Fifth Avenue Lease Involves $300,000

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Fifth Avenue Lease Involves $300,000 16, TO NEW-TOiat PATTY TRIBUSE, PRIDAT. \rBTT- TOlO. 1424 Wn«!n. \u2666" f-ophi* rr«c»r; Oftrt; owner. Jacob J»tr.lfl»r Co. (mfc |Mi ; April r-nf n * TT Realty C« Ma«r;r!« Tatar**! (rsrwUo«ir,"'o' 0) lf«M1. 5 ety tenrr.l: Bernhard Mayer .-»• Tda Schmidt to Anna 1 Schmidt •*\u25a0 f^* 1100; S3l Twmor.t mv». ft • of Pa«i!<l!n« »«: f<*r VrV'i c; *;• I.ialco'.tn Surdh*-ir.-.<:r. \u25a0\u2666•• . IIJ i addrtsw. "•«TH ST. n \u25a0 l«» I2ITII«T. \u25a0 * aS; etc, '» - i ] «1* W-wt- >1«(. r rrf; a'.m <Juc. ! "7 ta\e«. PT. nvt cor «»*w «| %P,H <\u25a0'\u25a0 ,'\u25a0\u25a0 frim- a.—** EdwiM j>h«n»- J«im*» W«1J»- fcr THTAKT a,-i "•\u25a0.-• htMdtom tm MM •• afhlter*; ™t. Njth \ wuirm-w* «t $4tf7^2: to thf plaistlff 114.000) - ii "V. Inn r_"» \v. Bint •». »..*>'»: al <forectoaiira«*^ $300,000 n <» DOT !»Ith Ft. 23.^x79 f>. S own*r. Joseph r I'n.vlnt. --1 Kast tamM m. < 2D avf:. l'-24. Z:,l m FIFTH •ty t^nr-.1 A Bchappcrt Ann;* t-rcudway. Ha^brouck. Uroadwai- iia.vvv i-r. mm cor x»«_ AVENUELEASE INVOLVES rtcre»: J ast " " of ar.d *- •• '-' '*" • ''nonf IU-r-nt Baadheltaer, atty; WN map «f « TV \I.TON* AYE W ! T f Tr PLANS. SO. Or-kTn ««t Mewr «t aJ Mai-oim a P tTTET HALT Of !/'T : ALTERATION (f.,r.r!,«ur, TlU^!;1 Tn;ix aim di;.-. B9LMSS9; sub to a first rMd; Orary m"-nliLn Bf a al of mf». r»f- Patrick «?,, 1iLJ ?. KtonnTifS r..'», «f to t!-.e p'.;ilntiiT for 532.1^0. •»>; April 13; B^; address. ISoomt^l' 1011.2>i^ MANHATTAN >.*".O.X». •11 1-U; -V cf K»W; t'> •'\u25a0 «tr brk -\ : Duveen to Pay That Sum for the Use of Baudouinc BBtTH T 3^ n s. V.O n o 3.1 tve. 13.10 U lVrtC T^». *OTI' !*T. I3l> a ai*-hlt«rt; Diaries n-y Vft!^. ft aict x • • ! : Slariclnto!"*) \u25a0 Ti»'n «'. BUILDiNG LOAN •o.iik 4 tcnmt: B B tratM.r '. » 1» » r>;" t.T2 MM owitx •* al: eh';ch'; \u25a0• a .re. e i. ntty*: 'tOsT'aVE. ?^ t? r cr.«. r.M«H); *n»'. 9lf Lever. 114 EMI 70MI at. CONTRA^ ;nmt due, rr», taws. ,-; lien.; Arr.l 13. APTUL. II Property Business for 21 i: v >'u!oney. ref 88.821 Tj, Co (mt« |7.«W: ail Jl. imoNX. '• 56ih Street for Years. m > • \u25a0 -• at eic. lo the plair.tlff far $:». r^ a' a, » \u25a0» •. -. -».v liZlQi. address, M4St Ann* ifxlxow AVK. -•. 2*57. «4 ft nof '^r-' Mi'::.! Or. •• sa pj }\u25a0\u25a0*•• A. Phtrmar!. T- -V AYr ft • 2 BUM•»• Jo.->tv of th« rniSLJ-aj it WAT w •. M.7 im«. aye: •'» 1 »tv frarn* .tor.-. 2S.2xKi: I \u25a0 41;*, Co ''^Sw^Z.11-.aml- GMa- »t rlimn a 417 aad n w cor Ho'i«t«n TT.xlO: Butldlrc I'ATIMS ROAD \u25a0 \u25a0«. jr. »t «•'! rr*nt>y a»». ' ' • " UOBItCK Bi tcr.'