I was so impressed when I went down to the Nursery site this week to see so many wonderful robots on display as part of the Nursery and Early Years’ Eco Week. Of all shapes and sizes, and using such a variety of materials and recycled products, clearly a lot of fun and imagination has gone into each and every robot. Individually they were fantastic. Together they made for a display of engineering and manufacturing genius. C3P0 and R2D2 would have been proud! I had to look long and hard to work out what waste materials had been used in their construction. Having been painted and decorated, it was difficult to make some of the elements out. I know the children have enjoyed their learning this week and that the staff have worked hard to deliver an Eco Week which gave everyone plenty to investigate and to think about. Thank you to the parents who have helped co-create the robot army which now fills the Paterson Hall ready for today’s Open Morning.

Thank you too to the parents who came along to the HPA’s AGM earlier this week. The atmosphere in the TOSH was uplifting and it was great to be part of a group of enthusiastic people who have given so much already, but clearly believe they have so much more to give in the future. The fun and the fund-raising have shared joint top billing on the HPA’s agenda most recently and this has clearly paid dividends. There is an impressive amount of money raised and a list of parents willing to step up and help organise and support events. Next on the calendar is the annual Bonfire Night which never disappoints. It has developed and grown to be one of the very best local displays with the ooohs and the ahhhhhs last year lasting for a good twenty minutes of aerial acrobatics and technicolour explosion. Please come along and support the event. The HPA have already promised to assist in the refurbishment of both libraries. In addition, further funds were pledged to buy additional outdoor play equipment for the Nursery and Early Years. Mr Garlick is currently, and happily, shopping to see what he can find to buy! Thank you to Sasha Johnston and her Committee who have done, and continue to do, a brilliant job whilst leading busy work and family lives of their own. Parents wanting to get involved with the HPA can contact Sasha on [email protected]

It has been a good week for the U11A hockey team who travelled to Hawthorns School on Saturday to take part in their annual tournament. The girls emerged as competition winners and brought back to school our latest piece of much-admired silverware. En route to lifting the trophy, they beat teams such The Hawthorns, Daneshill and St Teresa’s and played some impressive hockey, working together as a team. On Wednesday the same girls travelled to Hoe Bridge School near hoping to repeat their achievement. Here they were up against a different line-up of teams including schools such as St George’s Weybridge who have a rich, and epic, history of playing hockey at the highest level. A few missed chances in their opening game allowed their early opposition, the subsequent tournament runners-up, to squeeze past them into the latter stages of the competition. Hazelwood were in the semis, up against St George’s. They were defeated by the narrowest of margins. St George’s went on to win the tournament. Mrs Falconer and Miss Dancy were incredibly proud of the team. In the space of one week they have experienced the highs of winning and the lows of being defeated when so close to a shot at glory. Both valuable, character-building lessons. Well done girls!

And finally, I am writing to share the news with you that Mrs Liza Pinder will be returning to work as an SEN teacher in the spring term. We are very supportive of Liza’s decision, so that she may follow her passion for working with children and that they may benefit fully from her SEN teaching skills. As a result, the school will be advertising for a SENCO to take on Liza’s existing role. We hope to be in a position to appoint from 1st January 2018. Rest assured, any support given to your children will not be affected by this move and I am confident that once the new Head of the department is in place, the combined talents of its staff will continue to deliver the quality of support that our pupils are currently benefitting from.

Welcome to the Joynson family whose son, Oscar, has just joined Mr Kemp’s Year 3 class. We hope they feel at home in next to no time and that Oscar enjoys making new friends as he sets out on his Hazelwood adventure!

For a list of emails/letters/texts sent home each week please see the ‘Notice Board’ further down the Nutshell. News from The Nursery & Early Years This week at HNEY, the children have been thinking about all things Eco! It has been wonderful to see such creativity from both the children and parents as part of our ‘Recycled Robot’ competition. In the rooms, the children have also enjoyed creating various items from recyclable materials. As well as our eco week, the children at the Nursery have also been hard at work trying to master new skills. In skylarks, we have been focusing on repeating patterns using a wide range of objects. I was particularly impressed with the mathematical vocabulary the children used to describe their patterns. It has also been a busy week for all of the other rooms on site. Please read below for a full round up of activities.

