Nachrichten Nr. 493 Oktober 2011 ISSN 0384-952X

Concordia Club, 429 Ottawa St. S., Kitchener, , Canada N2M 3P6 / Tel. (519) 745-5617, Fax 745-5141 Internet: or for e-mail: [email protected]

7.-15. Oktober 2011 Oktoberfest

5. November 2011 STIFTUNGSFEST CONCORDIA IM OKTOBER Klub Vorschau/Club Events Group Events SUNDAY Oktober Halle 1.00–5.00 Ballroom Dancing 1. Schenke: Edelweiss Duo MONDAY Halle 7.00–8.30 Gemischter Chor 1. Tent: Oktoberfest Rocks the Tent 2011, 6pm 8.30–10.00 Männerchor Jaegerstube 6.00–7.00 Kinderchor 7.-15. Oktoberfest is here! 7.00–8.00 Jugendchor TUESDAY 16.-19. Club closed for cleanup Halle 6.00–8.00 Kinder & Junior Garde Jaegerstube 8.00–10.00 Narrenzunft 22. Schenke: Graham & Bowie Schenke 7.30–10.00 Skat-Gruppe WEDNESDAY 29. Schenke: TC Alpine Echo Halle 6.00–10.00 Enzian Group Jaegerstube 3.00–5.30 Senioren[Gruppe (1st Wed. of month) 7.30–10.00 Ladies Group (1st Wed. of month) November preview: Jaegerstube 7.30–10.00 Horticultural Group (2nd Wed. of month) 5. Schenke: DJ Christa 7.30 Bowlers (3rd Wednesday of month) Weinstube 19.00 Tennisgruppe 5. Hall: Stiftungsfest/Club Birthday Party with the (Jeden 2. Mittwoch im Monat) Weinstube 7 pm Tennisgruppe (2nd Wed. of month) Edelweiss Duo, 6pm THURSDAY Halle 6.00–8.00 Senioren Garde 12. Hall: Black Forest Band 8.00–10.00 Table Tennis Group Jaegerstube 7.00–1.00 Schach/Chess 13. Woodland Cementary: German Remembrance Eisstock 7.00–10.00 Eisstock-Gruppe Day Ceremony, 2:30pm with coffee and cake Schenke 9.00 Fussball/Soccer after at the Concordia Club FRIDAY Victoria Bowl 6.45 Bowlers 19. Schenke: TC Alpine Echo Jaegerstube 8.00 “Treffpunkt” (2nd Friday of month)

Office Telephone Schenke Band Schedule 572 Extensions & Info Line Daily Specials 532 Front Office 101 Oktoberfest and upcoming Events 541 Membership 101 Oktoberfest Bands 572 Banquet Inquiries 101 Oktoberfest Parking & Dress Code 573 Manager 102 Payroll 103 Oktoberfest Ticket Availability 574 Accounting 104 Special Announcements Reservations 105 & Farm Bridge Report 543 General Inquiries 105 2009 Membership Fees 524 Ticket Sales 105 You can call the extensions or announcements by using Portier/Doorman 106 any touch tone telephone. 2 Veranstalltungen begrüssen zu dürfen ver- Bericht des Präsidenten abschiede ich mich bis zum nächsten Mal. Euer Präsident Karl Braun Es ist wieder Oktober- festzeit und zur Zeit ich President’s Report diese Zeilen schreibe ist Hans Malthaner mit sei- It is Oktoberfest time again and as I write nen Helfern mit dem this report Hans Malthaner and his helpers Innenausbau des Zeltes are busy in the tent setting everything up for voll beschäf tigt. Der the big celebration. We can be proud to cel- Concordia Club kann ebrate the 44th Oktoberfest in our Club. The stolz darauf sein, dass advanced ticket sales were very good and wir das 44. Oktoberfest feiern können. Der the weekends are almost sold out. Eintrittskartenverkauf war dieses Jahr Every year new problems arise and it is not wieder sehr gut und die Wochenenden sind easy to comply with these obstacles. This bereits ausverkauft. year it’s the capacity in the tent and the Jedes Jahr werden uns immer wieder neue main building. We have to subtract all staff Probleme vor die Füsse gelegt. Dieses Jahr and workers in the booths from the total ist es die Kapatzität im Zelt und Klub- capacity (about 500). The board of directors gebäude. Wir müssen dieses Jahr und in Zu- is asking all groups to please keep their staff kunft die Belegschaft und Arbeiter der to a minimum. With the groups’ help we Grup pen von der erlaubten Anwesen den - hope to have another successful Oktober - zahl abziehen (ungefähr 500). Darum bittet fest. der Vorstand alle Gruppen, die Anzahl ihrer The washrooms for the Schenke are fin- Arbeiter in den Buden auf ein Minimum zu ished and we hope everybody is satisfied. beschränken. Mit Hilfe unserer Gruppen The upstairs washrooms will be renovated hoffen wir, wieder ein erfolgreiches Okto- early in the spring of 2012. We thank you for ber fest verzeichnen zu können. you patience. Die Waschräume für die Schenke sind fertig Please join us as we celebrate the Concordia und wir hoffen der Umbau ist zufriedenstel- Club’s 138th anniversary at Stiftungsfest on lend. Wir danken unseren Gästen für ihre Saturday, November 5th. Geduld und ihr Verständnis. Anfang des kommenden Jahres fangen wir mit den Sunday November 13th is the Remem- Waschräumen für die Halle an. brance Day Ceremony at Woodland Ceme - Unser Stiftungsfest ist am 5. November, tery, followed by coffee and cake at the besorgt euch Eintrittskarten und seid dabei. Concordia Club. Der Volkstrauertag findet am 13. November I look forward to seeing you at Oktoberfest, auf dem Woodland Friedhof statt, anschlies- Stiftungsfest and Woodland Cemetary. send Kaffee und Kuchen im Concordia Your President Club. Mit der Hoffnung euch bei diesen Karl Braun 3 ders und auch farbenfroh bereichern, da Der Geschäftsführer berichtet kann es einem doch gar nicht langweilig werden!!

