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Venezuela Country Focus European Asylum Support Office Venezuela Country Focus Country of Origin Information Report August 2020 SUPPORT IS OUR MISSION European Asylum Support Office Venezuela Country Focus Country of Origin Information Report August 2020 More information on the European Union is available on the Internet ( PDF ISBN: 978-92-9485-642-5 doi: 10.2847/222503 BZ-02-20-557-EN-N © European Asylum Support Office (EASO) 2020 Reproduction is authorised, provided the source is acknowledged, unless otherwise stated. For third-party materials reproduced in this publication, reference is made to the copyrights statements of the respective third parties. Cover photo: © Tomer Urwicz/UNFPA. Large numbers of people are bypassing immigration controls as they exit Venezuela, in: UNFPA, Dignity and strength: Venezuelan refugees and migrants in Colombia, 5 June 2019, url EASO COUNTRY OF ORIGIN INFORMATION REPORT - VENEZUELA: COUNTRY FOCUS — 3 Acknowledgements This report was drafted by James Restrepo. Mr. Restrepo is an independent expert on Country of Origin Information (COI), particularly for Latin America, having worked 9 years in the Research Directorate of the Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB) of Canada and with over 12 years of combined experience researching migration issues in the region in both academic and institutional roles. Mr. Restrepo has led COI research missions to Colombia, Honduras, Guatemala, Mexico, and El Salvador, as well as numerous COI capacity-development projects in the Americas. This COI report is a joint initiative of the European Asylum Support Office (EASO) and the Secretariat of the Intergovernmental Consultations on Migration, Asylum and Refugees (IGC)1. It builds on the first joint COI workshop between EASO and IGC, which covered Colombia and Venezuela and was held in Geneva in September 2019. The following national asylum and migration departments contributed by reviewing this report: Canada: Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB) of Canada, and Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) Norway: Norwegian Country of Origin Information Centre, Landinfo Switzerland: State Secretariat for Migration (SEM), Division Analysis (Länderanalyse SEM) United States: Refugee Asylum and International Operations (RAIO), US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) In addition, EASO and IGC reviewed this report. It must be noted that the review carried out by the mentioned departments contributes to the overall quality of the report, but does not necessarily imply their formal endorsement of the final report, which is the full responsibility of EASO. 1 IGC participating states are: Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom and the United States. 4 — EASO COUNTRY OF ORIGIN INFORMATION REPORT - VENEZUELA: COUNTRY FOCUS Contents Acknowledgements ................................................................................................................................. 3 Contents .................................................................................................................................................. 4 Disclaimer................................................................................................................................................ 7 Glossary and Abbreviations .................................................................................................................... 8 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 12 Methodology .................................................................................................................................... 12 Defining the terms of reference ................................................................................................... 12 Collecting information .................................................................................................................. 13 Quality control .............................................................................................................................. 14 Structure and use of the report ........................................................................................................ 14 Maps ..................................................................................................................................................... 16 1. Overview ........................................................................................................................................... 18 1.1 Economy ..................................................................................................................................... 18 1.2 Security situation ........................................................................................................................ 20 1.3 Institutional duality ..................................................................................................................... 21 1.3.1 Executive branch ................................................................................................................. 23 1.3.2 Legislative branch ................................................................................................................ 24 1.3.3 Judicial branch ..................................................................................................................... 26 1.3.4 Security forces ..................................................................................................................... 26 1.4 Demonstrations .......................................................................................................................... 28 1.5 Abuses and monitoring by security forces ................................................................................. 30 1.5.1 Arbitrary detentions ............................................................................................................ 30 1.5.2 Extrajudicial executions ....................................................................................................... 32 1.5.3 Monitoring........................................................................................................................... 34 1.6 Effects of the coronavirus pandemic on the Venezuelan crisis .................................................. 38 1.7 Absence of statistical information .............................................................................................. 40 2. Humanitarian situation ..................................................................................................................... 41 2.1 Migration .................................................................................................................................... 41 2.2 Health ......................................................................................................................................... 44 2.2.1 Medical treatment .............................................................................................................. 45 2.2.2 Infrastructure ...................................................................................................................... 46 2.3 Food security .............................................................................................................................. 47 EASO COUNTRY OF ORIGIN INFORMATION REPORT - VENEZUELA: COUNTRY FOCUS — 5 2.4 Basic services .............................................................................................................................. 48 3. Targeted profiles ............................................................................................................................... 50 3.1 Political opposition ..................................................................................................................... 52 3.2 Human rights advocates and social activists .............................................................................. 54 3.3 Protesters ................................................................................................................................... 56 3.4 State employees and union leaders ........................................................................................... 58 3.5 Scholars and educators ............................................................................................................... 59 3.6 Military personnel ...................................................................................................................... 59 3.6.1 Recruitment and reserves ................................................................................................... 62 3.7 Journalists and the media ........................................................................................................... 62 3.8 Indigenous peoples ..................................................................................................................... 64 3.9 Activity on social media .............................................................................................................. 65 3.10 Health care workers .................................................................................................................. 66 3.11 State response and protection ................................................................................................
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