William Himes
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The id olficialJournal ol theNorth American Brass Band Association. Inc. February1994 lssue 55 AmericanBrass Band Composer: William Himes Wouldyou guessthat the composer of Degreesin MusicEducahon and Per- Asryts of Praisewas also responsiblc formance.Priortoassuminghisprl'scnt for SoloSecondo: A Major Wo* lot Sec- position,hc taughtinstrumcnkl music ondHofi andBand? lf youhave met Bill in thcpublic schoolsofFlint, Michigan Himes,youknow thatis not only pos- and servedas adjunct lecturer in low sible, but expected.Serious, yet fun- brassat Thc Univcrsityof Michigau lovin& inbense,yet witty andcharming Flintcampus. - thescare attributes that fit both his Whileat Michigan he studied composi- musicand hispersonality. Such seem- tion with Lcslic Basscttand Gcorgc ing contladictionactually aids his cre- BalchWilson. Hccites several general ativedrive and spirit! influencesin his developmentas an NABBA membershavc known thc anangcrand composcr.In thc broad- musicof Bill Himes for quitc a fcw cst terms20th ccntury composcrs like yea$, with AsWIs of Pniseserving as a Copland,Prokofiev, and Ravclhavc testpiecc on twod iffcrcntoccasions. In providedmusical inspiration whilc, in addition,Bill hasserved several times thenarrower area of wind writingtllc asan adjudicatorat our contests.Somc therefore,a full-time composcr. A ll the worksofPersichctti, WilliamSchuman, of the highestcommcndations I have morc rcmarl'.ablcthc creativc output andCrainger should also bc mcntioned. receivedfor a judge's commentsand hemaintains, as well asthe manyap- Thc melodicculhrre of The Salvation observationshavebeen about his quick, pearancesas a guestconductor, clini- Army and its rich Englishheritage decisiveand insightful commentary. cian,and soloist leuphonium bcing his Himeshas found to beof greatbenefit In 1992we had the privilege of hearing instrumentof choicel. - a source for what he would label Ns superbwork with The ChicagoStdf Background/Training/lnfluences "motivic contagion,"However, Bill Band,which he has direcd for nearly wouldimmediately want us to be care- two decadcs.Under his leadershipthis Bom and raised in Michigan, Himes ful with our applicationof suchinflu- fine brassband hasreached their high- attcnded The University of Michigary est level of music rnakingin a long receiving his Bachelors and Masters contimrcdol page3 distinguishedhistory. He has taken them throughout North, Central, and South America, Australia and the Far East,and Great Britain, recciving ac- NABBA'94SCHEDULE claim not only for their fine playing but alsofor his imaginative programs. At Dress time THIRTEEN bands were Varsity All-Stars Brass Band; Cham- commirred to NABBA',94 , Aptil22 23, DionshiDSection: Brass Band of Co- As Territorial Music Secretaryfor The at North Carolina State University. iumbus; Hawthorn City Band (Aus- SalvationArmy's Cenhal Tenitory nl Youth Section:Junior Varsity AllStars tralia); Ohio Collegiate Blass Bandi mid-westemstatesl Himes must over- BrassBand; Honors Scction:Common- Smoky Mountain Brass Band; Tri- seethe music programs of thatdenolni wealth BrassBand; Eastem Iowa Brass angl€ Brass Band. Here is the tentative nation - publications, music leader- Band:Illinois BmssBand: NCSUBdt- schedule for our twoday event: ship trainin& music education prc- ish Brass Band, Qu€€n City Bras8 grams - for a vast region. He is not, Bandi Sheldon Theats€Brass Band; corltifi1rcdofi page5 Editor'sNotes N,4BBANinc nciv brassbands are listed in our The Bndgel K@p up the good workl BrassBand News s€ctionthis issuellf Lefs make this associationwork. Olicialquartsrt joufnai ol lhe Norlh you havc cverdoubted abou t thehealth Finally,The BrassBand of Columbus' AmeicanBrass Band Assoclalion, Inc. of our relatively young movemcnt jn historic performance of Messidh,re- Foundedby J. PerryWatson in 1980. Ameri€a,here is somemore proof fof Uselulnews lor Brilish-stylebfass bands ported laterin this issue,remind€d me you that wc arc doing quite welMn in NonhAmerica. Th€ views oxpressed of an observalionby Ccorge Bemard addition, thc solid number of bands by conlibulofsar6 not n€cossarilylhos6 Shaw, the music critic and play- capableof making the great financial Sreat of lhe NorlhAm€rican Arass Band wright, madein 1941toThe Titnes - an Association,Inc. Publical commitmcnt to attcnd the Champion- on and observationthat encouragesme notto advertsing dead in€s ar€ th€ 15thol shipsinRalcigh isbuta furtherindica- poten- JanLrary,April, July, and Oclober- seilshort thc vibrantcultureand Copyfghlo 1993by lhe Norlh American tial of thebrassband:"Had th€ lRoyal] BrassBand Associalon, Inc. All fighls While ive are making very good AlbertHall, theBritish BrcadcastCom- progrest I am concemedabout some pany OrchesEa, and The Salvation