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THE FIRST ENGLISH LANGUAGE DAILY IN FREE KUWAIT markets Established in 1977 / www.arabtimesonline.com Page 9

FRIDAY-SATURDAY, AUGUST 27-28, 2021 / MUHARRAM 19-20, 1443 AH emergency number 112 NO. 17774 16 PAGES 150 FILS Travelers to Kuwait advised to update Immune app

Schools prep Cabinet discusses progress on key development projects Day by Day KUWAIT CITY, Aug 26, KUWAIT CITY, Aug 26, (KUNA): with accepting bids from privately- He said such marquee projects pro- OUR government announced (Agencies): The Ministry Kuwait’s Cabinet met on Wednesday owned businesses for Abdali Eco- vide a myriad of benefits, chief among the opening of the air space of Health on Thursday de- to discuss progress made in regard nomic Zone. them is potentially creating a local job to six countries – countries clared updating online reg- to major state development projects, The initial project is one of three boom, in addition to bolstering the na- which are important to us – istration of anti COVID-19 which aim to boost revenue, rationalise proposed by KDIPA, which have been tional economy, which subsequently but people found out the situ- public spending and provide job oppor- earmarked by the government. ation is like what happened to vaccination certificates is- helps to lure greater foreign investment the Iraqi army during its war sued abroad for incoming tunities. The Cabinet then looked into plans to into Kuwait. Ministers urged haste in the fi- find an exclusive location in Kuwait’s with Israel. The army stopped GCC states’ citizens and The talks moved on to projects deal- fighting because they had not visitors from other countries nalisation of procedures for these northern Subiya region where contem- ing with the use of renewable power for received orders to march for- projects, Foreign Minister and State porary exhibitions would be displayed, electricity production, which include ward. to Kuwait. Minister for Cabinet Affairs Sheikh based on a suggestion by its economic Kuwait’s Shagaya renewable energy Today the world’s airports The director of data sys- Dr. Ahmad Naser Al-Mohammad Al- affairs committee. say they have not received or- tems, Ahmad Al-Ghareeb, Sabah said in a statement following Discussing development projects complex, an endeavor overseen by the ders to transport the passen- country’s Ministry of Electricity and said in a statement to KUNA the talks. in the works, Kuwait International gers from these six countries travelers coming to Kuwait, The meeting was held during a visit Fair chief Wael Al-Ibrahim, amid a Water. to Kuwait. PM Diwan’s photo Similarly, the Cabinet also tasked In the city of Hail, in Saudi after data entering and up- by His Highness the Prime Minister HH the Prime Minister Sheikh Sabah presentation he gave to the Cabinet, Sheikh Sabah Khaled Al-Hamad Al- unveiled plans to establish an inter- the Ministry of Electricity and Water to Arabia, the people say, “When loading vaccination certifi- Al-Khaled Al Hamad chairs Wednes- the resolve is absent, one cates, could authenticate the Sabah, accompanied by the ministers, day’s Cabinet meeting. national trade city in Kuwait, going be in charge of a smart meter project, blows and the other deflates.” to the visitors centre of the Sheikh Ja- into detail about the intricacies be- which aims to replace antiquated me- … Yet, tomorrow is just an- certificates by uploading the ber Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah Causeway de- Kuwait Direct Investment Promo- hind the endeavor, which include a chanical meters with smart and more other day. request on Immune applica- velopment site. tion Authority (KDIPA) was tasked funding mechanism. efficient ones. Zahed Matar tion via Apple’s App Store or Google’s Play Store. The updating enables ar- rivals to activate Immune ahead of coming to Kuwait and that is by entering the passport number and the IS believed behind Kabul attack previously used e-mail for registration. He (or she) will get at the end of the process a verifi- cation code for updating the app ahead of arrival in the country. Meanwhile, the various sectors of the Ministry of Education continue its prep- arations for the new scho- lastic year, reports Al-Anba daily. Monitor The daily quoting educa- tion sources said the work teams monitor the readiness of schools on a daily basis to check on the work progress. In this context, on the occasion of the schools’ preparations in their vari- ous stages for the return of schoolchildren to schools, Director of Saleh Shehab Secondary School in Ha- walli Educational District, Muhammad Abbas, praised the efforts of the Undersec- retary of the Ministry of Ed- ucation, Dr. Ali Al-Yaqoub, for forming committees to overlook the preparations for the 2021/2022 scholastic Smoke rises from an explosion outside the airport in Kabul, Afghanistan, Aug 26. The explosion went off outside Kabul’s airport, where thousands of people have flocked as they try to flee the Taliban year in all schools. takeover of Afghanistan. Officials offered no casualty count, but a witness said several people appeared to have been killed or wounded Thursday. (AP) Abbas has met the directors of the educational districts to lay the initial foundations for 11 US Marines, 13 Afghans killed this preparation, foremost Newswatch of which is providing a safe Opinion environment for schoolchil- KABUL, Afghanistan, airport attack, in addition to 10 who dren, preparing schools and were dead when they arrived. KUWAIT CITY: Kuwait follows curricula, in addition to car- Aug 26, (AP): At least “Surgeons will be working into with deep regret the recent de- 12 U.S. service members the night,” said Marco Puntin, the velopments in relations between rying out maintenance and O Algeria, where is the gratitude? were killed in the Afghan- charity’s manager in Afghanistan. Morocco and Algeria and urges air-conditioning units, and The wounded overflowed the triage the two Arab countries to adopt statistics for students and the istan bombings, including zone into the physiotherapy area and dialogue to resolve their differ- educational staff. ences, the Foreign Ministry said rocco of setting fire to the forests in the 11 Marines and one Navy more beds were being added, he said. He indicated the prepara- By Ahmed Al-Jarallah Pentagon spokesman John Kirby on Wednesday. Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times north of the country, such an excuse is medic, according to two Kuwait advised the two tions include plans how to worse than a sin. U.S. officials. Officials say also confirmed the blasts and said North African neighbours to solve the problems of school BEING out of tune has been a constant Al- It is a deliberate neglect of the climate there were casualties, including among turn over a new leaf in their a number of US military members of the military, but gave no buildings and to carry out gerian policy since its independence, due change that has caused the worst fires and relations in a way that dem- necessary maintenance to to which the severing of relations with the troops were wounded. figure. He said one explosion was near onstrates the wisdom of their natural disasters in the world, starting from complete them as soon as Kingdom of Morocco did not come as a Spain, to Greece, France, and other coun- They warn, however, that an airport entrance and another was a leaderships, embodies the surprise, as it was part of the decades-long tries that have experienced this type of di- short distance away by a hotel. strong bonds linking their na- possible. escalation. the numbers may grow. One official, who spoke on condi- tions, meets the aspirations of saster. Two suicide bombers and gun- Wished Instead of Algeria responding positively Over the past six decades, the Moroccan tion of anonymity to discuss ongo- their people, promotes security and stability and helps them to the policy declared in the recent speech response to the Algerian provocations has men attacked crowds of Afghans ing military operations, said several He explained the text- Marines were killed. It wasn’t clear play their roles in boosting of Moroccan King Mohammed VI, the been kind and mild. It has been seeking to flocking to Kabul’s airport Thurs- books have been distributed troubled neighbor chose to turn his back on day, transforming a scene of des- if other U.S. military troops were joint Arab action to overcome to schools and wished ‘all extend a hand of cooperation, based on a among the dead. American officials challenges, added the ministry those who received great credit for the suc- fixed royal policy that has not changed since peration into one of horror in the the best’ for the school- cess of the 1954 revolution and the depar- have said that information is still in a press statement. (KUNA) the late King Hassan II assumed the reins waning days of an airlift for those coming in and they are trying to de- ❑ ❑ ❑ children during the coming ture of the French colonizer from Algeria of government. This royal policy is non- fleeing the Taliban takeover. At scholastic year. in 1962. termine exact numbers of casualties. IRBIL: Iraqi counterterrorism interference in the affairs of other states, and least 13 people were killed and Even as the area was hit, evacua- Kuwait’s daily corona- Despite that, Algeria, after one year of working on unifying the efforts of the North forces arrested a leader of the its liberation, launched the so-called “sand dozens wounded, Russian offi- tion flights continued to take off from so-called Islamic State (IS) in virus cases rose by 212 African Arab states under one banner, which cials and aid workers said. Kabul airport. war” in 1963 against Morocco. culminated in the Arab Maghreb Union at Irbil northern Iraq, the security to 409,909 as deaths in- It is unfortunate that this policy does not Several Marines were killed and a Adam Khan was waiting nearby media cell of the Iraqi joint op- creased by two to 2,414, the Marrakesh Summit in 1989. number of other American military when he saw the first explosion out- erations command announced serve the building of a better future, but Also, the Moroccan policy did not change the health ministry said on dives into the details of the past, and tries to were wounded, a U.S. official said. side what’s known as the Abbey gate. Thursday. during the reign of King Mohammed VI, It was not clear if those deaths were He said several people appeared to The operation was carried out Thursday. tailor events according to this logic that has who sought for a long time to restore rela- proven fruitless since the 1960s. included in the Russian toll. have been killed or wounded, includ- in coordination with counterter- Another 488 people were tions between the two countries to their nor- One of the bombers struck people ing some who were maimed. rorism department in Irbil prov- cured of the virus, raising Undoubtedly, we in Kuwait are aware of mal course. This was repeatedly confirmed ince, the statement added. this from the bitter experience of the Alge- standing knee-deep in a wastewa- The second blast was at or near the total of those to have in the royal stances and speeches, especially ter canal under the sweltering sun, Baron Hotel, where many people, in- The leader, named “Abu Man- rian response to Kuwait’s popular and of- the recent speech in which he extended the sour”, was responsible for the overcome thev disease to ficial support of it and its revolution. Even- throwing bodies into the fetid wa- cluding Afghans, Britons and Ameri- 403,420, according to min- hand of cooperation to Algeria but was re- ter. Those who moments earlier had cans, were told to gather in recent “IS General Administration of tually, Algeria, during the reign of Shazly sponded with severing of relations. the South” and was moving un- istry spokesperson Dr. Ab- bin Jadid’s regime that was against the right hoped to get on flights out could be days before heading to the airport for It is really unfortunate that a country of the seen carrying the wounded to ambu- der false identities, the statement dallah Al-Sanad in a state- of Kuwait to exist, supported Saddam’s in- evacuation. indicated. size of Algeria bases its policy on unrealistic lances in a daze, their own clothes A former Royal Marine who runs ment. vasion of Kuwait, which is not different in reports fabricated by security advisors who Provinces of Kirkuk, Salah form and content from the French occupa- darkened with blood. an animal shelter in Afghanistan says Al-Din, and Diyala have wit- The number of people live in the corridors of conspiracy inside or tion of their country. A second U.S. official said the he and his staff were caught up in the nessed an increased in armed hospitalised with the virus Also, the position on Kuwait was not dif- outside the country. For this reason, it hardly complex attack was believed to have aftermath of the blast near the airport. attacks during last months. at COVID-19 wards is 250, ferent from that of the relationship of this comes out of a crisis before falling into an- been carried out by the Islamic State “All of a sudden we heard gun- (KUNA) other one that is bigger than the previous one, group. The IS affiliate in Afghanistan with 109 of them in inten- North African Arab state with Egypt, which shots and our vehicle was targeted, ❑ ❑ ❑ sive care units, he added, was a great supporter of its revolution. In- either internally or externally. is far more radical than the Taliban, had our driver not turned around he Today, Algeria is suffering from the who recently took control of the would have been shot in the head by BRUSSELS: The European revealing that another 3,175 stead of heading to the future in accordance Union, Thursday, expressed its with common sacrifices, and using Egyp- worst diplomatic situation in its history be- country in a lightning blitz and con- a man with an AK-47,” Paul “Pen” are receiving regular treat- demned the attack. readiness to engage with the new tian expertise in building a modern state, cause of its tense relations with Libya and Farthing told Britain’s Press Associa- ment. Tunisia, and even with African countries Western officials had warned of a tion news agency. Iranian government and said it Algeria denied that big role and deliberately looks forward to bring the Iran Some 13,264 swab tests such as Mali and others. One cannot help major attack, urging people to leave Farthing is trying to get staff of his launched media campaigns against Cairo. the airport, but that advice went nuclear talks back on track. were conducted over the This continued until the four-day war that but wonder if this country is seeking to iso- Nowzad charity out of Afghanistan, “We took note of the nomi- last day out of a total of late itself, and be like Iran, a pariah state and largely unheeded by Afghans desper- along with the group’s rescued animals. Libya launched against Egypt in 1977. The ate to escape the country in the last nation process and the approval 3,724,132, mentioned the war came to an end after the late Egyptian a sponsor of terrorism. He is among thousands trying to process that was completed in the few days of an American-led evacua- flee. Over the last week, the airport (Iranian) parliament yesterday,” official. President Anwar Sadat accepted the media- Email: [email protected] tion before the U.S. officially ends its tion of the late Algerian President Houari has been the scene of some of the EU lead spokesperson for foreign He went on to urge na- Follow me on: 20-year presence on Aug. 31. most searing images of the chaotic affairs and security policy, Peter tionals and expatriates alike Boumediene to restore normal relations be- Russia’s Foreign Ministry gave the tween the two sides. end of America’s longest war and Stano, told a news conference in that abiding by health pre- first official casualty count, but the the Taliban’s takeover, as flight af- Brussels. So today when Algeria takes this step numbers continued to grow. Emer- cautions, mainly, follow- based on allegations that a sane person ter flight took off carrying those who “We in the EU are ready to en- ing social distancing rules, [email protected] gency, an Italian charity that operates fear a return to the militants’ brutal gage with the new government in would not believe, which is to accuse Mo- hospitals in Afghanistan, said it had line with the EU’s policy towards is the only way to halt the received 60 patients wounded in the Continued on Page 4 Iran,” he said. (AP) spread of the virus. ARAB TIMES, FRIDAY-SATURDAY, AUGUST 27-28, 2021 2

Weather Expected weather for the next to moderate north westerly wind Salmiyah 42 37 Prayer Timings 24 hours: with speeds of 15-38 km/h. Ahmadi 44 35 Fajr ...... 04:00 Asr ...... 15:24 By Day: Very hot with moder- Station Max Exp Min Rec Wafra 50 29 Sunrise .. 05:22 Maghrib .. 18:17 ate to fresh north westerly wind Kuwait City 46 36 Zohr ...... 11:50 Isha ...... 19:38 with speeds of 20-50 km/h with a Kuwait Airport 50 29 Salmy 51 30 chance for rising dust. Abdaly 51 31 Jal Aliyah 51 30 By Night: Rather hot with light Jahra 51 32 Managish 49 29

VACCINE REGISTRATION WEBSITE: https://cov19vaccine.moh.gov.kw/SPCMS/CVD_19_Vaccine_Registration.aspx

