arXiv:1101.0189v1 [astro-ph.CO] 31 Dec 2010 rvnse l 07 r da o hsproewith purpose this energies. for lower at surveys ideal than biases are selection less 2007) much al. et Krivonos nms nrybns oee,orudrtnigof understanding our with them ones however, “Compton-thick” detecting (including bands, of AGNs obscured difficulty 2003; heavily energy the al. to et most Due (Ueda in 2007). population al. AGN et the Gilli of fraction cant 08 and 2008) with performed 10 lto,ecp o evl opo hc ( thick Compton heavily pop- this for about ab- except information photo-electric fruitful ulation, overwhelms provide power sorption, penetrating the universe. l bcrdAN,woeln-fsgthdoe column ( heav- line-of-sight density that whose suggest AGNs, 2005). of obscured (CXB) al. ily background models et X-ray synthesis Hopkins cosmic population the (e.g., on obscured based stage heavily studies growth Indeed, a their that experience in predict phase models SMBH in of Theoretical SMBHs growth most evolution. the sug- between 2003) Hunt link and & fundamental Marconi a 1998; gests bulge al. galactic et the Magorrian of that (e.g., and (SMBH) hole black massive aoh Eguchi Satoshi SUZAKU ak D USA MD, Park, 920 CA Diego, San California, of USA University Physics, of ment Japan 790-8577, Matsuyama sity, Japan 8502, u emhv enwrigo ytmtcfollow-up systematic a on working been have team Our estv adXryosrain bv 0kV where keV, 10 above observations X-ray hard Sensitive h togcreainbtentems fasuper- a of mass the between correlation strong The rpittpstuigL using 2010 typeset 30, Preprint December on Accepted 24 4 3 2 1 . 5 eateto srnm,Uiest fMrln,College Maryland, of University Astronomy, of Department Depart- (CASS), Sciences Space Univer- and Ehime Astrophysics for Science, Center of Faculty 606- Physics, Kyoto of University, Department Kyoto Astronomy, of Department N cm H oivsiaetegoer ftetrs eapynmrclspec the numerical to apply (2009) we al. torus, et the Ikeda by of simulations geometry the investigate To ou oe,wihhsfu emtia aaees h tresu fit The of parameters. geometrical opening-angle four half has torus which model, torus ih is light muto cteiggs hl G 01hsavr ml pnn an opening small very a has 3081 NGC while gas, scattering of amount tde:NC62adNC38.Ftigwt tnadmdl,w find we models, standard with with absorption Fitting heavy a 3081. by NGC characterized and spectra similar 612 NGC studied: ult ra adsetat nelteinrsrcueo AGNs. of structure n inner such AGNs the of type” unveil headings: application Subject “new to direct spectra buried of band deeply power broad the quality potential like the more demonstrate geometry, We face-on a on N − > OU OEST W ERYCMTNTIKAN NC62ADNGC AND 612 (NGC AGNS THICK COMPTON NEARLY TWO TO MODELS TORUS h ra adsetao two of spectra band broad The INTEGRAL H 2 bet.Rcn l k adXrysurveys X-ray hard sky all Recent objects. ) IWO THE OF VIEW sgetrta 10 than greater is ) 10 24 1 f ohhr Ueda Yoshihiro , Swift cm scat 1. − A INTRODUCTION 2 BT(520kV ule tal. et Tueller keV; (15–200 /BAT T 0 = svr creee ntelocal the in even scarce very is ) E 1–0 e;Bsaie l 2006; al. et Bassani keV; (10–100 tl mltajv 11/10/09 v. emulateapj style X aais cie—gmary:osrain -as aais—X- — galaxies X-rays: — observations rays: gamma — active galaxies: . 5 − SWIFT 0 . 23 % n h oi nl fterflcincmoeti Ω is component reflection the of angle solid the and 8%, . 1 5 iais Awaki Hisamitsu , cm ≃ BTATV AATCNCE.II PLCTO FNUMERICAL OF APPLICATION III. NUCLEI. GALACTIC ACTIVE /BAT 60 − 2 ◦ r signifi- a are , Swift − cetdo eebr3,2010 30, December on Accepted 70 BTAN bandfrom obtained AGNs /BAT ◦ N Suzaku n sosre rmanal deo nl ihasmall a with angle edge-on nearly a from observed is and H ABSTRACT 93, 2 & ae Aird James , pcr.W n u aaaewl xlie ythis by explained well are data our find We spectra. orpoueraitcsetafo Gswt com- a with AGNs from tool spectra powerful realistic a is reproduce in- simulation to treated Carlo as- is Monte component col- simply transmitted absorption dependently. the is and of emission, depths density reflection usu- umn reprocessed optical Compton the account; infinite for the into sumed with for taken matter formula not from analytical is an torus relied ally, however, the detailed the studies, of where re- previous geometry models central Most spectral the phenomenological of on AGNs. geometry of and structure gion the whole into the sight for host-galaxy, the of populations. a AGN properties Eddington on reaching luminosity, and dependence AGN from its ratio, the (see far and like are structure model parameters ob- we torus various of spectral the studied number on limited sample the consensus compo- the the in to in reflection Due not jects 2010). the al. or et for considered Comastri depends absorption result is populations the the nent AGN although whether distinct types, classical on are and there new of that suggest also ygoerclytikadti oi epciey Using respectively. tori, thin an and surrounded reflec- thick SMBHs weaker geometrically with consistent and by are fraction types frac- type” These scattering “classical scattering larger tion. and a small strength, two with a reflection into ones with strong classified and AGNs be tion type” could (Paper they “new (2009) al. that Furthertypes, et show Eguchi tori. hereafter) by Compton-thick AGNs I Swift the six of of wall studies inner coming the probably most from signals reflection soft strong scattered with nent, of buried fractions deeply small ( discovered X-rays very (2007) exhibit al. that et in AGNs Ueda (or objects poorly obscured cases. were most targeting previously, spectra X-ray studied band never) broad whose AGNs bevto rga with program observation ihqaiybodbn -a pcr ieuiu in- unique give spectra X-ray band broad quality High INTEGRAL N 3 H uciTerashima Yuichi , < ≃ 0 10 . % ihrsett h rnmte compo- transmitted the to respect with 5%) t ugs htNC62hsthe has 612 NGC that suggest lts rlmdl tlzn ot Carlo Monte utilizing models tral 24 Suzaku mrclsmltost h high the to simulations umerical eetdsml,Cmsr ta.(2009) al. et Comastri sample, selected cm on yUd ta.(2007). al. et Ueda by found − 2 gle olwu bevtosare observations follow-up h rcino scattered of fraction the , htbt ore show sources both that ≃ Suzaku 2 15 n ihr Mushotzky Richard and , ◦ / 2 n sobserved is and π fSitBTdetected Swift/BAT of as general rays: 0 = . 4 3081) − 1 . 1. 4 2 Eguchi et al.

