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6-24-1910 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 06-24-1910 Journal Publishing Company

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THIRTY-SECON- D YEAR. Vol. CXXVI., No. 85. ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, FRIDAY, JUNE 2-1- , 1910 It y ilall, lOcta. Month; Single Coplea, cent. lly t arrlcr, 00 nU MoihIl.

roclaiiinlion service. Xenot l.uiotis may polatotf has been implicated and I I'O llllllertn ken Will I tit' KUV 'eminent wish to state that this irent leiuau Is - in-- Kullllci-s- . I ra- L, of Mexico lookln- toWUlllS il Joint i absolutely une iiu WETHERIL P i't : i :t I control or the lower wri- ft use to niuko tint! don't wish to." COMPANY I ITRACIi BKD ters ni' the Colorado river. "Hun t you know nal he uulnpt-- UliTO CHARLTON showed that your wile was nut dead ELEVENlíÜRfíÑ" TRAIN when she was put In the trunk," one of the detectives asked the pi Ismier. CRASH ON ALTON ROAD Atp-it- Charlton lost his l, TRADER "lib. my Hod. it could not be." he LEAVE CONTROVERSY IN Í t I leil. "She must have tieeu dead." The ) until showed a cuiious desire Carlhii illf. III.. Jim.- :NI. - Lleven lo protect the reputation of the persons ll ele i i t.l ii r ' i J several serious-Ctlc:"- u woman lie killed and lefused In an- iv, when the a Alton Prairie swer iiuesHons bcailnii on her lile iiDEAD BY NAVAJO Stall' i.ri' was wrecked ii mile nuil SLEW 115 hioad. hull' mirth of Cnrlinvlllo it '! il.'i this "Is my wile's name yoiiu; to ap- afternoon. Kuril ji e passe'luc's Vi'li' pear iu this'.'" a one of his first o" the train. 'o line was kill d. Amino, tin- - Injured as I!. V i1':.'" k 'lUesliolln. After had been bal away of Ci ml. i t. Texas, who vn in- Charlton hurl a cell Captain Scott sat with his te i. to )'-- h. '.mis clenched Unlit his walk- The locomotive, baitnane nn' 3111 i about TRAGIC RESULT OF DISPUTE r, ijay anil curs ami ..hrce Pull- ing' ft 'ok and told his stoi). CITY COUNCIL INTERFERENCE chair 11(50." " mans were derailed ami all lurnc.1 tur-l- u "Several he sulil. except the lust Pullman. niaile tip !'' tnlnil that Porter Charl- WIFE ton would come back to tins country.' IS BY ATTORNEYS OVER OWNERSHIP OE CATTLE lie had no friends in Kuiope and it j RESENTED TRAFFIC AGREEMENT would be his naluial Impulse lo come; WITH MEXICAN ROAD home. Yesterday I learned that the, l.ieutschlaml was due here and laical) to Ship Rock Agency nijfht 1 got a ten da' leave of 11b- -i Judge Mechem Orders Santa Fe to Abandon Work on Tijeras Slayer Hurries and Surrenders to Superin- sem e ami made up III) mind to K to 23, (lie Beaten Insensible Willi Mallei tendent Shelton: Victim Old Timer in Northwestern New City of Mexico. June When Xew York ami watch every j Crossing Pending Hearing of the Case This Morning White Southern Pacific trucks are completed Woman Was Thrust Into mcatner." Mexico and Well Known in Albuquerque; to (irendain Hie company will run Its Scott related how, to lose no time, Special Meeting of the Aldermen Orders Railroad Company Was Picturesque trains into the city of (iuudalalara he borrow eil a launch e:ul this Hail-wa- Miserably i f Trimc to Perish at , Figure Here at Irrigation Congress and During Terri- over the tracks the Nathvui! niornliifci' and crossed the part of Lonjf j to at Once Remove Objectionable Switch From Middle of th$ of Mexico An nuroiunciil to this Bottom of Lake Como, Island sound that lies between Fish- - torial Fairs of Former Years. effect wa reached today after 11 num- el's Island and the mainland. II Street: Sole Desire is to Protect the People Says Mayor. ber of conlerences between officials of lauded at Xiiv London and slept In hoi h systems. file railway station until ti o'clock j J. C, Slubbs. lice president of tlie cauijlit a MURDERER ARRESTED AS tins inoinmit when be Irani A i n I lly Mi, ruing Journal Sar-i-li- .cunta- Wire Pacific, tell loniyht for Chi-- ! sped. in I'd ir of the city street. Il Hlrikos me if th I'lontiersimui in this cil. Mr. U'etli-eri- ll Southern for Xew York. presl-- j I ;, -- mat- 1'iti'miiiKtnii. .N. M.. June 2'i. ii ami his have Ioiik been cuko and lipes lianilolph. vice HE STEPS FROM STEAMER Xetv York,'' continued Captain ell waa held at ocio, estei'ihi Ml citv council tlesired lo take tile brothers holdings "In ter up it could have done no Iwfura an altercation with a number amiliíir titules in this city at lair dent of the Southern Pacific Scott, "1 went to the National Citi- ternooi,, at whb h the riKhis of the In- - lit .Mexico, left fur Tucson, Ariz. We were forced to o to court for our of Navajos ilurinu which is saiil tn lime, ami have, Vreipiently accompan- bank where Chailt'ii was employed. city In to the nirovci'ty Weilu-r-111- . renard c uier own protection. Th of Ola have insulted them. Itichurd ied delegations I obtained a description of tin? n.tlou of Indians from the There Tijeras up railway crossing Santa in blo. well known ranchman and trader. Makes Full Confession of Brutal hample haudwrit-11114- . the 11:. kinu the crossinn for reservation here to vist tne carnival man and a of his our line was a matter of news was killed vesterdav near l!lake I ami was taken up. la ami execute their dances for the Then went to lloboken the. public mess for tome trading post, fit'tv miles soul h of here. GOLDEN RULE CHIEF Deed When Confronted With Hayes. I found A a of the n com- - benefit of the fair vbilors. Itiehard saw Chief of Police result ineetliin tile citv COIIUl il llltu The Indian who did Jrii-g.ttlo- tut the llftllil.' the slinoiiiiK rode Wi therill was last here al the it that he had laid all trap for the mittee ( truce aldermen, Keltic. Cou- 70 mile.'- in the Ship Hock agency and Brother of His Victim in Ho- - AVhlli I Atioriiei Isaac Hurih sahl: fiinvtrefM in 190S. 11 pprehensloti of Charlton. nty and Clarke, wan appointed to con- "Tills mutter Is pilulliu; In court 'irreiidcred himself to .Superintendent man, w fifty description id The dead ho wtis some was (tivlnn htm Ihe the to de-el- and J tllscusH us Th Shelton.. He is now in boken Police Station, jprtn-.'.i's- fer with the Traction compani canuiii merits. custody tiler. years of age, lived i'or the Kt'taier man I wiih informed Hint s According to 1111 tuiihonllt report EXONERATED as to the best nithuds of "iil thiiiu thai occurs to me al tht pail of hut pel iod ill nut t liwestern llene had Just docked. the present row between that lime is that after the major and city which has reached hete. WetherlU and I iui'aiie-Tiienl- .New Mexico anil southern Colorado. "Although hud made !', ' ii Finn, traders Honitti. went SuecLut Wire) .'iimpaiiv ami the Saulu iHihvav iiiii met with representative, of at I'ucblo anil was for many years a pio'Vs- - j (Ut Momiiig Journal tented to meet the Deiitsehliiiid down In (lie Indian camp yesterday Rot over the crosslnx of the two lines at the Santa and bo suddenly and .iiomil guide ill section, partieu- - Xew York. June 23. The lake with a 1 hastened to inlo an altercaiion over the owner- that Ihe harbor tun Tijeras avenue. The city council as- converted lu the idea that the poof la lly in Valley country: is Lloyd dock. 11 noti-p- u ship some stork which Indians tlie Mancos Charges Against Popular Head Como murder mystery solved. Por- the North Herman sumed it Isa n attitude hi the iltlle Santa I'V railway, which if the of Colmado, he. piloted Pl'lnzesH t t eliariíed had been stolen where man) ter Charlton, an American youth of "The Irene had Just affair, h helm; apparent tin it Mould hull the continent, was hcltiK perac and hranded. an ethnological expedition thej passengers nml the cus- by Si Finn struck one of the Indians over fiom of Cleveland Police Depart- good family fought hy Hie police of her side neither with ivf uKalust cither ruled Hie Khiaiitlr llinhlintl ret t ea.r.t through the wild country. Ilej toms ofticeis vele examltiinif their of (he disputants. ttailwav company which will run pr-Ini- ns the head with a revolver in diet ini se- trro cotitinenls, was ui rented In th were wilh vere In in lies. sent tnnunu rabh: jirlctuess ri lies, ment Found Baseless, bi'SKiiite. Three declives Tile railway company was repre- a copule of miles, that the When the two left camp the injur- pottery and other valuable cutios to1 X. .1., shortly before noon to- nie. We looked ill two or three stalls sented bv l''rank I.. Mer.. suprrln- - thouuht did not occur to thetn that tin- - Wa.vh- - In last I saw a youiiK fellow bv Hie court before which thft ruse ed Indian's npmiv notified In- Simlhsoman Institution at day as he stepped from tlie Northern end the telldeut of tills lillision and tlie im oilier innlon, some of his discincrics belipi ( thought answetetl to the deferip'-n- n company's attorney. H. W. Iiobaon. peutlitm miullt te able to Settle th dians of occurrence. They Kamm-íu- the rode IH Mrni Imirnul Leurl WVrel Hermán Moyd liner Princess Irene was looking com- without nl.l 11 vi'lucd at tiiousiuids of dollars. He Cuuilloti. He Alderman liehly nutvcl thai the affair ooisl.i We ora after ml overtook "Wetberiii and '2.1. if knew every nook 'stud tleti'.e of the! Cicwlalitl. Ohio, June In less than ail hour he had con- about him mid his bands trembled pany he at once insiiucted lo willing to leave the matter ni Iba Mini. Another nruumcnt followed, chU-l- ' ( country like a hoi k, spoke the KnhltT, the "HuMen líulr" Hint in of temper he beat slight ly as be opened bin bans for the sprlnx Iron from Its present loca- bunds of Ihe court." iliiiiuu which W'ethei'ill nrubl-- a Indian I' fessed a til li wlni u us rum liis in Iiolx-.i- i rifle one lau;iua.;;e fluently anil was held in lusonslbilty wilh a mal- We went up to him and I tion the center of Tijeras Altoriiev W. told Hie city from of the Indians and hy liiM'ltr upon his wife into I I yn l by N.ivf.joH )isinni .iii.tir the for Hie protection of persons usini; lie council all Santa ra i way, broke it over a. I IiíkIi esteem the that y i.sUed: that the lock. The two lien filing thMi'íií'M ílruikon-u's- in a u he. wilh hi.': became a. alU'fcinw let, jammed her body trunk ami vou Charlton"" crosslink;. Mr. Alyers antl Mr Hub-so- cuiiipani wauled wn for the True opened Pre on Hie redmen and the Inother John, hiiMKM'nlilv. was hy "Aren't Porter íu mill íH'uuIu! mink il in the wnicrs of the Italian emphatically antl promised that Ihe company tbui company to iiuree tn Install sutuw enlv dill armt'fl one slur,, sort of court of ai bin. lion to ' "He denied this Indian filed tin i'ivil crii-.- coinmiHwitni Im1 la ke. Cole- - dti safely for prole, lion disputes aanonu the redskins, lie lived , told us his name was Jack would ho immcillatel.i the of th killing Wcthei ill. The Indian ruth; to way m oni-e- I that Kohlor i'i'i nyl ;il She was Mary Scott stle of San a eom-mliie- e He 111 Pueblo Huillín fur pome time and The council then appointed railway coinnanv. did not specify the Ship Ifnck agency and surren- a. Ids mil." at w I'rancisco, unman six! ceil (fills lu re des, ribed bow lu confer as to the be sit mean any particular safely del ice. but nuK-m-si- dered. The Piiluam, here his death occurred. r Ci'Pli 'n Stoii other Indians returned, to Senior, wife o Neville II. 1 and was one of best know n men divorced lie. hesilaled to order the man's ar- - of prolt'cllip; (he ii'ope of the clt an InlerluckiiiK device, u la their villaue. There is no demonstra- tic lawyer, and 'ill, Cattle, a San Kmin lai'ii 1 w fl'oifi ai', ul at Hie elossilp; lu the duct, sulinav or sivltrh. tion and 110 ihinm-- ul an oulbl cak Is in the whole iiortht. est lountry. est and lot ceil I bunion 10 rue nis ' a beauty. j M (ell The th ased leaves four bruihers, in KiBilalltle. which tallied so acclll'lltelv of Ihe const ritet ion of the ear Tlie Sania l'e alturnei said derail- here soloSEeo t w eiity-- t w o a I IS and soil IrreMpcct Ii five lltivltiK been piel arcs. Charlton is witli a Kiimple In his iiosscKsioii Hint line. of eithif disputant. ing del ice could be Installed for Hicham Wctherill was widely ''I pie mull Super-Inteuilen- t. .Inline Paul Chariluii. la" officer was be-in- s Itolh Attoinev Hobson and and liol $(00 as hud been aliened. Known all over sou III west ol 11 Colo- prominent fiuuit s in Sail Juan count 'i' be Hit sure thai no inisiuke ' of bureau of affairs at Mjei'H the Hi substance, it iiiinenreil th rado end Xew Mexico as for a. ipiarler of : ceiiiury, John the Insular Charlton was then taken addressed that mi Washington. The boy piaiiied Mrs. i Santa could move the fri"n ut Ti- scout. Inijian Welhei III. who that district two ! lo where he nsalu , liaihr and stockman, hit IR WRECK Crstle in Wilmington, Del., last spring headiiuaiteis. Judue Meilicui. a short lime hitr-r- jeras any point wliere. 10 was yen veal's 11.30 is now on the Xe.vain res-- I s'trnctl his name. Afpiiit Hiere was iiienue lie lor several is inann;,cr of t his parent's ptoiecjs. w huml-writin- ii' verbally ordered Ihe Santa lo cense would ciiiire. Hie Traction etinipufly" the Hyde K.xphirliij; Kx pcdjl i ,11 w erv.iljon iu Alimona; Al is poslmai-le-r ier marked, resembiiuici' ith the Itich iintl both of err: lb eipciamt nl, IL work 'on the crossing until la Iroulii-- unless I he Traclliui nce.i-h- i at tlAllup end Win end Clayton aim! in Scott's" possession. but dolíais in this bey railed fur Italy their honey- o'clock this inornlni: al w hlcli linio lift would consciu .i inaliill a Ot section, in unU live in the Inil'an cc.u n vy. i for was jet doubt iu the minds of deilif exploring Aztec ruins moon. body was In the their notified the company olfitlals lie whleii tlo- - riiilwai com, .at, appro'Vti. M'tuiiim: Indian curio. Tile Widow is hit wilh live chil- Her fuund the police until they examined the l Down hy 10, would decide Hie eontroversy. .Mavor Le.'iler asked .Superltitenilt - ill cu. Hie ynliliKi'Sl liein-i- li nly Crowded Car Dashes lake fishermen mi June of a small collar There The man .who did the shooiiii.u- went hah' Haly an as- inside ha. Yesterday inornlni; the Traction Miers poiiiietlly if he would order thn Ii a nd 11 ha If old, w hich adds Fleeiim from under a Mich as is n.tliichf',1 at once to ,lle at Ship Hock moni Grade on Mexican Road and name, penniless and they found tai?. conipanv applied to the court lor u froc removed ami the auperlntendant t inieiid-en- a peciiiiarlv pitiful I'ce.utiv to sumed elmest eloHiirio,. II waH lettered, I and .nave himself up Supei l the landing to mautlatorv writ of Injuncilui,, rmn-pellin- slatetl positively thai it would tie ra- rnying- W.'lht rill liaedy. shabby of dress. Charlton on Shelton. thai Is Dashed to Pieces on Curve, ran straight into the arms of Captain Charlton." ihe Santa lo replace lis no ve, I. Ii ivki not upeclfp.d. how- -' and another white man hud come to W'etherill was knoiin iuiiuii the Scleral sheds of pa per coM'I'ed ti . I tracks and switches In their lornier ever, us to where lb Iron would "An-- e es-su " which ll"tiry Harrison Scott. nitial Males In pew en scs were l ull ml the Indian camp, drew their gims and Indians as with rill ict position and penult Hie Traction id. iced. , a dhi.nci so Army, the muideretl wile's brother. hoi,, the opened lite on thn Indians. ni us "a of ruins." belns JUy i'.lío. anil one of these colon. IIU lo use Ihe crussillK- This .ludí;.. Wiihlo anil 11. K. Twllchall. . - Murnlnir Journal 8ut'lnl T.hs4 Wire He was taken lu police says Navajos, be-i- n' ehi "tened k IPs work In ex- lieaihiuarlers nature. I'm ler Jle- - lie that the after afn-- r "John action Is pcl'idlllK before .lllilfie ntlorneis for the Saina with I i City Mexico, 211. Twenty at llubuken, where, :i piilalde fired upon, with a vol- c.- va nr the id ns i t Pileldu lionilo "f June Chal lion the former apparently reiulei'M a at - returned collapse so spasmodic that It pro- ijii'in until he decision henfbiunrlers at lis KllS. will b ley fiom their lilies with the deadly ml- elsew hi re. A" ortlimj to word federal soldiers ale reported, to nave pen name. HI o'clock Ibis moi'iilnn. and the here loinorroiv and the hearni(r prom- i Sel-it'- h duced extreme iiuiisi a. he reliable,! effect of sirclchini; cut YVctherill re r ved la te last niaht by Mrs. been killed and many more Injured When the youth sum lids evidence for the Traction coniiany al- ises to be unite Intercntlng. his composure and untllnchintily Mild lifeless. man wh tva WetherlU w stepped close to Chief Hayes lege city bis the lodav lien foul cars of a train In sinned the confession. Tonight he is he that the council's orders can II is said that there had been bad when he win sliot Finn, a, cow- - sa ill not take precedence over lliose of the which the Iruops were liehiK trans- behind the bars In the lloboken elly I li Hood l.ut ween 1 bunch puncher. "Ves, I'm Porter Charlton Wctherill and pending- of the ti court. of the for some lime past, ami planted on Hie Manzanillo line of the settlement mil it." The Traction company's petition ís Indians problem of cxt I'll I i, 'II ARIZONA TO GALL 11 ow ill": t'1 i i i. In Co- ulauced I'eai'l ull li his Ke ask- that shortage of water tu n i;ii:m National railroad th" stale of hy his arrest. Then be that the Santa lompiiny 1 disp'.iU-whic- i lirouKht about brother-in-law- . t In the droniiht icsulted in si;i Kits or this emi- lima, broke louse from tile locomo foresight, dliectetl ed (he court for hours killing. Wctlierill. in common wilh Cipla'n Scott's "1 won't make any stateinciil il which to amend a petition to Mlow ended in the Pudd tí! tive do'.vn a grade. so aicuialely il little short ' lionito, where Wetheilll resided, and his brothers, was a,n old n ml uico and dashed siecp that falls Ihe presence of Captain Scott," p why the temporary Injunction grained - a premonition, in yonns is ft tl Col. of When the cars reached a curie al- of resulted , "I'll tell everything hy .Indue Abbott should not be CONVENTION near wlieie the killinii occuired, '"i of "Dick" Sellers this .Stationed at f 'nrt irciiibliiiK. sixty on lived years in ruiininy six miles ami att.iiniui; a Charlton's arret. only Captain Scott out of Ho That i n Unlet ion restrained milts southeiist of hele the illy, who lor that part!' on s Island off N'elV cet a. f terrttie speed, they left the truck and W'liK'ete Kisliei pcndinir a 1VHCI cut loll. It i.' lew miles null tlie tei riluri. Colonel Sellers la!' oh- - room." jibe tradiu!! coinpiinj, Loudon, Captain Scott I the in one ut al tlie cite, hut Mis. Seller w a were dashed to pieces. The Conn.. withdrew ami tin youth then heiii lnn in court, from erossluu thu famous A.tec ruins of p leave of alisen at Scott which I.L'OU rooms, Weth- .1.1 11,.. .,. j l,,.:t i.lullt iilol 1, UI'oVcll irnied Hie rear portion id' a ti ta'iied hurried sloiy; flnlKliint. he added .Santa Ke tracks at TI leras avenue. there uie to I told his train of thirteen cars which pru-- ; o'clock this mornin and went It thul the. Iiveiily-I'ou- r AT ONCE erlU owns this properly ami has ureal shock to her. "We have ins In calmil': asserts duiiuw i mini-- j bn ken lo scan Hit? of pe- a. many lid- W el anil pari leulai eeediim toward Platanar. The no to mak No hours (iianled lot unietidlnf, the taken out ureal valuable known the berills was omino, liners. Hoboken detec- "I bale defense ies, some of which are now in the.i l, for many year.''." said Mrs. her of men tbov contained not Three defense." tition the Santa l''e conipi'.n.v muled known but raihv.iv here esti- tives aided him. - i.up-lU- unto Smithsonian institution ut Washing- -' Sellers. He was respected so highly officials Charlton looked unjIhitiK- hut Its tracliB and the sprlm; froK . mate were not less 150. He ucconipa.nled the prisoner to II ton. Ho discovered one ininiit say reverent-cu- ny there than of the deed to which he con- Tijeras tivemie, mal. Inn Impossible and hi? brothels almost Many urn said to have jumped t police court, but did not hear the company to cross the clifl' dwellings !n Mancos f'anyon, the Indians, that 1 cannot umh istand "ill fessed. He is a blonde nml slender, for the. Traction Governor Expected to at Once. the ears when down confession pouied from Uu II on Colorado uní were to clrcumslunces they killed. thev started the that uiider average lieifiht, with lace with the material had hand. the tilst take under what a fade Mini thus to bale saved their .vouiiK man's lips. Charlton, whosi petition now pendiim before Call It i in i 'edible. He was weak, but hy no means repel- The Issue for Election of Inurists to these famous ruins. Irm. 's lives. collapse est seemed due to lather by Te. -- l" thore Indians end did more after tin lan!. He had on a well worn suit of Judue Mechem was Hied the The accident was due to the break-lu- a of Captain Scott, to make company snip. i Smith them piohi'hly than any other fear refused blue Heriré, and on the whole ap lion and asks that the Dcle.iiates; Candidate, JAM.IT IU.I1)I!T sws mii.iví; fur of u counlini: and failure .u uu-br- statement iu the army o, Heir's be from tiirllter ill e i mi i: wiiile man In the lountry. I b it It he peared lather down al Ihe heeb His restrained was (oi mocdi:i i;ii kes to i ork. and the latter left the room. ferliiK witli u i u of In for Senate, lllniiiilil, I Hie iMiiriiinjc .limrnali his wile spoke the lannuawe Piesenc haHiMK" consisted of two In r suit the liftcit ami In his sinned confession hut lion line over Tijeras , Hallup, X. M., June 2 3. KicharJ and he could do mole witli f far lie bad a - W. Hobson, mho - post-masle- r. mid that no one else than I11 lib: of- sll'd.l W'etherill, tin- ihillup I any paleface' anion'--' SCHOOL OF INSTRUCTION Hie unid brut her of hem than other in of wife. AmoiiK eies Sa i esiei'di, v be for Ihe My son was oin;,' up to visit hand the death his v n w hen he w as lor the uta l'e (I'.t Morning ,l.,,,, ,iill Bur, lid Wtr1 andCne in' the best known them. It story liicompa f.'i'ts wen' some fllli city council, Ha, Sania oin- - lHi and guides family next FOR GRAFT WITNESSES was the old of old. line of them said Pliuenix. Arlr... June 23. Following ranchmen. Jmliun traders, Mr. Kicliartl iljililv hiu,h t in s. olllv IWelle paui- tn ce Hi. riok in red news is very sad indeed and pel inifihl spiini; .Vcw Mexico, was foully mui'ili nick and lids After Charlton had told bis storj ran "S follows: north ol Tilera aielilie ins'ea.l of Ihe arrival. Saturday, of' Governor last by Xavaju at his to us." T Willi idle baniis the Miiuns ninht Indians in i' ramlihnu' way, Chief ol Poller struck to lol'lll"!' lo iilion south of lb. Sloan. It is expected Hint a call for a.t X. M ., elus-' of life: Puliiiun, sixty mibs Sprini; ield. III.. June Hi: 11 tit- - on the harp company - Haves condeiu- il 'nto type" acru.-- s tn aieniie end Hie Tin, lion tlie Arizona constitutional teiivetl- T. P. TwililHil. tell 111 ni'iih of (talltip. Shtiilf Telle es of a sense liona cliari n: ten w I, e, he asked the shadows Would be Jusl is bad a fix as e er. of was in I Sii.'.r. i the sky. - Hull IV bl be Issued at ence. Th McKlnley counly. who that made today before lie mon prisoner to itiii. Il was written en uplanils He asked the Tin lion conipanv to 11- ed. d county c.- Soft. Hooey clouds and tender shadows , ,1 will be si.xty days there, section when the killins ocean MO MILLION FOR isrand jur' of the exiie: of regular court Ida nks fur dep'isi-on- l raui;e lor s s si prolt. el. 'ill, ui held se- ' iwit-- I hid of atrito in t.iailup this aflcrnoon to a school of imiruition" ilor Hens. In filluiR the form Charl- the my the pulilie. .nicer, ami the convention will be i by day nml ninht; and at cure a siromj posse nesses who ha c been summon Twixt I til 11 i'ii . fresh horses and ton his as 1 , his birthplace e Attorn, is Isaio It and Mann .ke, I ninety days Hie re. lo In Attorney ISurke. aio touch unrolled before the on, i, after lío pursuit of the Indians. Venable asset ted lil;;!il that thej . as Omaha, his occupation "hank slowly i ca a i iism-iI- representa that each man euitis I lu ns are to tlie story us told by Talle. The of certain his place residence ") The stroll bail no teaaoii UleelhlK with the OF RIO clerk," ami of s W'etherill some stockmen CONTROL liles of the inclined legislators who to read, a i ,,r .Messaii.-- Ironi liioije stale that and other Weal Filt.v-l'ilt- h street. New York. tliiims cli council or its cuuitnitlcs a have been walchiiu: I'or the tssuu Who soars above the common i o I A. Smith, of hud a dispute yestotday with bunch ii'.'i Then follow eil his statement: at Hiis time, .ludiir .Mann staled thai chairman the subpoeiiites tile of wit- - and will the. heixhls attain. Trae-ll.-i- luí of Indians over a cattle deal, near of and arrival I city council had uli.-- Hie l territorial committee a "My wile and lived huppilv from. (Ji'thls List, from the a sen- the W'etherill stinted back te nest es caused tpiiet Investiuaiion. Whose iieart coiili-an- a fruncliise t" build its to become candidate for ranch. e Site was the best woman In Is t i c- It ppears that .v'utU'se: were coaeh-f- sell isliiuss and pride Ho- clost-iii- from Hie new slate, ot his ranch house and Talle, who went me, bul uii-- " line and Ilia! mat ler "f ator I I, lie worltl to she had an it words 'Who ed as what to el Hie KViind Antl in reads these a W now- la l Smith here sal that he has reslrflii 1, ver the trail a short lime Intel .,' Muvci nable. temper. So had 1. We pass through Tlp ras lellne as and coon jury. seeks for peace niu't tlei. . Inn deny tluil he has a spi- found the body of Weihcrill prone in quarreled o,;r the most triv- before Jiolip' Me. lulo for bul- p itll'e is tile Ci'iciUe f such pain." lb,- - wlu ih-- ions, ..jj! iTfcreed a of c court has I..I.I us ral 'tie by number In, II, ial matters and her luiiuuaip- to in r veii-- wa in pall ns fol- "After lets. plan lo thwart justice that Anolh wp or n i ross Tijeias Ta lie immediately rode rapidly t so .iiu i i"!ii-,'h- ; l lisi was freiiuenlly foul that know lo men 1 ,IU re drawn Hi,- - lows: avenue," said JiiiJm' Mine, "then we P.lca.'hc.l I loin- tip. ranch ami informed Hie Designed to ihe did not know meaning of it. "The woman whom I l"ve in. be. I, theie of tragedy. men, how- Joint Resolution iiijillt I her had will he in position to lbs, ass matters Kansas 'lt.i, June 1.;. professor the The i i:-- r. i.M-:- "Tlie struck she None has the lime to nine. - m iv tkiw. with Hie council. Ihe Sania !' rail- Lio-ui- Sail', till- Utilvera-- " ever, were afraid to ,i;o out to rcM'iie been ipiarrclinn with me. She ivas In tlu-- dean of Stop c o kiiiiMM: P.eoause are a multitud" - -. sai'1 Enable- President to ill: Mill. I ever jwav or elve abuii' i piupusl- ot Kansas. ml a pharmacist, tes- tin. bedy of W'etherill. as they I'liieatro. Jnn- - i'H. The the. worst n nip, r had seen her eater than Kliytblni; anviie "i a I I (i llll.ll tO protect (lie pilbll, .M.'St ,'!' Hii-- .l In tlie fe, ral court today tlie Indians had left there short in Im- it in Lee M'Neil! In. told her If she did not ceave sweetest woman In the wml.l. here Ravages oí Stream clused c:'"e the put it The tamil we desire to protect the public he .I'd believe bleached lime before thieatenini; to come link Mould have her anil a stop to - that not flour I'ro'.'.ne rib, trial this afternnon. Is on,- who did love me I ttle-inen- t. tv a- We lu be blocked w , s w In a body kill the whi le n says She stopped for little while aii'J il at'.' ho ucllie ha ni fill hen eaten Hi titead, ami perial Valley of California. Slate's Attorney W.ijman he will Cut wli" sh'- was or siie na. I Started aiiiiin. from une "f the ..nlj " The Willi. ; i tesiiiied Hint he toolt two lioiu'e totn u'l'ow moriiini; in cía,,,. ... 1' take "I took a mallet w lib h I had used nave passable sti. II... Sa. ins sodium nitrite- w hich The sheriff. Traille; that th'' trou- I r, s ?! imetits ,ir th, i"""" luclve of mill ;ir , I Cnlei-se- liimiiai tie ,, ,s e i e ble iollH to household repairing Mini stru, k mtllllerer ,...l,., i. ha f iu ble;ichinii flour in two Would MsMim serious dimelu It pi'obabl- - Ihe will I Mlrr) that tu-- 1 't". ...t...... j I Ifr M.iniln eurniil fii'bl S'af. three times. thought she III'!""" riL'bl.s il, Ho- malm-I- and Mitleted no injury. In thai K"t on Ins and spurred his vav noon. I op he K'd ,,, v da.s horse AIu - li'j lu the jur; sliotiK niter I he was locked .AV(i it i, lii paper !. ri's- Hie body a alter '""' .i, consump- " to llalinp ir, W.ishiiiKt' June Ji. .kant put in trunk . -- ordinary i eir:se of bread l.'pitlly as possible i....,.-,- ' , ,,,, , 1 - 1 an allormy fiui nis M,.,x,,,. ,. and Hi.' ;,1. h, ois- in hich threw tile mallet. nil tion, roles.--of- a person; a. strong sse lurv' placing ,,t'0,,IO,'l i " the order to deputize I" duti' I I ,.11, in mooohi'I. j Ill .1 womaíndíctedTor "Al out o'clock that lilijht 'hai ainveu representatives o( the l'e rail i cope with a scriuiiy upiií-iiif- i t ft (beck 111' ' woul-- poi consuno- a., much nitrite 'noufih to il ,f Prt sid Ta I" j k bis ease I ll . ., I ilu.