Mabanee Co gains 6 fi ls, NAPESCO skids Kuwait wraps up week on fi rm footing, volume recedes By John Mathews Arab Times Staff ■ UUS$/KDS$/KD 0.30085/950.30085/95 KUWAIT CITY, Aug 26: Kuwait stocks ■ Euro/KD 0.3541 plodded higher on Thursday, extending the gains to fourth straight session. The ■ Yen/KD 0.0027 All Shares Index climbed 23 points in volatile session to 6,791.35 pts paced by ▼ British £/KD 0.4131 heavyweights even as the overall mood remained slightly positive. Indian Rs/KD 0.0040 The Premier Market rose 29.18 points ■ to 7,447.17 pts while Main Market paced 9.39 points. The BK Main 50 was up ■ Philippines Peso/KD 0.0060 11.99 points to 5,781.84 pts. The volume turnover meanwhile receded following ▼ FTSE -22.35 pts at 18:50 Aug 26 last session’s surge. Over 375 million shares changed hands – a 25 pct drop from the day before. ▲ Nikkei +17.49 pts at closing Aug 26 The sectors closed mostly in green turf. Insurance outpaced the rest with 2.73 pct while Financial Services shed 0.44 per- ▼ Gold $1783.80 per oz (London) cent, the worst performer of the day. Vol- ume wise, Financial Services topped with ▲ NYMEX crude $67.59 per barrel 108.9 million shares and Banking sector continued to dominate the value with KD ▲ Brent crude $71.51 per barrel 30.5 million. In the individual shares, sector bell- LIBOR rate 0.12375% wether National Bank of Kuwait extended last session’s robust gains with 5 fi ls dash to 939 fi ls on back of over 4 million shares unchanged at 242 fi ls after pushing 19.26 while Kuwait Finance House was up 4 fi ls million shares whereas Burgan Bank at 819 fi ls with a volume of 8.7 million took in 1 fi l. Boubyan Bank paced 4 fi ls shares. Mabanee Co climbed 6 fi ls to 757 and Kuwait International Bank tripped fi ls and National Investment Co scaled 4 1 fi l. Ahli United Bank BSC trimmed 1 fi ls. Gulf Insurance Group vaulted 39 fi ls fi l whereas Warba Bank gained 5 fi ls. Al to 880 fi ls. Ahli Bank eased 1 fi l to 225 fi ls and Ahli Zain rose 3 fi ls to 605 fi ls on back of KUNA Photo United Bank Kuwait added 3 fi ls. 7.3 million shares and Ooredoo added 4 Kuwait Investment Co and Interna- Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense Sheikh Hamad Jaber morning the Saudi Ambassador to Kuwait Prince Sultan bin Sa’ad bin fi ls before settling at 639 fi ls. stc tripped tional Financial Advisors took in 1 fi l Al-Ali Al-Sabah received a letter from the Crown Prince, Deputy Prime Khaled Al-Saud. The Defense Minister deeply thanked Prince Moham- 1 fi l while logistics major Agility dialed each whereas Kuwait Financial Centre Minister and Minister of Defense of Saudi Arabia Prince Mohammad bin mad bin Salman, appreciating this invitation that he accepted. During the down 2 fi ls to close at KD 1.004 and (Markaz) slipped 4 fi ls to 165 fi ls. Noor Salman bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud, which included an invitation for him to meeting, they discussed the strength of the historical ties between Ku- has rallied 328 fi ls year-to-date. KIPCO Financial Investment tripped 1 fi l and visit the Kingdom. This came according to a press statement by the Min- wait and Saudi Arabia, as well as both countries’ keenness to strengthen took in 1 fi ls after pushing over 2 million istry of Defense when Hamad Jaber Al-Ali received in his offi ce Thursday and develop them in various fi elds. Tamdeen Investment dialed down 2 fi ls. shares whereas NAPESCO skidded 30 Gulf Investment House rose 3 fi ls to 326 fi ls. Boursa Kuwait Securities slipped 5 fi ls and KAMCO clipped 1 fi l. fi ls to KD 1.675 and Humansoft Holding Kuwait Cement Co rose 3 fi ls to 232 fi ls gained 5 fi ls. while Kuwait Portland Cement extended National Industries Group inched 1 fi l Wednesday’s gains with 17 fi ls jump to Services fee hike knocking on door higher to 236 fi ls after moving 12.9 mil- 940 fi ls. Kuwait Foundry Co and ACICO lion shares while Gulf Cable jumped 32 Industries dialed up 1 fi l each while Metal fi ls to 802 fi ls. Boubyan Petrochemical and Recycling Co climbed 8 fi ls to 130 Cut in subsidies mulled to bridge deficit gap Co sprinted 19 fi ls to 869 fi ls whereas Al fi ls. HEISC gave up 2 fi ls and Shuaiba Qurain Petrochemical Co stood pat at 381 Industrial added 1 fi l with thin trading. fi ls. Mezzan Holding fell 3 fi ls to 598 fi ls NICBM scaled 6 fi ls to settle at 193 fi ls. By Khaled Al-Hajri, Raed Yousef and Abdul Rahman Al-Shammari by 42.8 percent and in non-oil revenues by 6.5 percent, the and Integrated Holding took in 1 fi l. Azn- Kuwait and Gulf Links Transport Co Al-Seyassah Staff window of options for the government has become narrow. our closed 5 fi ls in red. was unchanged at 50.5 fi ls and Auto- The market opened fi rm and pulled mated Systems Co too did not budge from It now seems inevitable to reconsider increasing the fees for higher in early trade. The main index KUWAIT CITY, Aug 26: Less than three weeks after the services and utilities, and reducing some subsidies in order to its earlier close of 101 fi ls. KCPC shed Ministry of Finance announced a historic budget defi cit of KD fl ipped and plumbed the day’s lowest 10 fi ls whereas Independent Petroleum increase non-oil revenues and thereby reduce the defi cit. level of 6,772 points before heading Group paused at 614 fi ls. Arabi Group 10.8 billion for the 2020/2021 fi scal year - which is the high- According to reliable sources, the allowances for rent, unemployment north amid fresh buying in some of the Holding paced 4 fi ls on back of 1.2 mil- est in Kuwait’s history - as a result of decline in oil revenues and public aid will not be affected. The intention is to increase fees counters. It peaked at 6,797 points past lion shares whereas Inovest BSC dialed for services provided by some the mid-session and retreated in the fi nal down 2 fi ls. Oula Fuel Marketing Co minutes to end with modest gains. added 2 fi ls. ministries, albeit gradually Top gainer of the day, First Takaful In- Combined Group Contracting Co and step-by-step, so that it surance Co sprinted 8.89 percent and Al edged 2 fi ls higher to 347 fi ls whereas does not impose a great pres- Deera Holding scaled 8.29 pct to stand PAPCO closed 3 fi ls in red. United Pro- sure on those dealing with next. EK Holding skidded 18 percent, the jects Co sprinted 13 fi ls to 235 fi ls and those ministries. steepest decliner of the day and Investors Educational Holding Co shed 15 fi ls. The sources said the step to in- Holding topped the volume with over 43 Egypt Kuwait Holding slid 18 fi ls to 350 crease the fees has already come million shares. fi ls whereas OSOS Holding Group added into effect in some ministries, Refl ecting the day’s gains, the win- 3 fi ls. Mashaer Holding was unchanged at including the Ministry of Justice, ners outnumbered the losers. 64 stocks 65.8 fi ls. and it will soon happen with the advanced whereas 54 closed lower. Of The market was largely upbeat during fees of the Ministry of Interior, the 140n counters active on Thursday, 22 the week. The main index closed higher in the Ministry of Social Affairs and closed fl at. 12,163 deals worth KD 67.96 four of the fi ve sessions scaling 123 points the Ministry of Health. million were transacted during the ses- week-on-week. It has gained 210 points They indicated that all these sion. from start of the month and is up 1,235 increases do not need new legis- In the banking sector, Gulf Bank was points year-to-date. lation or legal amendments. The sources denied any fi nan- cial increases or cadres in any of the government sectors during the coming period. However, they re- vealed a study that is currently be- ing conducted to regulate the bene- fi ciaries of subsidized ration cards. They explained that the num- ber of benefi ciaries of the subsi- dized food items has reached two million and 163 thousand citizens as of May 2021. The total sup- port for food and construction materials during the same month amounted to KD 13.7 million. Meanwhile, the sources af- fi rmed that the government will enter the next term of the Na- tional Assembly with a set of economic projects. They indicated the govern- ment’s intention to extend its hand to cooperate with the parlia- ment in accordance with constitu- tional frameworks. Pakistan’s Ambassador to Kuwait Syed Sajjad Haider (right) talking to the press Furthermore, MP Mubarak at the gathering . Al-Ajmi submitted a proposal to obligate the state to sell the empty Shift in policy focus: Haider land it owns to those entitled to residential care. The proposal stipulates that, “The residential and municipal Pakistan woos Kuwaiti investors welfare institutions shall under- take the sale of vacant land, tak- KUWAIT CITY, Aug 26: Pakistan’s Am- itable policies for foreign investors, and ing into account the priority in bassador to Kuwait Syed Sajjad Haider pointed out the priority sectors for in- registering applications, provided said that there are promising investment vestment in Pakistan include food manu- that the institution issues the deci- opportunities in several areas with facili- facturing, logistics, textiles, automobiles, sions regulating the sale”. ties and guarantees to create an appropri- information technology, housing and In the explanatory memo, MP ate environment, and reiterated the call for construction, tourism and hospitality. Al-Ajmi explained that his pro- Kuwaiti businessmen to enter the Paki- He went on to say, there are several posal comes in the context of stani market with confi dence for the ben- projects identifi ed by the Government of seeking to address the increasing efi t of the two countries and their peoples. Pakistan for foreign investors including backlog of requests for housing Speaking to the press at the embassy in the Special Economic Zones estab- welfare - a matter that has be- premises, Ambassador Haider praised lished under the China-Pakistan Eco- come an obsession for the two au- the cooperation aimed at bridging the nomic Corridor (CPEC). thorities - according to a serious gap between investors and the Pakistani Ambassador Haider stated Pakistan is mechanism and a realistic strat- government, as well as promoting the in- constantly making efforts to improve the egy based on studying the actual vestment-friendly policy in Kuwait and business environment in his country. The need for implementing residential attracting the largest number of foreign World Bank Group’s Doing Business projects and cities in accordance investment from Kuwait. project provides a measure of the ‘Ease with the relevant laws. He said he is certain that his He highlighted the depth of trade of Doing Business’ (EODB) through a proposal would solve the hous- and investment relations between the set of objective indicators that focus on ing crisis, and would speed up the two countries, and pointed to coordina- the impacts of laws, regulations and their process of completion of hous- tion with the Investment Bank to help enforcement across 190 economies. ing units within the proposed and facilitate the procedures of Kuwaiti Pakistan has consistently made efforts time period, as what is needed investors who are enthusiastic to visit to improve business environment in the is an updated serious policy that Pakistan. He revealed the Pakistan In- country. Since 2016, almost 300 reforms confronts the economic reality of vestment Council will soon hold an have been implemented to improve in- the costs of completing these pro- ‘investment’ conference in Kuwait, and vestment climate in the country. As a jects and their completion times, said Pakistan has recently shifted its fo- result, Pakistan improved 39 positions which are essential to solving the cus from geo-strategic policies to geo- in EODB ranking in the last two years housing problem. economic policies. and was placed at 108, noting that it has The Real Estate Union ex- The ambassador stressed Pakistan been recognized Pakistan is the largest pressed its support for MP Al- has now become an investment-friendly reformer in South Asia and the sixth re- Ajmi’s proposal. country and has recently introduced prof- former in the world. ARAB TIMES, FRIDAY-SATURDAY, AUGUST 27-28, 2021 LOCAL 3 diwaniya A DIGEST OF PUBLIC OPINION ‘Lebanon in doldrums, needs honest leaders to end peoples’ suffering’ “THERE are many and different points of view about the key to the solution the facts and obliterate them with darkness until the moment comes and we Al-Saeed wrote for Al-Seyassah daily. in Lebanon today. Lebanon, which was threatened months ago by hunger, is drown. “Of course, salute and appreciation to the heroic customs offi cers for their now threatened at any moment by an explosion, after the Lebanese pound has “May God help Lebanon, the victim, the victim of the major countries that want mighty efforts. Their mission is no longer to check what comes into the country crossed the stage of collapse against the dollar. The Lebanese scene today is a to rob Arab dignity with the most brutal political, economic and military tools.” but also what goes out. This has become necessary for which double effort is rush in stores and markets to buy subsidized commodity, and the continuous required. However, the government must fi rstly ask itself - Where is the defect? search for medicine that left the markets amid almost non-existent purchasing Also: How did such a large quantity reach the hands of smugglers? power, except for a small group that was and still is always benefi ting from the “There are many bonds between Kuwait and Iraq, which make them one of “The task is for the government ... It is not the responsibility of the general economic crises of the peoples,” columnist Fakhri Hashim Al-Sayed Rajab the closest and most affectionate peoples to each other,” columnist Abdurrah- public to fi nd faults and try to fi x them, or to entrust the task to the responsible wrote for Al-Qabas daily. man Al-Awwad wrote for Al-Sabah daily. authorities in the Ministry of Interior to fi nd the core cause of these defi ciencies. “As for the government side, it is self-evident that a country like Lebanon is “Therefore, the exchange of visits between the leaders of the two countries “From the fi rst look, it turns out that the supply staff reach an agreement mired in debt after stopping the payment of foreign debts, especially after the and senior offi cials from each country is necessary and indispensable in order to with the smugglers who are of the same nationalities, concerning the country negative stance of the Banque du Liban, which insisted coordinate on many bilateral, regional and international issues and fi les, espe- to which those quantities are intended to be smuggled. It seems this problem on printing the currency, which negatively affected the cially in light of the rapid and dangerous developments that we are witnessing is occuring because of entrusting the matter to others instead of the people of economic reality and exacerbated the infl ation crisis, and every day around us, the last of which is unfolding in Afghanistan, days before the country. thus the bank lost the confi dence of all its depositors. the fall of fugitive President Ashraf Ghani and the entry of the ‘Taliban’ move- “The great calamity that cannot be tolerated is that the senior offi cials are “Note that the Lebanese economy basically suffers ment, the capital, Kabul, and its takeover of the rule of the country. This will thinking of canceling the ration card permanently in order to save money and from a wrong policy because it is based on temporary inevitably have a lot of repercussions on the Middle East and the whole world. stop wastage. The correct interpretation of this is to punish the Kuwaiti citizens profi t, and not on a truly stable production process, so “In fact, Kuwait has made great and important strides towards improving its because of the crimes of expatriates, and because of the government’s inability how about if we add to this feature corruption that plun- relations with Iraq and removing the dangerous negative impact left by Saddam to combat those thefts. dered the state. Hussein’s rule and his criminal invasion of our country. “The government is only able to help the poor citizens who are in real need of Unfortunately, all of them belong to the political “Throughout the era of the late Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad, Kuwait took supplies, and they are not at fault for everything that is happening. The expatri- class, and we all heard with the sum exceeding 50 bil- many steps for rapprochement with the Iraqi government and people, and this ate steals and exports the goods to his country, which plagues the citizens and lion dollars, which has been lost from the state treasury, approach also continues during the era of HH the Amir Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ah- leads to the threat to cancel their supply ... That is not right at all.” and no audit or investigation has taken place so far, we Al-Sayed Rajab mad. ❑ ❑ ❑ only hear accusations and empty rhetoric, and all facts “It is unfortunate that this positive image is not suffi ciently clear to the Iraqi have been lost under hidden amnesty laws. Simple people pay the price fi rst and people, perhaps due to media defi ciencies or other reasons. Everyone remem- “Acting Dean of Admissions and Registration at Kuwait University Dr then the middle class falls into abyss. bers how Kuwait adopted and organized the Iraq Reconstruction Conference, Mishaal Al-Gharaballi reminded us about the problem that has existed for a “In fact, it is diffi cult to speculate about the fate and end of the Lebanese situ- and it was one of the fi rst and major donors took part in this conference to long time without any seriousness in confronting it and searching for solu- ation today, because Lebanon’s concern and pain is not only internal, external achieve its noble goal. tions,” columnist Abdulrahman Al-Awad wrote for Al-Sabah daily. pressures exist, and it is not immune from it, especially since the deteriorating Hence the importance of Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi’s visit to “He did this when he announced in a statement published by our local news- political reality of a country in which there are many political forces, and each Kuwait, especially as we see in this man a great and clear seriousness in pre- papers recently that the process of applying for admission to Kuwait University force has its own calculations, and everyone has proven that it is not concerned. serving Iraq’s independence, avoiding regional and international pressures, and for academic year 2021/2022 witnessed a great and unprecedented turnout for The country’s livelihood crisis is exacerbating, the crisis of Lebanon being returning it to its Arab fold, which is what we should all -- as Arabs and Gulf humanities colleges among graduates of the literary department who outnum- completely closed to the outside, with no import, no export, and no money at people in particular -- encourage, support and help him. bered graduates of the scientifi c department, prompting the University Council all. “We are very optimistic about the statements made by Al-Kazemi prior to his to increase the seats allocated for admission by 20 percent on July 29. This is in “It seems to those who are deeply immersed in the history and reality of arrival in Kuwait, in which he stressed that discussions with the Kuwaiti politi- addition to an exceptional increase on Aug 16, all of which were concentrated Lebanese politics that the solution has become a hostage to other countries, cal leadership are very necessary to draw a regional road map, and that ‘Kuwait in the humanities colleges. countries that know and wait for such circumstances to achieve their gains. has a wise vision in foreign policies, and that a stable, secure, economically “The large and repeated increase in the number of graduates of the literary “Therefore, it seems that the Lebanese today must either have an external set- comfortable Kuwait is an Iraqi interest. section in high school for many years is a matter that needs to be reviewed tlement between the concerned and directly infl uential countries, and directly “Let us rejoice and salute the Iraqi Prime Minister and we wish him success and evaluated urgently. This should be done with the involvement of experts with the results that the Lebanese street reaps, or by a miracle. because we are sure of this man’s true devotion to his country, Iraq, and to his in discussing the issue regarding the reluctance of most of our children to join “This country is protected from the big bang. Is it not part of the faltering Arab nation as well.” the scientifi c section. They have to determine why the general outlook is that east in which the culture of death mixes with the culture of survival -- starting ❑ ❑ ❑ literary and humanities faculties are much easier than the scientifi c and practi- from Palestine, passing through Syria, Iraq and Yemen, all the way to Libya? cal counterparts.” “How long will we remain dependent on foreign decisions and interests? “Customs offi ces seized 16,000 food commodities including milk, sugar, How long will we remain subservient to foreign wishes? We dim the light from bread and subsidized fl our that were to be smuggled abroad”, columnist Talal — Compiled by Zaki Taleb Other Voices Air Force personnel source of Racist hell ‘merciful’ pride for everyone – minister than racist paradise Sheikh Hamad visits Abdullah Al-Mubarak base By Ahmad alsarraf have become one of the world’s larg- est and most wealthy businessmen. while ago, I wrote on the sub- KUWAIT CITY, Aug 26, (KUNA): Deputy With the beginning of the spread Prime Minister and Minister of Defense Aject of racism, and how there are of Nazi ideas among the public in countries that try to limit its nega- Iraq in the 1930s and 1940s, public Sheikh Hamad Jaber Al-Ali Al-Sabah af- tive effects in society by imposing opinion or the mob against the Jews fi rmed Thursday that the work done by the severe penalties on those who abuse increased, and the British Embassy others on racist Air Force personnel is a source of pride for played a big role in directing anger everyone, as they are “ambassadors of Ku- grounds, espe- against the Jews to remove objections cially the mi- to its colonial presence, accusing the wait”. norities. Jews of full control over trade and This came according to a statement by the Kuwaiti I highlight- other activities. Chiefs of Staff following the visit of the Deputy Prime ed that most Mr. Al-Malak goes on to say many Minister and Minister of Defense to Abdullah Al- groups affected were sad when the law was issued Mubarak Air Base, accompanied by Chief of General by racism are to revoke the Iraqi citizenship of the Staff of the Army Lieutenant-General Khaled Saleh Al- minorities such Jews who lived in Iraq, as it was con- Sabah and Deputy Chief of Staff Lieutenant-General as Shiites, in sidered the ugliest and harshest law Fahd Al-Nasser. Sunni societies, imaginable against an original part Sheikh Hamad Al-Jaber said, “We are aware of the size of and Sunnis in alsarraf and an essential component of the the responsibility placed on the shoulders of the Air Force Shiite societies, Iraqi people, and the law constituted men, and we are confi dent that they are qualifi ed to assume in addition to Alawites, Armenians, at the time a hateful racist extremism. their important role in such urgent circumstances that the Assyrians, Bahais, Berbers, Copts, He added the law to revoke the country and the whole world are going through, and what Ismailis, Kurds, Sahrawis, Turkmen, citizenship of Iraqi Jews was drafted, this requires of doubling the effort and coordination with Yazidis and Nubians, for example according to him, at the British Em- various ministries and state institutions within the frame- and not limited to, add to these the bassy with the participation of Saleh work of a work system. A joint effort aimed at preserving followers of various Christian de- Jabr, who had previously served as the security of this country and the safety of those who live nominations in our countries, the gays prime minister more than once during on its good land.” and the others. the royal era. He expressed his happiness with this visit and meeting The article was well received by Mr. Al-Malak ends his message by with the employees of Abdullah Al-Mubarak Air Base, many, but the European/Iraqi friend saying that the Jews of several Arab conveying to them the greetings and appreciation of His ‘Hisham Al-Malak’ was offended by countries have suffered a lot, and he Highness the Amir, the Supreme Commander of the Armed my failure to address the bad, racist, does not want to talk much about Forces, His Highness the Crown Prince and His Highness and historically abhorrent treatment the matters that are known and their the Prime Minister, for their great efforts in carrying out the that the Jewish minority have been painful history is known, and had it various tasks and duties assigned to them with sincerity and subjected to in Islamic countries and not been for this racism against them, loyalty and a gift to this generous country. perhaps Iraq in particular, and they they would not have left their coun- He explained that the achievements of the employees of are among its oldest residents. tries of origin which they have long Abdullah Al-Mubarak Air Base cannot be summed up in He added he does not wish to en- loved, where they found a decent life, brief, as everyone witnessed their outstanding performance ter into the history of the Jews since and this forced them to to emigrate to and unlimited giving in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, the dawn of Islam in Madinah, but Israel as the next step, so we lost them they and their brothers in the armed forces and their imple- rather he will move to history in mentation of the lofty directives of the political leadership as citizens and as actors. in sending aid provided by the State of Kuwait within the the Arab states that used to belong Let us not forget in this hurry to KUNA photos to the Ottoman High Gate, includ- humanitarian and relief operations as well as the transfer of Top: Defense Minister Sheikh Hamad Jaber Al-Ali Al-Sabah during his visit to Ab- add that the Arabs of Israel, despite teams and fi refi ghting mechanisms to participate in extin- ing Iraq where it was customary for all kinds of bad racist treatment with dullah Al-Mubarak Air Base. Above: Air Force pilots and other staff listening to min- the rulers of the Sultanate to look guishing forest fi res in brotherly and friendly countries. them, may prefer to stay and work ister’s speech. for the sons of the well-to-do and He stressed that the Ministry of Defense is always work- in Israel than to migrate to any other wealthy Jewish families, to restrict ing to harness all its capabilities support the efforts of the Arab country, and the reason may be their freedoms and not to release State, adding that the tasks carried out by the Air Force due to their belief that Israel’s racist them until ransom was paid, and members are only a form of this support, which refl ects the hell may be more merciful than ‘A one of those kidnapped was a son of size of their distinguished capabilities, their commitment to racist paradise’ in many sister coun- the chief rabbi in Iraq. their oath and loyalty to this country, its wise leadership and tries. its people. These actions caused a large num- ❑ ❑ ❑ ber of the rich Jews to emigrate to Sheikh Hamad Al-Ali also praised the important and vital India and other countries, where they e-mail: [email protected] role played by the employees of the Intelligence and Secu- rity Authority (ISA) and the great responsibility they bear on their shoulders to preserve the security and safety of the country, reports Al-Rai daily. Kuwaiti shoots, hurts ‘bedoun’ In a press statement issued by the Ministry of Defense, Thursday, following the visit of the Deputy Prime Minis- ter and Minister of Defense to the Intelligence and Security Lebanese, Pakistani found dead Authority, accompanied by the Chief of the General Staff of the Army, Lieutenant-General Khaled Saleh Al-Sabah, and KUWAIT CITY, Aug 26: The corpses of a rior received a report police and paramedics Deputy Chief of Staff Lieutenant-General Fahd Al-Nasser, Lebanese and a Pakistani youth were found rushed to the spot and referred the corpse to Sheikh Hamad said the members of the Intelligence and Se- inside an apartment in Jleeb Al-Shuyoukh, Forensics Medicine department. curity Authority are the protectors of the homeland, loyal amid mysterious circumstances, reports Al- Murder has not been ruled out. to their oath and aware of the size of the tasks and duties Rai daily. ❑ ❑ ❑ assigned to them. The daily said the cause of the deaths is During his visit, the Minister of Defense conveyed the not known and that the concerned authori- Kuwaiti shoots bedoun: Police are look- ing for an unidentifi ed Kuwaiti for shooting greetings and appreciation of HH the Amir, Supreme Com- ties are awaiting reports from the Forensics mander of the Armed Forces, Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al- Medicine department. at a bedoun and injuring him following a dis- pute over a musical instrument (oud), reports Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, HH the Crown Prince, Sheikh The daily did not give more details. Mishaal Al-Ahmad Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, and His ❑ ❑ ❑ Al-Rai daily. The daily quoting a security source told Highness Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled, the Prime Minister. Police probe death: Securitymen are the daily CID men accompanied by para- He called on Intelligence and Security Authority to con- investigating the death of a citizen whose medics, moved to Salwa, the site of the in- tinue working on raising awareness and educating the em- corpse was found by his relatives, reports cident immediately after receiving a report ployees of the Kuwaiti army about the security procedures Al-Rai daily. on shooting rushed the injured man to a and precautions required by the nature of their work, includ- The daily added, the corpse was found hospital and discovered he was shot with a ing the preservation of information, data and military cor- inside a house in Hawalli and after the M16 rifl e. Police have recovered the empty respondence, and the need to adhere to and abide by all cir- Operations Room of the Ministry of Inte- bullet shell. culars issued in this fi eld. ARAB TIMES, FRIDAY-SATURDAY, AUGUST 27-28, 2021 LOCAL 4 REU offi cial’s statement on small fl ats for citizens draws MPs fl ak ‘Al-Ghanim’s idea will only make us poorer and traders richer’

By Saeed Mahmoud Saleh while stressing that it is now time to impose taxes. Arab Times Staff MP Mehalhal Al-Mudaf said greediness and selfi shness are evi- dent whenever citizens are asked to pay the price for the govern- KUWAIT CITY, Aug 26: Several MPs have reacted to ment’s failure. He argued that the right move at the moment is to the statement of Real Estate Union (REU) Vice-Chair- expand the construction process and transform the desert into resi- man Qais Al-Ghanim who urged citizens to be open to dential cities rather than forcing citizens to live in small fl ats. He the idea of residing in small fl ats instead of big houses, added the idea of Al-Ghanim will only make the citizens poorer and Ambassador George during his interaction with the Indian nurses in Kuwait. the traders richer. MP Osama Al-Shaheen de- Ambassador interacts with Indian nurses Large shortage of teachers cited scribed the statement of Al- Ghanim as provocative and un- The Ambassador of India to Kuwait HE Indian nurses in not only treating those acceptable; indicating the most Sibi George interacted with Indian nurs- infected by COVID-19 but also in deliv- important step now is to break es working in the State of Kuwait, today, ering preventive healthcare & ensuring Ministry’s plan to allow students attend Aug 26, as part of the embassy’s con- success of COVID-19 vaccination pro- the government-real estate trad- tinuous community outreach efforts, es- gramme in the State of Kuwait. In this ers alliance, not the promotion of pecially during these challenging times regard, he urged them to continue to classes ‘not feasible’ for private schools fl ats and taxes. He underscored on account of the ongoing pandemic. spread awareness on COVID-19 vac- the need to limit the establish- In his brief address, the ambassador cination and encourage all those Indian KUWAIT CITY, Aug 26: While Al-Ghanim asked the parents for ment of residential buildings for expressed his sincere gratitude to all the nationals who are yet to register them- tireless efforts are being exerted their “patience and cooperation.” investment. Indian healthcare professionals working selves for vaccination to do the same by the Ministry of Education to She said, “All governments spent in Kuwait, particularly the Indian nurses, at the earliest. Various issues related resume schools from the upcom- on education during the COV- Provocative who have been at the forefront of this bat- to Indian nurses including streamlining tle against COVID-19 and saving lives of of the recruitment process, and return ing academic year, and teams have ID-19 crisis, except for the State MP Hamad Al-Matar pointed been formed to follow up the readi- of Kuwait, although the fi nancial hundreds of thousands of people. to Kuwait of stranded nurses and their ness of schools to receive students, obligations of private schools are out that the country is currently During the interaction, ambassador family members were discussed during the scene in private schools seems great. School owners are not to be facing diffi culties, calling on emphasized the crucial role played by the interaction. different, as there are fears sur- blamed for this, as they are obliged the real estate traders who have rounding the return of students to to fulfi ll their fi nancial obligations been enjoying profi table deals classes, the most important is relat- such as the salaries of teachers, ad- with the government to stop is- ed to the large shortage of teachers, ministrators, and other employees, suing provocative statements reports Al-Rai daily. and rents. In the event of non-ful- and refrain from calling for the One of the private schools fi llment, the employees leave and implementation of taxes. He summed up its reality by saying, go to neighboring countries. asked the real estate traders to “The Ministry of Education’s plans Noura Al-Ghanim The Ministry of Education’s plan for the safe resumption of schools regarding the resumption of schools cooperate with the MPs in order are tailored to public schools only. focuses on the public schools. The to fi nd plausible solutions to the There are about 605 schools in the private education private schools, on the other hand, have different educa- housing issue. sector, and they have a special status and external edu- tional systems. Due to the high densities, many of them MP Fares Al Otaibi asserted cational systems that cannot be deviated from. had to divide classes into student groups and prepare that taxes should be imposed on Whenever we want to defi ne our vision for the new schedules for students’ working hours, provided that those who monopolize industrial school year, the ministry surprises us with a new plan their number in each class does not exceed 20 students plots and rent stores owned by at a critical time, which ultimately brings about crises and a distance of two meters is maintained between the State at low prices. He added Part of the meeting of the health requirements committee. for us”. each student. These are important matters and require- the State must provide housing to The situation seems severe in some private schools, ments that the schools must adhere to”. Adhere to physical distancing: Al-Manfouhi which have begun to witness quarrels with parents citizens as per the Constitution, regarding their plan for resumption. This is because Compromise while taxes should be imposed classes will not be held on a daily basis, although daily Al-Ghanim asked everyone “to compromise a lit- only if the National Assembly classes will be held as per the decision of the Ministry tle and cooperate in consideration of the exceptional ratifi es a law in this regard. ‘Need to take precautionary health of Education but with the number of students in each situation in order to get out of the crisis, and reopen MP Ahmed Mutei Al-Azmi class not exceeding 20. schools for our students according to the traditional said 70 percent of the land in Ku- education system”. measures during camping season’ Fees wait is desert, while emphasizing She said, “As far as I know, there is a government the need to establish residential The parents told the daily, “The lack of teachers in trend to exclude the return of teachers from the pro- KUWAITCITY, Aug 26, (KUNA): The regulations during the camping season these schools is not our problem, as we have been pay- hibited countries, provided strict health measures and cities instead of disrupting such Health Requirements Committee today, have specifi ed a mechanism for reserv- ing the fees and are committed to it. The schools must precautionary measures are adhered to prior to their projects in favor of real estate Thursday, looked into the health re- ing a place in the desert areas, noting provide educational services to our children in accord- arrival in Kuwait”. traders in the form of promoting quirements and precautionary measures that this is done through the Munici- ance with the material value they receive”. Regarding stranded teachers, an offi cial from a pri- vertical residential buildings. that have to be taken during the camping pality’s website (online) to acquire a Commenting on this, the offi cial explained that, vate school revealed that the Ministry of Education ad- In another development, MP season between Nov 15 and March 15. license. “There are many private schools that terminated the dressed the Council of Ministers regarding the issue of Osama Al-Shaheen submitted a This is in addition to the implemen- Al-Manfouhi explained the commit- services of their teachers during the COVID-19 crisis stranded teachers. The decision was clear, which was proposal to grant allowances to tation of decision taken by the Cabinet tee’s fi eld teams will hold a meeting due to their inability to pay their salaries. They are not to exempt all teachers from the conditions for return. the health assistance workers at for children to help them continue their over the next two days with the com- to blame for this. He stressed that the statements issued by parents re- the Ministry of Health; similar to activities at the beginning of next Sep- mercial companies concerned with this Dividing the classes in line with the student densi- garding the shortage of teachers are true, but it is not their counterparts in the Health tember. issue to explain the health requirements ties requires opening additional classes that need addi- their problem as long as they are committed to fees”. The deputy head of the main commit- and precautionary measures to be taken tional teachers. This is diffi cult in the current situation. The offi cial revealed that, “The discount of 25 per- Assistance Services Department. MP Bader Al-Humaidi for- tee to monitor the implementation of the to protect children as a precautionary All private schools have submitted to the Council cent in the fees, which was applicable to the distance requirements related to combating the measure to prevent the spread of the of Ministers a list of their stranded teachers. Govern- learning system, has been cancelled”. warded queries to Minister of ment has promised to open the way for their return, He said all private schools have submitted to the Public Works and Minister of spread of the new Coronavirus (Cov- Coronavirus. even from countries classifi ed as high-risk, such as In- General Department for Private Education their plans State for Communication and id-19), and the director-general of the He added since children have stopped dia. Their return can be expected very soon, similar to to resume classes, adding that a full-fl edged plan will Information Technology Affairs Kuwait Municipality, Ahmed Al-Man- their activities, whether in malls or en- those working in the government schools”. be soon approved.” fouhi, told KUNA after the committee tertainment places, for a long time, “We Rana Al-Fares asking about the meeting that the study touched on the expect crowds of children in commer- In this regard, Head of the Union of Foreign Schools According to an offi cial from an Indian school, the maintenance contract for Block Noura Al-Ghanim affi rmed that, “The repercussions shortage of teachers in all Indian schools in Kuwait is importance of maintaining a suffi cient cial and recreation areas, so there will be of the COVID-19 crisis imposed on private and gov- estimated at 700 teachers, as they are all stuck abroad. One in Ghernata. distance between each camp. a mechanism to determine the number ernment schools and on the education systems in the In just one school, the shortage is estimated at 100 He requested for a copy of Al-Manfouhi added the study indicat- of children allowed to enter these places world, the need to adhere to health measures and re- teachers. the contract and relevant details ed the need to give more spaces than be- during certain times and application of quirements, and the migration of students from public He explained that the Indian schools are ready with such as the reasons behind the fore to some public benefi t institutions all health requirements and physical dis- schools to private schools, have created high student their facilities. Necessary work has been done, as the delayed completion of mainte- that wish to reserve places during the tancing to protect their health. densities in private schools. About 98 percent of pri- cleaners have begun their work, and some restoration nance works. He also wants to camping season in terms of adhering to He explained reducing the number vate schools have 27 students or more in each class- work has been carried out such as painting and main- know if the ministry conducted physical distancing as a precautionary of children is what is important and re- room. They are forced to divide their school day ac- tenance. investigations in order to impose measure against the Coronavirus. quired in places for children’s activities, cording to their available capabilities”. The offi cial revealed that the vaccination rate of stu- penalties on the contractor due dents and teachers of Indian schools is about 70 per- He explained there is still plenty of whether in malls or entertainment areas, Scientifi c cent, which is a good indication for the resumption of to errors committed during the time to approve the health requirements based on a study from the Ministry of She described a teacher now as “a rare currency, classes. development of the project such and put in place precautionary meas- Health, which has confi rmed that some especially in scientifi c disciplines”, stressing that the At the same time, he indicated that, “In the event as the collapse of fences in some ures that must be adhered to during the children who were infected with the school owners are not at fault in this situation, as the that the 700 teachers do not arrive, the distance edu- houses because of mistakes in camping season which will be soon an- virus did not show any symptoms, and government decisions and health measures imposed cation system will have to be implemented in all the the drilling works related to the nounced. this will transmit the virus to the family, this situation on everyone”. schools”. supply of telephone lines. He stated the Kuwait Municipality especially the adults. IS believed

Continued from Page 1 When the Taliban were last in power, they confi ned women largely to their home and widely imposed draco- nian restrictions. Already, some countries have ended their evacuations and begun to withdraw their soldiers and diplomats, sign- aling the beginning of the end of one of history’s largest airlifts. The Taliban have insisted foreign troops must be out by America’s self-imposed deadline of Aug. 31 - and the evacuations must end then, too. In Washington, U.S. President Joe Biden spent much of the morning in the secure White House Situation Room where he was briefed on the explosions and conferred with his national security team and commanders on the ground in Kabul. Overnight, warnings emerged from Western capitals about a threat from IS, which has seen its ranks boosted by the Taliban’s freeing of prisoners during its advance through Afghanistan. Shortly before the attack, the acting U.S. ambassador to Kabul, Ross Wilson, said the security threat at the Ka- bul airport overnight was “clearly regarded as credible, as imminent, as compelling.” But in an interview with ABC News, he would not give details. Late Wednesday, the U.S. Embassy warned citizens at three airport gates to leave immediately due to an unspeci- fi ed security threat. Australia, Britain and New Zealand also advised their citizens Thursday not to go to the airport. Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid denied that any attack was imminent at the airport, where the group’s fi ght- ers have deployed and occasionally used heavy-handed tac- tics to control the crowds. After the attack, he appeared to shirk blame, noting the airport is controlled by U.S. troops. Before the blast, the Taliban sprayed a water cannon at those gathered at one airport gate to try to drive the crowd away, as someone launched tear gas canisters elsewhere. Nadia Sadat, a 27-year-old Afghan, carried her 2-year- old daughter with her outside the airport. She and her hus- band, who had worked with coalition forces, missed a call from a number they believed was the State Department and were trying to get into the airport without any luck. Her husband had pressed ahead in the crowd to try to get them inside. “We have to fi nd a way to evacuate because our lives are in danger,” Sadat said. “My husband received several threatening messages from unknown sources. We have no chance except escaping.” Aman Karimi, 50, escorted his daughter and her fam- ily to the airport, fearful the Taliban would target her be- cause of her husband’s work with NATO. ARAB TIMES, FRIDAY-SATURDAY, AUGUST 27-28, 2021 LOCAL 5

KUNA photos President of the Supreme Judicial Council, Counselor Ahmed Al-Ajeel, and the President of the Supreme Court, Counselor Abdullatif Al-Thunayan, with the Deputy Attorney General during the oath taking ceremony.

