Series P-25, No. 404 September 27, 1968 ESTIMATES OF THE POPULATION OF : JULY 1, 1966*

(Report No.2)

(Estimates shown here are generally consistent with those published for metropolitan counties for July 1,1965, shown in Current Population Reports, Series P-25, Nos. 371 and 378.~! They supersede the provisional metropolitan estimates for ,July 1, 1966, shown in Report No. 378)

This report presents estimates of the popu­ County estimates for 1966 for the following 20 lation for July 1, 1966, for 945 counties in 17 States were published earlier in Current Population selec,tedi States. This is the second of three Reports, Series P-25, No. 401: Arkansas, Cali­ reports ,showing population estimates for all the fornia, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Idaho, counties' in the United States for July 1, 1966. Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Min­ These estimates relate to the total resident popu­ nesota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, North lation in each county; that is, the civilian resident Carolina, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, population plus members of the Armed Forces Vermont, Virginia, and West Virginia. stationed in the area<. The States covered in this report are: METHODOLOGY Alabama North Dakota Arizona Oregon Three methods are employed by the Bureau of Colorado South Carolina the Census in developing current county estimates. Georgia South Dakota They are (1) the Bureau's Component Method It, Hawaii Tennessee which employs vital statistics to measure natural Kentucky Utah increase and school enrollment (or school census) Mississippi Washington data as a basis for measuring· net migration; Nevada Wyoming (2) a composite method, in which separate esti­ New Mexico mates are prepared for different segments of the population using different types of current data Estimates are shown for July 1, 1966, for each for each group; and (3) a housing unit method, in county in theSE! States, with the components of which estimated changes in the number of occupied population change (births, deaths, and net migration) housing units are used as the basis for estimating for the period since April 1, 1960. changes in population.

* These estimates were prepared in the State and Local Population Estimates and Projections Branch, Population Division, in connection with a contractual arrangement to provide data for metropolitan areas and counties to the following Federal agencies: the Office of Civil Defense, the Economic Development Administration (Department of Conunerce), the Office of Transportation Information Planning (Department of Transportation), and the Defense Communications Agency (Department of Defense).

For sale by the Superinteruf.ent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 20402, 15 cents. Annual subscription (Series P-20, P-23, P-25, P-27, P-28 summaries, P-60, and P'-65, combined), $5 .. 00; foreign mailing, $6.50. 2 The methodology used in developing current counties indicated as metropolitan are whole­ estimates by these three methods is discussed in county approximations to the SMSA's. A detailed Series P-25, No. 371. A detailed step-by-step explanation of the criteria used in establishing outline of Component Method II is presented in SMSA's is given in Standard Metropolitan Statistical Series P-25, No. 339. Areas, Executive Office of the President, Bureau of the Budget, 1967. For tbis report, all three methods were em­ ployed in! developing estimates for metropolitan ROUNDING OF ESTIMATES counties in all States and for the nonmetropolitan counties in Hawaii and Washington. 1 For all Estimates presented in the tables contained in remaining counties, estimates. were developed by this report have been rounded to the nearest Component Method II and the Composite method hundred for counties and to the nearest thousand only. The results of the two or three methods for States without being adjusted to group totals, were then averaged. which are independently rounded. Percentages are based on unrounded numbers. As a final step, the average estimates for the counties in each State were summed and adjusted to an independent State total published in Current FEDERAL-STATE COOPERATIVE PROGRAM Population Reports, Series P-25, No. 380. Ad­ FOR LOCAL POPULATION ESTIMATES ditional adjustments were made as needed in speciaV population groups, such as college and The estimates presented in this report are a institutlonal populations, since the regular esti­ "one-time" set of estimates prepared by the Bureau mating methodology would not be expected to reflect of the Census as a by-product of a larger project fully any large or unusual changes in these groups. now under way for a number of Federal agencies. Preparation of corresponding annual postcensal Spedial estimates for selected areas.--For a estimates for all the counties in the is not number of areas, additional data are available for now part of the Census Bureau's program. In use in the preparation of popUlation estimates. recognition of the widespread need for small-area Such sources as special censuses conducted by the popUlation estimates of uniform quality from State Bureau of the Census since 1960 and the censuses to State, the Bureau of the Census has been de­ conducted by State or county governments have veloping a cooperative program with the States been drawn upon. Counties where estimates have for the preparation and publication of county popu­ been prepared using these special data sources lation estimates. The ultimate objective of the are footnoted in the table. cooperative program is the development and publi­ cation of State-prepared county population figures, LIMITATIONS by preferred methods, largely standarized for data input and methods mutually agreed upon by the A detailed discussion of the limitations of the States and the Bureau of the Census. various methods used in the preparation of metro­ politan county estimates and of the relationship of The selection of methods will be made on the estimates prepared by each method to the published basis of a large-scale test and evaluation program average of methods is contained in report No. 371. to be carried out when the 1970 Census results A large proportion of the counties for which esti­ become available. To date (as of September 1, mates'are presented in this report,however, 1968) 40 States have agreed to participate in the had a population under 20,000. The estimates for program, working with the Census Bureau to these smaller areas may not have as high a level achieve the goals described above. A listing of of accuracy, on the average, as those for large the States and the agencies designated by State metropolitan areas. governors to work with the Bureau of the Census on the technical aspects of the program is given DEFINITIONS in the appendix. 2

Metropolitan counties are those counties in­ During this past year, several States have cluded in standard metropolitan statistical areas published county population estimates in consul­ (SMSA's) as of June 1968. In New , how­ tatioH with the Bureau of the Census, usmg ever, SMSA's are defined in terms of and , rather than counties. The New England

2 For a more detailed description of the pro­ gram, see, Meyer Zitter, "Federal-State Cooperative 1 Housing unit estimates were developed for non­ Program for Local Population Estimates," The Regis­ metropolitan counties where evidence indicated that trar and Statistician, U.S. Department of Health, completeness of coverage of areas reporting resi­ Education, and Welfare, Vol. 33, No.1, January dential building permits' issued was very high. 1968. 3 methodology largely within the general framework Leonard M. Sizer, Estimates of the Population of the goals of the Federal-State Cooperative of West Virginia Counties, July 1, 1950-1966, program.···TheStaie~preparea~county-estfmates November 1967, Office of Research and De­ are contained in the following reports: velopment, Center of Appalachian Studies and Development, West Virginia University, Morgantown, West Virginia.

Population Estimates of Arizona, July 1, 1967, In general, the State-prepared county population Research and Reports Section, Unemployment figures differ only slightly from those contained Compensation Division, Employment Security in this report, and the pattern of population re­ Commission of Arizona, Phoenix, Arizona. distribution since 1960 is quite similar for both sets. Small differences in the two sets of esti­ mates come about because of differences in data Forrest H. Pollard, "Preliminary Estimates of input, differences in the specific methods used in the Population of Louisiana Parishes: July 1, arriving at final "average" estimates, or as is the 1966." The Louisiana Economy, Volume 1, case in Arizona, a difference in the total State No.1, April 1968, Division of Business and population to which the county estimates were Economic Research, School of Business Admin­ adjusted. istration, Louisiana Polytechnic Institute, P.O. Box 5796, Tech Station, Ruston, Louisiana. In later years, should the objectives of the Federal-State Cooperative Program for Local Population Estimates be realized, the .Bureau of C.Horace Hamilton, Estimates of the Popu­ the Census would publish State-prepared estimates lation of North Carolina Counties, 1966 and 1967, similar to those published in the above-mentioned Demographic ReportH-l, May 1968, Statistical reports in lieu of preparing its own estimates. Service Center, Budget Division, State Depart­ In all such instances, however, the sum of the ment of Adminlstrat:l.()n, Raleigh; and Carolina county estimates would be in agreement With the Population Center, University of North Carolina independently prepared State population estimates at Chapel Hill, North Carolina. ' regularly published in this series of reports. 4 ESTIMATES OF THE POPULATION OF COUNTIES, JULY 1, 1966, AND COMPONENTS OF POPULATION CHANGE SINCE APRIL 1,1960 (Asterisk (*) indicates metropolitan county. State estimates are shown to the nearest thousand, county estimates to the nearest hundred)

Change, Components of change Population 1960 to 1966

state and county Net July 1, Percent Births Deaths 1966 migratIon ------l------,------1--'----

ALABAMA:..••....•.....•..••.•.•. 2,100 Autauga ...... •...... ······· . 400 Baldwin* ...... •...... -J.,100 Barbour: ...... -300 Bibb ...... -300 Blount ...... ·.·····•····· . -1,600 Bullock ...... •...... ·.····· . -3,600 Butler ...... •...... ••....•...... -3,600 Oalhoun .....••...•.••..•...... •.... -1,500 Ohambers ...... •...... · .. -300 Cherokee ...... •...... --300 Ohilton ....•...... •.....•...... -4CO Chocta" ...... •...... -1,200 01arke ...... •... 100 Clay .... 1; ....•••••.•. •• ••.•••.•••.•. -300 Cleburne;' ...... -900 Coffee .. :' ...... 500 Colbert. '...... •...... -2,500 Conecuh ...... •...... •. -500 Coosa ...... •.•..•.•... 700 g~~~~!~r::::::::::: :::::::::::::::: -1,400 2,500 Cullman,,'•...... 10,100 Dale ...... · .. ······· . -5,900 Dallas.: ...... •.. -500 De Kalb ...... ·.··•······ 800 Elmore* ...... •...•.•...... ······ . -1,000 Escambia ...... •.•. -7,800 Etowah* ...... 900 Fayette ...... ••....• 600 Franklin ...... •...... -2,200 Geneva ...... •...... •.... -1,800 Greene ••...... •...... · . -3,000 Hale ...... : ...... • ····· . -1,200 Henry ...... 900 Houston ••.••.•...... •.••.••••• ••··• . -1,700 Jackson ...... ••...... • ······ . -36,400 Jefferson* ...... •.••...... •• 400 Lamar ...•....•...... ••...... · . -400 Lauderdale ...... 1,200 "Lawrence ....•...... •...... •.•...•... 5,400 Lee ...... ··.···· . 2,100 Limestone* .....••...•.•..•••.. , .••.. 1,000 -2,700 Lowndes •...... •...•...•..... ·.··· . 1,700 -3,500 Macon ... : ;,'...... •...... 5,600 50,400 Madison* ...... ··· . 2,000 -2,900 Marengo ...... •..•...... •..... 1,300 1,600 Marion ...... •...... •.•.•.....•. 2,800 4,800 MarshalL ...... •...... 16,400 -19,700 Mobile* ...... •...•...... •••....• ·· . 1,300 -2,300 Monroe ..•••..••....•..•..••.••• • •• • • 9,900 -9,300 Montgomery* ...... ••.....•. 3,600 10,000 Morgan ...... ••...••...... ••...... •. 1,100 -1,400 Perry...... •...... 1,300 -3,200 Pickens ...... 2,000 700 Pike .•...... •...... •. ·····••· . 1,400 -1,200 Randolph .....•...... 3,000 -2,600 Russell* ....•...... •..... · . 1,600 -800 St. Clair ...... 2,000 -800 Shelby", ...... 1,400 -2,800 SmfJ,ter •••.•••••.• , •.••••••••••.••••. 4,000 -3,000 Talladega ...... • 2,400 -400 Tallapoosa ...... •...... 5,400 3,000 Tuscaloosa* ...... 3,600 -1,000 Walker* ...... 800 -1,600 Washington ...... •...... 1,400 -2,700 Wilcox ...... •...... •.. 1,200 500 :Winston ...... •......