Table 1 List of Targets

SWIFT Optical/IR Identification R.A. (J2000) Dec. (J2000) Classification J0134.1–3625 NGC 612 01 33 57.74 -36 29 35.7 0.0298 Seyfert 2 J0959.5–2258 NGC 3081 09 59 29.54 -22 49 34.6 0.0080 Seyfert 2

Note. — The position, redshift, and classification for each source is taken from the NASA/IPAC Extra- galactic Database. plex structure of the torus, which may not always have paper. a sufficiently large optical depth for Compton scatter- 2. OBSERVATION AND DATA REDUCTION ing. Recently, Ikeda et al. (2009) have developed such a Monte Carlo code that can be applicable to the broad 2.1. Observation band X-ray spectra with several free parameters describ- We observed NGC 612 and NGC 3081 with Suzaku in ing the torus geometry. Similarly, Murphy & Yaqoob 2008 May and June, respectively. The basic informa- (2009) also studied the numerical spectra from a toroidal tion for our targets is summarized in Table 1. Suzaku torus, known as the MYTORUS model5, although we do (Mitsuda et al. 2007) carries four X-ray CCD cameras not adopt this model here because the opening angle of called the X-ray Imaging Spectrometer (XIS-0, XIS-1, the torus is fixed at 60◦. Applying such models directly XIS-2, and XIS-3) as focal plane imager of four X-ray to the observed spectra, we can obtain more accurate telescopes, and a non-imaging instrument called the Hard constraints on the inner structure of AGNs than from X-ray Detector (HXD) consisting of Si PIN photo-diodes the standard previous analysis. and GSO scintillation counters. XIS-0, XIS-2, and XIS-3 In this paper, we present the results of detailed X- are front-side illuminated CCDs (FI-XISs), while XIS-1 ray spectral analysis of Suzaku data of two Swift/BAT is the back-side illuminated one (BI-XIS). To maximize AGNs, Swift J0134.1–3625 (NGC 612; z = 0.0298) and the effective area of the HXD, the targets were observed Swift J0959.5–2258 (NGC 3081; z = 0.0080), whose si- at the HXD nominal position, which is about 5 arcmin multaneous broad band spectra were not available before. off-axis from the averaged optical axis of the XISs.6 NGC 612 is a powerful , which was origi- We analyze only the data of the XISs and the nally classified as Fanaroff-Riley (FR; Fanaroff & Riley HXD/PIN, which covers the energy band of 0.2–12 keV 1974) II type by Morganti et al. (1993). This object and 10–60 keV, respectively. The fluxes above 50 keV are hosts prominent double radio sources; the eastern lobe too faint to be detected with HXD/GSO. Table 2 shows has a bright hot spot near its outer edge, while the the log of the observations. The net exposure of each western one has a jet-like structure. Since the for- target is about 45 ks. Because XIS-2 became unoperat- mer and latter morphology correspond to those of the able on 2007 November 7 (Dotani et al. 2007), no XIS-2 FR I and II types, respectively, Gopal-Krishna & Wiita data are available for both objects. For the XIS obser- (2000) classifies it as a hybrid morphology radio source. vations, we applied spaced-row charge injection (SCI) to NGC 612 shows an optical spectrum of Seyfert 2 galax- improve the energy resolution (Nakajima et al. 2008); for ies but the intensity of the [O III] emission is very weak instance, it reduces the full width at half maximum of the (Parisi et al. 2009). Winter et al. (2008) present the X- 55Fe calibration source from ≃ 230 eV to ≃ 160 eV for ray spectrum observed with XMM-Newton, obtaining a XIS-0 (Ozawa et al. 2009). To constrain the broad band 23.9 −2 large hydrogen column density of NH ≃ 10 cm spectra above 60 keV, we also utilize the Swift/BAT spec- with an apparently very flat power-law index of ≃0.3, tra covering the 15–200 keV band, integrated over the suggestive of a reflection-dominant spectrum below 10 first 22-months of Swift operations. keV. NGC 3081 is a Seyfert 2 hosted by a barred 2.2. Data Reduction galaxy. This object has three rings associated with a tidal interaction (Freeman et al. 2000), and exhibits time The Suzaku data are analyzed by using HEAsoft ver- variable polarization in the optical band (Joshi et al. sion 6.7 and the latest version of CALDB on 2009 De- 1989). The strong [O III] emission is observed from cember 3. For the XIS data, we analyze the version 2.2 this object (Storchi-Bergmann et al. 1995). Moran et al. cleaned events distributed by the Suzaku pipeline pro- (2001) report a large absorption column density (NH ≃ cessing team. In extraction of the light curves and spec- 1023.7 cm−2) from the X-ray spectrum observed with tra, we set the source region as a circle around the de- ASCA. tected position with a radius of 1.5 arcmin, where about Section 2 describes the observations and data reduc- 75% of the total source photons are accumulated, to max- tion of the two sources. We first analyze the spectra imize the signal-to-noise ratio. The background for the with standard spectral models in Section 3, and then XIS data is taken from a source-free region in the field of present the results of application of the torus model uti- view with an approximately same offset angle from the lizing Monte Carlo calculation by Ikeda et al. (2009) in optical axis as the source. For the non X-ray background Section 4. The implications of our results are discussed of the HXD/PIN data, we use the so-called “tuned” back- in Section 5. We adopt the cosmological parameters (H0, ground model provided by the HXD team. Its system- − Ω , Ω ) = (70 km s−1 Mpc 1, 0.3, 0.7) throughout the atic errors are estimated to be ≃ 0.97% at a 1σ confi- m λ dence level in the 15–40 keV band for a 40 ks exposure


Table 2 Observation Log

Target Start Time (UT) End Time Exposurea (XIS) Exposure (HXD/PIN) SCIb NGC 612 2008 May 20 16:19 May 21 20:08 48.5 ks 41.3 ks On NGC 3081 2008 Jun 18 21:49 Jun 19 19:33 43.7 ks 42.4 ks On

a Based on the good time interval for XIS-0. b With/without the spaced-row charge injection for the XIS (Nakajima et al. 2008).