38 public prosecutors take oath as High Court judges

38 public prosecutors took the legal oath on Thurs- starting from the first of next September. He stated that the President of the High Court, day before the President of the Supreme Judicial The Supreme Judicial Council said in a press Counselor Abdullatif Al-Thunayan, who attended Council and President of the Court of Cassation, statement that the head of the Supreme Judi- the oath called on the new judges to carry out Counselor Ahmed Al-Ajeel, on the occasion of cial Council, Counselor Ahmed Al-Ajeel, called their duties and to behave well in dealing with the their transfer to work as judges at the High Court, on judges to abide by the law, duties and rights cases presented to them. (KUNA) Cos seek to ‘raise prices’ of consumer products, request submitted to MoCI

Importers cite high cost of raw materials at global level

KUWAIT CITY, Aug 26: Several mega local food and consumer goods importing companies have submitted requests to the Ministry of Commerce and Industry to allow them to raise the

KUNA photo prices of consumer prod- Members of the Kuwait diving team during the recovery of a sunken boat ucts to varying degrees, re- on the coast of Al-Zour, south of Kuwait. ports Al Qabas daily quot- ing reliable sources. The importers have justified Sea-goers urged caution their requests, foremost of which is the high cost of raw materials at global level, in addition to the sig- nificant rise in sea and air freight Kuwait diving team retrieve, charges, as well as land transporta- tion costs to Kuwait. The same sources said the ministry fl oat sunken boat in Al-Zour is studying the cancellation of the deci- sion that was issued by the Ministry of KUWAIT CITY, Aug 26, (KUNA): that the presence of the boat sub- Commerce and Industry about a year- The Kuwait diving team affiliated merged in the sea causes many en- and-a-half ago to streamline prices of with the Environmental Volunteer vironmental problems because it all food commodities in Kuwait due to Foundation managed to retrieve contains fuel and oils, in addition the repercussions of the Corona pan- and float a sunken and stranded to its navigational danger to the demic because the reason why it was boat on the coast of Al-Zour area rest of the boats and ships when issued is no more valid in the face of in southern Kuwait, weighing three it floats in the middle of the sea, supply chains resuming normal activ- tons and 23 feet long, in coopera- which requires rapid intervention ity and the smooth flow of goods. tion with the Marine Rescue Center to retrieve it. Although the market has resumed of the Public Fire Force. He called on sea-goers to be its normal activity new precautions to The marine operations officer careful and apply security and prevent artificial and unjustified rise in in the Lieutenant-General Waleed safety measures while sailing and prices are in place. Al-Shatti told Kuwait News Agen- staying away from coral reefs, es- The sources indicated companies cy (KUNA) on Thursday that the pecially during times of receding and importers have already provided team took the initiative to retrieve sea water, due to the danger it pos- evidence that shipping costs have the boat immediately after receiv- es to the hull of the boats and its increased, for example, in just one KUNA photos month by 20 percent on the container Kuwait’s International Islamic Charity Organization (IICO) launched on Wednesday ‘Manara’ project to support ing the news of its sinking, and it damage when colliding with them. needy families and orphans at the Palestinian Universities in the West Bank. Around 28 students will benefit from was very close to the coral reefs as He stated that the team has high load, whether 20 or 40 feet, as the the initiative through (Wafa) institution for Development and Capacity building in Ramallah. a result of the southern winds that skills to salvage boats and ships average price of shipping a 40-foot blew during these days. due to its experience and efforts container during the month of May Al-Shatti added that the process exerted since its establishment in was $5,000, but now the charge is $6 of salvaging the boat was divided 1986 in order to protect the marine thousand. limit for the prices that must be sold sales centers which creates a com- Ports Authority to reduce import into two stages, the first is to in- environment, as more than 790 The sources pointed out among the that should not be exceeded and the petitive atmosphere between different duties on importing companies and spect the boat and work to stabi- boats and ships were recovered, companies which have demanded per- violator will be subject to the closure sales outlets to offer price discounts manufacturers related to handling lize it due to the presence of strong in addition to tons of marine and mission to raise prices, are major local of his company and the cessation of his and rewarding offers to gain consumer fees, flooring and others; estab- water currents at the site, with the coastal debris. suppliers of international cocoa, but activity. satisfaction, in addition to being able lishing sufficient stores at nominal placement and installation of air He pointed out that the team’s their causes differ from others, as they Sources wondered about the fate of to control the strategic food stock in prices to provide the value of storage bags for its flotation after adjusting efforts are voluntary and serve the attributed the reasons for the increase the electronic price movement control the country . for importers and manufacturers and it to capsize due to the waves, then country, society and sea-goers, and to high costs of cocoa in the countries system, which was announced by the Economic sources called on the conducting educational campaigns of origin, led by African countries cit- Ministry of Commerce two years ago, Ministry of Commerce to implement for consumers to urge them to switch installing water pumps to empty it it seeks through its young Kuwaiti calling for its speedy implementation a five-pronged plan that would help to alternative products. of sea water. members to spread environmental ing drought situation over the years, which means scarcity of supply of because of its importance, and will it control price hikes, which are -- The sources reported that the Min- He explained that the second awareness in Kuwait and abroad raw cocoa, and consequently the high help the ministry’s employees to fol- coordination with cooperative soci- istry of Commerce is working on a de- stage included towing the boat to of the need to preserve the marine prices globally. low the movement of basic commod- eties, and urging them to reduce the tailed report on the rise in food prices the Al-Khiran slide to lift it for environment and consolidate vol- The Ministry of Commerce issued ity prices to limit the artificial price percentage of their profits, for the globally, and its repercussions on the repair by the marine rescue cen- untary work among individuals a decision in March of 2020 to fix the hike and contribute to providing the benefit of the consumer; coordina- local market and will submit its recom- ter boat of the Fire Force. He said and groups of society. prices of all types of food commodi- consumer with a weekly list prices of tion with the General Administration mendations to the Council of Ministers ties in the country, and to consider the hundreds of consumer goods in vari- of Customs in reducing customs du- soon, and then await the Cabinet’s di- prevailing prices before the issuance of ous sales outlets, enabling it to monitor ties on food imports and consumer rectives which will contribute to curb- Call to step up efforts this decision on March 10 as the upper prices and compare between different goods; coordination with the Kuwait ing the expected rise in prices. ‘More direct foreign investments’ into One of the pillars of ‘New Kuwait 2035’ Arab countries needed: Dhaman Corp Manpower keen to enhance women role in private sector KUWAIT CITY, Aug 26, (KUNA): KUWAIT CITY, Aug 26, (KUNA): fairs Dr. Ahmad Nasser Al-Mohammad timated at 400. produced in the second phase. The Arab Investment and Export Acting Director General of the Public Al-Sabah addressed the Minister of Reliable sources told the Al-Seyassah The sources indicated that the min- Credit Guarantee Corporation (Dha- man) called on Arab countries, Thurs- Authority for Manpower, Dr. Mubarak Commerce and Industry Dr. Abdullah daily that the biggest percentage of istry is counting on this vital project as day, to step up efforts to attract more Al-Azmi affirmed on Thursday, the au- Al-Salman to refer proposals related to employees is concentrated in Al-Zour one of the water projects implemented foreign direct investments (FDI) amid thority’s keenness to enhance the role indicators of activities women, business South Plant with 1,503 employees, fol- by the ministry to provide the ground- fierce competition between regional of women in the work system in the and law in the work environment, which lowed by West Doha Station with 1,367, water needed for the final treatment of and world countries. private sector, empowering them, pro- were presented to the committee. then Al-Shuaiba Station with 1,033 em- distilled water, as the water generated viding them with space and facilitating ployees, while the number of employ- from the reverse osmosis desalination Dhaman stressed the need to draw Proposals more investors, mainly multinational their access to all opportunities because ees at the Al-Subbiya Station is 927, at project to be established at the Doha sta- companies, in light of their decreased they are one of the pillars of the devel- He stated that all the proposals re- Doha East Station 849 and in at the Shu- tion is drinkable without the need to mix Abdullah Ahmad Al-Sabeeh, Dha- opment plan and of the vision ‘New Ku- ferred to within the committee’s work waikh Power Plant it is 361 employees. it with groundwater. investment activities due to the CO- man’s Director-General VID-19 pandemic. wait 2035’. items were also discussed, which would The sources added that the total num- The sources also pointed out that the This would improve the investment expectations of foreign direct invest- Al-Azmi said in a press statement enhance the role of women in the private ber of employees in the ministry dur- project contributes to enhancing and climate, and rankings in relevant sig- ment (FDI) in the Region” is a result after presiding over the meeting of the sector and empower them, and what this ing July was 25,689, including 24,698 supporting the production capacity of nificant international indexes, it noted. of acquisitions and investment in other Supreme Consultative Committee for required for the development of legisla- Kuwaitis and 991 non-Kuwaitis. The water, to secure the population’s need In a press statement, Dhaman’s instruments”. Labor Affairs that the work items that tive mechanisms to strengthen the Ku- sources affirmed the ministry’s keen- for fresh water as well as the needs of Director-General Abdullah Ahmad The global FDI database showed a focus on seeking to provide economic wait index, indicating that the principle ness to hire national labor in all sectors, the industrial sector, in addition to en- Al-Sabeeh said on the occasion of is- fall in the number of foreign projects opportunities for women in Kuwaiti so- of prohibiting discrimination in employ- especially technical sectors such as the suring the continuity of providing future suing the second quarterly bulletin, in the region in the first half of 2021 by ciety and their impact on the applicable ment on the basis of sex, parental leave power stations sector, which is one of quantities of water required to be sup- (Dhaman’s Investment Bulletin) for 6.9 percent to 285 projects, in addition laws and regulations were discussed. and others were among the topics that the pillars of work within the ministry. plied for industrial expansions and new 2021, the corporation expects the con- to a drop in the capital investment by He explained that the meeting was were discussed during the committee In a separate context, the sources cities. tinuation of the positive performance 16.8 percent to USD 12.4 billion, com- attended by members of the committee meeting. indicated that the Central Agency for The sources added that the project of foreign direct investments in Arab pared with the same period of 2020. from representatives of several bodies, In other news, the Ministry of Elec- Public Tenders recently requested the achieves a balance between the produc- countries during 2021. “The peculiarity of the Arab situa- such as the ministries of Interior, Trade tricity, Water and Renewable Energy re- ministry for a subsequent letter that in- tion of electric power and water pro- These expectations came after an tion, the expected extraordinary activ- and Industry, Kuwait Municipality, Ku- vealed the percentage of Kuwaitis work- cludes the financial appropriation and duction from the West and East Doha unexpected rise by 2.5 percent during ity of enterprise attraction and foreign wait Chamber of Commerce and Indus- ing at the six power and desalination the amendments that were discussed to stations, especially in winter when the 2020 despite a decline in the number direct investment, the epidemic, po- try and the General Union of Kuwait water station has reached 93.3 percent approve the ministry’s request to submit demand for electric power decreases, of Greenfield FDI projects in Arab litical and economic developments in Workers. of the total workforce -- 5,640 employ- a project to supply, install, operate and while the demand for water remains the countries and their capital investment the region would all determine how He stated that the meeting comes ees out of the total of 6,040 employees maintain the Doha seawater desalination same, which increases the efficiency of during the same year. the year 2021 exactly looks like”,Al- after the Minister of Foreign Affairs in the sector, noting that the number of plant by reverse osmosis with equip- the two stations, and thus reduces en- Al-Sabeeh said that “the mixed Sabeeh explained. and Minister of State for Cabinet Af- non-Kuwaiti workers in the sector is es- ment to increase the alkalinity of water ergy consumption. ARAB TIMES, FRIDAY-SATURDAY, AUGUST 27-28, 2021 INTERNATIONAL 6

Rep. Mike McCaul, R-Texas, the ranking Republican on the Foreign Affairs Committee, center, and other members of the panel speak with reporters about the need to help evacuate all Americans and Afghans who aided US forces at the Capitol in Washington, Wednesday, Aug 25, 2021. (AP)

Migrants America Drugs

Appeals court rejects case: A Texas group has no standing to claim ‘More keep coming’ that New York University illegally gives Move to keep them sober preference to women and racial minori- ties when selecting editors and articles Migrant children spending for the NYU Law Review, an appeals court ruled Wednesday. California to pay drug addicts The 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals weeks at US govt shelters in Manhattan said that the group - Fac- SACRAMENTO, Aug 26, (AP): for it through Medicaid, the joint a small, privately-funded contin- ulty, Alumni and Students Opposed to Frustrated by out-of-control increases state and federal health insurance gency management program. It’s WASHINGTON, Aug 26, (AP): caring for the children until they Racial Preferences - had failed to show in drug overdose deaths, California’s program for the poor and disabled where Tyrone Clifford, who was Five months after the Biden admin- can be sent to live with relatives or that its members have suffered an injury. The 2018 lawsuit claimed that the stu- leaders are trying something radical. that covers nearly 14 million people addicted to meth, enrolled because istration declared an emergency and other sponsors in the United States They want the state to be the fi rst to in California. they promised to pay him for every raced to set up shelters to house a re- while they wait for an immigration dent-run journal once chose editors and articles through merit alone but in recent pay people to stay sober. Meanwhile, a similar proposal is negative test over 12 weeks. cord number of children crossing the judge to decide whether they can The federal government has been moving through California’s Dem- His fi rst payment was $2. That US-Mexico border alone, kids con- stay in the country legally. While years started giving weight to women, ra- cial minorities and to sexual orientation doing it for years with military vet- ocratic-controlled Legislature. It’s increased slightly with each sub- tinue to lan- the agency has a broad network of erans and research shows it is one of already passed the Senate with no sequent negative test for a total of guish at the state-licensed shelters that could and gender identity. The suit had argued that the process the most effective ways to get peo- opposition and is pending in the As- about $330. sites, while be expanded, ample space in foster amounts to illegal discrimination against ple to stop using drugs like cocaine sembly, where it has a Republican “I thought, I can do 12 weeks. I’ve more keep care programs and large, so-called whites and men, and that it diminishes and methamphetamine, stimulants co-author. done that before when my dealer was coming, child infl ux care facilities that adhere to the prestige for alumni who earned spots for which there are no pharmaceuti- “I think there is a lot in this strat- in jail,” he said. “When I’m done I’ll welfare advo- specifi c standards for staffi ng and in the past. (AP) cal treatments available. egy for everyone to like,” said state have 330 bucks to get high with.’” cates say. conditions, it continues to turn to ❑ ❑ ❑ It works like this: People earn small Sen. Scott Wiener, a Democrat from Clifford did make it through the More than these emergency sites. Tech exec sentenced to 2 yrs: A incentives or payments for every neg- San Francisco and author of the bill. program without a positive test. 700 children Advocates say the emergency ative drug test over a period of time. “Most important of all, it works.” But instead of using the money to spent three intake sites adhere to none of the Washington state tech executive has been sentenced to two years in prison Most people who complete the treat- How much it would cost depends buy more drugs, he bought a lap- weeks or lon- agency’s existing standards and are ment without any positive tests can on how many people participate. A top computer so he could go back ger at the gov- an inadequate and expensive op- after fraudulently obtaining nearly $1.8 Dolly million in federal COVID-19 disaster earn a few hundred dollars. They usu- program covering 1,000 people could to school. He says he hasn’t used ernment’s un- tion, especially for young, vulner- ally get the money on a gift card. cost as much as $286,000, a pittance methamphetamine in 11 years and licensed sites in mid-July, according able children already coping with the relief loans. Mukund Mohan, of Clyde Hill, previ- It’s called “contingency manage- in California’s total operating budget now works as a counselor at the San to declarations fi led with a federal trauma of leaving home and making ously worked for Microsoft and Amazon ment” and Gov. Gavin Newsom has of more than $262 billion. Francisco AIDS Foundation, help- court overseeing custody conditions the dangerous trip north. and was making more than $200,000 a asked the federal government for The San Francisco AIDS Foun- ing people who had the same addic- for immigrant youth. Advocates say “There are other ways to do this. year as the chief of technology for the permission to use tax dollars to pay dation, a nonprofi t agency, runs tion problems he did. children should be released quickly They kind of stick their head in the Canadian e-commerce company Build- to their relatives in the US or sent to sand and act like the emergency Direct when he was arrested in July 2020. a licensed facility. intake sites are the only game in The U.S. Attorney’s Office in Seattle In one of the fi lings, a 16-year- town, and it’s just so far from the said he submitted eight fraudulent Pay- old Salvadoran boy said children truth,” said Leecia Welch, senior check Protection Program loan applica- were served raw meat. It took director of legal advocacy and tions seeking $5.5 million for companies more than a month for the boy, child welfare at the National Cen- he purportedly ran, and he actually re- who said he speaks with both his ter for Youth Law and one of the ceived almost $1.8 million. parents each week, to be released attorneys representing children in Mohan’s attorneys sought a 60-day to his father in Georgia. the federal court case. “When you sentence, noting Mohan had no criminal “When I wake up every day, I start at horrifying, and better is history and had spent only $16,500 of the feel really frustrated. Of the youth still awful, that’s just not OK.” money. They said his actions, possibly trig- gered by mental health issues, were such an that I arrived with, I am the last Standards one here,” the boy said in his dec- aberration for him that he fainted when fed- Advocates have asked Gee to eral agents knocked on his door. (AP) laration. “I would like to be home ❑ ❑ ❑ with my dad right now.” order the administration to follow When the Biden administra- standards at emergency sites like Lawyers with Trump penalized: tion erected the emergency sites it does for its infl ux care facilities, Nine lawyers allied with former Presi- in March to ease dangerous over- which also aim to offset an increase dent Donald Trump face financial pen- crowding at border stations, they in arrivals. For example, a Carrizo alties and other sanctions after a judge were meant to be a temporary fi x. Springs, Texas, facility for up to Wednesday said they had abused the But months later, some wonder 1,000 children must provide a care court system with a lawsuit that chal- whether that’s still the case. worker for every eight children lenged Michigan’s election results that Border crossings by children while they’re awake and at least one certified Joe Biden as the winner. without an adult in July neared the individual counseling session each U.S. District Judge Linda Parker said same levels they did in March de- week for each child. A hearing on the lawsuit last November was a sham the issue is scheduled for Oct. 1. intended to deceive the court and the spite the summer heat. public. “If you have a dinner party that Offi cials at the Department of Health and Human Services did “Despite the haze of confusion, com- you plan to have for three peo- motion and chaos counsel intentionally ple, and 30,000 people show up, not answer questions from The Associated Press. attempted to create by filing this lawsuit, you’re going to have a problem,” one thing is perfectly clear: Plaintiffs’ at- US District Judge Dolly M. Gee, The Obama and Trump admin- torneys have scorned their oath, flouted who oversees the decades-old istrations also opened temporary the rules, and attempted to undermine the settlement agreement that governs facilities when there was a jump in integrity of the judiciary along the way,” custody conditions for the chil- children crossing the border alone, Parker said in the opening of a scathing dren, said at a recent hearing. but the numbers were not near what 110-page opinion. the Biden administration has seen. The lawsuit was filed on behalf of six Infrastructure Once the coronavirus appeared, Republican voters who wanted Parker “The infrastructure is not set the Trump administration largely to decertify Michigan’s results and im- up for tens of thousands of people shut down the Southwest border to pound voting machines. The judge de- coming in at one time, and some- asylum seekers under a pandemic- clined in Decem- how the paradigm has to shift to related measure, turning away many ber, calling the fi gure out how to deal with these immigrants. Then, in November, a request “stunning types of numbers.” federal judge ordered the administra- in its scope and US border authorities reported tion to stop expelling unaccompa- breathtaking in its more than 18,000 encounters with nied children under the policy. reach.” unaccompanied immigrant chil- Two months later, President Joe The state and dren in July, up 24% from a month Biden took offi ce and the number of Detroit subsequent- ly asked Parker earlier. The rise comes in the busi- immigrant children seeking to cross to order sanctions est month yet for the Biden admin- began to rise. Shelters for immigrant against Sidney istration on the border, with a total youth were still running at reduced Powell, L. Lin of nearly 200,000 encounters even capacity due to coronavirus con- Wood and seven though crossings are typically ex- cerns, and the Department of Health Trump other attorneys pected to slow during the summer. and Human Services was suddenly whose names were on the lawsuit. (AP) According to a government report strapped for space to house them. ❑ ❑ ❑ in early August, the Department of In recent months, the average Health and Human Services had length of stay at the emergency AG pleads no contest: South Dakota nearly 15,000 children in its care but intake sites has declined and the Attorney General Jason Ravnsborg on only 11,000 licensed shelter beds for Department of Health and Human Thursday pleaded no contest plea to two the immigrant children. Using large- Services has shut down some sites misdemeanor traffic charges for a crash last year in which he hit and killed a man scale facilities can fi ll this gap, though and worked to improve conditions who was walking along a rural highway. advocates said the government would in others. But at one point, some Ravnsborg pleaded no contest to do better by expanding licensed shel- children were so desperate to get charges of making an illegal lane change ters where children are given case out of the government’s largest and using a phone while driving, which workers, recreation and six hours of emergency facility at Fort Bliss each carry a sentence of up to 30 days in education on each weekday. Army Base, in Texas, that they jail and up to a $500 fine. He had been The Department of Health and tried to escape, according to decla- charged with three misdemeanors, but Human Services is tasked with rations fi led with the court. prosecutors dropped a careless driving charge as part of the deal. (AP) ARAB TIMES, FRIDAY-SATURDAY, AUGUST 27-28, 2021 INTERNATIONAL 7