See footnotes at end of table. 5

ESTIMATES OF THE POPULATION OF COUNTIES, JULY 1, 1966, AND COMPONENTS OF POPULATION CHANGE SINCE APRIL 1, 1960··Continued (Asterisk (*) indicates metropolitan county. State estimates are shown to the nearest thousand, county estimates to the nearest hundred)

Change, Components of change population 1960 to 1966

State and county April 1, Net July 1, 1960 Number Percent Births Deaths migration ; 1966 (census)

ARIZONA ....•....•...... •... f---- 1,603,0:::0:;:0+_-=:1,302,1611--, +301,OO:~0,-+ __-,-+:::.23:c.:.:l+_--=2=36=,O:.::0:..:0+ __.:..72=,,-,O:..:Oc:O+ __+-,1:;;3:.:6 L,:;:.OO::.:;O Apache...... 46,700 30,438 16,200 53.4 1l.,OOO 1,600 6,900 Cochise...... •...... •...•...... •• 257,500 55,039 2,400 4.4 9,900 2,800 -4,700 Coconino...... '58,100 41,857 16,300 38.9 10,400 1,700 7,500 Gila...... 27,800 25,745 2,100 8.1 5,000 1,700 -1,200 Graham...... 16,100 14,045 2,000 14.5 2,700 800 200 Greenlee...... 10,300 11,509 -1,200 -10.3 1,400 'tOO -2,200 Maricopa*...... 838,100 663,510 174,600 26.3 114,4.00 36,400 96,500 Mohave...... 14,600 7,736 6,900 88.7 1,700 700 5,900 Navajo...... 48,700 37,994 10,700 28.2 11,000 1,800 1,500 Pima*...... '?14,800' 265,660 49,100 18.5 43,100 15,000 21,000 Pinal...... 64,000 62,673 l/tOO 2.2 11,600 3,200 -7,000 Santa Cruz...... 14,600 10,808 3,800 35.1 2,100 600 2,200 yavapai...... 34,400 28,912 5,4·00 18.8 3,500 2,600 4,600 yuma ...... ~( ...... 257,100 46,235 10,900 23.5 8,300 2,500 5,100

COLORAto .•...... •...... •..•.. 1--_...:l=9.:.5::..5z.;0;:.:0:.;:0+-....::lCL,;.;75:..:3:2,c:.9..:.4:...7+----+.:::20::.:2::;,c;:0.;:.0:.:.0+__ -,+.=1=1::.;. 5,-+ __...::2;c:6 cclL'0::;0;c:0+ __..:.9.:..9 L,0:.;0:.:0+ ___M-,0=0.:.00 :.:. 153,100 120,296 32,800 27.3 23,800 3,800 12,900 Adams* .... ; ...... '10,800 10,000 800 7.7 1,700 500 -300 Alamosa .•.••...... ••...... •... 3130,100 113,426 16,700 14.7 17,900 4,300 3,100 Arapahoe* ...... 2,700 2,629 (z) 1.2 500 100 -300 Archuleta ••.....••••..•...••.•••. ·•· . 6,200 6,310 -100 -2.4 SOO 400 -500 Baca .." •.•. ! ...... 6,800 7,419 -600 -8.9 800 400 -1,000 Bent ...... ···•.••••• '101,600 74,254 27,300 36.8 12,100 3,900 19,200 Boulder* ...... ·· ...... 9,800 8,298 1,500 17.9 1,200 600 900 Chaffee .• : ••..•..•••..•••.•.•.•..••.• 2,400 2,789 -400 -15.5 300 200 -600 Cheyerme ...... 3,200 2,793 400 16.0 400 200 300 Clear Creek ...... · .. ·•· 8,400 8,428 -100 -0.6 1,500 400 -1,100 Conejos ...•...•...•..•.•...•.••.•..•• 3,800 4,219 -500 -11.1 800 200 -1,000 Costilla .•...... •.....•...... ••• · •.• 3,300 3,978 -700 -17.1 '500 300 -900 '\Crowley ...... ~ ..•••••.•.• 1,200 1,305 -100 -9.2 100 100 -100 ,'Custer ...... ·•••·•••• • 14,400 15,602 -1,200 -7.5 1,800 1,200 -1,700 Delta •.••••.•••••••.••.•.• · ••• ••••· " 3489,100 493,887 -4,800 -1.0 68,200 33,000 -40,000 Denver* ...... ······· . 1,600 2,196 -600 -26.0 300 100 -800 Dolores •.•..•..•..•.•...... •• •••··• • 6,800 4,816 2,000 41.9 600 300 1,700 Douglas ...... 5,400 4,677 700 15.1 900 300 100 Eagle ...... 3,500 3,708 -200 -6.4 400 200 -400 Elbert ...••...•...... ·······•······ • 181,400 143,742 37,600 26.2 19,500 7,000 25,200 El Paso* ..•..••....•.•...... • ·•·•·•·· '21,600 20,196 1,400 6.7 2,100 1,800 1,100 Fremont .••..•.•...... •.... ·.··•••··· . 15,500 12,017 3,500 29.3 1,500 800 2,800 Garfield ....••.•....•.•...•.•• •••••• • 700 685 100 7. 6 100 100 100 Gilpin ...... 3,500 3,557 -100 -2.0 500 200 '-300 Grand .•.•.....••.••..•....• ··••···•· . '7,900 5,477 2,500 44.9 1,000 200 1,700 Gunnison •..•.•.••...... ·•· .•• ··• . 200 208 (Z) 14.9 (Z) (Z) (Z) Hinsdale ...... 7,300 7,867 -500 -6.7 1,000 600 -900 Huerfano ...... 1,600 1,758 -100 -8.1 300 100 -300 Jackson ...... 197,900 127,520 70,400 55.2 24,200 5,800 51,900 Jefferson* •.•.•.••..•....•.•...... •.• 2,000 2,425 -400 -18.5 300 100 -600 Kiowa ...... · .. ·.·· . 7,400 6,957 500 6.5 900 400 (z) Kit Carson ...... ; ...... 8,300 7,101 1,200 17.5 1,800 400 -200 Lake ..•..•.••....•.••...... •.•.••••• 16,300 19,225 -2,900 -15.1 2,600 1,100 -4,400 La Plata ...... 175,500 53,343 22,100 41.5 8,800 3,600 16,900 Larimer ...... ·· ... ·· ... . 16,400 19,983 -3,500 -17.7 2,100 1,500 -4,200 Las .An.imas ...... ••• 5, 100 5,310 -200 -4. 6 600 300 -600 Lincoln...... ··· . 18,400 20,302 -1,900 -9.5 2,800 1,100 -3,600 Logan ...... 52,600 50,715 1,900 3.8 6,000 3,000 -1,000 Mesa .•••..••...... •...•.....••...•••. 600 424 100 33.0 100 (Z) 100 Mineral...... 6,500 7,061 -500 -7.3 1,100 300 -1,300 Moffat ...... 13,000 14,024 -1,000 -7.5 2,000 700 -2,400 Montezuma ...... 18,500 18,286 200 1.2 2,600 1,100 -1,300 Montrose ...... 19,400 21,192 -1,800 -S.4 3,000 1,200 -3,600 Morgan •.•.•.•...•.••..•..•..•.•.•.• · • 24,900 24,128 SOO 3.2 3,800 1,700 -1,300 Otero ....•..••...••.•.... ,.········· • 1,500 1,601 -100 -8.7 200 100 -200 Oill'ay .•••...... •.•....•.•.•.••...• 1,400 1,822 -400 -23.4 200 100 -500 Park ...... ·••••••••• 4,100 4,440 -300 -6.6 400 300 -400 Phillips ...... 3,200 2,381 800 34.4 500 100 500 Pitkin ...... Prowers ...... 13,800 13,296 500 3.7 2,000 900 -600 See footnotes at end of table. 6 ESTIMATES OF THE POPULATION OF COUNTIES, JULY 1, 1966, AND COMPONENTS OF POPULATION CHANGE SINCE APRIL 1, 1960--Continued (Asterisk (*) indicates metropolitan county. State estimates are shown to the nearest thousand, county estimates to the nearest hundred)

Change, Components of change Population 1960 to 1966

State and county April 1, July 1, Net 1960 Number Percent Births Deaths migration 1966 (census) ____" ____ ~-- __-- __- ___-- __--~_-- __-- __4-- __--- _____ ~-____------4------+------~------4------

