IJRPC 2011, 1(2) Akhilesh Sharma et al. ISSN: 22312781


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A REVIEW ON THAR USED IN LIVER DISEASES Akhilesh Sharma*, Mayank Swaroop Sharma, Anurag Mishra, Sanjay Sharma, Brijesh Kumar and Anil Bhandari Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, National University, Narnadi, Boranada, Jodhpur, , .

*Corresponding Author: [email protected]

ABSTRACT India is one of the richest floristic regions of the world and has been a source of plants and their products since antiquity and man uses them in different ways according to his needs, particularly as food or as medicine. The of India is particularly important for its medicinal . Generally whole plant is not used for the medicinal preparation. The parts used in the preparation are seeds, leaves, wood, rhizomes, fruits, bark, etc. Various Thar plants used to treat liver diseases are such as Phyllanthus niruri, Glycyrrhiza glabra, Aloe vera, Solanum xanthocarpum, Boerhavia diffusa, Tehrosia purpurea, Capparis deciduas, Eclipta alba, Calotropis procera, Azadirachta indica, Cynodon dactylon, Euphorbia neriifolia, Leucas aspera, Lagenaria siceraria, Tinospora cordifolia, Lawsonia intermis,Calotropis gigantia, Tecomella undulate, Curculigo orchiodes, Peganum harmala, etc. All these plants have some use in the liver diseases with fewer side effects in comparision to synthetic drugs.

Keywords: Hepatotoxicity, Thar dessert, liver diseases.

INTRODUCTION1-4 borne agents like Hepatitis B virus, Hepatitis Liver disease is a worldwide problem. D virus and Hepatitis C virus. Conventional drugs used in the treatment of Chronic viral hepatitis- This describes liver diseases are sometimes inadequate and persistent inflammation of the liver for 6 can have serious adverse effects. Therefore, it months or more after initial exposure and/or is necessary to search for alternative drugs for initial detection of liver disease. The primary the treatment of liver disease in order to cause of chronic hepatitis is viral infection. replace currently used drugs of doubtful Drug induced hepatotoxicity- Hepatptoxicity efficacy and safety. may occur as an unexpected idiosyncratic Acute renal failure- This is a general term reaction to a medication’s therapeutic dose or applied to the rapid development of hepatic as an expected consequence of the agent’s synthetic dysfunction associated with intrinsic toxicity. Serum alanine and aspartate significant coagulopathy, usually defined by a aminotransferase and lactate dehydrogenase prothrombin time or factor V level less than levels may be elevated 10-100 times in acute 50% of normal. The most common cause of hepatocellular injury, while alkaline acute renal failure is drugs and viral hepatitis. phosphatise levels are usually less than 3 times Acute viral hepatitis- The agents of acute viral the upper limit of normal. The serum bilirubin hepatitis can be broadly classified into two may be elevated or within the normal range. groups: Enterically transmitted agents like Cirrhosis- The diffuse process characterized by Hepatitis A virus, Hepatitis E virus and Blood- fibrosis and the conversion of normal liver architecture into structurally abnormal


