Registered Charity Number 1177826

NEWSLETTER – JUNE 2019 Message from the Chairman

I start my year as your Chairman with a talented, hard- working and energetic Committee- to each of them I extend my thanks for all they do for the club and the time they give up on your behalf to ensure that we remain perhaps the top organisation in . My thanks also go to all the group leaders who enrich our lives with an enormous variety of interests. Thank you! You will notice from our website that we have a new position within the Committee - that of Almoner. I am grateful to Fiona Martin for volunteering for this role. The Committee believes that it remains important for all of us to be aware of major events (both joyful as well as sad) in the lives of our members and to let others know, provided the necessary consents have been received. I hope this initiative will bring us closer together as a group. More of this later. I have to mention that sadly one club has already closed in Horncastle and a second is due to close soon. The reason for both is lack of support and an unwillingness of members to come forward to run Committees. It seems to almost be a generational problem but we must be alert to the dangers of complacency. Without Chairmen, Treasurers and Secretaries, Groups, and the Newsletter, we would NOT continue. We are not yet in that situation but came close when no one came forward to take on the job of Chairman or Secretary of this club late last year. I think I was the only one who stood still when all the others took a step backwards! Such is volunteering !! (Must learn my dance steps next time !) Please do think about how you can make a difference to our U3A, whether it is volunteering for the Committee next year, leading groups or even regularly attending groups. Support your Committee and Groups to ensure they can continue. Please don’t take it for granted. I believe that U3A is a wonderful organisation enriching lives and providing fun, social connectivity and knowledge. Let’s all make sure we go from strength to strength.

Have a wonderful Summer !! Neil

MONTHLY GENERAL MEETINGS All members are invited to attend the U3A general meetings held at 10am on the first Tuesday of each month at the Stanhope Hall.

Guest Speakers for the next few months will be:

4th June Mercy Ships Charity Dr. J. Rhodes

2nd July Boston & then & now Neil Watson

6th August Working with June Whitfield Mark Walsh

3rd Sept. Sleep well, live well Jacqueline Wood

HORNCASTLE U3A COMMITTEE Neil Carter Chairman 01507- 523585 Mike Harrison Deputy Chairman 01507- 522674 Graham Hutton Treasurer 01507- 526677 Andy Mathieson Groups Co-Ord. 01507- 522701 Robin Wilmshurst Membership Sec. 01507 - 525958 Ron Fisher Newsletter Editor 01507- 524450 Eileen Jackson Welcomer 01507- 588273 Kathryn Thomas Liaison Officer 01507- 239579 Robert Sessions General support Member 01507 - 522640 Wendy Shaw General Secretary 01507 - 522640 Ann Duncan Minute Secretary 01507 – 527723 Fiona Martin Almoner 01507 - 523387

You can check out Horncastle U3A’s website at any time for details of activities, events and groups. Our web address is : if you have updates that you wish to share, please contact Neil Carter or Robin Wilmshurst

HORNCASTLE U3A GROUPS Members – If you are interested in joining a group, please check with the person listed below to ensure there are places available.

Group Leaders – If a new leader or deputy is appointed or there are other significant changes, please inform Andy Mathieson, our Groups co-ordinator. W=Winter S=Summer

Appliqué 2nd & 4th 2-4pm Ann Duncan 01507 527723 Wed Bells 1st Thurs 2-4pm Karel Jonkers 01507 524727

Book Worms 1st Mon 2-4pm Brenda 01507 522447 Mumford Bowls Fri 10am Colin & Kathy 01507 523941 (Summer) Fisher Creative 1st Thurs 7-9pm Andy Mathieson 01507 522701 Photography Creative 1st Tues 2-4pm Annette 01507 525958 Writing Wilmshurst For Pleasure Croquet 2nd& 4th 1.45- Pauline 01507 622741 (Summer) Mon 4pm Donner Cryptic 4th Fri 10.30am Hazel Crook 01507 525609 Crosswords Edible 1st Mon 2-4pm Robin 01507 525958 Gardening Wilmshurst Exploring Tues – 9.30am Pam Browne 01507 526267 Churches dates vary Financial 2nd Thurs 10 – 12 Neil Carter 01507 523585 Forum Noon Five Milers 4th Thurs. 9.30am Debbie Ridyard 01507 534111

