City, Businesses Shut Shops Early; Fear Convicts on the Run

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City, Businesses Shut Shops Early; Fear Convicts on the Run FREE BROOKLYN/STATENBROOKLYN/ ISLAND EDITION July 14–July 20, 2017 GUYANA PRISON BREAK City, businesses shut shops early; fear convicts on the run By Bert Wilkinson facility in the heart of the city. Some businesses in the city The umbrella private sector African arts take center stage and coastal areas are shutting commission at mid week gave up shop earlier than usual after a hint to the mindset of some Elyssa Nicole with a fan from her store Diaspora Africa. See story on Page 41. police at mid week revised offi- of its members casting doubts Photo by Jason Speakman cial figures from five to eight as about whether authorities are to the number of inmates who on top of the situation in the broke out from the city’s main evening hours after Sunday. maximum security prison on “We urge the authorities to Cuomo vows to protect Caribbean immigrants Sunday before setting fire to publish the true and accurate facility completely destroying count of prisoners held prior it. to the incident, the amount By Nelson A. King world. mitment to protecting immi- While authorities say they transferred and the unaccount- Amid draconian measures “That is who we are as a grants’ rights. are now confident that only ed prisoners. The lack of accu- in clamping down on Carib- state,” he wrote in an opion “And that’s why each new eight are on the run, unease rate official information has bean and other immigrants in piece in the New York Daily effort by the federal govern- in the business community is created much room for specu- the United States, New York News. “Sadly, the federal gov- ment to ban our immigrant growing largely because offi- lation and is fueling fear in our State Gov. Andrew Cuomo has ernment seems to have forgot- sisters and brothers will be met cials have admitted that they society,” the body said, echo- reaffirmed his commitment ten who we are as a nation. by a redoubling of our commit- are uncertain about the iden- ing complaints from newspa- to protecting Caribbean and Maybe what they need is a visit ment to support and protect tities of four of the eight and per letter writers and critics on other nationals. to Lady Liberty, where Emma them,” he continued. “Because, even whether it is in fact only social media. Stating that the state of Lazarus’ poem is engraved after all, we are them. eight. The breakout and subse- New York has a long history on the pedestal on which she “From Brooklyn to Utica, This has triggered doubts quent fire destruction of the of fighting for immigrants — stands, underpinning our core Washington Heights to Buffalo, about the exact number of entire complex of buildings was from the state’s commitment values of liberty and justice: we are a state of immigrants,” those missing from a roll call of the worst of the kind in living to helping newcomers find a ‘Give me your tired, your poor, Cuomo said. “Our buildings, 1,080 who were housed in the memory and one of the worst path to citizenship to efforts your huddled masses yearning roads and bridges could not mainly wooden buildings when in the Caribbean Community to prevent the exploitation of to breathe free.’ have been built without their inmates took control Sunday group of nations. It also came workers, and most recently by “This is not just an expres- skill and strength. The success evening. It was built during the 17 months after inmates had defending the rights of immi- sion of charity; it’s a plea to of our small businesses is a British colonial era to house no embarked on a mutiny to high- grants from illegal deporta- people around the world to help testament to their hard work. more than 500. When bedlam light long trial delays, over- tions — Cuomo said New York us meet the needs of the coun- The arts, culinary and hospital- erupted on a quiet and sunny crowding, poor quality food “has been and today remains try and our state,” the governor ity industries are infused with Sunday afternoon, there was and other ills. As expected, the a beacon of hope and oppor- added. “That’s why in New York the spirit of ethnic diversity twice that number crammed fires eventually got out of con- tunity for people around the we are reaffirming our com- Continued on Page 6 into the heavily overcrowded Continued on Page 6 BREATHING PROBLEMS? There are things that take your breath away; your health should not be one of them BREATHE EASY! SPECIALIZED PULMONARY SERVICES SPECIALIZE IN TREATING ALL KINDS OF BREATHING PROBLEMS INCLUDING: WE PROVIDE COMPREHENSIVE PULMONARY SERVICES: s#/0$%MPHYSEMA#HRONIC"RONCHITIS s0ULMONARYCONSULTATION s7HEEZING!STHMA s&ULL,UNG&UNCTION4EST s3HORTNESSOFBREATHs#OUGH s0ULMONARY%XERCISE3TRESS4EST s!LLERGIES2EPEATEDEPISODESOFSTUFFYNOSEANDTHROAT s3KIN!LLERGY4ESTING s/BSTRUCTIVE3LEEP!PNEA s)MMUNOTHERAPY s3LEEPING$ISORDERS s3LEEPSTUDYAND#0!04ITRATION '%.