This week in Fledglings 1, we have had fun exploring ice play with hidden toys inside, exploring leaves outside with diggers and finding hidden insects. We have also been making spider webs and exploring our plastic bottles filled with different materials.

This week in Fledglings 2, we have sorted recycled items into different boxes. We also planted Black Turtle beans using newspaper. Made musical instruments using tubes and paper aeroplanes and rockets using recycled materials.

Upper Robins have been exploring a whole range of different recycled packaging this week. We have used the packaging to create our own bottle wind spinners and carton bird feeders for our garden. We have created robots and other structures using recycled materials. We have also been exploring textures and colours by using different coloured paint in flour.

In Lower Robins this week we have made beautiful sensory bottles from recycled water bottles, painted flowers made from egg cartons to add to our insect 'small world' table, been on a walk around the school grounds to collect natural objects and used the recycling computer program to sort objects into the relevant bin.

Skylarks have enjoyed learning about recycling and looking after their environment for Eco Week. They have been busy making creations using recycled materials and making posters about how we look after our world. The children have also enjoyed continuing to look at the changes of autumn.

Oak enjoyed Eco Week and explored the theme of autumn. Activities including leaf printing, creating clay hedgehogs, making animals and people from natural resources, writing autumn lists and an autumn hunt.

Reminder: The Early Years Office opening times are between 8.00 and 17.00. Should you wish to speak to a member of staff urgently the late room numbers are: Fledglings 1: 307 Fledglings 2 and Robins: 311 Oak and Skylarks: 305

What’s on at HNEY next week? Wednesday 18th October- Phonics workshop for Robins and Skylarks parents. Thursday 19th October- Skylarks to Oak morning- please confirm attendance with Nick Tappin. Thursday 19th October- ‘How children under 2 learn’- workshop with Jane O’Keefe for Fledglings parents. Friday 20th October- half term for Oak children and term time children.

News from Hazelwood Interhouse Debating SHOULD PETROL AND DIESEL CARS BE BANNED? Each House worked hard as a team to craft well-constructed and compelling arguments for and against banning petrol and diesel cars. The judges enjoyed confident and well prepared performances by all those involved. Children had thoroughly researched the environmental, economic and health implications of such a move, discussing both statistical and anecdotal evidence to support their points. Judges were particularly impressed with some of the persuasive techniques employed by debaters, including rhetorical questions, effective use of emotive language and repetition of key statements. Above all else, the audience was well engaged with confident, thought-provoking and, at times, humorous presentations which challenged our ideas about the limitations of technology and the on-going (but diminishing) need for fossil fuels. Nevertheless, the suggestion that 4X4s and Lamborghinis would be a thing of the past prompted gasps of horror so I suspect engineers and manufacturers have some work to do before we are completely persuaded to go hybrid or electric.

Well done to Felix, Camilla and Luca from Baily; Harry, James and Archie from Irving; Georgia, Dylan and Lucy from Parry and Sofia, Edward and Maddie from Dowling - great performances all round!

The over-all winners will be announced at the end of term assembly...

This amazing robot is the work of Isaac M in Year 3. Inspired by his sister’s creation for Eco Week, Isaac busied himself creating his mustachioed mechanical complete with its hidden circuit board. Isaac returned the robot later in the week when it had transformed itself into a Superbot Colonel complete with flying cloak and medals.

Well done to the U10C team who beat 6-0 on Wednesday. In less than ideal playing conditions, the girls pulled together as a team to overcome the opposition with some fine goals from Nicola.

Mrs Taylor’s Oak children showed off their wonderful robots. James was very proud

of his rollerbot, complete with self-propelling wheels. (His mum’s best blue jumper is

equally generously decorated in gold paint!!)

