Leonid A. Eidelman, MD CV updated JAN 2017 1/


Name: Leonid Eidelman, MD ID No.: 011529872

Faculty/Dept: Sackler Faculty of Medicine, University, Tel Aviv, /Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine

Hospital/Dept: Department of Anesthesiology Rabin Medical Center Beilinson Hospital Petach Tikva 49 100 Israel Phone No.: +972-3-9376811/50

Home Address: 78/17 Levi Eshkol Street Tel Aviv 69361, Israel

Mobile: +972-522674747 Email: [email protected]

Date & Place of Birth: 27th September 1952, Riga, Latvia, USSR

Date of Arrival in Israel: 30.9.1987

ZAHAL (Israeli) 1989 1997 Military Service: (Enlisted) (Discharged) Reserve Service

Marital Status: Married, 2 children

A. EDUCATION PERIODS OF STUDIES 1969-1975 Riga Medical Institute, Riga, Latvia, USSR Subject: Medicine

1975 MD degree

Date Awarded: 22.6.1975

1976 Specialization Certificate in Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine (USSR)

1987 Israeli MD License No.: 20157

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1991 Specialization Certificate in Anesthesiology Specialist License No.: 11654

1996 Specialization Certificate in Intensive Care Medicine Specialist License No.: 15132


Academic Experience:

1989-1997 Lecturer, Intensive Care Course for Registered Nurses, Academic School for Nurses, Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School, , Israel

1989-1997 Lecturer and Tutor, Anesthesiology/Critical Care Medicine, Postgraduate Education, Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem, Israel

1989-1997 Tutor to Residents, Anesthesiology/Critical Care Medicine, Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem, Israel

1989-1997 Lecturer and Tutor to 5th year Medical Students, Anesthesiology/Critical Care Medicine, Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem, Israel

1990-1992 Instructor, Anesthesiology/Critical Care Medicine, Hebrew University- Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem, Israel

1991-1992, Lecturer, Institute for Postgraduate Training, Course for New 1996 Immigrant Physicians, Hebrew Medical School, Jerusalem, Israel

1991-1997 Lecturer, Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) course, Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem, Israel

1992-1997 Lecturer, Anesthesiology/Critical Care Medicine, Hebrew University- Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem, Israel

1992-1997 Head, Resident Teaching Program, Anesthesiology/Critical Care Medicine, Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem, Israel

1993 Member of Institutional Residency Board, Hebrew University- Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem, Israel

Academic Experience:

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1996-1997 Member, Admission Committee, Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem, Israel

1996-1997 Coordinator for the Preparatory Course for Written Board Examination, Israel Society of Anesthesiologists

1997-present Lecturer and Tutor to 5th and 6th year medical students and for the NY program medical students, Anesthesiology/Critical Care Medicine, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel

1.10.2016-present Clinical Associated Professor Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel

1.8.2017-present Chair, the Division of Anesthesia and Intensive Care, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel

Professional Experience:

1975-1976 Internship, Department of Intensive Care Medicine/Anesthesiology, The First Riga City University Hospital, Riga, Latvia, USSR

1975-1976 Resident, Department of Anesthesiology/Intensive Care Medicine, The First Riga City University Hospital, & P. Stradin University Hospital of Latvian Republic, Riga, Latvia, USSR

1976-1978 Attending Physician, Department of Intensive Care Medicine, The First Riga City University Hospital, Riga, Latvia, USSR

1978-1980 Fellowship, Department of Anesthesiology/Critical Care Medicine, P. Stradin University Hospital of Latvian Republic, Riga, Latvia, USSR

1980-1987 Attending Physician, Department of Intensive Care Medicine, The First Riga City University Hospital, Riga, Latvia, USSR

1984-1987 Attending Physician, Department of Anesthesiology, University Clinics of Stomatology, Riga, Latvia, USSR [Anesthesia in Orofacial, Maxillary and Plastic Surgery]

1988-1991 Resident, Department of Anesthesiology/Critical Care Medicine, Hadassah-Hebrew University Medical Center, Jerusalem, Israel

1991-1997 Attending Physician, Department of Anesthesiology/Critical Care Medicine, Hadassah-Hebrew University Medical Center, Jerusalem, Israel

July 1992 Visitor, Department of Anesthesiology/Critical Care Medicine, Presbyterian University Hospital, Pittsburgh, PA, USA [Anesthesiology in Liver Transplantation]

Leonid A. Eidelman, MD CV updated JAN 2017 4/ July 1992 Visitor, Department of Anesthesiology/Critical Care Medicine, Mount Sinai University Hospital, New York, NY, USA [Anesthesiology in Liver Transplantation]

Professional Experience:

1992-1997 Anesthesia in Liver Transplantation, Department of Anesthesiology/Critical Care Medicine, Hadassah-Hebrew University Medical Center, Jerusalem, Israel Apr-Aug 1993 Locum Consultant Anesthetist, Department of Anesthesiology/Critical Care Medicine, King’s College Hospital, London, UK [Anesthesiology in Liver Transplantation]

1996-1997 Director, Day Care Surgery Unit, Hadassah-Hebrew University Medical Center, Jerusalem, Israel

Jul 1997-present Head, Department of Anesthesiology, Rabin Medical Center, Beilinson Hospital, Petach Tikva, Israel

Jul 1997-present Acting Clinical Director, Operating Room, Rabin Medical Center, Beilinson Hospital, Petach Tikva, Israel [Operating Room Management]


1974 XXIVth Scientific Student Convention of Riga Medical Institute, Riga, Latvia, USSR

1975 XVth Scientific Student Convention of Riga Medical Institute, Riga, Latvia, USSR

1977 2nd All-Union Congress of Anesthesiologists and Reanimatologists, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, USSR (Abstract)

1978 XVIIth Joint Meeting of All-Union Surgery Society Board and Latvian Surgery Society Board, Riga, Latvia, USSR (Abstract)

1983 3rd All-Union Congress of Anesthesiologists and Reanimatologists, Riga, Latvia, USSR (Abstract)

1985 XXth Session of the All-Union Board of Surgery Society. Pp. 126-127. Lvov, Ukraine, USSR (Abstract)

1989 15th International Congress of the Israel Society of Anesthesiologists. Tel Aviv, Israel (Abstract)

1991 Annual Meeting of American Society of Anesthesiologists, San Francisco, USA (Abstract)

Leonid A. Eidelman, MD CV updated JAN 2017 5/ 1992 16th International Congress of the Israel Society of Anesthesiologists, , Israel (Abstract)


1992 Annual Meeting of American Society of Anesthesiologists, New Orleans, USA (Abstract)

1992 Symposium on Prevention of Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting by Ondansetron, Sponsored by Glaxo Company. Hague, Netherlands

1994 First World Congress on Labor and Delivery. Jerusalem, Israel (Invited speaker)

1994 7th European Congress on Intensive Care Medicine, Innsbruck, Austria (Abstract)

1994 Annual Meeting of American Society of Anesthesiologists, San Francisco, USA (Abstract)

1994 9th European Congress of Anaesthesiology, Jerusalem, Israel

1995 Society of Critical Care Medicine, San Francisco, USA

1995 Symposium on Tirilizad in Moderate and Severe Head Trauma, Sponsored by Upjohn Company. Berlin, Germany

1995 Annual Meeting of American Society of Anesthesiologists, Atlanta, USA

1995 9th Asian Congress of Anaesthesiologists, Singapore

1995 2nd Congress of International Society of Heart and Brain, Prague, Czechoslovakia

1996 Society of Critical Care Medicine, New Orleans, USA

1996 Annual Meeting of Israel Society of Anesthesiologists, , Israel

1996 9th European Congress of Intensive Care Medicine, Glasgow, UK

1997 Society of Critical Care Medicine, San Diego, USA

1997 First World Congress on Maternal Mortality, Marrakesh, Morocco

1997 Symposium on Antitrombin III in Severe Sepsis, Sponsored by Centeon- Pharmaco Company, Barcelona, Spain

1997 20th Israeli Congress of Surgeons, Jerusalem, Israel (invited speaker)

1997 3rd World Congress of Latvian Physicians, Riga, Latvia (invited speaker)

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1997 Annual Meeting of European Society of Anesthesiologists, Lausanne, Switzerland


1997 Annual Meeting of American Society of Anesthesiologists, San-Diego, USA

1998 10th European Congress of Anaesthesiology, Frankfurt, Germany

1998 2nd International Symposium on Perioperative Cardiac Care, Tel Aviv, Israel (invited speaker)

1999 18th International Congress of Israel Society of Anesthesiologists, Haifa, Israel (moderator)

1999 8th Annual Meeting of Israel Society of Neurosciences. , Israel (invited speaker)

1999 28th Educational and Scientific Symposium, San Francisco, USA

2000 Annual Meeting of American Society of Anesthesiologists, San Francisco, USA (abstract)

2001 3rd International Symposium on Perioperative Cardiac Care, Tel Aviv, Israel

2001 Annual Meeting of the American Society of Anesthesiologists, New Orleans, USA (abstract)

2002 Annual Meeting of American Society of Anesthesiologists, Orlando, USA (abstract)

2002 11th Annual Meeting of Israel Society for Neurosciences, Eilat, Israel (invited speaker)