%2!,).4%2.!,-%$)#!,3%26)#%3 s&ULLMEDICALEXAMs"LOOD0RESSUREs$IABETESs/BESITY s(EART0ROBLEMSs4HYROIDs!RTHRITISs3MOKING#ESSATION s.ERVE#ONDUCTION3TUDIES Dr. Pervaiz Iqbal MD, FCCP Diplomat of American Board of Internal Medicine & Diplomat of American Board of Pulmonary Diseases CONSULTANT PULMONOLOGIST AND INTENSIVIST AT NY PRESBYTERIAN METHODIST HOSPI- TAL AND KINGSBROOK JEWISH MEDICAL CENTER. NYU LUTHERAN UTICA MEDICAL CENTER %ASTERN0ARKWAY "ROOKLYN .9(Corner of Utica Avenue) 4RAINSOR 718-756-1309 "USES" " " " 2 Caribbean Life, July 14–July 20, 2017 B City Council approves Shirley Chisholm Community Center in Brooklyn By Nelson A. King Brooklyn Council Member Jumaane Williams, deputy leader of the City Council, said the Council Flatbush-area residents at last voted to approve a $85.2 billion budg- year’s Flatbush Tenant Coalition’s et, which included funding for a new candidate forum. Another forum community center in East Flatbush, will be held on July 15. named after the legendary Shirley Flatbush Tenant Coalition A. Chisholm, of Barbadian and Guy- anese parentage. “I am blessed to walk in the distin- guished footsteps of Shirley Chisholm, Pols and both as a Caribbean-American and as an elected representative of this community,” said Williams, who rep- residents talk resents the 45th Council District in Brooklyn. “I feel personally connected to her trademark ‘unbought and unbossed’ community, brand of leadership — a brand I endeavor to represent in my work every day,” he added. “Every Afri- can-American, Caribbean-American A rendering of the Shirley A. Chisholm Community Center. election Offi ce of Council Member Jumaane Williams and woman seeking public service stands on her shoulders, and I believe By Alexandra Simon the best way to commemorate her Returning with their election cycle many contributions is to establish ple and participate in the commu- / weight room, multipurpose room, meeting, the Flatbush Tenant Coalition a community center bearing her nity,” said William Howard, a former and a game room, said Williams. is hosting its annual candidate forum name which will serve generations staffer for the late Shirley Chisholm He said the center will also fea- at Erasmus High School on July 15. to come.” and president of the West Indian ture a computer resource center, Area residents, representative elected Williams said Mayor Bill de Blasio American Day Carnival Association classrooms, audiovisual room and a officials, and challenging candidates, contributed $40 million in funding, (WIADCA). greenhouse on the roof. are going to discuss community con- in addition to $10 million that Wil- “It’ll also be a place for senior “As co-chair of the Task Force to cerns about the state of their districts. liams said he secured with the help citizens where they can interact with Combat Gun Violence, I know that The previous forum had a major of Council Speaker Melissa Mark- the youth and share their experi- our young people need positive out- focus on housing, particularly in Viverito. ences and knowledge with them,” he lets to turn them away from poor regards to gentrification and the delib- The center, when completed, will added. life choices,” said Williams. “The fact erate pricing out of long-time residents be the only such facility serving resi- Williams said the Shirley A. that my district ranks last in New — and that still remains a hot-button dents of the 45th District, and would Chisholm Community Center would York City in park space, combined topic because of the increasing aggres- offer residents of all ages access to be located on the grounds of the with our lack of a community center, sive actions being taken to enforce recreation, educational and employ- existing Tilden Park, located in the make the challenges we face with them resulting in families being put ment opportunities, Williams said. East Flatbush district on Tilden Ave- youth violence easy to understand out on the streets, said one of the “This center would be a place where nue, between East 48th and East and all the more pressing to address. forum organizers. young people could gravitate to in 49th Streets. “ I hope we will have strong public “I think whenever you talk about the evenings, and a place where our The center would include a gym- and private partnership to make the Flatbush, gentrification will always be teachers, our firemen, our policemen nasium, with accompanying men Shirley Chisholm Community Center an urgent issue,” said Karl Valere of can come in and mentor you peo- and women’s locker rooms, cardio come to life,” he added. Flatbush Tenant Coalition. “People are really concerned about the homeless- ness crisis and evictions — especially evictions, which is at an all time high.” Other issues of concern are for the Guyanese fugitive suspect nabbed in Queens community’s most vulnerable popu- lation and the measures that can be taken to assist them in sustaining a By Nelson A.
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