- ., ill ll - ' moved th" trunk Irmii my house mm to alter l,e,l met nd I, s.s sjv. v. .us. Talle pl.t hp ,1 l i I 111 i in than anion); tlie Xavalis. of Hi" ''ul ,;,iu er tlo VLíRDER OF HUSBAND i ll IIU will "' n , jj ,., I Ml o, is- - i; rnuisn ..Iraatetl It down a pier and linn i.tirfio ,'.." Hn,., i,: haiini; .let - to of . II - j - capture the slayeis Wclherill Imperial alh v in run been albornía ithr--- oí rd I remain.-,- at lie. or.b r M. IP. vein III lo. ,,, (be Santa lepiuie th.-- ie!-skin- s, it erboa sit" Ai.-nr- r. it the I b ; tiikes a pitched bailie with Wits preparetl PUil' Senator I'liet rio- - t s a lloltl Jusll. Ti t l'i'Hiiitllit Mío. rkeiv - i Malpl'iliso next dav and hit morro luuiitce I'o from leras br and nil his men ale aimed t" ami Kepresentat iv e Smith ol 'alitor- ilisposilloll ol Ins ii'oiu th- - ... t lb, Santa l'e ,1 - Relative tj I Mas.-.-. A follow imr aid went to Como and tin article on - I'ii ud'i i'iti. June .::. - ,1 W ÍNrd-- tile The sheriff has calle. lllil Will l.e pi eiit.,1 Ihe fii- t t w I Will Sl W.tll tlie w lllil,!.- - t. th- - . III.- appli.atl ll e estern a teeth. i'lltl b'-r- t trolil ll.Te to ien.ia hem Utile is a til os to do bat uiil'l W in-- it . Ho-- s. ib". eo;,.-- and that iie Kurt I e ' w i i s eomm.uidinii offi' r at at ii, h.'iise "inint'tt st- In ue Hire,. daj t e.l, t :, M ill horit plopos-.-- a ll.l it IS iu u. t alien ..f linnet lor cllalter in th took the aiiur thai Vice-iiCotin- p í to t'i- - ini "I the mar - A l l 'e,b-- He lor a debu hniciit of cavalry T b l,!i'V Horn tima t", iat-- r. so-- . i' UiiHUu- lutosa, the Ital- e us ass. I riuihls so lip lean at l"U ..f Labor. iirainr IÜ..UT. a Walthum i a I. ii line lo ha in no Hie Indu.ns ami ami CncieSMlla 'l iliac. C 1 i h w w .Mm lo ll. atuí ;it ruundiuv both S.nat'T I'luu fall. "Ihe lo m kill.. :is ian coiins. l it .. York learned of lul.U US II, ev lllld Uii ran nut last si-- w..v-..rii- I at of conveyed Hie information that .i i i pii'l-- ' I lo- bis pr.-l- u a li.. Valentino today's session tha iirrestnuf the muitieieis. t Smith i wt-r- ii out dotti' ' at.aiioieiit." CI,., Hull's arrest elded in iu - n.f trio tit issu ' , w ii - th Hppear.tnee of' th oat ol hs batiks p. a, he , v I.UI I' iteration re appointed cornmlt- Kill- s'llce nwr hi"l broken M ,. v up iMen-i- h .Ul lilt Cli ALL'll .. nt lor inrt, Hons. He he a ll"l in II tills t uu- - .Mrs Lillian 'ib.i. it ,1 I ,, t M oyer ii ion in across Ho- lire and that Haaint In t I call-- . I 11 l iil. r with President of the siipcltllious I s As appeit.P ins signature tbi-- be Will deled ) lu. e n mi" bis line. " leel .t re-- 1 Hi,-- i'il.''i a., beies tullilibl - oriiiinizi-.tbu- i w 1. l.un.iKe would mu ' r.-'- Hurt-toi- I j millers' and report llldiitns been P" W"'Wüyr ami s clicked ureal - 'belli, a toniorr-- n for . is in do not líale , h- a I.elN I'S'ir- marked Tie p, make application lb" matter curl coll-- cbarr I s- W Ho- to the pres. tit IlieetlOff In a continual Mate of evcuemenl.. suit. The lílearams asked thai I sp, lie Ins n n in Italy hile Cil.-- to Ilss US merits, out If I1,al matter u-- r I 'an .Miadlti. lor trial .IS. a p-- till-- to ail the . w tiie t ulive council. niul the trouble with Wclherill liress immediate iotiull lll under SUS III eoltlK'.-llot- ith Imprisonment t"1 the severest pen- tlieetliu: a ' til l ed is reported b - II Le idilio, lile , I H '. as Hit- o. lb" , It s to hi' e all that - - want o him li pav ins crime ellillii pa I" r. a case ol bin a of the ,;.,vw- IS III- tins affair dear alti Chat!',. loul.l tor el needed tu - il oulble.ik. The ri er Is raid r, be 'uiilni; man .' intelliKeli, Is expect. d 1,.- ma a tul i cu.,,,, bull inv l uslh at a vuniiali. culis- iohnt : niur-- i th- - ta Irv man He was In on! under the Jbillan law. it or Itlnv mib-- cuín-- .Se. of .in x . new channel thioimh ,f h '.' .1 to... ll of it lit. The en.l.-a..- r keep him.' t b Is none o! then aiannali, the. June 23, Fire that ir-- , ' Ii. d- lib ". in tlie neli; ir bis family "III Int.. somct -- i'y This Hesldes Mrs. riiat I t.-- lid eielanuerint; nut the llo. e- p. - In- Wa 1::!0 morn- - IH'.Xlll Mint k TO try I t - t l,..v. w lo us - Wliib- the .ll'lairs. al least at this tune. shortly after this M:s Ol' il- -' dl. u n Indicted ..f h'm in tin- countiy. svst-n- is th- - f In.' bale . . v - I . nsii-'- i i iiáutioii "t linoerii.l j e'-- e . - " suhp-- t at i ta as a if tne ozj ineaier, ai iH . I Alt.-- Ti.pie-- r n allb- k' iv on is not at the railw.ti rossniK ti ! s Lliior i ii.l tel 'national the - i ri-- ot and lo' hm fiirinil,- -' iiu melil IP-,.- j I S de- ..I th.' rsouinern The of Hie tra - l si ti,, j, pea am) l.ttollleys here all. nur ul ...I. uk this uk and llo-le- . ll'riiJ.l- il'in-r- eo.llls.-- in the .barlv rleflll'd. of- Iti, II I., it i'No Hie eri.ll'etit ciit. - - - ell-UI- tin- il I wuh treiijhl - h ud r. at tin b. oftn ;p- - b I th follow In eii- the of eltl wai the Welh. ids .1.1 er r ,i Mr. M b to bis nont lii W..sbiiii;t..ii think that this ..ilt- I- '- li.'d tn.ii proie, ts i,t Linn.i tn j ' tin- - VIMS sidl iu itsin-- un-- several retail stores. L?IS Indians for Hhni' Mellare !'!.-- a Al ' I ,u- 1 that lr.. was, s ii c, te; Air e I - .e-'-s- t.i --'. a ppr"prlat "Ul Is-- t all bis lile, t sh.e k t" The "'". "" . ' 1 I r t .1 K. I 2, S.) in he llll' lie ..f ii. 'ted at . . came - S b,.i- - in 'let (Contiuuetl u Tase Cl. IlKt ola. lite many friemls of the well known ,.!. vested bl I'll.-l- 'I N'W'il th- l,f


filed by lWofl C I'.urrx. J IJ tiaid hi rwm" a Coleman and that 'stantinlly but dealers are not operat- Gor.ion. 'h'rna M Lyons. Ma'thr a he a in,meihat (hurt of fundi ing with any freedom. Aciordins to .M W. W. W. - telep-ra- i!os-to- ti Mun.i), C Loud and CHARLTON SLEW after pun haf iiiir ta ti- ket he vould NEW WOOLS REACH a received Tnutsday, a , S lv.l. like the privilege if on men hant boticht about O.OOO X They cHcge. thíil Mm. ft rot cu. Ir be rd the uteamer that night. The pounds in Or.-p.- at If cents which MALOY'S securing t(.! icmicinxr inpin.Uon rteward looked him over ftnd ,im-preft- e means about vents, landed clean. , . j a nnt ating for hero-IY- but for vth his apjioaiAin-- hut had In a . manuf.K-tur- r are the HIS WIFE t tint atcr " fuel demand that to tell him t!.;-- the rule would not muít eager operators in the far went , 'the rompary be made a party to th admit the graiiting of in reiuet. IE today. T IN !n that it muy be liable for i a 1 A m.-'.- ble Is DEFEATED .rder harlton went a?y. but rn r ' onf ider.i Interest a. isuft t a. ros Th.y hand early the next morrilne. hoursi the report that the well-know- n 4. prc-n-ít t I . that the situation duf before Meanvr .tllc-d- '1 he next p of M .ntana. amounting Colorado Iv t (Continued I rom Page I, Col.. 4.) th. ims" Currants and i to Hie m glci t of tbe on,' any. day hen the steamer uriived at NEW MEXICO to approximately 1 .!:'.',. uon pounds. I ri J ,X"h that a he it ppoir.led th- - b.- .- f''T they have a goo.! ehari.e ( success. Naole the found cabin has n taken on consi "j take f.harg of the affair of th "O'ild w iled o n n an e if' ijr.d-.-- r be cr.. he "doubled up" leading house ,t ad Native Cherries arid to operate the. corpora- - Charlton traveled m! name of - -- are now in jfimrftny W. Coleman with Cíiarle J. Kai juhar- of cents a pound. The Hear" I oí Chirl'n Coii man of Omaha, i; Hon for t. geneial wclicre the though r.on, a Canadian, with whom he made clip, ..ri'.ihcr o importance in Mon-o- I I the name appeared on the in it. the remainder of tin- Journey Little Buying West Owing lana, which in unction wiih the the market. l pasertger list a John Cowman. The Th suit the outirronth of the t mild, ' af-uiM'- man was utterly broken In Charlton, the steward was 'Rea-- clin. mount.'; to nearly u'-- ühortago In this city, to Generally Prohibitive Bos-b- y prernt spirit foJIowinif hi arrnit, and It vat pleasant company to thoe with whom 000 to be siiijiped to rt".o"J ty the shutting off of the aiy.-e!,te- cli-- p t that he hai) mu h he and everybody neemed ton for f.nlei of the owner Order what you conduit, supplying 1 2.010, 000 ot Prices Asked by Growers; want for GET NO IMMUNITY FROM rnnni on hl flight from the to think well of him. Itelnhold spoke when the mi'iket S' favorable. j Irsíbr. d.iy. while cnnectlori are of the irimi'. of him a "ni-- a - ll.nv as you it Tiie !i now heini sh'-r- and being rnao a new conduit ' Trade Quiet. SHERMAN ACT PENALTIES wl'h Chariton ilnicl fl itiy, i,I.k J want to meet. a ill be rnipped east within a month preserving as they will t Ijttn thi afternoon Judge Greeley nrr. t ,y th- - The (Inward i.dfii d: Shearing in- - uh'kr ijt;i tlwn that he or so. has statu. - . fiVfiitford dissolved the temporary an the man "i he a .. Kaniile, W. nanf'J ami took the .ant committed eral parís of Montana, but long. Junction granted Mr. officer to his cahin to rove fail murder. ' The ioston w..i is gener- di ...d to :.l last .u.d restraining f.,n. f that masters are apparently Ian by Veto Threat Succeeds Hr..k(, wtr riarn was Coleman. Charlton kept in the Canadian's ally very rii-- t and some of the lead- eithct obtain what th ey want . of lty from using water 'mimr this Hi: in company i Hrjuf? txcrlod that he lived Omaha mojjt of the time until Inst ing houses In the tiade report the in the mi iter of pi lees or id until We will have blackberries in kftorts to Ltiminstfi for irrigation and had never heard of Charlton ortnlirht when on the eve of what he oil (i iKMij, Aiin-rne- r smallest editions 'n manufacturing lies jorriorro. if i'''ir(ti' his wife. must have would be try- business reeoided in a long Civil H u k.-- l will file cult the a''imed the become Clause From Sunday When acked if he could produce let ing landing, he Invited time, says, the llotton Commercial on wafer i omp.iny, claiming $1.000 dam- - ordeal of fine New wools are leaching B for a few days more. ters to prove that he had received n of the few women In Bulletin. wren-season- s Appropriation Bill. to lawns and lioaver i on his Ameucan the There is a liel consignment from Utah, Wyoming, itld money under the name of Coleman the second cabin, with whom he had re- various of f-ii- l estafe. Th1 lull thrt is augment-- by the uneer- - and New jiljUo, but no sales are til" oun man said he could not. A - e, suit, In a formed an acquaintance, to n in- potted. It i understood that at Mid-val- which considered tit ae, "" tnrougn rus 10m-- ; tnlnty as to future 1 allies. As a rule, GESSOES will probably be followed by " 'na'J" fi mal tuper Charlton opened two and Cambridge, Idaho, this ltr JoTirmx) Kamriml Itmtmé Win iturn ing and effects, hut the failed hotth-- s prices are established In June on some Mrlg If ul. officers of .hmoacne rlurlnr the .e. week dialers bought practi- :"3. or. of other. I'll' essf to find paper bear-- 1,1 Hading basis hy pur- eastern Wftshlfikton. June l.rVir i t..t tu .,..., (n either important cally nothing but mill representatives fiiK on nifl luiiiiti. i chases of new wool in the nert or by anicattoh have loft the.'r fiifht to the best of moods. - new- , are credited with the purchase of a , Charlton's trunk was round on the sties of wool goods. Tr-or- This moinihg. although he had re Neither the fain eeiiipion pro, ml! m Pier arid bore the single, initial "C " ,,... purchase of wool nor fair nuamity of new flceci s. taking ' l:i(n .1,,. l.,.f,.r,.. I. a a the sale of ! lire.. 01. throe-iiuar- ti A. nntl-tros- y J. lom-meir- e . fully rs fvloloy t li:.,l .1. n of the purchases. der the and lnterfctate Satisfied that they - ,.,.vriel...... To, .r,.r.. j ..,,,1 .... T.i goods has been effected in fibitamial . . In west, are lii c Folio niii a lively ile-ta- COST OF L the officers, vlth Chariton Kecurctv ... volume and n? a result both wool the mii!" conditions C I ., . i !l...' 111 i.'iu iiiv sicnaio. lie nu7 unchanged from last week and east ot- - manacled, started merchants and manufacturers are 214 CENTRAL AVE. end by a of 13i to 130 the sttll short of funds and wanted to "at ern buyer; remain inactive. In Ohio, 'juarter. borrow $5. fpinhold sea" as to what value should be riouite today axieed to the (enale r It was j accommodated 23 to 1 nts is being paid farm then that Charlton began to him. placed on the 1310 lip. the Milking out a (.rovisioh In the al-- Charlton aid he expected rela ers by oper- - d'tion breuk down, for he wavered and j Therefore .the maiket i. differing: for medium wools local PHONE 72 sundry civil bill would if-- i i 11, tives to meet him at the pier and sell- - that have rnoxi arm trie detectives had to from a practical parálisis of demand aotrs, and the former are slow fei ted thin Immunity. let him sit on the pier to recover him jr.'ipply him wilh plenty of money out although ers even at this range, Practically (he hill a í E of v.hieh he would repay the debt the comparatively limited When (ulidry tivil self. Charlton turned white and suf . 11 nothing has ieen lone in the eastern IIÉIIÍE ...a: in K siiiuics ami tne nign pi li es fore the hoine that body tackid on fered an k of offi- part w fine wools atta raiinea, the in the 11 est serving to of the state here minutes, after which he locked into n arnendnieht by Ml'. Hughes t.N.i cers carrying him to the patrol wag'jn. IXSAXI'fV Wil l, UK I'l.KA aie are irrow n n count of warm make Iloston dealers inclined to the two brothers' faces v.itli J I, d'tnoirat. providing; thut no part: Captain Scott. brother of Sirs. TO HOIIT K.V IKAIITIO grant wei'thei in Mar- h sh. ;iiing was their e- - j Chariton, of- material concessions than two of the uppropirutlon for the rifon materially assisted the New York, June .'3. Chart of ago. started but wa .! .laved by the ar- - hands in his. This spectacle drained n'l-tr- be i'orte' three weeks However, when ment of be la 'hall ficers in the capture of Charlton, business rival of .old W 1. II is claimed every eye of the bystanders. He said or-- lon'c family believe that he is insane is as dull as it has been for spent In the pronciutlon of any j whose careful description he had many that the niajo.'i;,' f tin- - sheep in lawyer nnlxutlon or Individual for enterlrix' given. Captain Hcott took one glance and on this ground will try to save weeks It Is but natural that a to a Corean to the following Oliver will not be permitted to leave eastern Ohio wet not shorn up to Into any coirihlnailon or agreement at the prisoner and then said: We'-- effect: Mm from paying liin murder penalty wool house .f he it willing to a a So. The arly shorn wools having in view the of! "That Charlton. '' talk are unileriood to be of staple "For the liberty of Corea and peace . C.i In this country or in Italy. reason on prices. n other words, the shott watt., shot teriinir ol hours or Letter-- .tain Kcott had obtained a ten and the fleeces red from 1 to I leave or from his post 7' he prisoner's lather. Judge I'aul wool merchant will grant a reason aiera of the Fur East slaved away from trig the i iidlilon of labor, or for any alweine 1 pounds ligliti r tlia i) last but PRICES THIS SPRING andda'was making it a practice to watch Charlton, who arrived this evening, nnie concession in older to move his 'i vear home for three years. Now 1 am dyins t done in furtherance theieof not unid at the X'lCUSe of the staple. How-th- " all incoming ships that he would appeal to the fed- stock but he will not accept an ab- in Japanese prison. How- In Itself unlawful - ever, it Is contended here the HIGHEST IN YEARS C. K. lrtpolatoif to whom eral aulhoriit's for permission to as- surdly low figure owing to the later 1 The mru k out the amend The Charl- the fact f ever. hope to see, from the other cene In I shorn wools will be tat isfactory ment, n II ton referred as having been suspect- his sons mental condition that the wools cannot apparent v be world, that Corea's independence Is The houw thi Instruí led no staple. Twenty-fiv- e cents has been starid by that plovinlon,' '' ed by the police of some knowledge and that he had doubt the report replaced except at high rates. Sup restored by our 20. 000. 000 brethren eonfere t' of a 01 paid in Michigan f. r medium fleeces ; of the i.rifgrdy is presumably Con sanity board will warrant his plies ui. mesne wool compara who stir up themselves.'' Ivnd the cerium conferees tesentlng Wa rlfJK f;i ff) Vpr.n P;(p With aie by local buyers, but oinparatiiely shall ' " ispolatoff. Iiucslan who confinement in an Institution. lively small in leading uch an Iron-la- direction ...used to ' " stantino the the houses end little changed II. Mizuno. a Japanese lawyer, became acnuaiiiti d Willi the charl- - H. Klody Clarke, who was retained it Is the belief of some of the has hands to date at standing by, him. Thanking Consider the Item. Advance mofl that figure. Buying is at a compar soothed and Salaries Lag tons while they occupied the villa on as counsel by tiie father, said tonight important uemers that It is unwise to him. Mr. Ann told him to be a b- Today Mr, Ta ney of Minnesota, ative itandstill In New York state. one of holme moved the shore of iake Como, and who, that the Italian consul had told him Siieriiice good ol.ering.s now. eliever, so tis to meet in heaven. th" conferees Hopelessly; Tariff Absolved following discovery of wo- lie did expect papera In Georgia, it is tviil. the growers pout-lio- n the the riot extradition The business of the week is com It is said that he put on Corean that th house rei ede Horn I's body, wn exam- want 27 cent tor their vv. ols which and om ur ac- man's detained and .'com his government Inside 01 two posed mostly cf sales of odds; and silk clothes, when he calmly submit- with the senate's From Blame for Conditions. by are ne irly no iv. but few pur-bei- ri hoi-net- ined the au' horltles. The Russian wecKf and this period would give! ends. most shorn tion. The motion stirred up a 'c The Important transac ted himself to the human butchers. established to of tiie s fi de-- is . chases v re made. 11., , nest, finally prevailed. the satisfaction Charlton iends ample lime to I tion the tiansfer of nri.xini.-it- li 10: a 01lo ii iii.uuit'nI...... but .tilth. nitles that lie knew nothing of sanity.! .)0 oivtinoio rte' In the debute, Mr. Tavniey nd termino the ipicnion of his bales of New Zealand crossbred The iloivnpouring rain made the im ftr Mernlng intraul flpeetsl lessee Wire) the crime beyaml what was known to I 37, that the amendment was offered for Thci,, mm an affecting scene when 36 s lo 40's pnd 33 to cents u hb h cn York Wool Market. pression more funeral. He left his Washington, everyone and recently ho was 1. j political buncombe. He protested June Hepuhlicans iarher and hi met In the Hoboken targe of value is slightly above the Although carpet manufacturers are "Pence of the Far Fast" unfinished. rigatnst congress of and democrats do not aeree us to the police, statl .11 tonight. The elder man figures realized on the same grades still showing Interest u supplies buy-a- s M. LaportP Í?) perhaps n Roman tuiim the hands From the statement made by Cap wept Ing Is govemment In tins In in bitterly bul the youthful pris- tniee weeks ago. Territory wools are not Increasing substantially Catholic missionary. Is now preparing the enforcement cause the Increase he eorft of tain Hiott, brother of the murdered had Sample? of criminal lnw and said "that the woman, oner maintained an air of unconcern. selling In very limited quantities at dealers anticipated. his life. Corean Paper. living between 19011 am) J910. The shortly after Charlton con As they shook re- practically have been taki n in many Instances amendment worked 11 class discrim- It hands the father unchanged prices. The rnajorlly report of the senate commit fessed. appeared that the (upturn gal ded hfm with pity and sorrow. woolen but purchases ira not of important ination that would Institute policy mills are seeking and hu.ving LKWISV SINGI-- E EINDEIiíi nmki of Charlton in Hobokeu was largely right boy," he- volume. Some are buying .that some day would shake the very tee Which has hern Investigating due to Captain "it's all he raid I'mited amounts of scoured wool, but cons'imers end taste like fresh made Cuban Scott's activity and tvveen sobs, "VS'e'll you." limited 11 u;i nt it i. s and despite fact foundations of this government." ípleBlion was presented lo the sohai pursuit. protect ihe worsted manufacturers are show- the Cigars. "Don t Runs', lather," boy re - ing or no that conditions aie understood thor Mr. Hughes denied Hi.' his pur- Captain Scott, whose hag re-nt- the little desire to take further today by Chairman lyidge. A meeting time tilled. Nothing matters anyhow, and supplies. oughly l.y the leading mills, supplies pose was political. been spent in watching incom Every ele., 1 new lisn-I.- was held prior to the presentation of it make any to Fleeces, ire not being taken l.y the latter in first denier Information tlmt the house de- ing steamers, this afternoon obtained doesn't difitrtuce such as unwashed delaine. relatively dies r.KWrs' srvrj PIVHFI!. ' three-eitrhth- s other than small amounts. leport In 11 me. Iiiartej blood rind feated the Hughes aiiichiliii. lit was Hie e.hlch the minority from Wall street bank a descrip- are It Is generally understood t rnemtiers vigorously moving In ,1 relatively that the received 'with Indignation" t.y lie iirolexted against tion of Charlton and a copy of his unimportant stock of desirable wools is manner t i import-e- n not large executive council of the American the character of the findings signature. Then he w. nt to Hobokeu ( HAHI.TOV noitV S OMAHA and claimed that and with strong conditions ruling FOR SALE OR TRADE Cooncernliii tiie advanie In the cost got W AS A.S W t iiuani'tlet: could undoubtedly be Ki ileirtlon of Labor, now In session and Chief Hayes to assign two de KNOWN IM YOl'7 II abroad local dealers are maintaining Twenty acre;? of excellent valley U s 1111 ;of food. th' report r.avs tect ve to help him. hur- Xeb,, 3. bought at concessions from the ap- hi re. according lo Hie couiu Tiie tnrcc limalla. June 1'otter values very firmiy. land for sale cheap, or will trade fur , The Minolv of L'overiunent available to I.loyd pended quotations. rttcri of lis meeting today. ried the North (icrrnan dock. Charlton, "ho wer bmn in Omaha, Calilornia and Arrivals during the week included city property. This property faces ; laud for general fur.nm.t has buen irrlving as tile 16, 1 exas wools are exciting no "II Is regarded," savs the report, there Just steamer left here ivlitn a boy of but is raid interest 2fi!Mfi!i pounds of China wool. Witli- - North on east, run- In- niaterlallv reduced ruligcs arc ss was ducking. - of otis. while pulled Fourth street the n of Hie rlghtii and and the l'rlnci Irene las- lo have been known as a wild youth. iuence wools are draw'als Iram wnreftouses aggregate ning railroad, heliiK rspldlv cut ui Into homes for sengers were corning changing vet y hlowly in back to the Sania Fe terests of Hie vvorkMs of the coun- already off and His I..U11 r one time, It is related hands and only 8 1.302 pounds against f..S3.2.i west. Ten acres cultivation; settlers. The cost of producing live binltilh,,' to house, ; small volume. under try." hi custom rrnngoii to have him arrested ne a pounds warehoused mid (42, 7,'. 110 poaches, tttock has thus mat I'iiliiV lucre ihed. n the foreign diviMon, nothing is bearing trees, apples, warning and the boy was taken to pounds entered fur consumption. pears, plums, etc.; 4 acres in alfalfa; Concerning retail pi r en ilia r port We looked into two or three dif jail. Hi: was only to be Kept being accomplished with the excep- I'lUMHI.Vr KIX'ONMItM': III t there good pasture: new adobe 1 shows that the Ii'ted r'tu'es ferent stalls,' said Captain Hcotl, "and tion of the side of New 1'ini one day. but strangely enough the Zealand house, rear porches. All ii i:at or i,aii; the slicing of l',i 0 thev were at th finally saw a man we thought was! crosshreds referred to above. It is Philadelphia Wool .Market. front and VusliliiKlou, June -- J. Th action boy conceived a liking for the place good two miles niKiiest point in rim 11 v veins. As com Charlton. He as pale and his hands, Understood that a prominent Summer Tiie domestic wool market in under fence. Just of th hoiisf. of repi eMcnltiiiv cs late of his confinement, refused to leave continues quiet sales wen from city limits. This Irade or sale pared with the spring of lftoo prices were trcmblinrr as he tried to open c. Ktieet merchant shipped L'.nno bales and today In leccdlnif Irom Its li'hor and his 'lather had hard time to limiten, ol nece must be made at once. For informa- for bacon wi re more than .0 per cent bin suit cases, tine of the detectives get to of Australian Merinos to F.nglaml a mainly lor small lots meiidment lo the sundry civil bill .1 him come home again. tion Inquire 115 avenue. higher, ham per cent higher, flour stepped up to him and accused him week or ten days ago while fully es and occasional spots whore sales ut West Gold marked the succeesful termination of HO were shout per cent higher miller uln ut of being Charlton. ball's were shipped this week reported for new territory wool, an nil day fichl by I'lcHldenl 'In ft 4fi I both in original and graded nr cent lilglier, silgue ulioni "He displayed violent ngiliition. We from tills port to lie offered presum- lots. M. SOLLIE, (gainst what he laes legis- i termed .per nigner and ei;t;i loo per .vere nol .pule sure of our Identifica ably In There was also a fair amount of J. lation of an Improper sort, and ap- Uradford. South American sampling new jient niijlier. tion, so we telephoned to the N'utlouul ROOSEVELT TIRED Mools ere call pet of as well as old terri- ob- j without and cal tory parently removed the last teal I'taclliallv tin articles of food wer .'ily bank In New York to check up Wols wool. In some instances buyers lit the way of an adjournment ire moving in very limited quan-- j who, cW 1oH elado , lower in itiuij. r ti r,i was some doubtful points. two weeks previous, could not be TPW"" congress days. lien ule titles a''N. of within the next lew about (he sume as III IIIOU. Karth We niibjccied him to the hand Eastern Induced to look at wool, are now pur- I'ri'sldcnt Tuft bent every energy, urns Hllthtlv writing ti st. He wrote of dealers are still most chasing sample bags of territory which eiiwnie lower. Klines the name OF in their operations both in toward the defeat of the Iiouhc no. I clothing were t 0I1 man.' Wis thought POLITICS represent fair sized blocks. considerably Jink that Hie m'ddle and west, owing to amendment that proponed to cxcinpl miMier llie 11 lit Ing corresponded closely far the labor flora opera- - enough geiieially piohibitive prices demanded orKiiulalions the wages nave not advanced a rap- - to warrant holding him and by growers. Prince tlon of the Khermnu mil -l rust law. iidlv as hue prices, the report sax. Chief Hayes ordered him taken to the the In Oregon and Itos Assassin Executed He threw his whole influence into' 'ntid police station. There, within half an Iib'ho, however, a amount of salaries have advanced but Utile new clip wool was puiiiiased the fight, sending for scores of rep- dining the last ten years." hour ho elgned his cnrilesHlnn." Colonel Don't Know That He this Aim Choongkun was not privileged urging' to de- was by week bv c few eastern manufactur resentatives mid them j Hours of labor In practically all harlton Identified further with fifteen days' grace. He was put feat the provision. Ml. Ta ft said If it wnge cuimtlons urn shown to have his naine, which whs found on a luuu- - Will Ever Again Make Speech ers at approximately fS to CO cents l U . f. u.í miel UIlílU II1C 0111 every labor- - - dry baggage, eleun .iol.ol l.ot..o ...... o ""e rosl him the suiport of been reduce This reduction iiflect- lag in his and a piece ,,Koi,o.)r ,areh. Thrown Into it separate of poetry, signed Politics; u, .'