Küchenchef Andreas Christophersen Oktoberfest und seine Mitarbeiter schaffen fieber- Vorbereitungen fürs haft an all den für eine Küche typischen diesjährige Oktober - Vorbe reitungen, damit auch ja alles im fest laufen schon seit Kü chenbereich wieder klappt. Das war Mitte August auf in diesem Jahr eine besondere Heraus- Hochtouren. Es geht forderung mit den großen Per sonal - darum, alle unsere wechseln in unserer Küche, aber alles Gäste von nah und fern zu verwöhnen. scheint wieder in bester Ordnung! Der Schließlich und end lich möchte jeder- Kartenvorverkauf war in diesem Jahr mann ein paar schöne, erlebnisreiche wieder besser als im Vorjahr! Unser und gleichsam vergnügliche Stunden Internet-Verkauf der Karten hat sich im Klub verbringen. Wir hoffen dann, auch in diesem Jahr weiterhin gesteigert daß sich jeder gerne daran erinnert und und wir sind froh und glücklich, dass vielleicht auch in den Folgejahren sich diese Maß nahme so gut bewährt wieder zum Concordia Club und zum hat! (eigentlich mache ich mir schon Oktoberfest kommt. Sorgen, denn die Karten verkaufen sich Wenn man 250 zusätzliche Mitarbeiter zu schnell und lassen nichts für sowohl einzuweisen, einzulernen als Menschen, die es sich erst im August auch zu “betreuen” hat, ist das gar nicht oder Anfang September über legen zum so einfach, denn es nimmt einiges an Klub zu kommen) Im Moment haben Zeit und Aufwand, bis sich alles wir noch einige Karten für die eingearbeitet hat! Bevor alles reibungs- Wochentage, so - falls Sie sich kurz- los funktioniert, ist oftmals das Ok to - fristig entscheiden, den Klub zu berfest schon fast vorbei und damit besuchen: Sie finden immer noch genü- dann auch so einiges an Aufregung und gend Platz. angespannten Nerven. Selbstverständlich genießen unsere Mit- Für gutes Essen und Getränke ist wieder glieder einen anderen, besonderen gesorgt und natürlich spielt die Musik Vorteil, denn alle erhalten am Sonntag mit alten und neuen Oktoberfest und Montag freien Eintritt! Bitte brin- Melodien. Tanzgruppen und andere gen Sie Ihre Mitgliedskarte mit und Unterhaltungs einlagen sind ebenso mit zeigen Sie diese am Eingang vor (denn im Programm eingeschlossen. Hinzu die Angestellten an der Tür kennen kommt dann natürlich noch die nicht jeden)!! Am Diens tag abend ist nur Mithilfe unserer Untergrup pen, die die Schenke geöffnet (bei freiem Eintritt durch ihre verschiedenen Aktivitäten mit einer Spende an die Foodbank) und und Spielbuden das Zelt ganz beson- ab Mittwochabend gehts dann wieder 4 rund: in diesem Jahr wieder zu Gast ist positives Wesen ist auf jeden Fall Walter Ostanek zusammen mit der ansteckend. Sein Lä cheln und sein Black Forest Band! . Wer Walter Lebensmut stecken einfach an! Er ist noch nicht richtig kennt, hat hier eine tatsächlich eine Legende! Seien Sie mit wirklich einmalige Gelegenheit, dies zu dabei! Erleben Sie Walter Ostanek am tun! In den letzten drei Jahren war es Mittwochabend! Der Eintritt ist ganz ein Genuss mitzuerleben, wie er eine normal: nur $ 10.-!!!! durchaus jugendliche Besucherschar Sonntagsbrunch sofort in Begeiste rungsstimmung Immer wieder werden wir danach gebracht hatte! Elektrisch wäre das gefragt, ob der Klub während des richtige Wort! Die Menschen stürmten Oktoberfests oder auch gleich nach dem zur Tanzfläche, Arme flogen auf und ab Oktoberfest zum Sonntagsbrunch und hiermit war die Party so richtig im geöffnet ist. Leider können wir dies aus Gange, die Stimmung war einfach logistischen Gründen nicht machen! großartig - und das gleich von Anfang Der Klub ist wieder ab dem 20. Oktober an!! Man konnte einfach sehen, dass zu den normalen Öffnungszeiten Walter etwas hat, das alle Zuhörer in zugänglich und dann ist auch der ihren Bann zieht. Sein Lächeln und sein bekannte Sonntagsbrunch zu den gewöhnlichen Öffnungszeiten zurück. Stiftungsfest Eintrittskarten für die Geburtstagsfeier bzw. das Stif- tungsfest des Concordia Clubs am Samstagabend, dem 5. November sind schon seit dem 13. September im Klubbüro erhältlich. Karten für Mit - glieder sind nur $ 20.- (Nicht mitglieder $ 40.-) und schließen die Cocktail - stunde, das Essen, sowie die Tanz - unterhaltung zu den Klängen des Edelweiss Trios, mit ein. Bedingt durch Oktoberfest und die damit zusammen- hängende Umstel lung im Büro, können wir leider keine Eintrittskarten zwis- chen dem 6. und 19. Oktober verkaufen. Ich wünsche Ihnen ein schönes, sicheres und vor allem unterhaltsames Oktoberfest!! Mit freundlichen Grüßen Peter Pijet 5 ...FROM THE MANAGER’S Although tickets are sold out for the DESK: weekends, there are still hundreds available during mid-week. Of course Oktoberfest all our members can visit their club without having to pay admission on the Our most important annual club event Sunday and Monday of Oktoberfest!! is fast approaching and with all the Please bring your membership card extra events this year we’ve been along, since our staff at the door needs extremely busy in getting everything to see proof (after all our door staff can- ready in time. not know all our members, as they are Ticket sales this year have been very only temporary employees hired to good, especially our on line sales over work Oktoberfest - they indeed need the internet increased nicely over and your co-operation to make it work well above last year! smoothly and efficiently). Obviously we must be doing something Tuesday during Oktoberfest we’ll only right, because tickets for the weekends have the Schenke open in the evening. are a hot commodity as you have also Admission again is free, providing seen in our local media. We sometimes every guest brings a donation to the wish to have more tickets for our late local Food Bank! bloomers and surprise visitors, but no On Wednesday night we feature Walter matter how we try to distribute tickets, Ostanek together with the Black Forest we’ll always find ourselves being short Band! If you haven’t experienced this and outwitted. icon of Canadian Polka or as he is On the 1st Friday evening everybody is referred to “Canada’s Polka King” it may happy and in a good mood, because be high time to do so and this night may they are together with so many of their be the perfect opportunity. Let me tell friends and it’s “homecoming time”! It’s you I am surprised myself every year to wonderful to just experience this! Most witness how Walter Ostanek instanta- certainly we are also talking about a neously connects with the “young and positive “Oktoberfest experience” for all restless” crowd of mostly university stu- of our guests. This positive spririt can dents! They have fun from the first song only happen if all of us pull on the same on and create an atmosphere of pure fun string and cooperate to achieve this goal being in the tent! Admission this year is as a team. That effort has to include all again only $ 10.- and to see Walter it is our staff as well as our groups and vol- certainly worth it!!. unteers. The payback for this effort may Where can you get to see such a per- not be immediate, but rather long term – formance for only $10.-!!!??? His smile and having a festival survive 44 years and positive outlook is truly contagious, speaks volumes of a long term effort and genuine and certainly connects him continued success! Congratulations to with the crowd like no other! I had the every body who contributed or was part pleasure dealing with him in the past of it in the past!! and let me tell you this man is very spe- 6 cial. He’s one you’ll never forget, beginning of November, to be exact on because he has positive charisma! November 5th, 2011. Tickets are avail- Undoubtedly he is an icon to be seen, able for $ 20.- per member ($40.- per heard and experienced. Some others non member) and have been available have said: for that admission price “you since September 13th. The admission just have to go, he’s too important to price includes taxes, gratuities, appetiz- miss”!! ers, the meal and entertainment by the well known Edelweiss Trio. Unfor - Of course we hope even in these eco- tunately due to organizational issues, nomically challenged times that we’ll tickets cannot be sold during Okto- be able to surpass our sales of last year berfest between October 6th and 19th. to make this Oktoberfest a memorable However they’ll be available again start- one! ing October 20th. Sunday Brunch Wishing you a fun filled and enjoyable Every September and October we get Ok toberfest frequent calls of people wanting to come for brunch on Sunday during I remain with best regards Oktoberfest as well as the Sunday right after. Due to logistics and the nature of Peter Pijet, Manager the Sunday (family day) we will not be able to provide a brunch on either Sunday the 9th nor the 16th of October. BRESLAU ELECTRIC LIMITED However the club will re-open after 47 Bridge St. E., Kitchener, Ont., Canada N2K 1J7 cleanup on October the 20th for regular SPECIALIZING IN MACHINE CONTROL opening hours which means Brunch is Peter Schoepke, CET available again on the 23rd!! Phone (519) 570-1355 Fax (519) 570-4296 Club Birthday Party Pager (519) 244-6099 Our annual Stiftungsfest or Club Birth - Residence (519) 741-9198 day Party is to celebrate the club’s birth- Web Page: day and of course it’s done right at the e-mail:[email protected]