COLORADO--Continued -11, BOO Pueblo* ...... 1117,200 118,707 -1,500 -1.3 16,500 6,200 Rio Blanco ...... 4,800 5,150 -400 -6.9 700 200 -800 Rio Grande ...... 10,400 1l,160 -800 -6.9 1,700 800 -1,700 Routt ...... , ...... 5,700 5,900 -200 -3.9 700 400 -500 Saguache ...... 4,200 4,473 -300 -6.5 800 300 -800 -100 San Juan ...... 1,000 849 100 14.3 300 100 San MigueL ...... 1,900 2,944 -1,000 -34.4 300 100 -1,200 -800 Sedgwick ...... 3,600 4,242 -600 -15.2 400 200 -700 Summit ...... 1,600 2,073 -400 -22.0 300 100 Teller ...... 3,300 2,495 800 31. 7 300 200 700 -800 Washington ...... 6,100 6,625 -500 -B.2 600 400 Weld ...... 177,2D0 72,344 4,800 6.7 10,800 4,100 -1,900 -1,200 yuma .••.•.•.....•••...... ••••.••• · .• 8,000 8,912 -900 -10.7 900 700 +99,000 GEORGIA ...... 4 445 000 3 943 116 +502 000 +12.7 631,000 228,000 -100 Appling .•...... 14,200 13,246 1,000 7.5 1,900 700 -300 Atltinson ...... 6,600 6,188 400 6.2 1,100 400 8,200 8,359 -200 -2.0 1,100 500 -800 Bacon ...... -1,100 Baker ...... _ ..•...... 3,800 ,,543 -700 -16.2 700 300 40,100 34,064 6,000 17.6 3,700 1,300 3,600 7,900 6,497 1,400 21.8 600 300 1,200 ~:~~:;:~~:~:::::::::::::::::::::::::: : (z) Barrw ...... , ...... 15,600 14,485 1,100 7.4 2,000 900 2,400 Bartow., ...... •...... 33,300 28,267 5,000 17.7 4,200 1,600 1,000 -600 Ben HilL ...... •.. 13,800 13,633 100 0.9 1,700 700 -2,600 Berrien ...... 10,200 12,038 -1,800 -15.3 1,500 148,200 141,249 6,900 4.9 21,200 8,700 -5,600 Bibb* ...... -300 Bleckley ...... 10,100 9,642 500 5.0 1,400 600 -700 Brantley ...... ,...... 5,600 5,891 -300 -4.9 800 300 -2,300," Brooks ...... 14,300 15,292 -1,000 -6.7 2,300 1,000 -500 Bryan...... 6,800 6,226 500 8.7 1,400 400 2,200 Bulloch ...... 129,400 24,263 5,200 21.3 4,400 1,500 1,500 -3,100 Burke ...... •...... 19,700 20,596 -900 -4.4 3,600 10,000 8,976 1,000 11.7 1,400 700 300 Butts ...... -800 Calhoun ...... 7,2QO 7,341 -100 -1.4 1,200 500 10,700 9,975 700 7.0 1,800 500 -500 Crunden ...... •...... " ...... -200 Candler ...... 7,000 6,672 300 4.9 1,000 500 2,400 Carroll ...... '" 141,700 36,451 5,300 14.5 5,000 2,200 900 1,900 Catoosa ...... 25,000 21,101 3,900 IB.7 2,900 5,500 5,313 200 3.7 1,000 300 -500 Charl ton ...... -18,900 Chatham* ...... _ ... . 187,400 188,299 -900 -0.5 29,400 11,500 Chattahoochee. 4" 19,600 19,954 -400 -2.0 2,500 1,100 -1,800 Chattooga ...... 1,500 Oherokee ...... 26,700 23,001 3,700 16.1' 3,500 1,300 3,800 01arke .. '.:' ...... 153,800 45,363 8,400 18.6 7,200 2,600 4,500 4,551 -100 -1.8 600 300 -400 01ay ...... •..... _ .... . 19,700 01ayton* ...... 73,600 46,365 27,300 58.8 9,300 1,700 400 100 01inch ....•...... 7,600 6,545 1,100 16.3 1,400 4,800 34,800 Oobb* ...... 165,500 114,174 51,300 44.9 21,300 1,300 -2,900 Coffee ...... 21,300 21,953 -600 -2.8 3,600 1,900 -4,900 Oolquitt ...... 32,200 34,048 -1,800 -5.3 5,000 700 4,300 Columbia ...... 19,800 13,423 6,400 47.8 2,800 12,200 11,822 400 3.4 2,100 700 -1,000 Cook ...... •...... -400 Coweta ...... _ .. . 31,000 28,893 2,100 7.4 4,400 1,900 300 -600 Orawford ...... 5,900 5,816 100 1.0 1,000 1,300 -1,700 Crisp ...... 17,600 17,768 -100 -0.8 2,800 400 -500 Dade ...... 8,900 8,666 300 2.9 1,200 200 -300 Dawson ...... 3,600 3,590 (z) 1.1 500 1,500 -2,900 Dacatur ...... · . 24,500 25,203 -700 -2.8 3,600 11,100 52,400 Da Kalb* ...... 340,300 256,782 83,500 32.5 42,300 1,000 -1,400 Dodge ...... · . 16,300 16,483 -200 -1.2 2,300 800 -1,700 Dooly ...... 10,800 11,474 -700 -5.8 1,800 3,600 1,100 Dougherty* ...... 88,800 75,680 13,100 17.3 15,600 900 4,200 Douglas ...... 22,800 16,741 6,000 36.1 2,800 900 -1,100 Early ...... 13,400 13,151 200 1.7 2,200 1,800 1,876 -100 -4.2 200 100 -200 Echols ...... 2,100 Effingham ...... 13,100 10,144 2,900 29.0 1,500 700

See footnotes at end of table. 7

ESTIMATES OF THE POPULATION OF COUNTIES, JULY 1,1966, AND COMPONENTS OF POPULATION CHANGE SINCE APRIL 1, 1960--Continued (Asterisk (*) indicates metropolitan county. State estimates are shown to the nearest -thousand, county estimates to the nearest hundred)

Change, Components of change population 1960 to 1966

State and county April 1, Net July 1, 1960 Number Percent Births Deaths migration 1966 (census)

GEOHGIA--Con-tinued 18,300 17,835 ,,00 2.5 2,600 1,100 -1,000 Elbert ...... •..•...... ··· . 2,700 1,100 800 Emanuel...... •..•...... 20,200 17,815 2,300 13.2 8,200 6)952 1,300 18.5 1,500 400 200 Evans ...... ••.. ·· . 1,300_ 700 -1,100 Fannin ...... 13,200 13,620 -500 -3.3 1,200 500 300 Fayette ...... •.•.. 9,100 8,199 900 11." 72,100 69,130 3,000 ".3 9,400 3,900 -2,600 Floyd ...... 700 2,000 Forsyth ...... • 15,200 12,170 3,100 25.2 1,700 13,200 13,274 -100 -0.4 1,600 900 -700 I;~rankl in ...... 36,000 8,900 Fu1ton* ...... 616,300 556,326 60,000 lO.8 87,000 1,000 500 300 Gilmer ...... ·· . 9,800 8,922 900 9.6 2,700 2,672 (z) 0.9 400 200 -200 Glascock ...... 2,200 3,000 Glynn .....•...... 50/,.00 41,954 8,500 20.2 7,700 2,-900 1,100 -500 Gordon ...... 21,500 19,228 2,300 11.8 2,600 1,100 -1,100 Grady •. ,. ;', ...... 18,500 18,015 500 2.7 900 -1,100 Greene ... '~: ...... 10,700 11,193 -500 -4.5 J.,500 56,300 43,5,U 12,800 29.3 7,200 2,300 7,800 Gwinnett* ...... 1,000 -200 Habersham...... •...... •... 19,400 18,116 1,200 6.8 2,500 55,200 49,739 5,500 11.0 7,800 2,500 100 Hall ...... ·· . 600 -1,400 Hancock ...... , ...... 9,600 9,979 -400 -3.7 1,'100 15,300 14,543 700 5.0 1,700 900 -100 Haralson." ...... 700 -400 Hardfl; .. /...... •... 11,800 11,167 600 5.2 1,700 17,800 15,229 2,500 16.7 2,100 900 1,400 Hart ..... -...... 700 400 -200 Heard ....' ...... •.. 5,500 5,333 200 3.2 23,500 17,619 5,900 33.3 3,500 1,100 3,400 Henry ... ~ •...... 1,600 8,900 Houston* ...... 55,200 39,154 16,J.00 41.1 8,700 9,100 9,211 -100 -1.4 1,400 600 -1,000 Irwin ...... ••.•...... 1,200 -100 Jackson ..••...•...... ••••• 19,800 18,499 1,300 7.1 2,500 900 500 -800 Jasper .....•...... •.. ( ...... 5,800 6,135 -400 -5.9 9,500 8,914 600 6.2 1,500 400 -500 ~I Jeff Davis ...... •...• : ...... 1,100 -700 Jefferson ...... 18,600 17,468 1,200 6.7 3.,000 1,700 600 -1,100 Jenkins ...... ••...... •...... 9,100 9,148 (z) 0.4 8,500 8,048 500 6.0 1,200 500 -200 Johnson ...... •....•. · •. 1,400 500 1,100 Jones .....••...•...... •...... •..•. 10,500 8,468 2,000 23.9 9,700 10,240 -500 -5.0 1,500 700 -1,300 Larr'dir .•...... •..•••..•...... •.. ·· . 900 300 -700 Lanier ...... •.....•...... •.... 4,900 5,097 -200 -3.4 5,200 2,100 -700 Laurens •...... •.•....•..••....•.. ·· . 34,700 32,313 2,400 7.3 6,204 300 5.6 1,100 400 -400 Lee ...... •.....•...•..... ·· . 6,600 -2,100 14,500 14,487 100 O.~ 2,900 700 -400 -7.4 700 400 -800 ti~~~i;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5,500 5,906 _400 : 3,874 300 7.8 900 200 Long ...... ••...... 4,200 -3,500 51,800 49,270 2,500 5.1 8,700 2,600 Lowndes ..•..•...... ••.••• 900 400 (z) Lumpkin .•.•.....•...... •....•. 7,700 7,241 500 7.0 10.2 2,300 800 -100 McDuffie .....•...... •....•.•.. ·· • 13,900 12,627 1,300 6,364 400 5.6 1,100 500 -300 McIntosh ... \ ...... •...... ••.•... ·· . 6,700 -1,200 13,500 13,170 300 2.3 2,400 900 Macon ...••..••...... · .•. ····• • 700 700 12,900 11,246 1,700 14.7 1,700 lfJ8.dison ...... •.••• , .. 900 400 -700 :M:a.rion ...... 5,400 5,477 -100 -2.1 19,500 19,756 -200 -1.1 2,800 1,300 -1,700 Meriwether ..•.•••...... •....••••.•.. 900 400 -500 Miller ...... •.•....•.....•••..... · . 6,900 6,908 (z) -0.2 19,652 500 2.6 3,700 1,200 -1,900 MitchelL ...... ··· .. 20,200 -800 10,400 10,495 -100 -0.9 1,400 700 Monroe ...... ·· . 400 200 7,200 6,28~. 900 1~.1 1,100 Montgomery ...... 1,800 700 100 Morgan •...... •.•.. 11,400 10,280 1,100 11.0 10,447 3,300 31. 9 2,000 600 1,900 13,800 11,500 208,400 171,634 36,700 21.4 32,800 7,500 ~~~~i~~ 4~ : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 3,500 1,400 800 Newton ...... ·· . 23,900 20,999 2,900 14.0 6,304 800 13.3 800 400 400 Oconee ...... •....•.• 7,100 -600 7,800 7,926 -100 -1.7 1,000 600 Oglethorpe ...... •...... •...•. 1,900 800 1,600 Paulding ...... , ...... ••... 15,800 13,101 2,600 20.2 14.1 3,000 900 -200 Peach •.....•.•...... •...•.••• · .. 15,800 13,846 2,000 9,700 8,903 800 9.1 1,600 500 -300 Pickens ...... •...... •••..•.. 1,400 600 -500 Pierce ...... 10,000 9,678 300 3.0 7,138 (z) 0.1 1,100 500 -600 Pike ...... •...... ·· . 7,100 -1,000 29,100 28,015 1,100 3.8 3,900 1,800 Polk ...... •.•••....•..... ·· . 1,300 600 -800 Pulaski. ...••.....•...... ••..• 8,100 8,204 -100 -1.2