4P have an eggcellent lesson in looking after teeth! Last Friday Year 4 all had some very exciting Science lessons involving teeth. It all started the week before when we left four eggs (acting as our teeth, the shell being the enamel) in four different liquids. We used vinegar, orange juice, water and coke. As the children predicted, the egg in water had remained exactly the same. As for the one in vinegar, nothing prepared 4P for the rubbery, bouncy ball that seemed to have replaced the egg. It was bouncy and squishy! At the end of the day we couldn't resist but to pop it and see what the egg was like inside. The skin popped like we were popping a balloon and revealed the egg to be normal inside although none of the children wanted to take it home for tea!

Year 7 & 8 lunchtime feedback As part of our continuing review of Hazelwood’s catering, would all Year 7 and 8 pupils follow the link below to complete a confidential survey on your views of lunchtime and afterschool meals. Be honest but please record your views and not necessarily those of others around you. Thank you. https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/HazelwoodCateringOct17

Furthermore, we then began our investigation for last week. The class split into three different groups. One group rinsed their mouths for 30 seconds, one brushed their teeth for 2 minutes and the last group ate some banana! We wanted to know if this would affect the amount of newer plaque on our teeth. All the groups then took a disclosing tablet, chewed and rinsed. Purple revealed old plaque and the places we were perhaps not brushing. The red showed the newer plaque that was on our teeth. We all then had to brush for two minutes to remove the dye from our teeth. There was a lot of moaning and groaning when brushing for two minutes but the children all completed the investigation incredibly sensibly. I should think since we have all started thinking carefully when brushing our teeth including me!

Give a child a wig for Christmas: Sunday 12th November If you are able to give 7” of hair, or are brave enough to have your head shaved (No. 3 razor) then please contact [email protected] Your participation could help support young people being treated for cancer. Thankyou. U11 Hockey tournament victory On Saturday, the U11A Hockey Team played in a tournament held at Hawthorns School. The girls entered the tournament with high confidence after beating Reigate St Mary’s 10-0 in the week. The first match was against Danes Hill, the girls played extremely well, attacking at great speed. Unfortunately, the girls were unable to score due to Danes Hill’s outstanding goalkeeper. Therefore, they drew 0-0. The next game the girls played was against Hawthorns. Our set plays and short corner tactics were slick and the girls managed to get a 2-0 win over Hawthorns. The girls played 2 more matches against St. Georges and St. Teresa’s. Connie D and Elsa T scored some excellent goals, allowing the team to win 2-0 and 4-0.

The girls had one more game to play and it was against St. Michael’s. The girls had already played St Michael’s a few weeks ago, were it was an extremely close game. Therefore, we knew that this game was going to be close. As the girls had played superbly in the tournament we knew we had to either win or draw against St Michael’s to win the tournament. The first few minutes were extremely tense. Karlijn picked up the ball on the half way line and passed it to Connie, who dribbled through a number of opponents and managed to pass the ball onto Elsa. Elsa then passed the ball into the D where Olivia tapped the ball into the goal! We then needed to defend for the last 6 minutes to ensure we won. Holly, Michelle and Clara defended excellently which meant St Michael’s couldn’t get the ball in our half of the pitch. Well done to the U11A Hockey team for winning the Hawthorns Tournament. Best of luck for Monday at the IAPS. Miss Dancy

He was the Ricky Gervais of his time and the Canterbury Tales was just another day at the Office for Geoffrey Chaucer. His stories of medieval life tickle audiences as much now as they did back then and the Year 8’s modern take on the journey of thirty pilgrims to visit the tomb of Saint Thomas Beckett promises to be full of laughs and plenty of raucous fun. There are still tickets left for the Thursday evening so do please lend your support. The pupils have been rehearsing hard and would appreciate great audiences on each night of their historic performance. Contact Mrs Powell in the school office for details.