IJRPC 2011, 1(2) Akhilesh Sharma et al. ISSN: 22312781 nodules that lack normal lobular organization. 2. Neem Structural changes in the liver may cause Biological Source- Nimba (Leaf) consists of impairment of hepatic function manifested as dried leaf of Azadirachta indica A. Juss Syn. jaundice, ascites, hepatorenal syndrome, Melia azadirachta Linn. (Fam. Meliaceae). hepatic encephalopathy, spontaneous bacterial Vernacular names- peritonitis. Sanskrit: Aritaa, Picumarda Portal hypertension- It is defined as an Bengali : Nim, Nimgach increase in the portal venous pressure gradient English : Margosa and is a function of portal venous blood flow Gujrati : Limba, Limbado, Limado, Kohumba and hepatic and portocollateral resistance. Hindi : Nim, Nimba Fatty liver and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis- Urdu : Neem Nonalocoholic fatty liver disease includes a Constituents- Triterpenoids, sterols, bitter spectrum of abnormalities from hepatic principles nimbin and nimbiol. steatosis with associated necroinflammatory Uses- Neem bark is cool, bitter, astringent, changes and varying degrees of fibrosis. acrid and refrigerant. It is useful in tiredness, Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis is a clinical cough, fever, loss of appetite, worm pathological syndrome of steatosis and infestation. It heals wounds and vitiated associated hepatic necroinflammatory changes conditions of kapha, vomiting, skin diseases, that is diagnosed only by liver biopsy. excessive thirst, and diabetes. Neem leaves are Budd-Chiari syndrome (BCS)- It results from reported to be beneficial for eye disorders and obstruction to hepatic venous outflow and insect poisons. It treats Vatik disorder. It is may result from either thrombotic or anti-leprotic. It’s fruits are bitter, purgative, nonthrombotic occlusion. anti-hemorrhoids and anthelmintic’. It is Hepatic veno-occlusive disease (VOD)- It is claimed that neem provides an answer to also referred to as sinusoidal obstruction many incurable diseases. Traditionally neem syndrome. VOD is most often seen in an acute products have been used against a wide form following bone marrow transplantation; variety of diseases which include heat-rash, thought to be due to toxicity from the boils, wounds, jaundice, leprosy, skin preparative regimen of high dose disorders, stomach ulcers, chicken pox, etc cytoreductive therapy with or without hepatic irradiation. 3. Doob Biological Source- Durva consists of dried ENUMERATION fibrous roots of Cynodon dactylon Linn. fam. Plant species are enumerated here with their Poaceae). biological source, names, constituents and Vernacular names- uses5-13 Sanskrit: Satavirya Bengali : Durva 1. Bhringaraja English : Conch grass Biological Source- It consists of whole plant of Gujrati : Dhro, Lilidhro, Khadodhro Eclipta alba Hassk. (Fam. Asteraceae). Hindi : Doob Vernacular names- Constituents- Phenolic phytotoxins and Sanskrit : Kesaraja, Tekaraja, Bhrnja, Markava, flavonoids. Bhrngaja. Uses- In ethnomedicinal practices the juice of Bengali : Bheemraja, Kesuriya, Kesari. the plant Cynodon dactylon Pers. is used as Gujrati : Bhangaro, Bhangro. astringent and is applied to fresh cuts and Hindi : Bhangara, Bhangaraiya. wounds. It is used internally in the treatment English : Trailing Eclipta Plant. of chronic diarrhoea and dysentery. It is also Constituents- Alkaloids, Ecliptine and useful in the treatment of Catarrhal Nicotine ophthalmia. The leaves of Cynodon dactylon Uses- Deobstruent, antihepatotoxic, Pers. are also used in the treatment of hysteria, anticatarrhal, febrifuge. Used in hepatitis, epilepsy and insanity. The plant Cynodon spleen enlargements, chronic skin diseases. dactylon Pers. is also a folk remedy for Leaf—promotes hair growth. Its extract in oil anasarca, calculus, cancer, carbuncles, is applied to scalp before bed time in convulsions, cough, cramps, cystitis, insomnia. The herb is also used as an diarrhoea, dysentery, headache, haemorrhage, ingredient in shampoos. hypertension, kidneys, laxative, measle,


IJRPC 2011, 1(2) Akhilesh Sharma et al. ISSN: 22312781 rubella, sores, stones, tumours, uro-genital antibacterial, antimicrobial, antifungal, disorders, warts and wounds. antiviral, antiparasitic, antitrypanosomal, antidermatophytic, antioxidant, antifertility, 4. Lauki tuberculostatic and anticancer properties. Biological Source- It consists of fresh fruit (devoid of stalk) of Lagenaria siceraria Syn. L. 6. Kalimusli leucantha Rusby., L. vulgaris Ser. (Fam. Biological Source- it consists of dried rhizome Cucurbitaceae). of Curculigo orchioides Gaertn. (Fam. Vernacular names- Amaryllidaceae) Sanskrit: Alabu, Tumbi Ishavaaku, Vernacular names- Bengali : Laus, Lokitumbi, Sanskrit: Bhumitil English : Bottle Gourd English : English- curcuglio golden eye grass. Gujrat : Dudi, Tumbadi Bengali : Talmalu, Tallur Hindi : Lauki, Ghia Gujrati : Kalirnusali Urdu : Ghiya, Lauki Hindi : Syahmusali, Kalimusli Constituents- Analysis of edible portion of the Constituents- Flavone, glycosides 5, curculigo fruit contains protein, fat (ether extract), saponins, hentria contanol, alkaloid lycorine, carbohydrates, mineral matter like calcium 2-methoxy-4-acetyl-5-methyltriacontane, and phosphorus. Glucose and fructose have behenic acid. been detected. The amino acid composition of Uses- It cures different sexual disorders in the fruit is leucines, phenylalanine, valine, men such as low sperm count, piles, blood tyrosine, alanine, threonine, glutamic acid, related disorders, skin disorders, jaundice, serine, etc. The fruit is a good source of B gonorrhoea, joint pain. The roots of this plant vitamins and a fair source of ascorbic acid. are a nice stimulant, appetizer, carminative, Bitter fruits yield of solid foam containing tonic and aphrodisiac. cucurbitacins B, D, G and H, mainly cucurbitacin B; these bitter principles are 7. Aak present in the fruit as aglycones. Biological Source- Arka consists of dried roots Uses- The plant has various pharmacological of Calotropis procera (Ait.) R. Br. (Fam. activities like antioxidant, antihyperglycemic, Asclepiadaceae) found wild more or less antihyperlipidemic, cardio protective, throughout India. immunomodulatory effects, hepato protective, Vernacular names- in hyperthyroidism, hyperglycemia and lipid Sanskrit: Ravi, Bhinu, Tapana peroxidation, analgesic and anti- Bengali : Akanda, Akone Inflammatory, diuretic, cytotoxic activity. English : Madar Tree Gujrati : Aakado 5. Mehandi Hindi : Aak, Madar, Akavana Biological Source- Lawsonia inermis L. is a Urdu : Madar, Aak much branched glabrous shrub or small tree, Constituents- Glycosides (calotropin). The cultivated for its leaves although stem bark, leaves contain ascorbic acid, calatropagenin roots, flowers and seeds have also been used and root has benzolisolineolone. in traditional medicine. Uses- The root skin, latex, flowers, leaves and Vernacular names- the ksara of arka are used for medicinal Sanskrit : Nil Madayantika purpose. The poultice of its leaves effectively Bengali : Mehadi reduces the pain and swelling in rheumatic English : Henna joints and filariasis. The medicated oil is Gujrati : Mendi beneficial in otitis and deafness; The topical Hindi : Mehandi sprinkle of dried leaves powder hastens the Constituents- The plant is reported to contain wound healing. In glandular swellings the carbohydrates, proteins, flavonoids, tannins topical application of latex reduces the and phenolic compounds, alkaloids, inflammation. In skin diseases, associated with terpenoids, quinones, coumarins, xanthones depigmentation, the latex combined with and fatty acids. mustard oil, works well. The fomentation with Uses- The plant has been reported to have its leaves, slightly warmed with thin coat of analgesic, hypoglycemic, hepatoprotective, castor oil, is beneficial to relieve the abdominal immunostimulant, anti-inflammatory, pain. The local application of latex is


