can Baseball’s a affair: herbal remedies freshmen live up space agency caught in middle offer alternative top billing? page 4 of love triangle page 3 to medicine page 5

ROUNDING UP CAMPUS NEWS SINCE 1900 The Baylor Lariat Wednesday, february 7, 2007 Group tackles living wage

Students fight to raise at Baylor,” said Courtney Ray, a staff salaries as debate Fort Worth senior and member of the group. “It is just about getting rages on in Washington the word out. What we are finding is that a lot of students and pro- By Melissa Limmer fessors do not know what a living Staff Writer wage is. It holds a certain stigma among conservative audiences, As the national minimum wage which is what Baylor is. increase makes headway on Capi- “We want students to know Leveling tol Hill, one on-campus group is what is going on and for them to making sure students know how know that they have a voice.” the increase could affect Baylor. Gatlin said a group called the Students for Social Justice is Baylor Adequate Wage Task Force having two movie and discussion — which includes Dr. Dub Oliver, nights, with showings Thursday vice president for student life, Dr. the praying and next Tuesday regarding the Reagan Ramsower, vice president need to raise the minimum wage. for finance and administration, The group will show Where and other faculty — has submit- There is a Will There Will be a Liv- ted a proposal to President John ing Wage. The movie is a documen- Lilley and the Strategic Planning field tary created by students at Texas Council. The council is respon- A&M University who are running sible for determining Baylor’s their own campaign that focuses budget. on staff at the university who get The proposal requests that paid minimum wage. companies that contract employ- “It’s powerful for what we are ees on campus, such as Aramark doing at Baylor,” said Anali Gat- and Crothall, increase the mini- lin, a Waco senior and co-leader mum wage they pay their employ- of Students for Social Justice. ees from $5.15 an hour to $10.40. “The group wants to increase discussion about the living wage Please see WAGE, page 6

How Baylor’s breaking the old Baptist mold

By Claire St. Amant d i s m i s s e d Staff writer amid cries Photo illustration by A of gender or the first time since 1999, discrimina- the religion department is tion. hiring a female professor. The semi- This fall, Dr. Lidija No- nary president, bbie R vakovich, a Baptist from Dr. Paige Patter- FCroatia, will teach New Testament son, said women osen classes. shouldn’t teach men Novakovich earned her doctorate and he considers a w o m - from Princeton and will become the an’s “highest calling” as one of moth- third full-time female faculty mem- erhood. Courtesy Photo ber in the religion department. While Dr. Betty Talbert, director of spir- Baylor is moving toward involving itual formation for the George W. more women in minstry, some fun- Truett Theological Seminary, said Lilley goes to D.C. damentalist Baptist groups are going she was disappointed to hear the in the opposite direction. news about Klouda. President John Lilley, left, speaks Tuesday with Texas Sen. John Cornyn In January, Sheri Klouda, a female “There’s been a lot to overcome for at the National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities in Hebrew professor at Southwestern Washington, D.C. Lilley met with other school administrators and legis- Baptist Theological Seminary, was Please see WOMEN, page 6 lators, such as Rep. Chet Edwards, who was re-elected in November in Texas’ 17th district.

French Foreign Minister Philippe Douste-Blazy, U.S. not part of international treaty left, and Argentina’s first lady, Cristina By Jamey Keaten Minister Philippe Douste-Blazy terrorism suspects to CIA-run officials said. Kirchner, meet The Associated Press told reporters after 57 nations prisons overseas, which Bush The treaty was officially Tuesday in signed the treaty at his ministry acknowledged in September. opened for signature at Tues- Paris as officials PARIS — Nearly 60 countries in Paris. Many other Western nations, day’s ceremony in Paris. It will from nearly 60 signed a treaty on Tuesday that “That won’t prevent them including Germany, Spain, Brit- enter into force after 20 coun- nations signed bans governments from holding from one day signing on in New ain and Italy, also did not sign tries ratify it, usually by a par- a treaty banning forced disap- people in secret detention, but York at U.N. headquarters, and I the treaty. France introduced liamentary vote. pearances. the United States and some of hope they will.” the convention at the U.N. Gen- U.N. High Commissioner for its key European allies were not State Department spokes- eral Assembly in November and Human Rights Louise Arbour among them. man Sean McCormack declined it was adopted in December. called the treaty an important The signing capped a quar- comment except to say that the Many delegates expressed step both in preventing injustic- ter-century of efforts by families United States helped draft the hope that other nations will es common years ago and bar- of people who have vanished at treaty, but that the final text “did sign by year-end. Some ring newer abuses that often fall the hands of governments. not meet our expectations.” European nations have ex- through regulatory loopholes. “Our American friends were McCormack declined com- pressed support for the treaty, Arbour said the United naturally invited to this ceremo- ment on whether the U.S. stance but face constitutional hurdles States had expressed “reserva- ny; unfortunately, they weren’t was influenced by the admin- or require a full Cabinet debate Associated Press able to join us,” French Foreign istration’s policy of sending before signing, French and U.N. Please see TREATY, page 6

Gov. Rick Perry delivered his Governor proposes plan to assist cancer fight annual State of the State address Tues- By Kelley Shannon care initiatives the centerpiece of his lenges and build the foundation for With his lottery sale proposal, day in the The Associated Press State of the State speech to the Leg- a future of unparalleled prosperity,” Perry said he’s tapping a source of Texas House of islature. said Perry, viewed in some circles as funding for key programs that won’t Representatives AUSTIN — Showing a different His past addresses to Texas law- a potential vice presidential nominee dry up or cost the state general rev- in Austin. Perry side of himself, Texas Gov. Rick makers have focused on precise bud- in 2008. enue. proposed a plan Perry made bold proposals Tuesday get and program recommendations He proposed increased tax relief, Perry estimated a sale price of at to sell the Texas to spend billions of dollars to help and pleas to repair a broken educa- property tax appraisal relief, higher least $14 billion. Lottery to help the uninsured and fight cancer, and tion funding system. education funding, state budgeting Perry said he’d use the proceeds Texans afford to pay for it by selling the state lot- But with a new school finance transparency and more emphasis to establish a $2.7 billion endow- costly cancer tery. plan in place and a record surplus, on rehabilitating non-violent offend- ment to help more Texans get health treatments. Perry, a conservative Republi- Perry this time branched out in a big ers. He said he agrees with Republi- insurance and create a $3 billion can known for his commitment to way. can Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst there fund for the fight against cancer. property tax cuts and controlling “This moment in time is a unique should be tougher penalties for sex Both would generate ongoing rev- spending, made the sweeping health opportunity to address great chal- offenders who prey on children. enue, he said. Associated Press

