Washington, Wednesday, January 25, 1950
VOLUME 15 ■ NUMBER 16 Washington, Wednesday, January 25, 1950 TITLE 3— THE PRESIDENT in paragraph (a) last above, to the in CONTENTS vention is insufficient equitably to justify EXECUTIVE ORDER 10096 a requirement of assignment to the Gov THE PRESIDENT ernment of the entire right, title and P roviding for a U niform P atent P olicy Executive Order Pase for the G overnment W ith R espect to interest to such invention, or in any case where the Government has insufficient Inventions made by Government I nventions M ade by G overnment interest in an invention to obtain entire employees; providing, for uni E mployees and for the Administra form patent policy for Govern tion of Such P olicy right, title and interest therein (although the Government could obtain some under ment and for administration of WHEREAS inventive advances in paragraph (a), above), the Government such policy________________ 389 scientific and technological fields fre agency concerned, subject to the ap quently result from governmental ac proval of the Chairman of the Govern EXECUTIVE AGENCIES tivities carried on by Government ment Patents Board (provided for in Agriculture Department employees; and paragraph 3 of this order and herein See Commodity Credit Corpora WHEREAS the Government of the after referred to as the Chairman), shall tion ; Forest Service; Production United States is expending large sums leave title to such invention in the and Marketing Administration. of money annually for the conduct of employee, subject, however, to the reser these activities;
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