See footnotes at end of table. 8 ESTIMATES OF THE POPULATION OF COUNTIES, JULY 1,1966, AND COMPONENTS OF POPULATION CHANGE SINCE APRIL 1, 1960--Continued (Asterisk (*) indicates metropolitan county. State estimates are shown to the nearest thousand, county estimates to the nearest hundred)

Change, Components of change Population 1960 to 1966

Sta·te and county April 1, , July 1, Net 1960 Nurr,ber Percent Births Deaths migration 1966 (census) ______~------._---.------~------4---.------+.------~.----~--.-.--_-.-4_---

GEORGIA--Continued 8,300 7,798 500 6.1 1,200 500 -300 Putnam. , . , .... , ...... 100 -100 Quitman ...... 2,500 2,432 100 3.7 400 7,700 7,456 200 3.1 1,000 400 -300 Rabun .. , , ...... , .. 800 -2,100 Randolph ...... 9,700 11,078 -1,400 -12.3 1,500 7,600 22,800 Richmond* ...... 172,700 135,601 37,100 27.3 21,800 14,800 10,572 4,200 40.2 1,900 700 3,000 Rockdale ...... · .. . 200 -300 Schley ...... •...... 3,300 3,256 (Z) 0.2 500 14,000 14,919 -900 -6.0 2,200 1,000 -2,100 Screven ...... 400 -300 Seminole ...... 7,200 6,802 400 5.8 1,100 4.0,100 35,404 4,700 13.1 5,300 2,300 1,600 Spalding ...... 1,000 -300 Stephens ...... 19,600 18,391 1,200 6.4 2,500 7,100 7,371 -300 -It.J. 1,300 500 -1,000 Stewart ...... 1,800 300 Sumter ...... 27,400 24,652 2,700 11.1 4,200 1,000 500 300 Talbot .. . ,!i ••••••••••••• • •••••• • •• ••• 7,900 7,127 800 lJ..3 500 200 -500 Taliafer;o ...... 3,100 3,370 -300 -8.0 2,000 900 200 Tattnall.· ...... 17,200 15,837 1,400 8.6 8,200 8,311 -100 -1.3 1,500 700 -900 Taylor ...... 2,000 800 -900 Telfair ...... •• 12,000 11,715 300 2A 2,400 1,000 -2,300 Terrell ....••...... •..•..... 11,900 12,742 -900 -6.8 37,400 34,319 3,100 9.0 5,700 2,300 -300 ~~~£~::;::::::::::::::::::::::: :::: 25,900 23,487 2,500 lOA 3,800 1,300 (Z) 19,200 16,837 2,400 14.0 3,000 1,100 400 Toombs .. '...... •... 200 5,000 4,538 400 9.6 500 200 TOW1lS •• i' • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 100 6,400 5,874 600 9.7 800 300 Treutlen ...... •...... 6,100 3,100 -4,400 Troup ...... •...... 45,900 47,189 -1,300 -2.7 8,900 8,439 400 5.0 1,400 600 -400 Turner ...... 1,300 400 -700 Twiggs ...... 8,200 7,935 200 3.0 700 300 -100 Union ...... '...... 6,800 6,510 300 4.0 3,100 1,400 -1,400 Upson., ...... 24,200 23,800 400 1.6 48,500 45,264 3,200 7.1 6,600 2,300 -1,100 Walker* ...... •...... 3,300 1,300 1,000 Walton ...... •...... 23,500 20,481 3,000 14.5 35,700 34,219 1,500 4.3 5,100 2,100 -1,500 Ware ...... 1,300 500 -1,200 Warren ...... 7,000 7,360 -400 -5.3 18,700 18,903 -200 -0.9 3,100 1,400 -1,800 Washington ...... 1,000 -1,900 Wayne ...... 18,000 17,921 100 0.3 2,900 400 200 -500 Webster ...... · . 2,900 3,247 -300 -9.5 700 300 -500 Wheeler ...... 5,300 5,342 -100 -1.7 7,300 6,935 400 6.0 1,000 400 -200 White ...... 7,100 2,100 5,100 vlhitfield ...... 52,200 42,109 10,100 23.9 6,900 7,905 -1,000 -13.0 1,000 500 -1,500 Wilcox ...... •. 1,500 900 -1,500 Wilkes ...... 10,100 10,961 j -900 -8.2 1,500 600 200 Wilkinson ...... ··· . 10,300 9,250 1,100 11.6 14,900 16,682 -1,800 -10.7 2,700 1,000 -3,500 Worth .... .r ••••••••••••••••••• ••••••• 107 000 22 000 +9000 HAWAII •...... 727 000 632 772 +94 000 +14.9 62,600 61,332 1,300 2.1 7,200 3,000 -2,900 Hawaii •...... •...•...... •.•.•..•.. 91,300 16,200 14,300 Honolulu* ...... · . 589,900 500,409 89,500 17.9 5 Kalawao. 3,600 1,300 -2,100 Kauai ....•...... •..••.... 28,600 28,455 200 0.6 7.2 5,200 2,000 -200 Maui5 •.••••.••••.•••.•..••••••.••••. 45,600 42,576 3,100 429,000 191,000 -95,000 KENTUCKy ...... ·· . 3,181,000 3,038,156 +143,000 +1..7 1,700 1,000 -1,600 Adair ...... •...... 13,900 14,699 -800 -5.6 5.4 1,400 1,000 300 Allen ...... ······ . 12,900 12,269 700 8,618 700 8.0 1,200 600 100 Anderson ...... •.... ··· . 9,300 (Z) 8,300 8,291 (Z) 0.5 800 700 Ballard ...... •...... 3,600 1,900 200 Barren ...... •.. 30,300 28,303 2,000 6.9 9,300 9,114 200 2.0 1,300 700 -500 Bath ...... ····· . 5,300 2,300 -4,200 Bell ...... ··· . 34,100 35,336 -1,200 -3.5 26,000 21,940 4,000 18.3 3,700 1,200 1,500 Boone* ...... 2,500 1,300 -300 Bourbon •••••...•.••.•..••.•.•••• · ••• 19,100 18,178 900 5.1 52,163 1,000 1.9 6,900 3,000 -2,900 Boyd* ...... 53,200 -1,100 "21,300 21,257 100 0.4 2,600 1,400 Boyle ...... 1,000 600 -800 Bracken ...... 7,000 7,422 -400 -5.5 15,200 15,490 -300 -1. 9 2,500 800 -2,000 Breathi tt ...... ·· 1,100 -800 Breckinridge ...... 14,800 14,734 100 0.4 2,000

See footnotes at end of table. 9

ESTIMATES OF THE POPULATION OF COUNTIES, JULY 1, 1966, AND COMPONENTS OF POPULATION CHANGE SINCE APRIL 1, 1960.. Continued (Asterisk (*) indicates metropolitan county. State estimates are shown to the nearest thousand, county estimates to the nearest hundred)