2003 Annual Meeting of American Society of Anesthesiologists, San Francisco, USA (abstract)

2004 Annual Meeting of the American Society of Anesthesiologists, Las Vegas, USA (abstract)

2005 Annual Meeting of the American Society of Anesthesiologists, New Orleans, USA (abstract)

2005 20th International Congress of Israel Society of Anesthesiologists, Haifa, Israel (invited speaker)

2007 Annual Meeting of the American Society of Anesthesiologists, San Francisco, USA (abstract)

Leonid A. Eidelman, MD CV updated JAN 2017 7/ 2008 Israeli Working Group on Intensive Cardiac Care meeting. Tel Aviv, Israel (invited speaker)

2010 First International Congress on Cardiac Problems in Pregnancy, Valencia, Spain (invited speaker, organizing committee member)

2010 Annual Meeting of American Society of Anesthesiologists, San Diego, USA (poster)

2011 22nd International Congress of the Israel Society of Anesthesiologists, Tel Aviv, Israel (invited speaker)

2012 8th International Conference on Bioethics Education:Methods, Trends (UNESCO Chair in Bioethics). Kinar Hotel, Sea of Galilee, Israel. (invited speaker)

2012 WMA Conference on the New Version of the Declaration of Helsinki, Capetown South Africa (invited discussant)

2013 Annual Meeting of American Society of Anesthesiologists, San Francisco, USA (poster)

2014 23nd International Congress of the Israel Society of Anesthesiologists, Tel Aviv, Israel (invited speaker)

2015 Annual meeting of the Society of Surgeons, Kfar Blum, Israel. (invited speaker)

2015 Annual meeting of the Society of Gender Medicine, Petach Tikva, Israel. (invited speaker)

2015 Annual meeting of the Internal Medicine Department Chairs, Tel Aviv, Israel (invited speakers)

2015 Scientific session on Medical Education. Annual General Assambley of the World Medical Association, Moscow, Russia. (invited speaker)

2016 War, Migration and Health: What Should Physicians Do? Symposium, Istanbul, Turkey (invited speaker)

2016 Scientific session on Medical Education. European Forum of Medical Associations and WHO. Tashkent, Usbekistan. (invited speaker)

2016 The refresher course in anaesthesiology of Committee for European Education in Anaesthesiology ( a joint committee of ESA (European Society of Anaesthesiology) and WFSA (World Federation of Societies of Anaesthesiologists). Zichron Yakov, Israel. (invited speaker)


1988-present Israel Medical Association 1990-present Israel Society of Anesthesiologists [Member of Directory Board: 1990-1993, 1996-2008] 1996-1998 Legislative Subcommittee of the Society of Anesthesiologists (Israel)

1990-2000 Society of Critical Care Medicine (USA)

1995-2015 American Society of Anesthesiologists (USA)

1995-2000 Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists (USA)

1997-2000 Society of Intensive Care Medicine (Europe)

2002-2005 Chairman, Israel Society of Anesthesiologists

2004-2009 Vice-President, Israel Medical Association

2004-2009 Chairman, Hospital Doctors’ Organization

2009-present President, Israeli Medical Association

2009-present Member of the General Council of World Medical Association

2010-2014 Chair, Finance and Planing Committee, World Medical Association


1990-1992 Instructor, Anesthesiology/Critical Care Medicine, Hebrew University- Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem, Israel

1992-1997 Lecturer, Anesthesiology/Critical Care Medicine, Hebrew University- Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem, Israel

1.10.2016-present Clinical Associated Professor Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel


1995-1996 Lea Leibovich Subject: Ethics in intensive Care. Title: Forgoing of life-sustaining treatment in intensive care unit.

Leonid A. Eidelman, MD CV updated JAN 2017 9/ Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem, Israel MD

E. M.A./M.Sc Students

1995 Alex Avidan Subject: Respiratory physiology in intensive care Title: Use of pletismography for waning from mechanical ventilation. Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem, Israel MSc


1991-1993 PI Ondansetron for prevention of postoperative nausea and vomiting. Phase III multi-center study (Glaxo) Joint Research Fund of the Hebrew University & Hadassah Medical Organization, Jerusalem, Israel

1993-1996 Co-Investigator Tirilazad in moderate and severe head trauma. Phase III multi-center study (The Upjohn Company) Joint Research Fund of the Hebrew University & Hadassah Medical Organization, Jerusalem, Israel

2008 PI MNTX 3301. A phase III, double-blind, randomized, parallel-group, placebo-controlled study of intravenous methylnaltrexone bromide in the treatment of postoperative ileus. Rabin Medical Center, Beilinson Hospital, Petach Tikva, Israel


1993 Director General Award, Hadassah Medical Organization, Jerusalem, Israel

1995 Award for Distinguished Research Study, Hadassah Medical Organization, Jerusalem, Israel

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B.1. Articles Published

1. Landesberg G, Erel J, Anner H, Eidelman LA, Weinmann E, Luria MH, Admon D, Assaf J, Sapoznikov D, Berlatzky Y, Cotev S. Perioperative myocardial ischemia in carotid endarterectomy under cervical plexus block anesthesia and prophylactic nitroglycerin infusion: a prospective study. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth. 1993; 7:259-265. (ANESTHESIOLOGY 21/31, Q3, IF 1.519)

2. Landesberg G1, Luria MH, Cotev S, Eidelman LA, Anner H, Mosseri M, Schechter D, Assaf J, Erel J, Berlatzky Y. Importance of long duration postoperative ST-segment depression in cardiac morbidity after vascular surgery. Lancet. 1993; 341:715-719. (MEDICINE, GENERAL & INTERNAL 2/151, Q1, IF 44.002, No. of Citations 198)

3. Berlatzky Y, Landesberg G, Anner H, Luria MH, Eidelman LA, Mousseri M. Prolonged postoperative myocardial ischemia and infarction in vascular surgery performed under regional anesthesia. Eur J Vasc Surg. 1994; 8: 413-418. (SURGERY 39/199, Q1, IF 2.912, No. of Citations 8)

4. Kett DH, Quartin AA, Sprung CL, Fisher CJ Jr, Peña MA, Heard SO, Zimmerman JL, Albertson TE, Panacek EA, Eidelman LA, Schein RMH. An evaluation of the hemodynamic effects of HA-1A human monoclonal antibody. Crit Care Med. 1994; 22:1227-1234. (CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE 4/33, Q1,IF 7.422, No. of Citations 5)

5. Eidelman LA, Sprung CL. Why have new effective therapies for sepsis not been developed? Crit Care Med. 1994;22(8):1330-1334. (CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE 4/33, Q1, IF 7.422, No. of Citations 39)

6. Eidelman LA, Putterman D, Putterman C, Sprung CL. The spectrum of septic encephalopathy. Definitions, etiologies, and mortalities. JAMA. 1996; 275: 470-473. (MEDICINE, GENERAL & INTERNAL 3/151, Q1, IF 37.684, No. of Citations 165)

Leonid A. Eidelman, MD CV updated JAN 2017 11/ B.1. Articles Published

7. Shenkman Z, Eidelman LA, Cotev S. Continuous spinal anaesthesia using a standard epidural set for extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy. Can J Anaesth. 1997; 44: 1042-1046. (ANESTHESIOLOGY 10/25, Q2, IF 2.306, No. of Citations 5)

8. Sprung CL, Eidelman LA, Pizov R, Fisher CJ Jr, Ziegler EJ, Sadoff JC, Straube RC, McCloskey RV. Influence of alterations in forgoing life-sustaining treatment practices on a clinical sepsis trial. Crit Care Med. 1997; 25: 383-387. (CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE 4/33, Q1, IF 7.422, No. of Citations 21)

9. Landesberg G, Einav S, Christopherson R, Beattie C, Berlatzky Y, Rosenfeld B, Eidelman LA, Norris E, Anner H, Mosseri M, Cotev S, Luria MH. Perioperative ischemia and cardiac complications in major vascular surgery: importance of the preoperative twelve-lead electrocardiogram. J Vasc Surg. 1997; 26: 570-578. (SURGERY 21/199, Q1, IF 3.454, No. of Citations 51)

10. Ornstein E, Eidelman LA, Drenger B, Elami A, Pizov R. Systolic pressure variation predicts the response to acute blood loss. J Clin Anesth. 1998; 10: 137-140. (ANESTHESIOLOGY 24/31, Q4, IF 1.284, No. of Citations 30)

11. Eidelman LA, Jakobson DJ, Pizov R, Geber D, Leibovitz L, Sprung CL. Forgoing life-sustaining treatment in an Israeli ICU Intensive Care Med. 1998; 24: 162-166. (CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE 3/33, Q1, IF 10.125, No. of Citations 61)

12. Wolf YG, Verstandig A, Sasson T, Eidelman LA, Anner H, Berlatzky Y. Mesenteric bypass for chronic mesenteric ischaemia. Cardiovasc Surg. 1998; 6: 34-41. (CARDIAC & CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEMS 51/72, Q3, IF 0.977, No. of Citations 5)