IJRPC 2011, 1(2) Akhilesh Sharma et al. ISSN: 22312781 recommended in hairfall and baldness. It also, neochronogenic acid, chronogenic acid, caffeic is useful in piles. The latex also mitigates the acid, solasodine, solasonine, solamargine, dental aches. quercetin, apigenin, histamine, acetylcholine. The latex as a strong purgative and Uses- Kantkari is useful in treating worms, accumulations breaking imparts excellent cold, hoarseness of voice, fever, dysuria, results in ascites of kapha type and enlargement of the liver, muscular pain, hepatosplenomegaly with ascites. To alleviate spleen and stone in the urinary bladder. Nasal the oedema in such conditions, of kapha administration of kantkari is beneficial in origin, the decoction of its roots combined migraine, asthma and headache. The juice of with triphala and honey, is salutary. In asthma the berries is used in curing sore throat. The and cough, the flowers and the root skin of fumigation of kantakari is helpful in piles. The arka are commonly used. As a blood purifier, herb is made to a paste and applied on swollen it is benevolent is filariasis and syphilis, The and painful joints to reduce the pain and red flowers alleviate raktapitta. In chronic swelling in arthritis. Roots and seeds are used dermatoses, the root skin is recommended as an expectorant in asthma, cough and pain with honey. in chest. The root is ground to a paste and mixed with lemon to cure snake and scorpion 8. Giloe bites. Its stem, flowers and fruits, being bitter Biological Source- It consists of dried, and carminative, are used for relieving matured pieces of stem of Tinospora cordifolia burning sensation in the feet. Kantakari fruits (Wild.) Miers. (Fam, Menispermaceae). also facilitate seminal ejaculation, alleviate Vernacular names- worms, itching, and fever and reduce fats. The Sanskrit: Amratavalli, amrata, Madhuparni, fruit works as an aphrodisiac in males. Its Guducika, Chinnobhava. seeds are helpful for treating irregular Gujrati : Galac, Garo menstruation and dysmenorrheal in females. Hindi : Giloe, Gurcha The herb is beneficial in the treatment of Urdu : Gilo cardiac diseases associated with edema, since Constituents- Terpenoids and alkaloids. The it is a stimulant to the heart and a blood stem contains alkaloidal constituents, purifier. including berberine; bitter principles, including columbin, chasmanthin, palmarin 10. Ghritkumari and tinosporin, tinosporic acid and tinosporol. Biological Source- It consists of dried juice of Uses- It is useful herbal remedy for infections, leaves of Aloe barbadensis Mill. Syn. Aloe vera recurrent fevers, it act as immunomodulator- Tourn.ex Linn, Aloe indica Royle. (Fam. useful in low immunity, it is useful for cancer Liliaceae). of all types, high uric acid and in flu of all Vernacular names- types. English : Indian Aloe Gujrati : Eliyo, Eariyo 9. Kantkari Hindi : Musabhar, Elva Biological Source- It consists of mature, dried Urdu : Musabbar, Ailiva, Siber whole plant of Solanum surattense Burm. f., Constituents- The major constituents are Syn. Solanum xanthocarpum Schrad . & Wendl , Anthraquinone glycoside- Aloe emodin, (Fam. Solanaceae). aloetic acid, anthrol, aloin A and B, Vernacular names- isobarbaloin, emodin, ester of cinnamic acid. Bengali : Kantkari Uses- Dried juice of leaves are used in English : Febrifuge plant dysmenorrhoea and diseases of liver. It is used Gujrati : Bharingani in jaundice due to viral hepatitis. It is also Hindi : Katai, Katali, Ringani, Bhatakataiya, useful in spleen disorders. Gel topically is Chhotikateri emollient, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial Constituents- Glucoalkaloids and sterols. used for wound healing, sunburn. Aloe vera Fruits give solasonine, solamargine, beta- detoxifies the body and is considered as best solamargine, and solasodine; petals yielded colon cleanser. It prevents constipation, apigenin; stamens gave quercetin diglycoside controls diabetes, clear acne and skin allergies, and sitosterol. (+)- solanocarpine, carpesterol, dark spots. solanocarpidine, potassium nitrate, fatty acid, diosgenin, sitosterol, isochlorogenic acid,