7 January 20th Annual Meeting Concordia Bowlers February 10th Cosmic Bowling April 20th Last Day of Bowling Unsere neue Saison hat am 9. September May 5th Closing Banquet angefangen. Ein herzliches willkommen an *this is a Saturday - 5:30p.m. John Reinhardt, Nicole Bergen und an Man- fred und Karin Kruse, die mit uns dieses Our new season is well underway and Jahr kegeln. Wir kegeln jeden Freitag um Oktoberfest is right around the corner. If 6:30 abends in der Victoria Bowl. you still would like to volunteer in our Bowling Booth, please contact one of the Unser Ausflug nach Toronto fand am 17. committee members. As well, the bowlers August statt. Es gab ein leckeres Büfett beim would like to welcome John Reinhardt, Old Mill Inn und Spa, das Wetter war wun- Nicole Bergen and Manfred and Karin Kruse derschön für die Kreuzfahrt im Hafen und who are bowling with us this year. New Totem bei Cirque du Soleil war ausgezeich- bowlers are always welcome. net. Danke alle die teilgenommen ha ben. Finally, best wishes go out to our bowlers Jetzt steht das Oktoberfest vor uns und die who are celebrating a birthday this month as Bereitungen sind im vollen Gang. Freiwil li - well as those who celebrated last month: ge sind immer notwendig für unsere Bowl- ing Booth. Bitte melden Sie sich beim Komi- SEPTEMBER tee an, wenn Sie aushelfen möchten. 11. Rudy Schmidt 12. Veronica Wallner Bis zum nächsten Mal, Monica Kauck 13. Anne Schmidt WICHTIGE DATEN/IMPORTANT DATES: 21. Stan Gaysek 27. Helmut Koeckritz September 9th First Day of Bowling OCTOBER/OKTOBER October 7th- 15th Oktoberfest 21. Diana Nowak December 9th Turkey Roll/Cosmic Bowling 31. Otto Berg December 18th Christmas Party Until next time, *this is a Sunday - noon HAPPY OKTOBERFEST!

8 Concordia Tennis Gruppe In wenigen Tagen fängt das Oktoberfest an, viel Spass. Vom 16. bis 18. August verbrachte unsere Grup pe eine wunderschӧne Zeit im Oak- wood Resort in Grand Bend. Es wurden einige Tennisspiele gespielt. Die Namen mit den Ergebnissen sind folgende: Double: CONCORDIA TENNIS GROUP Heinz /Martin - Manfred/Siegfried 6 - 3 Heinz/Gunter - Heidi/ Martin 6 - 2 In a few days from now the Oktoberfest will Manfred/Gunter - Heinz/Heidi 6 - 1 start again. Siegfried/Martin - Fritz/Gunter 6 - 4 From August 16. to 18. our group spend Manfred/Heinz - Fritz/ Siegfried 6 - 1 some time at the Oakwood Resort in Grand Bend. Single: Siegfried - Fritz 6 - 2 Some of us played a game of tennis. The names and results are as follows: Triple: Manfred 4, Heidi 0, Heinz 2 See German report Bitte zwei wichtige Daten nicht vergessen: There are two important dates to remember: 12. November Jahresversammlung Nov. 12. Annual Meeting 26. November Weihnachtsessen Nov. 26 Christmas Dinner Wir wünschen jedem ein gesegnetes Ernte- Wishing everybody a happy Thanksgiving. dankfest. Anke Silaschi Anke Silaschi

