Land East and West of Glasfryn Road St Davids

acstro Glasfryn Road, St Davids Transport Statement

Table of Contents 1 Introduction ...... 1 2 Policy Context ...... 2 3 Location & Accessibility ...... 5 4 Proposed Development ...... 9 5 Summary & Conclusion ...... 10

Appendices Appendix 1 Location Plan Appendix 2 Bus Timetables Appendix 3 Indicative Layout Appendix 4 Proposed Access Arrangement Appendix 5 TRICS Trip Rate Data

Revision History

Issue 1 23rd July 2018

1203 St Davids Transport Statement.docx

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© 2018 Acstro Limited

Acstro Ltd., Ty Penbryn, Salem, Llandeilo, SA19 7LT T. 01558 824021 E. [email protected] acstro

Glasfryn Road, St Davids Transport Statement

1 Introduction 1.1 Acstro has been appointed to prepare a Transport Statement to support the promotion of land to the east and west of Glasfryn Road, St Davids, Pembrokeshire for residential development. The location plan is shown in Appendix 1. Appendix 1 Location Plan

1.2 Parcel A is located to the east of Glasfryn Road and will accommodate some 30 dwellings. Parcel B is located to the west of Glasfryn Road and will accommodate some 24 dwellings. 1.3 This Transport Statement sets out the transport issues relating to the proposed development. The structure of the Transport Statement has been informed by best practice advice contained within ‘Guidance for Transport Assessment (DfT 2007). 1.4 The structure of the Transport Statement is as follows: • Section 2 describes the relevant planning policy context that is relevant in terms of transport issues; • Section 3 describes the site’s location, its proximity to services and facilities and its accessibility by all forms of transport. • Section 4 describes the proposed development and its access arrangements. An estimate of the likely trip generation of the proposed development of the land is also provided. • Section 5 provides a summary and conclusion.

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Glasfryn Road, St Davids Transport Statement

2 Policy Context Planning Policy 2.1 Planning Policy Wales (PPW) sets out the land use planning policies of the Welsh Government. 2.2 In terms of transport related policies it places the sustainability of development at the heart of the decision making process (pp 4.7.4) and requires that new development proposals minimize the need to travel and increase accessibility by modes other than the private car. It requires that major generators of travel demand be located within existing urban areas that are well served by public transport, or can be reached by walking or cycling. 2.3 The principles discussed above are repeated again in PPW’s Chapter 8, which deals specifically with Transport issues. In 8.1.4 it reinforces the Welsh Government’s objectives for transport through: • reducing the need to travel, especially by private car, by locating development where there is good access by public transport, walking and cycling; • locating development near other related uses to encourage multi-purpose trips and reduce the length of journeys; • improving accessibility by walking, cycling and public transport; • ensuring that transport is accessible to all, taking into account the needs of disabled and other less mobile people; • promoting walking and cycling; • supporting the provision of high quality public transport; • supporting traffic management measures; • promoting sustainable transport options for freight and commerce; • supporting sustainable travel options in rural areas; • supporting necessary infrastructure improvements; and • ensuring that, as far as possible, transport infrastructure does not contribute to land take, urban sprawl or neighbourhood severance. 2.4 In terms of plan making and development control it advises (8.7.1) that the following issues should be taken into account: • the impacts of the proposed development on travel demand; • the level and nature of public transport provision; • accessibility by a range of different transport modes; • the willingness of a developer to promote travel by public transport, walking or cycling, or to provide infrastructure or measures to manage traffic • the environmental impact of both transport infrastructure and the traffic generated; and • the effects on the safety and convenience of other users.

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Glasfryn Road, St Davids Transport Statement

2.5 PPW also requires that the proposed access to a development should reflect the likely travel patterns involved. It should ensure that people can reach the development, as far as practicable, by walking, cycling and public transport, as well as by car (pp 8.7.3). TAN18 Transportation 2.6 Planning Policy Wales Technical Advice Note 18 (TAN18) details the Welsh Government Government’s policies in terms of transportation and repeats the general principles advocated in PPW i.e. that development is encouraged in sustainable, accessible, locations that will reduce the need to travel by car. Its aim is to promote an efficient and sustainable transport system and to counter the negative impacts associated with road traffic growth, for example increased air pollution, green house gases and congestion (2.1). It sees the integration of transport and land use planning as key (2.3) in achieving the Welsh Government Governments’ sustainable development policy objectives by: • promoting travel efficient settlement patterns; • ensuring new development is located where there is good access by public transport, walking and cycling thereby minimizing the need for travel and fostering social inclusion; • managing parking provision; • ensuring that new development includes appropriate provision for pedestrians, cycling, public transport, and traffic management and parking/servicing; • encouraging the location of development near other related uses to encourage multi-purpose trips; and • ensuring that transport infrastructure necessary to serve new development allows existing transport networks to continue to perform their identified functions. 2.7 The needs of walkers and cyclists must be taken into consideration and the use of these most sustainable forms of transport encouraged in all developments (TAN18 Chapter 6). Similarly, all development should be accessible by public transport (Chapter 7). The Active Travel (Wales) Act 2013 2.8 The Active Travel (Wales) Act 2013 is Welsh Government legislation aimed to support an increase in the level of walking and cycling in Wales; to encourage a shift in travel behaviour to active travel modes, and to facilitate the building of walking and cycling infrastructure. 2.9 The Active Travel (Wales) Act 2013 makes it a legal requirement for local authorities in Wales to map and plan for suitable routes for active travel, and to build and improve infrastructure for walking and cycling every year. It creates new duties to consider the needs of walkers and cyclists and make better provision for them. It also requires the consideration of walking and cycling as a mode of transport and the Act focuses on the promotion of walking and cycling for purposeful journeys, rather than as a purely recreational activity. 2.10 The Act is supported by the Active Travel Action Plan Wales (2014), and many of the actions of the Active Travel Action Plan Wales document also benefit recreational or competitive walking and cycling. ‘Walking’ in the Active Travel Action Plan for Wales includes the use of wheelchairs and mobility scooters and ‘cycling’ includes the use of electric bikes, but not motorcycles.

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Glasfryn Road, St Davids Transport Statement

Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority Local Development Plan (2010) 2.11 St David’s is identified as a Local Centre (Policy 4). 2.12 The strategic Policy 4 sets out the city’s land use priorities as being: • to aim to meet the housing, in particular affordable housing needs of the local area. • to provide for employment development to meet the needs of the local area. • to provide for live/work units in the City, as identified in Policy 42, Table 3 to meet the needs of the local area. • to protect and enhance the district shopping centre and facilities which serve the City and rural hinterland • to ensure developments permitted contribute to the protection and enhancement of the City’s special qualities • to permit proposals that assist in delivering improved traffic management in the City and wider peninsula.

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Glasfryn Road, St Davids Transport Statement

3 Location & Accessibility Location 3.1 The site is located to the east and west of Glasfryn Road and north of the A487.

Figure 1 Site Context 3.2 The site is approximately 500m to the east of the centre of St David’s, defined as a local centre and district shopping centre by the Local Development Plan, and is therefore located close to a good range of services and facilities. These facilities include a Foodstore, a pharmacy, various retailers, food outlets, a primary school, a secondary school, two GP surgeries, a dentist, a playground, galleries, community hubs, and places of worship; including St David’s Cathedral.

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Glasfryn Road, St Davids Transport Statement

Active Travel 3.3 Walking has the potential to replace short journeys of up to around 2km. All of the facilities and services available in St Davids are within approximately 1km of the application site and are therefore within comfortable walking distance. 3.4 The city centre is approximately 500m from the proposed site, a walking distance of approximately five minutes. 3.5 There are footways along the west side of Glasfryn Road and north side of the A487 that provide a safe pedestrian route to and from the city centre. Appropriate footway linkages will be provided from the development site to these existing pedestrian facilities. 3.6 Immediately to the north of the site (Parcel B) there is a public footpath that links Glasfryn Road to New Road, providing an alternative route to the city centre. 3.7 National Cycle Network Route 4 passes along the A487immediately to the south of the site. This is a long-distance cycle route linking St. David’s to Fishguard to the north and , Pembroke and Tenby to the south and east. 3.8 A shared cycle/footpath runs alongside the western side of Glasfryn Road between the two parcels of land that form the application site.

