Collection of Domestic Tourism Statistics for the State of Orissa
Confidential Collection of Domestic Tourism Statistics For the State of Orissa Reference Period : April 2005 to March 2006 Submitted to Ministry of Tourism (Market Research Division) Government of India By ACNielsen ORG-MARG Pvt. Ltd NEW DELHI ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We are thankful to the Ministry of Tourism, Government of India for assigning this assignment of collecting tourism statistics month wise for a period of twelve months from April 2005 till March 2006. We are grateful to Shri A.K. Mishra, the then Secretary, (Tourism) & Shri Amitabh Kant, the then Joint Secretary (Tourism) for extending their support. We are also grateful to Shri S. Banerjee, the present Secretary, (Tourism). Theconsultanthadthepleasureofinteractingwiththe Department of Tourism, Orissa Shri Ashok Tripathi, the then Secretary,Shri.S.K.Sarangi,thethenDirector,ShriBiranchi Mishra, Joint Director and Smt. Manorma Mohanty, the then Dy. Director as well as other official of the state. Besides this the consultant interacted with the representatives of tour operators, hotels, handicrafts and souvenier shops at different stages of the study and across different destinations in the state. We are also grateful to Shri V.K. Bajaj, Former Additional Director General (MR), Dr. R.N.Pandey, Additional Director General (MR), Shri A.K.Gupta, Joint Director General (MR), Shri Kaushal Joshi, the then Dy. Director (MR), Shri K.K.Nath, Dy. Director(MR) for providing us the necessary guidance and periodical support for conducting the study. We would also like to thank Shri S.K. Mahanta, DPA (Grade’B’)- MR for providing us the required support and help from time to time. Lastbutnottheleastwewouldliketothankourentireteamof research professionals as well as our field and support team for their co-operation and team spirit for keeping up the momentum and time schedule of the study.
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