Genealogy & 2nd Mon 2pm Colin Gascoyne 01507 526938 Family History

History 4th Wed 2-4pm Malcolm 01507 522220 Baxter & 01507 524727 Sheila Jonkers Music 1st Tues 2pm Colin 01507 526938 Appreciation Gascoyne Nine 3rd Frid. 9.10am Edward Jones 01507 524721 Milers Wong car park Pilates Wed 11-11.50 Stefan 01507 524430 Urbanowicz Prose & 1st Thurs 2-4pm Phyll Durow 01507 522356 Poetry 1 Prose & 3rd Tues 2-4pm Alan Baulch 01526 353137 Poetry 2 Reading 1 3rd Mon 2pm Pat Skingsley 01526 352700

Reading 2 2nd Frid 10.30am Sylvia Knight 01507 525028

Strollers 2nd 10am Pauline 01507 622064 Thurs Maddinson & 01507 524954 Diana Darley Sunday Lunch 4th Sun 12.30pm Margaret 01507 588298 Club Harrison Supper 1st Tues 6.30pm Bridget Barker 01507 523635 Club 1 Supper 3rd Tues Time Lynn 01507 524430 Club 2 varies Urbanowicz Table Every 2-4pm Malcolm 01507 522220 Tennis Tues Baxter Talking 2nd Tues 2pm Doreen 01507 523702 Heads Sanderson Topical 2nd Wed 2-4pm Stephen 01507 526565 Discussion Holdaway Visiting 3rd Times Eileen 01507 588273 Gardens Thurs. vary Jackson

The Winding Path

Our journey through life is not easy, We are blind to the way ahead, Besieged by troughs and twists and turns, As the winding path we tread.

In childhood we race through life laughing, The journey is dappled with fun, No troubles or turmoil beset us then, As the winding path we run.

As adults’ the pace is less frenzied, Our boisterousness gives way to talk, We discuss, we reflect, we comment, As the winding path we walk.

When seniors we change our perspective, And adopt an entirely new role, We pursue fresh interests at leisure, As the winding path we stroll.

Our journey through life is a medley Of passion and pain and pretend, Till all memories are finally laid to rest As the winding path we end.

Poem & Limericks contributed by Kath Thomas

There once was a fella from Stoke A somewhat extravagant bloke He bet on the races And other such places And ended up thoroughly broke.

A lucky young hopeful from Kent One day to the races he went He bet on a horse Which then won of course, So thought it was money well spent.

Creative Photography Group

The Group subject for last month was wood. The results again are very creative and well composed. From a rotten tree trunk and kitchen chair to a pile of wood shavings and a wooden bowl hanging from a tree. I have no idea where the Group’s inspiration comes from before picking up their cameras.

Jeff Jones

Mike Harrison

For next month, members have been given the following challenge, “to produce a series of photographs on….. Sheds !! These can include big sheds, little sheds or buildings that Robin Wilmshurst Might not be considered sheds to any normal person. If in a court of law, you could argue that they are sheds, then go ahead and photograph them. I look forward to your imaginative and creative results.

Contact Andy Mathieson 01507 522701

Many Members have asked how our Fire Exit demonstrator at Meetings (Andy Mathieson), acquired his elegant postures – below is an indication of his background training for this demanding role !

Picture Quiz

Inspired by the trip to and a visit to the National Portrait Gallery. Can you put a name to these famous portraits? (Answers on back page)

1 2 3

4 5 6

7 8 9 The Strollers Group - March Walk Strolls planned for the next three months.

13th June – Woodhall Spa - Bridget and Michael

11th July - Belchford - Sue and Jen

8th August – Chambers Wood South - Mandy & Pauline

On a nice sunny day the strollers did a short walk around Little Cawthorpe - (thanks Pauline D). The daffodils were all out, it is such a pretty village. We are lucky to have some new members who we welcome and hope they will join us again.

We enjoyed a lovely lunch at the Splash, always popular!

Contact: Pauline Maddinson 01507 - 622064 or Diana Darley 01507 - 524954

The Strollers Group - May Walk

On a pretty miserable morning the Strollers decided to brave the elements and proceed to Hubbard’s hills, near Louth. From the cafe car park we set off towards the town. The trees looked really pretty, all in leaf and various shades of green Jan spotted the herd of fallow deer so we went closer to get a better view of them. We then proceeded into town and on to St James’s church, where we were welcomed and spent some time looking around. We then headed back to the Hubbard’s hill cafe which had opened especially for us. After welcome refreshments we walked the other way to the lower car parking and back again. Everyone enjoyed being out in the fresh air despite the weather.