Germany News in Brief

Russian wants asylum: A Russian man from a Russian-held island claimed Merkel calls off Israel trip by both Tokyo and Moscow is seeking asylum after being found in a wet suit on Japan’s northern main island of Hok- kaido, media reports and offi cials said Wednesday. Candidates fail to The man was found in the town of Shibetsu on the coast of Hokkaido across from Kunashiri island, one of four Russian-held islands claimed by both inspire electorate countries, Japanese media said. He said he swam about 20 kilometers (12 miles) BERLIN, Aug 26, (AP): It’s not The Greens saw their ratings to Hokkaido to seek asylum, the reports that politics bore him; quite the jump in April after nominating An- said. opposite. But Christoph Gillitzer nalena Baerbock, 40, as the party’s The man was wearing a wet suit when he was found by a local resident last is stumped by whom to vote for in candidate for chancellor and an- Thursday, the reports said. The region- Germany’s federal election next nouncing the news at a smoothly al immigration offi ce in Sapporo said month. staged event that contrasted with Wednesday that he is being interviewed The retired engineer says he their rivals’ squabbling. by immigration offi cials following an in- usually backs the underdog, yet The bump in the polls didn’t last itial investigation by police to determine the choices on offer Sept. 26 don’t long. Baerbock’s lack of executive whether he is eligible for a temporary have him convinced. experience and a fl ap over plagia- landing permit or refugee status, or is “It’s really diffi cult this time,” rism in a book she wrote ended up subject to repatriation. he said on a dreary Berlin morning costing her party support. The immigration offi ce declined to this week. Recent polls by German public provide his identity and other details, in- Like Gil- broadcasters ARD and ZDF show cluding how he arrived in Hokkaido. litzer, a large few voters want either Laschet or In a Facebook statement earlier this chunk of Baerbock as chancellor, boosting Climate activist pressure group Extinction Rebellion pro- ing animals, during a protest in London, Thursday Aug week, the Russian Embassy in Japan the German the previously tepid ratings of Olaf testers hold posters in the fountain daubed with red paint 26, 2021. Extinction Rebellion protests are aiming to oc- sought an explanation from Japanese au- electorate re- Scholz - Germany’s fi nance min- on the Queen Victoria Memorial outside the gates of cupy parts of central London for two weeks to demand the thorities of the status of the man, whom it mains unde- ister and vice chancellor - and his Buckingham Palace, seen behind, to protest against hunt- Government halts all new investment in fossil fuels. (AP) identifi ed as V.-F.V. Nokarde. (AP) cided going Social Democratic Party. ❑ ❑ ❑ into a parlia- The former Hamburg mayor Indonesian seizes tanker: Indone- mentary elec- and federal labor minister was sia’s navy said Wednesday that it seized tion that will once nicknamed “Scholzomat” for Koreas an oil tanker that was wanted by Cambo- determine what critics said was a habit of fre- dian authorities on suspicion of stealing Merkel who succeeds quently repeating the same phrases nearly 300,000 barrels of crude oil. Angela Mer- regardless of what question he was The Bahamas-fl agged tanker MT Stro- kel as chancellor after her 16 years asked. Pyongyang Assembly to discuss strained economy volos was detained in waters off Indone- in offi ce. Lately, the 63-year-old minister sia’s Riau islands in late July, the navy Recent surveys show that sup- has played up his long experience said in a statement. The captain and 18 port for political parties has fl at- in government while deftly avoid- other crew members - made up of Bang- tened out, with none forecast to ing the limelight over crises such ladeshi, Indian and Myanmar nationals - receive more than a quarter of the as the fl oods and Afghanistan, Seoul calls for N. Korean Co-op were also detained. vote. from where Germany, like other After they were detained, the crew SEOUL, Aug 26, (AP): South for diplomacy and because of COV- partial reduction of its nuclear capa- members were sent to quarantine before Merkel’s center-right Union nations, has frantically tried to Korea’s vice defense minister on ID-19. bilities. their case was processed by investiga- bloc and the center-left Social evacuate its citizens and allies af- Thursday called for North Korea to While it will be up to leaders and Critics say North Korea has al- tors, the navy said. Democrats are neck-and-neck in ter being surprised by the Taliban resume cooperation under a 2018 diplomats to persuade North Korea ready damaged the spirit of the in- The captain of the tanker, a Bangla- the polls, closely followed by the takeover. military agreement on reducing ten- to go in a different direction, South ter-Korean military agreement with desh national, is suspected of anchoring environmentalist Greens, who are Scholz’s main achievement at sions, which the North has threat- Korea’s military is “thoroughly” a series of belligerent acts in 2020. It in Indonesian territory without permis- making their fi rst bid for the chan- the moment “lies in not making ened to abandon over US-South Ko- prepared to push forward with inter- blew up an empty inter-Korean liai- sion and faces up to one year in prison cellery. any mistakes,” political scientist rean military exercises. Korean military cooperation when- son offi ce in the North Korean bor- and maximum fi ne of 200 million rupiah Zons said. Incumbent The agreement, which created ever diplomacy creates room for it, der town of Kaesong in June and its ($13,900) if found guilty. The Social Democrats have ben- buffer zones along land and sea Park said. troops shot and killed a South Ko- When it was seized, the tanker had “This is the fi rst time that an efi ted from this cautious approach. boundaries and no-fl y zones above He said such a committee would rean government offi cial who was about 298,000 barrels of oil on board, the incumbent chancellor hasn’t run One poll this week gave the party a the border to prevent clashes, has allow both sides to move forward found drifting near their sea bound- statement said. (AP) again in a German election, so small lead over the Union bloc - its been crucial in maintaining stability with an agenda agreed to in 2018 ary in September. ❑ ❑ ❑ we have a completely new table fi rst for many years. between the Koreas as their relations and also “explore other agendas to Meanwhile, North Korea will Body of missing found: A body of candidates,” Gregor Zons, a Stefan Wurster, a professor of worsened in recent months, Vice strengthen trust between the militar- convene its rubber-stamp parlia- found washed up in the northern Neth- political scientist at the Heinrich policy analysis at the Technical Defense Minister Park Jae-min said ies.” ment next month to discuss efforts erlands has been identifi ed as that of an Heine University Düsseldorf, University of Munich, cautioned in an interview with The Associated The inter-Korean military agree- to salvage an economy strained by 81-year-old German who disappeared said. “For voters who have until that the candidates’ personal rat- Press. ment is one of the few tangible rem- pandemic border closures after dec- from a cruise ship earlier this month, now chosen Merkel, the situation ings remain historically low, with While there haven’t been major nants from South Korean President ades of mismanagement and US-led Dutch police said Thursday. is confusing.” a sizeable chunk of the electorate skirmishes, North Korea has held Moon Jae-in’s ambitious diplomacy sanctions. The body was discovered Tuesday Germany’s long-serving lead- still opting for “none of the above.” back from some critical parts of with North Korean leader Kim Jong The North’s offi cial Korean Cen- morning on a beach on Terschelling, er announced in 2018 that she “Many people don’t decide who the agreement, including forming Un. Moon’s efforts helped set up tral News Agency said Thursday one of a chain of islands in the shallow wouldn’t seek a fi fth term, spark- to vote for until they reach the vot- a joint military committee to main- Kim’s fi rst summit with former US the Supreme People’s Assembly Wadden Sea off the coast of the northern ing a series of messy leadership ing booth,” he added. tain communication and avoid crisis President Donald Trump in June will meet on Sept. 28 in Pyongyang Netherlands. contests that ended with her party Gillitzer, the retired engineer, situations and jointly searching for 2018. to discuss economic development, “Investigations have revealed that it is nominating Armin Laschet, the remains undecided. remains from the 1950-53 Korean The Korean leaders met three youth education, government or- an 81-year-old man from Germany who governor of North Rhine-West- War. times that year, exchanging vague ganizational matters and other is- went missing from a cruise ship on Aug. phalia state, as its top candidate. Also: Since the collapse of its nuclear vows about a nuclear-free Korean sues. The report didn’t mention any 16,” police in the Friesland province But Laschet’s star took a dive BERLIN: German Chancellor diplomacy with the Trump admin- Peninsula and expressing ambitions plans for discussions on foreign said in a tweet. “There are no indications last month when his home state Angela Merkel has called off a istration in 2019, North Korea has to reboot inter-Korean engagement policy. of a crime. The police investigation is was hit by deadly fl oods and the planned weekend visit to Israel be- closed.” suspended all cooperation with when possible, voicing optimism Talks between the United States Dutch rescue boats, supported by two 60-year-old governor made a se- cause of the situation in Afghani- South Korea and threatened to scrap that international sanctions on North and North Korea have stalled since helicopters and an airplane sought the ries of missteps that included stan, the German government said the inter-Korean military agreement Korea could end and allow such pro- the collapse of a summit between passenger for hours after he went miss- laughing in the background during Thursday. while expressing anger over the jects. former President Donald Trump and ing but eventually gave up without fi nd- a somber speech by Germany’s Merkel was due to travel to Is- South’s joint military exercises with But such hopes were crushed fol- North Korean leader Kim Jong Un ing any trace of him. president. He also fl ip-fl opped rael on Saturday for her fi rst trip to the United States, which it insists lowing the collapse of the second in 2019, when the Americans reject- While the man’s identity was not re- on the urgency of addressing cli- the country since Naftali Bennett are invasion rehearsals. The allies meeting between Kim and Trump in ed the North’s demand for a major leased and neither police nor the coast mate change, which experts say succeeded Benjamin Netanyahu as describe the drills as defensive in 2019, when the Americans rejected easing of economic sanctions in ex- guard identifi ed the ship he went miss- has made disasters such as fl oods prime minister. Her visit had been nature but have downsized them in North Korean demands for major change for a partial surrender of its ing from, German media named him as more likely. due to last until Monday. the past few years to provide space sanctions relief in exchange for a nuclear capabilities. 81-year-old Hamburg millionaire Kai Wuensche. (AP) US examining Boeing’s treatment of safety-related employees

A small group of Boeing jobs for the Federal Aviation Another employee report- tained a copy of the letter, engineers who perform key Administration, making their ed consternation by manag- which was first reported by safety tasks are raising con- independence from company ers when engineers find fault The Wall Street Journal on The logo for Boeing appears cerns about their ability to pressure critical. in designs of components be- Tuesday. on a screen above a trading work free of pressure from According to an FAA letter, cause that can cause delays “We take these matters post on the floor of the New supervisors, and their com- one of the employees said, “I in delivering airplanes. with the utmost seriousness, York Stock Exchange. (AP) ments are prompting federal had to have a sit down with The FAA’s initial investiga- and are continuously working regulators to take a broader a manager and explain why tion ran from May until July. to improve the processes we look into the company’s I can’t approve something.” An FAA official described it in have in place to ensure the safety culture. The worker indicated that the an Aug. 19 letter to Boeing’s independence” of employees The employees are depu- company shopped around for leader of safety and aircraft who work on behalf of the tized to approve safety as- another employee in the en- certification. FAA, said Boeing spokes- sessments and handle other gineering unit. The Associated Press ob- woman Jessica Kowal. (AP)

Market Movements 26-08-2021 Change Closing pts Change Closing pts JAPAN - Nikkei +17.49 27,743.13 SAUDI - Tadawul -28.04 11,128.59 EGYPT - EGX 30 +61.12 11,125.55 UK - FTSE 100 -25.14 7,124.98 INDIA - Sensex +4.89 55,949.10 EUROPE - Euro Stoxx 50 -11.25 4,169.87 SINGAPORE - Straits Times STI +1.93 3,109.42 UAE - DFM -2.63 2,900.02 PHILIPPINES - PSEi -1.62 6,820.53 PAKISTAN - KSE 100 -272.63 47,363.27 Business Investors trim their investments in a travel sector still struggling to recover COVID-19 resurgence crimps spending, travel recovery

NEW YORK, Aug 26, (AP): A CO- public spaces, crimping the service VID-19 resurgence this summer has sector recovery. caused consumers to turn cautious, while “Our sentiment indicators are start- investors trim their investments in a trav- ing to fl ash from bright yellow to red,” el sector still struggling to recover. Stritch said. “That gives a pause, po- Retail sales dipped a surprising 1.1% tentially, in the short run.” US economy grew at a robust in July as consumers spent less on cloth- Concerns have been rising on Wall ing, furniture and sporting goods. At the Street for several months now as ana- same time investors have been retreat- lysts and investors warily tracked the ing from cruise lines, airlines and other rise in virus cases. The resurgence was travel-related stocks as those companies strong enough that at the end of July face another potential stall in activity as the CDC recommended that even vac- 6.6% annual rate last quarter cases of COVID-19 surged because of cinated people resume wearing masks the highly contagious delta variant. indoors in public places. The pullback in spending and invest- Several airlines have warned that the ments in the travel sector mark an unwel- virus surge could ground their recover- Jobless claims rise by 4,000 to 353,000 come reversal from growth through much ies. Southwest Airlines no longer expects of the year. Vaccinations seemed to be to be profi table in the third quarter, after knocking down the virus, giving people recovering enough to post a profi t during WASHINGTON, Aug 26, late January. As a consequence, real- three months of the year. well above the 3.9% growth rate in more freedom to to shop at stores, eat out the second quarter. Spirit Airlines has (AP): The U.S. economy time tracking of consumer activities, That would leave growth for the full the fi rst quarter. The increase in ser- and plan trips after more than a year of said that a service meltdown that started notably for airline travel and restaurant year at a brisk 6.1%, which would be vices spending in the second quarter hunkering down at home. in late July and a rise in COVID-19 cases grew at a robust 6.6% an- dining, has weakened in recent weeks. the fastest calendar-year expansion refl ected a shift away from the goods “Clearly as we learned over the course are causing more last-minute cancella- nual rate last quarter, The government’s upgraded estimate since a 7.2% gain in 1984. Last year, purchases that many people had made of the last 18 months this thing takes tions and softer bookings. for growth in the April-June quarter fell the economy shrank 3.4% as the pan- while hunkered down at home to twists and turns that are undefi nable,” Major retailers have not yet signaled slightly faster than previ- somewhat shy of expectations. Some demic-triggered recession wiped out spending on services, from haircuts to said Mike Stritch, chief investment offi - concerns over the resurgent virus keep- ously estimated, the gov- economists had predicted a 7% annual tens of millions of jobs. sporting events to vacation trips. cer of BMO Wealth Management. ing shoppers at home. Both Walmart ernment said Thursday in rate or more. They based that view on At the same time, Zandi cautioned Meanwhile, the number of Ameri- Some of the pullback in consumer and Target have given investors an a belief that consumer spending had ac- that COVID remains in his mind the cans applying for unemployment ben- spending on goods was expected as upbeat forecast for the remainder of a report that pointed to a celerated even faster than the sizzling most serious economic risk. efi ts rose for the fi rst time in fi ve weeks people increased spending on services. the year. Investors are signaling more sustained consumer-led re- 11.8% rate fi rst reported. Thursday’s re- “The economy is linked at the hip to even though the economy and job mar- The services sector, including res- caution however. bound from the pandemic vised estimate for consumer spending, the pandemic,” he said. “So long as the ket have been recovering briskly from taurants, started to bounce back with The S&P 500’s consumer discre- which drives about 70% of economic pandemic is raging, that will drive a lot the coronavirus pandemic. growth accelerating to a record pace tionary sector, which includes clothing recession. But worries are activity, was upgraded by 0.1 percent- of what happens in the economy.” Jobless claims edged up by 4,000 to in July, according to The Institute for companies and other retailers that rely growing that the delta vari- age point to 11.9%. The uncertainty surrounding CO- 353,000 from a pandemic low 349,000 Supply Management. on discretionary spending and in-person ant of the coronavirus is The slight rise in the government’s VID is complicating the work of the a week earlier, the Labor Department Analysts don’t expect another series services, is down nearly 1.5% in August estimate for April-June growth re- Federal Reserve. The Fed is caught reported Thursday. The four-week of lockdowns, but people could start to after gaining only 0.5% in July. The sec- beginning to cause a slow- fl ected, in part, stronger business in- between the risks posed by COVID, average of claims, which smooths out cut their trips to restaurants and other tor rose just under 3.8% in June. down. vestment, which grew at a solid 9.3% which would normally call for contin- week-to-week volatility, fell by 11,500 rate, and export sales, which were up ued economic support from the central to 366,500 - lowest since mid-March The report from the Commerce at a 6.6% rate after falling in the fi rst bank, and rising infl ation, which cre- 2020 when the coronavirus was begin- Department estimated that the na- quarter. Offsetting that strength was a ates pressure on the Fed to consider ning to slam the United States. tion’s gross domestic product - its bigger drag from cutbacks in business- dialing back its ultra-low-interest rate The weekly count has fallen more or total output of goods and services es inventory restocking and weaker policies. less steadily since topping 900,000 in - accelerated slightly in the April- home building, which fell at an 11.5% The GDP report Thursday showed early January as the rollout of COV- June quarter from the 6.5% it had annual rate. This sector has been hurt prices rising at a 6.5% annual rate in ID-19 vaccines has helped the econo- by surging prices for materials and a the second quarter, the fastest such my - encouraging businesses to reopen initially reported last month. The shortage of construction workers. pace since a 6.8% quarterly increase in or expand hours and luring consumers economy’s expansion last quar- Goldman Sachs has cut its forecast 1981, when the Fed was fi ghting high out of their homes to restaurants, bars ter followed a solid 6.3% annual for annual growth in the current July- infl ation by raising interest rates to his- and shops. growth rate in the January-March September quarter from 9% to 5.5%, toric highs. “We expect jobless claims to remain period. citing the effects of the delta variant. Financial markets will be listen- on a downward path as the labor mar- In recent weeks, many economists Likewise, Wells Fargo economists ing closely when Fed Chair Jerome ket continues to recover, but progress have been downgrading their estimates have downgraded their third quarter Powell gives a high-profi le speech will be more fi tful as claims get closer of GDP growth for this quarter, and for GDP forecast from an 8.8% annual Friday morning as part of an annual to pre-pandemic levels,” economists 2021 as a whole, as the now-dominant rate to 6.8%, also because of the surge conference of central bankers. The Nancy Vanden Houten and Gregory delta variant has sent confi rmed CO- in COVID cases. conference, sponsored by the Federal Daco of Oxford Economics said in a In this file photo, travelers move through Salt Lake City International Airport VID-19 cases rising throughout the Some forecasters have also reduced Reserve Bank of Kansas City and nor- research note. in Salt Lake City. A COVID-19 resurgence this summer has caused con- country. their outlook for the full year, thought mally held in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, A resurgence of cases linked to the sumers to turn cautious, while investors trim their investments in a travel New reported cases are now topping by smaller amounts, in anticipation that will instead be a virtual-only event for highly contagious delta variant has sector still struggling to recover. (AP) 150,000 a day, the highest level since the economy could re-accelerate in the a second straight year because of rising also clouded the economic outlook. fi nal three months of 2021 if COVID COVID cases in Wyoming. And claims already remain high by cases ease as vaccines are increasingly In its GDP report Thursday, the gov- historic standards: Before the pandem- administered. But uncertainty remains. ernment said that purchases of durable ic tore through the economy in March “The real question is how well goods, which include vehicles, appli- 2020, the weekly pace amounted to spending will hold up against the cur- ances, furniture and electronic gear, around 220,000 a week. rent delta wave,” said Leslie Preston, among other longer-lasting items, rose Filings for unemployment ben- senior economist at TD Economics. at an 11.3% rate in the second quarter. efi ts have traditionally been seen as a “Some high-frequency indicators are That was a strong fi gure, though well real-time measure of the job market’s pointing to a loss in momentum in below the 50% jump in the fi rst quar- health. But their reliability has dete- spending as consumer caution creeps ter, when consumers went on a pent-up riorated during the pandemic. In many in.” buying spree as the economy increas- states, the weekly fi gures have been in- Mark Zandi, chief economist at ingly reopened. fl ated by fraud and by multiple fi lings Moody’s Analytics, said he had down- In the revised data, consumer spend- from unemployed Americans as they graded his forecast for annual GDP ing on services - air travel, restaurant navigate bureaucratic hurdles to try to growth this quarter from 8.4% to 6.5%. meals, entertainment events and the obtain benefi ts. Those complications But he predicted that GDP will expand like - grew at an 11.3% annual rate, help explain why the pace of applica- at a strong 6.4% annual rate in the fi nal below the initial estimate of 12% but tions remains comparatively high.

Shoppers wait in line outside a Chicago downtown retail store as others pass by, Wednesday, May 26, 2021. Fueled by vaccinations and government aid, the U.S. economy grew at a solid 6.5% annual rate last quarter in another sign that the nation has achieved a sustained recovery from the pandemic recession. (AP) South Korea raises key interest rate for first time in nearly 3 yrs TOKYO, Aug 26, (KUNA): South Ko- bank has lifted it in November 2018. The again raise the key rate later this year rea’s central bank on Thursday raised BOK slashed the key rate to the all-time or early next year, saying the central its key interest rate by 0.25 percentage low of 0.5 percent in May 2020 to bolster bank took the “fi rst step” toward eas- point to 0.75 percent, the fi rst hike in the pandemic-hit economy. ing a buildup of fi nancial imbalances. two years and nine months, Yonhap BOK Governor Lee Ju-yeol said With raising the key rate, the BOK News Agency reported. Thursday’s rate-hike decision was not kept this year’s growth outlook at four The monetary policy board of the unanimous and one board member percent, while lifting its 2021 infl ation Bank of Korea (BOK) voted to raise the urged the central bank to freeze the key outlook to 2.1 percent from 1.8 percent key rate for the fi rst time since the central rate. Lee also hinted that the BOK may projected in May. ARAB TIMES, FRIDAY-SATURDAY, AUGUST 27-28, 2021 BUSINESS 9

Handelsbanken picks IDEMIA as outsourcing partner

Handelsbanken, a leading Swedish bank IDEMIA´s cutting-edge technology in card manufacturing experience, IDEMIA pleased that IDEMIA has demonstrated identity that ensures privacy and trust and claiming the best customer satisfaction in card personalization will be available for will be a one-stop shop for all Handelsbank- that they can meet our high demands on guarantees secure, authenticated and annual survey, will outsource all card per- Handelsbanken customers, as well as en’s current and future card needs. quality and future proof services and we verifi able transactions, we reinvent the sonalization processes to IDEMIA. future online services such as customer IDEMIA’s Financial Institutions Service are looking forward to our cooperation.” way we think, produce, use and protect To cope with constantly changing global on-boarding mobile identity to activate a Line Vice President, Alex Nolan said: IDEMIA, the global leader in Augment- one of our greatest assets - our identity market trends and services, banks need card or provide secure customer authen- “We’re thrilled Handelsbanken have se- ed Identity, provides a trusted environ- - whether for individuals or for objects, to invest in personalization technologies tication by tapping the card on the phone. lected us to take care of their card per- ment enabling citizens and consumers whenever and wherever security matters. if they want to meet future challenges and IDEMIA will support Handelsbanken to sonalization. We will bring them both our alike to perform their daily critical activi- We provide Augmented Identity for inter- stay one step ahead in the innovation deliver best-in-class customer service and in-depth know-how in card manufacturing ties (such as pay, connect and travel), national clients from Financial, Telecom, game. IDEMIA, Augmented identity world stay true to their world-class reputation. and personalization as well as our digital in the physical as well as digital space. Identity, Public Security and IoT sectors. leader, has been selected by Handels- IDEMIA will start to convert all the bank’s services offering . “ Securing our identity has become mis- With close to 15,000 employees around banken as outsourcing partner for Han- embossed cards by adopting the latest Handelsbanken’s Head Development sion critical in the world we live in today. the world, IDEMIA serves clients in 180 delsbanken’s card personalization. ‘Lazer-Pro’ techniques. With longstanding of Payments Kajsa Bohr said: “ We are By standing for Augmented Identity, an countries. (AP) Kabul bombing hits stocks; traders await Fed

