various ways of eating or cooking, be sure to plant an assortment of tomatoes. Cherry tomatoes Beefsteak (Slicing) • sweet and crisp; popular for Candyland Tomato (Cherry) snacking and salads. Favourite for good yields and garden performance. Grape tomatoes • crisp & crunchy; oval shape; perfect for snacking. Paste or sauce tomatoes • Italian plum; lower water Heirloom content makes them good Black (Cherry) for sauces, stews, pastes, (Slicing) and drying. Slicing tomatoes • large-sized fruits; very juicy flavourful; popular for burgers, sandwiches, Heirloom grilling and Caprese salads. Black Prince Tomato (Slicing) Tomato (Slicing)

P. 11 Heirloom

Green Grapes Tomato (Cherry) La (Paste) Legend Tomato (Slicing)


Lemon Boy Tomato (Slicing) Little Bing Tomato (Cherry) Tomato (Slicing)


Patio Tomato (Slicing) Red Cherry Tomato (Cherry) (Paste) P. 12 Fan Favourite. Flavourful and sweet.

Sugar Gloss Tomato (Cherry) Sungold Tomato (Cherry) Super Fantastic Tomato (Slicing)

Sweet 100 Tomato (Cherry) Sweet Hearts Tomato (Grape) Fantastic variety for hanging baskets.

Perfect for a sunny kitchen window.

Sweet Million Tomato (Cherry) Sweet 'n Neat Tomato Tumbler Tomato (trailing) P. 13 Basil needs heat and sun to thrive.

Everleaf Emerald Tower Basil Genovese Italian Basil Newton Basil


Sweet, anise-like scent and hints of Prefers cooler weather. It grows licorice flavour. best in a well-drained, moist soil. Red Rubin Basil Thai Basil Chives Santos Cilantro (Coriander) P. 14 Likes sunlight and fertile, well- Spanish lavender like draining soil. cooler temps so perfect for early spring.

Fernleaf Dill Bandera Pink Lavender Bandera Purple Lavender Lemon Verbena

Thrives in the sun. Mojito Mint Oregano Dark Italian Flat Leaf Parsley Darki Curled Parsley Prefers well-drained, fertile soil.

Rosemary Sage Sugar Love Stevia Thyme P. 15 Gertrude Jekyll

P. 16 tried-and-true.com