13. Pizov R, Oppenheim A, Eidelman LA, Weiss YG, Sprung CL, Cotev S. Helium versus oxygen for tracheal gas insufflation during mechanical ventilation. Crit Care Med. 1998; 26: 290-295. (CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE 4/33, Q1, IF 7.422, No. of Citations 6)

14. Oppenheim-Eden A, Glantz L, Eidelman LA, Sprung CL. Spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage in critically ill patients: incidence over six years and associated factors. Intensive Care Med. 1999; 25: 63-67. (CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE 3/33, Q1, IF 10.125, No. of Citations 30)

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B.1. Articles Published

15. Shamir M, Eidelman LA, Floman Y, Kaplan L, Pizov R. Pulse oximetry plethysmographic waveform during changes in blood volume. Br J Anaesth. 1999; 82, 178-181. (ANESTHESIOLOGY 1/31, Q1, IF 5.616, No. of Citations 80)

16. Pizov R, Oppenheim-Eden A, Matot I, Weiss YG, Eidelman LA, Rivkind AI, Sprung CL. Blast lung injury from an explosion on a civilian bus. Chest. 1999; 115: 165-172. (CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE 5/33, Q1, IF 5.94, No. of Citations 54)

17. Sprung CL, Geber D, Eidelman LA, Baras M, Pizov R, Nimrod A, Oppenheim A, Epstein L, Cotev S. Evaluation of triage decisions for intensive care admission. Crit Care Med. 1999; 27:1073-1079. (CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE 4/33, Q1, IF 7.422, No. of Citations 143)

18. Spivak H, Nudelman I, Fuco V, Rubin M, Raz P, Peri A, Lelcuk S, Eidelman LA. Laparoscopic extraperitoneal inguinal hernia repair with spinal anesthesia and nitrous oxide insufflation. Surg Endosc. Ultr Int Tech 1999; 13: 1026-1029. (SURGERY 17/139, Q1, IF 2.374, No. of Citations 19)

19. Weiss YG, Maliar A, Eidelman LA, Berlatzky Y, Hanson C.W. 3rd, Deutschman CS, Zajicek G. Computer assisted physiologic monitoring and stability assessment in vascular surgical patients undergoing general anesthesia--preliminary data. J Clin Monit Comput. 2000; 16:107-113. (ANESTHESIOLOGY 22/23,Q4, IF 0.488, No. of Citations 4)

20. Berman M, Ben-Gal T, Dvir D, Mansharov M, Kusniec J, Strasberg B, Sagie A, Sahar G, Eidelman LA, Vidne B, Aravot D. Automatic implantable cardioverter defibrillator as "bridge to heart transplantation" for sudden death high-risk patients. Transplant Proc. 2001; 33:2906-2907. (SURGERY 88/139, Q3, IF 0.799, No. of Citations 0)

21. Aravot D, Kramer M, Blau H, Berman M, Ben-Gal T, Saute M, Sagie A, Ben Dayan D, Sahar G, Eidelman L, Vidne B. Functional status and quality of life of heart-lung transplant recipients. Transplant Proc. 2001; 33: 2890-2891. (SURGERY 88/139, Q3, IF 0.799, No. of Citations 3)

Leonid A. Eidelman, MD CV updated JAN 2017 13/ B.1. Articles Published

22. Izbicki G, Shitrit D, Aravot D, Fink G, Saute M, Idelman L[Eidelman L],Bakal I, Sulkes J, Kramer MR. The effect of donor age on survival after lung transplantation. Isr Med Assoc J. 2002; 4: 415-417. (MEDICINE, GENERAL & INTERNAL 78/103, Q4, IF 0.51, No. of Citations 7)

23. Kogan A, Katz J, Efrat R, Eidelman LA. Premedication with midazolam in young children: a comparison of four routes of administration. Paediatr Anaesth. 2002; 12: 685-689. (PEDIATRICS 37/68, Q3, IF 0.983, No. of Citations 51)

24. Shitrit D, Fink G, Sahar G, Eidelman L, Saute M, Kramer MR. Successful lung transplantation following lung volume reduction surgery. Thorac Cardiovasc Surg.2003; 51: 274-276. (SURGERY 145/199, Q3, IF 0.957, No. of Citations 6)

25. Aravot D, Saute M, Eidelman LA, Berman M, Bendayan D, Orlov B, Raanani E, Sahar G, Kogan A, Vidne B, Kramer M. A new immunosuppressive protocol for lung transplantation: early promising results. Transplant Proc. 2003; 35: 625-626. (SURGERY 88/139, Q3, IF 0.799, No. of Citations 0)

26. Berman M, Ben Gal T, Kogan A, Menashrov M, Raanani E, Georghiou GP, Zibly Z, Sahar G, Eidelman LA, Vidne B, Aravot D. Outcome of unrelated surgical procedures among patients who received heart transplants. Transplant Proc. 2003; 35: 631-633. (SURGERY 88/139, Q3, IF 0.799, No. of Citations 1)

27. Kogan A, Eidelman LA, Raanani E, Orlov B, Shenkin O, Vidne BA. Nausea and vomiting after fast-track cardiac anaesthesia. Br J Anaesth. 2003; 91: 214-217. (ANESTHESIOLOGY 1/31, Q1, IF 5.616, No. of Citations 9)

28. Eidelman LA, Jakobson DJ, Worner TM, Pizov R, Geber D, Sprung CL. End-of-life intensive care unit decisions, communication, and documentation: an evaluation of physician training. J Crit Care. 2003;18: 11-16. (CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE 18/33, Q3, IF 2.445, No. of Citations 10)

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B.1. Articles Published

29. Glantz L, Godovic G, Lekar M, Kramer M, Eidelman LA. Efficacy of transdermal nitroglycerin combined with etodolac for the treatment of chronic post-thoracotomy pain: an open-label prospective clinical trial. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2004; 27: 277-281. (MEDICINE, GENERAL & INTERNAL 28/151, Q1, IF 2.649, No. of Citations 7)

30. Jakobson DJ, Eidelman LA, Worner TM, Oppenheim AE, Pizov R, Sprung CL. Evaluation of changes in forgoing life-sustaining treatment in Israeli ICU patients. Chest. 2004; 126: 1969-1973. (CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE 5/33, Q1, IF 5.94, No. of Citations 6)

31. Bendayan D, Hod M, Oron G, Sagie A, Eidelman LA, Shitrit D, Kramer MR Pregnancy outcome in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension receiving prostacyclin therapy. Obstet Gynecol. 2005;106: 1206-1210. (OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY 2/80, Q1, IF 5.656, No. of Citations 37)

32. Glantz L, Avramovich A, Trembovler V, Gurvitz V, Kohen R, Eidelman LA, Shohami E. Ischemic preconditioning increases antioxidants in the brain and peripheral organs after cerebral ischemia. Exp Neurol. 2005; 192: 117-124. (NEUROSCIENCES 51/256, Q1, IF 4.657, No. of Citations 44)

33. Weissman C, Eidelman LA, Pizov R, Matot I, Klein N, Cohn R. The Israeli anesthesiology physician workforce. Isr Med Assoc J. 2006; 8: 255-260. (MEDICINE, GENERAL & INTERNAL 78/103, Q4, IF 0.51, No. of Citations 14)

34. Orbach-Zinger S, Friedman L, Avramovich A, Ilgiaeva N, Orvieto R, Sulkes J, Eidelman LA. Risk factors for failure to extend labor epidural analgesia to epidural anesthesia for Cesarean section. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. 2006; 50: 1014-1018. (ANESTHESIOLOGY 16/31, Q3, IF 2.049, No. of Citations 9)

35. Kogan A, Medalion B, Raanani E, Sharoni E, Stamler A, Pak N, Vidne BA, Eidelman LA. Early oral analgesia after fast-track cardiac anesthesia. Can J Anaesth. 2007; 54: 254-261. (ANESTHESIOLOGY 10/25, Q2, IF 2.306, No. of Citations 5)

Leonid A. Eidelman, MD CV updated JAN 2017 15/ B.1. Articles Published

36. Orbach-Zinger S, Bardin R, Berestizhevsky Y, Sulkes J, David Y, Elchayuk S, Peleg D, Eidelman LA. A survey of attitudes of expectant first-time fathers and mothers toward epidural analgesia for labor. Int J Obstet Anesth. 2008;17: 243-246. (OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY 34/80, Q2, IF 2.04, No. of Citations 4)

37. Yehoshua RT, Eidelman LA, Stein M, Fichman S, Mazor A, Chen J, Bernstine H, Singer P, Dickman R, Beglaibter N, Shikora SA, Rosenthal RJ, Rubin M. Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy--volume and pressure assessment. Obes Surg. 2008;18: 1083-1088. (SURGERY 23/199, Q1, IF 3.346, No. of Citations 132)

38. Rubin M, Yehoshua RT, Stein M, Lederfein D, Fichman S, Bernstine H, Eidelman LA Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy with minimal morbidity. Early results in 120 morbidly obese patients. Obes Surg. 2008;18: 1567-1570. (SURGERY 23/199, Q1, IF 3.346, No. of Citations 52)

39. Bachar G, Feinmesser R, Shpitzer T, Yaniv E, Nageris B, Eidelman L. Laryngeal and hypopharyngeal obstruction in sleep disordered breathing patients, evaluated by sleep endoscopy. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2008;265:1397-1402. (OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY 18/43, Q2, IF 1.627, No. of Citations 30)