Figure 2 Glasfryn Road Shared Cycle/Footway

Public Transport Accessibility 3.9 The nearest bus stop is located at the St. David’s Tourist Information Centre immediately to the south west of the site. It provides access to the 30-minute frequency No. 403 Service (through the summer months only) and the one-hour frequency No. 411 service. 3.10 There is also a bus stop nearby at the Grove Car Park that provides access to the ‘404 Strumble Shuttle’ bus service that links St David’s and Fishguard. This provides three journeys per day in each direction (two journeys during winter months). 3.11 A summary of the bus services that can be accessed from these bus stops is provided in Table 1 and copies of the full timetables are provided as Appendix 2. Appendix 2 Bus Timetables

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Service Route Details No. St David’s - 342 Tue & Fri Only: 1 service each direction Haverfordwest St David’s – Marloes 400 Mon – Sat 3 Services per day each direction Puffin Shuttle St David’s Peninsula 403 Daily inc’ Sunday – 30 minute Frequency Celtic Coaster Fishguard – St David’s 404 Mon - Sat: 3 Services per day each direction Strumble Shuttle 411 St David’s - Haverforwest Mon - Sat: Day – Hourly Frequency 413 St David’s – Fishguard Mon – Sat: 6 Services per day each direction Table 1 Bus Routes Serving the Application Site

Highway Network 3.12 St. David’s is approximately 25km to the north west of Haverfordwest and 25km south east of Fishguard. It is linked to both towns by the A487. Recently completed works to Glasfryn Road effectively creates an eastern bypass to St David’s allowing through traffic to avoid the city centre. 3.13 The southern end of Glasfryn Road joins the A487 near the Tourist Information Centre at a four-arm roundabout. 3.14 A 30mph speed limit applies on Glasfryn Road and the A487 in the vicinity of the application site. There are no parking or waiting restrictions on Glasfryn road. On street parking is prohibited on the A487 to the west of its junction with Glasfryn Road. 3.15 The majority of routes within the city centre are subject to waiting restrictions between 8am and 6pm, applicable between 1st April and 30th September, generally the busiest tourist months. 3.16 A review of personal injury accident records for the latest five-year period (2013 – 2017) has been undertaken and has revealed that during that period no injury accidents occurred near the site. It is evident therefore that the highway network serving the site operates safely.

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Figure 3 Personal Injury Accident Location & Severity (2013 - 2017)

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4 Proposed Development 4.1 Indicative layout plans for the proposed development are provided as Appendix 3. Appendix 3 Indicative Layout

4.2 The proposed development is capable of delivering some 54 dwellings. Parcel A is located to the east of Glasfryn Road and will accommodate some 30 dwellings. Parcel B is located to the west of Glasfryn Road and will accommodate some 24 dwellings. Access 4.3 The details of the proposed accesses to the site are shown in Appendix 4. Appendix 4 Proposed Access Arrangement

4.4 There are three proposed access points to serve the two land parcels that form the application site. Each access provides a 5.5m wide carriageway with 2m footways on both sides. Visibility splays (2.4m x 43m) appropriate for the 30mph speed limit that applies are provided from each access, ensuring that they can be safely used. 4.5 Parcel A can be accessed from both Glasfryn Road and the A487 with the accesses linked to provide good penetration to the development. Traffic calming features will be provided within the development to prevent this becoming a rat-run for passing traffic. 4.6 Parcel B will be accessed from Glasfryn Road and will be served by a cul-de-sac layout. Appropriate turning areas will be provided within the development to ensure that servicing vehicles can access and manoeuvre safely within the site. Trip Generation 4.7 The potential trip generation of the proposed development of the site has been estimated by reference to the TRICS trip rate database, a database of over 7,100 traffic surveys of various types of development throughout the UK and Ireland. 4.8 From the TRICS database evidence of the trip rates of developments of privately owned houses (development of up to 100 units) in urban locations (but not town/city centres) in mainland Britain (excluding Greater London) have been analysed. Full details are provided as Appendix 4 and summarised below. Appendix 5 TRICS Trip Rate Data

Trip Rate per House Trip Generation (54 Houses) Time Range Arrivals Departures Total Arrivals Departures Total am peak Hour 0.177 0.383 0.56 10 21 30 08:00-09:00 pm Peak Hour 0.307 0.177 0.484 17 10 26 16:00-17:00 Daily 2.315 2.327 4.642 125 126 251 Table 2 Vehicle Trip Rates & Proposed Development Trip Generation 4.9 The TRICS data suggests that the proposed development will generate some 26 to 30 peak hour vehicle movements. 4.10 This represents an increase of, on average, no more than one additional movement every two minutes at peak times. It is unlikely that this level of traffic will cause any significant traffic issues on the surrounding highway network.

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5 Summary & Conclusion 5.1 It is proposed that land to the east and west of Glasfryn Road be developed, delivering some 54 new homes. This Transport Statement has demonstrated that: • The application site’s location is closely related to St Davids existing settlement and the facilities that it provides; • There are a good range of services and facilities near to the site offering education, shopping, employment, leisure and social opportunities. These can be accessed from the site by walking, cycling or by public transport. • The site is accessible to pedestrians and cyclists and is well connected to the existing footway and cycle network. • Safe and appropriate accesses, that meets current design standards, can be provided to the site from Glasfryn Road and the A487. • The estimated traffic generation of the proposed development is unlikely to cause significant detrimental impact to the safe operation of the surrounding highway network. 5.2 As such it is considered that the application site meets planning policy requirements in terms of being in an appropriate location that is safely accessible by all forms of transport and that the impacts of the development on the continued operation and safety of the surrounding highway network would be acceptable. 5.3 It is concluded therefore that there are no transport related issues that should prevent the proposed development of this land.

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Appendix 1 Location Plan

Location plan, Parcels A and B, St. Davids Pembrokeshire. 1:1250 @ A3. Drg number STD/SK01. 20/07/18 Ordnance Survey, (c) Crown Copyright 2018. All rights reserved. Licence number 100022432

Tourist Information Centre


Path 18





1 34

FFORDD GLASFRYN / GLASFRYN ROAD PARCEL A Ty Glasfryn Cowshed Reservoir The Cellphone Masts House Pump

Awelfor Maesgwyn 1

72.9m PARC MILLARD / MILLARD PARK MILLARD / MILLARD PARC Glasfryn Road, St Davids Transport Statement

Appendix 2 Bus Timetables

Richards Brothers Brodyr Richards St Davids - Haverfordwest - St Davids Tyddewi - Hwlffordd - Tyddewi 342 via Llandeloy, Hayscastle & Camrose trwy Lan-lwy, Cas-lai & Chamros Tuesday & Friday only Dydd Mawrth & dydd Gwener yn unig