Change, Components of change Population 1960 to 1966

State and county April 1, Net July 1, 1960 Number Percent BirthS Deaths migration 1966 (census) ------_.------cC------~------._----- KENTUCKY--Continued 15,726 4,200 26.8 2,900 800 2,100 Bullitt ...... ••...... 19,900 -600 9,300 9,586 -300 -3.1 1,000 700 Butler ...... -100 _ 13,200 13,07'1 100 1.0 1,400 1,100 CaldwelL ...... ··.······ . 3,200 "25,200 20,972 4,200 20.1 2,400 1,300 Calloway ...... 12,400 5,900 -5,300 Campbell* ...... ·· . 87,900 86,803 1,lOO 1.3 -10.5 500 400 -700 Carlisle ...... ·· • 5,000 5,608 -600 -200 -2.6 1,000 700 -500 Carroll ...... ··.·.···· . 7,,800 7,978 -1,300 21,200 20,817 400 1.7 2,900 1,200 Carter ...... • 1,800 800 -2,300 Casey ...... 13,lOO ,14,327 -1,300 -8.8 56,904 -2,300 -4.1 6,700 3,200 -5,900 Christian ...... · ... ···· • 54,600 700 23,700 21,075 2,600 12.3 3,400 1,500 Clark ...... •...... · .. ····· • 4,000 1,000 -2,1,00 Clay ...... ··· . 21,300 20,748 600 2.7 -2.1 1,300 600 -900 Clinton ...... •...... ··· . 8,700 8,886 -200 8,648 -700 -8.4 800 700 -900 Crittenden...... ~ ...... 7,900 7,835 -400 -4.6 1,000 500 -800 Cuniberland .• , ... , ...... •...... •.... 7,500 -2,100 75,400 70,588 4,800 6.8 11,100 4,100 Daviess ...... ·· . 800 500 (z) Edmonson .... '...... 8,300 8,085 200 2.7 800 300 -400 E1li,ott ...... · ... 6,400 6,330 100 1.1 12,466 1,100 8.9 1,700 800 300 EstilL ...... ···.······ . 13,600 17,800 1162,900 131,906 31,000 23.5 21,200 7,900 500 ~~~:~:;: :: r :: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 11,800 10,890 900 8.3 1,300 900 6,100 1,900 -5,600 Floyd ...... 40,300 41,642 -1,300 -3.2 29,421 4,600 15.7 4,300 1,908 2,200 Franklin ..." ...... 34,000 -800 10,800 11,256 -400 -3.8 1,400 1,000 ~ulton ....' ...... 500 300 400 Gallatin...... 4,500 3,867 700 17.6 3.5 1,100 700 -100 Garrard .•...... ···· . 10,100 9,747 300 300 3.6 1,200 800 -100 Grant ...... •...... ·· .. ····· . 9,800 9,489 800 2.5 3,200 2,300 -100 Graves ...... ~ ...... 30,800 30,021 -200 -1.6 2,100 1,100 -1,200 ~Urayson ...... 15,600 15,834 11,249 -400 -3.4 1,200 600 -1,000 'Green .•...... •...... •...... • 10,900 -800 31,200 29,238 2,000 6.8 4,300 1,500 Greenup ...... 700 300 100 Hancock ...... •...... · .. 5,700 5,330 400 7.8 67,789 11,600 17.1 13,000 2,200 800 Hardin ...... · ....•• · • 79,400 -10,300 44,700 51,107 -6,400 -12.5 6,500 2,500 Harlan .•...... •.. ·· ... ···· . 1,800 1,200 600 Harrison ...... 14,900 13,704 1,200 8.4 -1,300 13,700 14,119 -400 -2.7 1,900 1,000 Hart .•...... 4,600 2,300 -2,200 Henderson* ...... •...... •.. 33,600 33,519 100 0.3 10,987 -600 -5.1 1,300 1,000 -1,000 Henry ...... •....•...... •.••• 10,400 -200 6,800 6,747 100 1.0 800 500 Hickman .....•...... •...•...... ·.·· . 5,000 2,700 -100 Hopkins ...... •...... •. 40,600 38,458 2,100 5.5 1,500 500 -1,100 Jackson .•..•.....•...•..•...... 10,500 10,677 -100 -1.3 90,100 38,200 -500 Jefferson* ..•.••....•..••..•..••...• 2662,400 610,947 51,500 8.4 1,900 900 200 Jessamine ...... , .... 14,800 13,625 1,200 8.8 -5.9 2,400 1,200 -2,400 Johnson ...... j.: ...... 18,600 19,748 -1,200 120,700 2,200 1.8 17,700 8,200 -7,300 Kenton* ...... ·· .... ··· . 122,900 -1,200 18,100 17,362 700 4.1 2,500 600 Knott ...... ··.····· .. 3,600 1,600 -1,500 Knox ...•.....•...... 25,800 25,258 600 2.3 -200 -1.9 1,300 600 -900 Larue ...... •...... • ··· • 10,200 10,346 1,200 4.6 3,800 1,500 -1,100 LaureL ...... •.. · •• ··········· . 26,100 2<\,,901 12,134 -200 -1.5 1,500 900 -800 Lawrence ...... · . 11,900 -400 7,700 7,420 200 3.1 1,100 500 Lee ...... · .. ··· .... 2,500 400 -2,100 Leslie .•...... •..•...... •...• · .. 10,900 10,941 (Z) -0.4 -6.1 4,200 1,500 -4,600 Letcher ....•...... •....•...... ···· • 28,300 30,102 -1,800 13,115 -800 -5.8 2,100 900 -2,100 Lewis ...... ···· . 12,300 -1,700 15,800 16,503 -700 -4.5 2,100 1,200 Lincoln ...••...•••..•...•.• · .. ····· . 800 500 200 Livingston...... 7,400 7,029 400 5.6 -500 21,500 20,896 600 3.0 2,800 1,600 Logan ...... : ...... 500 400 -600 :4Yon ...•..•....•...... •... · . 5,400 5,924 -500 -9.0 -900 -1.5 6,400 4,200 -3,100 McCracken ...... •...... •.. ··· • 56,400 57,306 12,463 1,000 8.0 2,100 800 -300 McCreary ...... • 13,500 -1,100 8,800 9,355 -600 -6.4 1,100 700 McLean ....•...... · ... ···· •• 20.3 4,600 1,900 4,100 Madison ...... ····· . 140,300 33,482 6,800 2,000 400 -1,200 Magoffin ..•...••.....•...... · • 11,600 11,156 400 3.7 16,887 100 0.7 2,900 1,100 -1,800 Marion ...... 17,000 300 18,000 16,736 1,300 7.7 2,000 1,000 MarshalL ...... ·· .. ··•·· . -3.0 1,600 500 -1,400 Martin ...... · ...• ··· . 9,900 10,201 -300

See footnotes at end of table. 10 ESTIMATES OF THE POPULATION OF COUNTIES, JULY 1, 1966, AND COMPONENTS OF POPULATION CHANGE SINCE APRIL 1, 1960-·Continued (Asterisk (*) indicates metropolitan county. State estimates are shown to the nearest thousand, county estimates to the nearest hundred)

Change, Components of change Population 1960 to 1966

State and county April 1, Net July J., 1960 Number Percent Births Deaths migration 1966 (census) ------'s·-----·------i------KENTUCKY--Continued -100 -0.3 2 500 1,300 -1,200 Mason ..•...... •...... ·•······· • 18,400 18,454 18,938 -5.1, 2;200 600 -2,600 Meade .•.•...... •.. ··· . 17,900 -500 4,276 -3.6 600 300 Menifee ..•...... •...... 4,100 l,100 400 15,800 14,596 1,200 8.4 1,900 Mercer ...•...... •...... •. 500 -100 8,800 8,367 500 5.7 1,100 Metcalfe •...... •...... 800 -900 11,600 H,799 -200 -1.5 1,500 Monroe ...... •.....•.. , 12.7 1,800 1,000 900 Montgomery .....•...... •....•.•.• 15,200 13,"'.61 1,700 2.6 1,600 700 -600 Morgan ...... 11,300 11,056 300 27,791 -100 -0.5 3,200 2,000 -1,300 Muhlenberg ...... •...... • 27,700 -900 23,800 22,168 1,600 7.3 3,800 1,300 Nelson ...... •...•..... ·.·.······· . 600 -200 6,700 6,677 (z) 0.1 800 Nicholas ...... •...... •..••..• ·• • 0.8 1;800 1,500 -200 Ohio ...... 17,900 17,725 100 9.9 1,500 700 500 ...... ·.··· • "H,700 13,388 1,300 8,237 -500 -5.8 1,000 600 -800 Owen .... of:! ••••••••••• •••••••••••••• .. 7,800 10.3 800 300 (z) Owsley ... ,•..•..••..•...... •...... 5,900 5,369 600 9,968 -300 -2.6 1 300 800 -800 Pendleton ...... •..•..•• 9,700 -6,300 32,500 3t\.,961 -2,400 -7.0 5;600 1,700 Perry ...... 3,100 -9,200 65,700 68,264 -2,600 -3.8 9,700 Pike ..•..•.....•.••..•...•••.• ···•· . 400 -200 7,100 6,674 500 6.8 1,100 Powell ...... •....•...... ····••·• . 2,300 -1,800 34,700 34,403 300 0.9 4,400 200 (z) ~~~:~~;~){ :: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 2,500 2,443 (z) 1.8 300 -1.3 1,700 700 -1,100 Rockcastie ....•...... •.•..•...• 12,200 12,334 -200 12,808 3,300 25.4 1,900 700 2,000 Row8Il .• 'f<' ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• "16,100 -400 -3.9 1,500 700 -1,200 RusselL ...... •········ . 10,600 1l,076 15,376 2,800 18.3 2,200 1,100 1,700 Scott ..•...•....•...... • 18,200 -700 18,900 18,493 400 2.2 2,400 1,300 Shelby .••..•...... •.•.....•..... ·· •• 11.7 1,500 900 700 Simpson ....••...•...... •.... · .•. 12,900 11,548 1,400 2.5 800 300 -300 Spencer ...... •.•.• " ...... 5,800 5,680 100 -1,700 15,900 16,285 -400 -2.3 2,300 1,000 Taylor ...... •...•...•...... •.•. 900 -1,100 10,900 11,364 -500 -4.4 1,500 Todd •••...••••.••..•••.•••••• ···•·• • -3.6 1,100 600 -800 Trigg ..•...•..•..•.....•....•.•..... 8,600 8,870 -300 4.1 700 300 -100 Trimble •.•....•...••..•..•...... • 5,300 5,102 200 -200 -1.5 1,800 1,100 -1,000 Union ...... ••...•••.•..•• ····•·· • 14,300 14,537 8,000 17.5 6,500 3,100 4,700 Warren ...... •...... •...... • ···•·· • "53,500 45,491 700 -200 1.l,900 11,168 700 6.6 1,600 Washington ..•...... •••..•.• 2,lOO 900 -700 Wayne ••...... •..•...... • J.5,100 H,700 400 3.0 -0.4 1,500 1,200 -400 Webster ...... ••...•..••..•.•.....••• 14,200 14,244 -100 -4.6 3,200 1,800 -2,600 Whitley ...... •...•...... • 24,600 25,815 -1,200 -5.0 1,000 400 -900 Wolfe ...... 6,200 6,534 -300 6.5 2,000 800 -400 Woodford ...... ·•·.· • 12,700 11,913 800 356,000 140,000 -58,000 MISSISSIPPI...... •....•...... • 2,337,000 2,178,141 +158,000 +7.3 6,600 2,400 -4,200 Adams ...... 37,800 37,730 (z) 0.1 25,282 2,600 10.4 3,300 1,700 1,100 Alcorn .... : ....•..••...... ••...• ·• • 27,900 -2,500 14,200 15,573 -1,300 -8.6 2,100 900 Amite •...•...•...•...... •• ·•· • 1,500 -600 22,300 21,335 1,000 4.5 3,100 Atta1a •....••..•.•...•.••..••...•... 1,200 500 -400 Benton ...... •.•..•....•... · .•...•• 8,lOO 7,723 400 4.7 6.3 11,300 3,800 -4,100 Bolivar ••.•..•.•••..•.•••••••.•••• • • 57,900 54,464 3,400 2.0 2,100 1,100 -800 CaL1:loun ...... •...•...... ·•·• • 16,300 15,941 300 -800 n,177 -100 -0.9 1,400 700 CarrolL .....•...... 11,100 -700 17,600 16,891 700 4.2 2,700 1,200 Chickasaw ....•...... •...... •.•.•• 1,100 600 -800 Choctaw .•..••...••..•..•.••.....•••• 8,200 8,423 -200 -2.8 10,845 -700 -6.0 1,500 800 -1,400 Claiborne •..•...... •.....•...... • 10,200 -1,900 15,400 16,493 -1,100 -6.5 2,100 1,200 Clarke ...... •....•..•.•...•...••• 2,900 1,200 -1,800 Clay •..••..•....•..•.••....•...•..•• 18,900 18,933 (Z) -0.1 1.2 9,300 3,500 -5,200 Coahoma .•...•...... •...... •...... ·· • 46,700 46,212 500 27,051 100 0.3 4,000 2,000 -1,900 Copiah ...... ••...•...... •...... · • 27,100 (z) 13,637 1,100 8.2 2,000 900 Covington ••.•..••...... ••...... • 14,800 3,800 31,300 23,891 7,400 30.9 5,000 1,400 De Soto .....•...•...•...•..••.••...• 3,400 1,700 " 59 ,200 52,722 6,400 12.2 8,100 Forrest ...... ••...... •..•....•• 1,200 700 -900 Franklin ...... •.•••...... •••...•.• 8,900 9,286 -400 -4.4 11,098 1,700 15.4 1,900 600 400 George .....•••.•...•.....•..•...... • 12,800 -200 8,800 8,366 500 5.5 1,200 500 Greene. # •••• ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• 200 20,400 18,409 2,000 11.0 3,100 1,300 Grenada ...... •••.... ·· • 38.1 2,100 1,000 4,300 Hancock ...... •...... •...... • 19,400 14,039 5,300 19.0 23,200 5,800 5,300 Harrison* ...... , ...... 142,100 119,489 22,700