.tt iiL ,ii i., or- i Ing man In the country he would not c.l the weekly carnings 01 cmnlovcs which was "John on Gifford Pinchot at v. i .'inn lanueti loom to Fee his brothers for the lust approve sui h a law. The laboring 01 the reason Hint the large major Itoilmy." (l'ortcr Charlton). The ciean ni.sion wetc rciused hy Idaho time, he embraced the youngsters and believed, It V wage poem, Washington. Oyster Bay. sheepmen. The purchases of man. h" linked only eipialily of earners lire employed 011 uhbh whs dated these wept together. Lint alter a while thev before tiie law and was entitled lo the piece hauls or 1.1 an hourly ral .November II. 11HIN mills are said to foot up unite sub- - knelt down, praying about twenty no more, Moni 1 U 0 ft lo JH07 full time weekly Aft. r Charlton's confession lie was it was the preside nt'c fighl on tlii earning iMlvatice, 7 ti pc- - cent taken before Kccorilcr McHoveru and I II tournlit( Journal RoerUI laard Wlr-- J aniendnient lo the supply bill that There ere rio figures for yearb sutis arraigned. New York. June 23. "I don't know I I As reading canned ruinort to spread lodu' hat ipieiit lo Mfi. the recorder finished hat I shall ever make another politi- i:m:. u.l- -' I Cliatilons confession the prisoner if thi: is there would be U llelny ill the he larllf illtciiMMcd lit grenl cal speech,'' said Theodore Koosevelt loaf Y AS lo Jnurnnn ni of cnngreNs Mr Tnlt it It leiigi 11 u nil t lie ci ml union w a:, r. m lie, said in a steadi' volt today. m:ki I beg your pardon, he hml u loiiircr light before him liv the mniotliv of the committee li honor's but The Colonel had Just stepped out of as Ihe it He girl who comes for it. it there Is 11 small Where than ptoved to lm the enve, and mis oho eeeii un itiuieriai lactor In cans mistake. that bis edit. .rial olfice late in after- will not be too heavy to carry, document rutilM, ! have the for her (loublflll or llie I, unit until tiie vote ina the lidíame In prices during the lio defensa noon, his collar wilted and his face our I. ri nil is so nice and liu'iit. yuil lo maid' and viluli to m.iku none, - as finally taken. Winn iiilm nuil of lust flrcnde red from the heat. He saw a group know . And It envy anil il- should " l is the tiie result he made 110 11 11.4s found also Hint bibor read, 'or wish none.' of slay.-- aid inpl lo unions I'lie. was n Interviewers and stopped. They spair of horne bakers how it bad rim bei ti 11 iotiH I11 man's tone that of care conceal his pleasure. Hct factor con ful, person told him that his first political utter- fresh and moist so lone, to say until- Incidentally president sent a Iribiiilng 1. .wards iidimicliig prices. clerkly anxious to have ance was h greatest ing makes the Ills manuscript lead smooth, v. His awaited nil the of the toothsomcni'ss that long telegram tohlfiln to Hie .. Advanced Ih laid o no s.ii.t 11 In'erest itml when, please, would he it as Try a osl lipr. pui'Kcil. i lie hi. almost good as our cake. 1 slighll hud iiun hat f'-- eslent lo In. e.l expense d It. vinthm of the iroi herhood of Fire- ,.i din. in make loaf. You'll like it, we know. iriiiiititig f....i bv bored expression of a Idasu South "I say d men and ijiKlriemin In nhbh he er.i and te club window. don't never" he corret ti lined liis vb s on the matter The billets i poli: leal speech," he replied. "1 ' I Im 'ihe im order looked at him in blank 1. 1. ,1 in was In iniiiiMT to a protest '" sai s It 1I1 i,r Unit llie hull make no speech of uny kind for ci 111 1. rise. .Swciit was lulling down front tli lotiientlon. For several foiisumers In lint ten Hie cost of the two month, and my first speeches In PIONEER BAKERY a 11. t)i,. rant v tiler's ted lace but tiiaiilon was dais the White Hoiipp has bet n bom-bnide- d ,,f t.ln, pa. Kansas city, Cheyenne, Milwaukee Trading slumps ami not, ew n perspiring in the choking at- ind nothing with liltets end tilcginms louciiers mosphere of the crowded room. fincarte will have to do 207 South First Street entitling Ihe holilers to politics. 1 from labor organizations In lumr of premiums are "Very well, re with I don't know that nnld for bv increased prices of food Chniilon," said the shall ever make ntioth' r pnUii.'Til thn house ntnendmeiit. r, uny ' products. It also nns shown Hint In cord! "if there was errors or missions In statement you may speed. creased freight rates had 11 great this "What, someone "l.tiineil, deal t tin in. wish tu never?" 10 do with lm reused prices oriei lo jmi niiiko "1 i ei.'t say never. he II .'.'.'IC'l kM rnn i nv . ARTHUR E. WALKER nrnriurn ' I mr.tply "1 .I.i said cotifcMsed man. don't know." the On Tut sila v he will leave I ..; C.nn-- r Eire Insurance. Secretar "Will on i pen'.'" asked Mu' huic the v.nss 1 cm-b- e Building Association. en rile bri Ice. to attend lian; i Phone N0N ni aconioiit. Ho expects In t 7H Ve Oemral Avenu COMBATflNTS IN ".No, loi; said cas-"th- ls thank Charlton in Nc.i i ..rk on Friday. Inn be may ti, illy, w ill very almost nlrili do III d b. DENVER II." lake the at laces mTEB and he drew frnin his pocket at N"'v . .ii.l.ui. Conn. I bit of and from the final Gifford Pirn-ho- It. - C. V. OLSEN sentence of and James t'.nr- SERIOUS FIX the confession struck out "Icol, lie iner secretary ol Ih" ill'i r' e,' Hie Words "to -- HAY, PRODUCE , make." ii'in le i tcr Hay wllh him leiil). ht. GRAIN and n He supped (he pencil away, folded l"'.i i ' I'.i'ce Kough Kidcr. Ic III I he cnhlossion, It along nl'l SENECA POI I.TItY ANI STOCK li II r mIi cieased the the c(,io H Kucsts at lunch on w w in i I i seams, handed It back to the Judge I OOH ni.MEDIES and then stood at ase. In the little Head. Bl Xortli Hrst St. Phon S Refused Pei mission to Lcae pause which followed h t tigged at t he Former fioiernor lob. of his tight car absolutely the Seattle. Wash.. June 2.1. Former Governor John H. M at Court Dissolves Injunct üil r.c- - Nicauu'.uan Town About to only sign of nervousness he hud hi home here tonight after an illness " show n. - A Be lasting 'a. 'r - Jl 1 1 '' ' "I straining Cmmimeis Fioiii Bombaided for Fear They Chief II ayes asked that the prisoner several weeks. S was by he remanded until tomorrow, saying lVnih caused ti plinld fever. Will Join Besie(n,eis, Severn I persons. Irrigation Ikuv, Shu i iU'0 time was needed for conferences by the aiitlioiities before further steps In Supply, loilbl be taken. Kcnrotl Into So Hrallh. 'f. H. Kelly, & Mi.ralsc Juurnsl Murcia I III..1 "Veri vi ell, said the recorder, "Ihe F. r'ngfleld, II!., ImwJ year ago 1 Pill.'flehls. Juns I'm th, r re. prisoner Is remanded." writes: "A o"ran to be ; . troubled with my blad- r Mi.mlnf HueaUl Mirr) lian: In. in , . Menu, whose linn Hon held out bis hands, a (.sir kidmi' jul - on der, which grew worse ut H. became Iierivei, Colo, June :;i "o n i.o.iii.i ,1 Ktioim- position out- tf steel bracelets viere slipped i,,.u,,, side .n, Hicin anil locked and he was p-- awsy nlarincil at my condition. k ffered i I of Male - U asked lot (be Ii nver men Water ..,,ia, thai twilie Except also wilh tlulj heavy Iieaihuh- and I ifmuic Until e lias T.i given lioil-- 1 lo a cell. lor the fellers on company In m answir an. ell to the notion my w g ro. oil'I'lit. Hits to bale the (own before his wrists, lie might have passed anv-- of bladder j'noy-In- rumpiilnr llieii in the iiistii.t ri . , . . . and painful. I of la " i r m bei-lns- here lor a bank clerk In rather in- Fe liere by It II 11 III b. I of píllale illm.-i- i ti. y Pills taking j lielilli.l VuaipleX In c. .11.111. 111.1 di! ft rent h. alt h. and after their inj.iii. t i of this in ihe on p iMie Nh As he was being taken out It devel- weeks the headaches left me, I ac- feeding boliglil bj I .. litis.- W ar.iuuau within Hie tion my Mis low li. It Is d. oped Hiat Hie murdered woman's of bladder was again normal, . cm slnli has n fused nd I was llrouks. whetebe water uniera i.n in,, to Jewels had Just been louinl in his free of all distress." J. H I .1 O IHelly hCl been est! alio liol.l .oliiu I.:.,, r..,,l,.u ,.. i luggage, Co. . ,1,.. '"r, l'""-ose- of i,,,,,...,, I ..rmv ,.:,,ved ch.Tlton'a arrest l..r murder sur- l , that the I. H Putney Is th riistrlbuli r FinalI" hearing on the mu Her lo be will be nita.ked bv General prised every one who made the voy- of held Humidey. pending whl. h n t, ni- - M ..,, LEWIS' SINGLE HINOEIl. ,.,,,,.1,, ,, ,,..,,.1 ,. x has age with him lioin Italy. - porary Injiimiloii u- - . .... restialns water i, than 4ui men In Ins garrison Walter Keinhold of liicMleii, Mrw-et- d Third Street Meat Market rc sprinkling law us oí Ir-- 1 from their The Nicaragua!! sleamer Venus of the cabin in which Try a Mornma journal Want Ad 8A1.1 nrtlng their lloweir end tre.s.,iii- ,t the Ameiicsn warshiix I'raiile Charlton traveled, said Charlton mm DUNBAR ALL KIMVS OP FTtESfl AXP It alleged, I uniting ' w ME.1T, STEAM S.YISAGE Inc. it damage and lmbiiiiue are liiim not t ii r a 1. 1. to him on the dot k In Genoa late In W CHILDREN I . board (no. for horses Into thi usan. of ii. llar. The Kunboiil rinlucah Is exoect.d the alterno. n of June R, the day be- Th cr 1'AcryjKY I best of ear guaranteed. V. f The uhMcr n n. i ross-- i in niuiu her.- tonight Coin fore the r e a to sail. Me Who s'eanu Trimble ti Ci. US N. Second street Are Now Making Hit at Airdorru Eberhardt & Co., N. Third St MASONIC nvn.piNO THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, FRIDAY, JUNE 24. 1910

which I like very well, mil naive liav H.,rroiin in a M 11111.01 was won wlili mi' In cmiv i; loniaiked Ii.n t he la or. Tuno, :.' ,. .lot t aw he run Into his ill csslne- - ithnu Cm Ilss ni.ole a ni. exbli.tlon flight in h's a erot-l- no, J I of files i,is be will I'csiliu h.ixiiiK e. M.irs. In a em pi mr a iliülu In a tomorrow Col liss inaeliine, ran hit,. fcti, c.anil During ihe big fellow's slants to-d- bis tu o bino w as ilaniaiie.t tho crowd Mailed to cheer, but c,', 4 Mpvj í In The li World of Sports were chocked Fitrnici lunns who TsrrTj &VS after a purl iolont ontl.uisi, Business Aspects of Aviation. protested lhat ,lol fries insisted that all applause be omitted. The recent o "'a nenien t ,.( inwillc Betiiring to Ihe Sullivan Incident ; to fly duriiit; Ihe intoi national Í of this muiuiiig. Jim Cor'.ett sold lhat week al P.iidapost was m;t,le on Hie way li ini-se- lf while in one he ,ouhl Ida me basis ol 21111.01m kroner isj.bli. I .ess For you not having your ofTicc equipped with m i spee.kliU' i haii-hl- to the known aviatots eion can oominand and Hammond were easy for Sioux oil!, old Icllow as he he was glad he tllllill ier week. Willi 1 11.1 ran cod a first class City today, Denver losing, 12 to 3. stuto-nicll- ts made SulliMiii roll int or ,cn, minimum flight per ,1:11 weutber Score U. H. K. tin-,.,- . alleged lo h.ic boon spoken perm it t ng. ot niiiiuics. In BASEBALL Denver 000 1 20 000 3 7 2 JIM JEFFRIES or published by the Inner. Ihe oarl stai-'-- there was no Sioux City ...242 220 OOx 12 9 4 "Keallx." sold Corl.eii. J um sorry machine like the Wiialil biplane; Battel les; Adams, Hammond nnd for tho oM chap, lb- is getting along then Cleriol , loss, d ill. lailll.el , McMuriay; Wilson Miller. illibl-is- h las-ooi- Method and a Modern In Veins and is beciumu bit and moiiophuics b ime the HOW THEY STAND llowcM-l- Ills loom I better nssiate,! by lliotr con- pa ta . cheap Omaha. 7; St. Joseph. II. Ihan bis conip.uiv. r us this price m about 4X11. ;i cimpai-c- i with of keeping your accounts. If you think modern ' National I.casue. Omaha. Juno 2;!. B y a hitting S camp Is i oncoi iieil. Ihe tljiio asked lor the Wright. At game i II hi:; c- - nieetiiu; p, Vim. Jost. Por CI. rally Omaha took today's from BctlMlg' the esollt is the Khoims Lathams methods are expensive you are mistaken. We In Inning. A few i pojadlo wagers on A to mono- Chioaso 3ti Iti (iíl J St. Joseph the eleventh tromelv slow. t'ormaiues the 2 Errors by both teams prolonged the 1 minll iiniouul.s have been noted, plane captured the fanci of Hie cioitd LEAF SYSTEMS, Now yolk 3 21 04 if canshowyou where LOOSE game was up in ii Is iIk-- he.'ixy but it WaS too Lllhlll, PittKburff üti sun which lied the ninth but not believed the epellsi,, :t lunilla. w ill loi iseii t lieu- purse l:iich..s pecbillc when the ilif!ieiil! of learn l'iiiclnn.itl üti iMi 00 0 betters SPECIAL RULED ROOKS, Y & E FILING Seore B. II. E. until arrival of lln- const delega- ing to fly it was taken into tiermmt. l'hiludilplila --'." 4 '.10 the 11 1 ÜI 7 Very ai-- omos-ell- e r, Omilha 000 12 tion of light fans. shortly iiiierw the St. l.mtls . . :b) 4 1 ....201 CADI NITS, together or by themselves will St. . 12 001 1 00 no t, 9 5 today of Santos liuiiioiit rushed inio llronklyn lb! 3d 4:14 Joseph The announcement from Snn Koeloy and I ..uig - Ketchel prollllll, llece In its turn, owing to the JliiHInn IS ;iS 321 Halterio: lthodes, Francisco that the lord Cailniau; Shear and Wolfe. contest, planned U be held hole mi suci ess of Unit pioneer of tlh;bl in the nioiiilng of Hi,- big fight had a 011 in yoyaac The price American T.Mgne. been called off was otitlrolj unex- was it"ai'er what tile ordinary pur- Money (I; CHAMPION NOT Save You Wmi. Lost, rerrt, Dos Moines. Topeka. 5. FORMER chaser was prepared to pay. namely, Des Moines, Iowa, June 23. With pected in Keiio. The local committee Illil:idolplilil 3.1 IS .60 AT RENO CAMP working- with Promotor Bicknrd to t;'5n. ;in, lurne mimhcis h.iie boon .1127 two flit In tho eleventh inning Cates WANTED mu They have, a c, MOdUr" Detroit 37 22 stag,, the ,le'frie-.lohn.-o- n battle was tllllled pparetlt stole homo and won for Dos Moines, ur.-- Ihore-lor- o Now York 31 20 .BOS strongly opposed to the rival event insntlblenl iving and must H. S. MpH0NE924 fi to 5. bo imi.snb-re- LITHG0W, 29 24 .54 7 and was cald lo be bringing slimig uior,. as glortt'od Cli'Vi'lund 2t 28 .44 7 Score 11. II. E. toys. Lately the ,i In 11,. ma- ' Dos Moines. 201 002 000 01 s 3 Goes to Call on Boilermaker pressure to bear on 1'imiiotei Hester 22 2S .4 40 com- chine has attracted attention. This Manufacturer ot Clunk Hooks, Loose Leaf Hollies, liitliher Slumps. Chloiiiio 1 1 Hostel ill Topeka 000 03 1 00 0 4 to nto preparations. big w WiiHhinRtnn 22 33 .400 005 and is Coldly Told to Stay menting upon todaC.s notion said ami powi iliil tnacbliie. hich now Batteries: Sago ami Hawkins; s. lis ul II a is more n St. Louis 13 31 .250 were unwilling, in icw of the useful lor Harris, they purposes l Jackson and Kerns. Away; Lan&ford - Ketchel in than some ol leports that Ketchel could not be monoplanes. It is h, impose on said thai i',e Western I.enffue. Fight Called Off, condition fur the mat to aetixttiey ,,f spi'eu bit ive buvers have country, arriving at final destination Sivlilng- the iihirc. COAST LEAGUE fight wilh : one-side- d con- op- Wmi. l.ust. Tor ft. PACIFIC the fans ct'eateil a sir, ni": bull aceouni 11 liv- before Hie bunches have bad an "Thai man Is ninny iinxhui.4 to gfrt Sioux City 3 3 23 . r. n test. ing machines. For example, though portunity to fully ripen. This trafile, tut Ihe spotlight," said tho tihvrvunt Wii'hltn 33 24 .57!) Acoi. iding to Hosier, ho nnd u'Hny the aeroplano is oy built up us It has been from small lli.on. At Oakland. Score: P.. 1!. E. 11? .Tuumiil Nurclnl Virc iuot.'d 3 2 ..'.r.2 Mnrnlnff I.imd are negotiating lili Uhlu'id end I beginnings. Is one of Ihe biggest sití- replied Sorghum, Denver 2i San li 9 3 the makers at Pin, their ou,ut lias "Ves." Senator 29 2S .5011 Eranclsco Bono, Nov., Juno 23. for their respective Interest!-I- ele items of trade In the enuntry, giv- ' dm ot Omaha Vernon 3 (i 5 Jeffries boon sold for about throe months hut ho sn'i dlsorlnillintn. une Lincoln , .. 28 2.'! .500 John L. Sullivan was told by the fight pictures. Tom Flanagan abend to speculative niidilbniiu whi ing etnplov ment to a vast fleet of ihese days ho s going to Httinil In front Batteries: Browning and Wil ,1. Cm bott today John- line steamships, an of employes Don Moines 2S 32 .407 James received a telogtam Irmn Jack will otih sell ul profit. 11 nil other arinv of a locomotive headlight nnd not liams; and Brown. i a lulling Topeka 21 3 2 .396 llensllns that his presence was not desired at son this allei-nooi- ttating that the makers of good types of tnai bino re and vast amount of railroad realize Ids mistake till ho Is run over.'1 tin- Moreover. It lias given N'evv St. 21 32 ,3!l(! cam p of James J. negro champion would arihc in lleno believed to be in .1 position. sine:. - Washington Star. Jiwpli Angeles. II E. similar 111 hi At Los Score u message was leans the distinction of bm ihe K Jeffries. morning. The To oblaln piotnpl delivery of one of Los Angeles nioriow ' greatest Importing and distrib- "Why?" asked Sullivan as lie stood r.t'.gei a bovo-nien- t 11s fruit 9 addressed to Flanauan tho iotiod machines u uting port In country, iucidenia llv WHERE THEY PLAY TODAY Oakland at the gale that had been closed to .Inst what John-so- Í75U Is the ( l a I Halterios: Nagel tnd nring of Jack Johnson." miieh as asked and obtained building up n Incrallve return trnde liert'he. online. liar him from ullage Unit wording his by tin- 11 Jeffries' meant by after those who bad foresight lo w ilh Central American purls. New W hen yon see husht'ul lover. Lively end Milze. Moitna Springs. i go or- 1, reported rea ppointnieiit of lem alitielpato the rise, and to place tirleiins Picayune. Pltishing crimson In Ihe fiieo National digno. 'Because," replied Curhelt. "von mnimg' r, is a question some aun. Aeroplan Boston at Philadelphia. At Lltlle as his ders months Fvery time bo takes bis wnli'h out, Sacramento have knocked the big fight and ailed of general to sp, rhb in lo re building, now thai types of s a In Iho ease." at St. Lniiifc. 4 10 0 interest machines "There wnimtn Cincinnati Portland It a fake. wants me t i say to one Torn hav e i d some journal Want Ads Get Results - 3 2 3 Jeffries anil of particular Interest, been sta uda to iv. Harvard Lampoon, ChioiiRO at Pittsburg. Sacramento lie will i'? tent ,is a Hiinin that not shake bands with Flanagan. All in readiness for tin most pro) Hablo enterprise, Batteries: Stevens and Fisher: y though, of it must bo and Thomas eho.niphers arrival at the road house eoitrse, rtie American I.eiiaiie. 'That's i mistake I have been secured for bis training quartets. in mind lhat the originators have ex- Washington at lioston. inisipioled." protested the veteran Formal announce, n. nt of the pur- pended lat'e,. sums in flic development riilliidelphla at Now York. COLLEGE BASEBALL John L. chase by William T. Book, representi- ol whin was for ninny voars an un- "I don't believe you wore nns-ilml- y ng- an eastern for $75, nun known and unrein nuerat l e Industry. The Bittner Company o; .on, ' NATIONAL LEAGUE Harvard, 3; Yale. 2. quoted," answered emboli, of .lelilíes- and Blcliiii'ds' Interests in lmi Leon, imisl 1VIIOI.KKAI.I? AMI I'KTAtli Cambridge, 23. by and after a brief colloquy Sullivan the fight pictures was made by Bb-k- Juno Harvard i CATTLI-- PIJES away his a toi'iglit. According HAY AMI fillXlN llol!SI AMI llH'i.TUV ST knocking a Yale pitcher out of the moved and returned with aril i 10 lock The March of Trolley. .New York, 8: 2. manager, Frank Hall, to Bono. t,i the of the sale Jet tries Is lo the si:i:ds. be- box In two Innings won today's game terms Brooklyn, June 23. The name The Incident which was witnessed recoil o $;,ii,iliiii of lln- amount alio Toleili(ine Xo. II. 117-11- 9 l'.nst Tijera Avenue. tween New York and Brooklyn today hy a score of 3 to 2, and the nines will meet for the deciding name in by a number of Jeffries' trainers and Blek.ird $25.iiiiii. The only emiilillon Active op. a at 'cus uro mi foot lo marred hy a l'ltrlit between Ar- is 11 . i ivas New York Tuesday. Harvard scored newspaper men created a profound stipulated by the purchasers that push the co is on of the traction thur Devlin, third baseman tor New I of uro In ring line between St. all three runs in the first two in- sensation nnd tonight is be talk that the fighters enter the Louis and Kansas Yolk and n spectator who roasted the town. and begin the bnltle. Citv, to pass through the c utral pall Doyle nings hy hitting- Murpliey. Tom mors, him. Lurry took a hand to aid with- Tho outcome is a matter of con- of the state ami vviiblu easy leaeh of his both players were put who went In. held the Crimson .Missouri THE GRAY STUDIO mate and out difficulty. jecture. I.Wt.l'UKI lilTl III f ihe river, which is also In Tho Studio where Quality Comes First: Prices Right off field New ( be Scone shortly iw iti'.illt-bou- l the and anested. Yale's runs came in tho seventh Speaking for Sullivan. Manager I'KillT Al l I II the of guiar York won easily, S to 2. to I'll' NaluraMv the I tin ough a temporary demoralization Hall declared lhal John L. refuses San Francisco, June 25. The serine. THE HOME OF THE KIDDIES Score li. H. Jet fi es' spokes- region in which so iniich en-l- i I. regard Corhott as was off - New York 020 041 010 S 14 0 of the Crimson nine. light deoleicil it. show n in general, will To all Indies ordering- inhlnels or better, free hnlr dress by M1S Hook II. H. E. man and that he will return to Moana ii'liay, of not Brooklyn 000 100 001 2 10 4 Score to today by Promoter Tein he slow to adopt the iiilerurban sys- 3 2 Springs and make another effort I Myers. Yale 000 000 200 Hester and I'l lay, who hoped I" tem, whose progress in the most pop- Sir. XX'est rentral Avciino riinníl 528 Hatteries: Drneke and 2 see personally. Harvard 120 000 OOx 3 4 Jeffries stage the battle at Bono, July I. ulous, east ot Sehlei; Harper, Wilhelm and Ber- Spea king J f 111 lot: w hi nt the slates the .Mississippi Murphv, for tors 11 gen. Batteries: Tommcrs and - O'Day on behalf of the' has notal'ly rapid and succcsslul Krwln. Young. time of Sullivan's "call" lollhg- SATISFY YOUR WANTS THROUGH THE CLA"." IPiCD ADS Pbilbln; Hicks ana y that In 'failure of Ketchel ex. option a 1'tnplros Klem and Kane fn his Manag m Her-full- announced Willi the of small gap leg comise. bis mana net- .tó ,'i'ost th'ir I'm fell soon to be closed, a trul- get- asserts that Corhett and cotiiiuiious (lilcago, ; l'iusiiuia. o. at noon toihn' and the fact that he lo) ride can now be talon from St. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION ompowelei! to sneak lor Jeffries and t, l Chicago, June 23. Chicago blanked had burned that Ki lo could not Louis to the chill cities ol New Kng-- 1 that if Sullivan mak another effort : 9 hope b ndition himself for a fiuhl nd. the .Middle stales, and the Dittsliui'K. to 0, today, winning the 'o seek h'.m out. he illl bo aoeordod statea game. At Milwaukee: Toledo, 5; .XIII-- : on July 4 had led him to declare tne north of the ulilo. Those roads have (Tomrnercc sixth successive the same l eeeption he ri elved today. an(. II. E. kee, 11. bout off been built so iinietiy Hint their Im- of It. ivnu Seme "i H course, said If rger. "as the Established IS90 Atbuauerque. Jf. M. 9 1 1 1 portance lias sea rcely been recoKUi.ed. t'hicago 021 200 40x At Kansas City Columbus, 2; public is given access to onr camp, sjoo.mio.oii - 0 1 Their construct ion bus been from town xpi r.xii a si, ( Pittsburg- 000 000 000 3 Kansas City, 4. I T AM I! : Sullivan lias a; much light as any I'llll.MII.V Mi:it n by II Is 11111I liiiwloi-s- Lei-fiel- Louis- XT CAMP. to tow seel mis, and only Oirieers Batteries: Brown and Kilns; At St. Paul: First game body else to come and watch Jeffries CALLS dOIIVsOV W. It. M. MEHnTTT 0; 3. game When linked together that their full SOLOMON l.I'NA, S. STitICK LKK. and Ciibfon. ville, St. Paul. Second cor- X'ice-l're- Adams wol k, but Cm bott quoted Joftiies San Francisco, June m-- Asst. Cashier 0; 2. signit ica nee is understood They Prosblont nnd Cashier and Moiun. Louisville, St. Paul, - at the ' ! rmpires Johnstone rectly in telling- Sullivan that he will Johnson emu liulcd bis slay nm in any a .T 11 A Ll i 11 H M . 1 11 it II F I IT X' FliANIv A. Ill 'MM ELI At Minneapolis: Indianapolis, 2: min- damaging sense rival of f P. have nothing to do with liini." ocean lunch today with a liltccn the stcuiii roads, lor they penetrate II. W. Ki:i,l.V A. M. P.l.ACICWIOI.L WSI. MolNTOSH ISoMon. 0. Minneapolis. 3. w Pliiladclplii. I: Sullivan, in a. statenienl to tho As- ute Interview ith an undo taker. rieighbmh Is 23. Philadelphia hit rural left to one side Boston, June sociated Press, said ho was loln.lly Pan Jaoksiill of Chicago. by tho trunk trucks, and their plans the. ball hard today and Boston was at training camp nppn i : 1 unprepared for the treatment given No one the or opera inn uro illlf. rént 11 many re- ski, 4 0. very SOUTHERN LEAGUE defeated, to Kwinjt was of the more I him and that ho has no Intention of elated the humor situation spects. No t w en hour" so lied 11 lo effective, only twenty-eigh- t batsmen forcing himself on .let fries, if Jef- than did Johnson. Jackson is friend between St. Louts and New York can WHALE OIL SOAPS facing- - him and only one Boston play- At game Allanta, of Johnson and is not lo re in his olfl-ci- Atlanta: First fries does not care to receive him. bo expected on the trolley lines ; cap.-iciiy- ring- To Kill Hugs Hose Hushes, Kie, ing, reaching; second base. 0: Chattanooga. 4. Second game was no founda- He will be at the sweep tin E. Ho declared there and the main of Ihrorigh Score 1L H. 4, Chattanooga. 1. of train- side in Bono, however. I n 1 Atlanta. tion for the belief Jeffries' traffic will tho sloani 000 3 Memphis-Nashvill- appear in THE WILLIAMS DRUG COMPANY Boston 000 0000 At Nashville. e ers that he had "roasted'' Jeffries n ml The champion did Pol funds 'Ul tilo II obey lines the busi- Philadi-lphi- 012 4 9 0 morning In answer ..000 ltlx game postponed; rain. termed the coming fight a "frnme-up.- " court this ness is largely ii'-l- II bor hood to 117 CVnlrnl Illue rront Batteries: Bron and firnlnun; Kvv- - to the charge of last mil oiiinbile iliiv-in- Wt At Montgomery: Montgomery, J; . neighborhood, with retinen! trains upon lie was nrresled s- - ing- and .Moran. New Orleans, 5. It is understood that Tex Packard which and caie'fiil a ccoin luía la ion for every n Unwed ease lo go b - I 'ni pires O'Day and Brennan At Birmingham: Birmingham. 6: will to effect a reconcilia- tofday. He Ihe way station. Trolley toads get al- endeavor S n was added to Mobile, 1. tion between Sullivan and Jeffries. default and another mos! as close to their patrons as lb" THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ALBUQUERQUE, N. M. I: St. l.ouls, :t. itlle fund which he has contributed slf.-i- (,11s run all the time, Cliiiliiimti. The prooniter hail a long talk with court from New lhat nnd Capital anil Surplus..... 250,000 St. Louis. 23. Cincinnati is via the police blotter are an example "I the ad v a Mages Yd June Jeffrii-- this afternoon and lie city. Hepnslta 2,8(10,000 won game of the scries from RACE RESULTS. Jef- York to tills bcitl'.: a w II s nil the Spnl. t tho first to seo Sullivan tonight. of the most important details St. Louis, 4 to 3. public work in line No fear can he fell that Hie dil'f' Offers exceptional facilities to patrons nnd othom desirous of open- fries did his first ni" last day was his K. n the champion's t t Scor. U.H. At SliiH'pslit'ail Bay. Nevada, at Moana Springs this a.,lei-noo- enf forms of ra nsporta ion and hi. ing uccoiinl.N, 3 ti 3 final agreement wilh C.eorg,, Lllllc St. Louis 000 000 030 Shoepshoad Bay. 23. First in the presence of over 400 motion will exceed ihe ib'inan.i. Tie L- 1 June which all so ires wore selilcl 200 01 1 000 4 fi a under tendency is to dovchui all metluuls fd' Cincinnati race, iil-- 2 furlongs, main track: Tho after and an assurance lhat Utile will cast Batteries: Baokmari, Kieger and won; Dreamer, second; morning session of ball playing, be- path. Irav mote ami more ami put a pir- - Prince Gal no more shadows across his i L.,,,1,1 111 11 rn 011 every a. Ivan. o In the Bliss; Burns end McLean. Magazine, third. Time, 1:20. gan his real exorcise with a. vigorous accepted $111.51111 for his past " V o Iñ - Little and of travel. A hm se ñu- il I'mplres Uigler and Kmslie. Seei nd race, steeplechase, about fifteen minute's siege of bag punch- services as Johnson's: manager. comfort m- - was pt'eiboioil but has no! co ANTUHAí 1TK AXII'.RICAN' 1H.OCK 2 miles: Waterway won; The. Ing. This was followed by a brief 'ra pulley weight depart- - lo pass, in sidle of the reriiarka I LOS W. II. HAHH CO. "The Only Oood americañTeague Welkin, second; Monte Carlo, third. asinn of the 1 t KIill xxi k in It pli. at Ion ni automobiles. 'I (In Hup Lump" 5 15. ment. and iinniediately tiioreafler a nisi ri: Time, - OMK Til BLOWS. of Improvement is strong SI H i. X(lOI 5 long rope skipping session was in- ll.llilN'l spirit KIMU.INUS Third lace. furlongs, futurity Nov June :!3.- Following an Phone 91 Detroit. 10: SI, Louis. 1. in. he shadow-te- n Bello. steamships 011 ocean and lake. Wb course; Cówle won; Byestraw, diilged After that I a Ion a ion between Tex libkaial and can bo practically 10 niplislnd "Vol 11 ( lieiii ( onl 111 a t'lio lVie'." Detroit, June 23. Detro't evened Time, 1:01. boxed for mínales, put in three ho- ond; Dr. thinl. in lobby of a local 'o-t- ( I today, win- Sid Hester the uvlalinn is unknown, but tho "Um llio Host onl nt a IWr I'rlee." lie series with St. Louis Fourth race, mile: King James rounds of rough and tumble woik Bicknrd Hester ning 10 to 4. tel tonight, shovel 11 ueroiiantioH is olio .,f the wnmh'L, another slugging match, fceond; Choir .third. with Farmer Buins and linisboii ins ii to "IT ft IHMf K. 1,1 i i ; COKE B II. E. won: MasUetio aside with mi If I'll force Jar of the day. Hit or it h.i ri lim-- i sll'k Scon with abdominal exercises of latt'-r'- mb 4 2 Time. 1:37 efforts the bat and glasses. I'ri. are Irving mit St. Louis 100 001 200 11 creation, in all, Jeffries' i firma and inn '1 Filth race, mile and an eighth turl his own interposed and separa!'