November 2020

UPDATED 27/11/2020

When will fans return to Stadium? The government has confirmed that fans can return to stadiums in limited numbers from the 2nd December onwards. Areas under tier 1, medium alert, will be allowed up to 4,000 fans in an outdoor sporting venue; in tier 2, high alert, this is reduced to 2,000; in tier 3, very high alert, matches will need to remain behind closed doors. As a result of the announcement by government the RFU has worked with Richmond Council to plan for 2,000 fans to attend the Quilter match on Sunday 6th December. The match will kick off at 2pm. For information, the answers to the questions below are related to the 6th December match only and are based on 2,000 fans attending, the maximum capacity in a tier 2 area. Will the COVID Test Centre at Twickenham Stadium remain open? Following previous agreement with the Department of Health and Social Care the COVID-19 Test Centre will be closed on Sunday 6th December, any test requirements on this day will be managed through alternative locations including the RFU managed COVID mobile testing units. The RFU has provided use of the stadium land for free to support the NHS during the pandemic and we are pleased to support our local healthcare partners and the national effort to increase testing. SAFETY Is it safe to bring fans back to Twickenham Stadium? The government has approved the limited return of fans to stadiums. The RFU has worked with Richmond Council on the safety plans and procedures to allow fans to safely return, including the measures detailed below. The RFU has been involved in developing the government guidance that supports the safe return of and fans to sports stadiums. The number of fans allowed into Twickenham Stadium is based on the need to ensure social distancing and mitigate against the risk of COVID transmission. Below is an overview of the safety measures we will put in place to keep both residents and fans safe. These measures go above and beyond those currently outlined in government and the Sports Ground Safety Authority’s (SGSA) guidance:

• Spectators living in tier 3, very high alert areas, will not be allowed to attend the fixture. Additionally, our ticketing strategy means the vast majority of the crowd will be from the local area, and the South East. • Staffing levels will be above normal for a crowd of this size to enforce social distancing and COVID measures. • Cleaning and waste collection regime increased. • Sanitiser stations to encourage good hand hygiene. • Alcohol provision will only be available in restaurant style facilities and be served to the table with a substantial meal. Bars will not be open and there will be no off-pitch entertainment or sponsor activations. • Any hospitality areas will follow the same government guidance as restaurants – with only household and support bubbles being able to sit together. • Face coverings will be mandatory within the stadium, except when eating and drinking. • Assigned entry gates to minimise the build-up of queues. • Staggered entry times to prevent the build-up of queues outside the ground. • Queue lanes outside the stadium by Gates A and E plus around the statue outside Virgin Active to safely manage fans arrival. • No road closures or parking enforcement will be in operation for this fixture due to the low attendance numbers. • Spectators will be advised, as per government guidelines, to avoid busy times and routes on public transport, encouraging fans to cycle, walk or use private vehicles; parking will be available for spectators in RFU controlled car parks for this match. • Stadium to be segregated at the North East Corner and West Stand to prevent circulation. • One way systems implemented throughout the venue. • All spectators are required to read and sign up to a code of conduct that will be enforced within the RFU controlled areas. What is being done to ensure track and trace is supported should a fan contract Covid- 19? In line government and SGSA guidance the RFU will be collecting contact details for all fans before they enter the stadium. We will be able to share this data with NHS test and trace should we need to. Will fans be punished for breaching social distancing rules inside the stadium? Before purchasing tickets fans will have to confirm they have read and understood the Spectator Code of Conduct which will include a requirement to socially distance at all times in the stadium and to wear face coverings. Any breach of the code of conduct may result in ejection from the stadium. Will fans be punished for breaching social distancing rules outside the stadium? The RFU will be deploying additional stewards and signage to reiterate social distancing requirements and to manage queuing systems. If residents are concerned that the law is being broken before, during or after the match they should contact on 111. If it is an emergency or life threatening situation you should dial 999. If there is a stewarding or operational issue then residents should contact the RFU’s Match Day Hotline on 07894 814 180. The hotline is in operation three hours’ pre kick-off and three hours post final whistle. What if public health advice changes, or there is a local lockdown? All RFU fixtures are ‘Subject to Licence’ to account for changes in government or public health advice due to the pandemic. The safety of fans and residents is our priority, if it becomes unsafe to hold a fixture with spectators then the match may be played behind closed doors. We are in constant communications with the UK Government and Richmond Council (including their public health teams) and will act upon their advice. Will there be shuttle buses operating for the fixtures and will they be implementing social distancing? No, shuttle buses will not be operating for this fixture due to the low number of attendees. Will public transport be safe to use? The RFU has worked closely with Network Rail and South Western Railways as part of the transport planning process. Train operators, like all businesses, need to adhere to social distancing guidelines and as such capacities will be limited, hence the extensive pre-event communications for spectators to use alternative transport routes. Face coverings are a mandatory requirement on public transport. In addition South Western Railways (SWR) are carrying out extensive cleaning regimes to trains and stations to mitigate the risk of COVID transmission. More information of the steps SWR are taking can be found here: with-us/coronavirustravelinformation ROAD CLOSURES With a smaller number of spectators will there still be road closures in place pre and post-match? No, there will be no road closures for this match. Will the Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) be in operation for these fixtures? No, the CPZ will not be in operation for this fixture due to the low attendance. TICKETS Will residents’ tickets be available for the fixture? Tickets for this fixture will be released in two phases, firstly to the NHS (20%) and local rugby clubs and then we hope to release tickets to local residents. Subject to availability, if you are registered for the Local Residents’ Ticket Ballot you will receive an email with information on how you can purchase tickets from next Tuesday. Tickets will be priced at £75 and £95. How can I contact the RFU? You can contact us in various ways: Monday to Friday: Email: [email protected] Facebook: RFU Home Turf Twitter: @rfuhometurf On match days, you can also contact us on the Match Day Helpline: 07894 814 180, which will be active from three hours prior to kick off to three hours after final whistle. Please note that most of our staff are currently working from home, and that it may not be possible to reply to mail to the stadium in the usual timeframe.