Bin time: 5760 s Bin time: 5760 s

(a−1) NGC 612 XIS (a−2) NGC 612 HXD/PIN Count/sec Count/sec 0.01 0.015 0.02 −3

reduced χ2 (dof) = 0.62 (17) reduced χ2 (dof) = 1.33 (17) 0 5×10 0 0.05 0.1 0 2×104 4×104 6×104 8×104 105 1.2×105 0 2×104 4×104 6×104 8×104 105 1.2×105 Time (s) Time (s)

Start Time 14606 17:08:03:795 Stop Time 14607 20:20:03:795 Start Time 14606 17:09:56:169 Stop Time 14607 20:21:56:169

Bin time: 5760 s Bin time: 5760 s

(b−1) NGC 3081 XIS (b−2) NGC 3081 HXD/PIN Count/sec Count/sec

reduced χ2 (dof) = 5.22 (13) reduced χ2 (dof) = 1.81 (13) 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0 0.05 0.1 0 2×104 4×104 6×104 8×104 105 1.2×105 0 2×104 4×104 6×104 8×104 105 1.2×105 Time (s) Time (s)

Start Time 14635 23:05:33:892 Stop Time 14636 19:53:33:892 Start Time 14635 22:58:33:184 Stop Time 14636 19:46:33:184 Figure 1. The background subtracted light curves of Suzaku. One bin corresponds to 96 minutes. The numbers listed in each panel represent the value of reduced χ2 with the degrees of freedom for the constant flux hypothesis. Left: The light curves of the XIS in the 2–10 keV band. The data from the XIS-0 and XIS-3 are summed. Right: The light curves of the HXD/PIN in the 15–40 keV band. (Mizuno et al. 2008). Since our exposures are ≈ 40 ks or ter ≃ 20 ks from the start of the observation. Then, a longer, we expect that the error is even smaller than this flux decline is suggested between ≃ 50 ks and ≃ 60 ks value. The CXB spectrum simulated with the HXD/PIN particularly in the 15–40 keV band. Thus, we divide the response for a uniformly extended emission is added to observation of NGC 3081 into three different time re- the non X-ray background spectrum. gions, 0–20 ks (Epoch 1), 20–60 ks (Epoch 2), and 60–80 ks (Epoch 3) measured from the observation start. By 2.3. Light Curves contrast, no significant time variability on a time scale Figure 1 shows the background-subtracted light curves of hours are detected from NGC 612. Hence, we analyze of our targets obtained with the XIS and HXD/PIN in the time-averaged spectra over the whole observation for the 2–10 keV and 15–40 keV bands, respectively. To min- NGC 612. imize any systematic uncertainties caused by the orbital change of satellite, we merge data taken during one or- 2.4. BAT Spectra bit (≃ 96 minutes) into one bin. Then, to check if there are any significant time variability during the observa- It is known that the incident photon spectra of Seyfert tions, we perform a simple χ2 test to each light curve galaxies are roughly approximated by a power law with assuming a null hypothesis of a constant flux. The re- an exponential cutoff (cutoff power-law model), repre- 2 −Γ sultant reduced χ value and the degrees of freedom are sented as AE exp(−E/Ecut), where A, Γ, Ecut are shown in each panel. As noticed from Figure 1, the 2–10 the normalization at 1 keV, photon index, and cutoff keV flux of NGC 3081 increased by a factor of 1.5 af- energy, respectively. We analyze the Swift/BAT spec- 4 Eguchi et al.

(a) NGC 612 Table 3 1 20 Cutoff Energies (Ecut) determined by the BAT spectra 0.8 15

Ω/2π NGC 612 NGC 3081 0.6

R 10 0 > 315 > 338 0.4 χ2/d.o.f. 16.4/6 11.6/6 2 > 319 > 293 5 0.2 χ2/d.o.f. 10.3/6 5.8/6

0 0 Note. — The unit of Ecut is keV. 20 40 60 80 100 120 refl 22 -2 NH (10 cm ) tra in the 15–200 keV band to constrain Ecut. Here we take into account possible contribution from a Compton (b) NGC 3081 reflection component from optically thick, cold matter, 1.4 20 utilizing the pexrav code Magdziarz & Zdziarski (1995). 1.3 The relative intensity of the reflection component to that 1.2 15 of the intrinsic cutoff power-law component is defined as 1.1 R ≡ Ω/2π, where Ω is the solid angle of the reflector 1

