CAN BASEBALL’s A NASA AFFAIR: HERBAL REMEDIES FRESHMEN LIVE UP SPACE AGENCY CAUGHT IN MIDDLE OFFER ALTERNATIVE TOP BILLING? PAGE 4 OF LOVE TRIANGLE PAGE 3 TO MEDICINE PAGE 5 ROUNDING UP CAMPUS NEWS SINCE 1900 THE BAYLOR LARIAT WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 2007 Group tackles living wage Students fight to raise at Baylor,” said Courtney Ray, a staff salaries as debate Fort Worth senior and member of the group. “It is just about getting rages on in Washington the word out. What we are finding is that a lot of students and pro- By Melissa Limmer fessors do not know what a living Staff Writer wage is. It holds a certain stigma among conservative audiences, As the national minimum wage which is what Baylor is. increase makes headway on Capi- “We want students to know Leveling tol Hill, one on-campus group is what is going on and for them to making sure students know how know that they have a voice.” the increase could affect Baylor. Gatlin said a group called the Students for Social Justice is Baylor Adequate Wage Task Force having two movie and discussion — which includes Dr. Dub Oliver, nights, with showings Thursday vice president for student life, Dr. the praying and next Tuesday regarding the Reagan Ramsower, vice president need to raise the minimum wage. for finance and administration, The group will show Where and other faculty — has submit- There is a Will There Will be a Liv- ted a proposal to President John ing Wage. The movie is a documen- Lilley and the Strategic Planning field tary created by students at Texas Council. The council is respon- A&M University who are running sible for determining Baylor’s their own campaign that focuses budget. on staff at the university who get The proposal requests that paid minimum wage. companies that contract employ- “It’s powerful for what we are ees on campus, such as Aramark doing at Baylor,” said Anali Gat- and Crothall, increase the mini- lin, a Waco senior and co-leader mum wage they pay their employ- of Students for Social Justice. ees from $5.15 an hour to $10.40. “The group wants to increase discussion about the living wage Please see WAGE, page 6 How Baylor’s breaking the old Baptist mold By Claire St. Amant d i s m i s s e d Staff writer amid cries Photo illustration by A of gender or the first time since 1999, discrimina- the religion department is tion. hiring a female professor. The semi- This fall, Dr. Lidija No- nary president, bbie R vakovich, a Baptist from Dr. Paige Patter- FCroatia, will teach New Testament son, said women osen classes. shouldn’t teach men Novakovich earned her doctorate and he considers a w o m - from Princeton and will become the an’s “highest calling” as one of moth- third full-time female faculty mem- erhood. Courtesy Photo ber in the religion department. While Dr. Betty Talbert, director of spir- Baylor is moving toward involving itual formation for the George W. more women in minstry, some fun- Truett Theological Seminary, said Lilley goes to D.C. damentalist Baptist groups are going she was disappointed to hear the in the opposite direction. news about Klouda. President John Lilley, left, speaks Tuesday with Texas Sen. John Cornyn In January, Sheri Klouda, a female “There’s been a lot to overcome for at the National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities in Hebrew professor at Southwestern Washington, D.C. Lilley met with other school administrators and legis- Baptist Theological Seminary, was Please see WOMEN, page 6 lators, such as Rep. Chet Edwards, who was re-elected in November in Texas’ 17th district. French Foreign Minister Philippe Douste-Blazy, U.S. not part of international treaty left, and Argentina’s first lady, Cristina By Jamey Keaten Minister Philippe Douste-Blazy terrorism suspects to CIA-run officials said. Kirchner, meet The Associated Press told reporters after 57 nations prisons overseas, which Bush The treaty was officially Tuesday in signed the treaty at his ministry acknowledged in September. opened for signature at Tues- Paris as officials PARIS — Nearly 60 countries in Paris. Many other Western nations, day’s ceremony in Paris. It will from nearly 60 signed a treaty on Tuesday that “That won’t prevent them including Germany, Spain, Brit- enter into force after 20 coun- nations signed bans governments from holding from one day signing on in New ain and Italy, also did not sign tries ratify it, usually by a par- a treaty banning forced disap- people in secret detention, but York at U.N. headquarters, and I the treaty. France introduced liamentary vote. pearances. the United States and some of hope they will.” the convention at the U.N. Gen- U.N. High Commissioner for its key European