The Group meet on the 2nd Thursday of each month at 10 am

U3A Five Milers Walk

The thickly wooded hill site of an ancient castle was among the features enjoyed by nine members of the Five Milers on their April walk. Bluebell-filled woods, purple orchids and early cowslips also brightened the walk from the Waggon and Horses at South Reston. An old, tree-lined green route led the party to Castle Carlton, a small hamlet off the main Louth to road, which is the site of the ancient motte and bailey, built in the early 12th century. The group enjoyed walking round the moat which surrounds the castle hill. It bwas a showery day and members were very lucky to dodge all but one shower and for that they took cover at the edge of a wood, arriving back almost dry at the Waggon and Horses, where all nine tucked into an excellent lunch.

The group meets on the 4th Thursday of each month

Contact: Debbie Ridyard 01507 - 534111

March Annual General Meeting

Horncastle U3A continues to be well regarded over the region, and often receives positive comments from other U3A’s on how well we operate. To echo the Chairman’s words, that this will only continue with the cooperation and contribution by Group leaders, and involvement of the wider Membership. Supporting Groups. Likewise, news about Group activities for inclusion in the Newsletter are VITAL for its continuance and to be interesting to Members.

PLEASE, make the small effort to actively support your U3A !!

Prize winners of the quiz held after the AGM in March

1st Prize (L to R) 2nd Prize Kath Thomas - Phyl Durow Julia & David Jacobs Pam Browne - Yvonne Mathieso A Capital Trip

It was on a rather cloudy March day that the coach left Horncastle Market Place to take our party to the now familiar drop-off point by the London Eye. During the journey down the coach was a buzz of conversation as the merits of the various activities planned for the day ahead were debated. The coach made excellent time and by just after one o’clock we had arrived and disembarked. Along with a number of other members we took the short walk to the National Gallery which overlooks Trafalgar Square. The National Gallery now allows such close access to the artwork that it is possible to study every detail of pictures only previously seen in a book or TV programme. It was quite a thrill as we went from gallery to gallery to come face to face with paintings by J.W Turner, Constable and Canneletto to name a few of the famous artist’s work on display.

With so much to see unfortunately we neglected to keep an eye on the time and left ourselves only two hours to visit the National Portrait Gallery.

Despite staying until closing time, with such a large area to cover, we were only able to scratch the surface of this treasure house.

All to soon it was time to meet up with the rest of the party to board the coach for the journey home.

As the coach arrived back in Horncastle Market Place all were in agreement that they had enjoyed a truly memorable day out.

Article and photos from the trip Contributed by Richard D’Arcy

Q: Where does a cow hang his paintings? A: In a mooooseum.

Q: What do you call a painting by a cat? A: A paw-trait.

Q: What did Salvador Dali eat for breakfast? A: A bowl of surreal.

And finally…………….If it isn’t Baroque – do not mend it !!

Poem by courtesy of Ken Argent (Creative Writing Group)

We went on the London trip you see, the U3A gang and me, Oh and Viv, she came as well – why she came I’ll have to tell. Poor dear, she doesn’t travel far – she’s from U3A in Woodhall Spa.

But arriving in London, there in the sky, a great big wheel – called the London Eye with huge great baskets hanging low, revolving around, but oh so slow You can see lots of London from the top, Big Ben, St. Pauls - shops and cops.

We crossed Westminster Bridge to Parliament Square And hoped to see our MP there but if she had spoken, we would not hear, due to the raucous shouts of the Brexeteer.

Some went on boats that they called “pleasure”. Photos to take and memories to treasure. It was a very dank and murky day, So the memories – Thames like – were dull and grey.

One lady went to Buck House to “have a chat But the Queen had gone out, to buy a hat. So she stayed at the gates till well after three, And was still not invited for a cup of tea.

However, all of the sights of the “Gherkin” and “Shard” Do NOT compare with those in our own backyard, Like the Wolds and the Cathedral – they are the best, not forgetting, of course, - , and the rest. So, at 7pm – not a grouch did we broach As we happily journeyed home on our charabanc coach.

U3A Exploring Churches Group

The coach outing to Derby – open to all U3A members - is the next item on the programme for the Exploring Churches Group. A guided tour of the Cathedral of All Saints, built in the 1720s and therefore rather newer than most British cathedrals, has also been booked by many of the members who have signed up for the visit. We shall be leaving Horncastle Market Place at 8.30am on Tuesday 18 June and there are a few seats left on the coach. The cost is £15 for the return coach fare and £5 for the guided tour.

