Washington, Wednesday, January 25, 1950
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VOLUME 15 ■ NUMBER 16 Washington, Wednesday, January 25, 1950 TITLE 3— THE PRESIDENT in paragraph (a) last above, to the in CONTENTS vention is insufficient equitably to justify EXECUTIVE ORDER 10096 a requirement of assignment to the Gov THE PRESIDENT ernment of the entire right, title and P roviding for a U niform P atent P olicy Executive Order Pase for the G overnment W ith R espect to interest to such invention, or in any case where the Government has insufficient Inventions made by Government I nventions M ade by G overnment interest in an invention to obtain entire employees; providing, for uni E mployees and for the Administra form patent policy for Govern tion of Such P olicy right, title and interest therein (although the Government could obtain some under ment and for administration of WHEREAS inventive advances in paragraph (a), above), the Government such policy________________ 389 scientific and technological fields fre agency concerned, subject to the ap quently result from governmental ac proval of the Chairman of the Govern EXECUTIVE AGENCIES tivities carried on by Government ment Patents Board (provided for in Agriculture Department employees; and paragraph 3 of this order and herein See Commodity Credit Corpora WHEREAS the Government of the after referred to as the Chairman), shall tion ; Forest Service; Production United States is expending large sums leave title to such invention in the and Marketing Administration. of money annually for the conduct of employee, subject, however, to the reser these activities; and vation to the Government of a non-ex Alien Property, Office of WHEREAS these advances constitute clusive, irrevocable, royalty-free license Notices: a vast national resource; and in the invention with power to grant Vesting orders, etc.: WHEREAS it is fitting and proper that licenses for all governmental purposes, Azzolini, Giuseppina, et al__ 446 the inventive product of functions of the such reservation, in the terms thereof, Balducci, Unita___________ 445 Government, carried out by Government to appear, where practicable, in any Boesl, Gisela____'_________ 445 employees, should be available to the patent, domestic or foreign, which may Primer, Dusine Marie_______ 446 Government; and issue on such invention. Grabczewski, Feliks_______ 446 WHEREAS the rights of Government (c) In applying the provisions of para Grumbach, Bertha________ 446 employees in their inventions should be graphs (a) and (b), above, to the facts Hopff, Mary______________ 445 recognized in appropriate instances; and circumstances relating to the mak Rottenberg, Herman, et al__ 446 and ing of any particular invention, it shall Strauss, Hans____________ , 447 WHEREAS the carrying out of the be presumed that an invention made by Child Labor Branch policy of this order requires appropriate an employee who is employed or assigned See Wage and Hour Division. administrative arrangements : (i) to invent or improve or perfect any Civil Aeronautics Board NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of the art, machine, manufacture, or composi authority vested in me by the Constitu tion of matter, (ii) to conduct or perform Notices: tion and statutes, and as President of the research, development work, or both, (iii) Golden North Airways, Inc.; United States and Commander in Chief hearing_________________ 443 to supervise, direct, coordinate, or review Proposed rule making: of the armed forces of the United States, Government financed or conducted re in the interest of the establishment and search, development work, or* both, or Airplane airworthiness, trans operation of a uniform patent policy for (iv) to act in a liaison capacity among port categories____________ 405 the Government with respect to inven governmental or nongovernmental agen Commodity Credit Corporation tions made by Government employees, it cies or individuals engaged in such work, Rules and regulations: is hereby ordered as follows: or made by an employee included within Dairy products; milk and but- 1. The following basic policy is estab any other category of employees specified terfat price support program- 391 lished for all Government agencies with by regulations issued pursuant to section Federal Communications Com respect to inventions hereafter made by 4 (b) hereof, falls within the provisions mission any Government employee: of paragraph (a), above, and it shall be (a) The Government shall obtain the presumed that any invention made by Notices: entire right, title and interest in and to any other employee falls within the pro Statement of delegations of au thority-__________________ 443 all inventions made by any Government visions of paragraph (b), above. Either Rules and regulations: employee (1) during working hours, or