P A L L O T T I ' S M I S S I O N A R Y & A P O S T O L I C M A G A Z I N E We Are A Mission Closing a Missionary October, & Welcoming November with the saints ISSUE NO. 14 • PALLOTTINE MID-NOVEMBER UPDATE COVER PHOTO: PALLOTTINE MISSION OF NAGALAND, FR. MANOJ JOSEPH SAC Fr. Dariusz Sala SAC, Burkina Faso Cathechesis at Pallotti's New Parish, St. Faustina, Begins! A PALLOTTINE MID-NOVEMBER UPDATE November 1-14 THE AMERICAS 06 09 13 16 Fr. Jacob in Fr. Jacob in Mexico Argentina Colombia Venezuela AFRICA ASIA 18 19 21 22 Burkina Faso Rwanda Hong Kong Taiwan 23 24 25 India Procesion Nagaland Sri Lanka Mission Produced by: Julianne Calzonetti & our Pallottine Missionaries
[email protected] A PALLOTTINE MID-NOVEMBER UPDATE November 1-14 #YOUTHINACTION OUR WORLD IN VIDEOS 27 28 30 31 Vietnam Barbados Extraordinary Peruvian Trails Nagaland SIBERIA, ST. JOSEPH, & POPE LEO XIII Follow us on social media, & be sure to send your submissions!
[email protected] 32 Russia Thanks to our Pallottine Family- both a missionary and apostolic force- around the world who makes this mission possible. The Mission is far more beautiful together! Prayers for you and your intentions before our Holy Founder at the Rome Generalate 14 November Produced by: Julianne Calzonetti & our Pallottine Missionaries
[email protected] Colombia, Venezuela, Mexico, Argentina The Americas Bogota & MEdellin Fr. Jacob touches down in Colombia F R . G E N E R A L J A C O B ' S V I S I T T O C O L O M B I A "Visitation to Colombia! Repeating the words of #StJPII during his voyage, "Be the salt of the earth! Be the light of the world, of this land of Colombia! You are a disciple of Jesus, & a promise to the world.