9 Club to reserve seats. Tickets can also be purchased at the door for $12. See adver- 1. KG Narrenzunft Concordia tisement in this bulletin for more info. Keep February 18th, 2011 free for the annu- Hello Concordia Members, happy Thanks - al Masquerade Party. The Crazy Ladies giving to all!! The leaves have changed co - Night (for everyone!) is always a great way lour, the furnace is on, the long pants are to beat the mid winter blues. See further on...wait...guys hold off on wearing long bulletins for information. pants and get your Lederhosen on, it’s Oktoberfest!! Ladies, I haven’t forgot about Until next time… or before that in the hall you, of course put on your Tracht (Dirndl) and the tent at the Concordia Club during also! Oktoberfest! The Concordia Karneval members are busy Alaaf un Helau preparing for the Oktoberfest Events both at Joan Trautrim the Club and in the community. The Pretzel Booth is up and ready to serve you delicious pretzels. Our Garde girls have been practic- Frauengruppe ing diligently for their performances in the early afternoon on both October 9th and 10th in the tent and in the main hall at the Nach dem herrlichem Sommerwetter und Club. Watch for them in the Oktoberfest sehr angenehmen Herbst-Temperaturen geht Parade October 10th and cheer them on! es nun rapide dem Oktoberfest entgegen. November is around the corner and so is the Die Ladies Group hatte ihre erste Zusam- 45th Karneval Opening Evening. The Mardi menkunft am 7. September und hat den Gras Society Concordia invites you to this Tagestrip am 16. September zum Cirque du Celebration on November 12th at 8:11pm. Soleil nochmals kurz besprochen. Darüber Come and join in an evening of fun with werde ich im nächsten Nachrichtenblatt performances by the Garde and music by berichten. Trotzdem, daß unsere Gruppe the Variations. Doors open at 7pm. Call von Jahr zu Jahr kleiner wird, unsere Frauen Juergen at 519-745-7506 or the Concordia haben sich alle bereit erklärt, während des Oktoberfestes mindestens eine Schicht in der Dartbude zu arbeiten und konnten so PILLER SAUSAGES & den Stundenplan füllen. Vielen, vielen DELICATESSENS LTD. Dank! Makers of finest Nur einen Monat später, am 20. November Quality European Cooked Smoked Meats ist unser bekannter Basar in der Klubhalle, (International Gold Medal Winner) wo unsere fleissigen Frauen Gebasteltes und Available in leading Food Stores from Gebackenes verkaufen und unsere Gäste Coast to Coast sich die guten Torten und Kuchen mit einer 443 Wismer Street, Waterloo, ON Tasse Kaffee schmecken lassen. (519) 743-1412 Else Osbelt, Vice President 10 11 the booth’s taken Garden Group down, the Hatchwell family will once again We hope everyone was able to make the Promote - Motivate September meeting on the 14th (second be hosting the Treff- Appreciate Inspire punkt Thanks giving Wed. of the month, not 13th) for Bob Tom Toth Wildsong’s talk on garden herbs. dinner. This is the President time of year to be Showroom: There will, of course, be no meeting in Oc- thankful for all the 52 Francis St. N., tober due to Oktoberfest activities in our Kitchener, ON N2H 5B5 blessings that are in Phone: (519) 745-5432 club. erhaps , we’ll see some of you work- our life! You don’t Fax: (519) 579-1758 ing or celebrating at this busy time. Mean- Phone: (519) 745-5432 have to go far in the Email: [email protected] while, as gardeners, there is much to do in news to realize that the fall to prepare for next spring. we live in a great country. November the 9th we have Roger Tschanz as Upcoming events: our guest speaker. Roger is the Trial Manager at the University of Guelph. He Oct 7-15 - Oktoberfest! will be speaking to us about new annuals Oct 16 - Dunk tank booth Take down and perennials and colourful foliage in the Oct 21 - Post-Oktoberfest meeting garden. It’s always nice to find out what’s new to add spark to our gardens. Oct 23 - Treffpunkt Thanksgiving Dinner (3:00pm) That brings us to December the 14th, which will be our General Meeting and our Christ- Nov 05 - Stiftungsfest mas social. Come with ideas for next year . Happy Birthday to Harald & Christine Mary Stammwitz Schwegel who both have a birthday this month! Our meetings are on the second Friday of Treffpunkt every month. Please join us at 7:30pm in the Jagerstube. Everyone is welcome! Just before summer was officially over, the Diane Hatchwell, Secretary Treffpunkt got together for one last “hurrah” as we enjoyed a weekend together in a chalet cottage in the Blue Mountain area. Come see our family owned European style deli, committed to award winning Congratulations to Mary Mehnert who slyly food and service! took out Andrea “Black Widow” Schilha est. 1985 Just 5 minutes and proved to be the champion in the from the “Murder Game”. Many thanks to the organ- St. Jacobs Market izers for a great time had by everyone!