allies were not State Department spokes- eral Assembly in November and Human Rights Louise Arbour among them. man Sean McCormack declined it was adopted in December. called the treaty an important The signing capped a quar- comment except to say that the Many delegates expressed step both in preventing injustic- ter-century of efforts by families United States helped draft the hope that other nations will es common years ago and bar- of people who have vanished at treaty, but that the final text “did sign by year-end. Some ring newer abuses that often fall the hands of governments. not meet our expectations.” European nations have ex- through regulatory loopholes. “Our American friends were McCormack declined com- pressed support for the treaty, Arbour said the United naturally invited to this ceremo- ment on whether the U.S. stance but face constitutional hurdles States had expressed “reserva- ny; unfortunately, they weren’t was influenced by the admin- or require a full Cabinet debate Associated Press able to join us,” French Foreign istration’s policy of sending before signing, French and U.N. Please see TREATY, page 6 Gov. Rick Perry delivered his Governor proposes plan to assist cancer fight annual State of the State address Tues- By Kelley Shannon care initiatives the centerpiece of his lenges and build the foundation for With his lottery sale proposal, day in the The Associated Press State of the State speech to the Leg- a future of unparalleled prosperity,” Perry said he’s tapping a source of Texas House of islature. said Perry, viewed in some circles as funding for key programs that won’t Representatives AUSTIN — Showing a different His past addresses to Texas law- a potential vice presidential nominee dry up or cost the state general rev- in Austin. Perry side of himself, Texas Gov. Rick makers have focused on precise bud- in 2008. enue. proposed a plan Perry made bold proposals Tuesday get and program recommendations He proposed increased tax relief, Perry estimated a sale price of at to sell the Texas to spend billions of dollars to help and pleas to repair a broken educa- property tax appraisal relief, higher least $14 billion. Lottery to help the uninsured and fight cancer, and tion funding system. education funding, state budgeting Perry said he’d use the proceeds Texans afford to pay for it by selling the state lot- But with a new school finance transparency and more emphasis to establish a $2.7 billion endow- costly cancer tery. plan in place and a record surplus, on rehabilitating non-violent offend- ment to help more Texans get health treatments. Perry, a conservative Republi- Perry this time branched out in a big ers. He said he agrees with Republi- insurance and create a $3 billion can known for his commitment to way. can Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst there fund for the fight against cancer. property tax cuts and controlling “This moment in time is a unique should be tougher penalties for sex Both would generate ongoing rev- spending, made the sweeping health opportunity to address great chal- offenders who prey on children. enue, he said. Associated Press VOL. 106 No. 63 www.baylor.edu/Lariat © 2007, BAYLOR UNIVERSITY 2 The Baylor Lariat OPINION Wednesday, February 7, 2007 Red, trendy clothes don’t mean social activism I don’t care what Bono says. sips of your Starbucks latte, you impact of changing one child’s you? There’s nothing wrong you gave it away. A nice concept, Cashmere hoodies do not fight can smile and think about how life, or what that dynamic duo with caring about the world, if but I found a way to thwart it. AIDS. fashionable charity is. has done for their children. But you sincerely care. I only wore the bracelet It’s insulting, actually, to The only thing more ironic point we have to do more than fly But when the desire to be in around the saintly, mainstream think giving 50 percent of the than the idea of designer cloth- into a country, nab a kid, snap style outweighs your knowledge Christian crowd, thereby nulli- profit from a status symbol is ing fighting battles for third- of view a photo and call it a day. about the real issues, there is a fying the possibility of it leaving socially responsible. The Prod- world countries is that the shirts We need to educate ourselves problem. my prideful wrist. uct (RED) campaign is the latest are being sold on eBay. BY CLAIRE ST. AMANT about the issues of generational I remember when WWJD Product (RED) is guilty of a and most offensive installment Unbelievable. poverty. We need to care about bracelets were cool. Wait, that’s similar conundrum. When you of fad-ish activism.
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