See footnotes at. end of table. 11

ESTIMA TES OF THE POPULATION OF COUNTIES, JULY 1, 1966, AND COMPONENTS OF POPULATION CHANGE SINCE APRIL 1, 1960·-Continued (Asterisk (*) indicates metropolitan oounty. State estimates are shown to the nearest thousand, oounty estimates to the near'est hundred)

Change, Component s of change Population 1960 to 1966

state and county April 1, Net 1960 Numbor Peroent Births Deaths migration (census)

MISSISSIPPI--Continued 10,000 2,700 Hinds* ...... •• 212,000 187,045 25,000 13.4 32,300 27,300 27,096 200 0.7 4,400 2,200 -2,100 Holmes ...... ••..... 1,300 -1,800 H\lll!Phreys .•...... ••....•..• 19,700 19,093 600 3.2 3,700 600 200 -1,000 Issaquena ...... 3,000 3,576 -600 -16.8 1,'600 900 1,300 ltawamba ...... •...... •....• 17,100 15,080 2,000 13.4 73,800 55,522 18,300 32.9 10,800 2,600 10,000 Jackson ...... · •• ·· .• 1,100 -2,100 Jasper ...... •... 16,200 16,909 -800 -4.5 2,400 800 1,400 Jefferson ...... 112 200 10,142 2,100 20.8 1 500 900 -700 Jefferson Davis ...... 13; 700 13,540 100 1.0 1>00 7,900 3,600 -4,600 Jones ...... •...... •.....•... 59,300 59,542 -300 -0.5 11,900 12,277 ...ti,00 -3.4· 1,500 800 -1,200 Kemper ...... •...... •.. 1,200 600 Lafayette ...... •...•..•...... •.• 124,100 21,355 2,700 12.7 3,300 15,600 13,675 2,000 14,.3 2,000 800 800 Lamar ...•...... •.. ···•··· • 4,800 3,400 lauderdale .•...... • 76,200 67,119 9,000 13.5 10,500 1,0400 800 -900 La'Wl'enC0; .••.••.....••.•••.••••••.••• 9,900 10,215 -300 -2.8 18,600 18,660 -100 -0.4 2,300 1,200 -1,200 Leake .... ; ....••....•.•••...••.•.... 400 45,100 40,589 4,500 n.l 6,600 2,600 Lee ...... , •...... •...... • 3,400 -2,800 Leflore •...... •••..•....•...•..•... 50,100 4,7,142 2,900 6.2 9,200 (z) (Z), 3,700 1,800 -1,900 Lincoln ...... ••.•...•.....• ·· • 26,800 26,759 6,500 13.9 8,900 2,800 300 Lowndes •. ~ ...... •.•.•••.••••.••.•••. 53,100 46,639 5,800 2,200 -3,000 MadiE>?n .. i ..•...... •. · . .•....• 33,500 32,904 600 1.8 -1,900 23,200 23,293 -100 -0.3 3,300 1,500 Marion ... ~ ...... •...... •..•... -2,900 24,700 24,503 200 0.8 4,700 1,500 MarshalL ...••...... •••... · ..• ····• . 4,800 2,200 -1,100 Monroe •. ;' •.•.•.•..•.•••••.•.••....•• 35,500 33,953 1,500 4.5 14,900 13,320 1,600 n.8 2,000 1,000 600 t1ontgomery ....••..•.....•...... •...• 1,300 -200 Neshoba ...•...... •..... 22,000 20,927 1,100 5.3 2,600 20,200 19,517 700 3.5 2,500 1,400 -400 Newton ....•...... •...... ••...• 1,200 -1,000 Noxubee ..••..•...... •...... 17,500 16,826 700 4.1 2,900 129,000 26,175 2,800 10.6 4,400 1,400 -200 Oktibbeha ..••...... •...... •.....••. 2,000 -3,000 Panola ..••...•••...••...... •...••... 29,000 28,791 200 0.8 5,300 28,600 22,411 6,200 27.5 3300 1,500 4,400 Pearl River •.••...•.....•...••.....• 500 -300 Perry ...•...... 9,200 8,745 400 4.9 1;300 33,600 35,063 -1,400 -4.1 4,900 2,600 -3,700 Pike ...... •...... •.•....•.....• -300 17,700 17,232 500 2.7 2,000 1,200 Pontotoc •...... •...... · . 1,200 1,100 Prentiss .....•....•....•.•...•..•.•. 20,400 17,949 2,400 13.4 2,500 -2,900 21,000 21,019 -100 -0.3 4,200 1,400 Quitman ...... •.....•...... •...... 1,600 1,000 Rankin* ...... 38,600 34,322 4,300 12.6 5,000 22,500 21,187 1,300 6.3 3,200 1,400 -400 Scott .•.•...... •....•.••.••...... • -1,700 10,300 10,738 -400 -4.1 2,000 800 Sharkey ...... -1,800 20,200 20,454 -300 -1.5 2,800 1,400 Simpson .•.....••....•..•.....•••.... -200 15,100 14,303 800 5.7 1,900 900 Smith ....•..•..•.•.•••...... •...... • 400 200 Stone ...... •.. · .• 7,800 7,013 800 n.8 1,000 -6,500 45,000 45,750 -800 -1.7 8,600 2,900 Sunflower .••••.•.••••..•.••••..••• · • 1,700 -3,800 Tallahatchie ...... 23,400 24,081 -700 -2.7 4,800 19,800 18,138 1,700 9.4 3,300 1,100 -500 Tate .....•...... •...... ••.•.•.•...• 1,000 700 Tippah ...... •...... ••...... •••....• 16,800 15,093 1,700 11.3 2,000 15,100 13,889 1 300 9.0 1,600 900 600 Tishomingo ...•••••....••....•..•••.• -1,000 18,200 16,826 1;300 7.9 3,700 1,300 Tunioa ...... •...•..•••••...•••.•• -800 19,200 18,904 300 1.4 2,.3ClO 1,200 Union .....•••...•.•.•.•....•.... · •.• 800 500 Walthall. ..•.•••••••...•.•.•.••....• 15,000 13,512 1,500 ll.4 1,800 6,800 3,400 500 Warren ••..•...... •.. ··· . 46,200 42,206 4,000 9.6 77,900 78,638 -700 -0.9 14,700 5,400 -10,000 Washington ...... •...... •.•...... -1,400 16,300 16,258 (Z) 0.1 2,400 1,000 Wayne ..•..•....•.•...... •.•.....•• 700 -100 Webster •..•...... •..•.•. 11,000 10,580 400 3.5 1,200 2,100 900 -2,600 Wilkinson .•..•.•...... •...... •.••• n,800 13,235 -1,1,00 -10.5 18,000 19,246 -1,200 -6.4 2,500 1,200 -2,500 Winston .•.....•..•...... •..•...... • -800 12,400 12,502 -100 -0.9 1,700 1,000 Yalobusha ....•.....••.•...•...•..••• 2,300 -1,600 yazoo ...... •••... · .. 33,100 31,653 1,400 4.6 5,300 57,000 18,000 +107,000 NEVADA ...... •...... ••...... • 431 000 285,278 +145 000 +51.0 500 9,800 8,452 1,300 15.9 1,400 600 Churohill •.•.•...... ••...•.••... 82,900 233,700 127,016 106,700 84.0 31,400 7,600 Clark* ...... •.••••••••..••.•.•.• ·· • 200 1,400 Douglas ...... 5,200 3,481 1,700 49.6 600 12,Oll 2,100 17.1 2000 800 900 Elko .....•...... •...... ·.······· . 14,100 -200 500 619 -100 -23.0 '100 100 Esmeralda ...... •...... 100 900 767 100 16.5 100 100 Eureka ...... 900 500 700 Humboldt ...... •...... 6,900 5,708 1,200 20.8

See footnotes at end of table. 12 ESTIMATES OF THE POPULATION OF COUNTIES, JULY 1, 1966, AND COMPONENTS OF POPULATION CHANGE SINCE APRIL 1, 1960--Continued (Asterisk (*) indicates metropolitan county. State estimates are shown to the nearest thousand, county estimates to the nearest hundred)

Ohange, Components of change population 1960 to 1966

Stat\, and county April 1, July 1, Net 1960 Nmr.ber Percent Births Deaths migration 1966 (census)