Oktoberfest is coming up fast and the Retail 3031 Lobsinger Line Treffpunkt Group is getting the Dunk Tank Wholesale Heidelberg ON, N0B 1Y0 Gluten & M.S.G. Free products available Tel: (519) 699-4590 warmed up and ready! We are looking for- Fax: (519) 699-4234 ward to a very busy and exciting festival. Once everything has been cleaned up and 12 ner at The Home On The Range. After din- Outdoor Group ner Ken Matchett held an awesome talent show. We had a lot amazing singers, dancers, musicians and a saber light show. Fellow Concordia Club and Outdoor Group Ken also had some games for the kids and Members the adults. Best costumes were won by Q Happy Oktoberfest. The trees are changing (Brayden Barkley) 1 year old. He was a 4 their colors, the days are getting shorter and eyed monster. Riley Zimmer won for the age there is dew on the grass in the morning. group 5-10, he was a G.I. Joe and Michelle The camp ground is beautiful this time of Zimmers dad, Roy and Glenda won for the year but unfortunately it is time for us to Scare Crow and Dorothy from The Wizard close down the trailers and get ready to help Of Oz. Our beautiful Miss Concordia was out and party in the tent at Oktoberfest. present handing out gifts and doing the We had our annual corn roast and year end draws. Thank you Kyla. I’m sorry if I missed Outdoor Group meeting at the Home On somebody. Bruce Emmerson set up a movie The Range. It was the best attendance we’ve screen outside and who ever wanted to, had in many years. This was the only reason could watch a horror movie. It was a beauti- I decided to stay on as president for one ful day and a great success. If you missed it more year. I see great potential for this group for one reason or another come out next year especially with the committee I have. We we will make more room for you. I would have added two more committee members like to thank both committees for decorat- Harold Kremkau and Mike Matich. Your ing, cooking, cleaning and volunteering Outdoor Group Committee for 2011-2012 your valuable time. are Alex Thoene, Steve and Michelle Zim- It isn’t the trees, or the dew, or the shorter mer, Andrew Sauer, Kyla Pfister, Leah days that I realize summer is coming to an Martin, Jim Schnarr, Bruce Emmerson (Vice end. It is the tent going up at the Concordia President) and Mario Lulay, President. I Club when it finally clicks in. I wish some- would like to welcome the new committee times you could wait longer to erect this members and I know with this committee massive party tent. I really do need volun- we are going to accomplish even more than teers for the shooting booths again this year. we did last year. Every year we are becom- Call Mario Lulay at ing a bigger and better group. This only hap- 519-577-6005 or email SCHLICHTER’S COMPLETE pens when you have a committee that is me at AUTO REPAIR SERVICE extremely dedicated. [email protected]. Certified The Outdoor Group and Campers Group Thank you and have a Drive Clean Facilities combined a Halloween Party at the camp safe and Happy and Repair Services ground on September 10th. The afternoon Oktoberfest and Toro Lawnmowers/ Thanksgiving. Snow Blowers started with trick or treaters going from Small Engine Repairs camp site to camp site filling loot bags full Mario Lulay of candy. After they were done the Campers 132 Queen St. South ODG President Kitchener - 745-5689 and Outdoor Group Committees served din- 13 Vergnügen STIFTUNGSFEST STIFTUNGSFEST Announcement for the Stiftungsfest on November the 5. 2011. Wie jedes Jahr koennen waehrend des Oktoberfestes keine Eintrittskarten fuer das Stiftungsfest verkauft werden!!!!! As every year, no tickets will be sold during Oktoberfest. If you want to sit with your Bitte reservieren Sie sich daher rechtzeitig Family together please buy and reserve your Ihre Sitze! ALLE Ehrenmitglieder koennen seats early. ihre Plaetze direkt im Buero reservieren, damit koennen sie mit Familie oder Freun- For honorary members there is no automat- den zusammensitzen! ic seat reservation. Please contact the office Es werden KEINE Tische oder Sitze fuer direct and reserve your seat. Ehrenmitglieder automatisch reserviert!!!!!! I wish all the members a wonderful Okto- Ich wuensche Ihnen ein schoenes berfest. Oktoberfest! Rita Allmendinger - Vorsitz Vergnuegen Entertainment - Rita Allmendinger

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THE EVOLUTION OF ALTERNATIVE BAKING Proud maker of the official Old or New - Oktoberfest Pretzel for more than 15 years. Residential - Commercial Industrial Your local supplier of ORGANIC, Water Softeners - WHOLEGRAIN, EUROPEAN STYLE Water Purifiers - and GLUTENFREE PRODUCTS. PLUMBING AND HEATING Water Heaters 105 Lexington Road, Unit #3 Waterloo, ON N2J 4R8 213 Schneller Drive, Thursdays and Saturdays at St. Jacobs Market Baden, ON N3A 2K9 Tel: (519) 725-1920 - Fax: (519) 725-0295 Call (519) 634-5686 200 Lorraine Avenue #3 14 Eby St. N. Fax (519) 634-4986 Kitchener, ON N2B 3R5 Kitchener, ON N2H 2V6 Serving [email protected] Phone:(519)744-6675 Phone:(519)744-4643 stayed for the night. After dinner, those Concordia Choir who weren’t too jet lagged, went on a city tour, which was done by Horst Beyerle, as Nürnberg is his hometown. We were able CMy September bulletin was quite to sing a few songs in a church on our lengthy after the summer break, as I want- tour. It is always a treat to be able to sing ed to save room for the Europe Trip in churches/cathedrals in Europe! Review. Please enjoy the enclosed trip Friday morning we all woke up bright and review, written by Ulrike Schmidt. early, and were on our merry way at 7:30am, to . The highlight of our Just a quick thank you for all the helpers day was when we took a 2 ½ hour river- and supporters who came out to the farm boat cruise on the Danube River, die Blaue for our annual Chicken BBQ picnic. Donau (which was more green than blue)! Happy Oktoberfest! The weather was just beautiful. Actually, in fact, the weather on the entire trip was Dates to remember- Nov 5th Stiftungs fest. awesome, couldn’t have been any better! Yours in song That evening we were in Linz, where we Mary Mehnert CONCORDIA CHOIRS CONCERT TOUR EUROPE 2011 The Concordia Choirs went on a Euro- pean Concert tour June 8th – June 22nd, to , , Croatia and Slovenia. WOW!! All I can say is, those who went along had an amazing time, filled with life long memories, and those who didn’t go along…well…here is a recap of what you missed. June 8th we met at the Concordia Club, big smiles on our faces, very excited that the day has arrived! After all, some of us had been counting down the days, from 141!! Once we arrived in Frankfurt, on June 9th, the bus driver, Oliver, was there in the waiting area to greet us. To our surprise, there was a stocked bar on our double decker bus waiting for us! From Frankfurt we made our way to Nürnberg, where we 19 stayed for 3 nights. Friday evening we going to Museums, enjoying a walk were able to take a walk through beautiful “above the city” on a wooden walkway on Linz, relax in the lobby of the hotel, or top of buildings. Some of us also enjoyed just go to bed early to get a good night’s the beautiful scenery up at the rest! Pöstlingberg. This is also where a few of us found out that, in Austria, when you Saturday, June 11th was a busy day for us, order a bun with your meal, it does not singing. We took part in a High Mass in come with butter. Butter is an extra $0.50! the Pfarrkirche in Marchtrenk, where Bishop Ludwig Schwarz was present. In Monday June 13th – we left Linz to move the afternoon we took part in a on to our next destination, which was “Festfolge”, at the Volkshaus. We were Zagreb, the capital of Croatia. This was an not able to sing all the songs we had on eventful day!! Oliver (our amazing bus our program, due to a bit of confusion on driver) had asked us all if we had our the M.C.’s part, but, everyone enjoyed our passports, because we would probably performance! After our singing, there need them at the border, crossing into were speeches, which just seemed to go Croatia. There were a handful of us that on and on and on… 3 hours later there had left our passports in our suitcases, was a buffet dinner waiting for us, in the which were, of course, already loaded on festhall. the bus! So, our strong “luggage” men, who loaded and unloaded our suitcases Sunday was a free day for everyone. Ilse throughout the trip, unloaded all the suit- Gessner’s, brother, Klaus, was kind cases off the bus, so we could get our enough to provide those of us interested, passports. Actually, the suitcases had to in a city tour, since he lives in Linz. Some be unloaded, not once, but twice, until of us spent the day shopping, walking, everyone had their passports! This