VOL. 106 No. 63 © 2007, Baylor University 2 The Baylor Lariat Opinion Wednesday, February 7, 2007 Red, trendy clothes don’t mean social activism I don’t care what Bono says. sips of your Starbucks latte, you impact of changing one child’s you? There’s nothing wrong you gave it away. A nice concept, Cashmere hoodies do not fight can smile and think about how life, or what that dynamic duo with caring about the world, if but I found a way to thwart it. AIDS. fashionable charity is. has done for their children. But you sincerely care. I only wore the bracelet It’s insulting, actually, to The only thing more ironic point we have to do more than fly But when the desire to be in around the saintly, mainstream think giving 50 percent of the than the idea of designer cloth- into a country, nab a kid, snap style outweighs your knowledge Christian crowd, thereby nulli- profit from a status symbol is ing fighting battles for third- of view a photo and call it a day. about the real issues, there is a fying the possibility of it leaving socially responsible. The Prod- world countries is that the shirts We need to educate ourselves problem. my prideful wrist. uct (RED) campaign is the latest are being sold on eBay. by claire st. amant about the issues of generational I remember when WWJD Product (RED) is guilty of a and most offensive installment Unbelievable. poverty. We need to care about bracelets were cool. Wait, that’s similar conundrum. When you of fad-ish activism. People are bidding on an ing trendy. Instead of focusing humanity when the camera an understatement. They were buy a $100 bikini (yes, they sell When you buy a Product image. No one is reporting the on the victims of poverty, injus- isn’t watching. No, the future of essential to the middle-school bikinis) to be socially respon- (RED) product, you’re contrib- profits; no one is benefiting tice and oppression, modern- third-world countries isn’t in the wardrobe. I didn’t even know sible, something is wrong. uting to AIDS relief, and you from the purchase. But you’ve day activists are more worried well-manicured hands of Holly- what it stood for, but I had to You can’t be an elitist charity; want to be sure everyone knows got your label. And while AIDS about finding the right celebrity wood. It doesn’t take a seven-fig- have one. All the cool kids were it’s self-defeating. You can, how- it. Forget private donations and takes over the continent of Afri- to endorse their services. Where ure salary to help someone. It wearing them. ever, sell $28 T-shirts to yuppies tax write-offs. Who are you try- ca, you’re sleeping soundly in would the children of Cambo- takes compassion and commit- You see, the beauty of the and call yourself an activist. ing to impress at the IRS? You a pair of Product(RED) pajama dia and Ethiopia be without ment rooted in awareness. WWJD bracelet was that you I just hope no one believes might as well get some public pants from the Gap. “Brangelina?” About where they I’m tired of seeing 18 people were supposed to pass it on. You you. recognition while you’re chang- The worst thing that ever are today, give or a take a kid. in my English class wearing “I only wore it until some sinful Claire St. Amant is a junior pro- ing the world. And in between happened to charity was becom- I’m not discounting the heart Africa” pins. Really, do soul inquired about it, and then fessional writing major from Katy.

Editorial Lilley deserves praise for grant lobbying

For some students, the Texas Equal- university, like Baylor, when attending ization Grant is the only thing that a public university could have been makes attending Baylor a possibility. cheaper. The grant is a win-win for each The grant, which 25 percent of all party: Students are able to attend school Baylor students receive, obtained some where they want, and universities gain high-profile attention when President students who truly desire to attend John Lilley traveled to Austin two weeks their school. ago to lobby for its continued funding The scope of this state program is from the Texas Legislature. enormous; it reached almost 30,000 On Thursday, Baylor Ambassadors students in the 2005-2006 school year. — a group of students who lobby for Grant recipients recieve up to $3,440 educational issues — will make their per school year. It awards even more if monthly trek to Austin where the grant the student has exceptional need. When will receive much of their attention. you put that in comparison with tuition The work of Lilley and Baylor Ambas- costs at Baylor — slotted to be $22,220 sadors is to be commended. for full-time students next year, $3,440 The Texas Equalization Grant is only can make a nice dent in your bill. available to students attending private The Legislature must keep in mind school, making it an invaluable resource how many students depend on this for those 25 percent of Baylor students aid and how detrimental it would be to who receive it. decrease the funding. Budget cuts and financial restructur- So make sure you fill out your FAFSA, ing caused the Legislature to re-evalu- since that’s the only way to apply for the ate the grant as recently as 2003. It’s grant. Also, keep an eye out for what because of the lobbying of people like the Legislature decides in regarding the Lilley and the Ambassadors that the future of the grant. With people like grant is still around. Lilley and the Ambassadors working to The grant was created to help offset secure its future, more students will be some of the costs of attending a private able to call themselves Baylor Bears. Community Council gives students opportunity to touch lives With a new year comes a new cil is already discussing ways parents and children about the ference of private universities. I think you’ll find yourself better perspective on life and a new to integrate educational aspects college application process. This conference will play host to because of it. determination to accomplish with community involvement. Lloyd Franklin, the exter- several student government rep- I am truly excited by the more. While the council has yet to point nal relations representative, will resentatives from other nearby enormous potential facing this While the status quo is com- produce any tangible forms of continue to facilitate the Learn- Texas private schools. The con- university and the surround- fortable for many, for those who new involvement opportuni- of view ing English Among Friends pro- ference will explore issues such ing community. I am excited are motivated to achieve some- ties, that will not be the case for gram that strives to teach con- as alumni funding, diversity and about semesters to come and thing greater in life, the status much longer. So often at Baylor, by allan marshall versational English to Baylor’s creative ways for students to get the opportunity they bring quo represents a mere stepping we involve ourselves in service housekeeping staff. involved. for me to build upon stepping stone. Stepping stones from the opportunities that do little to The Internal Relations Rep- Also, Latoya Butler, the diver- stones currently in place and on fall semester have served their transform the lives of those liv- the EVP cabinet is pursuing new resentative, Caleb Gallifant, sity initiatives representative, is stones soon to emerge. Once purpose, and now is the time to ing around us. measures in an attempt to trans- is working with Student Body currently working on a series this semester ends, I will leave see the fulfillment of a dream. I While some forms of activ- form lives in the Waco commu- President Mark Laymon on a of initiatives to start a dialogue the status quo behind and build want to see meaningful commu- ity are beneficial, they don’t nity. program proposal that would between different sororities and upon that new foundation. nity involvement taken to the currently allow for the type of Bryan Fonville, my chief of pair students and faculty over fraternities on campus. So, put the status quo behind next level. I want us to trans- meaningful community involve- staff, is coordinating a tutor- the course of several semesters. Well, now you’ve seen what you and move on to something form lives. ment I envision for this univer- ing program between the Doris The program has the potential we’re doing to transform lives. greater. Push toward a final des- I am already pleasantly sity and student body. With the Miller Y.M.C.A. and Baylor stu- to transform the lives of not I want to encourage you to do tination that results in a better surprised by the creative and resources and talents that we dent government. In addition, only participating students, but the same. I urge you to get life for you and others around insightful dialogue emerging have, we ought to be impacting he is simultaneously organizing faculty as well. involved with a meaningful you. Transform your life. Trans- from the newly created Commu- the community in a more direct a college workshop to be held at Amanda Beattie, the aca- service opportunity. Commit form the life of another. nity Involvement Council. In and meaningful way. a local Waco High School with demic representative, is hard at yourself to weekly service and Allan Marshall is a senior polit- just its third meeting, the coun- In addition to CIC meetings, the sole purpose of educating work trying to organize a con- invest yourself in someone’s life. ical science major from Cuney.

