Albuquerque Morning Journal, 06-24-1910 Journal Publishing Company
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University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 6-24-1910 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 06-24-1910 Journal Publishing Company Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Journal Publishing Company. "Albuquerque Morning Journal, 06-24-1910." (1910). abq_mj_news/4052 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ir ALBUQUEKQÜE MORNING JOUBNAL. THIRTY-SECON- D YEAR. Vol. CXXVI., No. 85. ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, FRIDAY, JUNE 2-1- , 1910 It y ilall, lOcta. Month; Single Coplea, cent. lly t arrlcr, 00 nU MoihIl. roclaiiinlion service. Xenot l.uiotis may polatotf has been implicated and I I'O llllllertn ken Will I tit' KUV 'eminent wish to state that this irent leiuau Is - in-- Kullllci-s- . I ra- L, of Mexico lookln- toWUlllS il Joint i absolutely une iiu WETHERIL P i't : i :t I control or the lower wri- ft use to niuko tint! don't wish to." COMPANY I ITRACIi BKD ters ni' the Colorado river. "Hun t you know nal he uulnpt-- UliTO CHARLTON showed that your wile was nut dead ELEVENlíÜRfíÑ" TRAIN when she was put In the trunk," one of the detectives asked the pi Ismier. CRASH ON ALTON ROAD Atp-it- Charlton lost his l, TRADER "lib. my Hod. it could not be." he LEAVE CONTROVERSY IN Í t I leil. "She must have tieeu dead." The ) until showed a cuiious desire Carlhii illf. III.. Jim.- :NI. - Lleven lo protect the reputation of the persons ll ele i i t.l ii r ' i J several serious-Ctlc:"- u woman lie killed and lefused In an- iv, when the a Alton Prairie swer iiuesHons bcailnii on her lile iiDEAD BY NAVAJO Stall' i.ri' was wrecked ii mile nuil SLEW 115 hioad. hull' mirth of Cnrlinvlllo it '! il.'i this "Is my wile's name yoiiu; to ap- afternoon. Kuril ji e passe'luc's Vi'li' pear iu this'.'" a one of his first o" the train. 'o line was kill d. Amino, tin- - Injured as I!. V i1':.'" k 'lUesliolln. After had been bal away of Ci ml. i t. Texas, who vn in- Charlton hurl a cell Captain Scott sat with his te i. to )'-- h. '.mis clenched Unlit his walk- The locomotive, baitnane nn' 3111 i about TRAGIC RESULT OF DISPUTE r, ijay anil curs ami ..hrce Pull- ing' ft 'ok and told his stoi). CITY COUNCIL INTERFERENCE chair 11(50." " mans were derailed ami all lurnc.1 tur-l- u "Several he sulil. except the lust Pullman. niaile tip !'' tnlnil that Porter Charl- WIFE ton would come back to tins country.' IS BY ATTORNEYS OVER OWNERSHIP OE CATTLE lie had no friends in Kuiope and it j RESENTED TRAFFIC AGREEMENT would be his naluial Impulse lo come; WITH MEXICAN ROAD home. Yesterday I learned that the, l.ieutschlaml was due here and laical) to Ship Rock Agency nijfht 1 got a ten da' leave of 11b- -i Judge Mechem Orders Santa Fe to Abandon Work on Tijeras Slayer Hurries and Surrenders to Superin- sem e ami made up III) mind to K to 23, (lie Beaten Insensible Willi Mallei tendent Shelton: Victim Old Timer in Northwestern New City of Mexico. June When Xew York ami watch every j Crossing Pending Hearing of the Case This Morning White Southern Pacific trucks are completed Woman Was Thrust Into mcatner." Mexico and Well Known in Albuquerque; to (irendain Hie company will run Its Scott related how, to lose no time, Special Meeting of the Aldermen Orders Railroad Company Was Picturesque trains into the city of (iuudalalara he borrow eil a launch e:ul this Hail-wa- Miserably i f Trimc to Perish at , Figure Here at Irrigation Congress and During Terri- over the tracks the Nathvui! niornliifci' and crossed the part of Lonjf j to at Once Remove Objectionable Switch From Middle of th$ of Mexico An nuroiunciil to this Bottom of Lake Como, Island sound that lies between Fish- - torial Fairs of Former Years. effect wa reached today after 11 num- el's Island and the mainland. II Street: Sole Desire is to Protect the People Says Mayor. ber of conlerences between officials of lauded at Xiiv London and slept In hoi h systems. file railway station until ti o'clock j J. C, Slubbs. lice president of tlie cauijlit a MURDERER ARRESTED AS tins inoinmit when be Irani A i n I lly Mi, ruing Journal Sar-i-li- .cunta- Wire Pacific, tell loniyht for Chi-- ! sped. in I'd ir of the city street. Il Hlrikos me if th