IJRPC 2011, 1(2) Akhilesh Sharma et al. ISSN: 22312781

11. Punarnava Gujrati : Bhoi Amali, Bhony amari, Biological Source- Punarnava consists of Bhonyamali dried, matured whole plant of Boerhaavia Hindi : Bhui Amala diffusa Linn. (Fam Nyctaginaceae). English : Chanca piedra Vernacular names- Constituents- Lignans, alkaloids and English : Horse Purslene, Hog Weed bioflavonoids. The antihepatotoxic activity of Gujrati : Dholisaturdi, Motosatodo Phyllanthus was attributed to two compounds Hindi : Gadapurna, Lalpunarnava in the plant called phyllanthin and Constituents- It contains flavonoids, alkaloids, hypophyllanthin. steroids, triterpinoids, lipids, lignins, Uses- It is used in liver disorders and hepatitis carbohydrates, proteins and glycoproteins. B virus. It is also used as diuretic, deobstruent, Punarnavine, punarnavoside and a astringent, anti-inflammtory, styptic. It is used glycoprotein have been isolated. in prescriptions for dyspepsia, indigestion, Uses- It is a good liver stimulant and cures chronic dysentery, urinary tract diseases, viral jaundice. It acts diuretic, anti- diabetes, skin eruptions. inflammatory, antiarthritic, spasmodic, antibacterial. Roots are used anticonvulsant, 14. Mulethi analgesic, laxative, diuretic, abortifacient. Biological Source- It consists of dried, unpeeled, stolon and root of Glycyrrhiza glabra 12. Thuhar Linn, (Fam. Leguminosae) , a tall perennial Biological Source- It consists of stem of herb, upto 2 m high found cultivated in Euphorbia neriifolia Linn. (Fam. Europe. Persia, Afghanistan and to little extent Euphorbiaceae), a large branched, erect, in some parts of India. glabrous, succulent, xerophytic shrub Vernacular names- occurring wild on rocky ground throughout Sanskrit: Yastimadhuka, Yastika, Madhuka, central India and extensively grown as a Madhuyasti hedge plant. Bengali : Yashtimadhu Vernacular names- English : Liquorice root English : Milkhedge Gujrati : Jethimadha, Jethimard, Jethimadh Gujrati : Thor, Kantalo Hindi : Mulethi, Mulathi, Muleti, Hindi : Thuhar, Sehunda Jethimadhu, Jethimadh Constituents- Resin, gum and triterpenes. The Urdu : Mulethi, Asl-us-sus triterpenoids, euphol, 24- Constituents- Glycyrrhizin, glycyrrhizic acid, methylenecycloartenol, euphorbol glycyrrhetinic acid, asparagine, sugars, resin hexacosonate, taraxerol, glut-5(10)-en-1-one, and starch. glut-5-en-3-beta-yet-acetate, friedelan-3-alpha- Uses- Demulcent, anti-inflammatory, ol and -3-beta-ol have been reported. expectorant, antiviral, hepatoprotective, Uses- Latex used as purgative, diuretic, antispasmodic, choleretic, mildly laxative, antiasthmatic, expectorant, rubefacient. It is anti-mutagenic, immunomodulating, steroidal used in ascites, polyuria, anasarca, chlorosis, modulation, phytoestrogen. tympanitis, externally warts, cutaneous eruptions, scabies, unhealthy ulcers. It is used 15. Madar as drastic purgative in the enlargement of liver Biological Source- It consists of dried root and and spleen, syphilis, dropsy, leprosy, etc. bark of Calotropis gigantea (Fam. Ascelpiadaceae. 13. Bhui amala Vernacular names- Biological Source- It consists of root, stem and Sanskrit: Aditya, Aharmani, Arka, Divakar, leaf of Phyllanthus fraternus Webst. Syn. Bhanu Phyllanthus niruri Hook. f. non Linn. (Fam. Bengali : Akanda, Gurtakand, Swetakond Euphorbiaceae), an annual herb, 20-60 cm English : Madar tree high, found in Central and Southern India Gujrati : Akado, Ratoakdo extending to Ceylon. Hindi : Ak, Madar, Akan, Lalak, Mudhar Vernacular nams- Constituents- The root contains glycosides Sanskrit: Mahidhitriki, Bhumyimalaki, 0.60-1.42 % on dry basis. The latex contains Bahuphali akudarin. Flowers contain beta-amyrin and Bengali : Bhumamla, Bhumi amalaki stigmasterol.