40. Assali A, Vaknin-Assa H, Lev E, Bental T, Ben-Dor I, Teplitsky I, Brosh D, Fuchs S, Eidelman LA, Battler A, Kornowski R. The risk of cardiac complications following noncardiac surgery in patients with drug eluting stents implanted at least six months before surgery. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv. 2009; 74: 837-843. (CARDIAC & CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEMS 63/124, Q3, IF 2.181, No of Citations 15)

41. Paul M, Porat E, Raz A, Madar H, Fein S, Bishara J, Biderman P, Medalion B, Sharoni E, Eidelman LA, Leibovici L, Rubinovitch B. Duration of antibiotic prophylaxis for cardiac surgery: prospective observational study. J Infect. 2009; 58: 291-298. (INFECTIOUS DISEASES 13/83, Q1, IF 4.382, No. of Citations 3)

Leonid A. Eidelman, MD CV updated JAN 2017 16/ B.1. Articles Published

42. Orbach-Zinger S, Lenchinsky A, Paul-Kesslin L, Velks S, Salai M, Eidelman LA. Transdermal nitroglycerin as an adjuvant to patient-controlled morphine analgesia after total knee arthroplasty. Pain Res Manag. 2009; 14: 109-112. (CLINICAL NEUROLOGY 132/192, Q3, IF 1.685, No. of Citations 0)

43. Orbach-Zinger S, Rosenblum R, Svetzky S, Staiman A, Eidelman LA. Attitudes to anesthesiology residency among medical students in the American and the Israel programs at Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University. Isr Med Assoc J. 2011; 13: 485-487. (MEDICINE, GENERAL & INTERNAL 98/151, Q3, IF 0.879, No. of Citations 6)

44. Orbach-Zinger S, Bessler H, Arnovetzky R, Levin Y, Sulkes J, Bardin R, Peleg D, Eidelman LA. Effect of early versus conventional epidural analgesia during labor on cytokine production. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2012; 25: 290-294. (OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY 46/80, Q3, IF 1.674, No. of Citations 2)

45. Orbach-Zinger S, Ginosar Y, Sverdlik J, Treitel C, MacKersey K, Bardin R, Peleg D, Eidelman LA. Partner's presence during initiation of epidural labor analgesia does not decrease maternal stress: a prospective randomized controlled trial. Anesth Analg. 2012; 114: 654-660. (ANESTHESIOLOGY 4/31, Q1, IF 3.827, No. of Citations 7)

46. Orbach-Zinger S, Paul-Keslin L, Nichinson E, Chinchuck A, Nitke S, Eidelman LA. Tramadol-metoclopramide or remifentanil for patient-controlled analgesia during second trimester abortion: a double-blinded, randomized controlled trial. J Clin Anesth. 2012; 24: 28-32. (ANESTHESIOLOGY 24/31, Q4, IF 1.284, No. of Citations 2)

47. Orbach-Zinger S, Ginosar Y, Elliston J, Fadon C, Abu-Lil M, Raz A, Goshen-Gottstein Y, Eidelman LA. Influence of preoperative anxiety on hypotension after spinal anaesthesia in women undergoing Caesarean delivery. Br J Anaesth. 2012; 109: 943-949. (ANESTHESIOLOGY 1/31, Q1, IF 5.616, No. of Citations 10)

48. Bachar G, Nageris B, Feinmesser R, Hadar T, Yaniv E, Shpitzer T, Eidelman LA. Novel grading system for quantifying upper-airway obstruction on sleep endoscopy. Lung. 2012; 190: 313-318. (RESPIRATORY SYSTEM 37/58, Q3, IF 2.0, No. of Citations 16)

Leonid A. Eidelman, MD CV updated JAN 2017 17/ B.1. Articles Published

49. Ioscovich A, Orbach-Zinger S, Zemzov D, Reuveni A, Eidelman LA, Ginosar Y. Peripartum anesthetic management of renal transplant patients - a multicenter cohort study. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med.2014; 27: 484-487. (OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY 46/80, Q3, IF 1.674, No. of Citations 0)

50. Reuveni A, Orbach-Zinger S, Eidelman LA, Ginosar Y, Ioscovich A. Peripartum anesthetic management of patients with Factor XI deficiency. J Perinat Med. 2014; 42: 295-300. (PEDIATRICS 46/120, Q2, IF 1.798, No. of Citations 1)

51. Orbach-Zinger S, Aviram A, Ioscovich A, Listengart M, Reuveni A, Fein S, Eidelman LA, Yogev Y. Anesthetic considerations in pregnant women at advanced maternal age. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2015; 28: 59-62. (OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY 46/80, Q3, IF 1.674, No. of Citations 0)

52. Orbach-Zinger S, Ioscovich A, Aviram A, Babytz S, Fein S, Reuveni A, Eidelman LA. National survey of postoperative pain control after cesarean delivery. Isr Med Assoc J. 2015; 16: 153-156. (MEDICINE, GENERAL & INTERNAL 98/151, Q3, IF 0.879, No. of Citations 3)

53. Orbach-Zinger S, Aviram A, Fireman S, Kadechenko T, Klein Z, Mazarib N, Artiuch A, Reuveni A, Ioscovich A, Eidelman LA, Landau R. Severe pain during local infiltration for spinal anaesthesia predicts post-caesarean pain. Eur J Pain. 2015;19:1382-8. (ANESTHESIOLOGY 9/31, Q2, IF 2.9, No. of Citations 0)

54. Orbach-Zinger S, Eidelman LA1, Lutzker A, Oron J, Fish B, Ben-Harush A. The effect of in vitro fertilization on coagulation parameters as measured by thromboelastogram. Eur J Obstetr Gynecol Reproductive Biology. 2016;201:118-120 (OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY 49/80, Q3, IF 1.662)

55. Orbach-Zinger S , E. Ashwal , Hazan L , Bracco D, Ioscovich A , Hiersch L , Chinchuck A, Aviram A, Eidelman LA. Risk factors for unintended dural in obstetric patients: a retrospective cohort study. Anesth Analg 2016 Accepted for publication (ANESTHESIOLOGY 4/31, Q1, IF 3.827)

Leonid A. Eidelman, MD CV updated JAN 2017 18/ B.1. Articles Published

56. Orbach-Zinger S, Fireman S, Ben-Haroush A, Karoush T, Klein Z, Mazarib N, Artyukh A, Chen R, Ioscovich A, Eidelman LA, Landau R. Preoperative sleep quality predicts postoperative pain after planned caesarean delivery. Eur J Pain. 2016 Dec 15. (ANESTHESIOLOGY 9/31, Q2, IF 2.9)

57. Orbach-Zinger S, Einav S, Yonah A, Eidelman LA, Fein S, Davis A, Ioscovich A. A survey of physicians’ attitudes toward uterotonic administration in parturients undergoing cesarean section. The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine Received 12 May 2017, Accepted 09 Aug 2017

58. The relationship between women's intention to request a labor epidural analgesia, actually delivering with labor epidural analgesia, and postpartum depression at 6 weeks: a prospective observational study. Anesthesia Analgesia Accepted

Leonid A. Eidelman, MD CV updated JAN 2017 19/

"The no. of articles marked Q1 24 out of no. of total articles/articles from "line – drown" of last process 54 ." מאמרים שפורסמו בעיתונים המדורגים כיום ברביע העליון (Q1)בתחומם, מאז המינוי האחרון

שם העיתון Q ו-Q IF ו-IF מס' מאמר שנת פרסום בשנת פרסום כיום

44.002 16.135 1993 Lancet 2 Q1 Q1

2.912 No IF or Q European Journal Of Vascular 1994 3 Q1 info. In 1994 AND Endovascular Surgery

7.422 3.639 1994 Crit Care Med 4 Q1 undefined

3.639 7.422 undefined 1994 Crit Care Med 5 Q1

37.684 9.258 1996 JAMA 6 Q1 Q1

7.422 3.639 1997 Crit Care Med 8 Q1 undefined

3.021 2.763 Q1 Q1 1997 J Vasc Surg 9

10.125 2.304 Q1 undefined 1998 Intensive Care Med 11

Leonid A. Eidelman, MD CV updated JAN 2017 20/ שם העיתון Q ו-Q IF ו-IF מס' מאמר שנת פרסום בשנת פרסום כיום

7.422 3.745 13 1998 Crit Care Med Q1 Undefined

10.125 2.420 1999 Intensive Care Med 14 Q1 undefined


5.616 Q1 1999 Br J Anaesth 15 Q1

5.94 2.410 1999 Chest 16 Q1 undefined

7.422 3.980 1999 Crit Care Med 17 Q1 undefined

2.374 No IF or Q Q1 1999 Surg Endosc 18 info. In 1999

5.616 2.365 Q1 2003 Br J Anaesth 28 Q1

2.649 2.187 2004 J Pain Symptom Manage 30 Q1 Q1

3.118 5.94 undefined 2004 Chest 31 Q1

5.656 4.170 2005 Obstet Gynecol 32 Q1 Q1

Leonid A. Eidelman, MD CV updated JAN 2017 21/ שם העיתון Q ו-Q IF ו-IF מס' מאמר שנת פרסום בשנת פרסום כיום

4.657 3.767 2005 Exp Neurol 33 Q1 Q2

2.913 3.346 38 Q1 2008 Obes Surg Q1

3.346 2.913 Q1 Q1 2008 Obes Surg 39


Q1 3.060 2009 J Infect 42 Q2

3.300 3.827 Q1 Q1 2012 Anesth Analg 46

4.237 5.616 Q1 2012 Br J Anaesth 48 Q1

Leonid A. Eidelman, MD CV updated JAN 2017 22/


B.2. Case Reports Published

1. Ilan Y, Shamir M, Eid A, Eidelman LA,Tur Kaspa R. Reversal of fulminant-hepatitis-associated hypoglycaemia at the an hepatic stage during liver transplantation. Netherlands J Med, 1996;48:185-187,

2. Eisenberg VH, Eidelman LA, Arbel R, Ezra Y. Legionnaire’s disease during pregnancy: a case presentation and review of the literature. Eur J Obst Gynecol Repr Biol. 1997; 72: 15-18.