(R = 1 corresponds to the reflection from a semi-infinite R 0.9 10 plane). 0.8 0.7 In the analysis of the Swift/BAT spectra, we assume 5 R = 0 or 2 as the two extreme cases just to evaluate the 0.6 effects of including the reflection components, as done in 0.5 ◦ 0.4 0 Paper I. The inclination angle is fixed at 60 . To avoid 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 refl 22 -2 strong coupling between the power-law slope and cutoff NH (10 cm ) energy, we fix the photon index at 1.9, the canonical slope Figure 2. The confidence map in ∆χ2 (color scale) with respect for AGNs (e.g., Nandra & Pounds 1994). Table 3 gives to the strength of the reflection component (R =Ω/2π) and its ab- the fitting results for Ecut; we find that Ecut is greater sorption (N refl) for NGC 612 (top) and NGC 3081 (bottom). The 7 H than ≃ 300 keV for both targets. Accordingly, we fix dashed and solid curves correspond to the 1σ and 2σ confidence it at 300 keV (or 360 keV for consistency with the Ikeda level for two interesting parameters, respectively. model) in the following spectral analysis. 3. dances are adopted for the other metals throughout our ANALYTICAL MODELS analysis. We perform the spectral fitting to the Suzaku data in We use the same three models as defined in Paper I, the same manner as Paper I. We start with the sim- consisting of an absorbed transmitted component, a scat- plest model for each target, and if we find that the tered component, and/or an absorbed reflection compo- fit with a simple model does not give a physically self- nent, with an iron-K emission line: consistent picture or that the fit is significantly improved by introducing additional parameters, then we adopt • Model A: transmission + scattering + iron line,8 more complicated models. We use only the Suzaku XIS • Model B: transmission + scattering + iron line + and HXD/PIN data throughout this stage, and finally 9 perform the simultaneous fit of XIS, HXD/PIN, and absorbed reflection, Swift/BAT spectra with the selected model to obtain the • Model C: transmission with dual absorber + scat- best-fit parameters. 10 The spectra of FI-XISs are summed, and the rela- tering + iron line + absorbed reflection. tive normalization between the FI-XISs and the PIN In our analysis, we adopt an unabsorbed power law with is fixed at 1.18 based on the calibration of Crab Neb- the same photon index as the incident continuum to de- ula (Maeda et al. 2008). Those of BI-XIS and BAT scribe the scattered component, ignoring any emission against FI-XISs are set as free parameters. The Galac- Gal lines from the photo-ionized gas. Note that here we only tic absorption (NH ) is always included in the mod- introduce a single absorber for the reflection component els, whose hydrogen column density is fixed at val- as the simplest approximation, although we expect both ues obtained from the H I map Kalberla et al. (2005), absorbed and unabsorbed ones from the torus as well as available with the nh program in the HEAsoft pack- that from the accretion disk, as described in next Sec- age. We adopt the photoelectric absorption cross section tion. The pexrav component in each spectral model by Balucinska-Church & McCammon (1992) (“bcmc”). (see footnote) represents only the reflection component Different from Paper I, we allow the iron abundance to not including the direct one by setting R < 0, and the be a free parameter by using zvphabs because non So- lar values (as defined by Anders & Grevesse 1989) are 8 In XSPEC nomenclature, zvphabs*zhighect*zpowerlw + required to explain the Suzaku spectra, while Solar abun- const*zhighect*zpowerlw + zgauss 9 In XSPEC nomenclature, vzphabs*zhighect*zpowerlw + 7 This conclusion is unchanged when we fix the inclination angle const*zhighect*powerlw + zgauss + zvphabs*pexrav ◦ ◦ 10 at 30 or 80 , indicating that Ecut is not sensitive to the assumed In XSPEC nomenclature, zvphabs*zpcfabs*zhighect*zpowerlw inclination angle. + const*zhighect*zpowerlw + zgauss + zvphabs*pexrav SUZAKU VIEW OF THE SWIFT /BATACTIVEGALACTICNUCLEI.III. 5 inclination angle is fixed at 60◦. Theoretically, the equiv- with (χ2,ν) = (50.7, 57). The E.W. of the iron-K line alent width (E.W.) of the iron-K emission line with re- with respect to the reflection component is E.W.refl = spect to the reflection component, E.W.refl, is expected 1.5 ± 0.3 keV, which is self-consistent. Thus, we adopt to be ∼1 keV (Matt et al. 1991). Since this value de- Model B+vapec as the best fit model for Epoch 1. pends on the geometry of the reflector as well as the iron By fitting the Epoch 2 and 3 spectra of Suzaku abundance, we regard the result as physically valid if with the same model, we obtain acceptable fits with E.W.refl = 0.5–2 keV. No other emission lines than iron (χ2,ν) = (139.7, 114) and (19.1, 30), respectively. The Kα are significantly detected from the spectra. Consid- best-fit parameters in the three epochs are plotted in ering calibration uncertainties in the energy response of Figure 3 except for the iron abundance and those of the the XISs, we fix the 1σ line width of the iron-Kα emis- thin thermal component, which are expected to show sion at the averaged value of the (apparent) line width no time variability. We find only a weak indication 55 that the column density changed during the observa- of the Fe calibration source at 5.9 keV: 45 eV and 47 22 −2 eV for NGC 612 and NGC 3081, respectively. tion from NH = (113 ± 10) × 10 cm (Epoch 1), 22 −2 to NH = (98 ± 6) × 10 cm (Epoch 2), and then 3.1. 22 −2 NGC 612 NH = (86 ± 10) × 10 cm (Epoch 3) in addition to the unabsorbed power-law luminosity, which varied Model B is adopted as the most appropriate model of 42 −1 2 from L2−10 = (3.0 ± 0.2) × 10 ergss (Epoch 1), to NGC 612. We obtain (χ ,ν) = (90.8, 85) with Model A − 2 +0.2 42 1 and (χ ,ν) = (86.9, 84) with Model B from the Suzaku L2−10 =3.8−0.3 × 10 ergss (Epoch 2), and L2−10 = +0.5 42 −1 spectra, where ν is the degree of freedom. Thus, the im- 2.7−0.2 × 10 ergss (Epoch 3) in the 2–10 keV band. provement of the fit by adding a reflection component The other parameters are found to be consistent with be- is found to be significant at 94% confidence level by an ing constant among the three epochs within the errors. F-test. No significant improvement is found with Model The significance of the variability of the column density C. For this target, the absorption to the reflection com- is marginal, as the null hypothesis probability of a con- refl 2 ponent NH is linked to that for the transmitted compo- stant value is found to be 15% from a χ test. Thus, we nent, because making them independent does not give a sum the Epoch 1, 2 and 3 data of Suzaku and discuss the better fit over the statistics (see below). Since the E.W. time averaged spectra in the following analysis. of the iron-K line with respect to the reflection compo- To best constrain the spectral parameters of nent is E.W.refl =0.7 ± 0.1 keV, the model is physically NGC 3081, we perform the simultaneous fit to the self-consistent; the iron abundance of NGC 612 is roughly time-averaged Suzaku and BAT spectra with the Model +0.10 B+vapec model. This yields (χ2,ν) = 0(199.28, 199) half of the Solar value, 0.54−0.07, obtained from the si- multaneous fit of the Suzaku and BAT spectra. and E.W.refl =1.0 ± 0.1 keV, and thus is physically self- To examine the degeneracy in the fitting parameters, consistent. The iron abundance with respect to Solar is in Figure 2 (top) we show the confidence map (in terms 0.89 ± 0.07, and the temperature of the plasma is found 2 to be kT =0.26 ± 0.02 keV with an emission measure of of ∆χ ) with respect to the strength of the reflection − refl n2V ≃ 1.5 × 1063 cm 3. component (R) and its absorption (NH ), based on the Model B fit including the BAT data. Here we do not link Figure 2 (bottom) shows the confidence contour map refl with respect to R and N refl based on Model B (includ- NH to that of the transmitted component (NH), and H explore a region of N refl < 1.2 × 1024 cm−2, the upper ing the BAT data) for NGC 3081. Unlike the case of H NGC 612, the solution is well constrained (R ≃ 0.8−1.0, limit obtained for NH. The contours give the condidence levels at 1σ and 2σ for two interesting parameters. As 1σ) and we do not see strong degeneracy in the fitting refl 23 −2 parameters. Again, neither the case of an unabsorbed noticed, while a wide range of NH (& 6×10 cm , 1σ) refl is allowed, we can constrain the reflection strength to be reflection component (NH = 0), nor no reflection com- refl 24 −2 ponent (R = 0) is allowed at > 99% confidence level. R ≃ 0.6 for NH < 1.1 × 10 cm and R ≃ 0.3 − 0.7 otherwise. The case of an unabsorbed reflection compo- refl 3.3. Results Summary of Analytical Models nent (NH = 0) or no reflection component (R = 0) is rejected at > 99% confidence level, which corresponds to We summarize the best-fit models and parameters in ∆χ2 =9.21. Table 4. The observed fluxes in the 2–10 keV and 10–50 keV bands, and the estimated 2–10 keV intrinsic lumi- 3.2. NGC 3081 nosities corrected for absorption are also listed. Figure 4 First, we analyze the Suzaku spectra integrated over (left) shows the observed spectra of the FI-XIS (black), Epoch 1. We obtain (χ2,ν) = (120.1, 61) with Model the BI-XIS (red), and the HXD/PIN (magenta) folded − A and (χ2,ν) = (80.2, 59) with Model B, and thus the with the detector response in units of counts s−1 keV 1, improvement of χ2 is significant at > 99% confidence together with the unfolded BAT spectra (blue) in units − − level by an F-test. No significant improvement is found of photons cm−2 ks 1 keV 1. The best-fit models are with Model C. Finally, since positive residuals remain in superposed by solid lines. In the lower panels, the cor- the energy band below 1 keV, we add the vapec11 in responding data-to-model residuals in units of χ (i.e., XSPEC, a spectral model from an optically-thin thermal normalized by the 1σ statistical error in each bin) are plasma, whose iron abundance is linked to that in the plotted. Figure 4 (right) shows the best-fit spectral mod- absorber of the transmitted component. This yields a els in units of EFE without Galactic absorption, where further significantly better fit at > 99% confidence level the contribution of each component is plotted separately; the black, red, blue, cyan, magenta curves correspond to 11 the total, transmitted component, reflection component, 6 Eguchi et al.