IJRPC 2011, 1(2) Akhilesh Sharma et al. ISSN: 22312781

Uses- The plant is purgative, alexipharmatic, 18. Rohiro antihelmintic, cureleprosy, leucoderma, ulcers, Biological Source- It is fruit obtained from piles, diseases of the spleen, the liver and the Tecomella undulate (Fam. ). abdomen. The juice is antihelmintic and Vernacular names- laxative, cures piles and “Kapha”. The root Sanskrit: Kushalmali, Rohi, Rohina, Rohita bark is diaphoretic, cures asthma, syphilis. The English : Rohida tree flower is sweet, bitter, antihelmintic, analgesic, Hindi : Rugtrora astringent, cures inflammation, tumours, rat Constituents- The bark conatins teconin , bite. The milk is bitter, heating, oleaginous, alkanes, alkanols, and beta-sterols. The bark purgative, cures leucoderma, diseases of also yielded chromone glycosides such as abdomen. undulatosides A and B, and iridoid glycosides such as tecomelloside and tecoside. A 16. Biyani quinonoid such as lapachol, vatic and Biological Source- It is perennial herb dehydrotectol are also reported from the bark. obtained from Tephrosia purpurea (Fam. Uses- Bark is used as relaxant, cardiotonic, Papilonaceae). choleretic. It is used for treatment for Vernacular names- leucorrhoea, diseases of liver and spleen, Sanskrit: Sharpunka leucoderma, syphilis and other skin diseases. Hindi : Sarphonka, Sarponka Bengali : Bannilgachh 19. Harmal English : Wild indigo Biological Source- It is perennial herb Constituents- The leaves contain rutin and obtained from Peganum harmala (Fam. rotenoids, triterpenoids, lupeol. Seeds contain Nitrariaceae). a diketone-pongamol, a flavanone purpurin Vernacular names- and sitosterol. The roots gave a prenylated Hindi : Harmal. Kaladana flavanone 7-methylglabranin. Pods contain English : Foreign Henna rotenoids such as villosin, Villon, villosil, Bengali : Isband villosinol, villinol and villosone. Gujrati : Ispum Uses- Dried herb is diuretic, deobstruent, Constituents- Harmone, harmine, harmaline, laxative. It is given for the treatment of cough, harmalol, vasicine, vasicinone. The plant gave bronchitis, bilious febrile attacks, insufficiency flavonoids such as kaempferol, quercetin and of the liver, jaundice, kidney disorders and for acacetin. Arial parts and seeds contain the treatment of bleeding piles, boils, pimples. alkaloids like harmine, harmaline, harmalol. Uses- Inhalation of the smoke relieves pain in 17. Karer the liver. It is also employed in jaundice, Biological Source- It is fruit obtained from asthma and colic. The powder of the seeds and Capparis deciduas (Fam. Capparidaceae). watery infusion are given fro treatment of Vernacular names- these diseases. The alkaloids exhibit Sankrit : Granthila, Karaka. antibacterial and antifungal activity. Hindi : Karer, Karel, Karu English : Caperberry 20. Paniharin Gujrati : Ker, Kera Biological Source- It is obtained from Leucas Constituents- The root bark contains aspera (Fam. Laminceae). It is found spermidine alkaloids. Stachydrine, throughout India, cultivated in fields, glucobrassicin, glucocapparin and wastelands and roadsides. glucocleomin. Vernacular names- Uses- The bark is bitter and diuretic. It is given Sanskrit: Dronapushpi in hepatic, spleen and renal complaints. It is Hindi: Chothalkusa used as anti-inflammatory used for enlarged English: White dead nettle cervical glands, sciatica, rheumatoid arthritis, Constituents- The plant gave oleanolic acid, externally on swelling. Fruits and seeds are ursolic acid and beta-sitosterol. The root used for urinary purulent discharges and contains a terpenoid, leucolactone and the dysentery and antimicrobial. sterols, sitosterols, stigmasterol and campesterol. Uses- It is used in jaundice, anorexia, dyspepsia, fever, helmintic manifestation,


IJRPC 2011, 1(2) Akhilesh Sharma et al. ISSN: 22312781 respiratory and skin diseases. Leaves are used skin eruption and painful swellings. as an external application for psoriasis, chronic