presumption may be rebutted by the Radio broadcast services; FM (2) with a contribution by the Govern facts or circumstances attendant upon broadcast stations________ ment of facilities, equipment, materials, the conditions under which any partic 404 funds, or information, or of time or serv ular invention is made and, notwith Federal Trade Commission ices of other Government employees on standing the foregoing, shall not pre Rules and regulations: official duty, or (3) which bear a direct clude a determination that the invention Autonator Laboratories Co. et relation to or are made in consequence falls within the provisions of paragraph al.; cease and desist order__ 392 of the official duties of the inventor. '(d) next below. Forest Service (b) In any case where the contribu (d) In any case wherein the Govern Notices: tion of the Government, as measured by ment neither (1) pursuant to the pro- National Forest Advisory Board any one or more of the criteria set forth (Continued on next page) of Appeals_______________ 443- 389 890 THE PRESIDENT CONTENTS— Continued CONTENTS— Continued Interstate Commerce Commis- Page Wage and Hour Division— Con. Page federalmregister sion Rules and regulations—Continued \ 1934 Notices: Learners employment—Con. Applications for relief: Telephone industry, Commodities, various, from, independent------------------ 398 Published dally, except Sundays, Mondays, to and between points in Minors between 14 and 16 years and days following official Federal holidays, South__________________ 444 of age, employment; occupa by the Division of the Federal Register, the Grain from Texas to St. Louis, tions and periods and condi National Archives, pursuant to the authority Mo., and East St. Louis, Ill_ 444 tions of employment---------- 395 contained in the Federal Register Act, ap Motor-rail rates; New York, Student learners ; conditions proved .July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as under which certificates will amended; 44 U. S. C., ch. 8B), under regula New HaVen and Hartford tions prescribed by the Administrative Com Railroad Co____________ 444 be issued--------------- 396 mittee, approved by the President. Distribu Woodpulp from South to Me tion is made only by the Superintendent of nominee, Mich., and Mari CODIFICATION GUIDE Documents, Government Printing Office, nette, Wis_____________ 444 Washington 25, D. C. Rerouting or diversion of traf A numerical list of the parts of the Code The regulatory material appearing herein fic______________________ 444 of Federal Regulations affected by documents is keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, published in this issue. Proposed rules, as which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant Justice Department opposed to final actions, are identified as to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as See Alien Property, Office of. such. amended June 19, 1937. The Federal Register will be furnished by Labor Department Title 3 Page mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 See Wage and Hour Division. Chapter II (Executive orders): per month or $15.00 per year, payable in ad 9865 (see EO 10096)__________ 389 vance. The charge for individual copies Maritime Commission (minimum 15tf) varies in proportion to the Rules and regulations: 10096_______________________ 389 6ize of the issue. Remit check or money - Forms; domestic trade Title 6 order, made payable to the Superintendent addendum________________ 403 Chapter IV: of Documents, directly to the Government Part 610___________________ 391 Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Narcotics Bureau There are no restrictions on the republica Proposed rule making : Title 7 tion of material appearing in the Federal Drug Nu-2206; addiction-form-' Chapter IX: Register. ing or addiction-sustaining Part 955___________________ 392 liability_________________ 405 Title 14 Production and Marketing Ad Chapter I: 1949 Edition ministration Part 4b (proposed)--- .---------- 405 Rules and regulations: Grapefruit in Arizona and cer Title 16 CODE OF FEDERAL tain parts of California; lim Chapter I: Part 3_____________________ 392 REGULATIONS itation of shipments________ 392 Public Housing Administration Title 21 The following books are now available: Rules and regulations: Chapter II: War housing program, policy; Proposed rules__ ____ 405 Titles 35-37 ($3.00) disposition of federally owned Title 24 Title 38 ($3.50) war housing projects______ 393 Chapter IH: Previously announced: Title 3, 1948 Supp. Securities and Exchange Com Part 340__________ i------------- 393 ($2.75); Titles 4-5 ($2.25); Title 6 ($3.00); mission Title 29 Title 7: Parts 1-201 ($4.25); Parts 210- Notices : Chapter IV: 874 ($2.75); Parts 900 to end ($3.50); Indiana Service Corp. et al.; Part 441_______ 395 Title 8 ($2.75); Title 9 ($2.50); Titles supplemental