3. Perouansky M, Openheim A, Sprung C, Eidelman LA, Pizov R. Effect of hemofiltration on pathological fibrinolysis due to severe sepsis: a case report. Resuscitation. 1999; 40: 53-56.

4. Aravot D, Kramer M, Blau H, Dagan O, Eidelman L, Vidne B. First successful heart-lung transplantation for cystic fibrosis in Israel. Transplant Proc. 1999; 31:1875-1877.

5. Aravot D, Bergman M, Birk E, Dagan O, Keler M, Ben Gal T, Sagie A, Sahar G, Eidelman LA, Vidne B. Successful adolescent bridging to heart transplantation with left ventricular assist device. Transplant Proc. 2001; 33: 2888-2889.

6. Friedman L, Godovik G, Eidelman LA. Horner’s syndrome during epidural analgesia in labor: an alarming sign or a benign phenomena? Harefuah. 2002; 141:507-509.

7. Orbach-Zinger S, Lombroso R, Eidelman LA. Uneventful spinal anesthesia for a patient with carcinoid syndrome managed with long-acting octreotide. Can J Anesth. 2002; 49: 678-681.

8. Raz A, Avramovich A, Saraf-Lavi E, Saute M,Eidelman LA. Spinal cord ischemia following thoracotomy without epidural anesthesia. Can J Anesth. 2006; 53: 551-555.

Leonid A. Eidelman, MD CV updated JAN 2017 23/


B.3. Review Articles Published

1. Eidelman LA, Pizov R, Sprung CL. New therapeutic approaches in sepsis: a critical review. Intensive Care Med. 1995; 2: 269-272.

2. Nyman DJ, Eidelman LA, Sprung CL. Euthanasia. Crit Care Clin. 1996;12: 85-96.

3. Sprung CL, Eidelman LA. Judicial intervention in medical decision-making: a failure of the medical system? Crit Care Med. 1996; 24,730-732.


1. L.A. Eidelman, G.S. Selga, eds. Medical emergency in stomatological clinic. In: Recommendations on Diagnosis and First Aid. Ministry of Health Edition, (Russian) Riga, Latvia, pp. 1-14, 1986.

2. C.L. Sprung, L.A. Eidelman, R. Pizov. Swan Ganz catheterization. In: Recent Advances in Anesthesia, Pain, Intensive Care and Emergency. Editor: A. Gullo A.P.I.C.E., Trieste, Italy, pp. 55-59, 1992.

3. C.L. Sprung, L.A. Eidelman. Ethics in critical care. In: Recent Advances in Anesthesia, Pain, Intensive Care and Emergency. Editor: A. Gullo A.P.I.C.E., Trieste, Italy, pp. 81-85, 1992.

4. L.A. Eidelman, Y. Weiss, C.L. Sprung. Adjunctive therapy for pediatric infections. In: Pediatric Infectious Diseases. Editors: D. Engelhard, M.I. Marks, D. Branski Karger Publications, Basel, Switzerland, pp. 69-78, 1993.

5. L.A. Eidelman, C.L. Sprung. Direct measurements and derived calculations using the pulmonary artery catheter. In: The Pulmonary Artery Catheter. 2nd edition. Editor: C.L. Sprung Critical Care Research Associates, Inc, New Jersey, USA, pp. 101-108, 1993.

Leonid A. Eidelman, MD CV updated JAN 2017 24/ C. CHAPTERS IN BOOKS

6. L.A. Eidelman, C.L. Sprung. Immunotherapy- lights and shadows. In: Anaesthesia, Pain, Intensive Care and Emergency. Editor: A. Gullo A.P.I.C.E., Trieste, Italy, pp. 745-751, 1993.

7. R. Pizov, L.A. Eidelman, I. Floman. Intensive care of spinal cord injured patients. In: Thoracoabdominal Spine Fractures. Editors: Floman, Faray, & Argenson Raven Press, New York, USA, pp. 167-172, 1993

8. L. Eidelman, C.L. Sprung. Is there a place for monoclonal antibodies against endotoxin in the therapy of sepsis? In: Sepsis. Current Perspectives in Pathophysiology and Therapy. Editors: K. Reinhart, K. Eyrich, C. Sprung Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany, pp. 307-313, 1994.

9. S. Cotev, L.A. Eidelman, Y.G. Weiss. Ischemic microvascular failure in severe head injury. In: Anaesthesia, Pain, Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine. Editor: A. Gullo Springer-Verlag, Trieste, Italy, pp. 161-167, 1995.

10. C.L. Sprung, L.A. Eidelman, D.J. Nyman. Ethical issues in clinical trials. In: Clinical Trials for the Treatment of Sepsis. Update in Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine. Editors: W.J. Sibbald, J.L. Vincent Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany, pp. 386-401, 1995.

11. Y. Ginosar, L.A. Eidelman, C.L. Sprung. Cardiac complications of intensive care procedures. In: The critically Ill Cardiac Patient: Multisystem Dysfunction and Management. Editors: D.D. Dantzker, V. Kvetan Lippincott Philadelphia, PA, USA, pp.335-346, 1996.

12. S. Orbach-Zinger, L.A. Eidelman. Ethics in obstetric anesthesia. In: Ethical Dilemmas in Perinatal Medicine. Editor: J.G. Schenker Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Ltd. New Delhi-St Louis, pp. 228-232, 2010.

Leonid A. Eidelman, MD CV updated JAN 2017 25/ D.1. INVITED PAPERS IN SCIENTIFIC MEETINGS

1. L.A. Eidelman, D. Weinstein. Myocardial ischemia during labor and delivery. Plenary lecture. First World Congress on Labor and Delivery, Jerusalem, Israel, July 1994.

2. L.A. Eidelman. New trends in doctor-nurse relationship. Annual Convention of Hadassah World Organization, Jerusalem, Israel, June 1995.

3. L.A. Eidelman. Pharmacological therapy in septic shock. Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, January 1996.

4. L.A. Eidelman. Anesthesia for orthotopic liver transplantation. Meeting of Departments of Surgery, Hebrew University. Jerusalem, Israel, February 1996.

5. L.A. Eidelman. Organ donor management. Joint Meeting of Hadassah Medical Centers and Israel National Transplantation Center, Jerusalem, Israel, February 1996.

6. L.A. Eidelman. Anesthesia for obstetric emergencies. Meeting of Jerusalem Branch of Israel Society of Obstetric and Gynecology, Jerusalem, Israel, March 1996.

7. L.A. Eidelman. Perioperative management in lung-volume reduction surgery. Annual Meeting of Israel Society of Anesthesiologists, Herzlia, Israel, December 1996.

8. L.A. Eidelman. Is myocardial ischemia a major cause of maternal mortality? First World Congress on Maternal Mortality. Marrakech, Morocco, March 1997.

9. L.A. Eidelman Postoperative cardio-pulmonary complications. 20th Israeli Congress of Surgeons. Jerusalem, Israel, June 1997.

10. L.A. Eidelman. Multi-organ dysfunction syndrome. 3rd World Congress of Latvian Physicians, Riga, Latvia, June 1997.

Leonid A. Eidelman, MD CV updated JAN 2017 26/ D.1. INVITED PAPERS IN SCIENTIFIC MEETINGS

11. L.A. Eidelman. Management of potential donors. 3rd World Congress of Latvian Physicians, Riga, Latvia, June 1997.

12. L.A. Eidelman. Monitoring in acute head trauma 3rd World Congress of Latvian Physicians, Riga, Latvia, June 1997.

13. L.A. Eidelman. Perioperative management in orthotopic liver transplantation. 3rd World Congress of Latvian Physicians, Riga, Latvia, June 1997.

14. L.A. Eidelman. Is the physician’s duty to the individual patient or to the society? 10th European Congress of Anaesthesiology, Frankfurt-on-Main, Germany, June 1998.

15. L.A. Eidelman. Anticoagulants and thrombolysis Course of Israeli Regional Center of FEEA (European Federation for Continuous Medical Education in Anesthesia), Maaleah Chamisha, Israel, November 1998.