St Davids (New Street) 9:30 Tyddewi (Heol Newydd) Rhodiad y Brenin 9:34 Rhodiad y Brenin Bysiau â Llawr Tra Isel (SLF) Berea 9:40 Berea Llanrhian 9:42 Llanrhian Ar rai llwybrau teithio mae Cyngor Sir Penfro wedi buddsoddi Croesgoch 9:50 Croesgoch mewn Bysiau â Llawr Tra Isel. Mae gyda’r cerbydau modern hyn Treffynon 9:56 Treffynon fynedfeydd heb stepiau, a lloriau gwastad ar gyfer y rhan fwyaf o Llandeloy 10:01 Llan-lwy ben blaen y Bws. Mae gyda hwy hefyd declyn i wneud ffrynt y bws Trefgarn Owen 10:06 Trefgarn Owen yn is, a rampiau plyg y gellir eu defnyddio wrth Arosfannau Bysiau. Newton Cross 10:15 Croes Newton Hayscastle Cross 10:18 Croes Cas-lai Camrose 10:25 Camros Mae hyn yn golygu bod mynd arnynt ac oddi arnynt yn llawer Haverfordwest (Bus Station) 10:40 Hwlffordd (Gorsaf Fysiau) rhwyddach, yn enwedig i ddefnyddwyr cadeiriau olwyn, pobl gyda bygis, troliau siopa a theith wyr nad ydynt yn gallu symud cymaint Haverfordwest (Bus Station) 14:00 Hwlffordd (Gorsaf Fysiau) â phobl eraill. Camrose 14:15 Camros Hayscastle Cross 14:22 Croes Cas-lai Newton Cross 14:25 Croes Newton Ar ben hynny mae gyda hwy’r peiriannau diweddaraf un sy’n Trefgarn Owen 14:34 Trefgarn Owen cydymffurfio â rheoliadau diweddaraf yr EU mewn perthynas â Llandeloy 14:39 Llan-lwy gollyngiadau peipiau-mwg a lefelau swn. Mae hyn yn golygu eu Treffynon 14:44 Treffynon bod yn well i’n hamgylchedd. Croesgoch 14:50 Croesgoch Llanrhian 14:58 Llanrhian Berea 15:00 Berea Cadwch eich llygaid ar agor am y capsiwn SLF ar amserlenni er Rhodiad y Brenin 15:06 Rhodiad y Brenin mwyn gweld y llwybrau teithio hyn. St Davids (New Street) 15:10 Tyddewi (Heol Newydd)

This service is provided by Pembrokeshire County Council Mae Cyngor Sir Penfro yn gweithredu'r gwasanaeth hwn Operated by Richards Brothers (01239 613756) Gweithredir gan y Brodyr Richards (01239 613756)

38 400 Puffin Shuttle/Pâl Gwibio St Davids-Marloes/Tyddewi-Marloes Summer Timetable/Amserlen yr Haf Daily - 7 days a week Bob dydd - 7 diwrnod yr wythnos Operates from the first Sunday in May Gweithredu o’r dydd Sul cyntaf ym mis Mai until the last Sunday in September hyd at y dydd Sul olaf ym mis Medi St David's (New Street)/Tyddewi (Heol Newydd) 08:45 12:45 16:45 St David's (Oriel y Parc Car Pk)/Tyddewi (Maes Parcio Oriel y Parc) 08:50 12:50 16:50 Solva (Pottery)/Solfach (Crochendy) 09:00 13:00 17:00 Newgale/Niwgwl (Duke of Edinburgh) 09:10 13:10 17:10 Newgale Beach/Traeth Niwgwl (Pebbles Café) 09:15 13:15 17:15 Nolton Haven (Car Park/Maes Parcio) 09:20 13:20 17:20 Druidston Haven 09:25 13:25 17:25 Haroldston West 09:30 13:30 17:30 Broad Haven (Enfield Road)/Aberllydan (Heol Enfield) 09:35 13:35 17:35 Little Haven/Yr Aber Bach (Castle Hotel) 09:40 13:40 17:40 St Bride's (Castle)/Sain Ffraid (Castell) 09:55 13:55 17:55 Marloes Village (Toilets)/Pentref Marloes (Toiledau) 10:10 14:10 18:10 Martin's Haven (Car Park/Maes Parcio) 10:15 14:15 18:15 Marloes Village (Toilets)/Pentref Marloes (Toiledau) 10:20 14:20 18:20 This service is provided by Pembrokeshire County Council Mae Cyngor Sir Penfro yn gweithredu'r gwasanaeth hwn Operated by Richards Brothers (01239 613756) Gweithredir gan Brodyr Richards (01239 613756) 400 Puffin Shuttle/Pâl Gwibio Marloes-St Davids/Marloes-Tyddewi Summer Timetable/Amserlen yr Haf Daily - 7 days a week Bob dydd - 7 diwrnod yr wythnos Operates from the first Sunday in May Gweithredu o’r dydd Sul cyntaf ym mis Mai until the last Sunday in September hyd at y dydd Sul olaf ym mis Medi Marloes Village (Toilets)/Pentref Marloes (Toiledau) 10:20 14:20 18:20 St Bride's (Castle)/Sain Ffraid (Castell) 10:35 14:35 18:35 Little Haven/Yr Aber Bach (Castle Hotel) 10:50 14:50 18:50 Broad Haven (Enfield Road)/Aberllydan (Heol Enfield) 10:55 14:55 18:55 Haroldston West 11:00 15:00 19:00 Druidston Haven 11:05 15:05 19:05 Nolton Haven (Car Park/Maes Parcio) 11:10 15:10 19:10 Newgale Beach/Traeth Niwgwl (Pebbles Café) 11:15 15:15 19:15 Newgale/Niwgwl (Duke of Edinburgh) 11:20 15:20 19:20 Solva (Pottery)/Solfach (Crochendy) 11:30 15:30 19:30 St David's (Oriel y Parc Car Pk)/Tyddewi (Maes Parcio Oriel y Parc) 11:40 15:40 19:40 St David's (New Street)/Tyddewi (Heol Newydd) 11:45 15:45 19:45 Croesgoch … … 19:57 Penparc … … 20:00 Mathry/Mathri … … 20:03 Panteg … … 20:10 Dyffryn … … 20:13 Goodwick/Wdig (Parrog) … … 20:15 Fishguard (Square)/Abergwaun (Sgwâr) … … 20:17 This service is provided by Pembrokeshire County Council Mae Cyngor Sir Penfro yn gweithredu'r gwasanaeth hwn Operated by Richards Brothers (01239 613756) Gweithredir gan Brodyr Richards (01239 613756) 400 Puffin Shuttle/Pâl Gwibio St Davids-Marloes/Tyddewi-Marloes Winter Timetable/Amserlen y Gaeaf Thursday & Saturday only Dydd Iau & Dydd Sadwrn yn unig Operates from the first Thursday after the last Sunday Gweithredu o’r dydd Iau cyntaf ar ôl y dydd Sul in September until the last Saturday olaf ym mis Medi hyd at y dydd Sadwrn before the first Sunday in May olaf cyn y dydd Sul cyntaf ym mis Mai St David's (New Street)/Tyddewi (Heol Newydd) 08:45 12:45 15:55 St David's (Oriel y Parc Car Park)/Tyddewi (Maes Parcio Oriel y Parc) 08:50 12:50 16:00 Solva (Pottery)/Solfach (Crochendy) 09:00 13:00 16:10 Newgale/Niwgwl (Duke of Edinburgh) 09:10 13:10 16:20 Newgale Beach/Traeth Niwgwl (Pebbles Café) 09:15 13:15 16:25 Nolton Haven (Car Park/Maes Parcio) 09:20 13:20 16:30 Druidston Haven 09:25 13:25 16:35 Haroldston West 09:30 13:30 16:40 Broad Haven (Enfield Road)/Aberllydan (Heol Enfield) 09:35 13:35 16:45 Little Haven/Yr Aber Bach (Castle Hotel) 09:40 13:40 16:50 St Bride's (Castle)/Sain Ffraid (Castell) 09:55 13:55 17:05 Marloes Village (Toilets)/Pentref Marloes (Toiledau) 10:10 14:10 17:20 Dale (Seafront/Glan y Mor) … … 17:25 Herbrandston (School/Ysgol) … … 17:38 Hubberston … … 17:40 Milford Haven/Aberdaugleddau (Hamilton Terrace) … … 17:45 Marble Hall … … 17:47 Steynton … … 17:51 Johnston (opp./gyf. Railway Inn) … … 17:56 Merlin's Bridge/Pont Fadlen … … 18:02 Haverfordwest (Rail Station)/Hwlffordd (Gorsaf Trên) … … 18:10 Haverfordwest (Bus Station)/Hwlffordd (Gorsaf Fysiau) … … 18:15 Withybush Hospital/Ysbyty'r Llwyn Helyg … … 18:20 Wolfscastle/Cas-blaidd … … 18:30 Letterston (Square)/Treletert (Sgwâr) … … 18:32 Scleddau … … 18:37 Goodwick/Wdig (Parrog) … … 18:42 Fishguard (Square)/Abergwaun (Sgwâr) … … 18:46 This service is provided by Pembrokeshire County Council Mae Cyngor Sir Penfro yn gweithredu'r gwasanaeth hwn Operated by Richards Brothers (01239 613756) Gweithredir gan Brodyr Richards (01239 613756) 400 Puffin Shuttle/Pâl Gwibio Marloes-St Davids/Marloes-Tyddewi Winter Timetable/Amserlen y Gaeaf Thursday & Saturday only Dydd Iau & Dydd Sadwrn yn unig Operates from the first Thursday after the last Sunday Gweithredu o’r dydd Iau cyntaf ar ôl y dydd Sul in September until the last Saturday olaf ym mis Medi hyd at y dydd Sadwrn before the first Sunday in May olaf cyn y dydd Sul cyntaf ym mis Mai Marloes Village (Toilets)/Pentref Marloes (Toiledau) 10:20 14:20 Marloes Village (Toilets)/Pentref Marloes (Toiledau) 10:35 14:35 Little Haven/Yr Aber Bach (Castle Hotel) 10:50 14:50 Broad Haven (Enfield Road)/Aberllydan (Heol Enfield) 10:55 14:55 Haroldston West 11:00 15:00 Druidston Haven 11:05 15:05 Nolton Haven (Car Park/Maes Parcio) 11:10 15:10 Newgale Beach/Traeth Niwgwl (Pebbles Café) 11:15 15:15 Newgale/Niwgwl (Duke of Edinburgh) 11:20 15:20 Solva (Pottery)/Solfach (Crochendy) 11:30 15:30 St David's (Oriel y Parc Car Park)/Tyddewi (Maes Parcio Oriel y Parc) 11:40 15:40 St David's (New Street)/Tyddewi (Heol Newydd) 11:45 15:45 This service is provided by Pembrokeshire County Council Mae Cyngor Sir Penfro yn gweithredu'r gwasanaeth hwn Operated by Richards Brothers (01239 613756) Gweithredir gan Brodyr Richards (01239 613756) 403 Celtic Coaster/Y Gwibiwr Celtaidd St David's Peninsula/Gorynysol Tyddewi