(a) (b) ) −2 cm 22 Γ (10 H N 80 100 120 1.8 1.9 2

0 2×104 4×104 6×104 8×104 0 2×104 4×104 6×104 8×104 Time (s) Time (s)

(c) (d) (%) (keV) scat cen f E 0.6 0.8 1 6.35 6.4 6.45

0 2×104 4×104 6×104 8×104 0 2×104 4×104 6×104 8×104 Time (s) Time (s)

(e) (f) ) −2 cm 22 (10 E.W. (keV) refl H N 0 10 20 30 40 0.10 0.2 0.3 2×10 0.4 0.5 4 4×104 6×104 8×104 0 2×104 4×104 6×104 8×104 Time (s) Time (s)

(g) (h) π /2 Ω [ergs/s]) 2−10 R = log(L 0 0.5 1 1.5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 0 2×10 4×10 6×10 8×10 42.30 42.4 42.5 2×10 42.6 4×10 6×10 8×10 Time (s) Time (s) Figure 3. Time variability of the best-fit parameters of NGC 3081 obtained with the analytical model: from left to right and top to bottom, (a) the line-of-sight hydrogen column density for the transmitted component, (b) the power-law photon index, (c) the fraction of the scattered component relative to the intrinsic power law, (d) the center energy of the iron-K emission line at the rest frame, (e) the equivalent width of the iron-K line with respect to the whole continuum, (f) the line-of-sight hydrogen column density for the reflection component, (g) the solid angle of the reflection component, (h) the 2–10 keV intrinsic luminosity corrected for the absorption. SUZAKU VIEW OF THE SWIFT /BATACTIVEGALACTICNUCLEI.III. 7

Figure 4. The observed spectra (left) and the best-fit spectra model (right) of NGC 612 and NGC 3081. Left: The black crosses, red filled circles, magenta open circles, and blue crosses represent the data of the FI-XIS, BI-XIS, HXD/PIN, and BAT, respectively, with 1σ error bars. The spectra of the XIS and PIN are folded with the detector responses in units of counts s−1 keV−1, while those of the BAT are unfolded spectra in units of photons cm−2 ks−1 keV−1. The best-fit models are plotted by solid curves, and the residuals in units of χ are shown in the lower panels. Right: The best-fit spectral model in units of EFE (where E is the energy and FE is the photon spectrum). The black, dashed red, dotted blue, dot-dot-dashed cyan, dot-dashed magenta curves correspond to the total, transmitted one, reflection component, scattered component, and iron-K emission line, respectively. The purple dashed model below 2 keV in NGC 3081 represents the emission from an optically-thin thermal plasma (see text). 8 Eguchi et al.

to be a cutoff power-law model. In the simulation, they Table 4 assume a 3-dimensional axis-symmetric uniform torus as Best-fit Spectral Parameters with Analytical Models illustrated in Figure 6. It is characterized by the half- opening angle θ , the inclination angle of torus from an NGC 612 NGC 3081 oa observer θinc, the hydrogen column density viewed from Best-fit model B B + vapeca Eq Gal 22 −2 the equatorial plane NH , and the ratio r of rin to rout. (1) NH (10 cm ) 0.0195 0.0388 22 −2 ± ± (2) NH (10 cm ) 111 5 98 4 4.1. +0.10 ± Method (3) ZFe 0.54−0.07 0.89 0.07 (4) Γ 1.90 ± 0.04 1.88 ± 0.02 To perform spectral fitting on XSPEC with the (5) fscat (%) 0.55 ± 0.06 0.73 ± 0.07 Ikeda et al. (2009) model, we utilize an atable model +0.03 ± (6) Ecen (keV) 6.42−0.02 6.41 0.02 ± ± where the resultant spectra from Monte Carlo calcula- (7) E.W. (keV) 0.28 0.06 0.35 0.05 tion are stored at grids of the torus parameters in FITS (8) E.W.refl (keV) 0.7 ± 0.1 1.0 ± 0.1 refl 22 −2 +4 files. Here we refer to the results of the continuum repro- (9) NH (10 cm ) (= NH) 16−3 (10) R 0.6 ± 0.2 0.9 ± 0.2 cessed from the torus (“torus-reflection component”) and −2 −1 −12 −12 (11) F2−10 (ergs cm s ) 1.6 × 10 2.7 × 10 those of iron-K fluorescence line, assuming the geometry −2 −1 −11 −11 (12) F10−50 (ergs cm s ) 1.9 × 10 3.1 × 10 with r ≡ rin/rout = 0.01. The cutoff energy is fixed at −1 × 43 × 42 (13) L2−10 (ergs s ) 3.0 10 3.0 10 Ecut = 360 keV throughout our analysis, which is con- χ2/d.o.f. 100.4/91 199.3/199 This Work Note. — (1) The hydrogen column density of Galactic ab- New Type sorption by Kalberla et al. (2005). (2) The line-of-sight hydro- Classical Type gen column density for the transmitted component. (3) The iron abundance relative to the Solar value. (4) The power-law pho- ton index. (5) The fraction of the scattered component relative to the intrinsic power law. (6) The center energy of the iron-