Interplanetary Investigations In Science last week, 5J worked out the distances of each planet from the Sun. Pupils got the chance to act as each of the planets. The planets were represented by different shaped, sized and coloured balls. The toilet paper was used to represent the distance away from the sun.

“Félicitations” to Hannah who is the first student in the whole Upper School to submit her project to me. A beautiful piece of extension involving research, confidence, curiosity and enthusiasm. Tu as lancé le challenge!

Madame Le Floch

To all other members of Years 7 and 8, time is running out for you to complete the exercise. Maybe Hannah’s example will spur you on to complete it. You can choose to do it in French or in Spanish!

To help Mr Shepherd get to know the children even better, he will be running informal activities in his office on a Tuesday for any children in Years 3, 4 & 5 and on a Friday for any children in Years 6, 7 & 8. These activities will be based on Emotional Intelligence which is a wide range of skills that children of all ages can develop and improve. These skills are important for emotional well-being. The activities are completely optional and lots of fun, children can just drop in to Mr Shepherd office, there is no need to commit to every week. The skills focused on will include intrapersonal, interpersonal, adaptability, stress management, mood awareness and other emotional and social competencies. Please encourage your children to have a go.

These striking displays are the inspired work of Year 6. The talented artists have taken The Day of the Dead as their theme and created 2D and 3D pieces which would stop any passer-by dead in their tracks! They have all shown great skull and artistry!

The topic in Oak this week has been Autumn. They have made their own hedgehogs out of clay, using sticks that they found around the school grounds and googly eyes. The recycling of the sticks further linked into the Eco Week’s theme, re-using natural materials and transforming their function into something completely different. The eyes give each hedgehog a real personality and make each creation totally unique!

Miss Sanger was very proud of her class. First, they collected a whole bowlful of conkers before they set about counting them to match the number cards. They worked collaboratively and on their own as they filled the floor with number trails of conkers. Well done Oak!

Congratulations to Jasmine S for being the proud recipient of a Wonderful Word Award. Jasmine has worked hard in swimming and can now swim across without the use of a noodle!

Willington 7- a side Football Tournament Saturday 7th October Hazelwood Boys are Runners Up The Hazelwood Under 13 boys played some of their best football of the season so far and were very unlucky not to win the tournament outright. They made a very convincing start by outplaying Aberdour and comfortably beating them 7-0. The second game against Twickenham Prep was also a one-side affair but this was not reflected in the score line. After dominating possession and creating a number of openings, including a missed penalty, the Hazelwood boys narrowly won this fixture 1-0. The third match was against Kingswood House and again the boys carved out numerous opportunities to score but again only won the match by 1-0.

The final match was against the hosts Willington and both had the opportunity to win the tournament, but Hazelwood only needed to draw the match. Willington scored in the very early stages of the game but Hazelwood dominated from that point onwards. However, despite creating several great opportunities to equalise, hitting the cross bar and having the bar cleared off the line the Hazelwood boys lost the game 1-0 and were squeezed into the runners up position.

The boys were obviously disappointed to miss out on the main prize, but they showed great sportsmanship towards the opposition and gained universal praise and plaudits for the attractive attacking football they played in all four of their matches.

The Hazelwood girls are all smiles before they set off on the grueling IAPS Junior Cross Country course. A full report of how they got on will appear in next week’s Nutshell

Open Morning Musicians

These amazing pictures in the distinctive style of Lowry have been created by the talented artists of Year 3. If you’re looking for Matchstick Men and Matchstick Cats and Dogs, head down to Baily Lower Ground to find enough to light a fire with!

Next week’s Nutshell As a result of staff holiday, next week’s Nutshell will be a more concise publication with normal service being resumed as we return from the half term fortnight break and head towards Christmas and all the photo opportunities that the festive season brings.

Music Department News

Our musicians made us very proud this week when they serenaded our Open Morning guests with both solos in the courtyard and beautiful singing in the TOSH to begin Mrs Louw's presentation.