16. L.A. Eidelman. Overview of end of life decisions. 18th International Congress of the Israel Society of Anesthesiologists, Haifa, Israel, June 1999.

17. L.A. Eidelman. Mechanical ventilation. Pro and con discussion. 18th International Congress of the Israel Society of Anesthesiologists. Haifa, Israel. June 1999.

18. L.A. Eidelman. Anesthesia for Orthotopic liver transplantation. Course of Israeli Regional Center of FEEA (European Federation for Continuous Medical Education in Anesthesia). Maaleah Chamisha, November 2000.

19. L.A. Eidelman. Anticoagulants and thrombolysis. Course of Israeli Regional Center of FEEA (European Federation for Continuous Medical Education in Anesthesia), Zichron Yaakov, March 2001.

Leonid A. Eidelman, MD CV updated JAN 2017 27/ D.1. INVITED PAPERS IN SCIENTIFIC MEETINGS

20. L.A. Eidelman. Organ transplantation. Course of Israeli Regional Center of FEEA (European Federation for Continuous Medical Education in Anesthesia), Kfar Hamaccabia, September 2003.

21. L.A. Eidelman. Anesthesiology consultation (panel discussion). Course of Israeli Regional Center of FEEA (European Federation for Continuous Medical Education in Anesthesia). Kfar Hamaccabia, September 2003

22. L.A. Eidelman. Influence of modern pain medicine on end-of-life decisions. Haifa University Meeting on "End-of-life treatment in terminally ill patient", Haifa, May 2005.

23. L.A. Eidelman. How to deliver an effective anesthesia for the delivery of a cardiac patient? First International Congress on Cardiac Problems in Pregnancy. Valencia, Spain, February 2010.

24. L.A. Eidelman. Anesthesia for elderly patients. Annual Meeting of the Israeli Geriatric Society, Tel Aviv, Israel, December 2012.


1. L. Eidelman, R. Pizov, B. Mordashov. Changes in microcirculation and cellular metabolism in patients with severe diffuse peritonitis and acute ileus. Actual questions of clinical and theoretical medicine, vol. 4, pp. 155-157. Riga, Latvia, USSR:1974. Presented at the XXIVth Scientific Student Convention of Riga Medical Institute.

2. L. Eidelman, R. Pizov, B. Mordashov. Simple clinical test for the evaluation of volume status and heart propulsive capability. Actual questions of clinical and theoretical medicine, vol. 4, pp. 157-158. Riga, Latvia, USSR:1974. Presented at the XXIVth Scientific Student Convention of Riga Medical Institute.

Leonid A. Eidelman, MD CV updated JAN 2017 28/

3. L. Eidelman, R. Pizov, B. Mordashov. Determination of blood volume and cell metabolism in patients with diffuse peritonitis. Actual questions of clinical and theoretical medicine, vol. 4, pp. 158-160. Riga, Latvia, USSR: 1974. Presented at the XXIVth Scientific Student Convention of Riga Medical Institute.

4. R. Pizov, L. Eidelman. Prognostic value of blood lactate in patients with myocardial infarction. Actual questions of clinical and theoretical medicine, vol. 5, p.123. Riga, Latvia, USSR: 1975. Presented at the XXVth Scientific Student Convention of Riga Medical Institute.

5. M.S. Margulis, B.K. Mordashev, K.A. Kuznetzov, V.B. Savchenko, L.A.Eidelman. Associated disturbances of microcirculation and metabolism in acute pancreatitis. Abstract and presentation at the symposium of surgery dedicated to academician N.N.Burdenko's 160th anniversary, pp. 34-36. Tartu, Estonia, USSR: 1977.

6. M.S. Margulis, V.B. Savchenko, V.V. Kharlamov, L.A. Eidelman. Intensive treatment of coagulopathies in hemorrhagic shock. Abstract and presentation at the Second All-Union Congress of Anesthesiologists and Reanimatologists. Pp. 64-65. Tashkent, Uzbekistan, USSR:1977.

7. M.S. Margulis, V.B. Savchenko, V.V. Barashkov, G.P. Velce, A.N. Groshev, A.A. Zosens, V.V. Kharlamov, V.J. Zera, L.A. Eidelman. Direct donor blood transfusions in a complex treatment of acute bleeding. Abstract and presentation at XVIIth Join Meeting of All-Union Surgery Society Board and Latvian Surgery Society Board. Pp. 44-46. Riga, Latvia, USSR: 1978.

8. V.B. Savchenko, A.A. Sokolov, L.A. Eidelman, N.B. Golovanjiova, E.V. Makarenko, V.V. Khadunkin. Hepatorenal syndrome as an early postoperative complication. Abstract and presentation at Third All-Union Congress of Anesthesiologists and Reanimatologists. P. 482. Riga, Latvia, USSR: 1983.

9. V.B. Savchenko, A.A. Sokolov, L.A. Eidelman, E.A. Eruchimov, A.V. Sokoloff, V.V. Khadunkin. Fluid therapy in intensive care of elderly patients. Abstract and presentation at Third All-Union Congress of Anesthesiologists and Reanimatologists. P. 380. Riga, Latvia, USSR:1983.

Leonid A. Eidelman, MD CV updated JAN 2017 29/

10. B.K. Mordashev, K.A. Kuznetzov, Y.D. Glickman, L.A. Eidelman. Hemoperfusion and hemodialysis along with assistant circulatory support in cases of hepatorenal insufficiency with severe circulatory problems. Abstract and presentation at Third All-Union Congress of Anesthesiologists and Reanimatologists. P. 466. Riga, Latvia, USSR: 1983.

11. M.S. Margulis, V.B. Savchenko, N.B. Golovanjova, A.A. Sokolov, L.A. Eidelman. Hyperglycemia, glucosuria and ketonuria after acute surgery. Abstract and presentation at XXth Session of the All-Union Board of Surgery Society. Pp. 126-127. Lvov, Ukraine, USSR: 198.5

12. M. Gertel, L.A. Eidelman, S.D. Mochowiz. Diagnosis and management of venous air embolism in 97 seated neurosurgical patients. Abstract and presentation at 15th International Congress of the Israel Society of Anesthesiologists. P. 8, Tel-Aviv, Israel: 1989

13. G. Landesberg, L.A. Eidelman, Y. Erel, H. Anner, J. Assaf, P. Halimi, M.H. Luria, M.S. Gotsman, Y. Berlatzky, S. Cotev. Perioperative myocardial ischemia in carotid endarterectomy. Anesthesiology 1991;75:A94. Presented at Annual Meeting of American Society of Anesthesiologists. San-Francisco:1991.

14. Eidelman LA, Pizov R, Shir Y, Gertel M. Cardiovascular response to fentanyl-thiopental rapid sequence induction in elderly patients. Isr J Med Sci 1993;29:126. Presented at 15th International Congress of the Israel Society of Anesthesiologists. Haifa, Israel: 1992. Eur J Vasc Surg. Vol: 8(4), pp:413-8, 1994.

15. G. Landesberg, L.A. Eidelman, H. Anner, M.H. Luria, Y. Berlatzky, S. Cotev. Prolonged subendocardial ischemia is the primary mechanism of early myocardial infarction following major vascular surgery. Anesthesiology 1992;77:A81. Presented at Annual Meeting of American Society of Anesthesiologists. New Orleans, USA: 1992.

16. G. Landesberg, L.A. Eidelman, H. Anner, Y. Erel, Y. Berlatzky, S. Cotev. Perioperative myocardial ischemia in carotid endarterectomy under cervical block anesthesia: a prospective study. Isr J Med Sci 1993;29:123. Presented at 15th International Congress of the Israel Society of Anesthesiologists. Haifa, Israel: 1992.


17. C.L. Sprung, L. Eidelman, R. Pizov. Incidence and implications of foregoing life-sustaining therapies in a sepsis trial. Intensive Care Med. 1994; 20:S26. Presented at 7th European Congress on Intensive Care Medicine, Innsbruck, Austria: June 1994.

18. G. Landesberg, S. Einav, M.H. Luria, L.A. Eidelman, H. Anner, Y. Berlatzky, S. Cotev. Preoperative LVH and postoperative myocardial ischemia and infarction. Anesthesiology 1994;81:A66. Presented at Annual Meeting of American Society of Anesthesiologists. San- Francisco, USA: 1994.

19. A.Oppenheim, R. Pizov, L. Eidelman, C.L. Sprung, Cotev S. Helium versus oxygen for gas insufflation during mechanical ventilation. Crit Care Med 1995; 23:A128. Presented at Society of Critical Care Medicine, San Francisco, USA: February 1995.

20. D. Putterman, L.A. Eidelman, C. Putterman, C.L. Sprung. The severity of septic encephalopathy correlates with gram-negative bacteremia and mortality. Crit Care Med 1995; 23:A164. Presented at Society of Critical Care Medicine. San Francisco, USA: February 1995.

21. E. Ornshtein, R. Pizov, L. Eidelman, B. Drenger, A. Elami. Systolic pressure variation predicts the response to acute blood loss. Anesthesiology 1995;83:A479. Presented at Annual Meeting of American Society of Anesthesiologists. Atlanta, USA:1995.