Diversity strengthens belief Letters to the editor Opinion policy include the writer’s name, major, mailed to The Baylor Lariat, One sist of those who can sign a Bap- graduation year, phone number Bear Place #97330, Waco, TX In response to the reactions outside of their own tradition tist statement of faith. The Baylor Lariat welcomes and student identification num- 76798-7330. to the student government bill believe, my Baptist brothers and “There is one body and one reader viewpoints through let- ber. Non-student writers should A subscription to the Lariat supporting non-Baptist groups sisters will have the opportu- Spirit — just as you were called to ters to the editor and guest col- include their address. costs $45 for two semesters. to meeting on campus, all I can nity to examine, and perhaps one hope when you were called umns. All submissions become the Send check or money order say is this: What are we so afraid strengthen, their own beliefs. — one Lord, one faith, one bap- Opinions expressed in the property of The Baylor Lariat. to One Bear Place #97330, of? If Baylor wants to become a tism; one God and Father of all,” Lariat are not necessarily those The Lariat reserves the right Waco, TX, 76798-7330 or e-mail Of losing Baylor’s Baptist more diverse campus, it has to (Ephesians 4:4-6) — even if we of the Baylor administration, the to edit letters for grammar, [email protected]. heritage? include theological diversity as disagree on doctrinal issues. Baylor Board of Regents or the length, libel and style. Visa and MasterCard pay- I disagree.I believe that in well. Amanda McClendon Student Publications Board. Letters should be e-mailed ments may be phoned to 254- getting to know what Christians The Church doesn’t just con- English ‘07 Letters to the editor should to [email protected] or 710-2662.

The Baylor Lariat THE Daily Crossword Edited by Wayne Robert Williams Editor in chief Kelly Coleman* City editor Amanda Bray* ACROSS 48 Hit the slopes 21 Turkic tribesmen Copy desk chief Grace Maalouf* 9 3 1 Bacon quantity 49 Mexican plain 22 Ex-Giant Mel News editor Jordan Daniel* 5 Farrow and Sara 51 Brush up on 26 Scot's refusal Opinion editor Brad Briggs* 4 3 8 1 9 Cinnamon or nutmeg philosophy? 29 Prince Valiant's Asst. city editor Ashley Westbrook Entertainment editor Allie Cook 14 Forest scent 56 Pac. pact son Editorial cartoonist Ben Humeniuk 1 9 7 15 Ms. Bombeck 57 Strong wind 30 Wager Features editor Jill Auxier 16 __-Dixon line 58 Mint family plant 31 "The Merry Sports editor Daniel Youngblood 3 2 17 Actress Paquin 59 Mr. Addams on TV Widow" composer Sports writer Will Parchman 18 Nobelist Bellow 60 Toledo's lake 32 Indy circuits Staff writers Kate Boswell Melissa Limmer 5 4 7 6 9 2 19 Screen images 61 Superman's alias 33 Bill stamp Jon Schroeder 20 Brush up on crowd 62 Distrustful 34 Bit of scribbling Claire St. Amant 9 6 control? 63 South African currency 35 Lawyer-speak Copy editor Amanda Robison 23 Spicy sauce 64 Miss in Sp. 36 Get too thin Christina LaScalea Photo editor Melea Burke 5 1 9 24 Final degree 37 Author LeShan Photographers David Poe 25 Ex-QB Dawson DOWN 38 __ Tin Tin Abbie Rosen 7 2 5 4 27 Hesitant syllables 1 Meager 39 Put in stitches Chris Weeks 28 Pill 2 Elongated 42 Make do Advertising sales Aaron Turney 8 1 32 Bart's sister 3 Chronological records 43 Look-alike Kevin Giddens 33 French capital in a 4 Sweat droplets 44 One of Santa's Delivery Garrett Turner E AS Y # 17 Nick Amelang WWI song 5 Fine screen team Webmaster Katie Laird 34 "The Divine Comedy" 6 "Dies __" 45 Consecrate with oil Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every poet 7 Siberian river 46 "Moonlight __" 3X3 box contains the digits 1 through 9 with no repeats. * denotes member of editorial board 35 Brush up on boxing 8 Medicinal solution 48 Unemotional skills? 9 Buffalo Bob or Bubba 50 Deficiencies The Baylor Lariat is owned by Baylor University and over- Newsroom: 710-1711 39 Final Four games 10 Burrowing rodent 52 Recipe directive seen by the Student Publications Board. Advertising: 710-3407 40 Jose's farewell 11 Tightly folded rock 53 Neighbor of The entire content of The Baylor Lariat is protected under Sports: 710-6357 41 Yikes! layers Twelve Oaks the Federal Copyright Act. Reproduction of any portion of any Entertainment: 710-7228 42 Gofer's assignment 12 Struggles for 54 Ken or Lena issue by any means, mechanical or otherwise, is not permitted Editor: 710-4099 44 German article superiority 55 Marsh growth For today’s crossword and sudoku answers, without the expressed written consent of Baylor University. [email protected] 47 GI Jill, once 13 Printer's measures 56 Actor Mineo visit Wednesday, February 7, 2007 news The Baylor Lariat 3 Houston charged with attempted murder