NEVADA--Continued 600 2,300 1,566 700 4·6.4 300 100 Lander •...... · .. ····· . 2.1 300 200 (z) Lincoln ...... •...... 2,500 2,431 100 6,143 1,500 24.5 1,000 400 900 Lyon ...... 7,700 -100 6,700 6,329 400 6.0 800 400 MineraL ...... ··.······ . / 3.7 600 300 -100 Nye ...... · ... ···· . 4,500 1.,37 • 200 98.7 1,300 500 7,200 Ormsby ...... ·.· .• 16,000 8,063 8,000 3,199 -500 -lit. 2 500 300 -600 Pershing ..•...... ··· .• 2,700 200 700 568 200 26.9 (z) 100 Storey ...... · .. 5,500 13,300 107,100 84,743 22,4.00 26.4 11.,600 Washoe''' ...... _4.4 1,300 500 -1,200 White Pine ...... ·· .• 9,400 9,808 ·AOO NEW MEXI CO...... f-.-=1x:.00~2=00~0:::..-+___~9~51~0:!::2~3+_-,-+~51~00c::0:::"-+--",,,,:'..::.·5.:.:. 4::.-+__.-..::1:.'.7.::..9L:0:.:o:::::0-l----=4~1:L0:::0::::0'-+---:::8:.'.7.1..0:::0::::::0 Bernalil1o"¥';...... 286,800 262,199 24,600 9.4 48,200 10,700 -12,900 Catron •... ; ...... 2,600 2,773 -200 -6.6 1,00 100 -400 52,700 57,649 ..,1.,900 -8.6 ll,900 2,200 -14,600 Chaves .... : ...... ·· .• Colfax .... , ...... 12,100 13,806 -·1,700 -12.2 2,000 800 -2,900 35,500 32,691 2,800 8.7 6,700 1,500 -2,400 Curry ...... · ..• ···· • 2,600 2,991 -400 -13.7 400 200 -600 De Baca ...... ·····• 1 ,400 59,948 10,400 17.4 12,200 2,100 400 Dona Ana ...... ; ...... 70 49,700 50,783 -1,000 -2.1 8,300 2,000 -7,400 Eddy.;\, .. ) ...... •...... •...... Grant .....' ...... •...... •.•.•.. 20,000 18,700 1,300 6.7 3,000 1,000 -800 Guadalupe; ...... 5,800 5,610 200 3.8 1,100 300 -600 1,600 1,874 -300 -16.6 300 100 -400 Harding .. ' ...... •...... •..... 5 300 4,961 300 6.6 900 300 -300 Hidalgo ...... 50;000 53,429 -3,400 -6.4 7,700 1,800 -9,300 Lea ...... ·.·········· • 8,000 7,744 200 2.8 1,200 500 -500 Lincoln ...... ····· . 13,600 13,037 600 4.7 1,900 200 -1,100 Los Alamos ...... · .. 12,000 9,839 2,200 22.0 2,200 700 700 Lwa ..•...... •. .•..•.... ; .•••.•... '" McKinley ...... 47,800 37,209 10,600 28.4 10,600 1,800 1,800 5,700 6,028 -300 -5.6 1,100 300 -1,100 Mora ...... •...... ·.· . 36,500 36,976 _400 -1.2 6,700 1,200 -6,000 Otero ..•...... ·· .. ····· . 12,600 12,279 300 2.7 1,900 800 -800 Quay .•...... •...... ···· • 27,000 24,193 2,800 11.6 5,800 1,300 -1,600 Rio Arriba ...... 1 ,300 16,198 3,100 18.9 2,200 800 1,600 Roosevelt ...... · .• ····• • 19 Sandoval ...... •...... · .. 16,700 14,201 2,500 17.7 3,000 700 200 48,500 53,306 _4,800 -8.9 10,900 1,700 -13,900 San Juan ...... ·.·····•• San Miguel ...... •...... · .. 23,100 23,468 -400 -1.7 4,300 1,400 -3,300 50,400 44,970 5,400 12.1 9,100 2,200 -1,500 Santa Fe ...... •...... •• 7,500 6,409 1,100 16.9 700 800 1,100 Sierra ...... · •.• ···· •. 11,100 10,168 1,000 9.6 2,100 600 -600 Socorro ...... ····· • 18,900 15,934 3,000 18.8 3,200 900 700 Taos ...... ···· . Torrance ...... · ... ··· .• 6,700 6,497 200 2.9 1,000 300 -400 Union ...... " ...... •. 5,400 6,068 -600 -10.5 900 400 -1,100 36,300 39,085 -2,800 -7.1 7,400 1,700 -8,500 Valencia ...... •...... ·.· .• NORTH DAKOTA ...... •...... , f-._.-:::64:;::3~O:;oO~0-+--.:::6"'32~44~6+-~+:::;1l~O:;oOO~+----'+..::1"-.7.!..-l-_..::.9:!4L:00;:;;:::.0-l-_--'34:::!l.00~0'_+---4=9-'-0:::0::::::0 Adams...... 3,900 4,449 -600 -13.0 600 200 -900 Barnes...... 16,500 16,719 -300 -1.5 2,100 1,000 -1,300 Benson...... 8,500 9,435 -900 -9.4 1,300 600 -1,600 Billings...... 1,500 1,513 -100 -3.7 200 100 -200 Bottineau...... 9,700 11,315 -1,700 -14.7 1,300 700 -2,300 Bowman...... 4,100 4,154 -100 -1. 7 600 200 -400 Burke...... 5,300 5,886 -600 -10.7 700 400 -900 Burleigh...... 36,900 34,016 2,900 8.6 5,900 1,500 -1,400 Cass* .... ,...... 168,200 66,947 1,300 1.9 9,700 3,300 -5,100 Cavalier...... 8,600 10,064 -1,500 -14.6 1,300 500 -2,300 Dickey...... • ...... 7,200 8,147 -900 -ll.4 1,000 500 -1,400 Divide...... 4,900 5,566 -700 -11.9 600 400 -900 Dunn ...... :...... 5,400 6,350 -900 -14.5 900 300 -1,500 Eddy...... 4,600 4,936 -300 -6.6 600 300 -600 7,300 8,462 -1,200 -14.1 1,300 400 -2,100 Errrrnons ••••••••.•••••••••.•••••••• •• •• 5,700 5,361 300 6.2 800 300 -100 Foster ...... ····· . GDlden Valley ...... ••...... 2, 500 :3 , 100 -600 -20 . 9 300 200 -800 Grand Forks ...... 167,100 48,677 18,400 37.8 9,900 2,500 10,900 5,100 6,248 -1,200 -19.1 800 300 -1,700 Grant ...... ········· . Griggs ...... 4,300 5,023 -700 -13.6 500 300 -900 5,500 6,317 -800 -12.7 900 300 -1,400 Hettinger ...... ·.· ..

See footnotes at end of table. 13

ESTIMATES OF THE POPULA TlON OF COUNTIES, JULY 1, 1966, AND COMPONENTS OF POPULATION CHANGE SINCE APRIL 1, 1960-·Continued (Asterisk (*) indicates metropolitan county. State estimates are shown to the nearest thousand, county estimates to the nearest hundred)

Change, Components of change Population 1960 to 1966

State and county April 1, Net July 1, 1960 Number Percent Bi.rths Deaths migration 1966 (census)

NORTIi DAKOTA--Continued -300 -5.2 600 300 -600 Kidder ••••.•••••••••.. · •• ·•••··••••• • 5,100 5,386 7,500 8,705 -13.5 1,000 500 -1,700 La Moure ...... ••••• .. • -16.9 700 300 -1,300 Logan ••••••••••••••••....•• ··••••·•• • 4,500 5,369 10,100 11,099 -1,000 -S·.2 1,400 700 -1,800 McHenry ••.••••.••••••••••.• •••·••••• • 800 400 -1,000 McIntosh ...... 6,200 6,702 -500 -7.3 -1,500 -21.1 900 400 -2,000 McKenzie •••..•••••••.•• ··· •••• ···••• • 5,800 7,296 -1,200 -8.3 1,700 800 -2,000 McLean; •••••••••••••••• ·•••••••••••· • 12,900 M,030 6,805 -300 -3.7 800 300 -700 Mercer~. _ ••... ~" ...... e" •••• " ••• 6,600 20,400 20,992 -600 -2.9 3,300 1,100 -2,800 Morton ••.•.••••••.•••• ···•••·••••••• • -1,100 -11.3 1,300 600 -1,800 Mountrail. •••..•••...•• ·•··•·•·····• . 8,900 10,077 7,034. 800 10.8 800 500 400 Nelson •••••••••.••..•••••• ·•••••·••• • 7,800 2,000 2,610 -600 -21.5 300 100 -800 Oliver •••••.•.••.••••••••• ··•·•••••• • -1,600 12,100 12,

Change, Components of change Population 1960 to 1966

Sta·iJ,(; and county April 1, Ne·t July 1, 1960 Number Percent BirthH Deaths rrigration 1966 (census) ____. ____ "'-- ______t-- _____+ ______,--___.. __ f-. .. ____+ ____ .·--·----i-----·_------