22. S. Cotev, L.A. Eidelman, Y.G. Weiss. New thoughts on the mechanisms involved in severe head injury. Presented at 9th Asian Congress of Anaesthesiologists. Singapore:1995.

23. Medalion, G. Merin, A. Elami, E. Milgalter, E. Rudis, E. Deviri, H. Anner, Y. Wolf, L.A. Eidelman, M. Mosseri, D. Schechter, Y. Berlatzky. Concomitant coronary and carotid disease- treatment strategies. Presented at 2nd Congress of International Society of Heart and Brain. Prague, Czechoslovakia: 1995.


24. C.L. Sprung, L.A. Eidelman, R. Pizov, and the HA-1A Sepsis Study Group. Characteristics of foregoing life sustaining treatments in a clinical sepsis trial. Crit Care Med. Presented at Society of Critical Care Medicine. New Orleans, USA: February 1996.

25. Geber, R. Pizov, L.A. Eidelman, N. Adi, C.L. Sprung. A prospective evaluation of intensive care triage decisions. Intensive Care Med 1996;22:S307. Presented at 9th European Congress of Intensive Care Medicine, Glasgow, UK: 1996.

26. M.S. Margulis, V.B. Savchenko, A.N. Groshev, V.V. Kharlamov, L.A. Eidelman. [Treatment of gastrointestinal bleeding after stomach operations.] In: Exp Clin Surgery. 1977:65-69 [In Russian]

27. C.L. Sprung, D. Geber, R. Pizov, L.A. Eidelman, N. Adi, S. Cotev. A prospective study of triage decisions in critical care. Crit Care Med 1997; 25:A64. Presented at Society of Critical Care Medicine, San Diego, USA: February 1997.

28. M. Shamir, L.A. Eidelman, L. Kaplan, Y. Floman, R. Pizov. Plethysmographic waveform variation as an indicator to hypovolemia in ventilated patients. Br J Anaesth 1997;78(Suppl 1):34. Presented at the Annual Meeting of European Society of Anesthesiologists, Lausanne, Switzerland: May 1997.

29. R. Pizov, A. Oppenheim, I. Matot, Y.G. Weiss, L.A. Eidelman, A. Rivkind, C.L. Sprung. Lung blast injury following a bomb explosion on a civilian bus. Anesthesiology 1997;87:A236. Presented at Annual Meeting of American Society of Anesthesiologists, San Diego, USA, October 1997

30. Avramovich, L. Glantz, D. Azarov, L.A. Eidelman. Effects of PEEP on hepatic blood flow in anesthetized ventilated pigs. J Israel Soc Anesth 1999 (44):9. Presented at 18th International Congress of the Israel Society of Anesthesiologists. Haifa, Israel, July 1999.


31. S. Bar-Yosef, L. Paul-Kesslin, L.A. Eidelman. DNR order in the operating room-an Israeli Perspective. J Israel Soc Anesth 1999 (44):15. Presented at 18th International Congress of the Israel Society of Anesthesiologists. Haifa, Israel, July 1999.

32. L. Glantz, A. Avramovich, L. Eidelman. Comparison between two techniques for experimental brain infarct evaluation. J Israel Soc Anesth 1999 (44):21. Presented at 18th International Congress of the Israel Society of Anesthesiologists. Haifa, Israel, July 1999.

33. V. Trembovler, E. Beit-Yannai, L. Glantz, L.A. Eidelman, R. Cohen, E. Shoami. Changes in brain PGE2 and antioxidant capacity in transient focal ischemia in rats. Presented at 8th Annual Meeting of Israel Society of Neurosciences, Eilat, Israel: November 1999.

34. C. Sprung, A. Oppenheim, R. Pizov, L.A. Eidelman, M. Bario, N. Adi, L. Epstein, S. Cotev. Intensive care improves patient survival. Crit Care Med, vol 27, p 154A, 1999 Presented at the 28th Educational and Scientific Symposium, San Francisco, USA: January 1999

35. Avramovich, L. Glantz, I. Elman, D. Azarov, L.A. Eidelman. Effects of incremental doses of dopamine, norepinephrine and fluids on hepatic blood flow in PEEP-treated pigs. Anesthesiology vol. 93, A-597, 2000. Presented at Annual Meeting of American Society of Anesthesiologists, San Francisco, USA, October 2000.

36. L. Glantz, A. Avramovich, E. Shoami, D. Azarov, L.A. Eidelman. Brain antioxidant capacity in transient focal ischemia in rats. Anesthesiology vol. 93, A-722, 2000. Presented at Annual Meeting of American Society of Anesthesiologists, San Francisco, USA, October 2000.

37. Kogan, G. Sahar, G. Godovik, L.A. Eidelman, B. Vidne. Do nausea and vomiting influence “fast-track” technique after cardiac surgery? Presented at the 3rd International Symposium on Perioperative Cardiac Care, Tel Aviv, Israel, February 2001.


38. L. Glantz, A. Avramovich, V. Gurvitz, E. Shoami, L.A. Eidelman. Effect of ischemic preconditioning on low molecular weight antioxidants in rat brain. ASA Meeting Abstracts A-799, 2002. Presented at Annual Meeting of American Society of Anesthesiologists, Orlando, USA, October 2002

39. V. Trembovler, L. Glantz, A. Avramovich, V. Gurvitz, R. Kohen, L.A. Eidelman, E. Shoami. Ischemic preconditioning involves greater reductive capacity of the brain and lesser oxidative stress in rats. Presented at the 11th Annual Meeting of Israel Society for Neurosciences, Eilat, December 2002.

40. Avramovich, L. Glantz, V. Gurvitz, E. Shoami, L.A. Eidelman. Ischemic preconditioning improves systemic antioxidant capacity after stroke in rats. ASA Meting Abstracts, 2003. Presented at Annual Meeting of American Society of Anesthesiologists, San Francisco, USA, October 2003.

41. E.Cahana, S. Orbach-Zinger, Y. Shevzov, C. Treitel, I. Katz, M. Hirsch, R. Hirsch, L.A. Eidelman. General anesthesia for obstetric patients with corrected transposition of great arteries. 1st International Congress on Cardiac Problems in Pregnancy, Valencia, Spain, February 2010.

42. S. Shkolnik , S. Orbach-Zinger , A. Ioscovich , A. Zlotnick , Y. Ginosar, LA Eidelman. Amniotic fluid embolism: a multicenter ten year retrospective study. Presented at 48th Society of obstetric anesthesia auunal meeting Boston, Massachusetts, 2016.

43. S. Orbach-Zinger, A. Ioscovich , O. Oved , L. Caspi , A. Ben Haroush , LA Eidelman The effect of prelabor analgesic plan and actual analgesia during labor on postpartum depression and breast feeding outcome Presented at 48th Society of obstetric anesthesia auunal meeting Boston, Massachusetts , 2016.

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44. S. Orbach-Zinger , S. Fireman MD,, E. Kornelov , Liron Caspi , LA Eidelman MD, E. Ashwal MD Peripartum and postpartum cesarean section hemodynamics - a preliminary study using a novel noninvasive technique. Presented at 48th Society of obstetric anesthesia auunal meeting Boston, Massachusetts, 2016.

45. S. Orbach-Zinger , S. Fireman , E. Kornelov , LA Eidelman , D. Bracco BSC, E. Ashwal . Preeclampsia induced cardiomyopathy - measurement using a novel noninvasive cardiac output technique. Presented at 48th Society of obstetric anesthesia auunal meeting Boston, Massachusetts, 2016.

46. S. Orbach-Zinger, C.F Weiniger, A. Balla, Y. Rakovitsky, LA Eidelman, A. Ioscovich. The anesthetic management of central versus marginal placenta previa. Presented at 48th Society of obstetric anesthesia auunal meeting Boston, Massachusetts, 2016.

47. S. Orbach-Zinger, C.F Weiniger, A. Balla, Y. Rakovitsky, LA Eidelman, A. Ioscovich. Anesthesia and peripartum management of parturients with suspected accreta: neuraxial versus general anesthesia. Presented at 48th Society of obstetric anesthesia auunal meeting Boston, Massachusetts,2016.

48. S. Orbach-Zinger, E Ashwal ,L. Hazan , D. Bracco ,A. Ioscovich , Eidelman LA. Obstetric risk factors for unintended dural puncture and subsequent labor outcome. Presented at Euroanesthesia, London, UK, 2016.

49. S. Orbach-Zinger , LA. Eidelman . ,A Lutsker ,G. Oron , B. Fisch , A. Ben- Haroush. The effect of in-vitro fertilization on coagulation parameters as measured by Thromboelastogram Presented at Euroanesthesia, London, UK , 2016.

Leonid A. Eidelman, MD CV updated JAN 2017 35/ G. OTHER PUBLICATIONS

1. Margulis MS, Savchenko VB, Barashkov VV, Velce GP, Glickman YD, Groshev AN, Eidelman LA. Fluid therapy in the complex of postoperative treatment. Khirurgia (Russian). 1980; 11:92-96.

2. Margulis MS, Savchenko VB, Golovanjova NB, Sokolov AA, Sokoloff AV, Eidelman LA. Clinical evaluation of hyperglycemia, glucosuria and ketonuria after acute surgery. Khirurgia (Russian). 1985; 10: 77-81.