By Mike Schneider and Erin McClam her car at the Orlando airport, and port shuttle bus with Shipman and The Associated Press sprayed something at her, possibly followed her to her car. pepper spray. The affidavit said the circumstanc- ORLANDO, Fla. — According to At first the astronaut was charged es of the case “create a well-founded police, ’s obsession with with attempted kidnapping and other fear” and gave investigators “probable William Oefelein led her to drive 900 counts, and a judge had permitted her cause to believe that Mrs.. Nowak miles from Houston to Orlando, Fla., release on bail. intended to murder Ms. Shipman.” bringing with her a trenchcoat and Then, in a surprise move, prosecu- Saying he was surprised by the wig, armed with a BB gun and pep- tors upped the charge to attempted case, NASA spokesman John Ira Petty per spray, and wearing a diaper to murder, basing it on the weapons and at Johnson Space Center in Houston avoid bathroom breaks on the ardu- other items they said they had found said he was concerned about the peo- ous drive. with Nowak or in her car: a pepper ple involved and their families. Once in Florida, Lisa “Roboch- spray package, an unused BB gun car- But, he added, “We try not to con- ick” Nowak apparently confronted tridge, a new steel mallet, a knife, rub- cern ourselves with our employees’ the woman she believed was her rival ber tubing and large garbage bags. personal lives.” for the affections of William “Billy-O” The details of the relationships of A vague profile began to emerge Oefelein. all three were unclear. Nowak and of Nowak, who graduated from high And this tawdry love triangle has Oefelein, who both live in the Hous- school in Maryland in 1981 and the one more twist — it involves two astro- ton area, had trained together as U.S. Naval Academy in 1985. nauts. , but never flew into space She has won various Navy ser- Nowak, 43, a married mother of together. vice awards. A smiling, put-together three who flew on a in Shipman, 30, works at Patrick Air woman in her NASA photos, her police July, was charged with attempted mur- Force Base near Kennedy Space Cen- mug shot showed a fatigued, haggard der, accused of hatching an extraordi- ter. Police said Nowak, believing Ship- face with scraggly hair, seemingly des- nary plot to kidnap Colleen Shipman, man was romantically involved with tined to become the object of public who she believed was romantically Oefelein, had driven from Houston to ridicule. involved with Oefelein, a space shuttle confront Shipman as she arrived in Oefelein, a 41-year-old Navy com- Associated Press pilot. Orlando on a flight from Houston. mander, trained with Nowak but never NASA astronaut Lisa Nowak with her attorney Donald Lykkebak, right, makes her initial court Specifically, police said Nowak There, police said, Nowak donned flew with her. Oefelein is unmarried appearance Tuesday in Orlando, Fla., after she was arrested Monday at the Orlando International confronted Shipman, who was in a wig and trench coat, boarded an air- but has two children. Airport Monday on a number of charges. Some blame Bush for slow Crawford tourism BEAR BRIEFS Gospelfest tickets on sale Heavenly Voices will host Gospelfest 2007 at 7 p.m. Sat- By Angela K. Brown seven miles from downtown in tions are that the slide contin- urday in Waco Hall. Tickets The Associated Press this ranching and gas-drilling ued. The Crawford Chamber of are $10 now and $15 at the region 20 miles west of Waco. Commerce and Agriculture said door. For more information, CRAWFORD — Near the lone After Bush took office as pres- it had no figures on how many contact DeAndre_Upshaw@ stoplight on Main Street, a for- ident in 2001, the ranch became visitors the city gets. sale sign hangs from a dusty known as the Western White Crow suggested that the anti- window where a souvenir shop House, drawing thousands of war demonstrations that Cindy Club taking applications used to sell cufflinks, cowboy visitors a year hoping to see the Sheehan started in Crawford in Baylor Leadership Council is boots and denim shirts em- ranch, which is not even visible 2005 have led some tourists to looking for students of all clas- blazoned “The Western White from the road. stay away. sifications who have a passion House.” After reporting nearly “When the president would for leadership. Applications And the biggest souvenir $813,000 in gross sales in 1999, be home, more people would are due Feb. 16. For more shop in Crawford is reporting a Crawford’s souvenir shops and come hoping to get a glimpse information, visit www.baylor. drop in sales. other retail businesses gener- of him,” she said. “But with the edu/leadership/blc. But Crawford, the 700-person ated $1.03 million in 2000, the frustrations caused by the pro- town where President Bush’s year Bush was first elected. testers, it wasn’t as popular to To submit a bear brief, e-mail ranch is located, has its trinket Sales climbed steadily during come to Crawford and pick up [email protected]. stores, and they have fallen on Bush’s first term to $2.66 mil- trinkets.” hard times in what some say lion in 2004. But in 2005, sales Another possible reason giv- CONTACT US reflects the president’s sinking had dropped to $2.3 million. en for the downturn in business: Associated Press Editor 710-4099 popularity over the war in Iraq They were down as much as 20 Bush did not visit his ranch in Newsroom 710-1712 The “Stars Over Texas” Metal Art business in Crawford is shown closed on and a daunting influx of anti- percent in each of the first two 2006 as often he used to. In past Sports 710-6357 Tuesday, Jan. 30, 2007. The souvenir shops in President Bush’s hometown war protesters. It was in 1999 quarters of 2006. And while the years, more visitors flocked to Entertainment 710-7228 have fallen on hard times, in what some say is a gauge of his plummeting that then-Gov. George W. Bush third- and fourth-quarter figures town when the president was Advertising 710-3407 popularity. bought his 1,600-acre ranch are not yet available, all indica- here. Women take Wal-mart to court PICK A DAY AND TRY OUR SPECIALS! By David Kravets discrimination,” the court wrote U.S. District Judge Martin The Associated Press in a 2-1 decision. Jenkins, the San Francisco trial Wal-Mart said it would ask court judge who said the case SAN FRANCISCO — A feder- the court to rehear the case with could proceed, had ruled that al appeals court ruled Tuesday the same three-judge panel or anecdotal evidence warranted a THURSDAY that Wal-Mart Stores Inc., the with 15 judges, a move likely to class-action trial. TUESDAY TRIO! world’s largest private employer, idle the case for months. Tues- Wal-Mart took the case to MEATBALL MADNESS! must face a class-action lawsuit day’s ruling came 18 months the San Francisco-based ap- $2.99 alleging as many as 1.5 mil- after the case was argued. peals court. $2.99 lion former and current female “This is one step of what is Jenkins said if companywide Enjoy Spaghetti with Meat Sauce, Enjoy Spaghetti with Meatballs employees were discriminated going to be a long process,” Wal- gender discrimination is prov- against in pay and promotions. Mart attorney Theodore Bou- en at trial, Wal-Mart could be Fettuccine Alfredo and a slice of Pizza and a Garden Side Salad The ruling by the 9th U.S. trous Jr. said. “We are very op- forced to pay billions of dollars for just $2.99 all day Tuesdays. for just $2.99 all day Thursdays. Circuit Court of Appeals up- timistic of obtaining relief from to women who earned less than holds a 2004 federal judge’s de- this ruling.” their male counterparts. cision to let the nation’s largest He said Wal-Mart’s own Jenkins rejected as “imprac- SUNDAY class-action employment dis- review found no significant tical” Wal-Mart’s suggestion of crimination lawsuit go to trial, disparity in pay between men having individual hearings for SAMPLER SPECIAL! possibly exposing the Benton- and women at 90 percent of its each plaintiff and he planned to ville, Ark.-based retailing pow- stores. use a statistical formula to com- $3.39 erhouse to billions of dollars in Wal-Mart, which currently pensate the women if they won. damages. employs 1.3 million workers, Wal-Mart said the judge’s Enjoy our Classic Sampler “Plaintiff’s expert opinions, claimed that the conventional scenario was an unprecedented for just $3.39 all day Sundays. factual evidence, statistical evi- rules of class action suits should denial of its rights and sought to dence and anecdotal evidence not apply in the case because its dismiss the case. The company present significant proof of a 3,400 stores, including Sam’s said women who allege dis- COLLEGE STATION: 400 Harvey Rd. 979-694-5199 corporate policy of discrimina- Club warehouse outlets, operate crimination could file lawsuits WACO: 919 S. 6th St. 254-752-2929 • 5201 W. Waco Dr. 254-776-1324 tion and support plaintiff’s con- like independent businesses, against individual stores. TEMPLE: 2416 SW HK Dodgen Loop 254-791-2133 tention that female employees and that the company did not The women’s lawyers said the nationwide were subjected to a have a policy of discriminating idea was ridiculous, and would common pattern and practice of against women. clog the federal judiciary.