. s subpt l Detroit 004 031 20x 10 13 2 occupied and ten quickly principie iin'c-- the utlnn HI coin so: Perry Johnson w on; captain hour Mn MORNING JOURNAL ADVERTISEMENTS GET THE BUSINESS Halterios: Casey, Snndo and When rsked if the altitude Hie oleclrlo current for steam ran Swauson, second; Check .third. Time. minutes. The argument Is said to haw result- 11 musí bo iVja ; Donovan, so reckoned said for Stophons, K'iilefei Works bad any effect on his respiration Ihe ed Bi'kard's aniiounciiii. nl oi and stallage. 1:54. replied that, he scarcely from troll. 'V roads that they .have avoided Sixth race, 5 I'm longs, futurity the sale of bis and J. ffrbs' iiilerosl the sciisatlonnl and keep at work al', course: Bound the World won: .vii. noticed any change. Ho ndinilled. in tho fight pi. lures. Ibstcr, il is They ask little, bul the : 4. be bis In- the time t íllenlo. t'levelanil. Oolightly, second; Ablrian, third. however, lhat when started understood, denied lhat .bl'libs' right or .vay and public good will its 23. Chicago do was a bit la- ill Cleveland. Juno :59 work, his breathing terest was in. Iii.hd the sale and H MrKHiloy 4, Time. may I." merited. The featod Cleveland. 6 to in an excit bored, hut finally this wore off and I mat ids iHesier-s- pnitit.r, Bail) game, Male. svstcin has built Its own bridge In Droiison Sanitarium and ing poorly played Each 'ho fell just the same as if be was mi would secure it. H but At 1 Jit 'mill. Tom ii'l'n. bougl Ihe land it needs for team used three pitchers. Bill tho sea . lln- busi- June 23. Jockey few-day- on basis of ordinary Scon n H . E. Lilonia. "I r.m convinced that within a 2 Knapp had his Viist winning mount ness trans: Hons Mote will coino of Cleveland 010 100 200 4 10 I shall become thoroughly welfare 2 of the L.itonla meeting today, landing H Tor (be nubile than has 33 Chloac-- 000 000 4a2 6 9 and that the climate here. or expected. St Berger, Mitchell Bight Easy in 'front in the handicap LDFIELD CLIPS yet ben claimed Batteries: Link, tho after a Í ..oils Cob, I icmoei a t and Easterly; White, (dmstead, Scott spring feature of card Block, Payne. nd drive through the sireicn. and mary: of Ban- Hen Growin,rj Consumption Buy Your 1. First race, 4 furlongs: ROSWELL WINS OUT ISowton. 2; Washington. Dolaiiey, second; F MOTION FROM Boston. 23. Boston defeated fncas won; anas. June 1 . g Time, :54 Washington, 2 to 1, In a head, third. Screen Doors and Porch Swings race, 5 furlongs: Tender game today. Second Tin"-da- y won; Bohort T., second; Lus I'lom Monday morning until Score P.. II. E. Heart 111 a i ihirly-i- Timo, 1 :0I FROM CLOVIS .'i.'iiing. noriinl Boston 001 000 000 1 2 10 0 cious, third. MILE RECORD bonis, the liniiorts ol bananas al tbl- - 423 h. First siren race, fi furlongs: Daint ' Albuquerque Lumber Company, 010 000 000 0 1 3 1 Third t . il lie handsome ol' Washington Waponeca. second; Clint pol a. Il' total Knrger nnd Kleinow; Dame won; ., ov una II Iv - ,;.loiil bun, lies, Batteries: third. Time, 1:14. ppi Oberlln nnd Street. TiK ker. Bight brought in in nine ibl't. r.11' ships Fourth race. 6 furlongs: ' iilral Mncli. ali purls. The un- William, second: THE NINTH lioni e York. 12; I'liiliulelpliia. .'. F.asy won; Emperor Distance Done in 49 2-- 5 Sec- loading and prompt shipment ,,r Hits lianbridge. 1:12 itii'ii-oi.-- I Company 23. New York third. Time. amount of iisoinu and Montezuma Trust New York, June 7(1 yards: deflated Philadelphia today. 12 to 5. Fifth race, mile and tions Over Ciicular Track at niablv perivicible fruit has uruioubt- ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO seronu; riani-lan- a 11 k 11 1:. after losing four games In two days. Camel won: Alma Bey. 0. 11v ,ro.-- nderta but In the eighth inning tho locals fell on third. Time, 1:44 Had the Game Safely St, Paul; (Iocs After f our Ilia' It has been ;n-- ..111 I'lidl. ll. ,11' "ill Capital and Surplus, $100,000 Pitcher Atkins for seven runs. Sixth race, mile and an eigmii. Visitors hay" been a'- plished bcior,, tbis E. won: Itelliif. second; Mile Maik Today, aplicáis in i t slums 1" what an or Seore K. Third Itaii - When ON SAVINGS DEPOSITS 1 ::.- ;.. Tucked Away the t he lia ll.lllllg fa, I'llleS o Ibis INTEREST ALLOWED Philadelphia .010 040 000 5 11 4 Xn.lzti, third. Time. tent 1 1. nt'l as a frail im port íiil: ..tint bav" New 020 2 7x 12 12 Under- , Yolk ...100 Pecos Heavy Hitters be II 'I' ' ' lop' I. CXiAiXDOOOCXXDOOOC Batteries: Morgan, Atkins and At Sail lake. flf Miimlrif Jmirnil Pueriul I :jftd Wirr) Suit Citv. June 23 Tv fa- - When one reflects that not inore Lapp; cjninn. Frill nnd Sweeney. like to in Four Runs SI. June ;:.... I Sarin i . won Buena Vista today. took Hammer I'aal. Minn. than thlitv '.ears the iruit .Mitchell. writes at in los .'un horsepower Con.. bnsine-- s frmn the tropic was racing- produced some close M- liihiriobl The was in the Last limine, auain low. red the mile automobile coiifiro d to n Mnnll sclnioners. GROSS, KELLY& CO. card offered v ulshes, though tho 'record a i at d, eiopnu-ri- of av league one. Summary: for it. ular track the l,,l ( I a a o r r I 4 ) western onlv an ordinary 'Twin cu-- aM.'ii'-- iio-e- i ibis utter , xttam-.tuiir- 'Ihe litCe s, In.niier-- l 5 furlongs, selling: , First race, i Id - ',,,11,. m of a i"Tl have et.nlmiiiy . .MtIiiI lo lili M.irnlnir Joiirnall noon. iliiii. .Inn.- the XX second. .": Lincoln. 0. Boyal won: 5 -,, wbi.-- Iwo-ibih- s il,. d Into small Iridio. Stone N. XL. Jane Fla ii.u 4: s.- 1,, Is. fit.t steamers Wholesale Merchants and Dealers Time, 1:01 Koswoll. : l Lincoln. June 23. Durham had Tramotor, third way lbloiil.-h-. of a so. on, than the r.-- oi.l he ml .tt'tiv ml" tari.'.' ulnps, ciui,pod 3 selling: an l,p-hi- gamo nil the iitnij.-ri- r i mercy race, furlong. ;itt.-riioi- nio-- i ef rai:et a loir the Lincoln's inmplilfly at bis Second la- -l mii.b- 1. and vith the Low- Weill the of vest. la, t Pelts Koswoll into i ot Wool, Hides good Queen of !.-.ol,- a nee:., in and today and Wichita gave him Burning Bush won: y.vt- six b.ll-- Ih.lll the t'me li;... liV ppii.t arid b" rude methods good ball, SIBor Leaf, thud. inning today with the li hand have I ti r- - support. Knapp pitched lands, second; j Palni-- on same nloa.'nei hum and with live 1,'alph do ihe i 1 to three imainst pl.oe.l bv in.-- hania.ll elevators, wbleb Navajo Blankets, Pinon Nuts, Beans, Chili, Potatoes and but the three of the locals Time, 02. on,- - eirois An- I wo made the four i ir ,io. thou'-.iiul- to s p. r I 5 soiling bits and errots handle of bum were cost v. race. iurloncs. j f - Third CI.. f.oii-- obl'l'-b- will ti lo lower tile oir- f.-- V.. won; Aquiline, second; Fi- no. esserv runs, .b leating its boar, whore f.,rm,riy a hundred Other Native Products Sooro It. II. nie Wells k jlnile cor.l tomorrow .at.-- 11. 3 I : ' 1 to six. pri. hard for Cb.vis urn. was l.. rub- Lincoln . . 000 000 0 2 ller, Time. 111 . .000 third. Caldwell for in l:..y .Malllloii. won - vast lrnpot ta lions of de- at Kurt T.aa st, N. M.j Albnnoerqu. N. M.; Tucumcark ." 1 5 selling: On out tlurbon. iif ihe.- Hiuui Wichita . . .000 201 101 Fifth race. furlongs, III'- - . II, ib- r- lor-- , so. ond. struck out three ond fi'. e. ill halldl. i.. li, imis al fruit, but hit'.' re- N. M.; I'rcin. N. M.; LAKn, ri. M.. and Trinidad, Colo. les Knapn won: Mrivohmonct. four intimes Sec- Ballet and Clarki Parole In 111 e si i in k o il.oe it Ii lifllnbl. ill a Knox. in New 'irle. ins I'v the 1 :i"i U'e' ks lln last "'it fi. mains .r Durham anil Jokerst. Hamper. third. Time. H. Tie- - was I "ai I is prorni-il- lo. ato, I 6 furlongs, selling: S' ore i: i: ond. tone irretet proportion Sixth race. lill-uiil- r, .1 by Cl. 'VÍS i; s A mat' b a ' into litis and shipped special unit won; hen !.. second. . M COLUMNS WILL SATISFY YOUR WANTS SIoiit City. 12 : 3. Platoon i;ret l I 11110 In II I ni. k son k I ar and iri-ri""- iriitK 1. e ot the THE CLASSIFIfn Ienvrr. (ÍOS vl ell . . .!, Sioux City. June 23. ltiik Adams third. Time. 1:15. t pin m ..TT..-.- THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, FRIDAY. JUNE 24. 1910

l.i. .i,(5 ivcro K'iin liinl whii,-- . Jl w:i "I ii , li, ii 'j , il inn rti ii Feet So Sore '1 - "Tin. i "i iuii'i .Inrv n is nhnnKl GORY GAÉENT hum nlinmii It iinrc'il IP., I tl i inn In. I p. . n i'iiitiniilti-,- in tin- tlirc,' Couldn't Walk Imlilinrf nr l"iir iinintPH. milv mif iiihii Wí-f- Unit it n (lime , ;,i li r. Ii" pi. - tí tin- - I.,, 'It n,m fuinl "us a Down Stairs-- 1, mi Iv M . pi.l, ,1 t pi.1 hp Iriiin l OF i f . i, n h, il tin- - iiiiov.i MAN - TIZ Her Quick .-- "' i mil,- Cured 1 V I rr-- . iSJ f',r t Ii ii 1, n up iiinl I III.' i.wu trl?AfjlC. J-- f sS?A' It? ,Pin. Put iimml MKiliiMi;. Pul ikPII-llnlM- i n '..' I mi I l:s ii Pun t Un l""l !'-I"t- v , mm) ; In- a ,,iiiipl",l IP" limit." w lit" K if h.iIiI llnil "ii" I't; "f Hi" i nrps" POINTS TO ti..m IP" M"" ,1,'Wii ivaü iiiiMwiin;. l;l.,.,l HI. tilín "II Hi" 'l"i "S nf l,l.ltlP"l Kpnivcl pliniily tlnil a riimc hum , mrt initt",!. ill M ir, h InM, un lii" tl.inl y ... S-L- l,- .j&Bj'ZLu:J i illUlllL- t" l"t","MlM "I ilmi ti,,ii. lnik,' iliKpy in'.iti larrtlni! tiray t't,.Vtft l,pili,i-ls- . mi inlilnriiV rpilhcK or enmp, piny "rum All Eboard for the following hotrlt, Pumrnrr ríortu, etc. You can wear knnck-a-bo- rlnllios or a ilross suit, fish, hunt, tonnls, Mil llll'll tnpp, ll poPn.tll Hlll'i H. on following advertised l golf, bowl. or among nhody lip rature, maps and Information the Hill, null tllll" .llllilliiT nf til" I'l.-ll- t" danc lose roursclf nooks mi ouict rclroals. Illii.trateil 1 . ii Thin in. in It. nl n u,,rl r ip- - resorts and hotels will be furnifhed promptly at the Morning Journal O ff ice, S1.4.2í.''2IÉrft.w.í.ii.. i UjkI l""tt, i tlnil Pi il"- - rinlPm ilm-- A;!o:';oy Moisted in. l.tllt tti-- i nnt nf Hi" , , Oisliict and ' , 1 liirili i'Mi-- - li-lr- i, l. .V r I , 1 . T .' - t., . 1 an í -- Püüconian Brieve r u ío lit- It Ii.i.k;,. i ,,lllrl,l,'in i, 1".'ik Jlt.t in t Ml , Mulw itlrniH Iium- hl'i'tl t in i .,,itiilll,', in t Ii IK Palll" 1'iiiiPlv. Ill s Aí.lTIÍ'J"í-?",- I Clinic Was Oommiiil i l sii i 'nl, mi I 1'i.tti r mi- - kill, , I mily .1 VJÍ E 131 twJi US' liim.-i'i"- , i, , .. Sandia Mountains, .in, it A"! linií P, "hi liitmiH nliti' nii-- "i,". :irri'Mt,.il , li il II, , in'.i tviiii ih rlni" .ii"! .iiiip'il. S' '..'i f r i: !f A nr 1 This Cool lull I, .til a, us (.I - A ,t rvit Weather Is Great n,'T rmii' J -- - IDENTITY OF SLAIN Hit- pi is, ,11, tv .t , r,. Pminl n, vt iinirii-nit- ; Tf vmi lmv( t",r, r""t, tirril f"il, I A' , SAYS i mi-- Km - EVERY ARRIVAL AT n tí ir In III" III, vwtaly fo"t, lamí- f"(t. f'"t. If 1. r,irrr;!',:- l J MAN REMAINS MYSTERY 111I nt i't i un, lit- - in IPi- -.- 1111,' stiK'llt- fi'i-t- citriM, '.'ilPmw"H nr P1111- - li-J- ::'k .y , ,,"i:,liri,',i 1"ik. ii'ail ha p)if.i"(l in Jim. '! Ittftitt ,.r tpirtv ti.tiM i'rml"ll, .,f,.. 'II. Oil) Hotel Virginia -- 1,1 Ih" I 'lnl,.,! x i'i "liiiii, nl IT. .Mr. i'riick"it h.ivm: rur tin, -- LONG 1 v I m BEACH, 5t 'hoimu'Ji Investigation Neai MLirtin rn 11 nl, r',l in Ihtn t ii lnltv mill run 111, mii kin. uiilltCil ilmt nsinir mi? CAL, . uní nil ,,)i 111.111 irimi I'.il.iril.i mi oil" foot nl 11 linn-- Mi" I ut- - not lici'ii r vni'it Th.. Alunys IP'lilitfnl Ilcsort. Saa Anlonito Indicates Giint tiTir.M ,,r ml.', it In, tt,.,ii up int.. tli" nlilo to tuilk 1I1111 nstiiliK lii liirc In Hie IIITIMi NOW. tnu a sioiio's throw- from 111" I'ai-ili"- un m nl, Iiim ifl.'f ua.s ais,, fmitni live hv .! I Has hi-- own drossinii mmm WMTiMjtifH (mI int i'ar. i''cil . Tic'ti.'ody Ui c Lit ret. ll"Hll. (IntMi on m ii M",i with inn' fool lit I'AMtll S roiinis. iehowor Paths, for Simmi I'aPl'till. Mr. .SKInii.'i- anil H lini". I lilt lu ii iinii kalil". M'llil those in ipi"st of pm-fce- t Kitrf lun liiny Months Aao, l i.iIii r, inh'i.' Hi" ,,111, i i tii.iti'i'ial I'ivi niorf Imii'i." Ye Alpine Mini' lor l.ookli't mil liiites SPECIAL ,'m iPl.i in ,, in lln-l- hi'ih'i h "Ml"t,la' No iiiaitnr hat iiIIh yrmr fi "t or ami Mminli',) I .1 1, n (liuii,. Ivan whut ntiil"f liiavn vim 1mi, tiwoii TA , VERh Tl.r 1.1.. ..1 so:, I,", yliirt wiilm ( pari ii la r. .1 t an, I iilniint in wilhinit fci'ltini; Iiisl lis" TIZ nbnvp Hie SUMMER . a mile IiIm ,'IImiim t,, a t,, It B ilill"if-iit- Jt at I off. I Just 1 P Hi f iincarlli hi" th riht tin? lllj i' h'i..t dlsla "HI . , ami ftijny in'mm, in ui TP" ,Tiwlri, t atlnrm-- pr iIh.'h ruri'H s,.i" li'i't to stay tircil. Il mn. - - unintiK h" K' i'llL- Hie fimllln: nf tin- "I'l liiH It tin- mountain nir tint lliulllf, only Bore font t"iii",ly "vr niaili. pin"H ntu lih-ii- i prlm-lpl- cmnt RATES I It IlK'll 111 tin1 S.ttldl.'l Ill'iUlltallll I'" "I am ci'ti Unit a uhii li arlK on Hie nl' ilraw ih" ilmiPl" iraii P.i.aiitifnl nioiin-Wti- n - . ini; uiisi,nmiH 11, la i, oaks. (EtlKJPiAH FLAH) i entli, i u ;( r I tin- sent, h made "ii uircl In llnm,. immntaiiiM thl" out nil th " wis " I I trails, views of fpriiiii. fa ill Mr. K "iin.l " lar v i "aun. H,irr I'tnvdni'H anil t i i r San Aiitmiil,, In Instil"! r find moun- ONE Of THE NEWEST IIP Hi,. nllif-- "inmllnti int-t.l- hia lhi th" vallo i,piari,il iii a 11 n n b AND FINEST HOTELS AMnIlllV Illiil AliHIIllfll Un- i,m"k. l"aiiH 111, kfopn tains. I'."." r Ciiee nl' pmipl" ''I'j tliotn nut mil lhc!'i un have day IN I ,, niiinnii'r rail's hy CALIFORNIA man lln.aellliHome., vt In. shortly rallcil Pi fin, Ih" iiln.Hl i lii". If ihrin Vmi will f""l h"tt"r Hip II a or wink. An initinf? 1 hIiI" piiMhily 1 I,, Ih,. Hint timo it's nsfil. I'm wnnk aiiil mii Hi.- ir.iil j i flic ultin rimiiti wli'-v- BROADWAY AT SEVENTH - n,-- tu I. mi;; üoiu-- X nf the l.mly M,,in.- mi" nlll liki-l- In vmi ran fnrK"! ymi hail win' 1. STReET K'"imtH ' III l.rblllll Sa'Ille of til Thi-r- . In t th" surf liathliiK is lNGBEAchDATTLC SANITARIUM iinHtini; lll.ll I" mil" Hi'MI" ttltnrillalliill till tit mi that CREEK , COOPES , DAVIS, LCSSCEJ i . i n or to tiny METHODS plPiiK in of Hamuli Hi" nf Hi.- ,,r lili ti. TI5C is Pir mil" at Motk-an- . SANITARIUM trail.' lilititiiv xPilin tPiiniM." A quwl plua whire you ihould .p.nd ilit-",-- hi h un your Summer V.nlion, Vry MotknUe RtM. : Mr. KPnit ami Mr. ip.m.z (ill ilrniiiHlH. Ii.," per Pox. nr r ai th" l'ín lli" H EE,. h .! Hi.. .Movie.. Vn' went mil Railway will f W HAY ÜIMPSONf. LONG BtACH. CAL 1,1 I if ymi ivieli. In, in WalP-- M.t, I'ri'o Auto l!ns ?Joon All Trains II s I'.dhltV- - Sat, Anl.iiiit,, '",lii"Mlay an, le l.iitiii'r tlh"te .in "liny,, lii'i-iin- í.lso ilidikTht rr"s. ii",l rn, jinl-lln- n IimlH" i,o- I'll Ir en, III. the lilí y,Mt"r,ay all, .mi aflnr I OS AN" ii.u iltii. Hi., men pnirnreil I ,, v V !,n,k e t this In ii ; Pmmv ila t c. tni iiip',1 and snlil hy I!. Iltipp", :': THE HlhMAN l; I'j.'i'-murPl- A M. mnl informntlon. HAVE YOU ills; ifi..wU and un usst'iant ami t'' tili'al iiviv, llnniiii ript", X. PACKED YOUR TRUNK I y A. MrXfiEK, YET, FOR I inlor i'i'l t'v (In- - tt I u i I In I. hi.'iii-lil'ull- y".'il tin Ci. 1'. A. AX 1HKA!, Sl'MMin: llti.Mi:, city: clns--i J for another impon m' mmi furnished: heart of "vili If", i, III. llll"l'Mlli: Kali, If III, ".'., of OP riiciiif? to shopping 11ml (honter liistrlets. tivi. e f 11. All tln-- found. Iinwevr TRIP IN SCHOONER InaiJ had l,i I," I allrr III" W'rUTK TfU'iAY Ff.'i: PVM.MKIt ii hard i!.i in w.irlv was muni' riiim-n- atnl-i-la- t LONG i.ii.t tdan. ami jiniitntml 1.0s BEACH CAL.? I'A'l'Kr nn.l folder. III. I'M tin- iili' ni the lull iiia'-.-t'la- .v.rxi:s. hlimi'l ill. as In mak" tlii'tn lik" Il is XIIK III V.MW. 7th mid J'imioroa Sis. .,!,'.(. Ilii' pin.. tth.i" ll,- l.orly n rnads. time ymi wore on your way. 1 iitnr,.,ls of residents from .lames A. IDrric, 5lgr. I - 'i your , , ii nl. ti ii J, ,, , an inni mutt w.t OVER I'm- tin- ihn o inimip Hi" tin al iilrnmly enjoying tli(, i iK li..-r- I.,,nK nt h i HISTORIC IP i til iii'ii "l M Pas .11 ma 11 il Is I'limous li.-- r Ii.-- , aititlly l. ,st and for sumnn-- hotels-- 11 "1 IhiU' r.:. (.i bellow," Ii" BANG BANG BANG ml "Otta.Kes. t'.ir- Inail was filially put III" sue! Tli" II, 'irKinia.. :iK I'í,-r- , lil lüithh'.ua", said (In. illMilii attorney vi'nlrril,i li'm.i i 1111 i it P 11 Hi,, um,- i. Auilitoriiiiii. ctuinry t'liih, Dainl , thrmitih a i 11 I . ' rnil..-N- t'on. ls rind , t"rn!ni;. 'that' has hunli'd hy nt"atn 1 a,t Ion The Battle Will Be on lliimsands of timnsemeii Is. x ni.'itler if ymi Ko I'm- a day, i , In ' mii mu i'il in III.. p.iM Hi, lira-.- tin- wa-- k, n, It in FE TRAIL in, I" KhiK ', ami ,,m out or ut u,lv. y.!U.u ,.Y,.ry !nhlll(l, , , SUA , will tin, m ' tij.'tii 'I'll. it tin- nun Itlii, nl 111 tt inlilu. s. !. thai all "il eti.ioi in,. 111. j.,,r pat tieiilars, hin,!;li lit r watt licit, ir'eril tlirlleifled Ii Jniani" rim ttan inail,- P tt-- July Hie 4th iliuslriitcil eti wrjte . nin,i - - 1,. , Hi,- irrsl,in Un- shot"! mall,.. .ml Imin win"", from H niiiiiiiMmi to A.MI', Se,.. Cliitnili,.!- ol' 'oininei'(.f l.onn' liciic-li- 'it I. It pet " 111.- i.otlv i. the iilntl tins Pill-le- t'liildo, nil ml... at ati at, .rat:, 11- 1- ll! III.' Ill' P,ui- - III!. olll'-lll- l It ijiii-- nf IPi mlli-- --- ' irowlli of iiood Roads Move- an hmir. mnl Urn '. S mil's tmm II',' t "Ml. "I Sill AM". rill" 'ill'" tti-ll- lilt, mi h Ktiitlmi all.-a- "I 'i;-''' - talmas! Wliil,- II li.mli ti"."."ll'.. Iluil Hie ment Lends Interest to ' lorjfc i Sdi t i. in, Iji. thmi- ,,f ; 'I'lit- t t,,,ii ' "i". 'nl.'ruil'i l.riiinry wuh woman, ii y ill.. Pi1., Ill, A Hiiiiitifi f'ilriniaiu: ' Fioir. Hl,l,-,- - to tin- highway iiinl milt i , . tilii !.!. vis! Mt;lil ib termini- Pin ly Mil It Hi" ruad ttar , v , raxi e i a mini m iilii- IimIji'", vard Irimi Ni.'.tinn In Katisax ' Ottawa, Kan,, to Las Veuas, I'ltt. t tit, l I, , ll J Ht HI- ,1 I 'l it m s ill' .1.1' mil iiotv loriiis In Ps "iitlr.'lt. i"ii t? ra 'i4 &.i' 1 ', 11' :.l!l ' I.I. v I." pie-il- l. ll .'11 III nll.s limit KamaM t'il.f. Missouri, to ii m:w si I'xifo , J llll, "i ,1 :l.l .ill 111 i. .1 i "I I..: "I .'an. m t a do, tt It r. q r. n i ii" t I'ilt, 'nloi h,ii. ii it r a it x ' "n.T',4 i'l.e. Tln-- l all ii nt'. hi IPtrliliiic .Imiriitil in Hie ;l,,l Inn.t. Hk y.pll,. ilrlv." I til.- III,- I 111 ' 111" 1; llll'll iiiiiw.ii IPil I'". Ll" 'o'.. .Ill in- .'ll, 'I'll. 11 o! alt" "I Ilia n ill, tin lilüli Hi"',-- , .. IP,- Ip'.'i il , Itere It,., I,, a .M , Irlti-- Pi Hi" tv, - ' '1, ml-- 't m pit Mí II It i,. Los Angeles- HOTEL CALIFORNIA Hotel Aivarado I' "I l.i .., HI I. Mil ll,,' li.ill ,. p. Tli" Is niid-- ml ,m,. ,,l Un. I, .t .1 ini. rnad Ih" "nnirnl of in ttie niMist in Hie Imsiiiess and iinnisi ilistriet. Corner lilli mnl Alvarnilo Slreils, III, It I i M; ( , nicnt ."vv and imidnni. V pr,., Ml", n;is li.ill a,J , .tl sso, tat ion. s,., nf a 11 - nun lin ing ni h,. i ni 11 " mm-,h- imi.'p, I. on.'i dislatiee plmii" in ,'iery Spc ial M)s agi:ij:s, . rimm. rales, per day cal. 'I'll" I'll!"!!". P., it In i II 11 e oil ,,11 1,111. i. a sumiller ai'e '"'"HI "Mi'iisimi nl tin- Utn sri'll'lill'V and ttji. X.i Pi .'tta' 1 in 1 I litr! e.immndatimis the ciu. I'mler nmnt of i'ivf :jTxrTi;s ci.'Stnrss ll" ;i Lot III,- .,1 i,. vt In ,' t Pe I , ,11,1 an ,0111-nitl- - thu l" i tt In ' "In Pi ;i i't lilt-Ju- ., t tt I) "Miitliv" and pill,i,ilt Jiih- 4 li v. ill 1." t day ;it II. v. t.-- so v, f'MXTEIÍ, in list residenee i , nifí, th" iiopk!s iti:o iMioms r, roeratic u ere i i. .un. i, i, ..I i -' tt " pi.) ' I' Ml man a, h m tin- Kati-a- s iiva aiain I. ami tin. ni, al " s ill tor ami woi'.il. (list lii-t- v I.. , ...... 11. i.. wnrld'K Iful Ontnlin.i. :in,l un overlooking West f.ako Park. ini nut linrli tu lli lii. 'I'll. 'It tt K . . ..l.,,.,, ,.,n,li.,s I, ilimiler in lli'l 1. j v, ill ti, lit 1.. vi. with us Wn In- Special AeomiiiiHiilatkins ,1 ll, 11 ml mi ns shall Umr" and Hunt,! tli III" "Mill tt.m i. :t . n- -t , ."I o. I..II. IiiiIiIh ll ipii Mt llli'i'lillKii i. til "a i, imilla r I, II, I .f the iiim. nf lives, tieoiln in A llniqii"! ( no find vieiltily. i A p nn-l- o , , tt . m mir 'I'M I'. Ill" " n l" l'i j 1" 1,1 i ,,, l.'l till 01 k up. Th" lima! ml, vt i,, t I11. I, Pouts Hill I,"'.S"llle.l cilh- - Win. I!. orn i 11. Owner Manager. vi ii 1,, ;. m , II" on l ami ml,,, por, ini ppiii in I'm II p., II ,'in at Inoks a ,r mal HOLLENBECK "lllll'lll ll, I'lltlt It'M r it HOTEL ' fide. Hi". ir,'ii or Its m w , 111 III , display in in "m'.iiIi.ii i, nleiia as ll,. it a tt a K .1 ii... Ills loi a t a mi ports a . a. . le .mi Ya, Pi r.u rin-es- c'Ku Los Angeles, Cal. s. i - as. l.iumeli mitchkix Pii'ii-r- "i PPiMpii n h ifh w it.- ("iiinl Mr. Ilamilti.ti ,till iimii'is,. tin- ""r.als to tin- iillii iils nl Hi,, ass. - ti"it iiinl tlnmsaitiis ,.f umiisenienps will 1 ' VI 1 i j i r i nlii'Ht Hi" '.'tn.lll.rt M"l lull,, HIM. "la I''" Hail, vt hi, I, tin- nl i, ... jikxico a it r:i s 1 I ll-- , . i.njo",l dttiin day. if tv i 1, ih" 1 THE PEROIVAL us imilKs well- I hi" ad tl.n.'rs.'S in its nliuillal IIATFS: pi'istm SI. 00 lo SI. 50 1 norsnn I" llllllnt at. 'll U In urn 1.1.-.1- ihiinu.s 1V1 rv day, Willi mlviite Iialh: i , tlin . t hut 11 s p;i r.i ,1 Ir.iil. 'I'll,' iiiiMiiiis it I"-- IV ti.ll, m-- Hi,- S '. Hi, lamons Alkansas tnlli-- r' iliiv; 2 pi'isons $1.50 to SI.50 to S;!.mi; 2 nlil fill IS 1'illlf IIS '.nil III." ,1)1 IllliT Villi lllifht Apartment Hotel nuil-:- i M;i ,i ,i , as vt I1 SCI.tlll per iliiv. Pulí. i, tki'P'imi, ih, 'll, tt PI. ll Is . XI, Mil, 1,, in W . and I', dota, lo, than I1P Ii" ,.n ,, S2.5I1 to I is wi'll lii fnri' the .'mirth t'tif, 11 III lli'KM P'Ul "111, II llMI'.Vl nil ,1 ,11 in Inn., kans, i'ii,. 1. r ll' ' in, lillfl' si'etnm nl tin- hty your Xinih nnil Hill streets, T.OS AVOFrl'S 1 IP.- i l t liilt.ts ilit""t to Avahm. h" ,,i un .inlt huir mi V. M tt In, I, I ,, , iwa Mm has it vt h:; t The largest most perfectly '"'a ami mad" i ta A !, t mnl and p. , I 111 ini" aji'lit. tli,. m.mII SmmiII it ilmi, n pi,', M ,,r ration in t J " la rin ihk. h,. smalt appointed apartment house 1" U I t "III III" Hi ll' I.MItlll IK'.II tli. Mi Hamlin, 11 H " ..I, lira nuil, wit h alfa lia a n in west ami his tamil, a' IMWIVll ((IMIMXY, .a . t, I la! 'i Rvais i. ;i m k. m m ifs1. m .hi the Hi- i i U 11 n i l s.iiMD I. "Ii, A'i.1' - l.l.mli,'! H w lai-li- or, Is lilnt; W. G. Proprietor. limn ,i lili'k" It lii in an ..pi .a, and liar. 101 I'.n il ii. I hi I rin Itlilyr., l!i:i)i:n. 11 a, up, '! M" ll.lPilU' TP" i.P ii t tt I'll t'rl mii'lli-l- i., ni,,. I, n in. .1,1 if lu " mal,,' ira,. m; this hinll ' :l Ill" llK'lt'S, t'nlif. lonmi t".!.,.. ,,1 urn. ill tl now spi.-din- 1. ;; inaiti-- .,1 Ñ is .i'", so Par. mir il,,. in,,. fi pPasnr". feiHs'-irrí.-.-ít- v Pii-t- J v n t .in-lih.- ' .' "I'l.l lint (i that 1.1. .111: in ihat a, loss Kan-a- i fl ""'mt tmiilsl Haul I'ohirad- QS Tlntel lelori.l In th,. ,.rps, i' w Ii 'o ra , , ,, 11, p, luiH P. 11 Ainithi iliim. ivill ii,,- t,.,P,- n ii '"'I'"' "' "'ii .r.'titly vim, philiisoppi, tin m i to , onti'ol ANGELES I'ormeilv Orenii. . , them. lllala.s tin. in,,, a ,,r ,','lit H Pal j r In. I, . all. plst. limit tvlliuo a.,' "''' ""' :"lv"lll ol Hps h'hvlny ilmi tr , ihincis tinder mir py ro in ir, at maix sti:fi:t. ('or. '7th ,i lol"'-(ipp- . , 1. .Ms , pot oi 1,.. soul, ttlllllhav.' r... is. ,11s.,. .11, ft M'.lil'lll.llli IS of III.' un tv Sant st.-t-, i''o. lilllll"llt,l, ni to w'hiell It Is Hot flose to nil theaters, nnil In heart of Patt a I'ostnfl I I. .1,1 , , " na s ,1,1 III II 1 district. few minutes "MI'- Ill lor tt I 'l.'l iiill lis innei'l adapitiihle. A deelnr, il ialiM is lies! $1 per ilnV In sot of all railway stations. The cura to all suhttrhan plaees nf ,i mtisemont the Hail Mini Ihn Unit 111 Ih,. i,,,. 1, possllillllins ol ,'ast tniv.'l. ill ii.'ti ' hotel In lil.v. ' and saner. mountains ,'iml Peat lies pass 1 I, I the door. .11 i 1"' Ill,., .l f t In- k.-- 5..'.S mi tin tin t m .tin of r,",. Pal " .M ilw a n Ins alv.iiys heeti ti ('. II. Iv .Miinasor, Vmi ;..ii11J '''Hl! Ih atitifiilly -- ' I'I'I Xnys. los Anaclrs, Cal. Ii s' h vv n t s ,1 ,1 h , , " I'tll mil pimdiii.; Un pi ra n ,11 W. .nil ,,,lt "pa in,!, pi ml, nl t unit i . with K34í'T'''Tn f. .a- I ' "M, 111 " pi. t, i,c ', . II. 'I "in ci.l tin lit, Sua; la th" a usual j.i-- r, in n for il.tnoiiatn R H E U M .S.s I'.raill mnl A. ,1 .until. t t ,,1 LOST A.TISM AND STOMACH ' '"". "ii ," I" Mint ,t lt and in i,,l n,. So malpi m-- TROUBLES .Inhnson, 1'roiis. i tiai idtais hill'" WORTH i!n- 11,1. 1, , I v 11,,. H '"'lA "mi inis runs, son.,, ,, sum, 1 , loni. i., nr. i.tnlnraiii iireiahiii lutelj that tnirty Found Health nntl la ppiness, at M nrrleta Hot Sprim-.s- Miirrii la Cal 1.. milt. Ih, it III' 1, ,t a .' J l, ti.iiu,,,, c,, tip. ,ti itH lines Pille ii nPsettred, (he Atnerieu's finest smljihtir niml oaths nil.) sw lnimini; po,,p llookh-- l ' i 11 11, . lllouh d,"t ih, ohi a' " '""I- ami lor tl,,. moiori-t- ns i or l,y w I EL REPOSO SANITORIUM ,,ii.,,ii. ,,. ,. , Is a: r to have r, pr, s nte.l, biirean riling. ni (.iienthi r, II. (.iii 'iiilter ' 't A ai-'- I. ., I i. ti, m . .,.,,.,- ts ., t; r f Mummer. ' "a Hi" III, 'te let's, a "l"!n"llt In this 1 A I t 11 ; - it 1!A( II AMI la I.TI TMSOKT " !'. an. 111 t 'in I, la it,, 'tui'ii:," m,r BKijioi eampaititi. i" ' wi ami it thought thai m Hi(-!i,-t- "as sm:i;i: I". ), ! . k' . , adki:, cai,. MOUNTAINS "Mr multfilUt HI. !l - u Hit raiir-- nmr ,i Ii audi, lat... ii, "1.1 hat" "r.nintli HOTEL ALHAM3RA - A Mt 1111-- . iiuinia-KiiiR- ji-- European prieeil for " " ah.nit iinl i,f m tiinipaitn m m ti piildienn sn tl I,, him. 'I'm' modérale .anitariutn '' I i 1C ÜIII II I til" of diseases ""I. Vil .,1 V, ti'eatnieiit Unii lllo det'li Ps liisl ! ssi t ," a IIS. pott.'t,'!. MIKI IlliO Ids KITS I t plot; five-stor- fire-roo- 1 A; ' .milt. 11 n. h, f la insln.,1 v'....t- - nf Hit, ll and Phots. iin'l In. m ' 4ltomtnii, will lie hi this Hi" sn hiiil.iius. ' in it... .a l'liisieians p.. ,,, i, Í ,r",'ll",l lalisl. iind ulle'l-ilatn- e. 'nan Ma. i ( r rati tía te íiars-- ami h tail ÍSfgÜtepnth .ViUloiuil lrriuatPm is h. lust of Ani"li,:.ll i'i'.., o,,., ' i',,, 'liu, i,,, n summer rams. ,,rr, p. .ml, m e in eon.stnnt ."'SI s;. II , - II,- It tillo i'lti!,..) ..- - Tent Pmisis. I'Uii.a-lou-- HI,. t,lEit.s,i su Jcs.i .Hi .iiitlioi i th in to "1", t an" of ' .. Aiaiiayer. Mission M a'.avfd I'lim thai ( "Ml to P vv I,, - iiimvi.a. Art uní OF GOLD lat, a. a: as. . r, a i,"n not" linos,'- parly us mainr 'rafts Shop. Cluhluiuse. ' m tv T I'. It .limit,,!,. II i "!! d - IP" itmnal enll- v lim th,, w , , vv - in t'oiintn thia tk f l.i t l'..D,,iiu iv... ,i.. ,, in P.- I, p,s 11 ma-al- ' ..i,;i i.. 1'til.i ti ei i. i" tor un tl'i s St a - hat-,- Iha h""!l pl s. i i, ,,,,,, i ,,r CO. U.i l I , i,. in ih.. ,',,!., .a.,.., FIELDIWG J. STILSOM I" Santa I',, tia v -- ' " pas I, , V , I ) aili ?! H in sum ula n th,.. mini:, in,, i It is ,... , . . V i...... i;i I'.I.I .S ' t t s s ,, , lust - ii..i.i ,,. ,., ill. ml r 5 r..t ,'l,,.m,'i. vi. .il, p. (ho .,. . i"v t ,,iii.u ,tat,s tl, Vanish at Diirinj; Change of Life, it,s f,,r i!n- peimd niiti.mal pnPli.s-- 'ii Hi" , , , ,...r ,.,,. .... ,, .l'AII) VP CAPITAL, $150,000 h v, Vo , ,,. v, is in nil, (,, '11' ,.... tt ps Si ,,,.: pnpl ssioll n i ... . ",M , I'm-npi- se.lilld v,,,l nf adinilllstl atinn a...':...' SI'l.l.M.S .1 t I ' Members Los Fxtliange 'i'l'. pal vtlü Pt t .s.i,i,.inP,.r 'i;.;',ii. I 0 In w i v. .,r '. " ' maun Amreles Slock ' a .1 v i il,.,.,, i. '. "". i.. jiii Waters). says Airs. Chas. Barclay 'I I.. , thai i iiim .,, "" lina has praet i s,-- OIL .STOCK tat. Ii'l'.l .,,,1 at li ti nli tt ih I... tl,,- Ki'i-al- s, i ' ,' P.-- .Pnililed .tin, is, iimm, nmate, a - a, lion. fh inole.iie Pttl" mil; .,.,. ,.....,,,.,. ,.,, .,,..,,. ,, ller.l. .in,i Seitilll. "I Mr unit. m t on fl,) , ,,f eonveiin.nens ..i, il"'.', 1 "If h... lllosl olllpl nlollsilll Pliualioli Ill,' tl.-s- . make your visit ',,. 305 II. W. Ilellninn Hiinliiiü l.l'lillil.'V 'l. " V ús I I pell, tal latilt- of pnlt.t ,.,.,.., . , , , I hilt!,;..:..:., '"M. a J tt ,. i Hp,, p, 111 H.--I- . ,. ,..,;,,, 1 mo In ,i Hi,- "I- I L', sin,. hl Hi,- .noten il.'llKlil. Pnnkl.'l. AXÍ.I-XES- ,( ol ., ,.i,f aim s,i,'iai.-- l " , ..,. "I" 1 LOS CAI.IFOn.MA TPTimii tin' .lllleletl ill. lis nl 11 n. t mn " , a lt I'1"1 "' nt"" is il,,. I'l Si: TI,., o. r piI,., .ti. i '" " ,.i pi. paraiion for u is stun i, n nf nf t"ll,l"lle.V first lltilll Pel V,nis, It . that sumption in th," Trill",! In lsnT i " lililt P" ,111,,,, lira Jo 'lini; rapi.lli . I stales Tin: iiDi r" " ,1 - ., yiui M'lavos ' ih, rati,' party in, s . :, .lIHlnl lil'l Hiiliol till a si, ,, K ., a- - - 1,.. 1.1,111,101 IV I ,, was- l tthil,' ll,,. tt. ,.i t I ',, .... s . " Tli" - , ' ' ...... m ,..,.sii,nm,.s urili.ation ,.f th" .spoito,,- its.