The Invasion of Europe by the Barbarians A Series of Lectures. By J. B. Bury 1928 Credits Support the Scribe’s Gild and help us make the Lore of the North accessible to everyone. To visit the Scribe’s Gild and find out how go to: This text brought to you in e-Book format by: Visit Northvegr on the web at: This text transcribed by Loptsson
[email protected] Get Northvegr Texts on CD-ROM © 2003 Northvegr and A. Odhinssen. This book can be distributed freely as long as no monetary gain is made and the credits are left intact. PREFATORY NOTE In 1902 the late Professor J. B. Bury was appointed to succeed Lord Acton as the holder of the Regius Chair of Modern History in the University of Cambridge. He interpreted the term "modern" with the same largeness and liberality as had his friend and master, Professor E. A. Freeman, at Oxford; even if he did not go so far as to say, with a German authority, the "Modern History begins with the Call of Abraham". In other words, he did not feel himself bound to restrict either his reading or his lecturing to the four Post-Renaissance centuries which are regarded as "modern" in the narrow sense of the term. On the contrary, he considered it proper that he should continue to pursue those researches into the history of the later Roman Empire for which his high technicle equipment---in particular his remarkable knowledge of Slavonic and other East-European languages---specially fitted him.