Daily Bob Dydd 30th March to 30th September 2018 30ain Mawrth i 30ain Medi 2018 B B B B B B B B B B Oriel y Parc Car Park/Maes Parcio Oriel y Parc 08:00 09:00 09:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 13:00 13:30 14:00 14:30 15:00 15:30 16:00 16:30 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 City Hall/Neuadd y Dinas 08:01 09:01 09:31 10:01 10:31 11:01 11:31 12:01 12:31 13:01 13:31 14:01 14:31 15:01 15:31 16:01 16:31 17:01 17:31 18:01 18:31 St Non's R R … R … R … R … R … R … R … R … R … R … Cathedral/Eglwys Gadeiriol … … R … R … R … R … R … R … R … R … R … R Harbwr Porthclais Harbour 08:10 09:10 09:40 10:10 10:40 11:10 11:40 12:10 12:40 13:10 13:40 14:10 14:40 15:10 15:40 16:10 16:40 17:10 17:40 18:10 18:40 St Justinian (Car Park/Maes Parcio) 08:15 09:15 09:45 10:15 10:45 11:15 11:45 12:15 12:45 13:15 13:45 14:15 14:45 15:15 15:45 16:15 16:45 17:15 17:45 18:15 18:45 Cathedral/Eglwys Gadeiriol 08:23 09:23 09:53 10:23 10:53 11:23 11:53 12:23 12:53 13:23 13:53 14:23 14:53 15:23 15:53 16:23 16:53 17:23 17:53 18:23 18:53 Nun Street/Heol Non 08:25 09:25 09:55 10:25 10:55 11:25 11:55 12:25 12:55 13:25 13:55 14:25 14:55 15:25 15:55 16:25 16:55 17:25 17:55 18:25 18:55 Lleithyr 08:30 09:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 13:00 13:30 14:00 14:30 15:00 15:30 16:00 16:30 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00 Whitesands Beach/Traeth Porth Mawr 08:35 09:35 10:05 10:35 11:05 11:35 12:05 12:35 13:05 13:35 14:05 14:35 15:05 15:35 16:05 16:35 17:05 17:35 18:05 18:35 19:05 Lleithyr 08:40 09:40 10:10 10:40 11:10 11:40 12:10 12:40 13:10 13:40 14:10 14:40 15:10 15:40 16:10 16:40 17:10 17:40 18:10 18:40 19:10 New Street/Heol Newydd 08:47 09:47 10:17 10:47 11:17 11:47 12:17 12:47 13:17 13:47 14:17 14:47 15:17 15:47 16:17 16:47 17:17 17:47 18:17 18:47 19:17 Oriel y Parc Car Park/Maes Parcio Oriel y Parc 08:50 09:50 10:20 10:50 11:20 11:50 12:20 12:50 13:20 13:50 14:20 14:50 15:20 15:50 16:20 16:50 17:20 17:50 18:20 18:50 19:20 B: 26th May to 4th September only B: 26ain Mai i 4ydd Medi yn unig R: Request only R: Ar gais yn unig This service is provided by Pembrokeshire County Council Mae Cyngor Sir Penfro yn gweithredu'r gwasanaeth hwn This service is operated by Sarah Bell (07828 940955) Gweithredir gan Sarah Bell (07828 940955) 404 Strumble Shuttle/Gwibiwr Strwmbl Fishguard-St David's/Abergwaun-Tyddewi Summer Timetable/Amserlen yr Haf Daily Bob Dydd Operates from the first Sunday in May Gweithredu o’r dydd Sul cyntaf ym mis Mai until the last Sunday in September hyd at y dydd Sul olaf ym mis Medi Newport (Square)/Trefdraeth (Y Sgwâr) 07:20 … … Dinas (Kiel House) 07:27 … … Fishguard (Square)/Abergwaun (Y Sgwâr) 07:35 11:10 16:00 Goodwick (Square)/Wdig (Y Sgwâr) 07:39 11:16 16:06 Pontiago … 11:22 16:12 Strumble Head/Pen Caer … 11:32 16:22 Croes Trefasser Cross 07:49 11:44 16:34 St Nicholas (Phone Box)/Tremarchog (Blwch ffôn) 07:54 11:49 16:39 Tregwynt (Woollen Mill/Melin Wlan) 07:59 11:54 16:44 Mathry (Bus Stop)/Mathri (Arosfan Bysiau) 08:06 12:03 16:53 Abercastle/Abercastell 08:13 12:10 17:00 Trefin 08:17 12:14 17:04 Llanrhian 08:21 12:18 17:08 Porthgain (Sloop Inn) 08:24 12:21 17:11 Llanrhian 08:27 12:24 17:14 Abereiddi (Car Park)/Abereiddi (Maes Parcio) … 12:32 17:22 Berea 08:35 12:38 17:28 St David's (New Street)/Tyddewi (Heol Newydd) 08:43 12:48 17:38 St David's (Oriel y Parc Car Park)/Tyddewi (Maes Parcio Oriel y Parc) 08:45 12:50 17:40 This service is provided by Pembrokeshire County Council Mae Cyngor Sir Penfro yn gweithredu'r gwasanaeth hwn Operated by Richards Brothers (01239 613756) Gweithredir gan Brodyr Richards (01239 613756) 404 Strumble Shuttle/Gwibiwr Strwmbl St David's-Fishguard/Tyddewi-Abergwaun Summer Timetable/Amserlen yr Haf Daily Bob Dydd Operates from the first Sunday in May Gweithredu o’r dydd Sul cyntaf ym mis Mai until the last Sunday in September hyd at y dydd Sul olaf ym mis Medi St David's (Oriel y Parc Car Park)/Tyddewi (Maes Parcio Oriel y Parc) 09:05 13:45 17:45 St David's (New Street)/Tyddewi (Heol Newydd) 09:10 13:50 17:50 Berea 09:20 14:00 18:00 Abereiddi (Car Park)/Abereiddi (Maes Parcio) 09:26 14:06 18:06 Llanrhian 09:36 14:16 18:16 Porthgain (Sloop Inn) 09:39 14:19 18:19 Llanrhian 09:42 14:22 18:22 Trefin 09:46 14:26 18:26 Abercastle/Abercastell 09:50 14:30 18:30 Mathry (Bus Stop)/Mathri (Arosfan Bysiau) 09:57 14:37 18:37 Tregwynt (Woollen Mill/Melin Wlan) 10:06 14:46 18:46 St Nicholas (Phone Box)/Tremarchog (Blwch ffôn) 10:11 14:51 18:51 Croes Trefasser Cross 10:16 14:56 18:56 Strumble Head/Pen Caer 10:28 15:08 19:08 Pontiago 10:38 15:18 19:18 Goodwick (Square)/Wdig (Y Sgwâr) 10:44 15:24 19:24 Fishguard (Square)/Abergwaun (Y Sgwâr) 10:50 15:30 19:30 Dinas (Kiel House) … … 19:38 Newport (Square)/Trefdraeth (Y Sgwâr) … … 19:45 This service is provided by Pembrokeshire County Council Mae Cyngor Sir Penfro yn gweithredu'r gwasanaeth hwn Operated by Richards Brothers (01239 613756) Gweithredir gan Brodyr Richards (01239 613756) 404 Strumble Shuttle/Gwibiwr Strwmbl Fishguard-St David's/Abergwaun-Tyddewi Winter Timetable/Amserlen