K emission line at the rest frame of the source redshift. (7) R The observed equivalent width of the iron-K line with respect to the whole continuum. (8) The observed equivalent width of the iron-K line with respect to the reflection component (9) The line-of-sight hydrogen column density for the reflection compo- nent. (10) The relative strength of the reflection component to the transmitted one, defined as R ≡ Ω/2π, where Ω is the solid

angle of the reflector viewed from the nucleus. (11) The observed 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 flux in the 2–10 keV band. (12) The observed flux in the 10–50 keV band. (13) The 2–10 keV intrinsic luminosity corrected for 0.1 0.2 0.51 2

the absorption. The errors are 90% confidence limits for a single fscat (%) parameter. Figure 5. The correlation between the strength of the Compton a An additional emission from an optically-thin thermal plasma reflection component (R =Ω/2π) and the fraction of the scattered is required, modelled by the vapec code with a temperature of 63 −3 component (f ) for our targets (filled circles), superposed on kT = 0.26±0.02 keV and an emission measure of 1.5×10 cm . scat the same figure taken from Paper I, where open circle and open The iron abundance is linked to that in the absorber of the trans- diamond represent “new type” (R & 0.8 and f . 0.5%) and mitted component (see text). scat “classical type” (R . 0.8 and fscat & 0.5%) AGNs, respectively. scattered component, and iron-K emission line, respec- tively. For NGC 3081, the additional soft component is also included in purple. We find that the fraction of the scattered compo- nent with respect to the transmitted one for both of NGC 612 and NGC 3081 are fairly small (0.5%–0.8%). Also, they are heavily obscured with column densities of 24 −2 NH ≃ 10 cm , and hence can be regarded as nearly “Compton thick” AGNs. Figure 5 shows the correlation between the reflection component R and the scattered component fscat, superposed on the same plot presented in Paper I. NGC 612 and NGC 3081 are located on a sim- ilar position to each other in this plot. In Paper I, the authors categorize the observed AGNs into two groups: “new type” with R & 0.8 and fscat . 0.5%, and “clas- sical type” with R . 0.8 and fscat & 0.5%. Since our Figure 6. Cross-section view of the torus geometry assumed in targets are placed just between the two types, it is not Ikeda et al. (2009). The torus structure is characterized by the clear to which “type” these AGNs belong if the intrin- half-opening angle θoa, the inclination angle of torus from an ob- server θinc, the hydrogen column density viewed from the equato- sic distribution is indeed distinct. It is also possible that Eq rial plane NH , and the ratio of rin to rout. The observed lights the distribution is smooth and they actually represent an consist of a transmitted component absorbed by the torus (dash- intermediate class bridging the two types. dashed red), a reflection component from the accretion disk ab- sorbed by the torus (dash-dashed red), two reflection components 4. TORUS MODEL by the torus; “reflection component 1” absorbed by the torus (dash- dot-dotted blue) and “reflection component 2” not absorbed by it Ikeda et al. (2009) performed a set of Monte Carlo sim- (dashed orange). We also consider a scattered component by the ulations to calculate a realistic reprocessed emission from surroinding gas, which is not absorbed by the torus (dash-dash- the torus irradiated by a central source, which is assumed dotted cyan). SUZAKU VIEW OF THE SWIFT /BATACTIVEGALACTICNUCLEI.III. 9 sistent with the contraints from the Swift/BAT spectra the strength of the disk reflection to be R ≡ Ω/2π = 1, for both targets (> 300 keV). Since the fit is performed where Ω is the solid angle of the accretion disk. The in- only in the 0.5–100 keV range where the table model clination angle of the accretion disk is linked to that of is available, the choice of Ecut hardly affects our results the torus. Although the contribution of this component as far as it is higher than ∼300 keV. We consider two is not included in the incident photon spectrum in the cases for the elemental abundances; “Solar” abundances Ikeda et al. (2009) model, the effects on the “torus re- (as defined by Anders & Grevesse 1989) and “Subsolar” flection” spectra are only second-order and are negligible. ones where only those of iron and nickel are set to be 0.5 For simplicity, hereafter we refer to the total spectrum in- times Solar values. Finally, the table files have five free cluding the reflection component from the accretion disk Eq as “torus model”. parameters; NH , θoa, θinc, the photon index Γ of the incident continuum, and its normalization at 1 keV. To summarize, we can write the torus model of the In the assumed geometry of the torus, the line-of-sight photon spectrum F (E) without the Galactic absorption hydrogen column density NH for the transmitted compo- as follows: Eq nent is related to that along the equatorial plane (NH ) via equation (3) in Ikeda et al. (2009): F (E)= Eq N r (cos θ − cos θ ) + sin (θ − θ ) exp −NH N ,θoa,θinc σ (E) I (E) H = inc oa inc oa . (1) n  H  o Eq (1 − r) {r cos θ + sin (θ − θ )} NH inc inc oa +fscat (θoa,fscat,0) I (E) We introduce torusabs (for the fixed Solar abundances) Eq +exp n−NH NH ,θoa,θinc σ (E)o Rdisk (θinc, E) and vtorusabs models (for variable abundances) as lo- cal models of XSPEC to represent photoelectric absorp- Eq +Rrefl,1 NH ,θoa,θinc tion of the transmitted component, whose line-of-sight   Eq column density is related to the torus parameters ac- +Rrefl,2 N ,θoa,θinc cording to the above equation. In these models we take  H  into account Compton scattering processes in addition to +ε L N Eq,θ ,θ photoelectric absorption, and hence they can be reliably Fe Fe  H oa inc used even for the Compton thick case. We adopt the +S (E) , (3) photoelectric absorption cross section by Verner et al. (1996) for consistency with Ikeda et al. (2009). As noted −Γ where I (E) ≡ AE exp(−E/Ecut) is the intrin- by Ikeda et al. (2009), the cross section by Verner et al. sic cutoff power-law component, A is the normaliza- (1996) is more accurate for energies above 10 keV than tion parameter of the intrinsic cutoff power law at that by Balucinska-Church & McCammon (1992), and Eq 12 1 keV, NH is the hydrogen column density of the is nearly equal to the NIST XCOM database. Since torus viewed from the equatorial plane, θ is the half- the results become physically meaningless for obscured oa opening angle of the torus, θinc is the inclination an- AGNs if we obtain θinc < θoa, we impose the condition ◦ gle of the torus, f is the normalization parame- that θ ≥ θ +1 in the fitting process. scat,0 inc oa ◦ Eq The fraction of the scattered component to the trans- ter at θoa = 45 , NH NH ,θoa,θinc is the absorp- mitted component, fscat, should be proportional to the tion column density for the transmitted component, opening solid angle of the torus if the column density of σ (E) is the cross section of photoelectric absorption, the scattering gas is constant. Thus, we have the con- fscat (θoa,fscat,0) is the scattered fraction, Rdisk (θinc, E) straint that is the Compton reflection component from the accre- Eq fscat tion disk, Rrefl,1 N ,θoa,θinc is the torus-reflection cos θoa =1 − (1 − cos θoa,0) , (2)  H  fscat,0 component 1 (see Figure 6), R N Eq,θ ,θ is ◦ refl,2  H oa inc where we normalize fscat = fscat,0 at θoa = θoa,0 ≡ 45 . the torus-reflection component 2 (see Figure 6), ε is fscat XSPEC Fe Similarly, we also developed the model for the normalization parameter for the iron-K emission to calculate the normalization of the scattered emission Eq as a function of two parameters, θoa and fscat,0. Here line, LFe NH ,θoa,θinc is the iron-K emission line, and the normalization parameter fscat,0 reflects the averaged S (E) represents additional soft components (for the case column density of the scattering gas and is treated as a of NGC 3081 where the apec model is used). We allow free parameter. We allow it to vary within 0.1%–5%; note the relative normalization of the iron-K line εFe with re- that a typical value in Seyfert 2 galaxies is fscat = 3% spect to the torus-reflection components to float between (Guainazzi et al. 2005). 0.5 and 2, in order to cover the iron abundance range over In addition to the reprocessed emission from the torus, the fixed values (0.5 or 1.0) and to model the effects of we should also expect a reflection component from the time variability between the transmitted component and accretion disk in AGN spectra. Thus, in the transmitted the averaged reprocessed emission. component, we include this effect by utilizing the pexrav In short, Equation (3) is expressed as absorbed trans- model (Magdziarz & Zdziarski 1995), which is appropri- mission13 + scattering14 + absorbed accretion disk re- ate to represent the reflection component from semi- infinite plane, like that from accretion disks. Here we fix 13 In XSPEC nomenclature, torusabs*zhighect*zpowerlw 12 14 In XSPEC nomenclature, fscat*zhighect*zpowerlw 10 Eguchi et al.