(a) Eclipta alba (b) Azadirachta indica (c) Cynodon dactylon

(d) Lagenaria siceraria (e) Calotropis procera (f) Curculigo orchioides

(g) Tinospora cordifolia (h) Solanum surattense (i) Aloe barbadensis

(j) Boerhaavia diffusa (k)Euphorbia nerifolia (l) Phyllanthus niruri


IJRPC 2011, 1(2) Akhilesh Sharma et al. ISSN: 22312781

(m) Glycyrrhiza glabra (n) Calotropis gigantea (o) Tephrosia purpurea

(p) Capparis deciduas (q) Tecomella undulata (r) Peganum harmala

Figures (a)-(r): Photos of plants

Table 1: General plant description

S. Name Botanical name Plant part used Chemical Uses No. Constituents 1 Bhringaraja Eclipta alba Whole plant Alkaloids: ecliptine, Jaundice, enlargement of nicotine liver and spleen 2 Neem Azadirachta indica Leaf and bark Triterpenoids, sterols, Antimicrobial, antifungal, nimbin and nimbiol antipyretic, antiviral 3 Doob Cynodon dactylon Dried fibrous Phenolic phytotoxin Jaundice, eye disorders, roots and flavonoids antihelmintic 4 Lauki Lagenaria siceraria Fresh fruit Saponin and fatty oil Jaundice, purgative, emetic, bronchitis 5 Mehandi Lawsonia inermis Dried leaves Glycoside, lawsone, Liver enlargement, hennatonic acid antihaemorrhagic, antispasmodic 6 Kalimusli Curculigo Dried rhizome Tannin, resin, Nervine, sedative, anti- orchioides sapogenin, alkaloids inflammatory, jaundice, urinary disorders 7 Aak Calotropis procera Dried roots and Glycosides: calotropin, Bitter, pungent, laxative, skin leaves ascorbic acid disease, liver diseases 8 Giloe Tinospora cordifolia Mature stem Terpenoids and Antipyretic, antiperiodic, alkaloids heapoprotective 9 Kantkari Solanum surattense Dried whole Solasonine, quercetin Stimulant, expectorant, plant diglycoside diuretic, laxative, bronchitis


IJRPC 2011, 1(2) Akhilesh Sharma et al. ISSN: 22312781

10 Ghritkumari Aloe barbadensis Dries juice of Aloe emodin, aloin, Dysmenorrhoea, liver leaves enzymes, vitamins diseases, emollient, anti- inflammatory 11 Punarnava Boerhaavia diffusa Whole plant Flavonoids, alkaloids, Viral jaundice, diuretic, anti- lignins, carbohydrates inflammatory, spasmolytic 12 Thuhar Euphorbia nerifolia Stem Triterpenoids, euphol Purgative, diuretic, polyuria 13 Bhui amala Phyllanthus niruri Root, stem and Phyllanthin, Liver disorders, hepatitis B leaves hypophyllanthin virus 14 Mulethi Glycyrrhiza glabra Dried stolon and Glycyrrhizin, Demulcent, expectorant, root glabrolide hepatoprotective 15 Madar Calotropis Dried bark and Glycosides, akudarin Purgative, antihelmintic , gigantean root leucoderma, diseases of spleen and liver 16 Biyani Tephrosia purpurea Whole plant Rutin and rotenoids Inflammation of spleen and liver, piles, boils and pimples 17 Karer Capparis deciduas Fruit Spermidine alkaloids, Bitter, diuretic, hepatic, glucocapparin spleen and renal disorders 18 Rohiro Tecomella undulata Fruit Tecomin, Relaxant, cardiotonic, tecomelloside choleretic,diseases of liver and spleen 19 Harmal Peganum harmala Root Harmane, harmalline Relieves pain in liver, jaundice, asthma 20 Paniharin Leucas aspera Leaves Urosolic acid, Jaundice, anorexia, fever, oleanolis acid skin diseases