y Gaeaf Thursday & Saturday only Dydd Iau & Dydd Sadwrn yn unig Operates from the first Thursday after the last Sunday Gweithredu o’r dydd Iau cyntaf ar ôl y dydd Sul in September until the last Saturday olaf ym mis Medi hyd at y dydd Sadwrn before the first Sunday in May olaf cyn y dydd Sul cyntaf ym mis Mai Fishguard (Square)/Abergwaun (Y Sgwâr) 11:10 16:20 Goodwick (Square)/Wdig (Y Sgwâr) 11:14 16:24 Pontiago 11:19 16:29 Strumble Head Junction/Cyffordd Pen Caer (Tre-fisheg) 11:24 16:34 Croes Trefasser Cross 11:31 16:41 St Nicholas (Phone Box)/Tremarchog (Blwch Ffôn) 11:36 16:46 Tregwynt (Woollen Mill/Melin Wlan) 11:39 16:49 Mathry (Bus Stop)/Mathri (Arosfan Bysiau) 11:48 16:58 Abercastle/Abercastell 11:54 17:04 Trefin 11:57 17:07 Llanrhian 12:02 17:12 Porthgain 12:05 17:15 Llanrhian 12:09 17:19 Abereiddi (Car Park/Maes Parcio) 12:17 17:27 Berea 12:23 17:33 St David's (New Street)/Tyddewi (Heol Newydd) 12:33 17:43 St David's (Oriel y Parc Car Park)/Tyddewi (Maes Parcio Oriel y Parc) 12:35 17:45 No Service on Public Bank Holidays Nid yw'n gweithredu ar Gwyliau'r Banc This service is provided by Pembrokeshire County Council Mae Cyngor Sir Penfro yn gweithredu'r gwasanaeth hwn Operated by Richards Brothers (01239 613756) Gweithredir gan Brodyr Richards (01239 613756) 404 Strumble Shuttle/Gwibiwr Strwmbl St David's-Fishguard/Tyddewi-Abergwaun Winter Timetable/Amserlen y Gaeaf Thursday & Saturday only Dydd Iau & Dydd Sadwrn yn unig Operates from the first Thursday after the last Sunday Gweithredu o’r dydd Iau cyntaf ar ôl y dydd Sul in September until the last Saturday olaf ym mis Medi hyd at y dydd Sadwrn before the first Sunday in May olaf cyn y dydd Sul cyntaf ym mis Mai St David's (Oriel y Parc Car Park)/Tyddewi (Maes Parcio Oriel y Parc) 09:05 13:45 St David's (New Street)/Tyddewi (Heol Newydd) 09:10 13:50 Berea 09:20 14:00 Abereiddi (Car Park/Maes Parcio) 09:26 14:04 Llanrhian 09:36 14:14 Porthgain 09:39 14:17 Llanrhian 09:42 14:20 Trefin 09:46 14:24 Abercastle/Abercastell 09:50 14:28 Mathry (Bus Stop)/Mathri (Arosfan Bysiau) 09:57 14:35 Tregwynt (Woollen Mill/Melin Wlan) 10:06 14:44 St Nicholas (Phone Box)/Tremarchog (Blwch Ffôn) 10:11 14:49 Croes Trefasser Cross 10:16 14:54 Strumble Head Junction/Cyffordd Pen Caer (Tre-fisheg) 10:22 15:00 Pontiago 10:27 15:05 Goodwick (Square)/Wdig (Y Sgwâr) 10:32 15:10 Fishguard (Square)/Abergwaun (Y Sgwâr) 10:36 15:15 No Service on Public Bank Holidays Nid yw'n gweithredu ar Gwyliau'r Banc This service is provided by Pembrokeshire County Council Mae Cyngor Sir Penfro yn gweithredu'r gwasanaeth hwn Operated by Richards Brothers (01239 613756) Gweithredir gan Brodyr Richards (01239 613756) 411 St David's-Haverfordwest/Tyddewi-Hwlffordd via Newgale/trwy Niwgwl Monday to Saturday (except Public Holidays) Dydd Llun i Dydd Sadwrn (ac eithrio Gwyliau Cyhoeddus) St David's (New Street)/Tyddewi (Heol Newydd) 07:45 08:50 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:40 15:15 16:15 17:25 18:00 St David's CS School/Ysgol Uwchradd Tyddewi 07:48 08:53 10:03 11:03 12:03 13:43 15:18 16:18 17:28 18:03 Solva (Hall)/Solfach (Neuadd) 07:55 09:00 10:10 11:10 12:10 13:50 15:25 16:25 17:35 18:10 Brawdy Turn/Troad Breudeth 08:01 09:06 10:16 11:16 12:16 13:56 15:31 16:31 17:41 18:16 Penycwm 08:03 09:08 10:18 11:18 12:18 13:58 15:33 16:33 17:43 18:18 Newgale (Shop)/Niwgwl (Siop) 08:06 09:11 10:21 11:21 12:21 14:01 15:36 16:36 17:46 18:21 Roch Gate/Gât y Garn 08:10 09:15 10:25 11:25 12:25 14:05 15:40 16:40 17:50 18:25 Croes Simpson Cross 08:13 09:18 10:28 11:28 12:28 14:08 15:43 16:43 17:53 18:28 Tro Keeston Turn 08:15 09:20 10:30 11:30 12:30 14:10 15:45 16:45 17:55 18:30 Croes Pelcomb Cross 08:17 09:22 10:32 11:32 12:32 14:13 15:48 16:48 17:58 18:32 Haverfordwest (Bus Station)/Hwlffordd (Gorsaf Fysiau) 08:25 09:30 10:40 11:40 12:40 14:23 15:58 16:58 18:05 18:40 Withybush Retail Park/Parc Manwerthu Llwyn Helig … 09:35 10:45 11:45 12:45 14:28 16:03 17:03 18:08 … Haverfordwest (Rail Station)/Hwlffordd (Gorsaf Trên) 08:33 09:40 10:50 11:50 12:50 14:31 16:08 17:08 18:10 18:43 Pembrokeshire College/Coleg Sir Benfro 08:45 … … … … … … … … … Operates on Good Friday Yn gweithredu Dydd Gwener y Groglith This service provides easy access for all passengers with at least one Mae'n rhwydd i bob deithiwr fynd ar y cerbydau hyn - mae o leiaf wheelchair space on each bus. As with any service, it is advisable un man gwag ar gyfer cadair olwyn ar bob bws. Yn yr un modd ag unrhyw to check with operators before travel wasanaeth, y peth doethaf i'w wneud yw cysylltu â'r cwmni bysiau cyn teithio Operated by Richards Brothers (01239 613756) Gweithredir gan Brodyr Richards (01239 613756) 411 Haverfordwest-St David's/Hwlffordd-Tyddewi via Newgale/trwy Niwgwl Monday to Saturday (except Public Holidays) Dydd Llun i Dydd Sadwrn (ac eithrio Gwyliau Cyhoeddus) S&H Sch&C Haverfordwest (Rail Station)/Hwlffordd (Gorsaf Trên) 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:40 16:10 16:08 17:10 18:10 Haverfordwest (Bus Station)/Hwlffordd (Gorsaf Fysiau) 08:03 09:03 10:03 11:03 12:03 13:03 14:43 16:13 15:58 