Salesforce.com jumps 4 pct after earnings beat forecasts

NEW YORK, Aug 26, (AP): Stocks moved lower Thursday following suicide attacks at the Kabul air- port in Afghanistan, with reports of multiple deaths and casualties. The S&P 500 index was down 0.3% as of 11:20 am Eastern. The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 0.1% and the Nasdaq composite fell 0.3%. Twin suicide bombings struck Thursday outside Kabul’s airport, where large crowds of people trying to fl ee Afghanistan have massed, kill- ing at least 13 people, Russian offi cials said. The airport had been the focus of NATO evacuations from the country after the Taliban took over last week. Before the attack, most of the mar- ket’s attention was on the Federal Reserve. The Federal annual two-day convention started in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, on Thursday. Fed Chair Je- rome Powell is scheduled to speak on Friday. Traders are betting that Fed offi - cials will remain in a “wait and see” mode regarding infl ation, since most policymakers believe any infl ation ear- lier this year would be temporary and the rise in COVID-19 cases has made some economists worried. Higher That said, yields have been moving steadily higher in the bond market in the past week, which could be a sign that traders are preparing for the Fed to start winding down its emergency sup- port measures in the coming months. The yield on the 10-year Treasury note was trading at 1.36%, up from 1.34% the day before. Investors got a small bit of good In this fi le photo provided by the New York Stock Exchange, traders gather at a post on the fl oor in New York. US stocks moved lower Thursday following suicide attacks at the Kabul airport in Afghanistan, with reports of multiple deaths and casualties. (AP) economic data on Thursday. Jobless claims edged up by 4,000 to 353,000 from a pandemic low 349,000 a week the rise in COVID-19 cases has made Chinese technology stocks had ral- reforms, which is unlikely to conclude country’s central bank raised its policy The dollar rose to 110.18 yen from earlier, the Labor Department reported some economists worried. lied earlier this week as a share buy- in the near term,” Yeap Jun Rong of rate by 25 basis points, in a move that Wednesday’s 109.98 yen. The euro re- Thursday. The four-week average fell “Fact is, markets dig perceptions of back by games and social media giant IG said. could quell rising household debt. treated to $1.1765 from $1.1776. by 11,500 to 366,500. That’s the low- Jackson Hole shifting from a harbinger Tencent Holding Ltd. boosted senti- Japan’s benchmark Nikkei 225 Shares rose in India, Singapore and Over on Wall Street on Wednesday, est since mid-March 2020. of tightening to assurance of digging ment. The fi rm’s Hong Kong-listed added 0.1% to 27,742.29 while Hong Malaysia but fell in Indonesia. fi nancial and energy companies led the Salesforce.com was one of the in on accommodation as global econo- shares fell 0.6% on Thursday. Kong’s Hang Seng gave up 1.1% to In energy markets, benchmark US S&P 500 to another all-time high. The biggest gainers, rising more than 4% mies digs out of the pandemic,” said “After some renewed sentiments 25,415.69. The Shanghai Compos- crude shed 72 cents to $67.64 per bar- benchmark edged up 0.2% to close at after the company’s quarterly results Venkateswaran Lavanya of Mizuho brought about by bottom-fi shing from ite also ended the day 1.1% lower, at rel in electronic trading on the New 4,496.19 on Wednesday. easily beat analysts’ expectations. Bank. institutional investors and Tencent’s 3,501.66. York Mercantile Exchange. Brent The Dow Jones Industrial Average The company also raised its full-year In Asia, traders awaited more clar- share buyback, investors may seem Australia’s S&P/ASX 200 retreated crude, used as the price basis for in- rose 0.1% to 35,405.50. Meanwhile, outlook. ity on Chinese regulatory reforms and to be on hold for now as they look to- 0.5% to 7,491.20. The Kospi in South ternational oils, dropped 61 cents to the Nasdaq gained 0.2% to 15,041.86, Companies that report their results their impact on the technology sector. wards further clarity on the regulatory Korea lost 0.6% to 3,128.53 after the $71.64. which was also an all-time high. after Thursday’s closing bell include technology giant HP, as well as Gap. World stocks were broadly lower on Thursday following a charge on Wall Jon Patty joins White Oak Advisors as Managing Director Street that drove indices to all-time highs for the second straight day. SAN FRANCISCO, Aug 26, (Agen- course of his twenty year investment agement consulting at Bain & Co. and look forward to bringing White Oak’s and medium sized companies commit- Britain’s FTSE 100 lost 0.3% to cies): White Oak Global Advisors career, Mr. Patty has partnered with in investment banking at JPMorgan. impact perspective and customized ted to providing products and services 7,127.10 and France’s CAC 40 de- has appointed Jon Patty as a Manag- senior executives across sectors and “We are excited to welcome Jon to product offerings to mission-driven that create positive environmental and clined 0.2% to 6,665.06. The DAX in ing Director and a partner based in served on numerous boards of direc- the team,” said Andre Hakkak, CEO companies,” said Mr. Patty. “White social impact while building economi- Germany also fell 0.2% to 15,822.87 the San Francisco office. Mr. Patty tors to help drive both compelling and co-founder of White Oak. “His Oak has a track record of leading cally sustainable businesses. in early trading. joins White Oak’s Head of ESG impact outcomes and strong finan- deep expertise and proven track record creative, fl exible fi nancings using a White Oak Global Advisors, LLC At the top of watchlists is the Fed- & Impact, Terésa Cutter, and is re- cial results. in supporting the growth of mission- partnership-driven approach, and now is a leading global alternative asset eral Reserve’s annual convention in sponsible for leading new ESG and Mr. Patty most recently served as driven businesses complement White has the opportunity to help companies manager specializing in originating Jackson Hole, Wyoming, which begins Impact-oriented investment opportu- Managing Director and Head of Pri- Oak’s dedication to partnering with implement the highest ESG standards, and providing fi nancing solutions to Thursday. Fed Chair Jerome Powell is nities and strategies, as well as work- vate Equity at New Island Capital, strong management teams who aspire deepen their impact, and extend their facilitate the growth, refi nancing and scheduled to speak at the convention ing closely with White Oak’s clients one of the largest institutional-scale, to the highest ESG standards while fi nancial success.” recapitalization of small and medium on Friday. and borrowers. global impact investment fi rms, for 10 building high quality, fi nancially re- White Oak (together with and enterprises. Since its inception in Traders are betting that Fed offi - Mr. Patty is an accomplished im- years. Prior to that, he worked for MC warding businesses.” through its fi nancing affi liates) has 2007, White Oak Global Advisors’ cials will remain in a “wait and see” pact investor with a successful back- Partners, a $1.5 billion private equity “I am thrilled to join a world- track record of over $3.8 billion in disciplined investment process focuses mode regarding infl ation, since most ground investing in private equity, fi rm, and JPMorgan Capital, then a $4 organization with a commitment to ESG-aligned investments since incep- on delivering risk-adjusted investment policymakers believe any infl ation ear- private credit, structured debt, and billion private equity effort. Mr. Patty driving strong social and environmen- tion. White Oak’s impact strategy fo- returns and establishing long term lier this year would be temporary and sustainable infrastructure. Over the previously worked in strategic man- tal outcomes with its partners, and I cuses on secured loan lending to small partnerships with our borrowers. ADI acquires Maxim Integrated Products WILMINGTON, Mass., Aug 26, (Agencies): Analog De- vices, Inc. announced the completion of its previously an- nounced acquisition of Maxim Integrated Products, Inc. The combination further strengthens ADI’s position as a high-performance analog semiconductor company with trailing twelve-month revenue of over $9 billion 1, industry leading margins, and free cash fl ow of over $3 billion 1 on a pro forma basis. “Today is a tremendous milestone for ADI and I’m de- lighted to welcome the Maxim team, who share our passion for solving our customers’ most complex technology prob- lems,” said Vincent Roche, President and CEO. “With more than 10,000 engineers and the increased breadth and depth of our best-in-class technologies, we are well-positioned to develop even more complete, cutting-edge solutions for our customers. Together, we will drive the next waves of analog semi- conductor innovation, while engineering a healthier, safer and more sustainable future for all.” Agreement Under the terms of the defi nitive agreement, Maxim stockholders received 0.63 of a share of ADI common stock for each share of Maxim common stock. Maxim common stock will no longer be listed for trading on the NASDAQ stock market. In connection with the closing of the transaction, Tunç Doluca, former President and Chief Executive Offi cer of Maxim, and Mercedes Johnson, former Founding Execu- tive of Avago Technologies, will join the ADI Board of Di- rectors. Mr. Doluca and Ms. Johnson served on Maxim’s Board of Directors until the closing of the transaction. ADI plans to host a webcast to discuss its upcoming capital allocation priorities and the updated fourth quarter fi scal 2021 outlook. The webcast is scheduled to begin at approximately 8:30 a.m. Eastern Time on September 8 th, 2021 with Vincent Roche, President and Chief Executive Offi cer, Prashanth Mahendra-Rajah, Senior Vice President, Finance and Chief Financial Offi cer, and Michael Lucarelli, Senior Director of Investor Relations. Lordstown Motors taps Ninivaggi to serve as its CEO

The former chief executive of Ninivaggi, who will also serve vehicle validation and regula- tion into the company. Icahn Enterprises will take over as a board member, has also tory approvals in December and The Securities and Exchange In this fi le photo, a at Lordstown Motors two months worked at Lear Corp. and Fed- January. Commission asked in a pair of mural is displayed on after the former CEO and chief eral Mogul Holdings Corp. However, the company has subpoenas for documents re- the wall outside the fi nancial offi cer stepped down Shares, which have fallen fought to secure new funding and lated to the company’s merger Lordstown Motors amid doubts over the number more than 70% this year on said that it is unable to guarantee with DiamondPeak, a special plant in Lordstown, of orders placed for the electric those questions about orders, that it will last through the year. purpose acquisition company. Ohio. (AP) truck startup’s marquee vehicle. spiked nearly 20% before the Last month Lordstown, based Special purpose acquisition Daniel Ninivaggi was named opening bell Thursday. just outside of Youngstown, ac- companies, or SPACs, have CEO Thursday as the Ohio com- Earlier this month Lordstown knowledged receiving two sub- gained prominence this year as pany nears the start of limited said that aside from the antici- poenas from federal regulators a quick route to becoming pub- production of its Endurance ve- pated production start up in Sep- and also that prosecutors in New licly traded and listing shares on hicle next month. tember, it expects to complete York have opened an investiga- an exchange. (AP)

Economists will be listening for clues Powell may provide about Fed’s intentions Dilemma for Fed chief: High infl ation and a surging virus WASHINGTON, Aug 26, (AP): Not September. That would allow Fed offi - long ago, anticipation was high that cials to consider two additional months Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell of data on infl ation and jobs to gauge might begin to sketch out a plan this the delta variant’s impact. week for the Fed to start pulling back The resurgence of the virus is hard- on its support for an economy that has ly the only complicating factor fac- been steadily strengthening. ing the Fed. Infl ation has surged to a That was before COVID-19 cases three-decade high as a sharp rebound began accelerating across the country. in consumer spending and shortages in Now, the decision of how and when the many commodities and parts, such as Fed should begin dialing back its help semiconductors, have sent prices ris- for the economy has become a more ing for airline tickets, hotel rooms, new complicated one. and used cars and restaurant meals. The Yet in outlining his view of the Fed’s preferred infl ation gauge jumped economy and the threats it faces in a 3.5% in June compared with a year ear- high-profi le speech Friday, Powell may lier, the biggest such rise since 1991. provide important clues to the timing of Higher infl ation has, in turn, intensi- changes in the Fed’s ultra-low-interest fi ed pressure on Powell and the Fed to rate policies. rein in their stimulus policies. Powell, The big question has been when the though, has consistently expressed con- Fed will begin to slow its purchases of fi dence that higher infl ation will prove Treasury and mortgage bonds. The Fed temporary, even if it persists for sev- has been buying $120 billion in bonds eral more months. Many economists each month since the pandemic erupted and Wall Street investors agree. Some, in March 2020 to try to keep longer- in fact, are more concerned about the term rates low and encourage borrow- opposite problem: That infl ation will ing and spending. It has also pegged its decline too far from its current level. short-term benchmark interest rate at At the same time, growth could slow. nearly zero since then. Government stimulus is set to fade next Powell will be speaking Friday at an year. No more stimulus checks are in annual conference of academics and the pipeline, and a $300-a-week federal central bankers. The conference, spon- unemployment supplement is set to sored by the Federal Reserve Bank of expire in two weeks. Gaske noted that Kansas City and normally held in Jack- the price jumps have caused consum- son Hole, Wyoming, will instead be a ers to reduce their spending on things virtual-only event for a second straight like cars and furniture, which over time year. A surge of COVID-19 cases near reduces infl ation pressures. the Wyoming resort delivered a direct That’s in contrast to the late 1970s, impact on the Fed itself by forcing a the last time the United States faced last-minute cancellation of its in-per- rapid infl ation, when rising prices en- son plans. couraged a “buy it while you can” men- The hasty shift to an online event re- tality, Gaske said. Ongoing spending at fl ects the rapid rebound of the pandem- that time drove costs even higher. ic, led by the delta variant, particularly As a result, any pullback in the Fed’s Traders work on the fl oor of the New York Stock Exchange, Monday, July 19, 2021. Federal Reserve Board Chair Jerome Powell said Tuesday, Aug. 17, 2021 in the South and Northwest. It follows low-rate policies could help pull infl a- that the U.S. economy has been permanently changed by the COVID pandemic and it is important that the central bank adapt to those changes. “We’re not a sharp decline in confi rmed cases ear- tion below its 2% annual target in a simply going back to the economy that we had before the pandemic,” Powell said at a Fed virtual town hall for educators and students. (AP) lier in the summer that had raised hopes year or two. that the coronavirus and its economic It’s also getting harder for the Fed to impact might be fading. defi ne its other policy goal of “maxi- Telework setup change now permanent in some cases Just a few weeks ago, many Fed of- mum employment.” Initially Powell fi cials were signaling that the economy and other offi cials, including Vice was making solid progress toward the Chair Richard Clarida, defi ned it as a central bank’s twin goals of maximum “broad and inclusive” goal that includ- Tools to help your remote-work business click employment and annual infl ation at ed sharply reducing unemployment just above 2% for a sustained period. for Black Americans and Latinos and Several presidents of regional Federal restoring the job market to its pre-pan- By Katherine Fan and fi nd ways to encourage people for quick updates and easy ques- If you primarily schedule meet- Reserve Banks said they wanted to demic health. NerdWallet to work together rather than doing tions, videoconferencing software ings with individuals outside of announce a reduction, or taper, of the Yet the number of older Americans re-pandemic, working from it alone,” said Thanh Pham, founder allows you to host team discussions your work organization, you may bond purchases at the Fed’s next meet- who are retiring has accelerated since Phome was often considered a and CEO of productivity training and deliver companywide announce- fi nd Doodle or Calendly more use- ing in September. the pandemic struck, and it’s far from perk rather than a requirement. But company Asian Effi ciency. ments face to face. Virtual meetings ful for your needs. With Doodle, you Yet some economists have been clear that low interest rates would in- once COVID-19 struck, many com- Whether your company is remote eliminate the need for a volley of create a poll of available meeting slashing their forecasts for economic duce many of them to return to work. panies shifted to a remote-fi rst work by choice or by circumstance, con- emails and instant messages back times, then invite your participants growth in the current July-September A smaller workforce could make it environment - a change that’s now sider apps and digital tools in these and forth, and also allow you to see to choose the options that work best quarter. Restaurant traffi c has declined harder to restore the job market to pre- fi ve areas to optimize your telework everyone else’s facial expressions for their schedule. slightly. Last week, Powell said it pandemic levels. permanent in some cases. Recent Gallup research data setup. and body language. Calendly works the other way wasn’t yet clear what the delta strain’s Many economists were surprised 1. Instant messaging Zoom became a household name around: You create a calendar with impact on the economy would be. But by remarks from Clarida this month shows that, on average, 52% of all he emphasized that the pandemic was suggesting that a return to an unem- workers, including 72% of those in Instant messaging software has overnight at the outset of the COV- your available times, then share far from over and was still “casting a ployment rate of 3.8% would meet the white-collar occupations and 14% in grown increasingly popular in the ID-19 pandemic, when everyone the calendar link with anyone who shadow on economic activity.” Fed’s goal of maximum employment blue-collar occupations, performed workplace. A good system allows from businesses to schools to fami- wants to schedule a meeting. With the economic picture hazier and justify a rate hike by the end of their job remotely for all or part you to send individual messages lies scrambled to fi nd ways to stay All of these scheduling tools are now, economists will be listening care- 2022, earlier than Fed offi cials had pro- of the time from October 2020 to as well as group chats - the virtual connected during lockdown. Other available for free, with upgraded fully for clues Powell may provide jected in June. April 2021. And 83% of employers equivalent of walking over to your well-known brands include GoTo- functionality available for paid ac- about the Fed’s intentions. Even if the jobless rate falls that low believe that going remote has been coworker’s desk for a quick discus- Meeting, Google Meet and Join.me. counts. (Outlook for Business is free “I’ll be watching how he character- - it is now 5.4% - millions of Ameri- positive for their company, accord- sion. You also can share documents Zoom, GoToMeeting and Google for a one-month trial, after which it’s izes current conditions and the outlook cans could remain on the sidelines, no ing to a January 2021 report by pro- and images with others in your net- Meet all offer free basic versions $5 per user per month.) he has for the economy,” said Ellen longer looking for work and therefore fessional services fi rm PwC. work. with upgrade options available, 4. Project management Gaske, an economist at PGIM Fixed not counted as unemployed. Black and Companies can create channels to while Join.me users have to pay to Project management systems help Income. “That will give us a sense of Latino Americans would likely have While a remote-fi rst structure can present some unique challenges, host more permanent conversations host virtual meetings. leaders and employees collaborate how soon the tapering will occur.” much higher unemployment rates. Fed across departments or employees 3. Scheduling on company objectives by breaking The uncertainties raised by the delta offi cials had previously made clear that workplace performance experts en- variant make it likelier that the Fed will they would take those concerns into courage business owners to antici- who share common interests. And Flexibility across schedules and down big goals into smaller tasks announce a tapering in November or account, but Clarida did not mention pate common pitfalls. if your team communicates with time zones can be one of the biggest and actions. later, economists said, rather than in them. “Focus on over communicating, clients or contractors on a regular assets for a fully remote business. A good project management tool basis, you can offer limited access However, quickly tracking every- allows you to tag collaborators for to specifi c channels for group col- one’s availability can present a chal- each project, then set and assign laboration. lenge, especially when factoring in subtasks to individuals or groups Slack and Microsoft Teams are time zones and holidays. responsible for that action. Subtasks two of the best-known brands for You may already be familiar with can include deadlines as well as instant messaging on desktop and Google Calendar and Microsoft Out- notes for quick reference. You can mobile. Both Slack and Teams of- look, which sync calendars for eve- also designate custom privacy set- fer free versions that anyone can use, ryone throughout your organization. tings to ensure that certain projects while companies can upgrade to pre- When you add guests to a calendar are available only to people with the mium accounts with more storage, invite, the tool automatically shows right clearance. features and control. you a preview of each teammate’s There are dozens of great project 2. Videoconferencing availability so you can fi nd a block management tools available these While messaging tools are perfect of time that works for everyone. days, many of which are only mar- ginally different from one another. Popular names in this space include Trello, Asana, Basecamp and Mon- Guilty plea, 15-yr sentence for day.com. All offer free versions with paid upgrades. Louisiana ‘investment scam’ 5. Data storage Cloud storage saves your digital SHREVEPORT, Louisiana, Aug ... that generated significant profits fi les online through a provider that 26, (AP): A northwest Louisiana that would be used to repay the takes on the responsibility of host- businessman pleaded guilty to investors and financial institutions ing and maintaining the servers that wire fraud Wednesday and accept- when in truth and in fact, DeBe- house your data. On your end, ac- ed a 15-year prison sentence in rardinis knew that he had no such cessing your cloud storage should connection with an investment con arrangement with Alon,” Acting feel no different from pulling up a that drew tens of millions of dol- U.S. Attorney Alexander C. Van fi le on your desktop, although large lars from individuals and banks, Hook said in Wednesday’s state- fi les such as videos may take a little federal prosecutors said. ment. while to upload. The U.S. Attorney’s Office in A 2018 indictment said DeBe- Shreveport said David DeBerardi- rardinis took in $50 million from Well-known cloud storage provid- nis, 59, managed several business investors in the Shreveport area. ers include Google, Dropbox and entities and claimed to be part of And it said he fraudulently ob- Box, all of which offer free basic a complex energy industry trading tained more than $40 million from plans for consumers as well as paid business involving major play- a Dallas bank in transactions in plans for businesses. ers in the oil and gas industry. He 2014 and 2015. 6. Too many tools? used phony bank statements, fake “Over the course of several For a small-business owner, deci- checks, internet domains and doc- years David DeBerardinis cre- sion fatigue can be a real issue, and uments to convince people and in- ated an incredibly complex fraud evaluating new software takes a lot stitutions to invest in what turned scheme to give the impression of time and energy. If you’re looking out to be non-existing fuel trading that he was a successful fuel for an easy way to keep your team investments. trader. He destroyed the lives of connected and organized, Google “DeBerardinis told investors many people by stealing their and Microsoft both offer compre- and financial institutions that he savings to finance his extrava- hensive workplace management had a preferential trading arrange- gant lifestyle,” Van Hook said in packages that combine most of these ment with Alon USA Energy, Inc. a news release. solutions and more for $6 and $5 per user per month, respectively. (AP) ARAB TIMES, FRIDAY-SATURDAY, AUGUST 27-28, 2021 SCIENCE 11