Hepatoprotective activity reported so far rats. The results were compared with the 1. Hepatoprotective activity of Lawsonia hepatoprotective effect of the standard drug inermis- silymarin15. Alcoholic extract of the bark of Lawsonia inermis showed hepatoprotective effect against 3. Hepatoprotective and immunomodulatory the carbon tetrachloride induced elevation in properties of Tinospora cordifolia- serum marker enzymes (GOT and GPT), Effect of Tinospora cordifolia extract on serum bilirubin, liver lipid peroxidation and modulation of hepatoprotective and reduction in total serum protein, liver immunostimulatory functions in carbon glutathione, glutathione peroxidase, tetrachloride (CCl4) intoxicated mature rats glutathione-s-transferase, glycogen, was reported. The treatment with T. cordifolia superoxide dismutase and catalase activity. extract (100 mg/kg body weight for 15 days) The ethanolic extract and its fractions reduced in CCl4 intoxicated rats was found to protect the total bilirubin content and SGOT, SGPT the liver, as indicated by enzyme level in and SAL activities, and reduced liver weight serum. A significant reduction in serum levels compared to LIV-52 (control)14. of SGOT, SGPT, ALP, bilirubin were observed following T. cordifolia treatment during CCl4 2. Hepatoprotective activity of Capparis intoxication. The results of experiment suggest deciduas- that treatment by T. cordifolia extract may be The aqueous and methanolic extracts of the critical remedy for the adverse effect of stems locally were screened CCl4 in liver function as well as immune for their hepatoprotective activity against functions16. CCl4-induced hepatotoxicity in rats. The hepatotoxicity was found to be inhibited by 4. Antioxidant activity of curculigo orchioide- simultaneous oral administration of aqueous The antioxidant activity of methanol extract of and methanolic extracts of C. decidua stems rhizomes of Curculigo orchioides (MEC) was -1 (200, 400 mg kg b.wt.) for 10 days, with investigated using carbon tetrachloride (CCl4)- evidence of decreased level of serum aspartate intoxicated rat liver as the experimental amino transferase, alanine amino transferase, model. In CCl4 + MEC – treated rats these alkaline phosphatase and bilirubin. In biochemical parameters attained an almost addition, the concurrent administration of normal level. The decreased activity of both extracts with CCl4 for 10 days masked the antioxidant enzymes, such as superoxide liver fatty changes induced by the hepatotoxic dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione compound observed in the intoxicated control peroxidase (GPX) and glutathione reductase


IJRPC 2011, 1(2) Akhilesh Sharma et al. ISSN: 22312781

(GRD) in CCl4 –intoxicated rats, and its magnitude as in the untreated rats) as well as retrieval towards near normalcy in CCl4 + the bilirubin levels (63mol/l) especially for MEC- administered rats revealed the efficacy animals receiving the choroform preparation. of MEC in combating oxidative stress due to Therefore the extracts of Peganum harmala are hepatic damage. Elevated level of glutathione efficient to reduce the toxicity induced by transferase(GTS) observed in hepatotoxic rats thiourea in male rat20. too showed signs of returning towards normalcy in MEC co-administered animals, 8. Antioxidant activity and hepatoprotective thus corroborating the antioxidant efficacy of potential of Phyllanthus niruri- MEC17. Antioxidant activity and hepatoprotective potential of Phyllanthus niruri, a widely used 5. Hepatoprotective activity of Cynodon medicinal plant, were investigated. Methanolic dactylon- and aqueous extract of leaves and fruits of P. The ethanolic extract of Cynodon dactylon niruri showed inhibition of membrane lipid against hepatic complications in streptozotocin peroxidation (LPO), scavenging of 1,1- (STZ) induced type 2 diabetic models was diphenyl-2picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical and evaluated. The dose of 500mg/kg body weight inhibition of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in given once daily for 14 days reduced the levels vitro. Antioxidant activity of the extracts were of serum glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase, also demonstrable in vivo by the inhibition of serum glutamate pyruvate transaminase, the carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) – induced alkaline phosphatase, creatinine and urine formation of lipid peroxides in the liver of rats sugar significantly (P<0.05) with increase in by pretreatment with the extracts. CCl4 – total protein, haemoglobin and body weight induced hepatotoxicity in rats, as judged by was increased. High LD50 validates its high the raised serum enzymes, glutamate margin of safety18. oxaloacetate transaminase (GOT) and glutamate pyruvate transaminase (GPT), was 6. Hepatorotective activity of Eclipta alba prevented by pretreatment with the extracts, Hassk.- demonstrating the hepatoprotective action of The effect of Eclipta alba extract was studied on P. Niruri21. paracetamol induced hepatic damage in mice. Treatment with 50% ethanol extract of E. alba 9. Hepatoprotective activity of Boerhaavia (100 and 250mg/100g body weight) was found diffusa L.- to protect the mice from hepatotoxic action of The effect of seasons, thickness of roots and paracetamol as evidenced by significant form of dose (either aqueous or powder) were reduction in the elevated serum transaminase studied for their hepatoprotective action to levels. Histopathological studies showed prove the claims made by the different tribes marked reduction in fatty degeneration and of India. The hepatoprotective activity of roots centrizonal necrosis, in animals receiving of different diameters collected in three different doses of E. alba along with seasons, rainy, summer and winter, was paracetamol as compared to the control group. examined in thioacetamide intoxicated rats. The mice administered Liv-52, used for The results showed that an aqueous extract (2 comparative evaluation, showed a significant ml/kg) of roots of diameter 1–3 cm, collected reduction in serum enzyme activity and in the month of May (Summer), exhibited normal livers.It is stipulated that the extract marked protection of a majority of serum treated groups were partially protected from parameters, i.e. GOT, GPT, ACP and ALP, but hepatocellular damage caused by not GLDH and bilirubin, thereby suggesting paracetamol19. the proper size and time of collection of B. diffusa L. roots for the most desirable results. 7. Protective effects of Peganum harmala- Further, the studies also proved that the The putative protective effect of ethanol and aqueous form of drug (2 ml/kg) chloroform extracts of Peganum harmala on administration has more hepatoprotective thiourea-induced diseases in adult male rat activity than the powder form; this is probably was studied. The observed-hepatocytotoxicity due to the better absorption of the liquid form after thiourea treatment was greatly reduced through the intestinal tract22. (AST and ALT activities were respectively 270 IU/l and 60 IU/l and in the same order of


