Syresham Parish Council Chairman: Mrs Dorothy Dunkley, 31 Wappenham Road, Syresham, Northants, NN13 5HQ Telephone: 01280 850626 Parish Clerk Mrs Samantha Hosking 2 The Terrace, Biddlesden Brackley, NN13 5TR Tel: 01280 851178 email:
[email protected] MINUTES Extraordinary Meeting of Syresham Parish Council held on Wednesday 12th June 2019, at 7.30pm Present: Cllr D Dunkley (Chairman of the Council) Cllr I Draper Cllr D Green Cllr J Haycock Cllr H MacIver Cllr C Munsey Cllr M Williams Mrs S Hosking (Clerk to the Council) No members of the public. 1. Receive and approve apologies for absence. RESOLVED: That Cllr A Jeskins’ absence be approved. Proposed………… Cllr I Draper Seconded………… Cllr C Munsey Cllr Cranwell also sent apologies, but the Clerk had not seen the message before the meeting. 2. To receive declarations of interest under the Council’s Code of Conduct related to business on the agenda. Cllr I Draper - Planning Application for 5 Bell Lane. 3. Public Participation session. No members of the public present. 4. Planning Applications: S/2019/0967/FUL Proposal: Front extension to garage and porch. Location: Stonehaven 5 Bell Lane Syresham NN13 5HP. Comments deadline 13th June RESOLVED: That the Parish Council have no objections and no comments. Proposed………… Cllr C Munsey Seconded………… Cllr D Green 19/02068/APP AVDC neighbouring consultation. Proposal: Change of use of land from Agricultural to a mixed use for the creation of two gypsy pitches and associated works and the construction of stabling tack room/feed store and feeder storage. Location: Dun Roamin Park Whitfield Road Biddlesden Buckinghamshire NN13 5TD Comments deadline 1st July RESOLVED: That the Parish Council have no comments.