of ofi brassband rolleagucswho are Army's International StaII Band been RonaldW. Holz, Edllor plnying "lonc ra'rgcr" not support- within Handel'srcachthcscoreof Mes- TheErass Band Brldge ing NABBA or its activitiesyet sianwould have been a very differe t AsburyCollege Muslc oepl bcncfitting from thc rcccntupsurgc in sp{rcificafion-Thcmusic would nothave Wllmore,Kentucky USA 40390 brass band culture hcrc in North been better, but the inshumcntation Telephone(606) 858'351 1€nension 2246 America.Thc issueis a vcry simple wouldhavck\rn muchrichsand morc Facsimil€(606) 858'3921 oncj thc morc bands and band mcm cffcctivc." Whether you agree with b!rs thatirin NABBA onay!'arlybasis Shaw or not,lct it bc food for thought PaulE Drosle,Fevlewer thc morcNABBA canoffer its member- and lct it rcmind us to ncvcr sell our Tomilyers, Advenblng shiplNABBAisnow much morethana medium - the brassband-short. Lyneneowens, Producton yearlycontestand an occasionalnews- Ronald W. Holz, Editor lctter. NABBAMembership Dues We llavc already upgradcl our iour- lndividual $20 nal/ ncwslcttcr,Tre Bfidge, and wc con- Sludent/ Retired t0 tinueto improvcitsworthand valuc to [.1emberBand 50 the membership.The more member- CoDorale 100 shipswcgct, thc fincr thc joumal, too! Palron 500 EncouraScmorc brassfricnds to ionr! Leadership 1,000 ContactBcrt Wilcy tho information is just to your left on this pa8c. Toioin NABBA, please mailyour name,address, telephone number, Now,l mayhavcsaid NABBA ismore fricnds inslrument,and band s name{il you than Championships,but our playin one),plus annual membership in The North Carolina State Univer- oues,lo - sity British Brass Band (Frank Hammond) and Triangle BrassBind Mr,Berl L Wlley (Michacl Votta) have lined up a great NABBAli&mbershlp Chalr week€ndfor thoseofus thatcan 8et to N,4RBA P.0.Box 2438 Raleigh.From thc thrcc geat conduc- Cullowhee,North Carolina 28723 tor/adjudicators who will lead thc '94 NABBAReadingBandFridaynightto READINGBAND tho Hawthorn City Band ofAustralia, that count{/s 1993national champi- FridayNight ons in our CALA CONCERT,wc will Moving? havea great musicaltrcat in which to 7:30-9:00 TheBrass Band Bridge cannol be revel. lRe$etfu]ly, Sellers Engineer- forwardedbecause it is mailedlhird ing and Phil Mccani had to canccl.l Guest Conductorss class.So, be surelo mailto Bert Crrrnow, Gregson, Wileyyourold and new address€s, I am dctightedin the upswingofband or yourcopy of the Bridgewill be proelam reports,band newsletters[a &Renton discardedby lhe U.S.Posl Olfice, recentonc from Triangle BrassBand andyou will missthe nextissues! looked r€al fin€1,and featuressent to BringYour Horn! 2 TheBrass Band Bridge February1994 President'sPodium I cannot think of a better opportunity b.assband enthusiasts. You will learna Thc Championshipsalso featurc dis, than The North American BrassBand lot atrout operating a brass band from playsfrominstrumentmakcrsandsup, Championships(April 22-23,Raleigh, nearly cveryone you meet. And thc pliersofbrass band music/rccordings. NC) by which a person can become brassband folks are really greatt Thiswill bc your b€stchance to com, familiar with thewonde.tul pcoplc pareinstruments and Our newestfeaturc in our Champion- thatyou arc consid- musicof this continent'sBritish-style ering.For ships has been thc NABBA ReadinS example,where clsc could brassbands. you play, Band on Friday evenin8. Bring your sidc-by-side,all the rnajor alto hornsoffercd (Boosey&Hawket The evcnt offers great bras:sband mu- instrumcnt to in plalng a broad Fin Willson,Yamaha) to tcst thcir sic performcd by our best bands.One selc<tion of new, good brass band mu- color, quality. and lovability! ofthehighlights will bethcChampion- sic from a variety of finc publishcrs. Only at the Championships. shipSection performanc esof V ariations Our thrqr guest adjudicatorswill be for B'|assBond by Ralph VaughanWit- our conducto$. This event is opcn to If youhavccompetedbefore,you know liams.For somereason, this magnifi, all NABBA m('mt'('rs,includin8 you! thc thrill and musicalratisfacticn of cmt i.\'ork is rarely recorded, so this Percussionistsaro esF'cially welcomc our cvent- and thcgrcatcomraderie will beyour opportunity to hearit live (to savethcaudacncc from listeningto thathappns aswc cclebratotogcthcr. -and thenyou canorder theChampi- my cymbal playing). Our annual If you will bc thcrcfor thc firsr rimc, onshipcontest re(ordings! NABBA meetingwill bc hcld just afrcr you arein fora rcallywonderful treat. thc lastband performsSaturday aftcr- I look One of the most important forwardto talkingwith you in bcnefits of noon. Be therc and theCharnpionships be involved in Raleigh,April22-23, at NCSU! is talkingwith other NABBA! Tom Myers WnanHfues WarFahlasy and Bonelli'sSyrrproric Witness,for exarnplelhclpr{, along aonllnuedlrcn page1