-l- i t, a, i : i - ... ,:. ,i,.l u I llotr is at mane nulls ,t...... a simpioins, ami lat it l,.., , s P. 11 do ew Sal, 1. .e. !'" Hall m to , f , I ,.,, - , timnu tin insiirr, ti plun lortm r r, ,,, Sl; , ,,;7 , l vipi " an Hull mv U,,i! '' a lid r, shim,, tli tat-t- pas , the .,,! jn t I'nit - "i', lina ir nl! p,.,.i r, ,,L niK .!. put. In - I I '.. mi litas I'liilail.lphia Outing ' I I . I'liPII"',, Kingdom 4:!4,(i'ii' Aoritliiii Was All Suits A'li. I'liiit ii.nn'ji ' I" " Ii ,"1 i un; impnrte.l tons oil Hiulit. ,' l'"' l" "l i." "tit ii of In Trail ' Vt t ,.,, tl I" last A nst Ka tuza 'sunt., and th" mt tanita consumí,. lut"Xlinl",l yoiini! man v, ry ..f it. loll. llns,' linssllnpliis VV.I-- -l For Men I olMt.-i- , rute. I'm- in- - Katiend ilti.l '''!" i!; I." a I ,.., t, soplltolis. M'.ipI. Ilion lion eapna "" ai, tttnl into a hut,-- 1 pnl,,l !" , , .,'n l ', I. ""'I, 1 ,,d I ' t;n,"-"u- s ,,.) I,.,, . , 1... i '"' 1S7I1, mniiiiiTnt and nsk,d Jw In s, ''" in lie. to all. ml ni', ,11 ,i,n-- Curtir Piiiionmntinii in InitnH " ' P"'tn the elelk and via'.!. . i.iiiiit tins umiv-- p, ptt,, s mr room .... is in m tl, pl In ii "s I" tiai.-PiiL,- uiayu. uuiiouiiiriuuii ill ,ln,is MIIII, in ,v.i, nt s' ail to III. ll- - It Ih" Trail ill ' 1 - 'I out pounds in 1 not) a ml Sii fciv" vim ,,,. ,., . si- Women an. s.. "- - I pimmis in lini:). '" i".,, lied li'V i" h """' 'IP.' in. ,'ti sil.j; lininPci Kingdom. h.- ' I' '' t ' 1., 1, imp. .last 1,- - '''' k. "It's n .an Ti pot,, In ln ni. is in all, I .ris i,ar taken." tit I'olnr.nio 'mn , "Who's si, ii ." asu, . ;..". .,iis ,.f iM'l'i pounds n il. d the int m..l., 'in has,.,-"'- ' ei t",l mi, Govern- I'M" a ,, , in Sa nl a I', Is a .' ii y i ,n ,,,,1-- i As', 11,1111' , ! ' ". mn ,,f h,. nt Speeial lit St ll le ll is, ka "A mn ,1 IH a a,,s M Ii ,: 11,1 I n naiiit ment I' is in, it a. In., lit .In "I m w n i 'o,-,- , ra Mioiii Him. ,llu I I'n.'PIo xl fall ill It. r miii London, the Jones-;- ,. , vt , iii,s "What ..'..i !'al.;.,i" ' K..i,st (,, l', t this w "Hon did your a, t t.,k" t't't It, un, of Hi" suaar u r ' ainate Khaki V I ', l,.l- - Ii ' ., .1 "A. It. Jones tlHal'1! "1. "ttll'l In lol I,,.. " I". ml i .mi I a a nl i I ,d., .1,1 in vi S i,. l.i has 2"." .nt., I',, tiail, i. lie in the I'nu.'.l kit, is. lorn itu.l iln- - '1 I i '.r i. I.ov t . i At I h" up Ctll'iai: tl.'.l li !r a Sain I', 'I I,,. ,,l. i' a i . : :t, ,,i- n 111,, atiere.l t.iiim; m:,ii tr .PI IV it In, p n as l h" misil in pt mn of that prodti-'t- Wh. aim first verse s smPeri 1 (.. s . ii..:,-)- . ! !, , , - I - nil riuhl. h,. s Corduroy :!'ii ;i .. 'l ' 'I' Kansas t 'it i to tl villi ,i "f ' 111. I , l i ;i'',-- veiled and when ;nn- "at said. "Zat me "in In h" l a,' Til- ,".it,, KltlKtlnm illlpnl t. the rine t 11 f : .1 Hi- , ' mu xa u ; t .!, .. i,,-- "i:'M K tt I., ,, I mdoiv." pein er Cost to rn thai ,'l' ' el sip.., s.ts in.r line 'lll'nt, l"l - h" s ot St. am sitiar i: t i.tismm s prinetpallv from lite next tin veiled Impri I I a l i ., , 11. . , . ft v, s.,',1 h. i: il ii.t: o nu il .:;:'.'. 1. ..4 1,. p ,,k, n., in I, id ot r it ha P M I Atisiria. the Xrtln r,:inl in. J Fustian 1 k V k iiisi-- t II I I I - .,t;l If piil'lh' na, 1.,.- , j. tl." li" Hip 111 ii" ,,,,1 fushlt.ii.-i- l t- and llussia. I'or reason Vf'T Th.-.t- . , ,, . that t tt-- i . 11' K..IIS ,s ti I..II..W, ,t,l I . , Cloth 1iii Ml 11 liu:, t y '""". li id Iti . I P.- .,1 th,- nation is oir.ttly int, r. stid in the A, ept no substituí f..r I.I :wis Journal Want Ads Get Results!' - f. 'h. tlt.-- i j- ! .; . 1. . 'K Ills,,. lo I., .pillt.l. I"" ,'al tl. ins t, ,i r i,,,i .mii in vi oi l, i s proipn t a, n t r.,p r , reus of simar. Tli" 'lxni.i: I''Kus .:. 11 ,. I , I . , " ta I,,. Val to i ! ' ,!!i,,.'-- j!)s "..', l,l oil .,i:t toil in ait, in lam-,- fur l''l,i it ilt math some K,. Army .Viit'!!,fl ii. .'unit- t h ,, Hi,- 4'U - - Ti ni '. I:. ,!.,:, ml I. :' t. M',h ,1 ) r.'t-- h'-t- l v, .i.- ., Hi' .Vill toll "iiu.i'i'.j tons. ..f nhi. h 7.i.,,..ii,,( will' .i:.,l un. K , s- gotuu Duck .'rli .. !,, IU! - I j Good alway a'ten-tlon- . t ,. he ptndil,, I.e. IS. in, ludini; ATTENTION attract fa V o.l.i:-.- t ,i - Ilota ;' !; I., at. '!: 11.. I.- n, t -- . I i ; -' .ail i. t rv ..Mli.iuni pms in Ih" Cnil. ,1 Slates In- - know .,1 ' , , nf l.ts..,i at ifi.l n n II i ..a i t - ( Canvas : ami manv ,.f ill.- h",i!!ie p.iss.-s- Inferior oods are of ,. Í - .1 . : '"tat ,, da n oíd, bul t,f i;. I. In i, K ,s ,, i i . i rl',v as.. ins. '..)., Republicans and Socialists. sintis of ir, at I'.rltam prodn, , p,.s- - they never bring tí : , I.- fresh customera to j'tnkP.ihi L' i' I a in .1. ll a, tt ,s in, ,,,1 ut I a ,f It XT) of sil, .:.i,,.,i.i,,,,i inns allliualli. tl hit ai j rr 0 if tí the ?tore. 1'i.r ;!..,:, ,, a, .'"is !,,,:i;l,! of .,. K I j in"! ,,,lih. Th,- is t nlisillll".) 'it r, fore, tit j. lrii - .. l a l o", tl, ii, - at llnlll", lltltl. We carry a fine '11 .MS 'S la t r Ml, ;,1. It t r. pill, ans, ,iil- , line of vehlclea and MVll as .m it. d". s Mt-- lulo the i ill' a, ati, ns It Made to , - - n,t ., '..'., lot-H- a. It ,i, (,, i s Is ,,r ntx j Iiarnrsi i.-- a t I. ill 1: ::. el .1 mil. .!;. it n.'tt si (oiiuiit Pifare, Mdiiauk..- Inn,' "f 1," it or!,! s , poris i i.- ';áf?'t.rí,'tiv Tv The quality n I in.-rni.t- .' iiii.inti.,! s ti ii i n t r, su one Une Measure ii :i.,.i ,i.,,,fs. 1.1. , "'in tm.r, ttiai, usual frankness In .lata, a of the rhiPppin, j compela tha , ; In ,. i" a nr.'.ti r. n. .. i,i lint, In 'ell-it- a so, , ,1, s, . quality the otlmr. 1 lii' lie tll.s. hi'. il'ihil'Htioti in,,, rat as lienor isla nn is t p t to pt oil in in 19 1" ti i .'. t ' t ti . ,. Men's i " K.iii',. .I,iiiii,,i ttli f. a'.p, rs i,v ,. . dif- - .::'-('- "ew t,m oii"-s,t- h It mattera not if you ratalocue No. Í7; Womtn'i úiiil 1 ..ini to sseiilial il'tint or . i(,oUn, i,.',r.iii,i,, it t . i .. , -- en-.. .''. IMn.-ihout- I I. n ,n - - trit-1,- i,ini--i,iii;.- Tor a ! r i eiii-i- i irnn'ot,. lotttist ih" ..f ih.- mi.-- the cmp. while íh.- Thaeton pr surr(.v No. 23. r 1or a' '! s s.if"ly li.t ...a-- . , . fi toil. ,lt I. ,s .,n, ,t,st. o sf inl an, 1. lap- vtill o ,,,i,i,-.- have the le l l , as tominired with rhtllppiri" islands not arti, and we Itrnnel' t'e' ol ll'r. III ll I hava ht The Wm. H. Hoerjcc Co. Inc. I" lnl tm a m .,,, aM lo m.t lis, th..- ,n i Y 111" to ) ami ai,.,,!' r K,i'.""ft tons i't p.issPil. httrness so with It to try J.V'Iiu K. ,t oMiillio, s l . mi t,,t. ",',t hri.U ! iiilv.ii'.l ..r .f n ran,-- - I.OS A I, I V- - tt. ia,. a ities tli" islands a suar! No prohibitive Mil S, CAL V, I . p , ,. - Albuquerque rriees. either- we JÍ!.kluinV ',iin;i,,:tij. ami, tt.r.- i..,.i,,.t :,m ,n Tom n. s, h. ;, Hi.- - i,r,,tlut In- i I Carriage Co. f , , .ia. iiinn. of tan hardli' siinmt, are . - w ; ri aitisfifd with a mar-Ki- i " i.nniij-tI- a i,.ol lo ' s ,!l.-;i,- M, ,1 I t reasonable sMr liar !,.! ,,l,,i lio i it.- it i tnihr,,, ,' th i rjeti- - Vi;h Ani. rii .in e nertrv i. ml upital it " . It p,y ví K"tU . i 1. llf'V J,i". P.,.1 To a 1,1 .. u , ..I y Cor. 1st and Tijeras yu 8nJ p Wt u.tti l. t,l i.ilism ilh,i;it i n hniilj ly fur txned the I'rotlat ti,,n ' to come and see u. Try a Morning Want Ad 1 Journal THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL. FRIDAY, JUNE 24, 1910 O An ""' " 111111 " nouncevneM Pre! ' H 'I li imtnary imiiMiiBM' urrrn frnrm

Wednesday, June 29th, we launch our STUPENDOUS REMOVAL SALE. Every- ONthing in our immense stock will be reduced to the minimum; we do not want to carry anything over into the new building; we want to start our new store bright and clean, so we are going to endeavor to make one GRAND CLEAN-U- P and offer you merchandise at prices never before heard of in this city. We are going to be liberal, we are going to spend money with you; we are going to let you takeiadvantage of the exact cost of the wear and tear, handling, and other troubles ensuing out of moving this large stock by reducing the prices until they offset this expense. So Get in on the Ground Floor and Watch the Papers forNews Items That WillBeMoney Savers SALES LADIES WANTED

I r!ri TO) 0 3 TL7 Rj 1ll7 A W ffS TTSST1 ' II ' nil i mi w n iii

i I I I i. Iho timo being, us provided In said Certificate of Stockholders' in ihlors number sharcR 1 I I fí.y 11 n The best saddle to bo had of trust or otherwise;' and the s, . A N A ! "Ohio" and were number horses or In 1 In- have of F UXUFMAXX 113 Aciiuite, hold, use, pell, assign, h Id by (hem respectively, which resolution, 1 the race. In ttia oily nre at W. L. Trimble's, all powers Co. (No. B4"j und also, that have 3 lease, grant Hoc ill respect of, sh all ct. all Cmea during (hi i usual and exercise any or the flUSTLER' LOVELESS Till!' Young .lel'foi soniun Demo- N. Second street. Phone uses rUrectors, which may compared the following copy of the mortgage, otherwise, diiposo of Mir fur busllien.--i be open t the in of the Hoard of cratic club is planning for another or In manage- Heme, with Hie oiIkíhuI thereof now y fur- y of a in person ho lawfully delegated the statehood ratification. It will pio' Stylish horses und buggies letters patent of the Cnlteil Stilton spection stockholder of on file, and declare It to lie a correct ,. ment of the business and af lairs nished on short norlee by V. U. Trim- y foiclgii country, patents, pa.lenl with respeel to his interest as such i he held Thursday or Friday corporation, and shall havo power transcript herefrom and of the wludo night of week. It will he more ble & Co., 113 N. Second mreet l iglil;:, lii cns" S and privllcgi s, Inven- stoi kbobler, or for a purpose germane the this S to aulhori'."' the seal oT Hie corpora- thereof. BACK FROM in of a polit- Phonn tions, itn iirovcmcnt s and pi occsses. to his stains as tan h. noon applica- (liven my hand and tho the nature democratic isti-re- to all papers which under be- irailo-iiiar- ami Hade names, relat- tion in writing to the ret agent tion lo be affixed ical event. This club is already mav require il. Croat Soul of the Territory of New nup-po- il of tiie corporation in charge, of such ginning-to ;ilck the men it will LEGAL NOTICES ing in or useful in connection with Ex- Mexico, at the City of Mania Fe, tho office and having custody of said The Hoard of lilrcctors and (he !n Hie race for the constitutional any business of the corporation; the rhull, except us Capital, on this ninth day of June, Hold, purchase, or otherwise e, books; but the registered agent may ecutive Cornmlitce conven' ion. Mexico, r provided by law, have A. H. 1!H0. OF AFRICA were today for the Territory of New sell, assign, transfer, mortgage, refuse permission to any slockhol.1, otherwise (SHAI.) NATHAN JAFFA, I'lans received ( H power I o In the following man- bids for fice of the Secretary. pledge or otherwise dispose of ftiares to examine the same (except as to act of New Mexico. new C.ilkeson hotel and the c ner, vi-.- : n resolution In writing, Secretary KKTirK'.vi i; bonds, Hie affecting the i, hares ow ned Stis'k-liolilc- is i the construction are being advertised or omii:iso. of Ihe capital stock and entries approved by all Ccrllflcnte of Non-- lability oí 1, of In- signed as affirmatively The contract will he let June .1(1. Nathan Jal fa, Secretary the or other evidences of by ruch stockholder) unless and until "U'lii'iuird l.hidciiiaiin Co." for. Mexico, do hereby cor- ami members of the Hoard of IHreetors Speedy work will he counted In let- Territory of New debtedness us created by other satisfied that audi examination This Is lo ccitily that the under- rec- coi-po- i by till the Fxecutive LION ROPER RETURNS certify that there was filed for poration or atlons, und while the Information to bo acquired or members if Incor-poru- li ting the contract. The new hotel is Cominillo, and thereafter signed, being all tho original ord In this office at nine o'clock a. Hie holder thereof, exercise all the thereby are lor a. legitimate purpose or other lortl.l-cat- e to lie !n readiness for tin: early win- with original or with duplicate sig- rs, who have filed tho FROM SPECTACULAR TRIP in., on the ninth (lay of June, A. 1. rights and privileges of ownership, and not for a purpose hostile to Ihe of incorporation of tills company, ter trade. Ill 10, Articles o" Incorporation of to intereslM em porntion or its In- nature inserted In the recorded min- A move was started here lar. I night including the right vote thereon; i( the be the "l.oarnard Lindemunii Co.," (No. , de- uten and liroiierlv dated, shall ij:ai;nai:d uxdkma.n.v I'hi-- hold dividual stockholders, and the associating to- by a.n alumnus of the school for the ('. com- i'.nd the deemed to be act ion by sin li Hoard thereby themselves a on the tile lil(il), and also, that have shares of iis capital stock, its bonds termination of the registered agent gether Into a corporation, under and Move to Magdalena and erection of monument pared the following copy of the shall be final, conclusive and binding or such Commit lee, as the case may of the old 1, Hall, ihe academic or other securities; be, to tlie therein expressed, by virtue of the provisions of an act Military same, with the original thereof now any person corpora- upon all stockholders and nil persons extent oi' legislative assembly of Ter- Become Ranger; Wo building of the New Mexico it be Itemunerato or with the same force and effect as If Ihe the Forest to on tile ,and declare to a correct tion services or to lie claiming under such stockholders, of Mexico, entitled "An Institute, which was burned the transcript und of whole for rendered, the same had been duly passed by the ritory New 31 been therefrom the rendered, In placing or assisting' to In fin Iheriince and not In limita- regulate formation and man to Be Brought Back to ground last August and lias then', if. same vote at a regularly convened ait to the superseded hy tin elegant new $00,000 or glial anteeing the placing or tion of the powers conferred by stat- government of cnrpririitions for min- !ivcii under my hand and the any ute, Hoard are meeting-- Face Charges of Fraud, building. The monument will Honor Territory underwriting of of the shales of the of lilrcctors iUibjc, t lo the foregoing provisions ing, muniifaclui ina, industrial and Jos- Crcat Seal of the of Now slock of the corporation, or any de authorized: approved March, the memory of the late Captain (Mty the by-la- may prescribe the num- other pursuits."' l.eá, building Mexico, at the of Santa Fe. the bentures, bonds or seclllilies To hold their meelings, to bavo one llinr,, on of themselves, eph f". for whom the capital, on thi day ot June, other ber of directors to consliiule a for and behalf w ninth of (lie corpoiation, or in about or moro offices, and to keep the may be- Ispe.-in- was named anil no mane oi uie in or quorum at meeting, and such all oilier stockholders who to Mnrutiit; ,Jmirnul A. 1). lililí. tlw corporation or, their stilute a. territorial iiiMiluuon. tlio formation or proniot'ou of the books of within number may be less than u majority come associated with them, and said lios'.voll. .". M.. .lime "2. "Hus- (SKA I,) NATH AN JAFFA. or in of its ( xiept a'l otherw ise provided by the corporation, the conduct of the w hob" number. Corporation, do hereby decíalo that tler" .'.vcloss returned lust nislit Secretary of New Mexico. business. statute, vvilhoiit the Territory ot Now corporation reserves the right there shall be no stockholders' liabil- f f muy, I The fmin hi Afil-a- hunt with "Huffulo" Certifícate of Incovporalion of the With a levv to tin, working and Mexico, such places as rom chain.',' repeal any ity on account of liny slock Issued by designated by to emend, alter, or Join x. Muí his lrii ihiough lluropc MORLEY R E OVES TO l.eiiiiiard l.iiiilcniaiin Co. development of the prop, rtios of the time to t'tne, be them: provision contained In this certificate the said corporation, and that ell i.) I,carn-a- di- To determine, from time to time ninl stay In London during the viril I. The corporate name i eiopi. ration end to effectuate. lii the manner now or lurealtcr pre i:tcklioldci's of said cotpoiatiou shall ' eel ly, if allov-.c- what liability on ac-co- of ! i osiilcnt itoosovcll ;ml doalh d Undcmaiiii rectly or iadit its objects and whither, end under scribed by statute! for the amendment b,i c.xinipl from ell i any cor- regulations (he n,l nf King Kdwatd. "Ilia-11- " II. Tile office of the purpose;!, r of them, the conditions and i il of any .'dock Issued to or held funeral - of the orl Icalc of Incorporation " i .'Olí may. in (he o." and book!! of tin- corporation liability (lie i is I Now Mexico cn puncher corporation West Cold avenue, poration discretion the counts I X WITXKS.-- i W1IF.IÍF.OI'. we have by them, except such for and hunter '.mi one Hint "Húrtalo" LOUIS A lbuiiici une, llci nalillo Counlv, Ti directors, from time to time, canyon shall be open lo the inspection of set our and souls (hi amount oí capital stock certified to 51 inc- stookhohl hereunto hands Joins nicked out nf thousands to help of ,New Mexico, and Frank A. any other lawful business, the stockholders, and the day of May, 11110. have been actually paid, ill properly ot hoi wise, to any and rights In respect nre, and j.tli com- hlni rune lions unil other game of Ihe Martin is designated as the statutory lining or extent its' this (Signe,! I ir cash, at the time of the he accord- jungle and shoot the dangerous beasts agent therein, In charge thereof, and in any manner not unlawful. shall restricted or limited l I. FAUNA! (Seal) mencement of business, as provided cor- muy busi- ingly und no have Hl.dltCI' in. wMh "II with the coolness and doliheiato care upon whom process against the The corporation conduct stockholder shall í A X K A. MAHTIX, (Seal) for and in accordance Section any Inspect ot F as- iiocissaiy in making films for the Wealthy Land Speculate) ot poration may lie nerved. ness in the Teitilory of New Mexico right to any recount JAMCS l.KA nX.VKD, (Seal) of the said act of Hie legislativo moving picture theaters of Amollen III. The objects for which the cor and elsoMiiede, including any of the boo); or ilocuniciit "if the corporation sembly, under which said corporation or except as by statute or au- It; ga and Kuiopo. He followed the trucks Las Vegas Purchases Large poration is established are primarily: sla.tes, ten ilor'es, colonies de conferred County of oi Illzed. sell, or dis- pendencies of the Stales, Ihe thorized by the board of director or TV rrilory of New Mexico, WIIKHFOF, the said ol lioosevell, killed the same game To buy and otherwise I'nlted ss: IX WITNF.SS Supply Whole- pose of, deal traffic in, pianos, Idstricl of Columbia, and any and all hy n resolution of the stockholders; Hernalillo. Incorporators of the said incorpora-l- b the former president killed and pel Dairy Farm to and :'7t!i day of May, HMO, be- formed similar wonderful stunts: but organs, violins, guitars, phonographs, foreign countiics, have one or more To make, alter, amend and rescind On this n have hereunto set Huir bands by-la- me appeared Heorge k salers, every kind und manner of mu- ofliccK thciein, anil therein to hold, the of the corporation, to fore personally seals on the il7th day of Mr.y, Loveless and Jones did their wni and Fiet'ik A. Martin and and this chiefly sical Instruments and musical sup- - purchase, moitirage and convey real fix, (ielermine, from time to time and i'. l.eainaiii, li'io. with the plainsman's lariat. ns i:. to me known to Al- plies, a.nd o carry on and maintain n and peisonal property, except as and vary the amount lo lie reserved James Iarnard, Jperl) "Hustler" was Kone sx months. be persons dosel died in and w ho - of any when forbidden by local laws. working capital, to determine the the v Ann, (Sean ter i lew days here he will move his SMNial f orrri.tiiiil.-n- t Mornlns Junrnall general mercantil" business II , ciKvuni: T.iiAnx run-sillie- d pay- lolegolllg nsi me in A family Magdalena. X. M.. I!. A. kind desired. The foregoing clauses rhall be times for the declaration and executed the Fit A NIC A. M I! TIX. ( SenH wile and to l'ast Vegas. June ü". o divi- ami lie kiln',' lodged i hut Hiey executed anil up work as for I'ncle To carry on the business of manu- - both as objects and powers, ment ami Ihe amount each J A M FS K. dlAliXAlin. (seal) take ranker Mor ley, land speculator who has n same Vree act and deed. the fa.i tiii-ing- bu.ving, selüng. oihcr-li- i but no reeila.iion, expression or dí nd on (he stock, to di .ermine and the as iheir i.ira on the Dátil national forest. ir 1 recently closed several larac land y specific powers Hie use ami disposition of any IN WITNKSS WIIKHKOF. llave . inity Sheriff C. It. Young left wise producing and deahip a n of or special direct of ! sol my hand and affixed Territory of New Mexico, County Texas, to deals in San Miguel and Colfax coun- and all such noods, wares. and inor-o- f or purposes herein enumerate shall surplus or net profits, end to authori- hereunto nl yesterday for Wichita Falls. Ik- mort- ".'th day of May. Hiinalillo. ss: sole! residence cliandi.-"--, or 111,' repairing the de deemed to be exclusive; bet it is ze and cause lo executed notarial srul this bring to Ilosvvell Mía F.lla liaplee, ties, has his handsome 1 li I 0. On Ibis I'Tlh day of May. 1910, be- sa hereby i xpressly declared that all gages and liens upon the real am! who is under nrnvt there under an on Seventh street to Simon lleenaraili mi1. N. WH.ICFHSON, fore me persona lly appeared Heorge To pun base, bile, lease, or other- i ther lawful powers not Inconsistent personal property of the corporation. (Signed) Tifos. indictment returned by the last grand H l I'. I,rurni"rd, A. Martin and and w ill leave for Ht. 1iu9. where read r.:td personal prop- therewith mo hereby included. provided, always that a maloiity of Notary I'ublic. nallllo Conntr. Frank jury here charging her with .'tiding re wise ae(uire K. to me personally he has purchased a iai-- dairy farm erty of eveiy kind and discripuon. V. The corpoi e t ion is authoi i'ed lb" whole hoard concur (herein; N. M. James l.earnaril. hoigo W. Keevis, of this city, in n milk and butter to the of (Notarial Scull known lo be the persons described Scheme hy which they secured the to furnish and to dispose of, lease, convey, lo issue "í'1'it..l Mock in the ex'.ent of ruciiant to the alfitmallve vole w oneerns in St. I.oiiis. Mr. ( $."",0,0(1(1. 0 ) r. majority of Ho, k My commission expires April 00th, in ami who executed the foregoing ! i f 1 holesale mortgage property or any fifty thousand dolíais the holders of the cash on a l.o.sus diaft f or and M.irley recently sold his larqe farm and 1911. instrument anil they each reknowl-edge- d skipped leaving Mrs. part thereof. 'hided Into five hundred shares of issued and outstanding, rt. a stock- the countiy, northeast of lure to the Investment (he par value of one ($100) holders' meeting duly convene, I. to Kiiilors.-- : No. or. nee'd. that they executed the same as lieeves In destitute cir- AS SI HlMAIii and in connection hundred II, pet and children and Agem y corporation of this city. foiiKoing. dollars each. sell, csign, transfer or oHieiwise dis- Vol. page fin. Aril' les of enr their free and deed. cumstances, 'j he First National hank oisposod of with the Horn time intime, I.lNDi:-- . my and seal the While Mr. Morley has corporation may manutaeture, V. The capital stock with which pose of Hie properly, lm luding the poi e tion ol' I.FAKXAKl' WITNKSS hand of Hnswell cashed the rifa ft after tele- he the ( ol Score- - dav and vcar above written. most of his large lioldints here, good.--- the corporation will commence busi- franchises of th corpoiailon as an MANX Filed in Office last graphing to find out if li were good new Mexico purchase, or otherwise acijuire 3. (Signed THUS. N. WII.KF.KSOX, will still buy and sell wares, ami personal ness is subscribed by the incorpora- merely, provided always that a ma- lary d' New Mexico, June lfllO; "paper." A lavorahle answer caniO lands. and m. Notary I'ublic. Hernalillo County. - every ip- as follows: jority of the whole Hoard concur; to the massage, hut it aiterward do- -' property of class ami desei tors Seal The retail clerks- association has Xa me. No. of Amount, t herein : NATHAN JAFFA. Secretary. (Notarial elnpod that the draft was a forgery. close the il", n .and Imld, own, mortgage, sell or shares. My commission expires April SOHi. launched a mowment to in, (b V. Lea i an i"l. To appoint addition',! officers of Com pa red '. F. K. (' J. made out of a diafl. not- - on Wednesdays otherwise dispose of. trade, deal oige County of 15H. stores for half a day Í I . . . . 1 1,!Mlfl 00 cm pora (ion, in, luding one or Teriitoiy ol Now Mexico, ten company as a and deal v illi tin" same: fort the out hy an insurance or Thursdays ot ra h week for lino good- vb eiidenta, one or more Hernulillo. ss: endorsed: No. f,i(,2. Cor. Ttec'rt. iv e r nd Frank A. Martin. inore stock-boblet- an advertisement. The oftic holiday during the sum-fanii- Ai'piii undertake the for rec- Vol. C, page f.0. Certificate of i' 's half 'i con- Fifty CO) r.. 000. 00 treasurers, and ore or more This InMrunioiit was filed looking "iweek will, property, rights, ram hlscr, T still for Kecvos. His mer months. ry-le- on Huh day of June, l'tld. a of KAHVAUH ' ot every manner and Jam, s 1.'. Le-- i n il d. assistant secretaries; ami. to the ord the is still in Ilnswcll A movement Is on font here to pet trails ami nsurf: Weooi ih ii in Vol. I.I.vnilMAXX CO. Filed in office "f v.r.y One (1) . . . . 100 00 provided In Ihe Hie per- (in o clock P in. Word came last night thai James tno i'o Pi put on a n in-- t kind, the liabilities of poison, of New Mexico, June santa lailroad - T l- address "if of sons co apnointcd shall have anil mav Misc. of lUcords of fa.i.l County, Seiielaiy !. W. Shcrp. t he n on th lot Sorincs firm. "i- corooratioii. loirbe fach ":" Hi 10; 9 p.. m. Mockcrd and t'heilcy tei uiiba service wholly, pay f,,i ithe in rpnratnrs is All'i"j'icr,iie. exercise ell the powers of liie presi- lobo ' men diíving n car n the line on Sundays running train up eilber or in part, anil XATIIVN JAFFA. Secretary. ot M e l o. den!, of the treasurer and of the A. U'Al.KIII:. lie. older. Tour, run- every tlie si no- in cash, stock or bomls New C. V. K. O. Hidden were out of Ihe to the end of the enliven VI. which pui rep'"lfvely, provided, how- Competed to J. ning, having a In the (i rpora.Mon or othe rwise; Tb.' i'"i" for the had hioken frame hours. ever, vli ii sbl, be Tcriltorv of New Mexico. Territory of New Mexico, County ot way Manager r.ut lai." r alo. make. perl'irm aid ""i pora l i"n shall ex in is ll.' ly years that all nls shall the machine. Mr. Shrin is on his After consulting with In- otli.e oí the Secretary. ss; - yestor-ernoo- n i nt of cvry and the da'.' of. chosen from the directors: home. Mr. w ill j of tin- Traction company jorirrv contr.', is kind from - I Tliis was filed rec- Stockard la ntiaue any per-so- m shrill keep at Us I',y a resolution peK;d by f ma ir- Kill ICVIi: Of H)MI'1!N)V instrument for t al-- ! management of the for any lawful purpose whh The ooipoiat the nir in tile repain d auto, day ni the : v. hoi,- - Hoard, I. .Villi. in Jaffa. Si'ieiary of the ord on (he luih day of June. 1HH. at de- ! m i "I ;on or corporation: res st red of ic, in this teivitory the tv vote of tb" under thouph no n of this citv liim. by-la- M" p. In longer contestant for new amusement park , I - ( Í to Territory of New xi o. d.i hereby 4:10 o'clock m. Uecorded Vol. I I : - bond.-- ill lir ohliuM-- j ks. In wbuh the iiajiK- suitable provisions lb" til" prize. i to double rapaeitiy of the illliri'3 or tr.uisicr The ccident happened cided the s ! I num- ciuify that there was tiled for rocoi J "H" Misc. of licoords of said couiiiy over tions f,f Ihe f orjiorateoi. am! al of si,., k sb.' II registered, an, desistíate two or more of their Hear Texcrke na. grand rn that it will seat I'om-niiitc- o, o'clock a m.. S'J". Ark. Stockard and stand k books, which shall contain ber I" constitute Fxecutive in Ibis otli.e at nine foli.i Sharp wish Uosvvell Auto a thousand persons. Additional of the corporation, tn secure the rloi day A. D. 1910 A. T.. WALK fie the by ledge, dccil lb.! nano s and addresses of the stook- - vhbli committee, shall, lor on the ninth of June. Ell. Hecordcr. vmpany. Tltey wire driving an blerohers will tlso be ndded. jthe same mortgage, x THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, FRIDAY, JUNE 24, 1910