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10. Hepatoprotective potential of Aloe rats was found to protect the liver, as indicated barbadensis Mill.- by enzyme level in serum. A significant The shade dried aerial parts of Aloe barbadensis reduction in serum levels of SGOT, SGPT, were extracted with petroleum ether (AB-1), ALP, bilirubin were observed following T. chloroform (AB-2) and methanol (AB-3). All cordifolia treatment during CCl4 intoxication. the extracts were evaluated for Treatment with T. cordifolia extract also deleted hepatoprotective activity on limited test the immunosuppressive effect of CCl4, since a models as hexobarbitone sleep time, significant increment in the functional zoxazolamine paralysis time and marker capacities of rat peritoneal macrophages (PM biochemical parameters. AB-1 and AB-2 were phi) was observed following T. cordifolia observed to be devoid of any hepatoprotective treatment. The results of experiment suggest activity. These showed significant that treatment by T. Cordifolia extract may be hepatoprotective activity against CCl4 induced the critical remedy for the adverse effect of hepatotoxicity as evident by restoration of CCl4 in liver function as well as immune serum transaminases, alkaline phosphatase, functions25. bilirubin and triglycerides. Hepatoprotective potential was confirmed by the restoration of SUMMARY lipid peroxidation, glutathione, glucose-6- The arid area of Rajasthan, , Punjab phosphatase and microsomal aniline and together constitute the great hydroxylase and amidopyrine N-demethylase desert better known as Thar. Plant plays a vital towards near normal. Histopathology of the role for existence of the life on the earth. They liver tissue further supports the biochemical not only provide food and shelter to living findings confirming the hepatoprotective being rather provide medicines as the major potential. The study shows that the aqueous source. The drugs used for the treatment of extract of Aloe barbadensis is significantly human ailments are the plant product. capable of restoring integrity of hepatocytes Herbal drugs are now a day very popular indicated by improvement in physiological among users. They are preferred mainly due parameters, excretory capacity (BSP retention) to easy availability in market, cheaper as of hepatocytes and also by stimulation of bile compare to synthetic, least side effects and flow secretion23. toxicity, desirable effects, etc. In Thar there are various herbs which are used 11.Hepatoprotective Properties of in many liver diseases, most widely used Azadirachta indica A. Juss.- plants are Phyllanthus niruri, Glycyrrhiza glabra, The hepatoprotective role of leaf extracts of Aloe vera, Solanum xanthocarpum, Boerhavia Azadirachta indica A. Juss. was evaluated. diffusa, Tehrosia purpurea, Capparis deciduas, Hepatoprotective activities of ethanolic and Eclipta alba, Calotropis procera, Azadirachta aqueous extracts of A. indica were examined indica, Cynodon dactylon, Euphorbia neriifolia, against carbon tetrachloride induced liver Leucas aspera, Lagenaria siceraria, Tinospora damage in mice using silymarin as control. cordifolia, Lawsonia intermis,Calotropis gigantia, Enzyme activities of Serum Glutamate Tecomella undulate, Curculigo orchiodes, Peganum Oxaloacetate Transaminase (SGOT), Serum harmala, etc. Many research work has been Glutamate Pyruvate Transaminase (SGPT) and done on these plants regarding to their Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) were analyzed. hepatoprotective activity. Phyllanthus niruri Phytochemical leaf extracts of A. indica reported as an effective single drug in exhibited significant hepatoprotective activity. treatment of jaundice in children. Ethanolic and aqueous leaf extracts of A. indica Many more herbal plants are present in Thar exhibited moderate activity over carbon but here in this paper those plants are tetrachloride treated animals. Results confirm discussed which have some use in the the traditional - ethnomedicinal use of A. management of liver diseases. This report give indica as a potential source of hepatoprotective the information about hepatoprotective plants agent24. and their biological source, vernacular names, chemical constituents and medicinal uses. 12.Hepatoprotective and immunomodulatory properties of Tinospora cordifolia- REFERENCES Treatment with T. cordifolia extract (100 mg/kg 1. Friedman LS, Keeffe EB. Handbook of body weight for 15 days) in CCl4 intoxicated liver diseases. 2 Ed. Churchill


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