Figure 7. The observed spectra (left) and the best-fit spectral model (right) with the torus model. Left: same as Figure 4 (left). Right: the best-fit spectral model in units of EFE (where E is the energy and FE is the photon spectrum); total (thick black), transmitted component (thick dashed red), reflection component from the accretion disk (thin dot-dashed green), torus reflection component 1 (thin blue), torus reflection component 2 (thin dotted orange), scattered component (thin dot-dot-dashed cyan), iron-K emission line (thin dot-dashed magenta). The purple dashed curve below 2 keV in NGC 3081 represents the emission from an optically-thin thermal plasma. flection15 + absorbed torus reflection16 + unabsorbed find that the column density in the equatorial plane, torus reflection17 + iron line18. There are eight free pa- N Eq ≃ 1024.1 cm−2, is close to that along the line of Eq H rameters: θinc, θoa, NH , fscat,0, Ecen, εFe, A, and Γ. sight (NH) as estimated from the analytical model fit. In the spectral fit, we employ the MINUIT MIGRAD We also find that fscat,0 ≃ 0.14%, which indicates that method (“migrad”) as the fitting algorithm, which is the amount of scattering gas around the nucleus is re- found to be more stable than the standard Levennerg- markably small. Marquardt method (“leven”) in our case utilizing the numerical models. Both of the Suzaku and BAT spectra 4.2.2. NGC 3081 (but below 100 keV) are used throughout this section. The best-fit parameters with the torus model for 4.2. Application NGC 3081 are summarized in Table 5 and the model is 4.2.1. NGC 612 plotted in Figure 7. For this target, we adopt the “Solar” abundance tables based on the analytical model fit. We Figure 7 plots the best-fit torus model, whose param- ◦ ◦ Eq 24.0 −2 obtain θoa ≃ 15 , θinc ≃ 19 , NH ≃ 10 cm , and eters are summarized in Table 5. The torus model with fscat,0 ≃ 4.6%. By contrast to NGC 612, fscat,0 is rather “Subsolar” abundances is adopted for this target, based large, and there is a significant contribution from the on the fitting result with the analytical models (Sec- ◦ ◦ ◦ unabsorbed reflection component, indicating that the in- tion 3). We find that θoa ≃ 60 − 70 and θinc & 76 . As clination angle must be close to the torus opening angle. shown in Figure 7, the contribution from the reflection The results are consistent with the picture proposed for component 2 (unabsorbed one) is very small, suggest- the “new type” AGN SWIFT J0601.9–8636 (ESO 005– ing that we are seeing the target from an edge-on angle. G004) by Ueda et al. (2007), that the nucleus is deeply In such case, the inclination angle θinc can be poorly buried in the geometrically thick torus and is observed determined above a certain threshold, because the ob- from a rather face-on angle. served line-of-sight hydrogen column density is rather Eq 5. insensitive to θinc for a given NH value. Actually, we DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION 15 In XSPEC nomenclature, torusabs*toruspexrav With Suzaku follow-up, we have obtained the best- 16 In XSPEC nomenclature, atable{refl1 torus.fits} quality broad band spectra covering the 0.5–60 keV band 17 In XSPEC nomenclature, atable{refl2 torus.fits} of two Swift/BAT AGNs, NGC 612 and NGC 3081. 18 In XSPEC nomenclature, con- First, we found a range in the iron abundance; NGC 612 stant*atable{refl fe torus.fits} has about 0.5 times Solar abundance of iron (where “So- SUZAKU VIEW OF THE SWIFT /BATACTIVEGALACTICNUCLEI.III. 11