.ntjj FaOMd* ...ftntp J4.sywr>, April WSfIT M—l< Cttfll OlMiaa • 'Man lUoa .if New Krlt*!n B<naoi»^s* 1 .si;-a<»'l «• Ity wid KtOTM: F^lla rnn Conn M-a \u25a0 !rt two U Broadway. •' ; \u25a0l \u25a0 \u25a0lltlflanf roer. I3.0«J0. owner. EUaa QuJa- \ «a4*,J IfvVESTOR BUYS UPPER PARK AVENUE CORNER PLOT nil!~"n Birt' f-"'n Btfkl" et .1 Kanfrowiti *. !Usl^! $1^ SS£»MBaS r.fl.s to a ;r. po»«J » - .- lan. on ;MM!»••». \u25a0 . «. o-ltyaa. ( • • : AQTCXNct nn i v ... ami du-. ISUOM: TI.AINS AVK. n cor \u25a0** n « OPIM r r... 1 "f~ f'a.Ti' 1»*W: < v \u0084 JS'.O".*; paißa- WHITB :CjU .. iUKK Pl* !«: f» »» 1 <w». :<». par- of map am-iann * • .-•» if 'f ivrj. to Urn a>e. n car aye. architect; .. e«»»i v..-- a trport . BONcatlßß \u25a00K1S: White Plains Tlitiiaai) Noeljr, VisioATcTtm. ;:rnnT. * tr.i.-.u '\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 ' Kar.r XoTi:e really re- tttaca \u25a0ED A!so »v*». "*c _ V>Z.'. - • ham Jl-laht.-. • iXL* Jff for »\u25a0•••\u25a0 114x108: Whit- Plain* IS? i $.".00: owmt. Job; :>• n •.--. .' Fvana l;<-i:r. \u25a0 \u25a0..;\u25a0\u25a0 po^t^d ypstcrday. Lv biota cliairnian l\u tjiccial n t of r,, C-'x I**4. w_•. lot 13& man Ml loan* . U*v«>. V BdSSK uT ,j \u25a0 "r*.-r 1.-.JD m gf B3J "70 R A.*a IMxl«» ; well a .a. i'lAi:!J_S tLiripiy in-";' iriBtOT M.>er Jarrr :il..w IrrV?; ST. \u25a0 w -or n' W%nr_ avrn;." j?i> water . I \u25a0 A centra) Flith '.« irvolvinjr a iniillllltUTT on of the Un'toJ R »-'t mat > In;:,V^.1 Kilt. n. I s-irr.w,n ; ; I- cieary: I, and ?\u25a0; $U.o.wi; aASTMa, Bl Nassau «. >''kMi !ana Bmbuu »_ S9CQ.<>Ct) m^r,;.:'*cd ly Owners' through rVV^n';;":V :,V^. Mar>- ..... .- l'.M:.*..n. LIS PENDENS. jacaO* Uaaaai •.». ""*"•«•:, M. Heal Estate A.«-?ocJation. n *-.v. total rrr.til cf cm ;;^'?;.'^^^^? drtss. lUxm lull. 61 Pat* r.ow. »•<! 4'»^1O(» rpr.j & t:r»t nr.g of 134,000; ft c of USD ST 542 M« B««. A L naaak D v«.:<i. «rLot* cfcrts nineteen c^tl.o foremost real taxi«.' .te. 834WC8: t-"b to vi-rsTiin-STVT AVJ n «. l«».n f. 191 J lta«« M iifsm tnd n»ar tv Aprti JK. ttt^S^M Baraj ila<- K«<t, llor*nail tv> Char'.es M MMand tasjaycrs' association!" \u25a0jajornea Bank; $l<«oo«»: .-.ttorr-v,. Lex»w. IT«TII.T. Ml to .h*T J«m#* X HBSMfI Dm tttfißf Btibati By famuel M.v\. $4,000). April 11. *1«. addict. RaVtasak«;iar * We'll, "? Anna A A liran'St tartlon u> .r*cloaa B>«?lUMlJc»* LEASES - 1 ay«av« in opposition to thr proposed ' W Z'.iber mt« «Ce*ir IB TUKAEL Z^ »•>:• BC I^r.n.ion." the "ive .- combined *k",l. l." ft ilrr.Tiway. 