20 delayed our departure from the hotel, but proud Omi and Opa to their healthy it was a good thing we took the extra time Grandson, Erik Joshua Brown. Congra - making sure everyone had their passport tulations!! on them, because we had a security officer come on Board and check everyone’s Wednesday June 15th we had a tour guide passport on the bus. Can you imagine, if who came with us on the bus, as we made we had to unload all the suitcases at the our way to the National Park, Plitvicer border?!? Once we were in Zagreb, (thank Lakes & Waterfalls. This was a few hours goodness Oliver was paying attention), we to drive, but, our tour guide made the had a slight problem. The bridge we drive very exciting. There is so much cul- needed to go under was 3.6 meters. Our ture and history in Croatia (and Europe in bus was 4 meters high. Hmm…so, we had general), it seemed that she had a com- to turn around with our bus that had a ment for every city, Farm, house, tree, that trailer attached with our luggage in it. we passed! That was not an easy task, but, with the We drove through a village where only help of 4 or 5 police officers that stopped one family (and their dog) lived in. Did the rush hour traffic for our bus driver to you know, Croatia has the smallest town turn around, we managed! The challenge in the world? The name of the town is then was to find a bridge that was 4 “Hum” and the total population is 20 peo- meters high! That took us about an hour ple. The town has a store, church, police, or so! When we finally got to our destina- and I believe also a bank! tion, we had a guided city tour of Zagreb. Did you know, that in the city of Zagreb The National Park was picture perfect! there are 240 gas lanterns, that one person The water was crystal clear, the fish, the lights up every single day? Once we got waterfalls, truly amazing!!! We all got our back to the hotel, we had an evening of exercise, walking up 200 stairs, but, wow, free time. so worth it!

Tuesday we were on our way to Wednesday evening was relaxing for Crikvenica, Croatia. Our Hotel that we everyone, as it was a long day! While stayed at, which was the Hotel relaxing outside at the hotel, we saw a Falkensteiner-Therapia, was my favourite moon eclipse! Yup, they have those in Hotel. And we got to stay there for 3 Croatia too! nights! It was like staying in a resort, with view to the Adriatic Sea! We all went for Thursday we traveled to the Island of Krk, a cruise on the Adriatic Sea, where we where, once again, we received a guided enjoyed lunch, and a few brave souls even tour. Lunch was at a Family owned jumped off the boat into the Sea! The Restaurant, with wine tasting. We sang a water was very refreshing (pretty warm few “drinking” songs, had some great actually), and salty!!! Tuesday evening food and good laughs! Thursday evening Kaethe and Karl Braun received the won- we were able to spend doing whatever our derful, exciting news that they became hearts desired! 21 Friday June 17th we were on our way to much to the Piller’s for this amazing out- Ljublijana, the capital of Slovenia. We all ing! We were greeted by the Musikverein made sure to have our passports on us this from St. Stefan. They played some songs time, and not in our suitcases! We all had for us. And then we were entertained by to get out at the border and show our pass- the Schuhplattlers. This was followed by ports, no problems! dinner, wine tasting, more singing, and playing, and great camaraderie! In Ljublijana we had a guided city tour. Here’s a tip if you go to Ljublijana: Don’t Monday we got a tour of the Zotter Choco - J-walk or walk on a red light! If you do, late facilities. With 300 kinds of choco- you could pay 250 Euros! Luckily we late, from hard chocolate, to chili pep- were all good boys and girls and followed pers, to caramel, 30% to 100% bitter, the traffic rules! Unfortunately we were chocolate foun tains, we could eat as only in Slo venia for the day. In the much as our hearts desired! evening we were in , Austria, In the afternoon we did some sightseeing where we stayed at the Gasthof & on the Riegersburg. In the evening we Wellness Hotel Hasenwirt for the next 4 took part in another concert, with two nights. Our group were the only guests in other choirs, from the Steirischen the Hotel. There was a beautiful outdoor Sängerbund. After the concert there was a and indoor swimming pool which a lot of reception for the three choirs, involving us made good use of in our spare time. more food and more drinks! Saturday we made our way to the city of Tuesday, our 2nd last day of the trip, we Graz, where we were able to get a guided made our way to our last hotel, which was tour. Graz is the 2nd largest city in Austria in Ainring, Germany. On our way there, (Vienna being the largest), with a popula- we were able to take in the beautiful tion of 250,000 or 300,000 with scenery along the way, through Salzkam - University students (there are 4 Uni - mergut, Attersee, Mondsee, and more! versities in Graz). In the evening we took Our last Hotel was something very “fit- part of a concert, celebrating the 25th ting” for our group. We stayed at the Hotel Anniversary of the St. Stefan mixed choir. Rupertihof, where we were entertained by After the concert we were all invited to a “The Singing Innkeepers”. Our last reception, with lots of food, again! If any- evening involved being entertained by the one on this trip went hungry, it’s their innkeepers (a very musical family), as own fault! I think most of us came home well as being entertained by a comedian, with a few extra pounds, and I’m not nec- who kept us laughing all night! essarily talking about the suitcases!! Wednesday June 22nd, our last day, we Sunday June 19th we took part in a got up in the middle of the night, 4am, church service. The afternoon we could had a very early breakfast and made our relax, and then around 4pm, it was off to way to the airport in Munich. The flight a “mystery trip” which was sponsored by home was a quiet one, where there was a George and Cecilia Piller. Thank you so lot of sleeping going on!! In the afternoon, 22 we arrived safe and sound at the throughout the year. And, last but not Concordia Club! Home, sweet Home! least I would like to thank our Schlach- This was truly a trip of a life time! I would tenbummlers for making this trip an like to thank our Organizing Committee, unforgettable one!!! Without you, we Horst Beyerle, Adolf Bretz, Cecilia Piller couldn’t have done this trip! And, if I for- and Elisabeth Rowsell. They spent hours, got to thank anyone, I’m sorry, but thank days, weeks, months, preparing this trip, and they did an amazing job, vielen Dank! you!! Lied Hoch, Ulrike Schmidt I would also like to thank George and Cecilia Piller for all the support they pro- vided us with! A big thank you goes to the Men who helped load and offload the Keep those special moments in your life present with a completely customized photo book or calendar suitcases during the trip! Also, thank you you will treasure forever. Call us today to our choir director, Alfred Kunz, and for more details. our pianist Marisa Strban for making all our concerts a huge success! Oscar Karg did a great job, looking after the bar on the 13-31 McBrine Dr., Kitchener, ON bus, thank you! Thank you to the Choir T 519.748.0363 Board for their hard work they do email: [email protected]