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e Cable & High Speed In Free Internet and Cable with a 12-month Lease! Fre ternet with a 12 month lease 4 The Baylor Lariat sports Wednesday, February 7, 2007 Mosby holds key Baseball’s freshmen to Big 12 success ready for next level By Daniel Youngblood play, but I think they’ll play By Will Parchman Head Coach Kim Mulkey Sports editor well. I have no reason to think Sports writer freely admitted after the Mis- they won’t.” souri game that Mosby was “not Last October, the Baylor Both shortstop Beamer When Bernice Mosby scores herself,” and her cold streak baseball team’s freshman class Weems and left fielder Ben in bunches, wins are usually apparently followed her to Lin- was rated No. 1 in the nation by Booker had productive seasons not too far behind for the Baylor coln, Neb. Baseball America. in their first year in 2006. The Lady Bears. “Bernice didn’t play very well With baseball season start- five true freshmen who’ll play The senior forward’s offensive in the Nebraska game,” Mulkey ing in less than a week, those this season are expected to production is intricately linked said. “Unfortunately it was a freshman are ready to show make a similar adjustment. with the Lady Bears’ chances, conference game, but we’ve they’re as good as advertised. Miller, who’s expected to and Saturday for the first time moved beyond that, and she’s a After losing six impact play- start in right field and provide in her Big 12 career, she simply great player.” ers from last year’s squad — a list some much-needed power at couldn’t find the basket. Freshman guard Latara Dar- that includes Zach Dillon, Kev- the plate, said the freshmen In a critical conference road rett, the Lady Bears’ best outside in Russo, Kevin Sevigny, Seth have fit in well with the rest of test against No. 22 University shooter, said the team looks to Fortenberry, Ryan LaMotta and the team. of Nebraska, kicking off a two- Mosby as the focal point of the Cory VanAllen — the Bears will “It couldn’t have been a bet- game road trip that could crip- offense, and when she struggles, have a new look in 2007. ter group to fit in with. The up- ple Baylor’s Big 12 title hopes, the team struggles. With 15 true freshmen and perclassmen have been great Mosby shot just 1-of-13 from the “We definitely look up to three redshirt freshmen on this with accepting us,” he said. “We field and scored a season-low Bernice in those games,” Dar- year’s squad, the Bears will be came in with a lot of expecta- three points in 26 minutes. rett said. “So when she’s down one of the youngest teams head tions. That could have caused Not exactly star-like num- or has a bad game, all of us get Coach Steve Smith has fielded a problem, but it didn’t. We’ve bers. down a little bit. It’s just harder in his 13 years with the school. gelled really well.” “We played awful,” Mosby for all of us to step up and bring But with the infusion of While the team will have said. “Every player is going to the energy, especially being a youth also comes a heavy dose much less experience than past have a bad game. freshman.” of talent. Baylor squads, Miller said the “I’m not perfect. I’m not go- The Lady Bears are 9-2 Starting pitcher Kendall Volz, team’s goal is still to make it to ing to go out and try and score when Mosby scores more than first baseman Dustin Dickerson and win the College World Se- 40 points or get 30 rebounds 20 points, but that hasn’t hap- and right fielder Aaron Miller ries. tomorrow. I’m just trying to do pened since Jan. 27 when Baylor File photo were each taken in the 2006 This is a difficult proposition what I do best,” she said. played Oklahoma State Univer- Senior forward Bernice Mosby defends Kansas State’s Claire Coggins in the Major League Baseball First- any year, especially for a team Adding insult to Mosby’s un- sity. And while she’s normally a Lady Bears’ 79-70 victory over the Wildcats on Jan. 20. Mosby is averaging Year Player Draft, and all are ex- as young as this year’s Bears, characteristic numbers, Baylor rebounding force, pulling down 18.3 points and 9.1 rebounds per game on the season. pected to start this season. but senior first baseman Tim struggled offensively all after- just over nine rebounds a game, Second baseman Shaver Jackson said he doesn’t expect noon against the Huskers and she hasn’t recorded double dig- ‘OK, I’m going to get this back,’” garnered attention from every Hansen and infielder Raynor any drop-off in a program that’s lost, 76-67. The loss came at the its in the statistic since Jan. 24. Mosby said. “Unfortunately it direction. Campbell are also expected to been one of the nation’s most worst possible time, knocking “I’m just trying to put all that never came for me. Her 18 points per game have join the 18 returning lettermen successful over the past decade. Baylor down to fourth in the Big past me,” Mosby said. “You just “I don’t care if I didn’t score a given the young Lady Bears nu- in seeing heavy playing time. “The new guys we have now 12. have to learn from your mis- point on offense. What I did on merous jump-starts when their Smith said the youth on his are really stepping in, and I Mosby’s lackluster game on takes and fix them.” the defensive end was horrible.” inexperience crops up, a prob- team has caused him to adjust think a lot of people are really Saturday wasn’t an isolated in- Perhaps personifying the type Underscoring the successful lem Mulkey has faced several his expectations a bit, but he is going to be impressed,” he said. cident, either. of player she is, Mosby said she season she’s had to this point, times this season. confident his talented freshmen “I think everybody has their While she scored 17 points held herself fully accountable Mosby was a late addition Mon- But Mosby said she under- will be up to the task of not only doubts about freshmen in the against the University of Mis- for the Nebraska loss, stressing day to the Wooden Award Mid- stands her importance to the playing, but performing well. fall before the season starts, but souri last Wednesday, she the importance of moving on to season list. team and knows a Wooden “Based on their work ethic these guys have taken huge steps missed several key free throws, face Texas Tech University at 7 The Wooden Award hon- Award can only help the Lady and their performance in the from the fall to the spring. one of which gave the Tigers an p.m. today in Lubbock. ors the country’s best overall Bears win games if the player classroom, I’d say this fresh- “You can see both mentally opportunity to win the game on “Whenever you get in a women’s player, and Mosby’s behind it is consistently produc- man class is outstanding,” he and physically these guys have their final possession. slump, you’re always thinking outstanding season has clearly ing on both ends of the court. said. “Time will tell how they grown by leaps and bounds.” Rivera ninth to interview for Cowboys’ head job