nliprenerved vi Ki ial.len nd Him guntin lonn of nearlv I.Ti iinn nt one whack (ernmiatloim w.oill le la perfect was evidently (in. Connefpiently Il would certainly pay lor itn kee keeping with his present character!-x.tloi- i tjiionn In nf the pulid' Hile .is the IN OUR INSTITUTE rerelved a rntlty done. the lotiK tun. The lire commltte blithest coneepdtoii of approjioriate morning journal "The ahlaiii Ih preserved," .ivk of the city council i r .'npect full' nrchltei lure for our build-i- n I IN YOUR HOME (Otriditi Nwliritr nl Xw Mfttro) the cnnrl, "ninl the prenrrve the reipiesteil 10 liiluk iihout it. its Drink Habit Cured rublMini .f Ilia man who tu It." The art (rallerics bf the world nre crowded with c.inis:n JOURNAL PUBLISHING CO. Thin fix im oncB for all the ntntim The aviation truet now looniH lartr del iiinerant imita lots, ninety-nin- e. thii of the Chink I'liblniKo In our Jurispru-de- n In the heaven. nf whom never attain lo any more ex- ."TheNeal f TL n P. a. nkcrur.nms !riant e. f It bin milt on II, It In alted position than Illustrators ot JAVr.H H. BLACK ,.. chFHp or JLSiiys .Manaulnc We nhalt be able hereafter perhnpn .Mr. Harmon in wlilins to literature, that of Happy Cured Me" fiROUAN' 1 nice WII.UAM P. ltr Idllnr Hooligan nnd Katzeiija nmer imnT-- to ilt don ii at our (llnlnir fable and be both (iovernor and prenldenl. II. K. WlWni.'X. Artvnlnllii somitors. A man's mere iMH.rtlon of A Vegetable Medicine, Originated, Compounded Mnlf eat Chinen ealibage with the ponltlve w - Purely and Perfectly Harmless and l.mcrM m.enii'1-rlni,- . mutter at th his expert knon leuue ill not con- knnwledne an to whether It Ih last Jeffries, after looking over hln new vlnce the public thn 'ie is comptent Internally During ef I oruct. oí Míin h HT. Administered by a Thoroughly Competent Physician, Taken the yearn or thin year produet. trainlnif quartern, nnyn he In natlsfied architectural nuthonty and tho eld-- I w ill THC MORMVO A I, In zens of Albunueroue hesitate to Only, Twenty-Fiv- e Simple Treatment, at our . .mills H tur. Then nxnln, the eourl anirilcd, "or There pood finning. Daytime and Doses Completes the ni i i mi ii n or vmi adopt Mr. Imhof'H vieus 11s 1 1 w h it Ml k I 1111.rti'iI'ltlNC ft H had experts do no," Die canned, united Mill, ITIillllMi ll'l , style of architecture U beat suited lo Home--n- o mi. m ft in n av am, riii-- Institute or in your Hypodermic Injectionsand a Guaranteed 1 dm k of fjiioni; n Hhlnir, An n own 1 111 i i ii r 11-- i in in ill-- l II K Mt- - dried fl(h Y' receptacle for the bodien of tlfir tastes nnd insmns. M III l t. l:Htl nill.M 'ÍIIMí AKt: preserved In peanut oil. KhliiR eon- - murder vlellmn, the common or war 1'roin The Journal we learn that Bond and Contract is Given Each Patient, Agreeing that if a Perfect j. ii. ii r. Mr. imhof a plan 111 his tended Dial thin wiut poultry. den trunk iippcnra to be more In de has fertile KM4 OK HI lis! II ION. brain of producina a Pueblo Indian Will be Free I,IIy in Cure is not Effected in Three Days the Treatment nallr, i irtinr, en nciuu jin After line deliberation the court held mand than for traveling pnriiocen. Madonna. Will he im ln b- - lh ulase I'jiiiv. i.y mull, ni moma ,11a that (hire were no doihen on the bead necklace and hamlnced nether Lsrgrr rlrrnlHlliin limn r lin And curlnuM may neetn, evtremitles features s., n to combine . ,, mnf niher k. im it There will tie no Ihrht in Califoi n ,e. 1117 IH(l.r W the protective Ideal with the effect on eiriif-- 11.11111 every nr in III fur. in nnelothcd duck cokIh more to brlnic rla; the Mate may now set n chance the eye? Strong Endorsement of Neal In than one decent ly lilted out with at that exposition find die the Cure pit Journal linn it higher rlr- - rannmii 8uch reckless profanations of art viMiiiiitii rniiiip imiih in I4i rnir garmeiiti. finh ciipply will he iiernervd. iireat are enouiili to make the lone hurie.l niln-- imper In . Meilra," J ta Ami-rlm- KeM.ii.ii.T-- lilrertury. V( I aain, the court decldeil that a In Cillelte. ilebrltles of palntlni; and architect ure cast off the dread cerements of til In a yum, and not 1 Hwpet potato. H. W. Byers AI.HI HI HUH K M-.- the tomb and In si piilerous tones nt m:xko mil that Chinene nhoin If heavily cm- - Jack Johnson .1 bluff 10 the police tor protestation nt rebuke anil cou- - broldeijed, aro cm broidery not man us itii'i,i;v am priw.ic. nml demonntralen coon the lemnatlon. mil run hoe. It Ih coneluded therefrom that biff fluht In over, he nhouhl Imme Since Mr. Statnms able article In ATTORNEY GENERAL of IOWA, DES MOINES, IOWA ny embroidery, If It ban fuffbient diately ri on the road as the heavy The Journal, which has subjected Since the passage rif the him to the penalty nl ocin-,- ' railroad linen nttai bed lo II, In not embroidery villain In the latent melodrama. ih.iumit Mil which President Ripley or the unworthy of notice by this (Cut ten- - "To Whom It May Concern:: wreck and failure. About three but Minen. Jammer artist, ciiodier lilchmond ha:t months ago he took the Neal cure s Fe clifir( as "n "I Moines, IitIck terror," W'n rejoice that we havn with us In the Illinois trraft InventiKiitlon, ntered the field in criticism of Mr. had a friend here in Dos and he seems to have fully recovered. that always pessimistic gentleman who, Ho is not only again physically tli court of eiiHtomn. To parnphrasi' Mr. White was grilled by attorneys Slamm indlvidunlh , and of the pub because of his drink habit,, his strons ha fallen lulo a Slough of Despond lic generally. Air. Alexander Murray business went to pieces nnd ho became but clear, bright and strong mentally. from "fncle Ham in rilunderbind: for Mr. Jlrowne. They ouijht to find what might be complete W. 13 Y KItS. i rom un n re ncnril arising jiro- - espouses the cause of the cultured in termed a If. 'The time han come, the court an- Mr. lilaek and ko down to (Ireene'H art, phcslc of calamity Hint make Jmncs as attalnst the wishes nnd vulKaf nounced, and net KomethlnK for the blue. asti-- s nf Stamnt anil the people at Call or write today for free copy of book and contract. All correspondence strictly J. IIIII appear a ii apoRt I roHooie of To timlo of many DniiRx; arfce. He completely Ignores the (lie sunlight. laims of those who have to confidential. Of nail and Khoi and neallnn wax, Three negroes In Cairo, 111., charged endure Address, T!i preshh nt of din Pnnln. en- he unslKlilly pin bin excrc-- i l i t and IV, (if eabliiiife nnd klm;; with attempted nsnault, whipped shrouded In his grief, nrul railing ot wire of the taxpayer. Mr. Murray coolly Defliilns poultry In (he pot and ordered to travel. Thin Is onner-atlo- n says thnt "Mr. Hianim Is not capable nt stipi rvlslon, re- ull-lie- , ' M'vrrmm should And poultry on the wliijj." run riot, for Cairo. The hook JiuIkIui; in rinesilons of l NEAL INSTITUTE member the public he also disclaims Iii íiik personal, tht sentiment for worm must have invaded i:trypl- ind r (fiiliillon of thn common rrii t uit In avoiding Scylla is drawn Into Phone 321 521 N. 2nd St. Albuquerque, N. M. hiirybdls. He irlves public (.'rent la lamely the outgrowth of JuHt Tin; kt.ti:hooi im.r.. dm mull President I'.rnest Thompson Seton redit for the pood sense that enables lldreimril of the right of thn public Thrt enabling act for New Mexico, of the Camp Fire club presented Mr. Ihem to realize thai they are iunorant ns ninrilfe.ted In thin city thin week, ml do not know what thev want, nor mi filially passed by conurosn In now with medal. Isn't Mr. 111 Iloosevelt a to the. Hying to block 11 Important pill). what pleases their taste. Surely this has nothing whatever do with belmr carefully ieruncd by the nov- - Seton the eníleman that Mr. Roose- mtiHt be a of subject under discussion. I lit Mr enterprise here, In Just reincarnation Alexander have fill unit ernlitit voters nf New Mexico In the velt Home years branded as the the (Treat w ho niched for more wnrlc'S: tle doubt but that the replies from little roncroKi Instance omclhlng lino desire to find out exactly how far chief nature f.iklr of the bunch? It to ennipicr. the eastern cnllcges that have been thai Mr. IMpii-- would tint hold Mr. Sinmm needs no defence nt the written to asking an - Co. worth (.'licit1 Ham Is RoltiR to allow us to must have been a leather medal. for endorsement Learnard Lindemann B second's rondldrrntlnn showing how anils of anyone. Ills character and of this particular Indian style of novern ourselves. There are mnny 11. a railroad corporation Industriously ibllity are know He Is an enter architecture as applied to our uni- PIANOS MUSIC crltlcliimH of the measure, chief umung i:end the statehood bill over care- rising citizen end knows what ho versity will be favorable, this also is Intuir lo crent,. jmtiiu- - sentiment which Is the objection to conKri'Hslon-u- l fully. I.earii Its provisions by hrart. wants as will ns what is irood for his immaterial. It is naturally to be ex- Wo show the larucst stock nf the world's bcsl makes of high ciilliNt Itself. The per- fellow citizens. He is a man of pected underhanded review of the ntate constitution. Vou should have your will formed that the people of the east crude Pianos. Two carloads, part shipment of a recent cash order, formance In bIoi-kl- Tijeras crossing thonyht imd experience. He may not who have In the past and largely still While in the opinion of imuiy, Iherc opinion on each and every phase of be 11 specialist, well in one do, look upon New now on the road lo our New Mexico Salesrooms. oniler rmiT of durknenn In only eilucated Mexico as mostly in reflsnn for resentment that conurcss' It by die time the const il utlonal con particular line, nml ignorant upon sand dunes, cactus and horned toads trifle, ii ili,'ii, lint one Ihone Today we especially your of trifles has not Iriist'd lis to work out our vent ion is ready to meet. True pat every otmr matter, hut ennuih would say that by all means we ought call attention to the wonders of the whli h, wlu ii iiffli lently this you will say, so to avoid 11 ef- mulfliilleil, own destinies from (he Htart, after all riotism cmiHlsts largely In knowing the to pieservc ell the ancient relics. We Interior I'laycr I'lanos a child can play them the hand org.' I'lillil up m untimely late of Stnmm will p roce who r.'i' no Hilverxe nllmenl (ill object to that kind advertising fect found In many of the Interior player pianos is Missing i the It may be 11. (jood think". The people what vou are about. in a more dignified vein. Amom; see no elonif the line. .Mr, ltlpli.y him no can reason why the buildings Player Pianos e sell. Absolute I.'xpressloii and of of New Mexico are not apt to run the eminent authorities on the sttbjeo' of of our territorial university should be the realization "holler" ronilMK. The eelehrnted automobil-ill- s In of pin.viliff your same as played by musi- rlhk nf I act Another terrible cas,, nf architecture lie Forest his "His- constructed so ns to favorite selections the the Kelt inn heir nrii.mlc tory or accentuate the cian played your is Twwil pulley of "Whiit urn ou Bil"B chnf-fei- ir Art," rays that ru le o'oleets very wo who them Is'st according to fancy now within turned down and beln-- put to the is presented by the Herman things are trying to outgrow. In ! of art similar 1.1 those your to do ulioiit II?" It own ren.-iri- wiio bli'w itji a city hall, robbed buriel under There is positively no com pai son reach. necessity of reasHemhllnp elvllizntions l The Km rrnnelHco Cull up the of the old vnii-- are between a modem structure built out Fill out the coupon and mail it today to us and you will receive ritv the the convenllori and delayliiK the whole a bank durinK the hullabaloo and, al- to be found linmnq; the Scihl,o and of brick anil .''tone and that grotesuuo a. 11 lirlcf mrleUen licml of the d tribe- Ameti-- in reply tree catalogue and further infórmate, by return mail. Snnu I'e Katne, It will be a pretty strontr In- - ter slioi'tiiiK three innocent bystand- of and pile that Mr. Murray Is dying to de- nt follóme ers, suicided Just as die police nabbed the Pacific Islands, and feoin s I ) I j fend, as its contributing to i.faux i:i)-- i im)i:m ax.v t o. cintlvo In o slowly nml act wisely. ', and lor rreHlitent dun' man must rise i.l.iy 0111 of bn Tin nipley of the Suma Ke la him. Persistent indúltenle in paso-lln- e the desire tor the true and beautiful Square Piano Dcalcrs.s, Albuquerque, X. M. Im There no nood reason to believe barism to the toll station of ,11,1. tern hii iifihnpjiy num. Iroiihle up-lin- and cultivating an asthctic task in The rean-onab- is bound to have its etlccl, by that coiiKrcKS will illsaiprove 11 hf" the jame Miikts whic'i ciiir the young is simply rot. dentlcinen to he eormlitulloniil. 'The rlKhl to his n sane and statesmanlike terized crowth (.I'luries M. P. STAM.M. I rend your advertisement In die Mornlnt Journal and have l 11 mntiiiHrt lila hiinlneM' liim e ,ir. pp claims on been With nil due In Professor Hewitt condritis our the-- a 'he true marked X opposite that which Interests eonfidence nrl,'tlc reliulrenients are eoneeptio 1 inc. t.ikin nny from .Mr. ISlplry. am) lie nry r rt ee-- lli JiulKineiit of tho majority of our of die .lit in bet die eli! f ;r.i?(. correctness of onllin-- . nnd will nol ho eonole(, him , Mr. Tuft people, the rccoiils of our IcRlslatureH dweller mid the Pic bio. As the Morn-al- l truthfulness to nature. T: o uve I'lanos fiffcndeil hlii) niorlnlly h piitlni4 many 111 GOOD ROADS MEN Piano Ployers In th lnst nhoiv noun, freak legisla- - liitf Journal knew the time, the diH'ereui, styles nf nrchiteel e, Interior Mm 111 ii jxiHltlori where he iviiw enin-p- i people who lived In the country rock but most of them have lor a basic Piano (Music Popular '. lleil lion, to which the majority of us do point some Ideal. to admit Dm riRlit of overn-inen- t dollcoceplialic va- Piano Music Classical not point with pride. With ti con- had skulls of the The tiothir slylo was typical of a In resilliiin nilltoiiil .Mr. Music rulen. cessional brake on the wheels, we riety, while as everyone- might to be rcllmoiiH creed. ft embodied the Piano for Teachers lilplcy I pcrKiimleil he IÍJ DEM1NG tlmt hns im have bent, possible aware, die common Pueblo skull Is spirit of the middle aires and has a Victor Talking Mashines limllenalilo the ttMsuraiiee that complete embo.lymfiit symbolism riRlit to rates nt nny s In 11 of A'ictor Talking .Mashitie Records lit the deli-nate- will be elected wisely, typically brai hycephalic. It fli;tii" llmt )r(iti (imiil to him, I'he Italian school of sculptural art F.dison Phonograph that liny will act with deliberation source of some satisfaction to know Introduced by Xicholo Plsano was la of reiiMon or JiikIIio to we It Intri-lue- Kdison Photiopra ph. Records the, and care, and that no radical or Ill- - that flRiired out correctly, nded lo lile inn. liM-- people Mio ime the lallrondH. In n Chamber of Commerce Com Violins considered Ideas will find their way modesty prevented the an- art in the study of nature not tra- onl, Mr. Itlph y in n helmed mirvivnl nouncement of theory until such dition.. No one will dispute the pre Collars Into thi constitution of the new slate. the eminence of mittee of Doming Will Show of the type of line, old tawhlnned mon-opoll- Itnskin as in authority Mandolins we n con- an authority as professor If lit In fiisiin-milshe- d - I'lobably should form nood architecture. Ife, with ail wIiiik- (johjii 1 won expreRMeiJ Strings stitution anyhow. Hut aside from the corroborated our conclusions. authorities, Engineer and Commissioner In the (uiylliK 'The mlili; he il d, In Music Rolls reflection nit our ntate mnklntr ability, unite reeni:n!7.lnir this truism That I (mil the rnllroiid." the effect of works of art Is two- - fold, the Highways, ' there Is little reason to fear that the one on the and on Jn evlihnie of hln illuplenunre Mr. mind the other Yours Truly, , censorship of the constitution by con- the eve. That the deirree of respect Jtipl'-- hiiM ordend nil work of gress will work a hardship on New Public Forum we pay certain manifestations de- Npeelul rorresponiteni-- to Morning Journull Name nn, lieMeniieiit mopped mi pends upon our Iteming, N. M., 2Ü. .Mexico. It will certainly supply a sympathy with the June The Addrcs's . the HiintH l nynleni (li cause which directed these manifesta- wheiever potent motive to do our best. n.rcrmv ritn( i.M tiox. chamber of commerce held its regu Miilhl Il Ik nol vny ilnir whom fall or .Mornliiu Jourimi. tions." Now what hcarlni? do these meeting I or ar- lar quarterly last night Mr. Jtljili y (ear Kir: There is atl erroneous truisms anil rerpiirementts high propoHen in pnnlnh by this " Tin: 1 tic 1 mu Tim;. Impression abroad that (iovernor chitectural ex .ell hme upon in There was a larse attendance, and - liieiixiiie or (.i onomy, hut II ki'i iiih like- Mills' absence from the territory will present subject of controversy? the reports, of the various committees Learnard Lindemann Co. ly tlmt hlK own Him kholilern w ill prove make some delay In the progress i'f Has this barbarous and unnihtlt' There appeared In this paper yrs-lerd- pueblo anil officers were enthusiastically re Tin: sQi Aiu; piano dkai.krs. tint worst In stntehooil events. This Is Incorrect. flvle nf with Mifferer. lint ii nlrii.-tenih- K. lMablished 10( a Wasblmtton dispatch ulvlny were In could which s of our citizens have ceived. William Holt and John Albuijucrquc, X. M. mullir whirl, niUKt be Mr. If he Santa l'e today he left to tho railroads' side of thn ense re- day. no sympathy any distinct Ideal? linen Hund were elected delegates to the Upon request Jtlplry'H as not hasten matters a sinule The we will send free, express prepaid, 25, .10, 75, or Hiihir K.cnnil thmiKht. Is 11 it idease the eye? Decidedly not. H one-fo- wards railroad legislation. From the first Diiiik he has to do to issue National Irrigation congress at Pu 10i) golden tile rulers to any in im dele-KUtr- Imposes no religions not teacher the schools of New "Let liiiiilre lor a moiiient Into It Is proclamation for the declina of feelinir. It is eblo, Colo., and J, J. Jacobson and railroad side perhaps a complete n to Is Mexico, Arizona, Colorado or Texas. th initnrn of the Injury th:it biiH mor- to the constitutional conven- stimulant hinher education. It H. Iledli'bek were elected alternates. representation, but It does not curry. tion, but the in t of Conuress provides not u memorial nf past historio Tho xtntchood damn, given at tally oliiniled the preident of (he tc'.-en- iolivlctlon. One feature to which ob that that election cannot be held in or great nt.'hievomentf in opera was Hnni.i Ke. In Mr. or Clark's house last night brief. Tilt bus put jection is made In the railroad bill Is less than sixty day alter the ap- mental advancement, but largely attended. Inm anil purely tradido.i, and im- 01 the i.iher mllrimd iniiKiuitex thn provision for federal boiler Inspec proval of the bill by th" p,V'!d'bl. in northv if Territorial Land Commissioner tnc southern Pacific, is in Drilling II, itation. It is nothing: but a dreary on 11 In ii vi here he Im cnmpi lied The bill was approved June ho Robert Krvien, and Territorial Kngi-ne- er nusiness for cornnaiiv tion. II Is set forth that the railroad we election relic of the past riges that should be P. J. to III knowledge thai Die milille him that cannot have the until Vernon L,. Sullivan passed Linderman left De have own af-tc- r so, a delay left burled In oblivion, nnd not draK-ge- il for their inspectors to look Aumist and few days' hi through 1 leming this morning on Flagstaff, Arizona, where he will Mxhln jih well n (he I e. Its allriiiids The this mutter themselves. Perhaps Is'oIiik the call inn make no i''ittr-enc- from sepulchral mounds to their way to Sliver City where, they make his future home. inont :i nl or tln-- rlchlK H thnt I'. V. CLANVV. disgust and horrily a progressive peo- Herd Osmer has jso. It Is noteworthy, however, that a ple who deserve up will spend today and tomorrow in- returned from the rullrofiil míe Khnll be to keep with the .viimnrcs Hot Springs. VI is si ill on fllliSr renninuihle in p specting the new Silver Int fte number of the ratal accident ,1. l lll.O AKCim i.CTl spirit of the ai-- lltid realize that a rutcnes trom a sprain the Judgment or an hnpnrilnl tilhiinnl. I'l i!i: thhiB of beauty is a Joy road. They will return to Doming received in jfor Instance on the Sania Ke railway, Kdltor Mornnm Journal. forever. tomorrow evening and spend runaway pome weeks ago Mr. Itlpley liken to Ih a We to Friday mmim that he mi-pe- Were (llgnll'y this proposed In the past few years, have, been due JudMintt trom mi article (hat looking over Din rouds in the vicinity Mr. Field, from Mimbres, is In th the only in. in win, i ,h your Tuesday Is- Innovation with a innio It would be valley nnilhlnn worth to the expbislon of encino boilers. red in moriiiim'n the High Tight of Homing. The good roads commit- prospecting. hile to :ty - sue, it seems a new lender has nnd renaissance archi- nboiil the r.itin for nt t- Such accidents that tecture of tee of the chamber of commerce, of VI. e have happened with arisen to cuido Die people back to the Pueblo school, solely What Fverybody on the S.'illl.l l'e. lie h deeply ndapled to the which Dr. J. (í. Moir is chairman, will Ought to Know. starllliui I'reuueiicy on the Coast the Ion; lornnlleii anil once cher- stale and climate of That Foley Kidney DHLs Rl'leved been line Mr. T.I ft hll New Mexico. A. W. show them oyer the roads and discuss contain Just nilllle Unes. No one ever knows why the ished paths nl ancestral architectural HAItltl.S. the ingredients necessary to tone Mill nilnilt no m li with them means for bettering the thnt rliihls exist. holler blew up except the (inducer or cleK.'inoe and simplicity. He comes sa me. strengthen nnd regulate the notion of m KI I'I.V STAMM. Mr. i:tpie pnslilnn H defeii.nihle unannounced to arouse die dormant l'lIOM Mil. 1). me Kiuneys and bladder. J. H fireman, perhaps, they Mm ni in- - C Jacklin. general manager of tj'IUel on and generally ciierKles of careless souls limn wrapt lalitor Journal. ly Co. only the axxuiupiioii Hie Inter-Kl.i- ti the Chino Copper company, with are both killed. 111 the tolls nl wicked and perverse Dear Sir: Your correspondent, Mr. ll i . e headquarters at Salt I.'ike, passed ri.nilil. I'oiiinilHNlon eniiinit h, 11 Murray, whom no one seems Herein lien the of the rail- archil celt la Innovations which have to know, llovv Dili It ,) n through Doming this morning on his He tfllKl.d tl.l Jimtlee :m bi'tueetl the been for centuries past educating: the but who tnnk it upon himself to ciit-- A lawyer road argument. The railroads) claim li.e my le upon way to Santa liila to make the an- mice asked a man who shipper.K muí die rntlrnnit.H. Mr. llip-le- y people downward by the hideous and, nub I'ueblo archi- lia.l at various tin') have departments to I ? says, I e nual inspection of the company's times sat on several ah-n- look alter to him. unslnhtly style of (irecian, tecture that am not tap-abl- In ulm.iRt III hohlillK to property ju ries: to 10c that the very t littiif which the government (ii Ihlc, l:z.innne mi l l; i.n e of Judirim- - in questions of cul there. "Who influence, Mary smokers prefer them ftMxiiinptliiii Olid In i J. I!. Nelson, of Lake Valley, spent you most iiiilitiiil,,iiiilly wishes to supervise. True; architecture. Cut who is tins wortn.' ture, .now tins is a vciy serious lawyers, the cigars. Tell the dealer you want Lewis' but the I yesterday with I:. 11. in the witnesses or the jud"e"" rnl or miy milt (,r ll- - of some time Pivido charso and hardly know to linkford Klatinc t.iet remains that the roads admirer the what Dcming. He expected to get some useful "niid Single Hinder. Factory, Peoria, Plinoii. rf.Ti-m-. may u ig do it. e i or upen Ish.n bnol-iiem- i. style It be confession of about whether to gracefully iiM-- ovi r lil Inmcly lad to ln,,k things nan The local management of the Har- iniormation from 't he preoidi alter these norance. lul your correspondent to the shades (r blhion, or com- lenceu a lit of the S.ini.i I'.,, I l vey Val- iei juryman. This w as ielently en.mi'.h to protect their not Keen his name embraced in the mence a course of sludy that will House, having tried Mimbres reply: In line, belong ley season, is se- man's to t(,,. eentnry. 11 01 eventually fruit last anxious to 1 Hi' puhli jiovern-boile- r list the worlds famous authors, put me at least at the foot II yer. . ,. nml die If the more season soon as it terr sir, 'ow I makes The Suntn people lnily ri ns-ii- ii rl painters or aichitei ts, or as one whon of his class. says "The cure this as prevent j0 nSo this: mind. I'm plain man. i mint inn explosions, .n au- build-inn- s is available. Manager Maneusson ami rni..'. that If works entitle him lo rook as (honsinir of a style of college ... 1 the inerense In n .ion am t hed-o- collisions. railroad crossing thority in beautiful nr hiieciin "I ii -- that will have an influence for has already bought several crates of influenced bv L. B. Inhdit ruten Is Just mi. I reimonahle Valley apricots. .10,1111111; ine lawyers say no nor by Putney fatalities, misplaced switches and save icos. True, he Is. according to his the greatest (m our ounir men Mimbtes one .lliilye says. It be d b cri-Ki- ine just vlll lllhnv. the a own assertion, credited wbn the n and women, upon James Wiley, a merchant of Cen- looks at lew thousands (if b,s sacrlticcd un- - whom the future ine man in the docks I says: ('iniinlKon, mid the mm tu r Mr. nl H ippy Hooligan niiit of this Rlnrinus tral, passed through Dcming this t and 'If I!ple nually to tnllrniiil cnrelevsness. the depends." That ne tun done notbiioi why's he I the listi,' ? I desiunn. To one n. e morning on his return from Wilcox, here? "Ht of bin hen, a' sentí ought to acide the And I brings -- the tuition he - cm all in guilty. Distributor Kinernmcnt will earn die prjtitude of claim celebrity fnr such tritlinii Im- whole ipn-stio- in- Arizon.t, where he purchased some Short I. an the f liiMlie 'rh'M to n,:ni.iKe bii and I am almost Stories. the people. clined to drop the subject. I can see tine race horses. ivn buninenn' the b. iiir It II be for my W. M Urea kenri-lce- , claim ncent in mind ironpe of men and women The Conservation or Nature's liln own comfort. N'.i i in h rictit rjixts twenty years pro- lie W. Tin: i to hence giatciully source. L. TRIMBLE & CO. In the i oinl i, t or pulili. i., rxlee i hoik claiming that they would never have Applies as wen to our pnyslcal been state 115 X. Second St. the successful men and women Vv inings. t:. j, Kud ong Mvery. Flrsl Th Morning I """""'1 . . Feed ami Wale Startles. Journal yesterday hey are. never would have nshinirior. t " reached n,,.., . . "imzeu nis eon- - tla Turnout Ksl published Al-- IukIi at Reasonable a letter from a former I the pinnacles of goodness and ""i wok warning Telephone S. 1 1 was'" North Kurcud Stre I S 1. IWITi lTIIIV. uruiersu. an in San Plegó, showing rami' if they had not been educated too late. He sayS: T suflPV,, und.-- r die 01 severely from how efficient die fire nplnting inllnonecs kldr.ev trouble, the dls-ea- The new those din roots upon the bill. 1 can being hereditary in our I'niicd Statin court of cus- . nsfine family bad proved in saving property now 1 SANDIA toms han demonstra!,,! also see couldn't before how L""",Mr t,oulps of Foley a MINERAL WATER t,.n is Ins :i In the C.ililnrn.i illy. The attention dormitories will to a kidney Remedy, and now d'etre." which is li""c contribute myself consider bottled Onlv by "raisin l'nn of the i It y government Is again wise and grand edueatinn through the thoroughly cured. This should t,,r well good t tai- French the known . ailed to the necessity of liavinu some HAYS FAIR HFALTH inducte es they must have upon :taS'nV a" nnt to ""--- - LOMMORI BOTTLING CO. (i. no, ill nt "Vat II i the dreams of sun cptlblo youth. colloiiilalim 1. ii- h di va e in city. It Is ecóno Ibis Sciiously Mr. M 111 you 410 West Copper. it '." Alexander ray Send mo al ill cost and maintenance, and u, to go at on. e to lsleta and us your orders for all klí" In fact, NEVER. FAILS TO i let t. of Bottled the tic court should fill bis the maximum of etficiency. San ble deep and l.n;r Into the ancient using I.KYVIS' fINCI.E Sodas. . I'.IM'Kl; Cigars. Telephone 813. Ionic felt want. For tri lUego has broken the record for low I RESTORE CRAY HAIR history 1'neblos to try and as- d. of par- CORSETS' im- certain ir !!. case of San Jiir.nn t'n, who flro nnsi mid her tiro chief place TO ITS NATURAL the rounder their ported lih nn ticular style of wigwam bad in view NOTICE TO estibase sill It, the die credit wuh the COLOR BEAUTY. the educational advantages that TAXPAYERS milHlmi; tul tast- and court decided after Mr. l'.ro, kiiieier'n statement that such would he com erred upon future cen- - FREKCH FEJRALE j Thi, I the this Ccli nihil (lelicnt y that It wa .1 I ,.f youth. goes A model lift month In k ing machine could bnve been lit the SAMPLE DOTTLE FREE ir.motis American It to piv your t.n,-- . r.o. ' fa- " ' .1 ustiiiisi y preserved in líbate, wbeie.n on ie. Hartley science hall of the I'nlvernity t H tka . ewt aa4 inft.l without saying that we are all in I'm : "T ''"'. r LLo: mm4 rbW rW vor we figure. paid before 1 Pot. rW4Mt HmnotTW ü ikmmf mérmmm mmé nl the "city beautiful." also for every , July D,,!. ,r mm 1. - 1st fr rl.ueJ he placed the on die U rur 1101-- It- ,;i . . IHQWI talt four minuten after the rtlirin one In htt m know, without being told by Mr. Mur- rsir.'l ifVfl T) (All K.f.t rH4Tl At merely to flavor It, or thought- - rllU.l)lrrt.t.HA í rto(Ü . pol.JO CliatoB all delinquent 'V! tnillLiUM nr Mol UMtm,tA Hr ft I. nrSDSJ1 that makes the avenge man SPtC ray, i age of experts In box. Will l Vo w jm W N,-- . U. S. A. that this the - t rr rn tkv no irii, to conceal tb flavor. There in a dif- - ful. If a mtu hltie. perhaps Sir.t. N.wl, all line of and I'lNXKf. Tax Collector. rnstlnir human endeuvor their ka Ukrai arvwi yuu( ordrrs im the XcT( service!, are necessary and ?hiable. t'Ni-rr- nee in the duty on prc'rA'd and few thouiands. could have saved the 1. H. O'RIELLY CO. Ton nav MtotCAL o., ex ta. Uem This phase of the question, however, L.KWIS" ''I";."rriPa" not e,lf, BINDER. f THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, FRIDAY, JUNE 24, 1910