23 Tischtennis Gruppe

Liebe Freunde, Unser Hans Malthaner fing es an, die zweite und dritte Generation in die Tischtennis - gruppe zu bringen. Hier spielt er mit seinem Enkelsohn Erik. Dann brachte auch Paul Furniss seinen Schwiegersohn und seinen Enkelsohn Sam in die Gruppe. Es ist erfreulich jüngere Spieler zu sehen und wir hoffen, daß es nur ein Anfang ist. Hans Malthaner mit Enkelsohn Eric Da müssten doch noch mehr Jugendliche im Klub sein? CONCORDIA TABLE TENNIS Langsam geht’s aufs Oktoberfest zu. Unser Dear Friends! Präsident Henry Laube wird bald mit der Arbeitsliste bei der Gruppe erscheinen, Our Hans Malthaner, was the first one to damit er die Schichten einteilen kann für bring in the second and third generation to unsere Bude. Auch der Aufbau und der Ab - play table tennis. Paul Furniss followed bau muß geplant werden. soon and recruited his son in law and grand Wir spielen jeden Dienstagmorgen um 10.00 son. This is a very good start to make our (Senioren) Und jeden Donnerstag für alle group a little younger. Super. Oktoberfest is von 19.30 bis 22.00 Uhr approaching fast, and our President Henry Ferdinand Staab Laube will be very busy, with scheduling all the hours for manning the booth and setting the times for the setup and take down of the Booth. I hope every- body gave him a help- ing hand. We play every Tues - day morning at 10.00 am (Seniors) and every Thursday for everybody from 7.30 pm to 10.00 pm. See you all there and maybe some new Paul Furniss und Enkel Sam faces. Ferdinand Staab 24 Da wir das Monatstreffen fuer den Monat Senioren-Gruppe August ausliessen, treffen wir uns wieder am Mittwoch, den 7. September um 14:30 Den Hauptinhalt dieses Berichtes habe ich Uhr (2:30 p.m.) im Concordia Club in der von Florida im August per e-mail an den Weinstube. Da wir uns immer am ersten Club geschickt. Hoffentlich war es zeitlich Mittwoch des Monats treffen, wird es im um in den Nachrichten zu erscheinen. naechsten Monat auf den 5. Oktober fallen. Die Concordia Senioren im Sommer 2011. Alle Senioren (d.h. Alter 65 plus) sind herz - lich willkommen. Der Sommer 2011 war fuer die Concordia Senioren eine geschaeftige Zeit. Zukunftsthemen: Am Mittwoch den 15. Juni zwischen 11 Uhr 1. Frage der Versteuerung deutscher Renten und 15 Uhr hielten wir mit 17 Mitgliedern in Deutschland unser Picknick im Pavillion der Concordia 2. Moegliche Filmnachmittage zum Farm ab. Jeder brachte etwas Leckeres, sei Sonnabend es Salat, Aufschitt oder etwas Suesses als Nachspeise. Der Joachim brachte die Alan Joachim Nanders Wuerst chen und der gute Freund Bernie Vize und Schriftfuehrer Schuster stand vor dem Grill und waltete Concordia Senioren. freiwillig seines Amtes. Dazu waren wir, wie oft, hoch erfreut als uns die Heidi Feest so schoen musikalisch begleitete. Es war ein schoener Nachmittag der nur zu schnell zu 35 YEARS Ende ging. OF TRAVEL EXPERIENCE Gerade weil es auf der Concordia Farm so 35 JAHRE FACHMÄNNISCHE schoen war, einigten wir uns auf einen zwei ten geselligen Nachmittag Ende Juli. REISEBERATUNG Zum Glueck hatten wir zwei moegliche Da- Soll es eine Reise in die alte Heimat sein, oder ten offen gehalten. Da es am 20 Juli ueberall An all inclusive beach vacation or maybe a cruise? eine grosse Hitzewelle gab, trafen wir uns Let me help you with ALL your travel needs. am Mittwoch den 27. Juli (bei angenehmer Für alle Ihre Reisefragen, bitte rufen Sie mich an. 22 Grad Temperatur) bei Joachim und Vicki Nanders am Trailer Nummer 87. Ein WOLFGANG WANIA, CTC schoener Nachmittag fuer die gut 12 An- wesenden. Ein drittes Treffen kam zu Stande am Mitt- woch Nachmittag den 24. August am 234 King Street South, Stammtisch im Concordia Club. Der Haupt- Waterloo anlass hier war unserem Alt-Praesidenten 519-741-0770, ext. 233 Fred Heix zum Geburtstag zu gratulieren, Email: [email protected] und mit ihm zu feiern. Auch dies war ein schoenes Zusammentreffen. 25 IMMOBILIEN UND FINANZIERUNG SIND VERTRAUENSSACHE WHEN IT’S A MATTER OF TRUST Bus: (519) 570-4663 Cell: (519) 590-3056 HOME REALTY INC Email [email protected] 560 Parkside Dr, Waterloo, ON, N2L 4Z5 MARCUS KALLWEIT

Please send any group reports for the Concordia Nachrichten to: [email protected] Thanks Hans!

