23803 Hon. Rahm Emanuel Hon
December 8, 2006 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 152, Pt. 18 23803 HONORING CHICAGO ASTRONAUT vocates public policies which guarantee these field, including literature, technology, and JOAN HIGGINBOTHAM rights and ensure the understanding of the in- music. My hometown of Chicago has more dividual and societal implications of human people of Polish descent than any other city HON. RAHM EMANUEL sexuality. The Planned Parenthood Associa- outside of Poland. I am dedicated to con- OF ILLINOIS tion encourages research and the advance- tinuing the strong record of cultural and eco- ment of technology in reproductive health care IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES nomic ties between our two nations. and the understanding of inherent bioethical, The United States is grateful to Poland for Thursday, December 7, 2006 behavioral, and societal implications. In addi- its friendship and commitment to the demo- Mr. EMANUEL. Mr. Speaker, today I rise to tion, the agency employs trained educators cratic ideals of liberty and human rights. Po- honor Astronaut Joan Higginbotham. who conduct extensive community outreach land has also proven to be a strong ally of the Higginbotham is a member of the crew on the and educational programs, offering com- United States, assisting in global efforts to Space Shuttle Discovery that is scheduled to prehensive, age-appropriate sex education combat terrorism, and providing troops and re- launch tonight from NASA’s Kennedy Space and health programs to thousands of New Jer- sources for Operation Iraqi Freedom. Center. Additionally, she is a fellow sey residents every year. Everyone is wel- Mr. Speaker, I am honored to join the citi- Chicagoan, and I wish her the best of luck as come, regardless of race, age, income, sexual zens of my district, as well as those of Polish she prepares for her first mission, STS 116.
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