3T« aye. Inn); arfor*i«y. B r*»>rd!n«. I4IBT V^ if. C* c WlMtetaMWf *:v «t. C<K l:ig ?:• a\or.u^ sn-jt'-.wt«*. corner <j»-p rork water tBBOtI Manhattan, flwic: N v Say: it» ra-iK aat w \u25a0 14* ft \u25a0Of 1 IST AYE. •» 25.1 ft r. or 7-th »t. j No. Fifth under M.tixMl 3*v Ryt- n'AITOV vva or, to Johannal , R •. 2f»r.xi*i.lx U;at haa trc^pcstrd c' al; Weber R- W, attjw: M n SATISFIED MORTGAGES. lir«»r: Wi-:aheth A T->al a*t MarE»r«t UatM *t cf Mi a plot BML The been to «i:stributo t!.c JohnGlUW taxes, BOraim Apfll!\u25a0'. *'• \u25a0" Opposite Bfe ttanb ::?:» ref: artr t .loc. *:«>r.2 70; etc. $2b3; -rr-c JT..-.•*••: a:: Uau"! attorney.) •: (forerimiura of mtgj: attorn*}. X* Kalpln. Site Terminal % by water to the outlying borov.jrhs. tenb^n BSacgh $is ErVirt A.- cam* «\u25a0•! ad-Ir-ss of l«iH«'t Sutioa premises ure ownra ti.e I'auiou'.ne *s- to wilMat'i H for »\u25a0•. SNIFFEN* <*OI.'RT. w \u25a0. 79 ft \u25a0 of MB **. MW*. map o APRIL.14. I Improved by Prank ta:«. V..> t'rrr, cf tbi kMli fAer.ty-or.o T^^ sjacttaa or.criCKS to-oay *H1 be *» fol- 11T1I AVK. a a. a on- half of J».f>xJl; Anna A In* a (ft I/wls «." Ledvar j Hotel Cobb*. ifcrTlosuro "f transfer cf i_. lioa>; a*;«ra«y. I - NEW BRONX LOANS. b Day. *»*ms J \u25a0 ft . ltv faaaj P. * Oh! touSmaa VMkt; fMtaW: C MrtMv. - 7 \u25a0 \u25a0. yestcr<l.> -' T ''- -'' - v. \u0084 .•: • (lian-.'-crs «f. ( BaSth Phr^ps have obtained tor the *. 22."' ft w :: 1011. «i Park How. Brodsky. 4l» •;i:i:;..\u I tt of Sprlna; at. !•*» j B - . is HKTI hT 22" • map of ST. \u25a0v a! »... 1 hOMH * O.e- Doui:ey li 3ao t.-Vnit or Mm: W tahaorr UTH w caw hatfjnf \u25a0\u25a0»« 50ft. AYE. <\u25a0 w ror of 1" 4<>- «im' act ffl!!'a.n A ;<!-c 't aJ >!nre.-l!>.'« .k ftlllffllPt or \\" Construction Company a build- urn J BATHOATE pram to .-..r.u'l W'Jll- ii»r.,. .•: tapNMMal the. ;• addr'b*, IK>; Jin- •-•» 1!-'- Lr.uis — of tran«f«r of tax a'torr«i. C C Br«t*- Cam <?nttr»jj .[., — • RMBJ ic«, ;•» -feced ing lo&n «jf j::..«.;>3. of .;. S*ve;it:i c.r bOßicft had I for purpose $••\u2666\u25a0« nrac;?v; b and a; April IS* «>". lani^ .t al; 12.300: attirneja. Mosa k tPin<r. relder. No. o> nnnt, nortlrwc*, kMSMg the erecting BtßttaV, .ii pan kow. - I \u25ba-mctJta for WMUjBI two four t-tory fathoutoa at the «tr. 1011. WaJ-e..-,4: Nauau ct. PARCETj OF LAND bajßßßaaa. «t a point :\u2666<» r»r «: ~«i rtMt *:*• •••'. s. »•) ' of Ist r, \u25a0, lot rnat> of «t «l.»i • to t» | au^ hnuM, ::..\u25a0 c. ft fc'th •outhwrrt and 11STH ST. no mmt C4l. r. « On AVU. «72. 801 e«CW of 142.1 tUSBsM* ft »• of loth« n £>* » £».* -t part U \u25a0outh'sest corner of L<on»rm-ood avenue \u25batores; LKTAI \u25a0 \u25a0 n?i of comer of « « *<y trnnH an.! L Patrick ("• irv to Mary I.
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