17:13 18:13 Pembrokeshire College/Coleg Sir Benfro … … … … … … … … 16:20 … … Withybush Retail Park/Parc Manwerthu Llwyn Helig … 09:08 10:08 11:08 12:08 13:08 14:48 16:18 16:05 … … Croes Pelcomb Cross 08:10 09:15 10:15 11:15 12:15 13:15 14:55 16:25 16:28 17:20 18:20 Tro Keeston Turn 08:12 09:17 10:17 11:17 12:17 13:17 14:57 16:27 16:30 17:22 18:22 Croes Simpson Cross 08:14 09:19 10:19 11:19 12:19 13:19 14:59 16:29 16:32 17:24 18:24 Roch Gate/Gât y Garn 08:17 09:22 10:22 11:22 12:22 13:22 15:02 16:32 16:35 17:27 18:27 Newgale (Shop)/Niwgwl (Siop) 08:21 09:26 10:26 11:26 12:26 13:26 15:05 16:36 16:38 17:31 18:31 Penycwm 08:24 09:29 10:29 11:29 12:29 13:29 15:08 16:39 16:42 17:34 18:34 Brawdy Turn/Troad Breudeth 08:26 09:31 10:31 11:31 12:31 13:31 15:10 16:41 16:45 17:36 18:36 Solva (Hall)/Solfach (Neuadd) 08:32 09:37 10:37 11:37 12:37 13:37 15:16 16:47 16:50 17:42 18:42 St David's CS School/Ysgol Uwchradd Tyddewi 08:39 09:44 10:44 11:44 12:44 13:44 15:23 16:54 16:57 17:49 18:49 St David's (New Street)/Tyddewi (Heol Newydd) 08:42 09:47 10:47 11:47 12:47 13:47 15:27 16:57 17:00 17:52 18:52 Operates on Good Friday Yn gweithredu Dydd Gwener y Groglith S&H: Saturdays & College Holidays only S&H: Dydd Sadwrn a Gwyliau'r Coleg yn unig Sch&C: School & College Days only Sch&C: Dyddiau Ysgol & Coleg yn unig This service provides easy access for all passengers with at least one Mae'n rhwydd i bob deithiwr fynd ar y cerbydau hyn - mae o leiaf wheelchair space on each bus. As with any service, it is advisable un man gwag ar gyfer cadair olwyn ar bob bws. Yn yr un modd ag unrhyw to check with operators before travel wasanaeth, y peth doethaf i'w wneud yw cysylltu â'r cwmni bysiau cyn teithio Operated by Richards Brothers (01239 613756) Gweithredir gan Brodyr Richards (01239 613756) 413 Fishguard-St David's/Abergwaun-Tyddewi via/trwy Trefin Monday to Saturday (except Public Holidays) Dydd Llun i Dydd Sadwrn (ac eithrio Gwyliau Cyhoeddus) Sch Fishguard (Square)/Abergwaun (Sgwâr) 07:05 07:55 … 09:55 11:55 13:55 16:40 Goodwick/Wdig (Harbour Garage) 07:07 07:58 … 09:57 11:57 13:57 16:42 Dyffryn 07:09 07:59 … 09:59 11:59 13:59 16:44 Panteg 07:11 08:02 … 10:02 12:02 14:02 16:47 St Nicholas Turn/Troad Tremarchog 07:13 08:05 … 10:05 12:05 14:05 16:50 Llangloffan … 08:08 … 10:08 12:08 14:08 16:53 Castlemorris/Casmorys … 08:10 … 10:10 12:10 14:10 16:55 Mathry/Mathri 07:15 … … 10:14 12:14 14:14 16:59 Penparc 07:20 08:18 … 10:18 12:18 14:18 17:03 Trefin 07:23 08:21 … 10:21 12:21 14:21 17:06 Llanrhian 07:30 08:28 … 10:28 12:28 14:28 17:13 Porthgain … … 08:29 … … … … Berea … … 08:30 … … … … Tremynydd … … 08:35 … … … … Croesgoch 07:35 08:32 … 10:32 12:32 14:32 17:15 St David's (New Street)/Tyddewi (Heol Newydd) 07:45 08:42 08:42 10:42 12:42 14:42 17:25 St David's CS School/Ysgol Uwchradd Tyddewi … 08:45 08:45 … … … … Operates on Good Friday Yn gweithredu Dydd Gwener y Groglith Sch: Schooldays only Sch: Dyddiau Ysgol yn unig This service provides easy access for all passengers with at least one Mae'n rhwydd i bob deithiwr fynd ar y cerbydau hyn - mae o leiaf wheelchair space on each bus. As with any service, it is advisable un man gwag ar gyfer cadair olwyn ar bob bws. Yn yr un modd ag unrhyw to check with operators before travel wasanaeth, y peth doethaf i'w wneud yw cysylltu â'r cwmni bysiau cyn teithio This service is provided by Pembrokeshire County Council Mae Cyngor Sir Benfro yn gweithredu'r gwasanaeth hwn Operated by Richards Brothers (01239 613756) Gweithredir gan Brodyr Richards (01239 613756) 413 St David's-Fishguard/Tyddewi-Abergwaun via/trwy Trefin Monday to Saturday (except Public Holidays) Dydd Llun i Dydd Sadwrn (ac eithrio Gwyliau Cyhoeddus) St David's (New Street)/Tyddewi (Heol Newydd) 08:50 10:50 12:50 15:50 17:00 18:53 Croesgoch 09:00 11:00 13:00 16:00 17:10 19:03 Llanrhian 09:03 11:03 13:03 16:03 17:13 19:05 Trefin 09:10 11:10 13:10 16:10 17:20 19:08 Penparc 09:13 11:13 13:13 16:13 17:23 19:09 Mathry/Mathri 09:18 11:18 13:18 16:18 17:27 … Castlemorris/Casmorys 09:22 11:22 13:22 16:22 17:31 19:16 Llangloffan 09:24 11:24 13:24 16:24 17:33 … St Nicholas Turn/Troad Tremarchog 09:27 11:27 13:27 16:27 17:36 … Panteg 09:30 11:30 13:30 16:30 17:38 19:19 Dyffryn 09:32 11:32 13:32 16:32 17:40 19:21 Goodwick/Wdig (Harbour Garage) 09:34 11:34 13:34 16:34 17:42 19:23 Fishguard (Square)/Abergwaun (Sgwâr) 09:36 11:36 13:36 16:36 17:44 19:25 Operates on Good Friday Yn gweithredu Dydd Gwener y Groglith This service provides easy access for all passengers with at least one Mae'n rhwydd i bob deithiwr fynd ar y cerbydau hyn - mae o leiaf wheelchair space on each bus. As with any service, it is advisable un man gwag ar gyfer cadair olwyn ar bob bws. Yn yr un modd ag unrhyw to check with operators before travel wasanaeth, y peth doethaf i'w wneud yw cysylltu â'r cwmni bysiau cyn teithio This service is provided by Pembrokeshire County Council Mae Cyngor Sir Benfro yn gweithredu'r gwasanaeth hwn Operated by Richards Brothers (01239 613756) Gweithredir gan Brodyr Richards (01239 613756) Glasfryn Road, St Davids Transport Statement