Interested ? Please contact : Pam Browne 01507 526267 or email [email protected]

The Exploring Churches Group has visited several Lincolnshire parishes so far this year, including Holton cum Beckering, where All Saints' Church, with its beautiful interior features, proved exceptionally interesting. The memorials of Snarford St Lawrence and the Beonna Project which led to a £1.5 million renovation scheme at Benington All Saints, were both stunning. In July we are to take a tour of All Saints with Canon Ian Robinson and shall call into Clixby All Hallows, now maintained by the Churches Conservation Trust. The final visit of the year will be in September when we explore Linwood St Cornelius and St Thomas. Anyone interested in finding out more about the group should contact Pam Browne, 01507 526267, or email [email protected]

Visiting Gardens Group

First visit of the year in February to Saxby, a lovely show of spring flowers in lovely weather.

Our April visit to Springfield gardens beauty day and display of Tulips and Daffodils.

If you are interested in visiting a wide variety of beautiful gardens with the Group,

Contact: Eileen Jackson 01507 - 588273

(Also, there is the Outlet shopping complex adjacent to the gardens)

Supper Club 1 and Supper Cub 2

Photo of Supper Cub joint evening at Boston College in March. Supper Clubs 1 and 2 together.

If you are interested in a convivial evening out, please contact: Supper Club 1 Bridget Barker 01507 – 5236735

Supper Club 2 Lynn Urbanowicz 01507 – 524430

A very warm “Welcome” to two of our new Committee Members:

Mike Harrison is the newly appointed Vice Chair of Horncastle U3A. A brief resume….. “I took early retirement after nearly 40 years in Local Government early last year. Soon into my newly found freedom I discovered what a fantastic organisation the U3A is. I was amazed to see what an active and well supported group existed right on my doorstep. (living only 100 yards from the Stanhope Hall). In addition to the many facets offered by the Horncastle U3A, I also enjoy travel, golf, gardening, walking my dog Lucy, (see photo) and getting to know our first Grandchild, Mollie. I look forward to working with the Committee and all members over the coming years to hopefully ensure that the Horncastle branch of the U3A continues to go from strength to strength.”

Hello, I am Fiona Martin and I have been asked to be Almoner of our U3A so we can keep up to date with the important events happening in each other’s lives - such as birth of a new Grandchild, surgery or illness, or bereavement etc. To do this I need your help, so please can you let me know of anything happening in either your, or one of our members lives so that the Chairman can announce it at one of our monthly meetings. I can be contacted on 01507 - 523387 or by email at [email protected] and will be available on the entrance desk with Eileen at our monthly meetings. Many thanks. Fiona

Wishing both Members well in their Voluntary roles on the Committee (Ed)

Financial Forum Group

Contact Neil Carter 01507 - 523585

Our Group continues to meet on the second Thursday of each month at the Stanhope Hall. Last April we examined gold and precious metals as an investment which provoked a lot of discussion including the exhibition of a valuable ingot of silver brought in by a member. Gold as a store of value was keenly discussed. We shall be re- visiting some earlier subjects over the next few months and in particular those matters which our members want to look again at matters of personal concern; Wills, Powers of Attorney, funeral plans, property, trusts and care home funding. Each session is spent in a relaxed exchange of views and experiences. We know that perversely the best lessons are learnt from mistakes, but positive outcomes are also valued. As usual we also look at our “ghost portfolios” to see how good we are at investing. Strange to say we often outperform the experts, showing the value of intuition, and just keeping our eyes open to consumer trends, what people are doing (such as many, mostly the young, are shopping at Primark and not M&S!) and broader economic issues. Life is complicated and domestic finances more complicated with a profusion of products on offer and many “advisers” very eager to separate you from your hard earned savings. At the Forum we seek to learn which products are worth a second look and those which are might be overly speculative and even dangerous. The agenda is flexible and we aim to discuss individual issues of concern. If this may be of interest to you, please contact Neil Carter, our Group Leader and you would be most welcome to come along and see for yourself how you can benefit. Thought provoking quote: “There’s a way of transferring funds that is even faster than electronic banking. It’s called marriage”

* * * * * * * * * In Memory

We are sad to report the death of long standing Member Miss Gwenda Bell, who passed away whilst on holiday In Italy. Unfortunately we have no further details of this. Fiona The Bells Group The Bells group do not use conventionally shaped handbells, but an item that produces the same results, commonly called a “Bellplate”. Belleplates are a significant alternative to conventional handbell’s and are played in exactly the same way. They are lightweight and easy to use, more durable than handbells or chimes and have a bell like sound with high tuning accuracy. They are easy to store and transport as they are lightweight and compact

The Handbell Group are having their Summer break now – but will restart in the Autumn.