The column density along the equator plane is found Table 5 to be N ≈ 1024 cm−2 for both sources, which is also Best-fit Spectral Parameters with Torus Model H similar to that found from the Seyfert 2 galaxy Mrk 3 by Ikeda et al. (2009). The relative absence of higher NGC 612 NGC 3081 column densities, though very limited in number, may be (1) Table model Subsolar Solar + apeca consistent with the fact that even hard X-rays above 10 Gal 22 −2 (2) NH (10 cm ) 0.0195 0.0388 keV have a bias against detecting heavily Compton thick Eq 22 −2 +10 +10 25 −2 (3) NH (10 cm ) 113−8 91−9 AGNs with N ∼ 10 cm , unless the sample is limited b H (4) θoa (degrees) 70 (> 58) 15 ± 2 +7 to the very local universe (Malizia et al. 2009). Thus, (5) θinc (degrees) 87 (> 76) 19−1 ± ± a majority of Swift/BAT AGNs do not have extremely (6) Γ 1.9 0.1 2.0 0.1 Compton thick tori defined at the equator plane unless (7) fscat,0 (%) 0.14 (< 0.19) 4.6 (> 3.1) +0.11 +0.03 observed from a face-on angle. Future sensitive hard X- (8) Ecen (keV) 6.43−0.02 6.42−0.04 +0.4 ray surveys may start to pick up such populations, whose (9) εFe 1.6−0.6 0.57 (< 0.69) χ2/d.o.f. 84.3/83 209.0/200 number density and cosmological evolution are still open questions. Note. — (1) The table model used in the fit. “Solar” means The analysis with the torus model suggest that the the table with Solar abundances, while “Subsolar” means the torus geometry of the two targets may be different in table with 0.5-time iron and nickel abundances with respect to spite of the very similar results obtained from the ana- Solar ones. (2) The hydrogen column density of Galactic absorp- tion by Kalberla et al. (2005). (3) The hydrogen column density lytical models. Our results confirm that the fundamental of the torus viewed from the equatorial direction. (4) The half assumption of the unified model where the opening an- opening angle of the torus. (5) The inclination angle of the torus. gles are all the same is too simple. For NGC 612, we find (6) The power-law photon index. (7) The fraction of the scat- ◦ ◦ tered component relative to the intrinsic power law when the half that the opening angle is relatively large (≃ 60 − 70 ) ◦ opening angle of the torus is 45 . (8) The center energy of the and the object is observed from an edge-on angle, con- iron-K emission line at the rest frame of the source redshift. (9) sistent with a picture of “classical type” Seyfert 2 galax- The relative strength of the iron-K emission line to that predicted ies. Similar torus parameters are obtained for Mrk 3 by by the torus model. The errors are 90% confidence limits for a single parameter. Ikeda et al. (2009). By contrast, the torus opening angle ◦ a An additional emission from an optically-thin thermal plasma of NGC 3081 is much smaller (≃ 15 ), and we observe with Solar abundances is required, modelled by the apec code it from a face-on angle. This implies that NGC 3081 is with a temperature of kT = 0.25 ± 0.02 keV and an emission 63 −3 closer to a “new type” AGN discovered by Ueda et al. measure of 1.5 × 10 cm (see text). b ◦ (2007) surrounded by a geometrically thick torus. This The range of the θoa is limited to < 70 in the torus model. picture for NGC 3081 is consistent with the time vari- lar” corresponds to Fe/H = 4.68 × 10−5), which is sig- ability of the column density, because we are seeing the nificantly smaller than that of NGC 3081. Applying thinnest part of the torus that is expected to be highly the analytical models, we find that these objects are patchy (Risaliti et al. 2002). We note, however, that 24 −2 nearly Compton thick AGNs with NH ≃ 10 cm and the best-fit torus parameters we obtain from the present the fraction of the scattered component with respect analysis should not be taken at their face values, which to the transmitted component is small, fscat < 0.8%, could depend on the initial assumption of the torus ge- suggesting that these belong to “hidden” population ac- ometry. For instance, as discussed in Ikeda et al. (2009), cording to Winter et al. (2009). Plotting the results in if we assume a lower value for r(≡ rin/rout) than 0.01, the fscat versus reflection strength (R) plane, we find we would obtain a slightly larger half-opening angle θoa these two targets are located just between those occu- Eq for the same NH and θinc to account for the increased pied by “new type” (geometrically thick tori) and “clas- contribution of the unabsorbed reflection component. sical type” AGNs defined in Paper I, implying that they Since the observed scattering fraction is similar be- would be an intermediate class bridging the two types. tween the two targets, this difference in the torus open- We need a larger sample to reveal the true distribution ing angle indicates that the amount of scattering gas of the whole AGN population in this plane. In this around the nucleus is much smaller in NGC 621 than context, simultaneous broad band observations of more in NGC 3081, as represented in the obtained fscat,0 “new type” candidates are important to examine their value, fscat,0 < 0.2% for NGC 612 and fscat,0 > 3% for reflection strengths, such as those with small scatter- NGC 3081. The small amount of the gas in NGC 612 may ing fractions identified from the XMM-Newton catalog be consistent with its classification as a “weak emission (Noguchi et al. 2009). line” radio galaxy, where the jets expel the surrounding To further investigate the details of the torus geome- gas. By contrast, the detection of the optically-thin com- try of the two AGNs, we apply numerical spectral mod- ponents in NGC 3081 could represent the abundance of els based on Monte Carlo simulation where a simple 3- the ambient gas around the nucleus. dimensional geometry of the torus is assumed, following An important implication from the present study is the work by Ikeda et al. (2009) and Awaki et al. (2009). that the classification of different types of tori (e.g., ge- We also consider the Compton reflection component from ometrically thin or thick) based solely on the scattered the accretion disk. To our knowledge, this is the first fraction may be difficult in some cases. Our work has time all effects both from the torus and disk are self- demonstrated the power of the application of numerical consistently considered in spectral analysis of obscured torus models based on Monte Carlo simulation to best AGNs. 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