Railway Steel Spring 34 mm Heading 157 'i Republic steel 33 Fl E do pfd fl7 Chesterfield Uoek Island Co 40 ' do pfd 84 St. I,. & San. Kriin. 2nd pfd.. 4li.j St. Louis Southwestern 32 Vü do pfd 1'6'i The L,OtS Of In These Columns Slogs Sheffield Steel and Iron 70 Bargains COW Southern Pacific 123' Southern Railway 2.1 do pfd 60 Noted Tennessee Copper 24 l Texas Pacific 30 Wall Street-- Toledo, St. I.ouis & West . . 23 New York, June 23. The feeling do (pfd r2 'FRSONAL PROPERTY LOANS STORAGE FOR SALE Real ' Palmist Estate CENTRAL Union Paciric 173 MOJOSY of apprehension over the crop pros- TO WA-VIK- do pfd 93 On Furniture, Plano, I.ÍSAír'Omina, Horaaa, l'lunoa, household tcuoda. EMPLOYMENT AGENCY pect proved Its t dominant Influence on Pnlted States Realty ' 3 Wacom and other Chancla: ai,, ,n Halarle etc., tored aafely t reasonable stocks again today niul forced into the 1'nlted States Rubber 41 J.TXLS and Witrehouaa ilceiila, as low as $10.09 ratei. Advaneeo made. Phono 640 FdU SALK Five room brick cottage, Auil Parcel Delivery. the, 78 K and as hmh aa tl&ooo. Loana ara qulrkly The Security Improve- east neighbor- bucIiKround more cheerful senti- United Slates Steel VOl made and strictly priviiia. na m.intn Warehouse and front, modern, nice WANT I0D Palry man ond lumber of yesterday pfd 116 year Omnia nmf ment Co. Offices, S 4, hood, street: close in; ment growing out of the do NAME, to on, irlvfin. to remain In your toomi and North Fourth Jacks, 1 saw flier. prospect for railroad rate Utah Copper 43 noaaeaston. Our rates ara reasonable,, Call urant Block, Third aireat and Can- - price reasonable; terms easy. Hun-yak- ,; occrr.vnoN' and aea us before borrowing. fieamshlp avenue W. Phone 6S 222 W. Gold increases and the Improved invest- Virginia Carolina Chemical 60 tickets to snrt from all purls of tho world. trnt & Thaxtou, 201 Unid ave. ment demand for new capital offer- Wabash , 194 THE IKII N1IIIM II CIMI'aVNX ings. do pfd 44 und just what you want to know about ftooma s and 4, llrunt Ills. COLBURN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFlrBH AL The amount of rainfall reported left Western Maryland 45 H your BUSINESS, each hope, trouble, OPRN EVKNIND8 Folt SALK Suburban home, modern PROFESION CARDS - 210 West Silver Ave. a dubious feeling regarding the re- WestliiRhoiiKe Kloctrle fl4- fear, WISH l.V LOVE, Marriuge, Busi Mll-- t West Cení ral Ama Improvements. Sea Owner, 60 W. ports of abundant rains which helped Western Union 64 riione 3 54. Central. Wheeling & 3 V. ness, sickness, changes, Journey, WANTFI) ( to send stocks upward yesterday and Lake Erie Chínete vili. SALIO Win wants a In 3 IS-- 5 enemy. INVESTMENT.; ad- Fi'U home .1. SCÍIWIONTKER .stocks started with, a heattatinjr and Total sales for the day steals. friend, Highlands, on corner, well Improv- Ilt. O. were sales pur A. S. ()., Mo. uncertain movement to correspond. Roads firm. Total vises und ussists you to good condi- ed, street car by the door; am leav- Graduate Klrkvllle, With tile price of wheat ruling two value, $2,123,000. tions; tells of ARSENT friends or ing city. Come and buy little Tost ;raduate I A. O. O., 4 per for cents a bushel high er than yesterday United States 3s declined IMPLE things and AIíBUQÍÍEÍQ0b Government Exam- money. 1020 South L'dlth. los Angeles, i'al. the advance during cent in the bid price on call. relatives; REUNITES the separated: Office Suite 6 Phone Office 71T and sustained the ination announced July 15th. prep- Six-roo- morning the stock market's misgivings WINS BACK tile one you love; causes simple ways Felt s.ALIO modern brick; N. T. Armllo PldK. Phone Rea. are aration free. Franklin Instituto, Dept. fine sleeping porch, and Tl over the state of spring wheat in sev- Huston ( losing Mining. speedy marriage, cures drunkenness, 353 P. N. Y. fruit shade Disease of Women ami Children S' Uochester. trees. 40tl ,s. Walter. SiM'clalty. of 41 best. eral the northwestern states were Alloucz lost Vitality, nervousness. Why con- WA.NTHH .Man wit., experience In Vi SALIO New bungalow, revived. Amalgamated Copper 65 groceries who knows Foil rooms The agreement of Cur- 25 tinue as you are when, no matter simplest way and something sleeping porch; modern; will be the Price Am. Zinc, Lead & Sm , The to care about the business. F, U. & and rent tllie Miller in 16 your troubles may be, Chester- Pratt completed July 1. "C4 N. St cm. I St. and Northwestern Arizona Commercial what Co. W. their reference to the situation there Atlantic 6 CAN help you. for one's complexion is JENK3 field AND WILL WANTF.l' A dinlng-mo- boy. Ap- Aasayar. as "critical" for the spring wheat crop Ros. & Cop. & Sil. Mg . . 13 Coro. ply State Nutional building. FOR SALE Mining and Metallurgical Kn1ma appealed with force to the prevalent Butte Coalition 18 '.4 HEARINGS Til IS WEEK ONLY. to use Ivory Soap and bank Miscellaneous 54 Ifoom 9. 609 West Fruit Avenue. uneasiness. Calumet & Arizona 17 S, or If 540 $ 1 .00. WANTFl) HAIIN'S White Lime, Test for disin- Poetofflee Fox at office af The importance attached to the Calumet & Hecla 50c and clean water. lieiieral house work to 1 1 white-waahlU- JL 1 ss 60 Kent. Jmith Third Strew. crop news obscured such happenings Centennial 16Vi do; best of references. Cull ur adu-dre- fecting and centi as the return of J. P. Morgan. A Copper Range Con. Co 63?; Hours 9 a. m to s 30 p. ni. Dally. 716 N'ortli Fifth. a sack. Phone 91. story Mr. Morgan was 7 from Paris that East Rutte Cop Mine 'a PirIors, Arlington Rooming House, Bathe the face for OR SALE Oood Peo H. W. D. BRYAN bringing home a plan lor restriction Franklin HVj ' In very 214 So. 2nd St. HELP fine condition. Price reason Attorney at Law. of copper production by joint agree- Giroux Consolidated 67i nearly or quite five min- WANTED Female able. Apply with European 35 "Podnons." Office In First National Bank Bml- l- ment producers failed Granby Consolidated (VANTF.Ii h." p! ami Injr. Albuquerque, N. M of effect on coppers. The Greene Canunea Woman of charati-- r and Full SALIO tine 65 holler additional utes in hot water. Rinse 3 1 . . . 17V experience as matron for school. 50 h. p. engine; ore cars; tons J no. W. Wilson Jno. A. WhlU items cleared up by congress and to Isle Royalle (Copper) Farmers and Mortgage Bonds. ,T. 8 Apply to 11. lleald. 424 S. F.dith. T rail; one standard oil well drill rig; WILSON ft WHITE. promise thus held out of an early Kerr Lake cold 1 53 4 with water. That Phone 587. 040 ft. 8 inch well casing, fit- Attorneys at Law adjournment were equally Ignored by Lake Copper - 1 1 .i Discussion has again arisen in some WA.NTKli A competent miller to op- tings, pipe find tools. Jos. P. liiink- Rooms Cromwell Rulldlng the market. La Salle Copper is all but it is enough. ley. The retention of the Hank of Eng- Miami Conner 20 parts of the country regarding the de- - erate roller process mills. One lio l'lacitis. New Mexico. KliWARD A MANN can also run an engine Ad- UK land discount rate occasioned some Mohawk 484 more preferred. Foil SALIO $3 piano $150; Attorney at Law 1914 mar.d for efficient dress, Miller, Journal office. payments, Reom t, N. T. Armljo HM professions of disappointment from Nevada Consolidated upon third down, balance Pkaaa til l.iioiiddii sources. The conviction Is Nipissing Mines 1 1 Itles to provide for loans farms North Fourth. Albuquerque, N M. unabated that the bnnk rate will come Noith Rutte -" and other rer.; estate secured by mort- SALIO furniture 10 jfVANTED Position! Foil Household at down following the meeting of the North Lake gages. A disposition has appeared in Ivory Soap 16 North Walter . njOÍTJSTS on 1 Old 37 half yearly settlements July and Dominion banking circles to broaden the scope WANT10U Position by experienced SALIO Singer ma- Dll E KRAFT a period of ease if money Is Osceola 133 so FOK Seven drawer ' notable of the operation of national banks stationery and hoisting engineer, or chine, almost new, for $.10 cash. Dental Suraeon. promised to follow. Foreign ex- Purrott (Sil. & Cop.) 13 as to o loan a part of 994(So Per Cent! Pure pumpman, of preferred. L 7 3 permit them out town 52,1 West Copper. Rooms Harnett Rulldlna Photir change rates here continue to fall. Qulncy means upon The '., care T44. ApnWntments their such securities. Journal. I made bj mall The placing of finance bills with Lon- Shannon 10 chief element of safety of commercial Foil SALIO la misione new two- - 43 Vt WaNTKU Position us housokecpir seated carriage; cheap; owner leaving. PHYSICIANS RriKifWINH don bankers is reported to be follow- Superior banks Is that their means shall not be by nn American woman of 40 in ing on again. Superior & Boston Min. . . 9 con- 1435 West Central. tied up In securities not readily farming operations than tiny were bacín lor or widower's home or nurs-in.- O SIIOHTLE. M D. The easing of the money market Sunerior & Pitts Cop. . . . 10 7b liquid capital; It is 61 vertible into' and in 1909. This year's, crops are not Address K. S., Journal . Practico limited in New York is restricted to the short- Tamarack claimed that real estate and mortgages only grown on a higher Tuberfoloala half-yearl- 36 cunllallzatlon er periods. The passing of the y U. S. Coal & Oil are not properly classified as such. of land, but also on a higher rate of Hours: 10 to II on U. S. Sm. Reí. & Mln . 39 policy dividend Minneapolis and The argument against such a is working capital, on a higher cost for Physicians, Attention! WANTÍÍD To buy clean, white cot- Rooms State Natl. Fixnk niaa St. T,ouis preferred weakened the do pfd 49i in the opinion of many strengthened expenses ot Consolidated nmt of the improvement, ton rags at 2 2 cents a pound. llawley group and hurt the general Utah 214 by the fact that, as has been conclu- with t lie possible exception of lumber, Situation wauled as Locum Journal Office. VFTIORIVARY. list in trading. Closing Winona " sively Tenens, to do relief work dur- the late stocks: demonstrated in Europe and and a much more extensive area over VV ) HYDE, V. S Allis Chalmers pfd 32 Wolverine HI c'sewhere, instrumentalities, vastly which to employ farm capital. With ing summer months. Licensed 65 busl- - phslcbin and surgeon. Add. 100 POULTRY AND PET STOCK Graduate Veterinary Amalgamated Copper better adapted to conduct such higher money rates, the cost of mov- Phone 71 106 West. Gol American Agricultural 42Vi can be provided by means of sep- - Morning Journal, Albuquerque. Tlio Metals. jness ing crops to market and of carrying SAL10 25 Leghorn 218 American Reet Sugar 35 New York, June 23. The market larate corporations, technically known through has also to FOR bens. them tho winter 1 2 V. avenue. American Can 9 foro standard copper was firmer. Spot as mortgage hanks. be considered. In fait, it is hard to ttold Amer. Car & Foundry ,16 and June $12.00 & 12.20; July. $12.12'!, From time to time articles have ap Sep what elements of expense will not J. B. GOOD American Cotton Oil . . 62 (Í12.3Ü; August, $12.12 M 12.35. peared describing the system prevai- be added to, unless existing conditions WANTED Miscenaneouj 0R Amer. Hide & Leather pfd. 34 London c losed firm, spot 55 2s 6d; ling abroad and pointing out the tre- undergo a radical and highly Improb- JENTjrocjm Accountant and Auditor Amer. Ice Securities . 25 futures 55 16s 3d: Arrivals repon- mendous success which followed, not able change. Wall Street Journal. WANTKI Horse and spring wakon FOR RÍO NT Nicely furnished roomi American Linseed 12' ed at New York 230 tons; custom only In the way of giv ing farmers and lor two weeks; will pay $1 per day free bath, by day, week or month; Will Take 4'nre of 4 . .. ir, IS. Small ..incriiiin locomotive 43 noose reun í s snow c.m.oi mnf other facilities for development at Wc All Know This Town. Address 715 Last llazebline. reasonable. Highland House, 204 Sets of Itooks. Amer. Srn. & Rcf. 77,: copper rates, but giving to the Central ave. Phone 992 Residence, phone 250. tons so far this month. Lake reasonable A Vi - ru-3- 7 shoe drummer alighted from the .M'flcc, 121 v. do pfd 103 $12'C2 Vi (v 12.87 Vt ; electrolytic, $12.- capital Invested very handsome FOR RENT Sanitary and modern oíd; phone 114. 5.1 up Amer. Steel Foundries . l(iv 12.62 castings, $12,12 ViO turns, larger, Indeed, than are usually train at Ualrville and looked and FOR RENT Dwelling rooms Rio Grande, 619 W. Central. American Sugar Reiinlng 122 , o .Vií. " obtainable upon investments of the down the street.. Presently Ylck Lee 136 sccu- - a bundle of soiled FOR RIONT Nino room on FOR RIONT Three modern furnished Amer. Tel & Tel character with respect to came along with residence rooms light housekeeping', ln-- Amer. Tobacco pfd 9 5 - hailed him Lockhart Ranch, completely fur for E . H A R 1 York' $4 15t"4.20 East St. Louis. Ijoh- my. ñ mu was linroiuiceu in uiu laundry, and the drummer iliilio at 404 N. Second. W. American Woolen 31 V, 12 U.S. represenlatlves aiithorir.o with: .; iilahed; bath, electric lights, etc., with " (Ion unchanged at . ."""o Jo or no FOR 1U0NT Two cleg! ht lirg Anaconda Alining Co. ... 39 Speller, quiet, spot $5.1 5 & 5.Í 0 N'ew tlio establishment of sncir Instil ations "John, how mm Ii Í a place is this without lands and orchard; Architect n 4 room cottage, furnish- rooms, well modern; Atchison 105i York; $4.85 4.95 East St. Louis. Lon-- , under national supervision, but it In re town of Fnirville?" children; also furnished; - y close In. 70,1 W. Vegas, N. M do pfd 102 22 6s. eel ved no consideration. It was pro- "Stlcct ca' ev-l- twenty minutes," ed, bath and electric lights, same lo Sliver. Las Atlantic Coast Line .... 1 9 'i Silver,'55.a"-Sc- . Mexican dollars. 44.Psed to permit the incorporation or replied the Chinese. Kveryboily's. cation. Call or telephone 712. Folt R 10.N'T Two rooiiiB for light Raltimore & Ohio 11 Vi jsuch banks, under the direction of tho Foil I110NT Five room cottage, en- housekeeping, und two cool rooms Rethichem Steel 24 controller of the currency, with a cap-lit- a tirely modern, Majestic rango In for sleeping; all modern. Mrs. II. 10. lirooklyn Rapid Transit . 79 St. louis Spelter. of not less than $100,000, with au kitchen, gas, etc and bath. Also Rutherford. 517 S. Itroadway. THE WM. FARR COMPANY 196 St. Louis, June 23. Lead, dull, LEGAL N0TCES Canadian Pacific thority to establish branches; they to furnished, modern flat; (tas FOR RIONT Three furnished rooms Wholesale and In 37 $1.20. Spelter, weak, $4.97': Í retail dealers Central Leather make loans upon Improved real estate NOT i0i k"s. I.10. rango in kitchen. lOmpiire A. W. An for light housekeeping. 609 N. Sec Fresh anil Salt Meats, Sausage a do j.fd 105 i secured by first mortgages, based up- No. 107. son, 823 N. 4th street. ond street. specialty. For cattle and hogs tha Central of New Jersey . 05 dp 300 Chicago Hoard of Trade. on a 50 per cent valuation in the case Territory of New Mexico, County of FOR RIONT Dwellings! 2 to 6 rooms, biggest prices are paid, Chesapeake & Ohio 80 Chicago, 23. alarm property. Upon FOR RIONT Furnished room, bath market June Fresh of country these tho Sandoval, In the ÍJistrlct Court. furnished or unfurnished; modern - Chicago &Altou 32 traders today because might issue mortgage de- 11. and light ; central. 62:1 West Cop- seised wheat banks and Harney Spears, vs John Sloan and or not; prices low; also modern light per. Chicago Great Western 27 general rains failed to appear in the, benture bonds, but not to exceed Alleta 10. Sloan. housekeeping rjoms. W. V. Futrello, do ii I'd 49 spring crop states. Except in a lew twenty times the amount of the capi- Notice is hereby given that the un- room 14. HoteI Denver. Tel. 492. FOR RKNT Two furnished rooms for Chicago & Northwestern 147 spots, great of growing tal. spe- hootiKckeeplng. Apply 1'lllh and the bulk the dersigned, heretofore appointed RIONT Four-roo- Chicago, Mil. & St. Paul 126 was in is to Foil furnished 'i grain in a vast belt without much The usual procedure Europe cial master, under and by virtuno of gas, electric, In- Mount tin Road. C. C. C. & St. Louis . . . SI house, light, etc. Hudson needed moisture. Temperatures were have the bonds bear a rate of interest in the district f rooms; for Signs 36 the decree rendered fluiré at 114 N. High. Foil RIONT Dandy irnislieii Colorado Fuel & Iron reports came fractionally I . again high and damage lower than that which is court of tile Second Judicial district of best location, lo.v rate. ;i V, S. 2nd. Colorado & Southern . . . 57 thick and fast. Tho close was firm chnrged the borrower on mortgage, a territory of New Mexico, in and FOR RIONT $8.00, brand new tent 139 the FOR RIONT Fui'iilr.hcd room) for Consolidated Gas and 1 to WsC net higher. reasonable margin to compensate for for tho county of Sandoval on the 22d c'.ttago, never occupied; plenty 1 light hoiiscliocpln ;. 511 W. lai .piel te Corn Products 5 i Coorn finished Vt to up, und the additional security that the hanks dav of December, 1908, in that cause shade, well of good water, fine neigh Wall . , Paper Delaware & Hudson . . 166 Vi oats to lc. Provisions in thu offer In the form of a guarantee of wherein Harney Siiears is plaintiff, borhood, a real bargain. John M Foil RIONT Three rooms completely . . 36 0 pri- Denver & Rio Grande end showed an advance of 15 to 62Vi.,the principal and interest. It is and John II. Sloan and Alleta 10. Sloan Moore Realty Co. furnished for hourckccplng; 79 y con- do pfd fluctuated seen that with the expansion of will, on ItlONT live-loo- vate screened porch; modern 1 wheat are defendants, Saturday, the FOR New modern listillcrs' Securities ... 30'4 twecu 96 Á (fi'97?c, closing at 97 to, business this margin becomes suffi-9- 7 1,1th day or July, 1910, at the hour house, cheap. Apply Dr. Itronson veniences. 616 W. Conl. HUDSON Fourth Erie clcntly large to substantial c. September corn closed at afford of 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at the RIONT Tw on t' lit U Erie 1st pfd 45 ot profits for the capital Invested. A of San- FOR Wf 60 'g (i'60 Vic, a net advance c front door of the court house 822 South Willie.'. for Picture Street and Krio 2nd pfd 32 (i 35 was stronger. No. most useful provision is ttint by means doval county, in Hernallllo, Sandoval t 147 The cash market General Electric 2 vellow closed at 6 0 ft V 1 c. Hop- - or me atiuninn ot a smalt annual county, New' Mexico, offer for sale USJISJAJS pfd . . . 131 7' Frames Copper Ave Great Northern .... tcmbcr oats varied between 384S 'charge against the mortgage, the bor and sell at public auction to the. high- FOR RENT Miscellaneous 1 1.25 PER WORD Inserts classified Great Northern Ore Ctfs 607a 39Vjc, with the wind up showing a rower is enabled to repay the loan in est and best bidder for cash, in ac- adK In 36 leading pspers In the U 8 Illinois Central 133 net sain of Installments, the amoutn of the in cordance with said decree, the fol- send for list. The Hake Advertlsln Interboroiigh Met 1 fl H being Final figures left pork 40 to 62 He stallments regulated by tho lowing described property, l: Afrcncy, 427 South Main street. lx do pfd 5 2 I pro- FOR It'ONT The second floor dearer, lard 15 to 1 7& V 20, und rius the term of he loan, udjusted to One steam boiler, one hoist, track-- . nircles. Cnl Inter BÍ1 of the Strong block, 32 Harvester vide a sinking fund which cancels age in pit one LIO 1 nter-Marin- 17'j to 20c. coal mine, cars ami Ft MÍ SA Rest paying livery and SANTA o pfd IS in Europe, rooms; newly rcpapered end FE TIMETABLE the debt the time fixed. In blacksmith shop and other coal reining toil- In New Mexico; International Paper It is customary to repainted; two baths, two transfer business 114 make these loans tools and Implements, and alio tin; first-clas- s International Pump 47 St. I.ouis Wool. for of years or more ets, all in condition; no competition. For terms address í Steady. terms fifty 80 upon which it is situated, being 101, Morning Iowa H Vi St. Louis, June 23. Wool 'land rent very reasonable Just the Journal. Central that the pays annually, or 1, 2 3, first-clas- Medium grades, comoblng and cloth- borrower lots and and the northeast proposition for s Kansas City Southern 82 in addition to his In- (Ularter of of 6.1 ing, 22f(i23c; light fine, 1718; the southeast riuarter rooming house or hotel. Apply do pfd terest, an amount so small as to make 17, township 13 rangi TO LOAN 102 heavy fine, 13HHc; tub washed, 25Q. section north Strong liros. Laclede Gas the. total charge very much lower 8 M 32c. east, according to me t nitcd U'S Louisville & Nashville 14S'i than the usual Interest charged upon public iurveys of the territory of New TO large sinull Minn. & 27 MONEY LOAN in or Pffl St. Louis mortgage loans In our central states. Mexico, consisting of 142.21 acres, sit RIONT by on Address Minn. St. P. & St. M. 138? FOR Maxwell touring car amounts real estate. Sault ... New Orleans Cotton. The debentures of these mortgage uate in Sandoval county. New Mexico, day or hour. 1'hons 1020 or 62 George lOd wards, care Journal. Misouri Kansas & Texas 38 'A 3. Cotton mid- - banks are in by bankers New Orleans, June dealt and being covered by coal declaratory I .1 do pfd 67 upon exchanges, and Cox, the number. SECURE our plan. We will aid you (In i mini- run i liling, 14"c. brokers and and are statement No. 10.13, final receipt Is your r.sTHlll Ml Arrive, llrpnrt 67 gen- lu buying or building own ( 7 Missouri Pacific a favorite form of Investment sued by the register of ii uiu i.:er,.,.M . 'ii ..:0i and receiver Money 5 per cent. ( .1 . It:-'.- National Iiiscuit 105 erally. It Is surprising home. nt The i.iifi.i ni Maui. .11. '. that this form United in M- 75 Kansas City I.ivo Stock. the States land office Santa Jackson Loan and Trust Company, K lll. .in jr.p It :'m National Lead 23. of relief for the farmer has never been Fe, New Mexico, to 11. Sloan, th I Hllim in i MhII .i,vp 15:45 2 7 Kansas City, June Cattle John Jackson, Miss. Jas. 10. Hurnctt, Agt. Nat. Rys. of Mexico, 2nd pfd 4,000 fairly considered by our government; receiver's receipt being dated I AsriKII Ml. 6,000 head. Including Southern. final VIOTIORINA RY 424 S. Third, i; i,i 4 0"p iitp New York Central 117 Its success In Kuropeaii countries is 1 SAN FRANCISCO Albiuiueriiie T"iit !i Steady Native steers. May 19, 903, and generally known as I t . New oYrk Ontario & Western 100 to 10c lower. so striking, having been frequently COLLF.flK Next season begins Sep I. null. a O.'iP $5.25(ji 8.25; Southern steers, $400ü the Sloan coal r..ine lOiiiift n Kxiu.flii II I ::. 70 reported fully by 1fith. Catalog free. Dr. Chas 8 2.' North American 6. 85; cows, $2.75 5.00: na- the consuls of this Said i.ropcrty will be sold at the tember lv ci Intel l.'x pr.'.wK :mi Northern Pacific 126 U Southern government, that the omission to util- Keane, Fres., 1818 Market St., H. 1 MISCELLAJ.E0US 11 I'iomi $3.00ür 7.25; time and place aforesaid the pur ., , 27 tive cows and heifers, It for M"li KM'!',' . . . 1J Pacific Mail ize must bo attrobuted to prejudice. pose MISS A LICIO opened 133 Blockers and feeders, $3.0Oiu' 6.00; of satisfying the judgment ren JIARVEY lias I'M I I Mm Pennsylvania for that plans of relief will be worked Km. 'lei v Chi. .. - bulls, $3.50 fui 5.00; calves. $4. 00 8.00; dered in the above entitled cause LEGAL NOTICES Dressmaking parlors 5ul West Peoples- Gas 107 out eventually In country Is prob- 1 Cut. steers, 9 00: western this amounting t i the sum of $ 248.00 wit h Central. Satisfaction guaranteed. Jinn t'ltv ft Pitts. C. C. & St. Louis 98 western $5.004 able, und the conditions are such thut Itinoirll lililí Amurillo. tnereon at of 0 per 1278. nll.-- Pittsburg 19 cows, $3.50 fa 6.00. will lie a if interest the rate Sma'u Holding Claim No. Not IF YOU ARIO tJOING TO CALI- - II IV.... Ki :!0 Coal 5 10c it boon the right kind of cent per annum 22. 81 J AllilMUeriiUf Kx IllOp Pressed Steel 36 Hogs 10.000 head. to lower. a guardianship can lrom December Coal Jm nd. fornla you will want to be Informed Car heavy. ifr 9.20; be thrown around 1908, until paid, which said sum was NOTICIO ItMCATION Wll.l.l.VM JJAI.ruUIt, Afint. Pullman Palace Car 158 Hulk. $9.15írí 9.25: $9.10 it. llonds and Mortgages. l'Olt l'l on where to po ond what to seo. hena packers and butchers, $9.15ffi9.25; decreed to be a first lien upon the Department of tho Interior. United five cents In slumps to the Los Ange- - property t - i light, $9.201 9.30; pigs, $8.75 0 9.00. hereinbefore described, Stales Land Office. Simla, Fe, New Toprlst, 232 W. First St., Los Sheep Receipts 4.000 head, steady. Cost of Financing the Crops. get her with costs herein, to be taxed. Mexico, June 7, 1910. Ann:..s, Cai., and wo will mall you Territory of New Mexico, other allowances, expenses an 01 FOR SALE Muttons, $4.00&'5.10; lambs. $6.00W It Is probably going to and 3091. complete guide to southern Cali $:i,(l(M dwelling; Office of the Secretary. take from disbursements a mav be follo- frame 7.00; fed wethers and yearlings, $4.75 10 to 25 per cent more money to fin- hereafter Notice Is hereby given that the fornia modern; lawn, trees. W. Cen- unilersig.'i-e- d wing-named no- ewes, 4.90. fixed by the court; and the filed bar-.iii- &0.25; fed western $4.006 ance the crops tills year, claimant has tral avenue, near l'ark; a i. Hlacellanoooa Certifícala. than for special master, for the purpose of tice of his Intention to make final any recent year, if not for any pre- satisfying said decree, by LEGAL NOTICE Chicago Live Stock. vious year. Nearly every kind of crop and virtue proof in support of his claim under $2, K'O brick: modern, Chicago, 23. Cattle Receipts of the authority vested In him, will, at sections 16 and 17 of the act of March t, Nathan Jaffa, secretary of June is going to cover a larger acreage. J3.yl Man-an- o For- - cast front, IHkIiIiiihIs, close in; $5.40(í the time and place In this notice spe- 3, 1891 (26 Slats., 854 ), us amended Serial National Territory New Mexico, 6.000 head, weak. Peeves. lOven though be some excep- I for a lew iluvs only ut this the of there cified, sale ll at pub-li- e (27 pt ot toa Laud. hereby 8.55; Texas steers, f 5.40 ii 7.25; west tions, will be or no offer for and si bv the act of February 21, 193 prl'-r- cany terms. do certify that: unu there little reduc auction to the highest and best bid- 470), and that said proof will NOTICE I'OK l'l III.ICATION. Whereas, on 29th day ern steers, sntfiiffi i.ou; miockcis tion in the cost of doing the work. Stats.. Department of Interior, U. B. modern brick, con- the tt SO fi ; der for cash, in accordance with tho be Alfredo Montoyn, pro. tho Albu- - feeders $5. 5.90 cows and belt Kvery clement of expense essential to made before Fe, New jucx- - crete foundation, large cellar, March, A. D. 1809, the o. uu i terms of saiil decree, the said real and Hernalillo, N. M., on July 2ti, aml Office at Santa ers. $2.; caives, farming Is pretty sure to be higher clerk at 25, corner lot. South Ulan St. querque was designated 5 1 personal properly. Huí Ico. May 1910. Cltiren Hoirs Receipts, 24.000 hi ad. i He under existing conditions. To put 1910, viz.: Josn Montano, of Casa given Rantl- - I2.5IK1 modern brick. as Official Newspaper of 10 the J W. SI'LLIVAN. r, M ., i .i Notice li hereby that the ofr. Light, $9.20 9.511: mixed, $9 crops into tlie ground III take more ala N. for the tract in ago Griego, Alhmiueriiue, N. ... Highlands; close in; good lo- New 9.35 ; rocgh. Special Master. 14, T. 15 N., It. 3 W., of HU.58 of Mexico, and Í9.45: heavy. $8.85 r of the farmer's working capital, mor and who, on 3, 1909, made homestead cution. holce, $9.00(1 0102.-.- Not t ool I .a ml acres, twp. surveyed in june, Juno Whereas, said Albuquerque $8.5589.00: good to c of the merchant's advanced credit, Manzano for the entry. No. 01 0260, for H. of Lot l, SI. him brick; saleo Nn t lona I Korext. 1906. Citizen has ceased publication; 9.35; pigs, $8.909.40; bulk of and more of the bank's funds in the .ot 2, N. 8. Z N. E. modern; corner lot, Highlands, 5 NOTICIO I' I following witnesses to and Now, therefore, public notice $9.1 W 9.35. form of loans, until returns begin to HUI lil.lCATION. lie names the 3, T. 9 N , and 8. 8. W. close In. 12.000, weak. Department of the Interior, i:. S. prove bis continuous adverse Sec tion of Is hereby given In com- - Sheep Receipts come In by the sale of yields. Sev actual -- 4 H. 10. of Sec. 34. of Township 2,:iliO frame; modem, that; $3.25 Land at S N. M., of said twenty years 9, th e. $3.00 fi 5.20: eral million nercs of abandoned wheat office nta Fe, possession trait 10 N., Rango R. E., N. M. V. Merld- - w ell built, near car line. pllanee with section chapter May 25, 1 !l 10. t.urvcy of said - f.2"; yearlings. $5 .75 7.1; lambs. have gone Into corn Tills 1ms entailed next preceding tho of to 91,71)0 inline; modern; 79 of laws 1909, reoulr- o i an, has filed liotico Intention the of ; $5.2 5'(" N'ltlee Is hereby given that Veiurs-lad- township, v k. ; ' - native, $4.75i7.40 western. a double cost. Seeding of wheat and make linal five year proor, to est.iii-lls- h cemtnt walks; Highlands; close Inn Secretary of Terrl- M , Martinez, Mu In no. the the 7.40. planting of corn has made two plow- - (riego of Albuiiuenpie, N. Sebero Severo to ahoyo described, in. tory to designate an Official wno on 3, Lucero, Ma. Moru, all of claim the land necessary, as well as double seed June 190, made home Nicanor Jose A. 10. Walker, Clerk, 9:1. moo - residence: Mexico; No. 0111258 SVV Saladar, N. M. before Probate Newspaper of New the costs, over an acreage of not much stead entrv for Casa N. M , 15th Highlands; close In; hardwood Xc York t'otum. 4, at Alhii'iucniue, on the Albuquerque has, NIC SI0 NW KK SiO Any person who desires to protest 3 Morning Jonrnal New York, June 23. Cotton closed less than 5.000. "00. Then there dav of July, 1910. floors, porches, good outbuild- Is designated of cot- of Lot 3, Section 2, Township 9 against the allowance of said proof, ings, hereby asuch steady at e. net loss of 2 to 11 points. been an enormous replanting rea- Claimant t.ames as witnesses: corner lot. New ton an unusually high cost for N. líanxe f K. N. M. P. Meridian, or who knows of any subs'.antlal Griego X Several good pieces 4fflclHl Newspaper of at laws regulations of Carina Griego, Joie Garcia, of business Mexico. seed. this, throughout th"" has filed notice of intention to make son under the and Venceslado Griego, Esperlon Garcia, prcperty. Lots auij houses In all What a Summer Cold May Do been a large final five-yea- r proof, to establish the Interior Department why such Given under my hand and cotton belt there has be all of Old Albuquerque, N. M. parrs of tee city Rancnes A summer cold if neglected is Just outlay this year for farm animals, claim to the land above described, proof should not be allowed will MANUEL R. OTERO, Register. the Greet Seal of the Territory 10. above-mentione- d suburban hemes for fertilizers, and most likely for im- before A. Walker, probate clerk, given an opportunity at the May 17. 11 as apt to develop into bronchitis or cross-exami- June of New Mexico at the City of plements higher lower at Albuquerque. N. M , on the 15th time and place to Money Loan as any other season. Do at rather than -- to Santa Fe, h Capital, on thla pneumonia at In- day July, 1910. the vltneases of said claim- not neglect it. Take Foley's Honey prices. Furthermore, the rates of of fourth day of October, A. D., terest on agricultural lands for which Claimant names as witnesses: Car- ant, and to offer evidence In rebuttal A. 1909. and Tar promptly. It loosens the los Griego. Griego y Garcia. of that submitted bv claimant. FLEISCHER funds have been borrowed have been Jose Journal Want Ads Get Results! Heal Lnsturma (Seal.) NATHAN cough and heals the inflamed air pas- - higher those of last year, when Santiago (riego, lOsperlon Garcia., all MAM' FL It. OTERO. Realster. Otate Firs JAFFA. than 11 1 H. Macon- M. Pteoaa ? Serreta rr of New Mexico. sages, and expels the cold from the money was cheaper. ases, irom of Obi AII'iniior!ie. N M. (Published In the Allnmneriiue Morn- -! 1 system." J. II. O'Reilly Co. present Indications, will lie higher In MANTL'L It. O'J'LRO, Register. ing Journal June 8, July 8 THE ILIUOUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, FRIDAY, JUNE 24, 1910