If you would like to learn more, please contact:

Karel Jonkers on 10507 - 524727

Horncastle U3A Applique Group Contact Ann Duncan 01507 - 527723

We are almost finished our current project, a wall hanging – “Baltimore style”. Our next project, commencing in June, is one of my own designs, a double bed quilt. This will be in the oriental style consisting of blocks of appliqued Japanese family crests alternating with blocks of Sashiko stitching. It will possibly take the group a year to make but will be fantastic when finished. There is a spare place in our Group should anyone be tempted to join us.

Advanced Driving Test Breaking Good News – another Member (Ken Argent) has successfully passed the IAM (Institute of Advanced Motorists) test following the excellent presentation, and trial offer, made at our January Meeting. Ken was further delighted when the examiner asked “whether he had any thoughts on being an observer” as his performance was exemplary !! (Together with his badge – he will also receive a hat 6 sizes bigger than usual)

The Table Tennis Group

Macolm Baxter 01507 - 522220

The combined Horncastle and Woodhall Spa U3A Table Tennis Groups meet each Tuesday, at the St. Peters Hall, Woodhall Spa, from 2pm to 4 pm. Throughout this past Winter I am pleased to report an increase in attendance – 17 on one occasion. Nevertheless, if you are interested in coming along, please ring me beforehand, to ensure we have room for you !

History Group

Unlike Table Tennis, the two U3A’s arrange their own History sessions. We meet on the fourth, NOT the last Wednesday in the month, at the Methodist Hall, Queen Street, between 2pm and 4pm. There are, around a dozen people attending. Newcomers are rare.

Either Sheila (Jonkers) – her speciality being The Romans, or myself – with a liking for the Industrial Revolution period, steer the Group. Sessions are about an hour each with tea/coffee and bickies at half time. In April Sheila chose to talk about the origin of Nursery Rhymes. Very interesting it was too – so much she hopes to finish this next time. Earlier in the year she spoke of Henry Bolingbroke (later Henry 1V), born at Bolingbroke Castle – close to in 1376, dying in Jerusalem – some difference !!!!!

This year I have centred upon several matters: the Victorian Undertaker – of which 278 in London alone. Followed by how the arrival of the railways together with Billy Butlin and the Earl’s of Scarborough (the Lumley’s) turned Skegness into the seaside resort it is today. Future talks will include what members of the English Clergy got up to during the past centuries. As a taster, in 1937 a vicar had two lions, Freddie and Toto who he took to Skegness during the Butlins era (Daniel in the lion’s den stunt). Freddie broke loose from the 16 year old girl lion tamer, and before a large crown, began to eat the vicar ! He took two days to die.

This and many other stories make up that presentation, Who said that history was boring ?

Interested ? If you think this could be for you, please call to make the necessary arrangements.

Contact: Malcolm Baxter 01507 – 522220 or Sheila Jonkers 01507 - 524727 View from the Editor

Following the AGM In April – a ‘new’ Committee was elected, albeit that many Members will continue the good works they already do. One or two new faces volunteered, and we wish them well, in the hopes that their efforts and time given will be appreciated by the wider Membership, for the betterment and continuance of Horncastle U3A.

A Sobering Thought

Some time when you’re feeling important Some time when your ego’s in bloom Some time when you take it for granted Your’ the best qualified man in the room Some time when you feel that your’ going Would leave an un fillable hole, Just follow these simple instructions And see how they humble your soul.

Take a bucket and fill it with water, Put your hands in up to your wrist, Pull them out - and the hole that remains Is the measure of how you’ll be missed. You may splash all you please when you enter, You may stir up the waters galore, But, STOP - And you’ll find in a minute That it looks just the same as before.

The moral of this is quite simple: You must do the best that you can: Be PROUD of YOURSELF - but REMEMBER -

There is NO INDISPENSABLE MAN (or woman)

Quote: “The more you like yourself – the more other people don’t”

Answers to picture quiz

1/ Sir Arthur Conan Doyle 2/ Sir Barnes Wallis 3/ Sir Earnest Shakleton 4/ Lord Alfred Tennyson 5/ George Bradshaw - Bradshaw’s Railway guide 6/ The Bronte sisters 7/Sir Winston Churchill 8/ Charles Dickens 9/ Robert Falcon Scott