EPA bans pesticide Earlier ‘diabetes’ tests urged for obese adults

NEW YORK, Aug 26, (AP): Overweight and obese Ameri- cans should start getting screened for diabetes earlier, at age 35 instead of 40, according to updated national guidelines pub- lished earlier this week. The new advice stems from rising rates of both obesity and Type 2 diabetes, and research showing health benefi ts of pre- vention methods and early treatment. Three out of four US adults is overweight or obese, which increases their chances for developing diabetes. Among adults aged 18 and older, 14% already have diag- nosed diabetes, and 33% have prediabetes. Screening is rec- ommended up to age 70. The guidance from the US Preventive Services Task Force, an advisory group to the US government, was published online in the Journal of the American Medical Association. It updates the task force’s 2015 recommenda- tions, and says even earlier screening should be considered for overweight or obese American Indians, Black people, Hispanics and other groups with dis- proportionately high diabetes rates. The American Diabetes Association says overweight or obese adults of any age should be screened. Screening means blood tests to measure sugar levels and sometimes involves drinking a sugary liquid fi rst. The new guidance suggests that peo- Biden ple whose tests are normal could be screened every three years. Type 2 diabetes impairs the body’s ability to use insulin to In this June 30, 2021, file photo, a health worker prepare a dose of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine at Sumida ward of Tokyo. Japan’s health ministry said Aug 26, regulate blood sugar, leading to high levels that can cause heart that it is suspending use of about 1.63 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine produced by Moderna Inc after contamination was found in portions of unused vials, rais- problems, organ damage and blindness. Prediabetes means ing concern of a supply shortage as the country desperately tries to accelerate vaccinations amid the surge of infections. (AP) higher than normal blood sugar levels that can lead to full- blown diabetes. Type 2 diabetes incidence has increased in recent years along with obesity rates. A 2001-17 report in the same jour- nal shows the rate nearly doubled in kids aged 10-19, jumping Coronavirus from 34 cases per 100,000 kids to 67 per 100,000. Evidence The task force’s guidance says evidence shows diet and physical activity can prevent or delay diabetes in adults with Contamination reported from multiple vaccination sites prediabetes. The diabetes drug metformin has been shown to do the same but has not been approved for that use, the task force notes. The drug is not risk-free and some doctors oppose Japan suspends 1.63m Moderna doses using it that way, noting that two-thirds of people with predia- betes never develop the disease. A JAMA editorial says evidence shows that few US adults TOKYO, Aug 26, (AP): Japan sus- with prediabetes are referred to diabetes prevention or weight pended use of about 1.63 million doses loss programs that could help them avoid diabetes and its com- of Moderna vaccine Thursday after Pfizer seeking FDA approval for plications. It calls for a broader range of effective prevention contamination was found in unused vi- programs that are covered by insurance and accessible to peo- als, raising concern of a supply short- ple who need them most. age as the country tries to accelerate COVID-19 vaccine booster dose Meanwhile, US regulators took action recently that will vaccinations amid a COVID-19 surge. make it easier to get a cheaper, near-copy of a brand-name The health ministry said contamina- NEW YORK, Aug 26, (AP): Pfizer tries are not getting enough vaccine insulin at the drugstore. tion was reported from multiple vac- is seeking US approval of a booster for their initial rounds of shots. Doctors now have to specifi cally prescribe what’s called a cination sites. Some doses might have dose of its two-shot COVID-19 vac- Pfizer’s vaccine, jointly devel- biosimilar or OK substituting it for a more expensive brand- In this March 2021 photo provided by been administered, but no adverse cine. oped with Germany’s BioNTech, name insulin. Pfizer, vials of the Pfizer-BioNTech health effects have been reported so The drugmaker said Wednes- received full FDA approval earlier The move by the Food and Drug Administration will COVID-19 vaccine are prepared for far, offi cials said. day that it has started the applica- this week, also for those ages 16 allow pharmacists to automatically substitute the cheaper packaging at the company’s facility in Takeda Pharmaceutical Co, a Japa- tion process for a third dose of its and older. It had been given to that version, just as they do with generic pills for other kinds Puurs, Belgium. On Aug 25, the com- nese drugmaker in charge of sales and vaccine for everyone ages 16 and age group under an emergency of drugs. pany said it started the application pro- distribution of the vaccine in Japan, older. The company said it will com- use authorization, which is still the cess for US approval of a booster dose said it decided to suspend use of doses plete the application with the Food case for those ages 12 to 15. It’s the FDA’s first approval of an “interchangeable” and Drug Administration by the end More than 200 million doses of biosimilar, a near-copy of an injected biologic medicine of its two-shot COVID-19 vaccine for manufactured in the same production people ages 16 and older. (AP) of this week. the Pfizer vaccine have been ad- that’s manufactured inside living cells. It could save dia- line as a safety precaution. The FDA earlier this month said ministered in the US — and hun- betics and health plans millions of dollars annually and en- It asked Moderna to conduct an transplant recipients or others with dreds of millions more worldwide courage other drugmakers to create more biosimilar medi- emergency investigation and told med- weakened immune systems can — since it got the green light in cines. Health data firm IQVIA projects US savings from ical institutions and organizers to stop get an extra dose of Pfizer or Mod- December. increasing use of biosimilars from 2020 through 2024 will using the vaccine produced in Spain erna vaccines. Then last week, US The three vaccines used in the top $100 billion. and shared the production numbers health officials announced plans to US made by Pfizer, Moderna and The FDA agreed that Viatris Inc’s Semglee was inter- that may be affected. give COVID-19 booster shots to all Johnson & Johnson are still pre- changeable with widely used Lantus, a long-acting insulin. The health ministry and Takeda did Americans to shore up their protec- venting hospitalizations and deaths Approval of a second such interchangeable biosimilar of a not give details on the type of contami- tion amid the surging delta variant from COVID-19. But the vac- fast-acting insulin appears imminent from the same develop- nation or if the doses in question may of the coronavirus. cines don’t appear quite as strong ers, Pittsburgh-based generic giant Viatris and its partner, In- have been distributed outside Japan. That plan drew criticism from sci- against the highly contagious delta dia’s Biocon. The Moderna vaccine problem came entists at the World Health Organi- variant as they were against earlier Mylan N.V., one of two companies that merged to create Vi- just as Japan struggles with surging in- zation, who noted that poor coun- versions of the virus. atris last December, launched Semglee in the US last summer. fections, with daily new cases hitting Red tape, lengthy patents and pushback from brand-name Rose Zapata new highs in many parts of the country drugmakers have limited US sales of biosimilars to far below and severely straining the health care isolating at home or waiting for hos- tions diseases, experts say. levels in Europe. system. pital vacancies, and is staffed by three The Tokyo metropolitan govern- “These products are highly similar but much more afford- Chief Cabinet Secretary Katsunobu doctors and 25 nurses. ment plans to add 110 more beds with able,” said Sean McGowan, head of biosimilars at Ameri- Discovery Kato told reporters the government The idea is to temporarily treat mild oxygen at prefectural-run hospitals by sourceBergen, a top drug wholesaler. and Takeda are discussing ways to cases with supplementary oxygen the end of August, while also prepar- ❑ ❑ ❑ minimize the impact on Japan’s vac- amid growing concerns that people ing to set up a makeshift hospitals that Judge nixes backup site: A Spanish cination progress. may get sicker — and possibly start can provide antibody cocktail infu- Children: The Biden administration said Wednesday it was judge in a decision cheered by environ- dying at home — in the absence of sions for those in the early stages of banning use of chlorpyrifos, a widely used pesticide long tar- mentalists has put a halt to backup plans Progress medical attention. infection, offi cials said. geted by environmentalists, on food crops because it poses for the construction of a giant telescope in “We will do utmost in order to avoid Tokyo has been under emergency But experts say oxygen only pro- risks to children and farm workers. the Canary Islands — eliminating at least any impact on vaccination progress, measures for the majority of the year, vides temporary relief and that the The Environmental Protection Agency acted after a for now the primary alternative location to most recently since July 12. But new government should quickly build a the preferred spot in Hawaii, where there especially at worksites and large-scale federal appeals court ordered the government in April to centers,” Kato said. daily cases have increased more than makeshift COVID-19 hospital. quickly determine whether the pesticide is safe or should have been protests against the telescope. Construction of the Thirty Meter Tel- Japan relies entirely on foreign- tenfold since then to about 5,000 in Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga’s be prohibited. developed vaccines by Moderna, as Tokyo and 25,000 nationwide, quickly government faced criticism for insist- During the Obama administration, the EPA had initiated a escope, or TMT, on Hawaii’s tallest mountain, Mauna Kea, has been stalled well as Pfi zer Inc and AstraZeneca. fi lling up hospital beds and forcing ing on holding the Tokyo Olympics ban, but the agency reversed that decision shortly after Presi- by opponents who say the project will Moderna has been since mid-June at many people to recover at home, some and Paralympics despite strong oppo- dent Donald Trump took offi ce in 2017. desecrate land held sacred to some Native large-scale centers and workplace in- of whom require supplemental oxygen. sition from the public amid the rising “Today EPA is taking an overdue step to protect public Hawaiians. oculations and has helped speed up As of Monday, nearly 40,000 patients infections led by the more infectious health,” Administrator Michael Regan said. “After the delays Telescope offi cials had selected the al- Japan’s rollout. in Tokyo are recovering at home or in delta variant. and denials of the prior administration, EPA will follow the ternate location near an existing scientifi c About 43% of the Japanese popula- hotels, compared to about 4,000 hos- On Friday, Japan expanded emer- science and put health and safety fi rst.” research facility on the highest mountain tion have been fully vaccinated, with pitalizations. A growing number of pa- gency measures to two-thirds of the Chlorpyrifos is applied on numerous crops, including soy- of La Palma, one of the Spanish islands daily doses of about 1 million. tients spend hours on ambulances trying country until Sept. 12 and is consider- beans, fruit and nut trees, broccoli and caulifl ower. It has been off the western African coast, in the At- Japan on Monday opened a tempo- to fi nd hospitals. Around 15,600 people ing adding more areas. linked to potential brain damage in children. lantic Ocean. rary facility in Tokyo to provide oxy- have died since the pandemic began. On Monday, Tokyo Gov. Yuriko The Pesticide Action Network North America and the Natu- But an administrative court in Santa gen for up to 130 coronavirus patients Although Japan has far fewer cases Koike and Health Minister Norihisa ral Resources Defense Council petitioned the EPA in 2007 to Cruz de Tenerife, the capital of the with mild symptoms, as the capital’s than many other countries, the wealthy Tamura met and jointly issued a fi rm revoke all approved levels of chlorpyrifos in food. Spanish archipelago, ruled last month that the 2017 concession by local au- health care system grows severely nation’s pandemic response is near request to all hospitals in the Japanese Exposure thorities of public land for the tenta- strained. collapse. Only a small percentage of capital to take in as many patients as “It is gratifying to see the EPA once again adhere to the best tive project was invalid. The ruling was The so-called “oxygen station” in hospitals are taking virus patients, ei- possible, or dispatch medical workers available science when making critical regulatory decisions,” dated on July 29, but only became pub- Tokyo’s Shibuya district is aimed at ther for fi nancial reasons or because to assist at temporary oxygen stations said Rep Eddie Bernice Johnson, chairwoman of the House lic this week after local media reported people who develop a problem while they lack the capability to treat infec- or other facilities. Committee on Science, Space and Technology. about the decision. EPA said it had found that chlorpyrifos did not meet a le- The island’s local elected government gally required standard of reasonable certainty that exposure to chief, Mariano Zapata, said it was “sad” 6, had arrived with a preexisting gastro- tute, which was not part of the original riorating. (AP) the pesticide wouldn’t be harmful. that advocacy groups “are so occupied by intestinal condition, the aquarium said at lawsuit, said Mystic has had a very good ❑ ❑ ❑ administrative matters instead of environ- the time. Naomi Rose, a marine mammal reputation when it comes to beluga care The European Union, Canada and some states including mental issues.” (AP) Smokestacks toppled by dynamite: California, Hawaii, New York, Maryland, and Oregon have ❑ ❑ ❑ scientist with the Animal Welfare Insti- and research, but said that is quickly dete- Six smokestacks at a decommissioned restricted its use on foods. Those limits — and development of power plant in Alabama crashed to the replacement pest controls — have led to a decline in farmers’ Beluga in failing health: Mystic ground Wednesday in a controlled implo- use of chlorpyrifos, EPA said. Aquarium says that a second of the fi ve sion that began with the boom of dyna- “The ban will safeguard farmworkers, their families, com- beluga whales it imported in May from mite and ended with a huge cloud of dust. munities and the food supply,” said Allison Johnson, an attor- a marine park in Canada is in failing Once charges were set, workers top- ney with the NRDC. “EPA is fi nally following its own fi ndings health. pled the structures in mere seconds at on this poisonous pesticide.” Tuesday night’s revelation comes the Colbert Fossil Plant, which oper- Teresa Romero, president of United Farm Workers, said three weeks after a male beluga, who was ated in northwest Alabama for more the group was “relieved that farmworkers and their families also part of the group that arrived from than six decades beginning in 1955. will no longer have to worry about the myriad of ways this Marineland in Niagara Falls, died at Mys- TVA said the project was part of its pesticide could impact their lives.” tic, an aquarium that specializes in beluga move away from coal toward cleaner research. This female whale is suffering fuel options. Corteva Inc had been the world’s largest manufacturer of from several health issues including a low Video of the implosion captured a man the pesticide but stopped producing it last year. The company, white blood cell count and gastrointesti- counting down and then yelling: “Fire in created after a merger of Dow Chemical and Dupont, said pre- nal issues, the aquarium said in a Face- the hole. Light it up, Roger,” referring viously that declining sales drove its decision and that it con- book post. to Roger Homrich, owner of the demoli- sidered chlorpyrifos safe. “The veterinarian team is monitoring tion contracting fi rm Homrich, based in EPA’s decision “effectively removes an important tool for the (female) beluga around the clock and Michigan. farmers,” the company said in a statement, adding that “it ap- is exploring every treatment option avail- Flashes appeared at the base of the pears that the rationale used by the agency is inconsistent with able to help her recover,” Mystic said in stacks and four of the towers collapsed al- the complete and robust database of more than 4,000 studies its social media post. “Mystic Aquarium most immediately, followed by two larger and reports that have examined the product in terms of health, has additionally reached out to beluga ones. safety and the environment.” experts from across the country who are TVA said the implosion was part of a EPA said it would continue reviewing whether to allow use making the journey to the facility to assist $43 million project to prepare the site for of chlorpyrifos for purposes not directly tied to food produc- with the situation.” development and cleaner energy. The util- tion, such as cattle ear tags and mosquito control. The whales were imported from ity announced plans last month to spend Bills seeking to prohibit use of chlorpyrifos and similar pes- Marineland in Niagara Falls, Ontario, af- In this April 18, 2017 file photo, a woman with Type 2 diabetes prepares to inject $500 million, adding to generating units ticides have been introduced in Congress. ter a lengthy battle to obtain permits from herself with insulin at her home in Las Vegas. Overweight or obese Americans that are fueled by natural gas and operate both the United States and Canada. should start getting screened for diabetes and prediabetes earlier, at age 35 on the 1,300-acre (526-hecatare) Colbert The male whale, which died on Aug instead of 40, according to national guidelines updated on Aug 24. (AP) plant site. (AP) Books FRIDAY-SATURDAY, AUGUST 27-28, 2021 FFeatureseatures ping tabtotheirTikTokprofi nesses willbeabletoaddashop- Shopify saidTuesdaythatbusi- able todothroughadsuntilnow. — somethingtheyhadonlybeen through theshortvideosonapp soon beabletobuystuffdirectly marketplace onDouyin, itstwin ready runsathriving socialmedia company thatowns TikTok,al- customers toonlinestores. “shoppable” videoadsthatdrive TikTok thatletmerchantscreate Shopify alreadyhadadealwith regions inthecomingmonths. Canada merchants inthe still beingtested,isavailableto for checkout. links directlytotheironlinestore to createa“mini-storefront”that capital whereauthor closed offintoWednesday.(AP) burgh’s OldTownwiththestreet remained atthesceneinEdin- heavily damaged.Firefi Tuesday’s fi some oftheseven-bookseries. frequented thecafewhilepenning Edinburgh. Butsheconfi cal storiesbeforeshemovedto saying shebeganwritingthemagi- wizard. “birthplace” ofthefi bore asigndeclaringitselfasthe stop forHarryPotterfansandlong closed formonthsrepairs. He saidthecafewouldlikelybe extensive damagetohisbusiness. BBC hewas“devastated”bythe interior anddebrislyingoutside. its frontwindowsgone,aruined precaution andlaterreleased. members wastakentohospitalasa Rescue Servicesaidoneofitscrew the blaze.TheScottishFireand fi books hasbeendamagedinafi wrote someoftheHarryPotter Tuesday. out atthepatisserienextdooron water damageafterablazebroke Edinburgh LOS ANGELES: LONDON: and achievementsofBlackwomen,includingWinfrey. English attheUniversityofOklahoma,shehaschampionedstories was onthelonglistin2020foraNationalBookAward.Aprofessorof Sweetness ofWater.” debut fi run throughoutthisspecialnovel.” readers andspeakingwithHonoréeherselftodiscussthethemesthat it consumedme.Ilookforwardtodiscussingwithourcommunityof said inastatement.“It’scombinationofhistoricalandmodern cal traumathroughthefamily’ssilencegenerations,”Winfrey how authorHonoréeFanonneJefferswovethelargerfabricofhistori- Powell Wattsamongothers. vance praisefromAngieThomas,JacquelineWoodsonandStephanie named forthecanonicalBlackscholarandactivist,hasreceivedad- tor, youngAileyPaulGarfi through afamilyintheAmericanSouthanditscontemporarynarra- Bois,” isnowanOprahWinfreybookclubpick. but novels,HonoréeFanonneJeffers’“TheLoveSongsofW.E.B.Du NEW YORK,Aug26,(AP):Oneoftheyear’smostanticipatedde- Winfrey picks‘LoveSongsofW.E.B. DuBois’forbookclub great thingswerepossibleforayoung,AfricanAmericanwomanlike 1980’s,” Jefferssaidinastatement.“Shemademebelievethatsomany Winfrey fromafar,bywatchinghertalkshowonmytelevisioninthe re engines were deployed to tackle re enginesweredeployedtotackle Canadian e-commercecompany ByteDance, the The shoppingtool,whichis The PatisserieValerie,where Rowling hasdisputedthat, The ElephantHouseisaregular Owner Images showedthecafewith More than60fi The ElephantHousein “I fi Jeffers, 54,isalreadyanacclaimedpoetwhose“TheAgeofPhillis” Tuesday’s announcementcontinuesWinfrey’shistoryofselecting “I wassoenrapturedbythestoryofthismodernBlackfamily,and Published Tuesday,Jeffers’noveltracescenturiesofBlackhistory rst encounteredthebeauty,brilliance,andempathyofMs.Oprah ction;herpreviousbookclubchoicewasNathanHarris’“The , andwillrollouttomore ❑ David Taylor A cafein re started,alsowas sufferedsmokeand TikTok users will TikTokuserswill US refi Beijing ctional young , the ghters and 12 ghters and12 Scotland J.K. Rowling ghters toldthe rmed she UK -based les eld. “TheLoveSongsofW.E.B.DuBois,” and This imagereleasedbyUniversalPicturesshowsMichaelHargroveasShermanFieldsinascenefrom‘Candyman,’directedNia ’s re.

her skincareandcosmetics line ticipate intheprogram byselling among thefi have madesomeinroads. and Facebook-ownedInstagram mon intheUS,thoughPinterest media websitesisn’tyetascom- Buying productsthroughsocial video appfortheChinesemarket. Reality star they burnedhim. honey sohewouldbestungtodeathbybees.Then gans tocutoffhishandandsmearbodywith hired topaint.Herprejudicedfatherhooli- artist whofellinlovewithawhitewomanhewas having childrenscaredstraight. Cabrini-Green housingprojectsmakingpoorlybe- it issaidroamedChicago’snotoriouslydangerous fi gleaming duplex. of wealthandprivilege,sippingMoscatointheir Brianna (awonderfulTeyonahParris)livealife tomorrow.” Heandhisgirlfriend,galleryowner “the greatBlackhopeoftheChicagoartsscene visual artiststrugglingtoliveuphisbillingas tity. lice brutality,authenticity,mythandBlackiden- and WinRosenfeldcanlookatgentrifi of Chicago.It’sherethatco-writersDaCosta,Peele movie setintheluxuryloftsandhaughtyartworld name beentypedbynow?—isanunusualhorror well-received crimedrama“LittleWoods.” DaCosta, whohadjustoneindieunderherbelt,the and itmarksastunningstepforwardfordirector top-notch socialthrillersbeingbuiltbyJordanPeele “Candyman” isaworthyadditiontothelibraryof loween. not wantanythingsweetagain.Heck,cancelHal- you’ll neverbetemptedtodothat.Youmighteven ter seeingNiaDaCosta’sfi of amirror,yousummonhook-handedkiller.Af- T Sleek ‘Candyman’hasgotquiteahook nds anoddkind ofmuseintheCandyman,who The mythgoesthattheCandymanwasaBlack Prodded tocreatemoregrittywork,Anthony It starsYahyaAbdul-MateenIIasAnthony,a “Candyman” —uh,oh,howmanytimeshashis Equal partscerebral,politicalandgross-out, Variety the name“Candyman”aloudfi here’s anurbanlegendthatsaysifyourepeat rst merchantstopar- Akhtar, EhrenreichamongwinnersofAmericanBookAwards Kylie Jenner By MarkKennedy is lm ofthesamename, Film Long: TheLegacyofWhiteSupremacyinAmericanChristianity”and ings: AnAsianAmericanReckoning,” Young Lords:ARadicalHistory,” nonprofi Book Awardsforworksthathighlightthecountry’sdiversity. fords TravelsEverywheres”areamongthisyear’swinnersofAmerican sity, thewinnerslistsimplyrefl der-recognized authorsandfi award winnersrangefromwell-knownandestablishedwriterstoun- “There arenocategories,nominees,andthereforelosers.The out limitationsorrestrictions,”thefoundationannouncedMonday. larize multiculturalliterature. edition ofthelate reich The awardsarepresentedbytheBeforeColumbusFoundation,a Ayad Akhtar Others citedbythefoundationinclude “The purposeoftheawardsistorecognizeliteraryexcellencewith- enrRowling Jenner since 2019.HerinterviewwithJefferswillairSept.24onAppleTV+. members ofherbookclub.” great poet,Dr.MayaAngelou—wouldread,enjoy,andpresenttothe day writeabookthatthis‘phenomenalwoman’—toquotefromthe the task.Asacreativewriter,itwasmysecretdreamthatIwouldone me. ThatIcoulddoanythingifjustsetmyhands,mind,andspiritto Wright injured fi lming stunton‘BlackPanther2’ ’s environmental warning “Desert Notebooks,” and an illustrated ’s environmentalwarning“DesertNotebooks,”andanillustrated ve timesinfront Winfrey founded her book club in 1996 and has partnered with Apple Winfrey foundedherbookclubin1996andhaspartneredwithApple t establishedin1976by cation, po- cation, ’s acclaimednovel“HomelandElegies,” William MelvinKelley confi ern andcleanhallwaysomehowcreepy.Thisis that itdoesn’tshow. girls’ bathroomthatisterrifyingforthefragments an initgrappleswiththeCandyman,andonea well-appointed apartmentatnightwhilethewom- cluding thecamerasteadilypullingawayfroma scarred projects. kitchens togrimy,muddyabandonedandgraffi ing granitecountertopsinelegantlylitandairy ly morefi of beesandmirrors.“Candyman”getsprogressive- tell aspectsofthepastandhavearecurringmotif secrets andfate. ning intomadnessandhisownpast,unlocking before,” hesaystohisgirlfriend—sendshimspin- ally connectedtothis.I’veneverbeenthisclear Candyman asfuelforhispaintings—“Ifeelre- droplets createtheirownhorror-inside-horror. movements andoneinanelevatorwhereblood scene inwhichtheCandymanmirrorshisprey’s ❑ DaCosta canmakeastrolldownwell-lit,mod- There aremorethanafewstunningscenes,in- Anthony’s newlyunlockedpassiontousethe The fi character, Anne-Marie McCoy, Anthony’s mom. character, Anne-MarieMcCoy,Anthony’smom. nessa A.Williamsappearsinbothfi were starsofthefi nice touches,VirginiaMadsenandTonyTodd,who was writtenanddirectedbyBernardRose.Insome sequel” totheoriginal1992“Candyman,”which to processasystemofwhiteoppression. Candyman isactuallyaninnocentscapegoat,away demon meanttokeepkidsinline,butavictim. yet inthistellingtheBoogeymanisn’tavengeful laundromat owner(ColmanDomingo,superb)and rstworks.Therearenoquotasfordiver- dent, smartfi Peele has described this new riff as a “spiritual Peele hasdescribedthisnewriffasa“spiritual The taleistoldtoAnthonybyaCabrini-Green ects itasanaturalprocess.” Ishmael Reed lmmakers usefabulouspaperpuppetsto Bronx, her headstonehasbeen at theWoodlawnCemetery inthe fi last yearthatherashesfounda died in1967,butitwasnotuntil nal restingplace. lthy asitunspools,goingfrom gleam- NEW YORK: Cathy ParkHong Now, atamemorial ceremony Robert P.Jones through TikTok.(AP) ’s postmodernnarrative“Dun- Johanna Fernández ❑ lmmaking. There’sastunning Passion rstfi topromoteandpopu- Dorothy Parker lm,haveroleshere,andVa- ’s “MinorFeel- “WhiteToo Ben Ehren- ’s “The

lms as the same lms asthesame where the will receiveacopySept.1. Call In.”Burke’smemoircomesoutSept.14andbookclubmembers getting rightinthemixwitheveryoneelse.” says. “AndIdon’thavetheanswers.I’mnotafi through sexualityorracismwhiteprivilege,whateveritis,”she has read,butsaidallhavesimilarthemesofequalityandsocialjustice. Steph Curry subscription bookcompanythatalsohasteamedwith made severalchoicesforheronlinebookclub,sponsoredbyLiterati,a derstandably hashadlittletimeorenergyforreading.Shesaysshe phone interview. will bewortheveryonereading,”Rapinoesaidduringarecenttele- bound,” forhernewbookclubbeforeshehadevenreadit. na Burke NEW YORK: mous for one-liners suchas, “The and TheNewYorker. Shewasfa- magazines likeVogue, VanityFair and theaterliterary reviewsfor Parker wrotepoems,shortstories the NewYorkPostreported. civil rightssupporterareburied, ashes ofthewriter,humoristand unveiled atthefamilyplotwhere Literati announcedMondaythatRapinoe’sclubwillbecalled“The “This allowspeopletotakeamorein-depthjourney,whether Rapinoe declinedtonameanyotherselections,someofwhichshe Rapinoe isstillrecoveringfromthesummerOlympicsin “She issuchanincrediblepersonandwhateveritshe’swriting Carolyn Forché achievement award. ed theProjectonHistoryofBlackWriting,wasgivenalifetime Born in1893NewYork, ti- The authorandscholar by Aug. 27inwhichsomechaoticpartypeopleplayed has anR-ratedcomedy“VacationFriends”coming and alittlelesscoveredinGenZinfl and *thought*theybondedwith.(AP) and crash theweddingofacouple( reported thenews. 2022. on thesequel,whichisslatedtobereleasedinJuly Chadwick Boseman the fi ler Forever,” whichisbeingdirectedby released fromthehospitalsoon. ing astuntforthesequel.Wrightisexpectedtobe Wednesday thattheincidenthappenedwhilefi injuries onthe is beingtreatedinahospitalaftersustainingminor US that thesoccerstarchoseBurke’supcomingmemoir,“Un- LOS ANGELES: LOS ANGELES: The entertainmenttradewebsiteDeadlinefi Her injuriesarenotexpectedtodelayproduction Wright isreprisingherroleasShuriin“Wakanda A Marvelspokespersonsaidinastatement amongothers. Megan Rapinoe . The27-year-oldBritishactorwasabreakoutin women’ssoccerteamreceivedabronzemedal,andun- of four. ning time:91minutes.Threeandahalfstarsout language includingsomesexualreferences.Run- Friday, isratedRforbloodyhorrorviolence,and get alotofbuzz. — isajoltofmacabreadrenaline.Hopefully,it’ll oh, no,that’stoomanytimes,he’llbeheresoon handling artistsontheedge—but“Candyman” or vestigial,likethegirlfriend’spersonalhistory John Cena rst fi Yvonne Orji “Candyman,” aUniversalPicturesreleaseon There arepartsoftheplotthatseemundeveloped lm asthescience-mindedsisteroflate ’s poetrycollection“IntheLatenessofWorld.” DaCosta. (AP) “Black Panther”star Boston ❑ For somethingalittlemoreadult and ) theymetonvacation issuchafanof#MeToopioneer Maryemma Graham Also: Meredith Hanger ’s T’Challa. Also: setof“WakandaForever.” the Rev right tocollectfuture royalties,to but leftherestate,along withthe tions onwhattodowithherremains passes atgirlswhowearglasses.” tongue” and“Menseldommake brush myteethandsharpen fi whom she hadnevermet.(AP) rst thingIdointhemorningis She diedwithoutleavinginstruc- Martin LutherKing Jr Lil RelHowery nished product.I’llbe Letitia Wright uencers, Hulu Ryan Coog- , whoin1983found- Roxane Gay decide to Mexico lm- rst Tokyo Tara-