3. Margulis MS, Savchenko VB, Golovanjova NB, Sokolov AA, Khadunkin VV, Eidelman LA. Acute non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema in surgical patients. Khirurgia (Russian). 1986; 12: 105-108.

4. Margulis MS, Khadunkin VV, Savchenko VB, Eidelman LA, Kochkarev FG. Permanent retroperitoneal infusion of novocain cocktail in a complex treatment of severe forms of acute pancreatitis. Vestnik khirurgii (Russian). 1987; 4: 25-28.

5. Margulis MS, Savchenko VB, Eidelman LA, Golovanjova NB, Sokoloff AV, Khadunkin VV. Pulmonary thromboembolism during an early postoperative period. Khirurgia (Russian). 1988; 10: 112-114.

6. Eidelman LA, Pizov R, Sprung CL. Pulmonary artery catheterization--at the crossroads? Crit Care Med. 1994; 22: 543-545.

7. Sprung CL, Eidelman LA, Steinberg A. Is the physician's duty to the individual patient or to the society? Crit Care Med. 1995; 23: 618-620.

8. Sprung CL, Cohen J, Eidelman LA. A plea for caution in the performance of sepsis trials. Intensive Care Med. 1995; 5: 389-390.

9. Eidelman LA, Sprung CL. Development of effective therapies for sepsis (authors reply). Crit Care Med. 1995; 23: 1306.

10. Eidelman LA, Drenger B, Magora F. Quality assurance in anesthesia research (meeting report). Eur J Anaesth. 1995; 12: 535-536.

Leonid A. Eidelman, MD CV updated JAN 2017 36/ G. OTHER PUBLICATIONS

11. Sprung CL, Eidelman LA, Steinberg A. Is the patient's right to die evolving into a duty to die?: Medical decision making and ethical evaluations in health care. J Eval Clin Pract. 1997; 3: 69-75. (MEDICINE, GENERAL & INTERNAL 85/153, IF 1.084)

12. Medalion B, Merin G, Elami A, Milgalter E, Rudis E, Deviri E, Anner H, Wolf Y, Eidelman LA, Mosseri M, Schechter D, Berlatzky Y. Treatment of concomitant coronary and carotid disease. Harefuah. 1996;131: 79-82.

13. Eidelman LA, Pizov R. A safer approach to retrograde-guided fiberoptic intubation (letter). Anesth Analg. 1996; 82:1108.

14. Sprung CL, Eidelman LA, Pizov R. Ethics and the law in intensive care medicine. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand (Supplement). 1997;111: 160.

15. Kramer MR, Bar I, Eidelman LA, Bovlin M, Nizan I, Sprung CL, Godfri S, Merin G. Lung volume reduction: the first experience on 16 patients. Harefuah. 1997;132: 73-76.

16. Sprung CL, Eidelman LA. Ethical issues of clinical trials for the pulmonary artery catheter. New Horiz. 1997; 5: 264-267.

17. Sprung CL, Eidelman LA. The issue of a U.S. Food and Drug Administration moratorium on the use of the pulmonary artery catheter. New Horiz. 1997; 5: 277-280.

18. Kramer MR, Saute M, Eidelman L, Aravot D, Fink G, Shitrit D, Izbicky G, Dayan DB, Bakal I, Kogan A, Gendel B, Vidne B, Sahar G. Lung and heart-lung transplantation in Rabin medical center: early experience with 70 cases. Harefuah. 2004; 143: 2-3, 88.

19. Eidelman LA, Friedman L. Anesthesia for aesthetic surgery. Harefuah. 2005; 144: 19-22, 71.

Leonid A. Eidelman, MD CV updated JAN 2017 37/ G. OTHER PUBLICATIONS

20. Shoenfeld Y, Eidelman LA. Residents' restricted hours of duty--who will benefit from it: patients, society or the physicians?. Harefuah. 2006; 145: 499-501.

21. Shoenfeld Y, Eidelman L, Afek A, Birkenfeld S, Blachar Y, Shemer J. The need for a fifth faculty of medicine and where to locate it. Harefuah. 2007; 146: 818-820.

22. Shoenfeld Y, Shemer J, Keren G,Blashar Y, Eidelman LA, Borow M. British Medical Journals play politics. Isr Med Assoc J. 2009; 11: 325-327.

23. Eidelman LA. Responsibility of the president of the World Medical Association. Lancet. 2009; 374: 115.

24. Ciechanover A, Shoenfeld Y, Shemer J, Eidelman L, Borow M. Response to health in the occupied Palestinian territory. Lancet. 2011; 378: e1.

25. Eidelman LA, Borow M. What is the proper approach to the terminally ill patient? Isr Med Assoc J. 2014; 16: 578-579. (MEDICINE, GENERAL & INTERNAL 92/153, IF 1.013)

26. Fishbain D, Bartor O, Aviram L, Golik A, Ashkenazi S, Eidelman LA. Mentoring newly appointed department heads--a new project review and initial findings. Harefuah. 2015;154: 60-66.

Leonid A. Eidelman, MD CV updated JAN 2017 38/ MOST IMPORTANT PUBLICATIONS


6. Eidelman LA(PI), PuttermanD(C), Putterman C(C), Sprung CL(PI). The spectrum of septic encephalopathy. Definitions, etiologies, and mortalities. JAMA. 1996; 275: 470-473 (MEDICINE, GENERAL & INTERNAL 3/151, Q1, IF 37.684, No. of Citations 165)

11. Eidelman LA(PI), Jakobson DJ(C), Pizov R(C), Geber D(C), Leibovitz L(C), Sprung CL(PI). Foregoing life-sustaining treatment in an Israeli ICU. Intensive Care Med. 1998; 24: 162-166. (CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE 3/33, Q1, IF 10.125, No. of Citations 61)

18. Spivak H(C), Nudelman I(C), Fuco V(C), Rubin M(C), Raz P(C), Peri A(C), Lelcuk S(C), Eidelman LA(PI). Laparoscopic extraperitoneal inguinal hernia repair with spinal anesthesia and nitrous oxide insufflation. Surg Endosc. 1999; 13: 1026-1029. (SURGERY 17/139, Q1, IF 2.374, No. of Citations 19)

23. Kogan A(PI), Katz J(C), Efrat R(C), Eidelman LA(PI). Premedication with midazolam in young children: a comparison of four routes of administration. Paediatr Anaesth. 2002; 12: 685-689. (PEDIATRICS 37/68, Q3, IF 0.983, No. of Citations 51)

37. Yehoshua RT(S), Eidelman LA(PI), Stein M(C), Fichman S(C), Mazor A(C), Chen J(C), Bernstine H(C), Singer P(C), Dickman R(C), Beglaibter N(C), Shikora SA(C), Rosenthal RJ(C), Rubin M(PI).. Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy--volume and pressure assessment. Obes Surg. 2008;18: 1083-1088. (SURGERY 23/199, Q1, IF 3.346, No. of Citations 132)

38. Rubin M(PI), Yehoshua RT(S), Stein M(C), Lederfein D(C), Fichman S(C), Bernstine H(C), Eidelman LA(PI). Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy with minimal morbidity. Early results in 120 morbidly obese patients. Obes Surg. 2008;18: 1567-1570. (SURGERY 23/199, Q1, IF 3.346, No. of Citations 52)

Leonid A. Eidelman, MD CV updated JAN 2017 39/ MOST IMPORTANT PUBLICATIONS


39. Bachar G(PI), Feinmesser R(C), Shpitzer T(C), Yaniv E(C), Nageris B(C), Eidelman L(PI).

Laryngeal and hypopharyngeal obstruction in sleep disordered breathing patients, evaluated by sleep endoscopy. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2008;265:1397-1402. (OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY 18/43, Q2, IF 1.627, No. of Citations 30)

45. Orbach-Zinger S(PI), Ginosar Y(C), Sverdlik J(S), Treitel C(C), MacKersey K(C),Bardin R(C), Peleg D(C), Eidelman LA(PI). Partner's presence during initiation of epidural labor analgesia does not decrease maternal stress: a prospective randomized controlled trial. Anesth Analg. 2012; 114: 654-660. (ANESTHESIOLOGY 4/31, Q1, IF 3.827, No. of Citations 7)

47. Orbach-Zinger S(PI), Ginosar Y(C), Elliston J(S), Fadon C(S), Abu-Lil M(C), Raz A(C), Goshen-Gottstein Y(C), Eidelman LA(C). Influence of preoperative anxiety on hypotension after spinal anaesthesia in women undergoing Caesarean delivery. Br J Anaesth. 2012; 109: 943-949. (ANESTHESIOLOGY 1/31, Q1, IF 5.616, No. of Citations 10)

48. Bachar G(PI), Nageris B(C), Feinmesser R(C), Hadar T(C), Yaniv E(C), Shpitzer T(C), Eidelman LA(PI). Novel grading system for quantifying upper-airway obstruction on sleep endoscopy. Lung. 2012; 190: 313-318. (RESPIRATORY SYSTEM 37/58, Q3, IF 2.0, No. of Citations 16)