Appendix 3 Indicative Layout

Glasfryn Road, St Davids Transport Statement

Appendix 4 Proposed Access Arrangement


5.5m 2.0m 2.0m

Footway Footway 18


Ty Glasfryn Reservoir R10.0m R10.0m

2.4 x 43m Visibility

Pump House Awelfor PARCEL B


2.4 x 43m Visibility 1:250

2.4 x 43m Visibility


Proposed Access


2.4 x 43m Visibility

Proposed Access 1

2.4 x 43m Visibility

2.4 x 43m Visibility

72.9m Awelfor

A First Issue 23-07-18 Tourist Information Centre Maesgwyn acstro


Ordnance Survey, (c) Crown Copyright 2018. All rights reserved. Licence number 100022432 PROPOSED ACCESS ARRANGEMENTS

1203 001 A

1:500 & 1:250 @ A1 Ordnance Survey © Crown Copyright 2015. All Rights Reserved. License No. 100022432 Glasfryn Road, St Davids Transport Statement

Appendix 5 TRICS Trip Rate Data

TRICS 7.5.1 290318 B18.22 Database right of TRICS Consortium Limited, 2018. All rights reserved Thursday 26/04/18 Page 1 Acstro Ltd Salem Llandeilo Licence No: 648801

Calculation Reference: AUDIT-648801-180426-0401 TRIP RATE CALCULATION SELECTION PARAMETERS:



This section displays the number of survey days per TRICS® sub-region in the selected set

Secondary Filtering selection:

This data displays the chosen trip rate parameter and its selected range. Only sites that fall within the parameter range are included in the trip rate calculation.

Parameter: Number of dwellings Actual Range: 7 to 70 (units: ) Range Selected by User: 5 to 100 (units: )

Public Transport Provision: Selection by: Include all surveys

Date Range: 01/01/10 to 27/11/17

This data displays the range of survey dates selected. Only surveys that were conducted within this date range are included in the trip rate calculation.

Selected survey days: Monday 3 days Tuesday 3 days Wednesday 6 days Thursday 4 days Friday 1 days

This data displays the number of selected surveys by day of the week.

Selected survey types: Manual count 17 days Directional ATC Count 0 days

This data displays the number of manual classified surveys and the number of unclassified ATC surveys, the total adding up to the overall number of surveys in the selected set. Manual surveys are undertaken using staff, whilst ATC surveys are undertaking using machines.

Selected Locations: Suburban Area (PPS6 Out of Centre) 8 Edge of Town 7 Neighbourhood Centre (PPS6 Local Centre) 2

This data displays the number of surveys per main location category within the selected set. The main location categories consist of Free Standing, Edge of Town, Suburban Area, Neighbourhood Centre, Edge of Town Centre, Town Centre and Not Known.

Selected Location Sub Categories: Residential Zone 14 Village 2 No Sub Category 1

This data displays the number of surveys per location sub-category within the selected set. The location sub-categories consist of Commercial Zone, Industrial Zone, Development Zone, Residential Zone, Retail Zone, Built-Up Zone, Village, Out of Town, High Street and No Sub Category. TRICS 7.5.1 290318 B18.22 Database right of TRICS Consortium Limited, 2018. All rights reserved Thursday 26/04/18 Page 2 Acstro Ltd Salem Llandeilo Licence No: 648801

Secondary Filtering selection:

Use Class: C 3 17 days

This data displays the number of surveys per Use Class classification within the selected set. The Use Classes Order 2005 has been used for this purpose, which can be found within the Library module of TRICS®.

Population within 1 mile: 1,000 or Less 1 days 1,001 to 5,000 3 days 5,001 to 10,000 5 days 10,001 to 15,000 3 days 15,001 to 20,000 4 days 20,001 to 25,000 1 days

This data displays the number of selected surveys within stated 1-mile radii of population.

Population within 5 miles: 5,001 to 25,000 4 days 25,001 to 50,000 8 days 50,001 to 75,000 5 days

This data displays the number of selected surveys within stated 5-mile radii of population.

Car ownership within 5 miles: 0.6 to 1.0 5 days 1.1 to 1.5 11 days 1.6 to 2.0 1 days

This data displays the number of selected surveys within stated ranges of average cars owned per residential dwelling, within a radius of 5-miles of selected survey sites.

Travel Plan: Yes 1 days No 16 days

This data displays the number of surveys within the selected set that were undertaken at sites with Travel Plans in place, and the number of surveys that were undertaken at sites without Travel Plans.

PTAL Rating: No PTAL Present 17 days

This data displays the number of selected surveys with PTAL Ratings. TRICS 7.5.1 290318 B18.22 Database right of TRICS Consortium Limited, 2018. All rights reserved Thursday 26/04/18 Page 3 Acstro Ltd Salem Llandeilo Licence No: 648801

LIST OF SITES relevant to selection parameters


ARBROATH Suburban Area (PPS6 Out of Centre) Residential Zone Total Number of dwellings: 7 Survey date: TUESDAY 22/05/12 Survey Type: MANUAL 2 DV-03-A-03 TERRACED & SEMI DETACHED DEVON LOWER BRAND LANE

HONITON Suburban Area (PPS6 Out of Centre) Residential Zone Total Number of dwellings: 7 0 Survey date: MONDAY 28/09/15 Survey Type: MANUAL 3 HC-03-A-19 HOUSES & FLATS HAMPSHIRE CANADA WAY

LIPHOOK Suburban Area (PPS6 Out of Centre) Residential Zone Total Number of dwellings: 6 2 Survey date: MONDAY 27/11/17 Survey Type: MANUAL 4 HI-03-A-14 SEMI-DETACHED & TERRACED HIGHLAND KING BRUDE ROAD SCORGUIE INVERNESS Suburban Area (PPS6 Out of Centre) Residential Zone Total Number of dwellings: 4 0 Survey date: WEDNESDAY 23/03/16 Survey Type: MANUAL 5 NF-03-A-01 SEMI DET. & BUNGALOWS NORFOLK YARMOUTH ROAD

CAISTER-ON-SEA Suburban Area (PPS6 Out of Centre) Residential Zone Total Number of dwellings: 2 7 Survey date: TUESDAY 16/10/12 Survey Type: MANUAL 6 NF-03-A-03 DETACHED HOUSES NORFOLK HALING WAY

THETFORD Edge of Town Residential Zone Total Number of dwellings: 1 0 Survey date: WEDNESDAY 16/09/15 Survey Type: MANUAL 7 NY-03-A-07 DETACHED & SEMI DET. NORTH YORKSHIRE CRAVEN WAY

BOROUGHBRIDGE Edge of Town No Sub Category Total Number of dwellings: 2 3 Survey date: TUESDAY 18/10/11 Survey Type: MANUAL 8 NY-03-A-11 PRIVATE HOUSING NORTH YORKSHIRE HORSEFAIR

BOROUGHBRIDGE Edge of Town Residential Zone Total Number of dwellings: 2 3 Survey date: WEDNESDAY 18/09/13 Survey Type: MANUAL TRICS 7.5.1 290318 B18.22 Database right of TRICS Consortium Limited, 2018. All rights reserved Thursday 26/04/18 Page 4 Acstro Ltd Salem Llandeilo Licence No: 648801

LIST OF SITES relevant to selection parameters (Cont.)