People & Places


CHVRCHES slay with album Halsey nails a terrifi c new music direction By Mark Kennedy f I Can’t Have Love, I Want Power,’ by Halsey ‘I(Capitol) Halsey gave birth this summer and she supplied her own baby gift — a terrifi c new album in a new musi- cal direction. The 13-track “If I Can’t Have Love, I Want Power” sees Halsey teaming up with Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross of the rock band Nine Inch Nails and who are frequent movie soundtrack collaborators. It marks the most divergent sound in Halsey’s career. The album captures the thrill and fear of impending motherhood, and, as always, an artist looking with un- sentimental harshness at their weaknesses. Reznor and Ross have imbued the project with their special brand of ambient and post-industrial dread. Highlights include the driv- ing synthesizer-and-drum-led “I am not a Woman, I’m a god” — a very NIN sound — and the rocking “Honey” with Dave Grohl on drums. On “Lilith,” Halsey sounds fantastic half- rapping over a chunky bass line. Halsey She writes a lullaby for her baby on “Darling,” with Lindsey Buckingham on guitar, “I’ll kidnap all the stars and I will keep them in your eyes.” There are interesting songs throughout, from the stripped down folktale-ish “The Tradition” and a punkish “Easier Than Lying” to the Gwen Stefani- Charles Kelley, (from left), Hillary Scott and Dave Haywood of Lady A perform at the 14th Annual ACM Honors at Ryman Auditorium on Wednesday, Aug. 25, in like “You Asked For This” to the skittering drums and Nashville, Tenn. (AP) playfulness of “Girl Is a Gun” (with the lyric, “My newest baby’s testing me lately/Making me crazy from morning to evening”). Speaking of lyrics, Halsey is at her best here, vul- nerable one second and fi erce and defi ant the next. Music “You won’t even notice me depart/secondhand thread/ in a secondhand bed/with a second man’s head,” she sings on “Bells in Santa Fe,” which has the vibe of The Weeknd. Reznor and Ross have not lost Halsey in a fl ood of Rascal Flatts honored with Cliffi e Stone Icon Award noises and synths but made them bow down as vehi- cles, with special touches here and there. When she sings “I am disruptive/I’ve been corrupted,” they’ve warped the sound of her pronouncing the last word, Combs, Dan + Shay celebrated by peers like a bad computer fi le. This is the sound of ambition, an evolution of Hal- NASHVILLE, Tenn., Aug 26, (AP): sey’s sound from the criminally underappreciated Dan + Shay, Luke Combs, Rascal “Badlands” or the Romeo-and-Juliet concept album Flatts and more country artists were “Hopeless Fountain Kingdom” and 2020’s busy, sin- celebrated alongside prominent song- ‘Nirvana’ sued by man who was gle-driven breakup album “Manic.” It’s the sound of a writers, producers and industry lead- mom who can have it all: love and power. ers at the Academy of Country Music ❑ ❑ ❑ Honors awards show. nude baby on Nevermind cover In front of a limited crowd at the Ry- “Screen Violence,” by CHVRCHES (EMI/Glass- man Auditorium on Wednesday, artists LOS ANGELES, Aug 26, (AP): A Mabie, told The Associated Press note Records) paid tribute to other writers, bands and 30-year-old man who appeared Wednesday. The fourth studio album from Scottish synth-pop Caylee Hammack performs at the even a documentarian for their work in nude at 4 months old in 1991 on Mabie said despite the photo group CHVRCHES was already sounding great be- 14th Annual ACM Honors at the Ry- the genre of country music. the cover of Nirvana’s “Never- being 30 years old, the lawsuit is fore they did something to push it into the realm of man Auditorium on Wednesday, Aug. “Without the songwriters in this mind” album is suing the band and within the statute of limitations of the spectacular. 25, in Nashville, Tenn. (AP) town, we would have none of this. others, alleging the image is child federal child pornography law for They reached out to The Cure frontman Robert We have none of the shows, none of pornography they have profi ted several reasons, including the fact Smith, whose dark sound has been a touchstone to the record sales,” said Dan Smyers of from. that the image is still in circulation the younger band. That masterstroke produced “How The lawsuit, fi led by Spencer and earning money. the Grammy-winning duo Dan + Shay, Elden on Tuesday in federal court Elden also wants any new ver- Not to Drown,” bridging a generational talent gap and who were given the Jim Reeves Inter- anointing CHVRCHES as worthy successors. in California, alleges that Nirvana sions of the album altered. national Award. and the record labels behind “Nev- “If there is a 30th anniversary “I don’t want the crown/You can take it now,” Combs’ rise to stardom in the last Smith sings. ermind” “intentionally commer- re-release, he wants for the entire few years has been unprecedented. He cially marketed Spencer’s child world not to see his genitals,” Ma- “How Not to Drown” is just one of the highlights is the fi rst artist to have his fi rst 11 sin- of the 10-track “Screen Violence,” which examines pornography and leveraged the bie said. gles hit No. 1 on Billboard’s Country shocking nature of his image to When the cover was shot, Nirva- anxiety, missed connections and misogyny, in real life Airplay chart. Country singer Ashley and on screens. Members Lauren Mayberry, Martin promote themselves and their mu- na was a little-known grunge band McBryde tore through a rowdy version sic at his expense.” with no sense they were making Doherty and Iain Cook have a smoother, fuller and of his song “She Got the Best of Me,” more assured sound. The lawsuit says Elden has suf- a generation-defi ning album in before presenting him with the Gene fered “lifelong damages” from the “Nevermind,” their fi rst major label The album kicks off with the terrifi c “Asking for a Duggar Kelly Weed Milestone Award. Friend” with lyrics that look back fondly at a past bro- ubiquitous image of him naked un- release, whose songs included “There’s a whole helluva lot more derwater appearing to swim after a “Smells Like Teen Spirit,” “Come ken love. The super “He Said She Said” is a less fond country music in this boy right here, look at a controlling partner, and the anthemic “Good dollar bill on a fi sh hook. as You Are” and “Lithium.” and I can’t wait for you to hear it,” It seeks at least $150,000 from Elden’s father was a friend of Girls” destroys unrealistic ideals and isn’t polite: “I Variety Combs said as he raised the award in cut my teeth on weaker men/I won’t apologize again,” each of more than a dozen defend- the photographer, Kirk Weddle, the air. ants, including the Kurt Cobain es- who took pictures of several swim- Mayberry sings. Carly Pearce, Alan Jackson and Lee You’ll fi nd yourself returning again and again to the FAYETTEVILLE, Ark: Attorneys for for- tate, surviving Nirvana members ming babies in several scenarios mer reality TV star Josh Duggar have fi led Ann Womack sang tributes to coun- Krist Novoselic and Dave Grohl at the Rose Bowl Aquatic Center lush and wistful “Lullabies” and the driving, electric try icon Loretta Lynn, who received “Final Girl,” a song that plays around with cinematic motions seeking to dismiss child pornogra- and Geffen Records. in Pasadena, California. phy charges against him. the Poets Award. Lynn, who spoke in Emails seeking comment from “Cobain chose the image depict- clichés and has a vibe reminiscent of The Smiths. And, an audio message but did not appear, of course, the blissfully perfect “How Not to Drown.” The motions ask for the dismissal of the representatives for the defendants ing Spencer — like a sex worker two charges and to suppress evidence in the called it greatest award she could get. were not immediately returned. — grabbing for a dollar bill that is It takes the crown. PBS fi lmmaker Ken Burns accepted ❑ ❑ ❑ case, including all statements Duggar made Elden is fi ling the lawsuit now positioned dangling from a fi sh- to investigators, the Northwest Arkansas the Tex Ritter Film Award for his mul- because he “fi nally has the cour- hook in front of his nude body with “The Horses and the Hounds,” James McMurtry Democrat-Gazette reported. tipart series called “Country Music” age to hold these actors account- his penis explicitly displayed,” the (New West Records) The documents, fi led Friday, allege that aired in 2019. able,” one of his attorneys, Maggie lawsuit says. In recent months, James McMurtry test-drove some prosecutors failed to preserve potentially “We were proud to bring this story of this material during twice-a-week livestream perfor- exculpatory evidence and that the two acting of this uniquely American music to mances from his home near Austin, Texas, occasionally secretaries of the US Department of Home- tens of millions of viewers,” Burns “20 years fl y by like that. It’s fl eet- of hit producer and songwriter Ross interrupted by digital gremlins or a barking dog. land Security at the time of the Duggar said in a video statement. “And we ing,” said Joe Don Rooney, of Rascal Copperman, who received the Gary “The Horses and the Hounds” is McMurtry’s fi rst investigation weren’t properly appointed. were especially gratifi ed that our fi lm Flatts. “We have been blessed.” Haber Lifting Lives Award along with The motions to suppress evidence say in- reached so many people who previ- Jay DeMarcus however joked that Lady A. Brittney Spencer performed album in six years, and the time taken to develop the vestigators took Duggar’s cellphone before new songs shows. These 10 tunes have been wood- ously thought they didn’t like country while the band may have retired, he the classic Martina McBride hit “In- he could call his lawyer and questioned music, but quickly became fans.” was still looking for work. “I am un- dependence Day” to honor songwriter shedded until they sound both broken in and built to him without his lawyer present. last, which makes it standard stuff from one of music’s Duggar, who appeared in TLC’s “19 Kids Country group Rascal Flatts were employed. If you guys need a bass Gretchen Peters, who received the best storytellers. and Counting,” was indicted in April on two honored with the Cliffi e Stone Icon player, Lady A, I’ve got a specifi c skill Poet’s Award. Toby Keith was also The set rocks, thanks partly to stellar electric guitar counts of downloading and possessing child Award. The trio announced their re- set,” DeMarcus said to laughs from the given a Poet’s Award, and Trace Ad- by David Grissom. He fi rst worked with McMurtry pornography, some of which prosecutors said tirement in 2020 after two decades crowd. kins performed Keith’s hit “Love Me more than 30 years ago, as did producer Ross Hoga- depicted the sexual abuse of toddlers. together. Keith Urban performed in honor If You Can.” rth, who oversees handsome, varied arrangements that He has pleaded not guilty. also feature cello, keyboards and accordion. Duggar has been confi ned to the home of McMurtry assumes the voice of quirky characters family friends who agreed to be his custo- real and that the writings were a ploy en- 17-year-old aspiring singer. The defense des responded by giving a point-by-point who share wisdom won and explain their scars while dian during his release, and he is prohibited gineered by Kelly “to protect him in a trial sought to discredit her with the letters and rundown of her testimony — including contemplating annoyances great and small. from using any Internet-accessible devices like this from very serious charges.” other evidence it claims showed her parents allegations that he intentionally isolated and “Twitter’s on fi re, my stocks all tanked, but what’s as he awaits trial. The woman, now 23, had previously de- were behind a scheme to take advantage of demeaned her with perverted “punishments.” really getting to me is I keep losing my glasses,” Mc- “19 Kids and Counting” was canceled tailed how she was groomed and exploited Kelly’s fame. She then asked the witness whether the blame Murtry complains on “Ft. Walton Wake-Up Call,” an following revelations that Duggar had mo- by Kelly starting in 2015 when she was a Assistant US Attorney Elizabeth Ged- fell “on your parents or the defendant?” especially droll tune that could be mistaken for Florida lested four of his sisters and a babysitter. She responded: “The defendant.” Panhandle hip-hop. Duggar’s parents said he confessed to the Kelly, 54, has repeatedly denied ac- Elsewhere McMurtry’s quinquagenarian blues la- fondling and apologized. cusations that he preyed on several alleged ment bad decisions, militarism, lives too short, road Duggar previously apologized for a victims during a 30-year career highlighted pornography addiction and cheating on his by his 1996 mega hit “I Believe I Can Fly.” tolls and time the revelator. He bites off the words, wife. (AP) His lawyers have portrayed his accusers as even when he invites a smile. ❑ ❑ ❑ groupies who are lying about their relation- “In a way-back corner of a crosstown bus, we were ships with him. hiding out under my hat, cashing in on a 30-year NEW YORK: R&B hitmaker R. Kelly’s The government also called a former crush,” he sings. “You can’t be young and do that.” forced his girlfriends to write fake member of Kelly’s entourage to the witness That’s a lyric built to last. blackmail letters that he could use to stand on Wednesday who said he helped defend himself in case he got charged with recruit a pastor to perform a secret marriage Also: sexually abusing them, one of his accusers ceremony for Kelly and singer Aaliyah. LOS ANGELES: Here comes another listening session testifi ed on Wednesday at his New York Last week, a former tour manager for from Kanye West. This time, the 22-time Grammy City trial. the R&B legend testifi ed that he paid a winner is expected to unveil his 10th studio album The witness, testifying as a “Jane Doe” $500 bribe to a government worker to get “Donda” on Thursday at Soldier Field in Chicago. It’s in federal court in Brooklyn, read for the Aaliyah a fake identifi cation used to pave the third time West will hold a listening session for jury parts of one letter in which she told the way for Kelly to marry the singer after his highly-anticipated album, which was named after Kelly that if he tried to break up with her, he began a sexual relationship with her his mother, Donda West, who died at the age of 58 in “I’m going to tell everyone you raped me. and believed she had become pregnant. A 2007. His fi rst two massive sessions were both held in … I’m going to say you raped me since I marriage license that was put into evidence front of sold-out crowds at Atlanta’s Mercedes-Benz was a minor.” falsely listed her age as 18; she was 15. Her notes to him also warned that “she Kelly was 27 at the time. Stadium. Several big names who attended include would spank herself really hard” — hard Prosecutors say Kelly wanted to use the Rick Ross, Khloe Kardashian and his estranged enough to leave bruises — so she could marriage, which was later annulled, to shield wife, Kim Kardashian West, who showed up with accuse him of beating her. himself from criminal charges related to their kids. (AP) After the defense confronted the witness Luke Combs accepts the Gene Weed Milestone Award at the 14th Annual ACM having sex with a minor and to prevent her with the letters, she insisted the abuse was Honors at Ryman Auditorium on Wednesday, Aug. 25, in Nashville, Tenn. (AP) from testifying against him. (AP) ARAB TIMES, FRIDAY-SATURDAY, AUGUST 27-28, 2021 SPORTS 14

Eiking keeps lead Czech Republic dominate Germany to Cort Nielsen bags another stage win CÓRDOBA, Spain, Aug. 26, (AP): Mag- nus Cort Nielsen earned another sprint win Group B in women’s world hockey victory at the Spanish Vuelta on Thursday to win a hot and hilly 12th stage, while Odd Christian Eiking kept the race lead. Cort Nielsen was launched by an EF Education teammate down the final stretch of the 175-kilometer (109-mile) route and stayed ahead of Andrea Gagioli to beat the Italian by almost a wheel length. It was the Dane’s second win at this year’s edition of the Vuelta and his fifth career stage victory at the Cort Nielsen Spanish race. “The whole team did a great job to- day,” Cort Nielsen said. “I managed to get over the two climbs and my team did a great job delivering me for a the sprint.”


With temperatures above 36 de- grees Celsius (96 degrees Fahrenheit) at times, riders tried to stay cool as possible with the help of water bottles supplied by their teams. The route that started in Jaén traversed the medieval city of Córdoba before it went up and over two climbs and looped back to a finish in the southern city. The results left the overall standings untouched. Eiking, a Norwegian rider for Intermarche-Wanty, leads Guil- laume Martin by 58 seconds. Two-two defending champion Pri- moz Roglic, who is considered the race favorite given the number of mountain stages ahead, is third at 1:56 behind. Roglic was involved in an awkward group crash on a flat stretch when sev- eral riders tumbled into one another on a sharp corner. But he was quickly Russia’s goalie Valeria Merkusheva, (left), stops a wrap-around shot from Finland’s Emilia Vesa during first period in the IIHF Women’s World Championship hockey tournament in Calgary, escorted back to the peloton by his Alberta, on Aug. 25. (AP) Jumbo-Visma team. Finland shutout Russia 4-0 Juventus host Empoli in what CALGARY, Alberta, Aug could be Ronaldo’s last match 26, (AP): Dominika Las- kova scored twice and the MILAN, Aug. 26, (AP): Once joined from Brazilian club Santos. again, could be “Cristiano Ronaldo has always Czech Republic beat Ger- playing his fi nal match for Juven- been a source of inspiration for many 2-0 in the women’s tus. me. I will be by his side every day world hockey champion- The Portugal great’s departure to learn as much as possible from has been rumored for months, with him.” ship to win Group B and Paris Saint-Germain - and a dream Ronaldo didn’t start Juve’s avoid having to face the team of him and - or opener against Udinese last week, United States or Canada in Manchester City the likeliest des- amid reports he had asked to be on tinations. the bench. When he did come on the quarterfinals. Juventus met with Ronaldo’s in the second All five teams in Group A - with agent, Jorge Mendes, on Thurs- half, his inju- the five-time defending champion day. The talks lasted about an ry-time goal hour and a half but little reportedly was ruled United States (3-0) and Canada came out of them. (3-0) set to play for the pool title out and the Thursday night - and the top three match fi n- SOCCER ished 2-2. in Group B will advance to the Both the quarterfinals. club and Ronaldo ripped off his shirt in ICE HOCKEY celebration last weekend after coach Mas- scoring what would have been similiano the winning goal, only for it to be Allegri in- Klara Peslarova made 12 saves to Ronaldo sisted it help the Czech Republic fi nish 4-0 in ruled out for offside. He’ll get an- other chance on Saturday against was a coaching decision to keep group play. Empoli. Ronaldo on the bench at the start. Laskova tied teammate Alena The 36-year-old Ronaldo has Ronaldo hurt his arm in training on Mills for the tournament goal lead only one year left on his contract, Wednesday but is still expected to with four. Laskova opened the scor- and with no apparent offer on the start against Empoli. ing at 4:28 of the second period and table, Juventus is eager to settle Ronaldo’s time at Juventus will struck again at 9:09 of the third. Britta Curl (center), of the United States, celebrates her goal with teammates Megan Keller (left), and Kendall the matter one way or another. be judged with mixed feelings. Franziska Albl stopped 27 shots Coyne Schofield during the first period of a match at the International Ice Hockey Federation (IIHF) Women’s World The transfer window closes on The fi ve-time Ballon d’Or winner for Germany (2-1). Championships in Calgary, Alberta, on Aug 24. (AP) Tuesday and even his teammates was signed from Real Madrid in Germany will fi nish group play say they have no idea whether 2018 for a club-record fee of more Thursday night against Japan (2-1). over Russia. Susanna Tapani and In the late game, Hungary beat Den- Josefi ne Jakobsen scored for Den- Ronaldo will be with them past than 100 million euros ($119 mil- The winner will face the U.S.-Can- Jenniina Nylund also scored and and mark 5-1 to fi nish fourth in Group B in mark (0-4). that date. lion) with the aim of winning the ada loser, and the loser will play the Anni Keisala made 13 saves. its fi rst appearance in the event. Canadian captain Marie-Philip “He has not told me anything Champions League. But Juventus U.S.-Canada winner. On Thursday, Finland (1-2) will Alexandra Gowie and Fanni Gas- Poulin will sit out the showdown about his future and we don’t has not gone past the quarterfi nals face Switzerland (0-3) for third place parics each scored twice for Hungary against the United States after block- know if he will stay, but I hope since his arrival and was eliminat- In Group A, Petra Nieminen he will stay for a long time,” said ed in the round of 16 the past two scored twice in Finland’s 4-0 victory in the group. Russia completed the (1-3). Kinga Jokai-Szilagyi also scored ing a shot with her chest Tuesday preliminary round 1-3. and Aniko Nemeth made 10 saves. against Switzerland. 19-year-old Kaio Jorge, who just seasons. Bottas and Russell waiting to see where they will drive next Verstappen focused on catching Hamilton after losing F1 lead SPA-FRANCORCHAMPS, Belgium, Aug 26, The 23-year-old Dutchman can count on make a move for him. (AP): Max Verstappen had a few weeks to pon- huge support Sunday from orange-clad fans “We both trust (Mercedes) to look after our Diggins-Smith, Griner star der how his sizeable lead in the Formula One who will make the short trip from nearby Neth- futures one way or another. Whether it’s tomor- championship was eaten up by Lewis Hamilton erlands. Last year the stands were empty be- row, whether it’s after (the last race in) Abu in just two races. cause of coronavirus regulations. Dhabi,” Russell said. “It’s better to do things Now the Red Bull driver must focus his mind “It will be cool to see so much orange in the right rather than quickly.” Mercury top Liberty on checking the Mercedes star’s momentum, grandstands again,” he said. “I also think it is a But the British driver would relish the chance starting at this Sunday’s Belgian Grand Prix, good place to re-set our championship fi ght and to test himself against Hamilton, who is chasing where a thrilling season resumes following its I’m well prepared.” a record-extending 100th F1 win on Sunday. for 5th straight win mid-season break. He will need to be. “Any drivers would want to go against the NEW YORK, Aug. 26, (AP): Skylar Diggins- Hamilton leads Verstappen by eight points For Hamilton has renewed momentum as he best and Lewis is probably the greatest of all Smith scored 27 points, Brittney Griner added after 11 races of a season which has produced bids for a 100th career GP win, and a record time. You would want to pit yourself against 26, including her third dunk of the season, and the best wheel-to-wheel him and see how you fare,” Russell said. “It’s eighth F1 title to pull ahead of Michael Schum- Phoenix beat the New York Liberty 106-79 for racing for years and a acher and stand alone among F1 greats. obviously hypothetical at the moment. As I said thorny rivalry between three years ago, if I could choose to race against the Mercury’s fifth straight victory. two gifted drivers. anybody as my teammate, Lewis would be the Griner also had nine rebounds and six assists Hamilton clawed back MOTOR RACING one.” before getting helped off the court with 1:38 a 33-point defi cit but the Bottas and Russell sat next to each other as left in the fourth with a left ankle injury. manner of his comeback But Hamilton has been pushed harder than they spoke on Thursday. In April, they were Diana Taurasi added 21 points with five angered Verstappen. He at any time since his then-Mercedes teammate involved in a high-speed crash at the Emilia- 3-pointers for Phoenix (14-10), which made 12 was leading the British Nico Rosberg won the 2016 title. Romagna GP. of 25 from distance. Brianna Turner had 10 points GP from pole position Red Bull’s speed allied to Verstappen’s re- Red Bull driver Max Verstappen of The Both drivers were furious in the aftermath and 15 rebounds. Griner dunked for the 15th time and was sent fl ying off lentless intensity have tested the resilience of a Netherlands attends a media conference with Bottas fl icking his middle fi nger at Rus- in her regular-season career - and the rest of the track by a risky Hamilton Mercedes team long used to dominating. prior to the Belgian Formula One Grand sell, who responded by swatting the Finnish WNBA has combined for just three in 25 seasons. overtaking move at the Hamilton “This has been one of the most intense F1 sea- Prix at the Spa-Francorchamps racetrack driver on the helmet with his hand. in Spa, Belgium, on Aug. 26. (AP) lightning-fast Copse corner that led to a time sons that I can remember. The battle is far from Russell said he had put the incident behind BASKETBALL penalty. over,” Mercedes head of motorsport Toto Wolff replacement. him. Verstappen was unlucky in the following said. “The W12 (car) feels in a better place, after “Our personal relationship is fi ne. It’s rare “There’s no news to share. I don’t need to race at the Hungarian GP, where he was one the upgrades introduced at Silverstone and an en- that two competitors are best friends,” he said. The Mercury dominated the first quarter, of several drivers to go off track following a couraging showing in Hungary.” clarify any reason for that,” Bottas said curtly at “But we’ve moved on from everything in the building a 35-19 lead behind 12 points from clumsy fi rst-lap mistake by Hamilton’s Mer- Hamilton’s lights-to-fl ag win here last year the Belgian GP on Thursday. “It is nothing new past. From my side at least.” Diggins-Smith and 70.9% shooting. Phoenix cedes teammate Valtteri Bottas. was his fi rst at the circuit since 2017. to me. Things will eventually sort themselves Hamilton has formed a strong working re- led 55-42 at the break with 40 combined points He recovered to eighth place despite driving It was his fourth overall at the famed track, out and then we’ll see.” lationship with Bottas since the Finnish driver from Diggins-Smith, Griner and Taurasi. a damaged car, but Hamilton fi nished second putting him level in third place for most wins The 23-year-old Russell has been part of the joined in 2017, following 2016 F1 champion Taurasi and Diggins-Smith each made a and moved ahead overall. with the late Jim Clark and 2007 F1 champion Mercedes young driver program since 2017 and Nico Rosberg’s unexpected retirement. 3-pointer on consecutive Phoenix possessions to Understandably, Verstappen may feel an- Kimi Raikkonen - who is still driving at age 41 is highly rated within the team. He was allowed “I’ve obviously been vocal in the past about extend the lead to 71-49 early in the third. New noyed considering he leads Hamilton 5-4 in with Alfa Romeo. to sign for Williams, but Mercedes can bring my loyalty to Valtteri,” Hamilton said. “I think York cut its deficit to 10 points in the fourth, but wins, 5-3 for pole positions and 4-3 for fastest Valtteri Bottas and George Russell are still him back for next season if they want. our working relationship is better than ever.” the Mercury closed on a 17-0 run. It was the first laps so far. waiting to fi nd out who will be driving along- He impressed when he replaced Hamilton at But Bottas has not won a race this season and time this season that the Mercury had scored 100 Yet, for reasons largely out of his control, he side Formula One champion Lewis Hamilton at Mercedes for one race last season after the F1 is only fourth in the standings. or more in a game. Betnijah Laney led New York trails in the standings. Mercedes next season. champion contracted the coronavirus. Russell “At the end of the day it’s down to him (team (11-15) with 20 points. Rookie DiDi Richards “It’s a lot of freak moments which cost us a Bottas’ contract with the team hasn’t yet fi nished second at the Sakhir GP and even came principal Toto Wolff) and the (Mercedes) board scored a season-high 14 and Sabrina Ionescu add- lot of points,” he said. “I will be there again, I been renewed for 2022, while Russell, who close to victory. to make that decision,” Hamilton said. “I’m a ed 10 points and seven assists. The Liberty made will try my very best, and of course I hope my drives for Williams but came up through the The way he outperformed Bottas in that race part of the team and support them whichever three 3-pointers in the first quarter to set a fran- car is going to be competitive.” Mercedes system, is being touted as a possible raised questions as to whether Mercedes should way they go.” chise record for makes in a season. ARAB TIMES, FRIDAY-SATURDAY, AUGUST 27-28, 2021 SPORTS 15 Arsenal blank West Brom in League Cup Southampton register biggest away win in club’s history