$m9 acQOOoooooco3(Xcccoc ; WILL BIG RECEPTION IS GEO. W. HICKOX COMPANY C. H.CONNER, M. D. D. 0. SCIEÍlTie I N'rw Mriloo rtonwr mri?r Specialty Osteopathy 0SH Billings said, "The only thing sonic "IMnmomU," MAmirtciB Wn.t( hoB. Wifm On pcllt!": Pplrln i.''. . . . . i . ., , 1 t ,1 tg . , , . All curable treat, d. iifrii ; for is to make fel- stem t i ' i' i mi uikI Central. ACCEPT OFFER EO FOR underwear is goo d a THE AIU'H FUONT :. bMONü BT. :X :fc ;j: J low scratch and forget his other troubles." Highland Pharmacy OF CLUB ANDREWS Evidently Josh never wore CRESCENT HARDWARE CO. B. H. Briggs & Co., Props. Flotea. Ilangc. lon FnrnliililiiK (Jooda, Ciilhf y ami Tool, Iron Telephone Your Wants TAKES PRESIDENCY IF Returning Statehood Hero to Be Deimel Linen Mesh Underwear rip Vlrt ami induct). I'lu inliliif, 1 In anil (iirr Work Dr. SIS v USX tX.Yl KAIi AVKNl li I'llONE J1S Quick Deliveries, MEMBERS. DESIRE IT Tendered Welcome Under Auspices of Republican Club; a product based upon t he need of a garment .Mb's 4'I:l)'4 i'.rlen, iiitihii pi, nleil hy Believes Commercial Organiza Committees Appointed to which keeps the skin i n normal condition and Alice. Kalhirific timl her Be- THE Orneo, Ml lust nlghl fur iliclr limine tion Has Great Field Before I Ai range for Affair, the body free from hot and cold flashes. In Xelllll. .. where thei Hill visit fill Home scv civil mimtlii. With Advent of Statehood, ing of linen texture it absorbes moi s t u r e Restaurant Neigh- I Itcuulur meeting of ilouil 'rovlding the plans of the I'.cpub-llca.1- 1 body dry. The soft mesh weave TEA v. In- - S eeping the bors ill hclil this evening ut Huh are 'fully carried out, Dele- W h,,ll mem- 11 clock In A. I' All F. II. Schweni kcr, k ncral auent of ítate W. II. AndiewK will leecive admits of air cells mak ing a garment from Is the Best Place to Eat bers me urged In I'c presi hi. .).. file the I'aclfle .Mutual life liiMiiranee hearty reception when he arrives lu Clifford, 11, A , , lie order. company, who, l, recnt tion of the j u 11 ti iiiisri' adjourns. which comfort and hea nh is derived. HOME COOKING Mm. al.licl, Wile if loiollHl,SlT ( 'oniiuei elal lull was offered Ihe At a meeting- - of the I:, imriliean i ill. i iscar i liricl i Hi Santa l''e. It'll fircHhleiiey of thai ifisiitutlon. has Wednesday ninlit it was decided to Considering that Dr. Deimel Linen Mesh No, Gold l.i- -l nlvlil luí' 1 ,i h AiiL'clcH nml oilier to accept." Tite mwn came hid, I a demonstration and Jollifica A Shipment just in from 207 West ,,! .MU i hern 'iilll'ci nlii iiniiilH. M rs. In the form telegram from tion in honor of Hie returning dele will wear two seasons and longer if properly TRY US! ilnl.ilil Ih nccili n,i iiiccl hy bcr fimi AH. Schwcnikor, n!n Is now in Cali te, compared to which the recep fornia allcndlnn a coiivenllon of in tion that was tendered to Theodore taken care of, and that underwear is t he one of the most reliable til" a t, sin, in,,. aKcnrx, ami taking trip liooscvelt the other day, w ill pale into MEALS 25 CENTS TlioniiiH MlilTim i.f the YoKcmlte Hie hi trees. to you l.k-fi-l and insignificance. The Republican Huh clothing worn next Ihe skin must Die Hun Miirclnl nml l'nwcr Mr. Selnventkcr accepts the presi I of Alhuiucriue will the old Town experienced importing cniniiiin'. WIIH ill he cilv 'eHllT(lil dency of the on comliilon that ak pe garment you act- and í r- - linh liepiihllcnn Huh to assist in the cele- admit that at $3.25 r are mill n l!ic IiiihIik'hv visit. Mr. Mn lie receive the unanimous support m Iii-i- It is to Wallace Hcsscldcn rnit Im All! O. X. t bration and planned have t.KMiitAI, CONTItACrOK '' of lie niemhci'H. lie helii'vcs that the every precinct In liermillllo counly ually spending less for underwear any in the business. Figure nnd workrfimiihlp count chih lia a itreat field for usefulness firms It now New represented. We guárante mora for your money hefore that statehood for Is other part of your wearing apparel. Koley'a Khlnoy TtemrOy may be .Mexico ha It planned to meet the delcKiite thnii any other contracting firm la lieen realized. to a Klvrn to clillilreii with lultnlriihlo t. Mr. Schwenikcr wired as follows at the depot and make noise that Call wo nderful garment Selected for cup quality Albuquerque. will show him pcoole of and see this and Office KuperW Mill It d'ica away with heij wvttliiKi to Secretary T. J. Xityloii of the Huh: that the ai tlin I"liiln , his successful 1'HONK 817. nml Is uIhu reroniMH Titled fur mho after Anaheim, Cal., via l,os Aiir-cIcs- appreciate get a pamphlet of info rmation. iiiuíahU' and Biurh't fever. J. II. June :). efforts In behalf of statehood. Kvcry-bod- y A tow w ill only. quarter pound O'JIlolly Co. T. J. Xayhm, scci-'iar- Cuiiiiiierclal lu n be expei ted to Join ALBUQUERQUE FOUNDRY and chih. Alliiiiiieriiii in Ihe reception, 'which will be made I lively Willi red fire Sold exclusively by you. Tile iH'Mt "I'tye of ull flycKflvr will accept the idler of the presi- the assistance of trial will convince MACHINE WORKS 1 fit cw In it iHiikuKe; LKUIS' SING I. K dency of the club if can depend on orks, brass bunds and torch AMHHJl'KItgri1:, M W MEXICO UINDKU. the unanimous support of all the IIkIu processions. Kroni the depot Iron and ltraaa (si luir. members. With statehood at last a the returning: hero will, be escorted Machinery Repair reality, New Mexico, and AlhuiueriUe to the Klk's theater, or to the armory in particular, stand on the throshhold where there will be f puech-niakin- g JOY RAVE of wonderful opportunities. There- and a seneral jollification. SIMON STERN Standard Plumbing & Heating RIDERS fore the t'omnierdcial (dull. In com- liirsuant to a resolution udoptcd a I COMI'ANf mon with ull oilier Institutions, must the Republican Hub meeting Wci.ncs Ward's Store prosper. day A. The Central Avenue Clothier 411 AV. ('nitral Ave. iiiitht. President John White Prompt and Careful Altonlloa All Li SCliWKXTKlilt. left evening announced Hie loUuwinsr i Irder HARROWING committees, the vnriouH members of Homer H. Ward, Mgr. 1ST will to Immedi IT.r.KI'HONIS 11 which be rcciuoied Who ever heard oí' i'. froK luivlng - FWttch? Have heard of lhlnH us atclv bcKln l'Tcpnuitlons for the re- 315 Marble Ave, Phone 206 LAUNDRY fin,, us fina; hair, lull the Simla Fe cept'.im: muy have to hop down off of her Committee on reception lidward EXPERIENCE frojr tiool, nml make way for the A. Mann, chairman: M. I.. Slern. Hired cars to hriiiif thu people down ISernard .lacobaon, J. W. Kldcr. C. M State National Bank of Albuquerque WHITE (rr of the heights to that boosting Korakei, .Xcslnr .Montoya, A. A. , A. I!. Stroup, 10. ti. Sto cr, 1! Airdoine. are ftieai for muk-Ini- C Try a Morning Journal Want Ad l'i'ons A. K. Surplus WAGONS hoPH for the brewery. It Is hoped W. Hopkins, Wulker, Joint A. Capital and $131.000.00 Stranded Without Gasoline, parties will not be trou- Wh''c. that cither to Old bled with w tills before it Is settled. ComniHIee confer with the We offer to Our Customers Modern Facilities for the prompt xDCxxoax)OOCooo Automobilist and Fair Com- Town Republican Hub ami secure 10 opci.'tlon in the matter of a reccp r. Hie and proper transaction of their financial affairs, and such Our ICE CREAM IS PURE panion Walk Over Good Part Iliiier llrown Huiini tloorgc lion: John A. White, A. A. S, dill,,. I', dm double. Airdome tonlRlit. A. Walker. Anil Rood tn cat Wa furniih It lu any giiuiillty. Out-of-to- ar- of County, Committee on arra.nncnicnts A. C liberality of treatment as is consistent with prudent banking. dan ulirltl'd. ir 5011 ni'd a i a ipcntcr, t(lcib(uic Slioup, Rctniu'il Jacobsen, Xcslor llessclilen; phone :i77. .Montosa. Cordially i, Your Account is Solicited Matthew Dairy & Supply Co. An Hlitninohilliig exiicricnie Cilcii-lati- d Comuilltce on finance J. W. The A. 10. M. I,. PtaoM 4th M. to liiiiilrt: iiMiecf ami viiicni-tlut- i Walker. Stern. I '" I. for the litiinhle cnyiiNC, was thai These committees will he called to- - oqrnno3i xjixxxxxxx.? nl l"r J. ti. SchHeiitld f uf thin illy ami TRANSPORTATION Kiiliei' today and will outline plans a yiiniiK duly liienil Wcilnemlay nl(,iit lor the reception. If the enthusiasm DOOR, WINDOW AND OTHER SCREEN WORK TO It (ill eiiine ehiiiit llironuli Ih,. íepie- - prevalent al I lie meeting of the Re- helli'lhle cnllihict nf one .Mihille 11, publican Hub Wednesday iiIkIiI (tin ORDER AT THE Summers, lueicsuiii', who. It In iillecd, he taken as any Indication of the en- It. levy BE ILFELD CO. liiiM'il I'Xlreniely dnwii. WILL ISSUED thusiasm Willi which 'Ihe iciurii of CHARLES Inixa Mnry Ihe wiiiiiiii, ho the iiiiih. the del, Mate will he Krccted upon bis Ih the iiriipctiy of .Mr. I'. II. Schvvciit-hcr- , return, reception will ! MILL tin' indeed he SUPERIOR , LUMBER. AND CO. who in now In 'iilifornht. anil his etit h aslant ic. , i rol Inw, the iloiinr. nml hl I, ml hcr-ln- - .Mictlns f Club Mnmliiy. Wholesalers Everything Ittvv, the l'KeMlol,. Mere ftiX'ii j r - There will lie an important mect- - of nml hlou to line the M'hlcle turn turn 1110; ,, Die Republican Hub at the LAS VEGAS ALBUQUERQUE SANTA ROSA ilionl iluiinif the iihiiem,. nl the lob rooms on Silver tiveiiiic next ordcry for reduction along all lines arms, ammunition, bedding, tenlane. owner. " J Monday nluht. Speeches will be were issued. provisions and railroad transpm ialimi Mr. Sn 111 11 11 m, it Ih winhed nairnleil. hy several pi eminent rcpubll- - In Hie order to stop all pi,, Joels of to and from destination. And in ad- line Ihe Wediicsiliiy cveii- - Excrjision nude iiiiichiiii. ExchaiiAc Tickets; ai tin, will is imiuili-i- l pro- to In h ftvtnt tn t ymi ahmiTA not lint It, niis there be music and capital chante the dition all this the men draw t'lvai !!- - ln:, the iloctor heal him to ' In r lOwi y of posed new shops pity, In nir inwnltir imir. m ol attractions. member here, the contract according to their rank IM 1 the with IiIh Fo' DcnOt Ml.. th iMTAl. Ki.lflUIIAi'K hitter, fair comuuiiioii. Santa Tomorrdw is lo w Civil. your num muí the Hub intently rc,iiest"d lor hich has been let. and other the company. mlitrvM imiwil Ihe lielnteil iimkisi,,!- nil ihe At, n: t)i Hpr will lA (l,livr,ii hy m - work, including the new de- the encampment, two years ase lili' loclor itMlicil the itHne.sHor r- Real Riilifoad Tickete; Xriftitutlttr. Th UUplluU 1 sliccl for v - of 11 l lict and Harvey Houm- at. Arizona furnished one battalion No. X to the " e ' mijiiily. Rarslov. "Tank C.lad v. $.T Oft ltrVARI m m Mali ioimcmsoi' li Trip, to Rreoinmenil Them. There is vast volume of work In infantry, and the reports of the nil." the with coin 500 People to Make JO. Ttt" ni vf win palA li, Hi. Mr. Weakley, lCokomo, Ind., s'glil for the shojis and it is officers weie to the effect lh nrrcit nml rnvl (inn n( ia Kidney fr To a H i, sas: "After t.ikinii Foley's almost certain that there will that "whenever there is a battalion ftlfiiliiig f ploi of th Hhol'tcn lotut tale. in. l'ills, the nevero bnidiacho me, my M,f nl ntr J o r nal from ttt ltiur Iininil the 11 as 11 I''.' loft be better working sihedule for next of infantry needed you can always, unto dead Sanlii The tickets purchased down town stronger, secre- of unhiM'tilieri ninht t'tiKiiif mlhs north of kidneys became the month, iilthounh it is temed that the depend on these mosituite brushcrs JvtDltNAL i'UBIJSIITNll OO. lor excursion to Santa Fe Hunda, my no Ionis- ,. THE NEW Ihe city. I incut Ion nlmweil the tions natural and bladder Idleness on the const! action projects Hum Atizona to show up at a rit the may be exchanm'd for real transporta er pained me. I mn recom- einiity ax 11 last years lint ulad to will continue. cal moment." This year Arizona will link ni by application to Kidney yel- It wan a nice of walk. The pair lion tickets maliiiiK mend Foley Fills." In a lend two battalions to the encamp- at Snnta Ke depot J- - Co. in - the ticket intent the low package. It. O'lilelly ment, expects lei-or- d riulKi'il tlironsli the saml the nimiii- .Manager Han I'mlilla d, and to eclipse Hie liuht to the Harwell Hii,nl. a mile tomorrow. of two yeíiid figo. posit, 'd Willi Hal four hun down secures ii borne LOCAL NEWS OF INTEREST nil a hall. There they not a Audit four Company K will part in llm oiimi dred dollars yesterday, nunrmiteeini! $.", i v Mt. $.".. 500 MILITIA FROM take Government mimillno nml carrlcil It hack to ml ask I.'uik Joint year for the Hie all :,- -- Li.', maneuvers this he machine, making three mileH. excursion and that remains till Ic W. Hold $.,. Mar to he dope now Is for the railroad Hist time. Captain Andrew I'. I In. h it liai'ely iiii,l."teii,,i the in- - tin and the Tucson boys are hard at I 'oricit".. hie of (he nml Mouhlh't a company to keep trio k of the ticket little Mamie, the nini; sou- - tank xlai't provide ciiulpmeiit nr- - work reel uiting the company witli .' !. M.'N'.C, a heel. sold. and Airdome tonight. ARIZONA GO June cordlnniy. About lift.v tickets remain TO representative young citizens of 'lia- i i The Jo) tlilein then unlkeil as fai- Uniform nml Ail.onii cm rnlt full' I'liiiii y .Mars, ,11 s sen, us it Is desired that on its twe ns llh, home el' Ml. Allen, the lice to be sold at len.iainln h and .mil Sal ni'iln y. those win, to jtct one of those weeks' tilp. Company Iv will .relict in, Jin-- t ol ih,. cilv. Now Mr. and tall ninth today, may buy at the Santa I'V credit on ihe Arizona Uuaid in Wi'Kl Ti'Mt'i iiciiilly .' 1' Kritlny V'leii. while he hail honey, wan ,tot them BEGUN BIG ticket office tomorrow. Manv people 0 eral, but particulai ly on the .iiiil Sianr'lay out of KiiHiilille. The lllltolslN, lulling INTO - a.ih Hi,, GAMP they will, In a measure, I'P- w a Ike, some hIx or miles tele- are lakhm antu:,"e of unusual wh'eh ly low rale for the round Hip and it resent. Vm I ilit iininil Tee, liinnn 57 mid 68, phone,! tn IMilsoll. IoiIhiiii Kol some asoline en, ilrov,. out to is oulte likely that more than live 57 - JMlnk (lluileiu Ilrcr I htine ami b$ I hundred will make the Journey nnd ii AllciiH, In he ueury pedes-- SAN BERNARDINO i.Kwis- sixcirjc Clclh made up with taiilmf in Hie Hie i!ixni:ii aj .Mln .n nil MniH'c is :i her, Hie whole take siithts of Ancient (iiy. Stialght cigar. liens anil canlih: outfit The AlhuijUcrimc Atascadero, Cal,, Where Man- ic ruin rv hack to the Hti'amleil machine, which drays and the llllcil with gasoline, crankcil up reerless chili will play a iflimr of A I'H I ii.iuihil anil imnily lire nnf ball al SI. Michael's colleite euvers Will Be Held, Claimed . Definition. particular style adapted! lili ami starle, I homi uaril. base the Veri" (S yours old) due II I'C "Til 111;; Sliltt'.M, Sunday with What T". Well, as Air. Hudson was waived uii Itrounds altciiioon and MACHINE SHOP by mean, , Hiein Experts to Be Best Camp transatlantic mother'.' I!. .Ki In .111.1 in iiilfy w r,. in tlu a. m.. can anyone several hundred rooters lo cheer for Kiisoiln" al feel Mother Across ihe, Atlantic. n Item v. hat it was w hen to victory the locals reasonable me. to outing wear. .lene. liuui'e time the w in World, course; but you mustn't bother I , in, sail sure ol Imiina. The Crnys have '..i l'i !i. a K 11 I ml in 11 motora iirrheil inc. The part Vera Dues ehyays in etui well ii.. y worked nut at Traction park fur the "trans" .M ,,f it Is when Hi, rcaclicil Alien I '.' X thai past three days and are Kctttui? to be across I Ithc iuiy fch i!ioncil to Mr. Summers Will Now. it I'll. Hi."-.- isn a speedy I'.urns and Cotízales Structure Cost $350,000 Mother I suppose it does. llll'st mill received over the pilón,' only hunch. M'rcscolt, Ariz.,. June -- The you me with your .1 - will don't stop bothering 'I'. .t f Anii iicuH 11 hec-ha- have traded places and Rurns th stony which aihlial itisull and Be Largest of Kind West nurl i iicamjitiK nt of I yuu right he- - , .1 I now hold down second base instead the iiucstions shall send - nn.iiiv return llHl llllill ll'i'lll to injury. bed. Norfolk Coats $2.50 .( 'I hilNtne'-- In , of third. tiui'.;d of Arizona for will take II. iell it. So that the assess, .r, when he els of Albuquerque, lj0 Vera (after a few minutes' silence) II. K. 'the iii.i'iiin,. now, "xainincH It with place September to C", at Camp cross K.t. i..i'. Keener f.,r the Talents take the chlldlcn to sec li Then does transparent mean a . - S.i 11 IV cciu't llm-H- Ih lure mi u 'extreme cure, from the spm k iilug to At;'.:;c;'.doi o, located about 1.1(1 miles parent'.' Ideas. Cuff Pants $2.00 ,. I the cuto lumbar Kids. Airdome. hiiel' lni.inesN ImI ll'i'lll San r.i rniii'-lliii- ollllea oulh of San Francisco. Ca.!.. and ...... 1 worn on me - - ?j.u,uuu machine shop claimed by army of ficéis to be to the More value for vour ic in ell 1 I be built in San licrnardiiio by the best camp 11 A M 1,1.11. military giound in the any Mar. o, l.iuiuei'. ,ut South MMN - I.KWIS' than nierchmit Ml Fe Marled today, w in Id. This- year camp - SINHLK IJINDlii: lint. Id., I ii n in Santa when the the will nrob- Tint Mict. till. GOOD THING SAYS Security company bly be largest (her. a.iiilvi'iii'tcv. lili li.ihllltlc i'lu ar- (oilns ti rounds On t bunc ol' 1'ihmI. Construction of the ever held in the :t I.oa Angeles commenced erecting KctL In addition to the DUO guards- fu- rets aliiiut IMiic the Ouc-thir- il orf on nil lOledrical Color olive, very In n a , I use lii too, I can r, build structural steel, Kiys Hie l.os An- men from Arizona. New Mexico will .! I'm. V. J .irhiil ,,f 4 tl 1'eii-llr- ture for at) dins at Xasii tleetrienl K;t a man ea rs of nac, It Is rv Idenee gele: "Times." send Mime Tt'll. Calil'oi nia about 3.000 mm niic h it Inn nluiit lei' Hen-M- r. Supply t'o.'s. that there In t me value 111 a knowt-di- The sloe! woik will lie c, mpleted and Hie regular army will be icine- - "hit,. Míe ill it her ihiui lili r. durable iIkc that en Imlnate ill the In August whin the brick conuactoi seiucd by about L',.",,MI officers and I .no. 17 J, s, I Í',.M will Automobile sch'tt'oli of pi, ,per iood lo rebuild nl once take bold. The building men. ivpi escnling all branches of the Artesla to Hope, tweiiy-tw- r mil''". I V - mm 1. II til,- is be ..hi lu unite of lililr th,- I liysieimi atlciiditiK a to 010 feet tn length and erv! (. daily. "" ., 10 Mall and passenger servien Si. il, s ,r, Kcl' h e II lail t, California ni 'II 7 yea rs old, told him feet In width. News of the enm- - I He custom o'i the war department Sundays. 8 , niht cept Leave Artcsia I'asadclla. 'nl w Inn he wilt s,cml that death tr, m old aire would mini mencement of work on the big build- n w U to send the Na Hopo 2: SO p. m.: Í3 round trip. s,- Indian Official Believes era w ecks sitlnij relatives Halm liim. II snifeicl iroin Kcncral Service ing Is hailed wltli pb asure hele. The tional Cuurds of several adioininir New and excellent equipment. ( s was expressed Hint, owing , Mail Orders Promptly ia ilde Killin ,r ,.r Hi,- I lilted Wv'iknc-- and Icliilily Will Boom Prop-cit- y ir to Ho kiaief logeiher with the reenlar urinv CHAS. M. TAN'NKK. Manager, , Statehood general l i a,, s hm , al ot III, Inútil y left An old hod' dv I' d bun lo ,iiit stopping of onstrii, lion w.o forces there, into joint inan- - A r le si , 11 over Nr' 1,-- t liluht t.,1 his hea,I,Uart, In c. fi, v and ill ink I'oMum and to nt in the syMcni. the machine cuveis ol em ampmcnts for a period is - Values Albuquerque v lilLpl'-Xllt- hop would Alaiid ii.,. alter a l.rlcl h er ..od i ii'ii mot ulni.- 11' meet the same fate. of rhout two weeks. In doing thi: CORRIX Filled i' 1 The MADAM . took the advice, and has Kaim-- - building will he the largest the war department solves Hie i,rii- - Palmillo I i, I III,. i,.l Miss ( and Territory, Clalrioynnt. poiimts. he s : well as lie mm lime shop west of Albiiuueroiie. ein of maikng the The noted l'aluiisl ami M M dio. h, tii or ( Sals liiitcd Stabs one ti ntino i.,f : th,- ,kl , ever was. n, ran tak loiin tups In Onlj lour Men of hading military with- imie- ! I, h, i'c ril.i lult. n,weis will be in town for a shell tile lis, w , I, h had The statement thai non out having wit", ' t 1,1 he bren litiv ii.i to burden itself a It lil I, Hicir holm I ever - miss this oppoti . llliahle to do a lulu: time. "St. ilcl is Hie best thing juii quit th,. San Hern.Li diuo hops pin, c large army. nt for 10. sup- standing Mr- - A I 4. Ale h, Ill Is here f:. Hot." said Char!. s Haftenette. West Cenital avenue, in ('Id T""' ill! Is n to," tliis; ill the up the reduction of workinir hours Hie The men win, arc today enlisting in sign 1. I, ervisor of Indian employ nt for the ! See in I. III,. .lu.Ue fi-- place. all,. 11 lil ft the month was ,1, ni, ,1 i.v v, opposite 1'orlo Hieo House. acts as direct bureau, tuft niuhl. his ar- ll the National Guard ale Hie r ones guaranteed. I.,, Is climnlMs ,r-,t- h Indian oil W all. Mi p, l illt t on bowse. Satisf.ii Hon Pel'M' ,lcMlo,r many hiuhly s el'ilen of shells Mr who. in ease ol war. would be t ill- - rival lore ,a a brief visit the i flice m to '.' ill he ell, tuda Ahbolt. I cud obi Wall says Rial the cut is to hours: a. lJI! .ilii,,1 oiin:: from IVnvcr Mr. bnia n 'tic some resooiisil.l.. filst volunteer their services. Thus, - , I'.lnk-ra- II I i ne resignation Ai l . Hull lt. wile ol lii. lias l and many peopla ha the know ior of only four nun. ait. r going through, one ur two joint . , months ami bad ills,uarter 11 n v, Wceivi' dye to s. h'.'t II bin.-:- biiil. Althiuith Hie are running on IIKST IilT 41. hit last lulu lor licit mm ed l rom here to th" Colorudo tncanipmcnis the glial, linen acpiir, i:h I'vr.isr L. In (Vililorcta Mm. .1. lidding l. d I ;inu:t half time, JJ hours a n,-- militaiy so E. Ml uihern l.lpital. "1 . licvc the (ollllns of - experience that in ease oi CO. I , v I It., I pe-- nov. bcin,- th,. .ink, a, 0111 u. n !rl th I'." lion and ;t.i nts nri statehood will help property values sibclule. tbeie are ii tii'e.tji'ij National C.uurd.-mc- n w ho THE BLAIR GROCERY , bell, i Unica it i.s made Hi, ted arts 1. till' Mold i, ahead, have .served one hlidi ei irun in Ailui. pier. in,- and all ocr the hilicwil. and enliiimcnl but have Succe-sor- x ( the nun are willing-n- . ,1 I Í urainii that .oiita'n ihinate paitlH.s displaying the lail. to g ilü.i 11 Alt aid 'l'i nu- said Mr. liaiteiieltc. can right to Hie . in-- UK. Mo I , , ,1 , 11 ss XT , j,! potash and .1 11, to meet the eut The Hie ,, l,osi:v 'oh l III !' ll,. hle , Mr Haucnctte sais that the loiati.-- ch.iritahh. front with regulars, instead I'iHIi. e two , 1, in, coin'.iiu,' in niecheiiiiiil with excep- orlli 1: , ! f I) Kial; i'.i. nis ibr of his h, ad, pi irl.-r- at Iiciimt mak.-- fores, ihe (pending Hie fii st six months, w hi. li Hi. I Kvrrjlhing the larkei .fford lnim. n ho. Is to klv ret, int.! Ho' i b,'- - tion of the loan, house, are is III, .111 1., inic it mueii more i ,n, itienl. ni'er ..orkliu generally the lime that lllev ! re lit .Ml TillM'H. ni:,", r in tiie and in the ., i eight hours lo,,r dies a WASHBURN CO. i;a brain tria more ,nral point 'iitlnr-- wnk. the most Heeded, at Some oi the ohscurt l n Trlnl. . shops iM'tntc Hom',1 f:to nene cei.'i s throughout the body. w is.-- " hi sais. me A ilMMjllertiui' down Friday. Sat- insii ii, lion vamps, ami which always ,11.1 "ie lay Sun,!., . Mil In icsultr iiuti lime" Aeeordilii: to Alt. Ias;e- - in. and put a damper on th.- patriotism of t ,1, r I'C , I - It Is I.Uiy your the II us. and all j Hie Indian H, 1 ii Is e, in, rj not as jet kto.wn Hie drug wants at 1, cm.' mile. eni what the American volunteers. - 113 IV. tiobl 1: 11 I ; I S3 8. tocniut- fall pi "M ; n ar.s to not its western depwrtiiicnls lar; ly ,, " be.lnl. xi month will l,v. al- - This years encampment might b ll i a k- - i;m v a, and ma I '1,. I t il 1, and tiie t Ho though it is s.ii.1 that it w . ril.-- .l ai.v ii aimi rn assistant ' .ertaiti as a va.ation trip at one lie. .1 K.-a- .. w. III ill.-.- ' ii r. w a that will I,,, - The Air. Ilol.oniii. better than this month of California, s beauty sh.,s. wllil pl Vou'il t what you lor at "1 li.-r- TI i wa- - ak M I i li r .0 I.., In pki; s i;, iisoil," there on that hiu.ill. isina nit made to make the a. (iviii.ii f li , ,., mitins nip. .! I a ' :'. I'vi'i- vi"il tt'e I'MtlT? new di. nine n ep. l al t.,e fis. . 1 Ho- - right price I..' ! aHM . illbb all worri. s and ,p,ns.. . lal .1.0 the ot to r Mill Ml imr apis. front tiint-- til IKII1 lliei The I'uiibi-- r stile a I r r. w hi. i ends the last ot this have been i.nioM.I and pl.asute .,( - the , - , , -j . VI- I I S a li Thu-- . o. kid Ma kiiiij toil folio Kljt 111,. . .,11, oi,., II M si'iiiuiif tni. nii.l lull of Iniiiian ooith lllroer.s seekers are orol ide.l will, full eo,ll.- - i: i i:. tuiert i 111 l 'lllShl Ml Hie ll. laki i 'c in. r. as., fiitu,, r v - tii - nt. in. lu.lin.- muring i.ppar. I, -t nml I, I riioiK- li