9 NY-03-A-13 TERRACED HOUSES NORTH YORKSHIRE CATTERICK ROAD OLD HOSPITAL COMPOUND CATTERICK GARRISON Suburban Area (PPS6 Out of Centre) Residential Zone Total Number of dwellings: 1 0 Survey date: WEDNESDAY 10/05/17 Survey Type: MANUAL 10 PK-03-A-01 DETAC. & BUNGALOWS PERTH & KINROSS TULLYLUMB TERRACE GORNHILL PERTH Suburban Area (PPS6 Out of Centre) Residential Zone Total Number of dwellings: 3 6 Survey date: WEDNESDAY 11/05/11 Survey Type: MANUAL 11 PS-03-A-02 DETACHED/SEMI-DETACHED POWYS GUNROG ROAD

WELSHPOOL Suburban Area (PPS6 Out of Centre) Residential Zone Total Number of dwellings: 2 8 Survey date: MONDAY 11/05/15 Survey Type: MANUAL 12 SF-03-A-05 DETACHED HOUSES SUFFOLK VALE LANE

BURY ST EDMUNDS Edge of Town Residential Zone Total Number of dwellings: 1 8 Survey date: WEDNESDAY 09/09/15 Survey Type: MANUAL 13 SF-03-A-06 DETACHED & SEMI-DETACHED SUFFOLK BURY ROAD

KENTFORD Neighbourhood Centre (PPS6 Local Centre) Village Total Number of dwellings: 3 8 Survey date: FRIDAY 22/09/17 Survey Type: MANUAL 14 SH-03-A-05 SEMI-DETACHED/TERRACED SHROPSHIRE SANDCROFT SUTTON HILL TELFORD Edge of Town Residential Zone Total Number of dwellings: 5 4 Survey date: THURSDAY 24/10/13 Survey Type: MANUAL 15 SM-03-A-01 DETACHED & SEMI SOMERSET WEMBDON ROAD NORTHFIELD BRIDGWATER Edge of Town Residential Zone Total Number of dwellings: 3 3 Survey date: THURSDAY 24/09/15 Survey Type: MANUAL 16 WK-03-A-02 BUNGALOWS WARWICKSHIRE NARBERTH WAY POTTERS GREEN COVENTRY Edge of Town Residential Zone Total Number of dwellings: 1 7 Survey date: THURSDAY 17/10/13 Survey Type: MANUAL TRICS 7.5.1 290318 B18.22 Database right of TRICS Consortium Limited, 2018. All rights reserved Thursday 26/04/18 Page 5 Acstro Ltd Salem Llandeilo Licence No: 648801

LIST OF SITES relevant to selection parameters (Cont.)

17 WS-03-A-07 BUNGALOWS WEST SUSSEX EMMS LANE BROOKS GREEN NEAR HORSHAM Neighbourhood Centre (PPS6 Local Centre) Village Total Number of dwellings: 5 7 Survey date: THURSDAY 19/10/17 Survey Type: MANUAL

This section provides a list of all survey sites and days in the selected set. For each individual survey site, it displays a unique site reference code and site address, the selected trip rate calculation parameter and its value, the day of the week and date of each survey, and whether the survey was a manual classified count or an ATC count. TRICS 7.5.1 290318 B18.22 Database right of TRICS Consortium Limited, 2018. All rights reserved Thursday 26/04/18 Page 6 Acstro Ltd Salem Llandeilo Licence No: 648801

TRIP RATE for Land Use 03 - RESIDENTIAL/A - HOUSES PRIVATELY OWNED VEHICLES Calculation factor: 1 DWELLS BOLD print indicates peak (busiest) period

ARRIVALS DEPARTURES TOTALS No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip Time Range Days DWELLS Rate Days DWELLS Rate Days DWELLS Rate 00:00 - 01:00 01:00 - 02:00 02:00 - 03:00 03:00 - 04:00 04:00 - 05:00 05:00 - 06:00 06:00 - 07:00 07:00 - 08:00 17 33 0.092 17 33 0.286 17 33 0.378 08:00 - 09:00 17 33 0.177 17 33 0.383 17 33 0.560 09:00 - 10:00 17 33 0.161 17 33 0.174 17 33 0.335 10:00 - 11:00 17 33 0.136 17 33 0.136 17 33 0.272 11:00 - 12:00 17 33 0.130 17 33 0.161 17 33 0.291 12:00 - 13:00 17 33 0.168 17 33 0.165 17 33 0.333 13:00 - 14:00 17 33 0.148 17 33 0.150 17 33 0.298 14:00 - 15:00 17 33 0.186 17 33 0.213 17 33 0.399 15:00 - 16:00 17 33 0.237 17 33 0.184 17 33 0.421 16:00 - 17:00 17 33 0.307 17 33 0.177 17 33 0.484 17:00 - 18:00 17 33 0.320 17 33 0.159 17 33 0.479 18:00 - 19:00 17 33 0.253 17 33 0.139 17 33 0.392 19:00 - 20:00 20:00 - 21:00 21:00 - 22:00 22:00 - 23:00 23:00 - 24:00 Total Rates: 2.315 2.327 4.642

This section displays the trip rate results based on the selected set of surveys and the selected count type (shown just above the table). It is split by three main columns, representing arrivals trips, departures trips, and total trips (arrivals plus departures). Within each of these main columns are three sub-columns. These display the number of survey days where count data is included (per time period), the average value of the selected trip rate calculation parameter (per time period), and the trip rate result (per time period). Total trip rates (the sum of the column) are also displayed at the foot of the table.

To obtain a trip rate, the average (mean) trip rate parameter value (TRP) is first calculated for all selected survey days that have count data available for the stated time period. The average (mean) number of arrivals, departures or totals (whichever applies) is also calculated (COUNT) for all selected survey days that have count data available for the stated time period. Then, the average count is divided by the average trip rate parameter value, and multiplied by the stated calculation factor (shown just above the table and abbreviated here as FACT). So, the method is: COUNT/TRP*FACT. Trip rates are then rounded to 3 decimal places. TRICS 7.5.1 290318 B18.22 Database right of TRICS Consortium Limited, 2018. All rights reserved Thursday 26/04/18 Page 7 Acstro Ltd Salem Llandeilo Licence No: 648801

The survey data, graphs and all associated supporting information, contained within the TRICS Database are published by TRICS Consortium Limited ("the Company") and the Company claims copyright and database rights in this published work. The Company authorises those who possess a current TRICS licence to access the TRICS Database and copy the data contained within the TRICS Database for the licence holders' use only. Any resulting copy must retain all copyrights and other proprietary notices, and any disclaimer contained thereon.

The Company accepts no responsibility for loss which may arise from reliance on data contained in the TRICS Database. [No warranty of any kind, express or implied, is made as to the data contained in the TRICS Database.]

Parameter summary

Trip rate parameter range selected: 7 - 70 (units: ) Survey date date range: 01/01/10 - 27/11/17 Number of weekdays (Monday-Friday): 17 Number of Saturdays: 0 Number of Sundays: 0 Surveys automatically removed from selection: 2 Surveys manually removed from selection: 0

This section displays a quick summary of some of the data filtering selections made by the TRICS® user. The trip rate calculation parameter range of all selected surveys is displayed first, followed by the range of minimum and maximum survey dates selected by the user. Then, the total number of selected weekdays and weekend days in the selected set of surveys are show. Finally, the number of survey days that have been manually removed from the selected set outside of the standard filtering procedure are displayed. TRICS 7.5.1 290318 B18.22 Database right of TRICS Consortium Limited, 2018. All rights reserved Thursday 26/04/18 Page 8 Acstro Ltd Salem Llandeilo Licence No: 648801

This graph is a visual representation of the trip rate calculation results screen. The same time periods and trip rates are displayed, but in addition there is an additional column showing the percentage of the total trip rate by individual time period, allowing peak periods to be easily identified through observation. Note that the type of count and the selected direction is shown at the top of the graph. TRICS 7.5.1 290318 B18.22 Database right of TRICS Consortium Limited, 2018. All rights reserved Thursday 26/04/18 Page 9 Acstro Ltd Salem Llandeilo Licence No: 648801

This graph is a visual representation of the trip rate calculation results screen. The same time periods and trip rates are displayed, but in addition there is an additional column showing the percentage of the total trip rate by individual time period, allowing peak periods to be easily identified through observation. Note that the type of count and the selected direction is shown at the top of the graph. TRICS 7.5.1 290318 B18.22 Database right of TRICS Consortium Limited, 2018. All rights reserved Thursday 26/04/18 Page 10 Acstro Ltd Salem Llandeilo Licence No: 648801

This graph is a visual representation of the trip rate calculation results screen. The same time periods and trip rates are displayed, but in addition there is an additional column showing the percentage of the total trip rate by individual time period, allowing peak periods to be easily identified through observation. Note that the type of count and the selected direction is shown at the top of the graph.

Acstro Limited Ty Penbryn Salem Llandeilo SA19 7LT

W. E. [email protected] T. 01558 824021