By Jaime Aron the Bears’ offensive coordina- Associated Press tor. Rivera knows second-hand IRVING — Waiting two hours about working for Jones, having on a Chicago runway, Bears de- discussed it with Chicago quar- fensive coordinator Ron Rivera terbacks coach Wade Wilson, wondered if icy weather really who had the same job in Dallas was delaying his flight to a job from 2000-02. interview in Dallas. The biggest challenge Rivera “There was a vicious rumor might face with the Cowboys going around Chicago didn’t — as the coach or as defensive want me to leave so they weren’t coordinator — is adapting a ros- going to let the plane go,” Rivera ter built for the 3-4 scheme into said, laughing. his 4-3 system. Rivera finally arrived at Cow- He said it’s not much of an University Rentals boys headquarters around 4 p.m. issue because Dallas frequently 754-1436 • 1111 Speight • 752-5691 Tuesday. He spoke with report- used a four-man front. And part ers before meeting with team Associated Press of his coaching philosophy is to ALL BILLS PAID! owner Jerry Jones to discuss the Chicago Bears defensive coordinator Ron Rivera answers questions Thursday mold plans around players. head coaching vacancy created in Miami. Rivera’s name has surfaced as a possible candidate for the Dallas “I think a lot of times guys 1 BR FROM $430 • 2 BR FROM $760 when Bill Parcells retired more Cowboys head coaching job get caught up in ‘this is the only than two weeks ago. thing I do’ and not use the tal- GREAT SELECTIONS! Rivera didn’t officially be- mind and have a feel for them,” a candidate he is for the top ent around them,” he said. “The come a candidate until speak- he said. “I had a little chance to job. There’s speculation that truth of the matter is, it’s all FURNISHED ing with Jones for a few minutes take a quick look at the Cow- San Francisco 49ers offensive about the players.” POOLS Monday night. However, he’d boys one last time.” coordinator Norv Turner has it Rivera was a linebacker for 24-HR MAINTENANCE been expecting the call since What did he see? locked up, and that Jones wants the Bears from 1984-92, win- ON SITE MGMT. Jones decided to hold the job “Some things that can be Rivera as defensive coordinator. ning a championship with the open through Super Bowl week, implemented to really help this Although that would be a lat- ‘85 team that had Buddy Ryan LAUNDRY FACILITIES when Rivera was off-limits be- defense,” he said. eral move, it’s possible because as the defensive coordinator. WALK-IN CLOSETS cause he was getting his team Dallas went 9-7 this past sea- Rivera’s contract with Chicago After retiring, he spent four MON-FRI 9-6, SAT 10-4, SUN 2-4 ready for the game. son, with a loss to Seattle in the is expiring. years talking football on televi- “Just the fact that Mr. Jones first round of the playoffs. The He might be willing to leave sion, then broke into coaching waited until now, that bodes Cowboys, who haven’t won a a great defense to run a medio- with the Bears in 1997. He was well for me,” Rivera said. playoff game since 1996, col- cre one for more than just the linebackers coach for the Phila- Rivera was the ninth per- lapsed in December and Janu- challenge — Jones likely would delphia Eagles under Jim John- son Jones interviewed. India- ary primarily because of break- pay Rivera more than the Bears, son from 1999-2003, then re- napolis quarterbacks coach Jim downs on defense. who have a lot of other coaches turned to Chicago as defensive STUDY ABROAD Caldwell will become No. 10 on Rivera, 45, played nine sea- in line for raises. coordinator when Lovie Smith Wednesday. sons in the NFL and has been When asked his chances of took over. Having lost to Caldwell and a coach for 10, the last three becoming defensive coordina- Rivera credits Ryan, Johnson SEVILLE, SPAIN the Colts on Sunday, Rivera as defensive coordinator of the tor, Rivera said: “I am here to and Smith for helping form his spent Monday stewing over it. Bears. Although he’s never been discuss being the head coach of approach to defense. The result He was glad to have had a day a head coach, he’s interviewed the Dallas Cowboys.” has helped his Bears consistent- in between the game and the several times this postseason Rivera likely has an idea of ly rank among the league lead- UW – PLATTEVILLE / SPANISH-AMERICAN INSTITUTE get-together with Jones. and last offseason. what it would be like to work ers in fewest yards and points In 1984 began one of the finest study abroad “It gave me a chance to go A big question surrounding for Turner because he’s worked allowed, and near the top in programs in theworld according to through some things in my this opening is how legitimate alongside Turner’s brother, Ron, turnovers. The Student´s Guide to the Best Study Abroad Programs

