Discovery Time at Home for , March 28, 2021

Introduction To begin, explain to your child(ren) that we have come to the end of as we celebrate Palm Sunday and get ready for Easter next week. This Sunday brings our season to a grand conclusion as we walk with into with people cheering him on with palm branches.

This Week’s Story: :1-11 Jesus and his followers were coming closer to Jerusalem. Jesus sent two of his followers into a nearby town to find a colt tied which no one had ridden and bring it to him. The followers went into the town and found a colt tied in the street near the door of a house. Some people were standing there and asked, “What are you doing? They answered the way Jesus told them to and the people let them take the colt. They brought the colt to Jesus, put their coats on the colt, and Jesus sat on it. Many people spread their coats on the road. Others cut branches and spread them on the road. Some people walked ahead of Jesus while others followed him, but all of them were shouting, “Hosanna! Praise God! Bless the One who comes in God’s name!” Jesus entered Jerusalem and then went into the Temple.

Discuss with your child(ren) about the last time they went to a parade. What did they see? Why did people come together in this way? Ask them if they remember when the Toronto Raptors won the championship. That is a different type of parade. It is more like what the people were doing than coming together for a Santa Claus parade. Explain that there is another kind of parade that also shines some light on what happened. Ask them if they remember the marches from last summer when people were protesting racism. Jesus’ arrival into Jerusalem was like that. A demonstration or protest march as much as a welcome celebration. How do we know this? Because Jesus coming into Jerusalem riding on a young colt or a donkey was the opposite of what you would expect as people shouted “Hosanna” (rescue us). How can you rescue people while riding a humble donkey rather than a powerful war horse? Jesus was showing the people that the salvation he bringing would not be a continuation of war, racism and injustice but a new world of love, compassion and equity for everyone. We wave branches to say that is the world we want.

This Week’s Activity: Making your own palm branch!

In preparation to welcome Jesus into Jerusalem, make your own palm branch to wave during the palm parade or during the week as we get ready for Easter. Chances are that your parents made these when they were your age. Rev. James remembers doing so. Instructions for this activity are courtesy of “A Madison Mom”

Materials: ▪ three full sheets of newspaper per palm branch ▪ tape (masking tape works well) ▪ scissors


How to make your palm branch:

1. Spread one sheet of newspaper on a flat surface.

2. Start to roll the newspaper sheet from one of the sides into a tube.

3. Just before you get to the end of rolling the tube, place the start of the second sheet just inside the end of the first sheet. (about a 2” overlap is good)

4. Continue rolling with the second sheet. Insert the third sheet at the end of the second sheet the same way.

5. Continue rolling.

6. When you complete the roll, tape one strip of masking tape all the way around the tube in two places—about half-way and an inch or so up from one end.

7. At the end that is not taped, cut down the tube through all the sheets down to the top of the tape that goes across the middle of the tube.

8. Continue making three more slits all the way down the tube to the tape for a total of four cuts. The cut strips of the newspaper tube will start to cascade.

9. After the whole section has been cut, find one of the center strips. Very gently, start to pull it up. The branch will start to “grow.” Pull until the branch is about the height of the original tube, possibly longer if it is sturdy.

10. You’ve made a palm branch. Wave in celebration of Jesus