Marthinus L rocked the joint with jazz on the Double Bass, Ethan S played lyrically on the trumpet, Karlijn R delighted on Cello and Imogen P played magically on the Flute. Camilla S accompanied Mr H on flute with flair and accuracy and we had some newcomers performing for the first time: Jemima L, Emmy B and Sofia M were wonderful on violin and Toby C, in his first term, played 'James Bond' stirringly on cornet. Our pianists, as always, put on a super show with Lily W leading the way and Oscar B performing with real style. Our singers then 'wowed' their audience with accomplished part singing in the TOSH. Warm congratulations to all - it’s a tricky ask playing outside in uncertain and blustery weather conditions but everyone acquitted themselves professionally and extremely well. Congratulations and many thanks to them all!

This week we were delighted to welcome some new parents to our ensembles - please remember that you are very welcome to join us so, dust off your schooldays instruments and join the band! Details from Sara Young on [email protected] Sara Young, Director of Music

As part of the Eco Challenge, 3K have dived into our topic, 'The importance of water'. We have discussed why we need water and what would happen if we didn't have enough. After discussing the fact that many people do not have enough water to survive, 3K have thought of several ways we might try to help.

 We have written letters to our MP, Mr Sam Gyimah, asking for his help in raising awareness and funds.  Some children are designing pumps and water cleaning systems.  We have also set up a 'Water Crisis Club' to develop more ideas for how we could help those people in need. This will run alongside 'Green Club' on Monday at 1:30.

The U9 boys took on the might of Schools in the Yardley Court Cross Country Event. With fourteen teams competing and over 100 athletes, Hazelwood ran their socks off to a credible third place.


News from the Kitchen Please don’t forget that the new menus for both and the Nursery & Early Years are now on their respective websites under The Parents’ Sections.

Music Timetable The weekly music timetable can be viewed on the Music Notice Board outside the Dining room in the courtyard. I will endeavour to have the coming week’s music timetable on the notice board by the end of the school day each Friday. Please ensure that your child brings their instrument and music in on the relevant day. It is also important for them to take these books and instruments home when they do not need them in school.

Sports Department

Match Reports should be taken to Mrs Greenwood or emailed to her on [email protected] by Friday afternoon ahead of assembly on Monday morning. If your child is nominated as captain, please encourage them to write the report in time for the assembly. The children do like to share their successes with the rest of the school. Thank you.

Notice Board Communication sent home this week The following letters have been sent home this week. If you need a duplicate copy, please contact the School Office.

Years 4-7 Y8 play booking forms Years 6-7 Trip to New York Year 7 Trip to Rome & Sorrento Y4 Trip to Hindu Temple

Key Events for Next Week

Week 7

Monday 16th October All day Hockey: U11 IAPS at Tonbridge School (A) 0830 Sports for Schools assembly 1630 Swimming: Years 5-8 Gala v Hawthorns (H)

Tuesday 17th October 0900 Year 8 Play: Technical rehearsal to pupils of Holland School

Wednesday 18th October All day Year 2 trip to Curtis Packaging Factory 1400 Football: 4th XI Handcross Park Tournament (A) 1415 Football: Colts A, B & C v Homefield Prep (A) 1430 Hockey: U10 A-D v Derwent Lodge (ELC) (H) 1450 Hockey: U11A v Derwent Lodge (A) 1500 Hockey: U11 B-D v Cumnor House (Haywards Heath) (A) 1515 Hockey: U13 A-C v Notre Dame Cobham (A)

Thursday 19th October 0835 House Meetings 1330 School Council 1400 Football: U9 A&B Aberdour Tournament (A) 1415 Hockey: U9 A-B v Feltonfleet (A) 1430 Football: U8 A-E v Yardley Court (A) 1430 Hockey: U8 A&B/C v Russell House (ELC) (H) 1900 Year 8 play


Mrs Tulett’s holiday ART courses : booking details above