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AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY spa- Baylor Student Publications is A University town with over 50.000 students! New brick duplex on Bagby. 4 cious 3BR/3BA house completely looking for a dependable person Come join us! BR/2 BA, large interior $279.00. remodeled, hardwood, new car- Student worker needed for Lady to assist in the delivery of The Phone: 254-749-2067. pet, all appliances + washer/dryer Bear Basketball office. Great - op Baylor Lariat. For more informa- Register now at: included. From $1250 + utilities. portunity to be involved with our tion, call 710-3682 or visit: Or call toll-free: 1-800-342-1725 Rent very LARGE duplex. 2br/2ba, 754-1436. 1111 Speight. program. Call Coach Roberts at * For culturally related questions about the program ployment/index.php?id=44292. contact us directly at: W/D, tile. 3-4 students, $225- 710-4363 for more information. $300 each. 1312 Bagby. 817- Applicants will be considered on [email protected] HOUSE FOR LEASE. 5 BR / 2.5 a first-come, first-serve basis. 715-5559 BATH. Convenient to campus. Wait staff needed for dinner hours Wednesday, February 7, 2007 entertainment The Baylor Lariat 5 ‘Oh! Gravity’ leaves fans floating after new release By Abbie Rosen many say they have veered away the Sun Shines” taken off of Contributor from their “Christian roots,” the re- band’s newest songs prove crit- leased last year. I was quick to , a culturally-hip, ics wrong as the lyrics combine call up my friends and see what Christian-rooted band, proves spiritual formation with the bonus song was on their CDs so itself radio-wave worthy once hypocrisies of the world. With I could gather all of them. again with its new album, Oh! titles such as “American Dream” After I thought I collected all Gravity. and “Awakening,” the band asks of the bonus tracks, I was told listeners to examine if their “suc- that if Oh! Gravity is purchased ALBUM cess is equated with excess.” on the band’s Web site, an ad- REVIEW I highly anticipated the re- ditional CD was being given out lease of this album in mid-De- for free with acoustic versions of Placed in the gospel and reli- cember and was far from disap- the new songs. The $12 I spent gious genre, these songs fail to pointed as the songs once again to get this online CD was well fall within the usual association lifted my spirits. They had me worth it. of this type of music. The group, bopping my head while driving Switchfoot comes to Dallas originally a trio upon its birth in down LaSalle Avenue. Catchy and Austin in late March, and 1997, released three in- beats and meaningful lyrics had I will be attending at least one dependently,. It has made great others who rode in my car en- of them. I went to a concert last strides since then, becoming a ticed. year in the intimate setting of dominant player in the music The true Switchfoot fan will the Gypsy Tea Room in Dallas, industry. The now five-member be happy to note that there’s a where the band truly proved its rock group cultivated its fan bonus track placed on certain platinum album status. base when they signed on with CDs when purchased at stores Can’t make it to Dallas? and released such as Wal-Mart, Target and Have no fear — Switchfoot the album Learning to Breathe, Best Buy. Since I purchased my will be performing live at Broth- McClatchy in 2000. Seven years later, the CD at Wal-Mart, I was pleas- er’s Under Christ’s Island Party band still hasn’t lost its talent. antly surprised to hear a remix at Baylor on April 20. Switchfoot is shown backstage at the Jingle Ball 2004 sponsored by Z100 in New York City on Friday, December 10, In fact, it’s improved. Though of the song “The Shadow Proves Grade: A 2004. Since that time, the band’s fan base has increased and continues to with the recent release of Oh! Gravity. Studies disagree on positive effects of herbal remedies the cold or at least make it less cold increase rapidly and dis- to the sense of smell from zinc of this root to restore energy. them work for some people. Evidence shows flu, severe,” Everist said. appear just as fast, Turner said, nasal sprays. High daily doses The commercial herbal supple- Airborne: Growing in popu- cold victims get over But what is the scientific evi- making it difficult, but not im- (80 mg) have been linked to ment Cold-fX contains ginseng. larity, the brand-name herbal symptoms, regardless dence for alternative cold and possible, for scientists to design urinary problems. You can buy Some studies have found gin- product now is the second high- flu remedies, such as echinacea, studies proving what works. zinc in a variety of forms -- na- seng lessens the number and est selling cold tablet, according ginseng and zinc? Here is a quick look at the sal sprays, lollipops, gum, and severity of colds. Another study to Information Resources Inc. By Carla K. Johnson Dr. Ronald B. Turner, a cold evidence. lozenges. found that most ginseng prod- But there are “no credible clini- Associated Press virus expert at the University ◆Echinacea: The herbal sup- ◆Vitamin C: Found in fruits ucts contained less than half cal studies, so no evidence of ef- of School of Medicine plement is made from purple and vegetables, the nutrient of what was listed on the label. fect,” Turner said. “Based on the Herbal remedies have been in Charlottesville, says the coneflower. Early studies sug- got a huge boost to its reputa- Ginseng may also cause insom- ingredients, (there is ) no reason used to treat illness and pro- evidence is weak. But Turner gested some benefit, but more tion for cold prevention in 1970 nia. to expect an effect.” mote health for thousands of doesn’t try to discourage people recent studies with better de- when Nobel Prize-winning sci- ◆Oscillococcinum: This ho- ◆Chicken soup: This has years — enough evidence for from spending their money on signs have found no effect on entist Linus Pauling wrote a meopathic medicine, made from been a favorite remedy for cen- some people during cold and flu remedies they think make them preventing colds or lessening book endorsing it. Some studies minuscule amounts of duck turies. Some studies suggest its CLIENT season. feel better, as long as there are their length or severity. There have shown it reduces the dura- hearts and livers, is used to vapors warm up the respiratory College Board Peggy Everist, a 44-year-old no harmful side effects. are no known significant side tion and severity of colds when treat influenza. Studies have not passages and loosen mucus. An elementary school teacher from “One of the things that per- effects, but commercial prod- taken daily in doses of 200 mg produced strong evidence that article in a magazine for nurse JOB # Kansas City, takes Airborne, an mits people to believe in un- ucts aren’t standardized. or more. Turner thinks there’s it works. But New York Times practitioners pointed out that effervescent tablet containing proven therapies is that it really ◆Zinc: An essential mineral “probably little true effect.” Vi- Personal Health columnist Jane chicken soup’s ingredients are 16455-0 Chinese herbs, vitamins and doesn’t matter what you take be- found in oysters, beans, nuts tamin C can cause gastrointesti- Brody has said she keeps it in known antioxidants and keeps echinacea, when she feels a cold cause you’re going to get better and seeds, studies have yielded nal problems in high doses. her medicine cabinet, adding patients hydrated. Known side PROJECT NAME coming on. anyway,” Turner said. mixed results about zinc. There ◆Ginseng: Traditional Chi- that it may be the belief in ho- effects include feelings of com- CLEP ads “It really seems to knock out Symptoms of the common are scattered reports of damage nese medicine uses the extract meopathic medicine that make fort and nostalgia. DATE Clay Pot offers casual mood, 12/27/06 SIZE 5.53” x 10.5” relaxed dining experience I took a CLEP exam and COLLEGE By Jon Schroeder every kind of book invites you ery table while we were there, benefi ted by receiving 12 Baylor Staff Writer to stay even if you aren’t eating and he even sat down at a few to “ – they aren’t quick to kick any- finish conversations. His offer of college credits. As a result, You’ve been to Clay Pot, one out. Some Baylor students an impromptu “free spring roll” PROJECT MANAGER right? played chess and grazed on a night for any Baylor basketball I was able to fi nish my general Kimberly Stewart That’s the assumption. If short, carpeted stage, relish- fans is one I’ll take him up on. education classes quickly and you’re a Baylor student, you’ve ing the food and environment I got there about 9:30 p.m. and ARTIST dined there. The Vietnamese alike. stayed until almost 11 p.m. By at a low cost. Mike Sukhenko restaurant, located at the inter- Sitting on a cushion in a dim- that time, we were the last ones Rosemarie Levy section of South 10th Street and ly-lit corner, I sampled some of there, beside a few employees. Interstate 35, is a staple for stu- the more standard dishes. They aren’t speedy. Make Diana Solano “ dents. It even offers a meal plan Everyone gets tea and spring sure you have some time before Class of 2009 VERSION for those souls fortunate enough rolls. It’s worth the trip for just you go. Time slows down a little Took CLEP Spanish Language exam to discover it. the tea, an iced peach blend. inside — no one’s in a hurry to 1A And the spring rolls come with get out, least of all the servers. RESTAURANTREVIEW a small dish of peanut sauce, Clay Pot opens about 10 which my dining companion a.m and closes about 10 p.m. gracefully licked clean after every day except on Saturdays, Entering, you immediately he’d finished his roll. Quang’s day of rest. Grant yourself a notice a sense of atmosphere. My pho soup, a green cup- Clay Pot’s more about kicking Glancing around, there’s a ful of spicy onion and broth, back than fine dining. Not that strange mix of Vietnamese cul- complemented the tea nicely. A the food isn’t excellent for the ture, Christmas tree lights and plateful of rice and pineapple price: You can get a good meal even some aging Baylor para- chicken rounded out the meal. for about the cost of Taco Bell, scholarship phernalia. The tangy dish finished me off but you get a sense that most of A stretched-canvas piece on for the evening, but we stuck the customers are repeats. the wall says it best. The word around for a while. Everyone knows Quang, “peace,” repeated in 13 languag- The owner, Quang Le, he knows everyone, and once Earn a qualifying score on a es over a rainbow watercolor, brought us tea and chatted you’ve been, you’ll more than CLEP exam and you can overlooked our meal. A book- about the Baylor basketball likely become a Clay Pot group- shelf full of dog-eared copies of game. He visited just about ev- ie. receive college credit— allowing you to: • Save time • Save money • Move ahead faster

