Names and Addresses of Attorneys Practicing Before the United States Patent Office, Washington, D
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1 T 223 .N 1889 Copy 1 ^*,j ?cv '^'' 1 I LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. S^ap Snit^ris]^ la Shelf.W DNITEB STATES OF AMERICA. FAMES AND ADDRESSES OF ATTOKNEYS PRACTICING BKFORE THE UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE ^w^^sE:i2sra-To:N-, td. o. COMPILED BY V. W. kiDDLETO Waskmgton : Thomas McGill & Co. j8Hg. 4 r^ Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1889, By V. W. MIDDLBTON, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress. Si ^. .-:i ^ NAMES AND ADDRESSES ATTORNEYS PRACTICING BEFORE THE UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. The following list embraces the names and addresses of Attorneys practicing before the United States Patent Office, and has been carefully prepared up to date. V. W. MiDDLETON. Washington, D. C, Nov. 1889. NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF ATTORNEYS. ALABAMA. Name. Residence. Local address. Bromberg, Fred'k G....i Mobile Campbell, E. K | Birmingham. Carroll & Carroll do Post-office Box 63. Hibbard, B. L do Post-office Box 492. Lane & Taliaferro do McDaniel, Jr., P. A ! Abbeville Merrell, A. H | Eufaula Ridge, L. B Birmingham. Post-office Box 169. Smith & Lowe do Sterrett, Rob't H do Taliaferro & Smithson do No. 216 One-Half street. Troy, Tompkins & Montgomery. London. i Zimmerman, Geo. P Birmingham. ; AEIZONA. Barnes, Hon. Wm. H... Tucson Lighthizer, H.B Phoenix i; Porter & Baxter do j No. Washington street. ARKANSAS. Basham, J. H Clarksville Clark S I Helena Coates, James Little Rock Davies, R. G Hot Springs Box No. 17. Davis & Baker Eureka Springs Fulkerson, J. L do Gibbon, T. E Little Rock 32 1 >^ Odd Fellows Block. Hemingway & Austin.. Pine Bluff Mack, L. L. &Son Gainesville Morgan, E- R Ro srers Shinn, G. W Little Rock ... Room No. 14, Gazette B'lding. Suttler, J. B Wheatlev Townsend, Jas. S Arkadelphia CALIFORNIA. Allen, Chas. W San Bernardino. Ames, Fisher San Francisco . 607 Kearney street. Ash, Robert San Francisco. 607 Kearney street. Baker, O. S do 306 Pine street. Ball, Byron Woodland Baum & Gradwohl. do 401 California street. Baxter, Edwin Los Angeles... Room 80 J^, Temple Block. Boalt, John H San Francisco. 438 California street. Boone, .do 607 Kearney street. John L i . NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF ATTORNEYS. CALIFORNIA—Continued. Name. Residence. Local Address. Boucher W K Mokelumne Hill Brewer, B. B San Francisco... 906 Market street. Campbell & Sanderson. do 530 California street. Chapman & Hendrick,. Los Angeles Post-office Box 770. do Room 38, Temple Block. Conner F T Tulare Cotton Avlett R San Francisco... 230 Montgomery street. Cushing, Eugene B Reddine" Daingerfield, W. R San Francisco... Post-office Box 2139. Dejarnatt & Crane Colusa San Francisco... 252 Market street. Doue"hertv S K Petaluma San Francisco... Room 4, Sansome street. Gardiner & Stephenson. Los Angeles Allen Block. Gillin Geo. B San Francisco... 429 Montgomery Block. Gradwohl Maurice , . • do 401 California street. Hazard & Townsend... Los Angeles Downey Block. Hent, R. W San Francisco,., 605 Clay street. Hitchcock, Geo. N San Diego Hup-he<? T W Sacramento 426;^ J street. Tr»li ti <if r»ti ^A7tti 5^ do Knight, Geo. A San Francisco... 