I'lontiersimui in this cil. Mr. U'etli-eri- ll Southern for Xew York. presl-- j I ;, -- mat- 1'iti'miiiKtnii. .N. M.. June 2'i. ii ami his have Ioiik been cuko and lipes lianilolph. vice HE STEPS FROM STEAMER Xetv York,'' continued Captain ell waa held at ocio, estei'ihi Ml citv council tlesired lo take tile brothers holdings "In ter up it could have done no Iwfura an altercation with a number amiliíir titules in this city at lair dent of the Southern Pacific Scott, "1 went to the National Citi- ternooi,, at whb h the riKhis of the In- - lit .Mexico, left fur Tucson, Ariz. We were forced to o to court for our of Navajos ilurinu which is saiil tn lime, ami have, Vreipiently accompan- bank where Chailt'ii was employed. city In to the nirovci'ty Weilu-r-111- . renard c uier own protection. Th of Ola have insulted them. Itichurd ied delegations I obtained a description of tin? n.tlou of Indians from the There Tijeras up railway crossing Santa in blo. well known ranchman and trader. Makes Full Confession of Brutal hample haudwrit-11114- . the 11:. kinu the crossinn for reservation here to vist tne carnival man and a of his our line was a matter of news was killed vesterdav near l!lake I ami was taken up. la ami execute their dances for the Then went to lloboken the. public mess for tome trading post, fit'tv miles soul h of here. GOLDEN RULE CHIEF Deed When Confronted With Hayes. I found A a of the n com- - benefit of the fair vbilors. Itiehard saw Chief of Police result ineetliin tile citv COIIUl il llltu The Indian who did Jrii-g.ttlo- tut the llftllil.' the slinoiiiiK rode Wi therill was last here al the it that he had laid all trap for the mittee ( truce aldermen, Keltic. Cou- 70 mile.'- in the Ship Hock agency and Brother of His Victim in Ho- - AVhlli I Atioriiei Isaac Hurih sahl: fiinvtrefM in 190S. 11 pprehensloti of Charlton. nty and Clarke, wan appointed to con- "Tills mutter Is pilulliu; In court 'irreiidcred himself to .Superintendent man, w fifty description id The dead ho wtis some was (tivlnn htm Ihe the to de-el- and J tllscusH us Th Shelton.. He is now in boken Police Station, jprtn-.'.i's- fer with the Traction compani canuiii merits. custody tiler. years of age, lived i'or the Kt'taier man I wiih informed Hint s According to 1111 tuiihonllt report EXONERATED as to the best nithuds of "iil thiiiu thai occurs to me al tht pail of hut pel iod ill nut t liwestern llene had Just docked. the present row between that lime is that after the major and city which has reached hete. WetherlU and I iui'aiie-Tiienl- .New Mexico anil southern Colorado. "Although hud made !', ' ii Finn, traders Honitti. went SuecLut Wire) .'iimpaiiv ami the Saulu iHihvav iiiii met with representative, of at I'ucblo anil was for many years a pio'Vs- - j (Ut Momiiig Journal tented to meet the Deiitsehliiiid down In (lie Indian camp yesterday Rot over the crosslnx of the two lines at the Santa and bo suddenly and .iiomil guide ill section, partieu- - Xew York. June 23. The lake with a 1 hastened to inlo an altercaiion over the owner- that Ihe harbor tun Tijeras avenue. The city council as- converted lu the idea that the poof la lly in Valley country: is Lloyd dock. 11 noti-p- u ship some stork which Indians tlie Mancos Charges Against Popular Head Como murder mystery solved. Por- the North Herman sumed it Isa n attitude hi the iltlle Santa I'V railway, which if the of Colmado, he. piloted Pl'lnzesH t t eliariíed had been stolen where man) ter Charlton, an American youth of "The Irene had Just affair, h helm; apparent tin it Mould hull the continent, was hcltiK perac and hranded. an ethnological expedition thej passengers nml the cus- by Si Finn struck one of the Indians over fiom of Cleveland Police Depart- good family fought hy Hie police of her side neither with ivf uKalust cither ruled Hie Khiaiitlr llinhlintl ret t ea.r.t through the wild country. Ilej toms ofticeis vele examltiinif their of (he disputants. ttailwav company which will run pr-Ini- ns the head with a revolver in diet ini se- trro cotitinenls, was ui rented In th were wilh vere In in lies. sent tnnunu rabh: jirlctuess ri lies, ment Found Baseless, bi'SKiiite. Three declives Tile railway company was repre- a copule of miles, that the When the two left camp the injur- pottery and other valuable cutios to1 X.