LONDON, Aug 26, (AP): Once Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang started scoring there was Odegaard (Norway) and Granit Xhaka (Switzerland), West Brom changed the entire side from its last Championship no stopping Arsenal. game, handing out fi ve debuts with an average age of under 23. The striker netted a hat trick in a 6-0 win over West Bromwich Albion in the second round of the League Cup. Aubameyang was infected with the coronavirus on the eve of the new campaign, missing the loss at Brentford and Mikel Arteta now just needs his Arsenal players to perform as impressively in the , rather than just coming off the bench in the defeat by Chelsea on Sunday. against a second-tier side. He will not have scored many easier goals than the fi rst-half double that set Arsenal on its way to a third-round meet- “This is good to build the confi dence of the team,” Aubameyang said. “We know we had a tough start to the season.” ing with third-tier side AFC Wimbledon. The heat is on Arteta with Arsenal losing its opening two Premier League matches and traveling to champion Man- Bukayo Saka’s smart feet saw him evade a number of challenges before his low shot was pushed out into the feet chester City on Saturday. Arsenal hadn’t even scored this season until the trip to West Brom. While the Arsenal start- of Aubameyang, who tucked home from close-range for Arsenal’s fi rst goal of the campaign in the 17th minute. Au- ing lineup boasted 348 senior international appearances and three national captains in Aubameyang (Gabon), Martin bameyang tapped in a second after Nicolas Pepe hit the post. He turned provider before halftime, with his acrobatic shot falling to Pepe who slid in to fi nish. Pepi shines Saka scored fi ve minutes into the second half after a fi ne fl ick from Odegaard. Aubameyang curled in MLS pip Liga MX to claim his hat trick and Alexandre Lacazette tucked home at the front on ‘penalty’ kicks post as Pepe claimed another assist. It wasn’t the biggest win of the LOS ANGELES, Aug. 26, (AP): Ri- cardo Pepi grew up straddling the night as Southampton beat fourth- ever-dwindling divide between Mexi- tier side Newport 8-0 to register the can and American soccer. The Texas biggest away win in the club’s his- native who mostly watched Mexi- tory. can teams as a kid is now a fi rst-time had a MLS All-Star for FC Dallas, and both hat trick and Armando Broja net- national teams have been chasing the ted twice, while , Kyle 18-year-old prodigy’s commitment. Pepi essentially confi rmed he has decided to play with his fellow Ameri- SOCCER cans - and he did it right after striking the decisive blow for his domestic league in the latest chapter of its grow- Walker-Peters and Nathan Redmond ing, friendly rivalry with Liga MX. also netted to secure a meeting in the New England goalkeeper Matt third round with Sheffi eld United. Turner made two penalty kick saves, An all-Premier League encounter and Pepi converted the fi nal chance to at St. James’ Park ended 0-0 before lift the MLS team past a collection of Burnley beat Newcastle 4-3 in a pen- stars from Mexico’s top league in the alty shootout. Miguel Almiron saw MLS All-Star Game. The MLS team won the shootout 3-2 his penalty saved by Burnley keeper after fi nishing regulation tied 1-1. Wayne Hennessey and Charlie Tay- Pepi is expected to announce Thurs- lor stepped up to send Sean Dyche’s day he has chosen to represent the U.S. side through to host fourth-tier side internationally when he is selected for Rochdale. the upcoming World Cup qualifi ers. The draw for the third round, when His penalty kick off the underside of teams in European competitions en- the crossbar was a symbolic way to ter, was made on Wednesday night. end an entertaining, friendly evening Manchester City’s defense will start for the All-Star teams representing the at home to third-tier side Wycombe. continent’s two biggest leagues. In matchups between Premier “To get called up to the national League teams, Manchester United team and then get the win for MLS, it will play West Ham, Tottenham feels great,” Pepi said. “You guys can takes on Wolverhampton, Chelsea see the MLS is getting better and more Atlanta United defender Miles Robinson, (right), heads the ball against Liga MX All-Stars defender Victor Guzman during the second half of the the MLS faces Aston Villa and Liverpool competitive.” All-Star soccer match, on Aug. 25, in Los Angeles. (AP) goes to Norwich. The fi rst matchup of these leagues’ top players in MLS’ midseason show- case was the latest step in the increas- ingly close ties between the U.S./ Choupo-Moting scores four goals Kane no longer an option Canadian league and Mexico’s top division. The teams put on a memora- Bayern romp to 12-0 win over Bremer SV Guardiola moves closer to SOCCER BREMEN, Germany, Aug 26, team of midfi elders at City (AP): Bayern Munich’s reserves ble evening at Los Angeles FC’s sold- out Banc of California Stadium in the routed fi fth-tier side Bremer SV LONDON, Aug 26, (AP): Pep ance to his name as a late substitute, as heart of a cosmopolitan American city 12-0 in their rescheduled German Guardiola would be the first to accept the only player in City’s squad who with a vibrant Mexican fl avor. Liga Cup game Wednesday to ease into he has an obsession with . could be termed an out-and-out striker. MX MVP Jonathan Rodríguez scored the second round. “I’d like,” he once said while coach- And don’t expect him to feature too in the 20th minute of regular time, and The match was supposed to ing at Bayern Munich, “to have a much this season, either. Jesús Murillo evened it on a header off have been played on Aug. 6 but it thousand midfield players in my Does that leave City too light up a cross from LAFC teammate Eduard squad.” front at a time when Chelsea, perhaps was postponed due to a number of Manchester City is doing its best to the biggest threat for the title this sea- Atuesta early in the second half. coronavirus infections among the The penalty shootout was a thriller: facilitate Guardiola’s dream. son, has just spent $135 million on a Bremen-based team’s players. Harry Kane’s announcement world-class striker in Romelu Lukaku? Turner won the game’s MVP award by Bremer SV coach Benjamin Eta stopping shots by Rogelio Funes Mori Wednesday that he was staying at Guardiola clearly wanted to sign and Salvador Reyes, and Pepi fi nished had called it a “game for the ages” Tottenham - for now, anyway - brought Kane - he said as much in a news con- it with style. and said that his personal wish was an end to City’s months-long pursuit ference - and might be miffed that “I think (this All-Star format) would to see counterpart Julian Nagels- of the England striker that had slowed City’s board didn’t do more to bring be great for both leagues,” Turner said. mann “jumping up because he’s to a crawl in recent days. him to Etihad Stadium. According to “You saw the competition was really unhappy.” With less than a week before the widespread reports, City didn’t go fur- spirited and high intensity. The fans summer transfer window closes on ther than an initial bid of 100 million were into it. It should be the norm, but Aug. 31, City is running out of time to pounds ($139 it’s not my call. I had a ton of fun this SOCCER find a new striker to replace the million) that was week. People really wanted to win, and departed Sergio Aguero in its squad rejected out of we don’t always get that in All-Star for the season. hand by games here.” With Kane no longer an option, Tottenham chair- MLS and Liga MX already hold two Nagelsmann had very little Guardiola may prefer to not push for man Daniel Levy, team cup competitions with hopes for jumping to do, however, as his regarded as one even more interleague play, and both heavily rotated team took a 5-0 of the toughest leagues agree a full merger is a real lead by halftime, with Eric-Maxim SOCCER negotiators in possibility in the coming years. Choupo-Moting scoring a hat trick. soccer. These All-Star teams’ demograph- The Bayern coach had left Rob- It raises the ics refl ect both leagues’ growth and in- ert Lewandowski, one - although there is increasing spec- question if there ternational appeal. The MLS All-Stars ulation about a move for Cristiano Guardiola ever was a serious and in Munich, Ronaldo, who is reportedly unsettled desire among were born in 13 different countries, while Dayot Upamecano, Al- while only 12 of Liga MX’s 27 All- at Juventus - and bid for the biggest City’s Abu Dhabi ownership to spend phonso Davies and Cologne’s Kinglsey Ehizibue, (top), and Bayern’s Alphonso Davies vie for trophies with a team of midfielders Stars were born in Mexico. the ball during the German soccer match between Bayern Mu- big again after breaking the British MLS was once well behind Liga all were on the bench. Kingsley nich and Cologne in Munich, Germany, on Aug. 22. (AP) this season. After all, Guardiola has record to sign Jack Grealish MX in quality of play, but players from Coman and Lukas Hernández previously done that. for $139 million in early August. hadn’t recovered from their inju- Just last season, City’s march to the Surely signing Kane, rather than both leagues agree the gap has closed his second. effort that went in off the post in signifi cantly in the past few years. ries, so Omar Richards made his Premier League title and a first Grealish, should have been the priority These All-Star teams appeared to be Bayern debut at left back. He completed his hat trick a few the 65th. He winked as he was con- Champions League final, where given the gap in the squad following quite well-matched as they played to a Choupo-Moting fi red in off the minutes later. gratulated by teammates. Guardiola’s team lost to Chelsea, was Aguero’s departure. draw in regulation. underside of the crossbar to open Nagelsmann made three changes The home side went down to 10 achieved primarily without a striker in “Absolutely - more than happy,” “The thing I learned out there is we at the break but there was no res- men in the 77th when Udo Nobile its first-choice lineup. Aguero regu- Guardiola said last week about the shape the scoring in the eighth minute larly had injury issues and Jesus of his squad. “It’s the same team, except are up there with Liga MX,” Philadel- and made it 2-0 pite for the home team. was sent off for hauling back the phia Union goalkeeper wasn’t fully trusted in the big games, for Jack Grealish and Sergio Aguero, in the 16th. Musiala would have Substitute Malik Tillman scored 19-year-old Tillmann. Nobile was notably in the knockout stage of the that we had last season.” said. Early in the fi rst half, the game shortly after the restart on his sen- applauded off by the home fans. was paused after fans participated in had a second goal in the 27th Champions League. If anyone can make this work, it is the infamous homophobic chant that but Bremer defender Jan-Luca ior debut for Bayern, then Musiala Michael Cuisance, Choupo- For the first two matches of City’s Guardiola. His desire for control in remains irresistible to some Mexican Warm’s attempted clearance re- fi red in another. Leroy Sané - who Moting, and Corentin Premier League title defense, matches means he puts more emphasis fans despite FIFA sanctions against sulted in an own goal, seconds was whistled by the Bayern fans in Tolisso all scored in the fi nal min- Guardiola has started with Ferran on midfielders than any of his peers. their national team because of it. before Choupo-Moting scored his previous game - scored with an utes. Torres - naturally a winger - as a center In some matches last season, seven forward and declared Gabriel Jesus to of City’s 10 outfield players were nat- be more at home as a wide player, with ural midfielders, given that the player the Brazil international having who finished the campaign as the first- PSG fans hoping for 1st glimpse of Messi; Mbappe could leave excelled on the right wing in a 5-0 choice left back - Oleksandr Zinchenko PARIS, Aug. 26, (AP): Paris Saint-Germain fans zema, his France teammate at the recent European thrashing of Norwich on Saturday. - plays in midfield for Ukraine and has may never get to see the strike force they have been Championship. Benzema is Madrid’s undisputed It leaves Liam Delap, an 18-year- only been converted to a full back by dreaming of for the past couple of weeks. leader in attack, fi fth all-time on the club’s scoring old with one Premier League appear- Guardiola. While six-time Ballon d’Or winner Lionel Messi is list with 281, but the 33-year-old’s new contract only set for his eagerly awaited debut in Sunday’s French takes him until 2023. league game at Reims, reuniting with his former Bar- After that, the future could belong to Mbappe. celona teammate , the Champagne has been Whereas at PSG, Mbappe would share the limelight diluted with news that Kylian Mbappe could join with Neymar and Messi, who signed a two-year deal Real Madrid. with an option for a third. Mbappe’s boyhood dream was to play for the Still, the absence of Mbappe would do little to Spanish giant, and it might be coming true. dampen the enthusiasm of the 20,000 fans at Stade Auguste-Delaune waiting for a glimpse of the global icon Messi, who counts four champions League titles SOCCER among his 35 trophies at Barcelona. Messi’s staggering tally of 672 goals for Barca includes an extraordinary 50-goal season in 2012; The 13-time European Cup winner’s fi rst bid of 96 league goals and a remarkable 133 overall across 160 million euros ($188 million), which came on 2012 and 2013; eight Spanish league and six Cham- Tuesday night, was rejected. pions League scoring titles. PSG paid 180 million euros ($212 million) to sign Messi once netted a record 91 goals in a calendar Mbappe from Monaco four years ago and wants more PSG’s Kylian Mbappe runs with the ball during a year for club and country. He also led Argentina to than Madrid’s initial bid. But the club also knows French League One soccer match between Brest the 2021 Copa America title. France’s 2018 World Cup-winning star can leave for and PSG at the Francis-Le Ble stadium in Brest, France, on Aug. 20. (AP) News of Messi’s arrival at PSG earlier this month free when his contract runs out in June. prompted a surge in ticket sales and media interest. “Kylian Mbappé wants to leave, that seems clear When David Beckham made one of his fi rst ap- to me,” PSG’s sporting director Leonardo said this time Spanish champion Madrid would want Mbappe pearances for PSG alongside Zlatan Ibrahimovic in week in an interview with French broadcaster RMC. playing against Reims in case he gets injured. March 2013, there were 113 accredited media. By “If he wants to leave, we aren’t going to keep him, And so the MNM - Mbappe-Neymar-Messi - may Monday, more than 120 had accredited for Sunday’s Tottenham’s Harry Kane has a shot on goal during the English Premier but it’s under our conditions.” never take the fi eld together. game, with demands still coming in, according to the League soccer match between Wolverhampton Wanderers and Tottenham If the transfer does happen, it’s unlikely PSG or 34- Instead, Mbappe could line up with Karim Ben- French union for sports journalists (UJSF). Hotspur at Molineux stadium in Wolverhampton, England, on Aug. 22. (AP) ARAB TIMES, FRIDAY-SATURDAY, AUGUST 27-28, 2021 16

The trophy is placed on display for the photographers before the soccer Champions League draw in Istanbul, Turkey. (AP) Sports Latest sports scores at — http://sports.arabtimesonline.com Orioles end 19-game losing streak Dodgers outlast Padres

BALTIMORE, Aug 26, popup that fell between three Mets de- fenders in shallow center. (AP): The Baltimore Ori- Tony Watson (5-3), the third of six oles snapped their 19-game Giants , got the win. losing streak Wednesday Cardinals 3, Tigers 2 night, rallying to beat Los In St. Louis, Paul Goldschmidt Angeles 10-6 after a shaky homered twice and scored the game- ending run on Lars Nootbaar’s single start by Shohei Ohtani left in the 10th inning as St. Louis beat the Angels’ bullpen with Detroit. too much to do. Nootbaar lined a two-out single to The Angels were up 6-2 in the right fi eld off Michael Fulmer (5-6) in the 10th to score Goldschmidt, who fourth inning and 6-4 when Ohtani had been intentionally walked. left the game after the top of the Tigers pinch-hitter Harold Castro sixth. But Baltimore scored a run in tied it 2-2 in the ninth with a soft single the seventh and fi ve in the eighth. to center off closer Alex Reyes, who Ramón Urías and Kelvin Gutier- blew his third save in 31 chances. rez drew bases-loaded walks to put T.J. McFarland (3-0) pitched a the Orioles up 7-6, and pinch-hitter scoreless 10th. Austin Hays Goldschmidt homered in the fi rst added a two-run and third innings. double. Rays 7, Phillies 4 The Orioles In Philadelphia, Francisco Mejia hit were two losses shy of the Ameri- can League record BASEBALL for the longest skid - which they set themselves in a tiebreaking three-run homer in the 1988 when they ninth inning, Brandon Lowe connect- started 0-21. Urías ed for his 30th of the season and AL Ohtani al- East-leading Tampa Bay beat slump- lowed three hom- ing Philadelphia. ers on the mound and struck out three The Rays have won eight of nine. times at the plate. and Rhys Hoskins It was 6-5 when Jake Petricka (0-1) homered for the Phillies, who have lost allowed a single, a double and an in- six of eight. tentional walk to start the bottom of the Mejia broke a 4-4 tie with no outs in eighth. He then walked Urías, his fi nal the ninth, driving an 0-2, 96-mph fast- batter, on four pitches to tie the game. ball from Phillies starter Zack Wheeler Tanner Scott (5-4) won in relief for (10-9) into the second deck in right. Spain’s Alfonso Cabello Llamas competes in the Track Cycling Men’s C4 1000m Time Trial during the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games, Izu. (AP) the Orioles. Collin McHugh (5-1) allowed the Dodgers 5, Padres 3, 16 innings tying run in the eighth but pitched a scoreless ninth. In San Diego, AJ Pollock led off the MLB Results/Standings Para ‘organizers’ 16th inning with a two-run homer and Brewers 4, Reds 1 Los Angeles outlasted San Diego in In Milwaukee, Brandon Woodruff defend IOC chief by far the longest major league game struck out 10 in six shutout innings and since pandemic rules were implement- Milwaukee extended its NL Central WASHINGTON, Aug 26, (AP): Results and standings from the MLB games on Wednesday. TOKYO, Aug 26, (AP): A brief ed last year. lead over Cincinnati to 9 1/2 games. St Louis 3 Detroit (10 innings) 2 Chicago Cubs 5 Colorado (7 innings 1st game) 2 return visit to Tokyo by Inter- Avisaíl García hit an RBI double Houston 6 Kansas City (10 innings) 5 Colorado 13 Chic Cubs (10 innings 2nd game) 10 national Olympic Committee No game had gone longer than 13 Tampa Bay 7 Philadelphia 4 San Francisco 3 NY Mets 2 innings since MLB began putting an and made two big defensive plays in Cleveland 7 Texas 2 Arizona 5 Pittsburgh 2 President Thomas Bach to view automatic runner on second base to right fi eld for the Brewers, who have 3 Chicago White Sox 1 Miami 4 Washington (10 innings) 3 the Paralympic Games has been won 12 of 15. Baltimore 10 LA Angels 6 Milwaukee 4 Cincinnati 1 widely criticized in Japan but de- start extra innings before the shortened Minnesota 9 Boston (10 innings) 6 LA Dodgers 5 San Diego (16 innings) 3 2020 season. Woodruff (8-7) permitted only four fended by organizers. American League National League Bach, who spent about a This one started at 7:10 pm Wednes- hits and retired 13 straight batters dur- East Division East Division day and ended at 12:59 am Thursday. ing one stretch. He struck out four W L Pct GB W L Pct GB month in Japan for the recently- It took 5 hours, 49 minutes to play. Reds, including , two times Tampa Bay 79 48 .622 _ Atlanta 68 58 .540 _ completed Olympics, returned New York 74 52 .587 4-1/2 Philadelphia 63 63 .500 5 the day before Tuesday’s Para- Pollock’s 16th homer came off rookie each. Boston 72 56 .563 7-1/2 New York 61 65 .484 7 reliever Daniel Camarena (0-1), the Cincinnati starter Luis Castillo Toronto 66 59 .528 12 Washington 54 71 .432 13-1/2 lympic opening ceremony and ninth Padres . The Dodgers used (7-13) gave up two runs and had six Baltimore 39 86 .312 39 Miami 52 75 .409 16-1/2 then departed about 24 hours 10, including winner Corey Knebel (4-0) in 6 1/3 innings. Central Division Central Division later after attending some events W L Pct GB W L Pct GB and handing out medals at the and Shane Greene, who worked the 16th Astros 6, Royals 5, 10 innings Chicago 73 55 .570 _ Milwaukee 78 49 .614 _ Cleveland 62 62 .500 9 Cincinnati 69 59 .539 9-1/2 ’ Alex Bregman (2) swimming venue. for his fi rst save. Greene was the 47th In Houston, Alex Bregman had two scores the game-winning run dur- player of 52 on the two active rosters to Detroit 61 67 .477 12 St Louis 64 61 .512 13 Organizers said he followed all hits and an RBI in his fi rst action in Kansas City 56 70 .444 16 Chicago 56 73 .434 23 ing the 10th inning of a baseball the pandemic protocols. appear in the game. more than two months, and he scored Minnesota 55 71 .437 17 Pittsburgh 46 81 .362 32 game in Houston. The Astros won Pinch-hitter Billy McKinney and the winning run in the 10th inning on a West Division West Division 6-5 in 10 innings. (AP) Trea Turner gave the Dodgers a 3-1 W L Pct GB W L Pct GB groundout by Jake Meyers to lift Hou- Houston 75 52 .591 _ San Francisco 82 44 .651 _ PARALYMPICS lead with consecutive RBI singles in ston over Kansas City. Oakland 70 57 .551 5 Los Angeles 80 47 .630 2-1/2 Óscar Mercado and Austin Hedges the 15th. Fernando Tatis Jr. tied it with Kyle Tucker singled with no outs Seattle 69 58 .543 6 San Diego 68 60 .531 15 also homered off Jake Latz (0-1), who a two-run homer off Knebel in the bot- in the 10th to send automatic runner Los Angeles 63 65 .492 12-1/2 Colorado 58 69 .457 24-1/2 gave up three home runs in his major tom half, his NL-leading 35th. Texas 44 82 .349 30-1/2 Arizona 43 85 .336 40 “President Bach was here at Bregman to third. Meyers then hit a league debut. our invitation,” International Tatis’ was just the fourth comebacker that struck pitcher Joel Marlins 4, Nationals 3, 10 innings Paralympic Committee spokes- hit for the Padres and their fi rst since Payamps (0-3) and pulled him toward Ben Bowden (3-2), the eighth of cit to send the game into extra innings, man Craig Spence said Thurs- the fi fth. The Dodgers won for the nine Colorado pitchers, got four outs and Jake Cave added a three-run shot In Miami, Jorge Alfaro singled with fi rst base. Payamps tossed the ball to the bases loaded in the 10th inning and day. “His activity plan had been 11th time in 12 games. The Padres fi rst for the meaningless out as Breg- for the win. for Minnesota. approved by the Japanese gov- have lost three straight and 11 of 13. Connor Joe hit his fi rst career grand Donaldson and Jorge Polanco Miami beat Washington to snap an man slid home. eight-game skid. ernment. The IPC and the IOC Giants 3, Mets 2 Kendall Graveman (5-0) struck out slam in the fourth inning for Colorado. homered for the second straight game, have a very close working rela- one in a scoreless 10th. and Miguel Sanó hit a 495-foot homer Right fi elder Jesús Sánchez threw In New York, Jake McGee in- Blue Jays 3, White Sox 1 out automatic runner Carter Kieboom tionship. The Paralympic Games Cubs 5, Rockies 2, game 1 that is the longest in the majors this wouldn’t be the size or scale that duced a game-ending popup from Pete In Toronto, Alejandro Kirk broke a year and one of the longest in the his- at home plate as he attempted to score Alonso with the bases loaded, and San Rockies 13, Cubs 10, 10 innings, tie with an RBI single in the eighth in- from second on ’ single in it is today if it wasn’t for the sup- tory of Fenway Park. port that we get (and) for the rela- Francisco turned fi ve double plays to game 2 ning and Toronto beat Chicago. Minnesota led 4-0 before Bos- the top of the 10th. beat freefalling New York. In Chicago, Ryan McMahon lofted After Blue Jays starter Sánchez was placed on second base tionship we have with the IOC.” ton scored one in the seventh, one in Bach was photographed walk- Brandon Crawford hit a go-ahead, a two-run homer in the 10th inning, matched his career high by striking out the eighth, and then tied it on Kyle to begin the bottom half and advanced two-run double in the seventh inning Brendan Rodgers followed with a two- to third on Lewis Brinson’s sacrifi ce ing around the famous Ginza 14 over seven innings, (4- Schwarber’s two-run homer off Alex shopping area after the Olympics after New York manager run double that gave him fi ve RBIs for 1) worked a perfect eighth and Jordan Colomé (4-4) in the ninth inning. bunt against reliever Kyle Finnegan gave starter Taijuan Walker an aggres- the game, and Colorado split a double- (4-5). Brian Anderson and Isan Díaz ended. He was wearing a mask, Romano fi nished for his 13th save in Indians 7, Rangers 2 but Japanese media questioned sive hook. header with Chicago. 14 chances. were intentionally walked before Al- In the ninth, McGee jammed Alonso The Cubs won the opener 5-2 in a In Cleveland, Franmil Reyes drove why he was touring the city when White Sox left-hander Aaron Bum- faro’s smash got past shortstop Alcides athletes were told not to. with a 1-2 fastball and his soft fl are tidy 2 hours, 9 minutes, thanks to Pat- mer (2-5) struck out the fi rst two bat- a 451-foot home run into the left fi eld Escobar into center fi eld. was caught easily on the infi eld by sec- rick Wisdom’s tiebreaking three-run ters he faced in the eighth before giv- bleachers, one of four homers by Diamondbacks 5, Pirates 2 ond baseman Tommy La Stella. It was homer in the fi fth inning. ing up singles to Teoscar Hernández, Cleveland against Texas. the lead for good. Smith took Nick McGee’s 29th save. In Pittsburgh, Carson Kelly and The nightcap lasted exactly twice as pinch-hitter Breyvic Valera, and Kirk. Reyes’ blast off Wes Benjamin in Mears deep in the sixth. Walker (7-9) overpowered San long - 4:18. McMahon hit a high drive the seventh landed about two-thirds of Pavin Smith homered and Arizona ral- Smith walked to lead off the eighth, Francisco through six innings but was to left fi eld off Jake Jewell (0-2) for his Twins 9, Red Sox 6, 10 innings the way up the bleachers and was his lied against Pittsburgh’s bullpen. pulled in the seventh with 74 pitches 19th homer. Rodgers, who hit a two- In Boston, Josh Donaldson hit a 23rd of the season. Kelly’s homer came in the seventh Josh VanMeter singled and David Per- after runners reached on an error by run homer in the fi rst inning, ripped his two-run homer to lead off the 10th af- Yu Chang homered for the second against Pittsburgh reliever Anthony alta drove them both in with a double and a double down the left-fi eld line. ter Boston rallied from a four-run defi - straight game and drove in two runs. Banda (2-1) to give the Diamondbacks to left off Kyle Keller. Real visit Betis amid club’s push to sign Mbappé BARCELONA, Spain, Aug 26, (AP): doing just fi ne in attack without any Real Madrid, engulfed in speculation more fi repower. They will head to Champions League Draw that they are attempting to sign Kylian Seville to face Betis with a Spanish Mbappé from Paris Saint-Germain, league-high seven goals scored from also have matters on the fi eld to deal their fi rst two matches. with it. The team’s fi nal match before In his second stint in charge of the ISTANBUL, Aug 26, (AP): Draw , Sheriff. the transfer window closes Tuesday team, Madrid coach Carlo Ancelotti for the group stage of the Group E: Bayern Munich, Bar- for the Spanish and French leagues has sparked the attack with a mix of Group A: Man City, PSG, celona, Benfi ca, Dynamo Kyiv. will be at Real Betis on Saturday. youngsters and veterans. PSG said for the fi rst time this week Vinícius Júnior has found the scor- Leipzig, Club Brugge. Group F: Villarreal, Man that they would be willing to sell Group B: Atletico, Liverpool, United, Atalanta, Young Boys. Mbappé and that they had rejected an Porto, AC Milan. Group G: Lille, Sevilla, Salz- initial offer by Madrid. Speculation is SOCCER Group C: Sporting, Dortmund, burg, Wolfsburg. now rife that Madrid president Flor- Ajax, Besiktas. Group H: Chelsea, Juventus, entino Pérez is busy trying to fi nd the Group D: Inter, Real, Shakhtar Zenit, Malmo. right price for the France striker. ing touch he previously lacked to add Lionel Messi’s move from Barce- to his speed and skills. The his loan at Tottenham. vante last weekend. Betis should give lona to PSG appears to give the French 21-year-old Brazilian leads the team Ancelotti, however, still has work to some Madrid trouble as well. The team club more incentive to sell Mbappé with three goals. Karim Benzema, who while they can, instead of possibly recently added a year onto his contract do in defense. With both led by former Madrid coach Manuel Walker Buehler works against a San losing him for free when his contract to tie him up through 2023, has scored and Raphael Varane gone, Madrid look Pellegrini like having the ball in the Diego Padres batter during the fi rst inning of a baseball game in San Diego. expires next year. two, and Gareth Bale scored his fi rst brittle at the back.They needed two goals possession of midfi elder Sergio Cana- (AP) Madrid, meanwhile, appear to be goal since returning to Madrid from by Vinícius to salvage a 3-3 draw at Le- les and explosive forward Nabil Fekir.


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