234 Montgomery street. Loewenthal & Suter., do 214 Sansome street. Loutit Woods & Le- Stockton vinsky. Montgomery, Louis San Tose Pacific Patent Agency.. San Francisco... St. Ann's Building. do 402 Montgomery street. do 420 Montgomery street. Peck H P, R Los Angeles Pinney & Gesford Pioneer Patent Agency. San Francisco... 6 Eddy street, Pitts Tohn H do 137 Montgomery street. Pockman H C & Co., do 105 Stockton street. Redstone T H do 320 California street. Rix Alfred do 606 Montgomery street. do 318 Pine street. Smith & Osborn do 224 Sansome street. Stanton E, B Stump, J. W ..,.. Los Angeles Tupper & Tupper Fresno • • Vflrioflti T/ionpl San Francisco... Cor, Montgomery and Bush. Vf^n fTTin ti R B do 636 Clay street. Webster, Joshua B Stockton Post-office Box 460. COLORADO. Bucklin,Staley & Safley Grand Junction. Campbell, Chas. M Boulder Dickson F A Leadville Quincy Block. DoUoff L W Denver Room 6, Clayton Block. Crres^orv & O'Brieii do Rooms 9-1 1, Skinner Block. Hoyt, Harrv E do Box 2185. NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF ATTORNEYS. COLORADO—Continued. Name. Residence. Local Address. McDermott R M Barth Blk. i6th & Lawrence sts. Moody, Henry Leadville Norris Geo C Box 2651. O'Brien & Co do Rooms 9- 1 1 Skinner Block. Patton & Urmy Pueblo Richardson, E. F Del Norte Ross & Deweese Denver Union Block Salisbury & Elwell South Pueblo... Room 26, Opera House Block. Smith John R Silver Cliff. Waybright, E. W Withers, Rob't G Aspen CONNECTICUT. Allen Frank H N^OTAX7l P Vl Au^tin Alfred E NoTAPt^flllr Bacon, Clarence E Middleton Blake Henrv T New Haven 828 Chapel street. Blvdenburgh, L. N do Bronson, Nathaniel R.. Waterbury Irving Block. Brown, Franklin H Norwich 45 Main street. Calhoun J G Hartford 357 Main street. Chandler R H Chamberlain, White & 333 Main street. Mills. Cooper G L Earle John E New Haven 350 Chapel street. Eddy Willard Hartford 274 Main street. Gleeson Rich'd ... Meriden Palace Block Holden Fred'k W AtmoTiia Hubbard S H Bridgeport Post-office Building. Johnson, E. Emory East Haddam... Linslev E L New Haven Lord, Reuben, Jr New London McMahon, James H New Milford Matthewson A McC... Putnam... , 4 Union Block. Merriman E A Meriden .. Mills Fred'k M CoUinsville Newell & Jennings Bristol Over National Bank Newton, Henry G New Haven Room 24, 69 Church street. Noyes, W. C New London 42 State street. O'Neill Andrew New Haven Osborn,Tuttle &Osborn New Haven Parrott T W Bridgeport 223 Main street. Pearne, W. U Middletown Room 7, Bank Block. Perry & Perry Norwalk Phillips, Geo. D Bridgeport Box 1847. Piatt & Tvler New Haven Reid, Clarence L Stamford Richards F. H Hartford.. Robinson, Wm. C New Haven Rogers, Edw'd H New Haven 81 Church street. NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF ATTORNEYS. CONNECTICUT—Continued. Name. Residence. Ivocal Address. Root, C. G Waterbury Seymour, Geo. D New Haven 31 Church street. Sliepard James New Britain Simonds& Burdett Hartford 2 Central Row. Smith F W Bridgeport Comm. Bank Building. Staples, Ernest L Birmingham Finney's Block, Shelton P. O. Terry, George New Haven Twiss Tulius New Haven 69 Church street. Ullman Chas L New Haven 13 Exchange Building. Walker, Albert H Hartford 214 Main street. Warner, Edgar M Putnam... 