Barristers & Solicitors, Notaries Public Suite 604, 30 Duke Street, W. Kitchener, Ontario N2H 3W5 Tel: 578-8010 Fax: 578-9395 e-mail: [email protected]

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European Vision Dont forget to get Areas of Practice Include: of Fashion your tickets! Powers of Attorney • CUSTOM MADE DRESSES Wills and Trusts • WEDDING GOWNS 5. November 2011 CASUAL WEAR Estate Planning and Administration • ALTERATIONS Marzanna Stiftungs - Real Estate and Mortgages Calujek Corporate Law Master Dressmaker Designer fest Business and Commercial Law 80 Wellington St. N. Kitchener, Ontario Bus: (519) 571-9169 Weekend and Evening Appointments Available (Corner of Waterloo Street & Concordia Halle Wellington Street) English and German Spoken Elections were also held, and your commit- Campers tee for the next year is as follows: Reiner Schulz – President Mario Lulay As the summer slowly comes to an end, the Michelle Zimmer campers thoughts turn to raking leaves and Steve Zimmer campfires for warmth, not only their beauty! Mike Matich Our closing picnic was held on August Andrew Saur 27th, and once again, a great time was had Kyla Pfister by all, especially our newly crowned Bocce Alexandria Thoene Champions Mario Lulay, and Cornel Tim Bews Brüggemann. Congratulations! Kyle Matchett Bruce Emmerson The following day was the Campers annual Oktoberfest is now just around the corner, meeting, where President Reiner Schulz and we can always use some help with our reported that over the summer, the Campers booth, setting up, tearing down, or having Committee had made improvements to the some fun with it during the Festival! If campgrounds including rehabilitation of the you’re able to pitch in, contact any of the volleyball court and bleachers, major re- Campers Committee. pairs to the children’s play area, and acqui- sition of a projector, and large screen for the Until next month, PROSIT!! pavilion. Bruce Emmerson

Bocce Champions Cornel Brüggemann and Mario Lulay 27 Wichtige Veranstaltungen Important Events VORSCHAU - OKTOBER/NOVEMBER 2011

7.-15. Okt. Oktoberfest

11. Okt. Pioneers Day im Rathaus

16-19. Okt. Club geschlossen für Reinigung

5. Nov. Stiftungsfest Halle

13. Nov. Remembrance Day im Woodland Friedhof anschliessend Kaffee und Kuchen im Concordia Club Bitte reservieren Sie Ihren Tisch und besorgen Sie die Eintritts karten zu den Veranstaltungen rechtzeitig 28 CAMBRIDGE TRAVEL SERVICE PRESIDENT’S TOUR Take your trip of a lifetime India/Nepal Oct. 22 - Nov. 8/11 Fully Escorted Delhi/Jaipur/Ranthambore/ Bharatpur/Agra/Varanasi/ Katmandu 5 star accommodations $6,799/pp dbl Air/Tour/Air taxes Included For more information: CAMBRIDGE TRAVEL SERVICE 1425 Bishop St., Unit 15, Cambridge 1-800-294-0656 [email protected] Tico # 2389379 Welcome to. . . The Schenke Open 6 days a week CONCORDIA DAILY FEATURES


TUESDAYS: FRIDAY EVENING: BUY ONE, GET ONE FRIDAY NIGHT FOR 1/2 PRICE BUFFET purchase one entree and get the second all your favorites and much more of equal or lesser value at half price!! only $15.95

WEDNESDAY: SATURDAY EVENING: BAVARIAN BUFFET DINE & DANCE Lunch: $10.95 Live Entertainment Dinner: $14.95 Regular Menu & reasonable prices

SUNDAY: All prices plus applicable taxes Gratuity not included Certain exclusions/conditions exist as of August 2008 BRUNCH $17.99 Reservations are recommended 30 Concordia Club Board of Directors 2011/2012 President: Karl Braun Farm Committee Steve Richtaritsch 1st Vice President: Rita Allmendinger Peter Bergen 2nd Vice President: Peter Schoepke Hans Malthaner 1st Secretary: Heidi Nowak Float Committee Mike Brasch 2nd Secretary: Hans Malthaner German Culture Rita Allmendinger 1st Treasurer: Peter Schoepke 2nd Treasurer: Bob Nowak Historian Leo Tukums Honorary Member Heidi Nowak Directors: Peter Bergen Karl Braun Mike Brasch Bob Nowak Rob Kerr Alexandria Thoene Long Range Planning U. Werner Schlueter Klaus Schwegel Karl Braun Steve Richtaritsch Peter Schoepke U. Werner Schlueter Bob Nowak Manager Peter Pijet Membership Heidi Nowak Alexandria Thoene Committee Members Arbeitsgemeinschaft Karl Braun Miss Concordia Alexandria Thoene Rita Allmendinger Heidi Nowak Peter Schoepke Nominations and U. Werner Schlueter Archives U. Werner Schlueter Bylaws Karl Braun Rita Allmendinger Buildings Karl Braun Hans Malthaner Oktoberfest Hans Malthaner Mike Brasch Klaus Schwegel Karl Braun Bulletin Hans Malthaner Oktoberfest Inc. Karl Braun Bob Nowak U. Werner Schlueter Christkindlmarket Bob Nowak Peter Schoepke Peter Schoepke Ombudsman Horst Beyerle Peter Bergen Rob Kerr Rental Properties Klaus Schwegel Steve Richtaritsch Economic Affairs Peter Schoepke Peter Bergen & Finances Karl Braun Rita Allmendinger Sales and Marketing Steve Richtaritsch Peter Schoepke Employee Liaison Rita Allmendinger Rob Kerr Entertainment Rita Allmendinger Seniorenhaus Concordia Heidi Nowak Alexandria Thoene Rita Allmendinger 31 Available at the LCBO and select Beer Stores and restaurants

Available on tap at The Concordia Club 429 Ottawa Street South Kitchener, Ontario, N2M 3P6 (519) 745-5617