For more information about Baylor’s CLEP policy and to schedule an exam, contact:

Testing Services (254) 710-2061 [email protected]

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als or cover-ups about the de- governments’ policies or sim- in the religion department are Because of that gap in the ed- TREATY from page 1 tention and location of the per- ply because they want jus- WOMEN from page 1 frequently invited to preach or ucational background, Talbert tions” about parts of the text, son gone missing. tice,” Douste-Blazy said. “The women,” she said. “In both the serve as interim pastors in the said, women who are less pub- but declined to elaborate, and Nations that eventually rati- situation could not continue world of academia and religion, Waco area, but women aren’t lished than some men should she urged U.S. officials to sign fy the text would enshrine vic- to go unpunished. It required a women have faced opposition.” asked. be granted employment based and ratify it. She noted that tims’ rights, and would require strong response from the inter- Talbert said while Baylor has “That’s huge public relations on potential. America often backs activities states to penalize any forced national community.” come a long way, there’s still a for Baylor that women aren’t “The moral thing to do is hire of the UNHCR without formal- disappearances in their coun- Latin American states like ways to go. likely to be able to participate a person who will be qualified ly signing on to them. tries and enact preventative Argentina, once plagued by “We’re still feeling some of in,” she said. if you give them a chance,” she She called the treaty “a and monitoring measures. disappearances, are now own- the pain of academics being “Men don’t have to deal with said. message to all modern-day French officials, who led ing up to much of the violence male-dominated,” she said. “In the kind of criticism that wom- The legal issues surrounding authorities committed to the the effort, counted more than that left hundreds of thou- the Southern Baptist Conven- en do in the ministry.” affirmative action hiring con- fight against terrorism” that 51,000 people who were disap- sands dead or disappeared in tion, women were not allowed Dr. W.H. Bellinger Jr., chair- cern Dr. Sharyn Dowd, associ- some past tactics are now “not peared by their governments the 1970s and 1980s. Disap- to teach in the seminaries until man of the religion department, ate professor of religion. acceptable, in a very explicit in over 90 countries since pearances were also a common about 20 years ago.” said the number of women “We’ve had some court rul- way.” 1980, Douste-Blazy said. Some Nazi tactic in World War II. After being affiliated with the scholars is growing and Baylor ings that really make affirma- The convention defines 41,000 of those cases remain Argentina’s first lady, law- Southern Baptist Convention is very accepting and encourag- tive hiring extremely difficult,” forced disappearances as the unsolved. maker Cristina Kirchner, took until the early 1990s, Baylor is ing of employing more females. she said. “You can do it, but if arrest, detention, kidnapping “Men and women disap- part in the signing. She was in now associated with the Baptist He noted that while Baylor you get sued, you’ll lose.” or “any other form of depriva- pear every day on every con- Paris in an effort to raise her General Convention of Texas, doesn’t have an official, docu- Dowd said the lack of quali- tion of freedom” by state agents tinent, for defending human profile before a potential presi- which Talbert described as pro- mented stance on women in fied candidates could be circum- or affiliates, followed by deni- rights, for just opposing their dential bid. gressive and in favor of women the ministry, its approach has vented proactively by mentoring in the ministry. always been to affirm students promising female undergraduate Talbert said Truett empha- who are called to the ministry students and encouraging them sizes the Biblical support for regardless of gender. to pursue a doctoral degree. women as preachers and works “If much of what we do is In an effort to widen the pool very hard to show students the work with of female min- theology behind women as pas- ministry stu- isters, a group tors and teachers. dents, and “Change takes a of female and “In Baptist life, the Bible is 60 percent of long time.” male Truett our authority,” she said. them are wom- students is While fundamentalists use en, it would trying to edu- literal interpretations of certain seem rather Dr. Betty Talbert cate people passages and verses to support self-defeating director of spiritual formation about the idea the role of women as secondary to be opposed of women in to men, Talbert said she believes to women in l e a d e r s h i p the verses can be interpreted in the ministry,” he said. and pastoral roles. another way. Bellinger said part of the rea- Sarah Stewart, president of “Baylor is moving, although son for the disparity between the group Women in Ministry, not very rapidly, towards having male and female religion profes- said the student-led organiza- more women religion scholars,” sors is because the department tion was warmly received by she said. “Change takes a long only hires Baptists, as opposed students and faculty alike at a time.” to the rest of the university re- meeting attended by 117 peo- Associate religion professor quires only a Judeo-Christian ple. Dr. Rosalie Beck said she be- background. “People are hungry for wom- lieves Baylor is a place where “In the Baptist world, quite en to have a bigger role in min- Baptist women who are aca- frankly there are a lot of white istry,” said Stewart, a third-year demically inclined can flour- males,” he said. “We are do- student in the George W. Truett Chris Weeks/Lariat staff ish. Beck was the department’s ing our best to hire qualified Theological Seminary. first female professor when she women, but the pool is much Both Talbert and Dowd agree Sittin’ in a tree came to the university in 1984. smaller.” with Stewart and said a women’s She said while gender is not an Beck expressed a similar ministry movement is already Hermiston, Ore., senior Bryce Bissinger, left, and Houston sophmore Tim Walker enjoy the weather Tues- issue in the department today, frustration. under way. day afternoon in trees near the Bill Daniel Student Center. Baptists haven’t always been so “We want to hire more wom- “I was told when I came here supportive of women. en, but they have to apply,” she that it would be 10 years before “There have always been seg- said. there was a woman senior pas- ments of Baptist life that don’t Talbert said Baylor and other tor in Texas,” Talbert said. “Two long as the companies promise ment their income anymore encourage women to go into universities should do more to years later Julie Pennington- WAGE from page 1 to earmark this money toward — it will give them a sense of higher academic work,” she attract female scholars in or- Russell came in, so that’s entire- This increase would take paying their employees. dignity.” said. der to counteract the prejudice ly changing.” place over a period of four Ray said the implications of Gatlin said she hopes the Beck said she also believes women faced in the past. Pennington-Russell, who years. this plan are far-reaching. national minimum wage will the geographic location of Talbert said that for many pastors Calvary Baptist Church Gatlin said the companies “It will enable these em- also be increased. Baylor keeps many female reli- years, women were not seeking in Waco, is one of two female se- have been receptive to the ployees at Baylor to provide “It’s a long time in coming,” gion scholars from applying. higher degrees, and they still nior pastors in the area. plan, in which Baylor would for their families, to get off of she said. “Central Texas isn’t the most feel the effects of that lack of ed- “Our feeling is that Scripture compensate for the difference welfare and food stamps,” she “I think that would be won- accepting place of a woman ucation today. But she also said suppports women in every role between their current pay and said. derful, but there is still a ways preaching,” she said. Baylor needs to recruit women of pastoral leadership,” Talbert the proposed wage increase, as “They won’t need to supple- to go.” Beck has noticed that men more actively. said.