3 Fuller Building, Box 132. "Warner Levi N^nr'w^fi 1 1j Wheeler & Curtis Bridgeport Whiting John H New Haven Williams, Harry R Hartford Wood Olin R No. Manchester. Wooster A. M Bridgeport Wooster, Williams & Birmingham Town of Derby. Gager. Wright, Wm. A New Haven 153 Church street. DAKOTA. Andrews T O Brookings Valley City Artnstronp' H A Williamsport.... Arnold W I Alexandria Bell, Jno. W Milbank T5l an chard & Hawnett .• Mitchell Briggs & Cranmer IdswicIi Brow^n Chas G do Cadv & Wriffht Volffa Cowan T F Devil's Lake Erwin, Agnew & Mc- Claremont Kenzie. Gerner Karl Iroquois . Goddard, Thos. M Goddard Greene H L Sioux Falls Cass County. Kelsev E M Vermillion McMillan & Muir Hamilton Melville A B Huron.. Morrow, Judge C. C Chamberlain Millbank Parliman Greene Sioux Falls & I Perry E P Ellendale Piatt & Champine Room 4, Bank Block. Robertson, Chas. J Van Doren Thos H... West J E Watertown NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF ATTORNEYS. DELAWARE, Name. Residence. Local Address. Wilmington Kenney, Richard R Johnston & Hayes Wilmington 3 East Eighth street. rln ^rnith S Rodniond . Post-office Building. DISTRICT OP COLUMBIA. Abraham, Lewis Washington 131 1 F street nw. j j Acker & Morsell do ' 621 Seventh street nw. Aiton & Co I do 514 F street nw. Alexander, C. M .do. 709 G street nw. Alexander, T. H •do. 607 Seventh street nw. Allen, Walter .do. 633 F street nw. Anderson, E.W., & Co .do. 705 G street nw. Ashley, J. A .do. 700 Ninth street nw. Babcock, W. H .do. 513 Seventh street nw. Bacon, L. S .do. 614 F street nw. Benjamin, Chas. F .do. Room 95, Corcoran Building. Bagger, Louis, & Co.. .do. 802 F street nw. Bailey, Marcellus .do. Norris Building. Baldwin, Davidson & .do. 25 Grant Place nw. Wight. Balloch, Geo. W .do. 1006 F street nw. Barber, C. E • do. 611 F street nw. Barker, John S .do. 931 F street nw. Bartle, Howell .do. 639 F street nw. Bartlett, Wallace A .do. Cor. Seventh and F streets nw. Bates, Emory H .do. 226 R street nw. Bates, Wm. H .do. 455 P street nw. Beadle, H. W .do. 437 Seventh street nw. Beale, J. Forbes .do. 631 F street nw. Bell, Alonzo .do. 931 F street nw. Bell, J. Snowden .do. 635 F street nw. Belt, C.J .do. 621 Seventh street nw. Bingham, L., & Co .do. 608 F street nw. Breed, Daniel .do. 802 F street nw. Brashears, Shipley .do. 615 Seventh street nw. Boulter, W. E .do. 710 Eighth street nw. Boyd, Wm. S .do. 802 F street nw. Bigelow, J. G .do. 503 j^ D street nw. Boutwell, Geo. B .do 1429 New York avenue. Brock, F. B .do. 639 F street nw. Brereton, Wm .do. 416 Fifth street nw. Brown, Andrew R .do. 501 F street nw. Brown, E. L--- .do. 303 Seventh street nw. Browne, Arthur S .do. P. O. box 375, 635 F street nw. Browne, Frank L .do. 624 F street nw. Budlong, O. H .do. Saint Cloud Building. Burris, Wm .do. 529 Seventh street nw. Byington, Geo. R .do 303 Seventh street nw. Calver, Henry .do. 501 F street nw. Calvert, C. P., & Co .do. 1206 Sixth street nw. Catlin, Benj.R .do. Atlantic Building. Carter, C. M .do. Room 65, Corcoran Building. w NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF ATTORNEYS. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA—Continued. Name. Residence. Ivocal Address. Chamblin, M.