OREGON--Gontinued 400 -700 6,700 7,102 -400 _5.4 800 Wallowa •••••••••..••.•••••.• ••·•••• • 1,200 500 22,000 20,205 1,800 8.9 2/,·00 Wasco ••• ~ ...... ~ ..... 0 " .... " " •• " , 4,800 25,700 126,lOO 92,237 33,900 36.7 13,COO Washington·' ••••.••••..••.•.••••••• " 200 100 -1,100 Wheeler ...... 1,800 2,722 -1,000 -35.1 6,300 19.5 3,800 2,300 ".,900 Yarrhill. ••••••••••••.•..•••• • •• •••• • 38,800 32,478 377 000 ~::;:0.:;c0+ __-..:;3:..:9J.:::.OO=0 SOUTH CAROLINA •••.•••••••••••••• l-_:::2L:5:.::8:.::.9LO:::0:::0,-+_--=2L,3:::8::::2'.l,.::.5.::.94~f--_-t:.:· 2:::0:.::7=00:::0~ ___ ~+8.7 22,300 21,41'1 900 4.2 3,100 1,400 -900 Abbeville ••••• ·••••••.•..••••..•.•••• ll,700 4,100 -3,700 Aiken' ...... 85,000 81,038 4,000 4.9 11,100 11,362 -200 -2.1 1,800 800 -1,200 Allendale ...... •• • 13,100 5,500 -1,600 Anderson ••••.••••••••.••.•• ••·•·••• • 104,500 98,4'18 6,000 6.1 16,600 16,274 300 2. ° 2,600 1,000 -1,200 Bamberg ••••••••..••••••••••••••••• • • 1 2,900 900 -1,700 Barnwell ...... 17,900 17,659 200 1. , 4,900 1,900 1,200 Beaufort •. ;, ••••••..••••.••.•.•••...•• 48,400 44,187 4,200 9.6 6,900 1,800 6,700 Berkeley*~· •••.••...•.•..••.••...•••• 50,000 3il,196 11,800 30.9 11,200 12,256 -l,lOO -8.8 1,900 800 -2,200 Calh01111 .. ·...... 42,100 11,500 14,000 Char1eston* ...... 261,100 216,382 44,700 20.7 38,500 35,205 :3 ,300 9.3 5,100 2,000 200 Cherokee ...... •• • 4,800 2,000 -2,300 . " ••••••.•••.•.•.••.••••••••. 31,400 30,888 500 1. 7 233,100 33,717 -600 -1.8 5,400 2,100 -3,900 Chesterfiield •••••••.•..•.••••••••••• 5,200 1,700 -2,300 C1arendol) ••••.••.•••.••.•.••••.••••• 30,800 29,490 1,300 4.3 4,800 1,900 -2,500 Colleton: ••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • 28,300 27,816 500 1. 8 56,400 52,928 3,500 6.6 8,400 3,100 -1,700 Darlington •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 6,000 1,900 .900 Dillon...... 33,900 30,584 3,300 10.7 30,100 24,383 5,700 23.3 4,400 1,400 2,700 Dorchester. , . " ...... 2,400 1,000 -1,600 Edgefield ••••••••.••••. '" .••••••••• 15,500 15,735 -200 _1.4 21,000 20,713 300 1.3 3,600 1,200 -2,100 Fairfield ...... •• • 13,600 5,100 300 Florence ••• ',' ••••••.•••.; •••••••••••• 93,200 84,438 8,800 10.4 5,800 1,900 -3,000 Georgetown ••••••••.••....••..••.•••• 35,600 34,798 800 2.4 219,400 209,776 9,700 4.6 31,400 11,200 -10,600 V Greenville* ...... 6,500 2,800 2,900 Greenwood ••.••.•••••••.••.•..••••• • • 51,000 44,346 6,600 14.9 17,100 17,425 -300 -1.8 2,700 1,100 -1,900 Hampton •••••••••••••••.•••.•.•••••.• 11,900 3,500 -3,000 Horry ...... ·• ... 73,700 68,247 5,500 8.0 11,700 12,237 -500 -4.1 1,700 800 -1,400 Jasper ...... 4,900 2,000 -1,900 Kershaw .•...... ·· .. · . 34,600 33,585 1,000 3.1 5,700 1,900 100 Lancaster •••.••••••••••••••••.•••••• 43,300 39,352 3,900 10.0 52,300 47,609 4,700 9.9 7,200 2,500 (z) Laurens •.••••••••••••••••••.••.•• •• • 3,800 1,200 .3,700 Lee ...... 20,600 21,832 -1,200 -5.4 72,000 60,726 11,300 18.6 10,000 3,200 4,500 Lexington* •••••••••.•••.••••.••••••• 1,300 600 -600 McCormick ••••••••••••••.••.••••• ••• • 8,700 8,629 100 1.1 31,200 32,014 -800 -2.6 4,900 2,000 -3,700 Marion ...... " ...... " ... •· . 5,500 2,000 -2,000 ·Mar1boro •••••.•••••••.•••••••••• ••• . 29,900 28,529 1,400 4.8 30,000 29,416 500 1.8 3,900 1,900 -1,400 Newberry.• .,., ••••••••.••••••••••.•• ·• • 5,700 2,100 -1,100 ,bconee6 ••.•••••••••••••••.•••••••••• 41,100 38,604 2,500 6.4 71,900 68,559 3,300 4.8 11,600 4,300 -3,900 Orangeburg ...... 6,600 2,200 -700 Pickens6* ...... 51,400 47,630 3,700 7.9 234,400 200,102 34,300 17.1 29,300 9,400 14,400 Rich1and* ...... 2,000 900 300 Saluda •••.•••••.••.••••••••. · •••• •• . 15,900- 14,554 1,400 9.3 21,900 8,800 2,000 Spartanburg ••••••••••.•••••••••••••• 172,000 156,830 15,200 9.7 276,800 74,941 1,800 2.4 14,600 3,600 -9,100 Sumter ...... 4,900 1,900 -2,200 Union ••••••••••••••.•••••• ·•·•••••• • 30,800 30,015 800 2.6 38,500 40,932 -2,500 -6.0 6,700 2,200 -7,000 Williamsburg ...... 12,400 4,100 -1,800 Yorl< ...... 85,200 78,760 6,400 8.2 102,000 41 000 -62,000 SOUTH DAKOTA •••••••••••••••••••• 679;000 680,514 -1,000 -0.2 300 -200 4,800 4,749 100 1.2 600 Aurora ...... 1,300 -2,000 21,300 21,682 -400 -1. 9 2,900 Beadle •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• · • 200 -200 3,200 3,053 200 6.3 600 Bennett ••••.•••••.••.•••••.•••••• •· • 700 .600 9,000 9,229 -200 -2.1 1,100 Bon Honnne ••••••••••••.•••••••..•• ••• 1,000 .2,000 '19,600 20,046 -400 -2.0 2,700 Brookings ...... 2,000 -3,200 33,900 34,106 -200 -0.6 5,000 Brown ••••••.••.••.••.•• · .• ••••···•• . 4.1 1,100 400 -500 Brule •••.•••••••••••.•.••••.•••• •·• • 6,600 6,319 300 100 100 2,100 1,547 500 33.0 500 Buffalo ••••••••••.••.•••.••.•••• • ••• 600 -1,100 8,100 8,592 -400 -5.2 1,200 Butte ••••••••••••••••••••••.••••• ·• • 200 -500 3,300 3,531 -300 -7.9 500 Campbell ••••.••..•.•..•••••.••.••.•• 800 ~800 12,000 11,785 300 2.2 1,900 Charles Mix ...... 500 -900 6,400 7,134 -700 -9.9 700 Clark •••.••••••••.••..•••••••••• ••· • 1,500 600 500 Clay ...... 112,100 10,810 1,300 12.4

See footnotes at end of table. 15

ESTIMATES OF THE POPULATION OF COUNTIES, JULY 1,1966, AND COMPONENTS OF POPULATION CHANGE SINCE APRIL 1, 1960--Continued (Asterisk (*) indicates metropolitan county. State estimates .are shown to the nearest thousand, county estimates to the nearest hundred)

Change, Components of change Population 1960 to 1966

State and county Net July 1, Number Percent Births Deaths 1966 migration

SOUTH DAKOTA--Oontinued 1,200 -2,500 Oodington ••••••...... ••...... ··•· . 19,200 20,220 .·1,100 -5.2 2,700 Corson ...... 6,000 5,798 200 3.4 1,200 400 -700 400 -800 Custer ...... 4,300 4,906 -600 -U.8 600 1,200 -500 Davison ...... •··· . 17,400 16,681 700 4.2 2,400 -1,000 Day ••••••••.•••.•••••••••••••••. •• ••• 9,900 10,516 -700 -6.2 1,100 BOO 6,400 6,782 -400 -6.2 800 400 -BOO DeueL ••.••.••••••..• •··••·••••····• • 300 -BOO Dewey ...... 5,200 5,257 (z) -0.2 1,100 -300 Douglas •....•••••..•••.•.••...•..•.•• 5,100 5,113 (z) 0.3 600 300 BOO 400 -400 Edrmmds ••..••••••..•..•.•..•.••• ·••· • 6,200 6,079 100 1.5 F'all River ...... B,600 10,688 -2,100 -19.9 1,200 8GO -2,500 600 300 -600 Faulk •••••...•••...•.••...••• · •• •·•• • 4,100 4,397 -300 -6.8 600 -2,100 Grant ••••••..•••••...... •.• · .• •·•• • 8,500 9,913 -1/,00 -14.2 1,300 -600 Gregory ...... 7,300 7,399 -100 -1. 5 1,000 500 -500 Haakon •••••...••••••.••...... •••• 3,100 3,303 -200 -7.0 500 200 400 -700 Hamlin •••. '~J ...... 5,800 6,303 -500 _8.4 700 Hand •••••• ; ••••••.•••••.•.••••.•••••. 6,100 6,712 -600 900 400 -1,200 -9.'" -300 Hanson ...... 4,600 4,584 (z) -0.6 500 200 -600 Harding ...... 2,000 2,371 -,,00 -16.6 300 100 -2,300 Hughes ••...•••••.•••••••••••••••.••.• 11,900 12,725 -BOO -6.1 2,100 600 11,000 11,085 -100 -0.6 1,400 700 -700 Hutchinson ••••.••..•..••....••••••••• (z) Hyde ••.• , ',' ..•••••••.••••••••.•..•••. 2, BOO 2,602 200 6.8 400 200 ", ~ -100 Jackson •••..••.•••••••.••.•.•..•.••..• 2,100 1,985 100 5.8 300 100 3,700 4,048 -400 -9.3 500 300 -500 Jerauld ...... (z) Jones .... ,,., ...... 2,300 2,066 200 10.7 300 100 -1,700 Kingsbury ...... 7,800 9,227 -1,400 -15.2 900 600 -1,200 Lake ...... ·• IlJ300 11,764 -400 -3.7 1,500 700 -1,100 Lawrence ...... 1 17,600 17,075 500 3.0 2,600 1,000 900 -500 Lincoln •••..••.••••••••.•.•.••••• ··• • 12,400 12,371 (Z) -0.1 1,300 700 300 -700 C1 Lyntan ...... ,/ ...... 4,100 4,428 -300 -6.6 ,00 -900 McCook ••••••••••.••••.••..•••.••••••• 7,900 8,268 -300 -4.1 1,000 -100 McPherson ••••••.•••••••••••••••.•• · •• 6,100 5,821 200 4.0 600 300 400 -600 Marshall ...... ·• • 6,500 6,663 -200 -2.6 900 7,600 Meade ••••...•••••••••.•.•••..•.. ··• •. 20,800 12,044 8,800 72.7 2,000 800 -300 Mellette ...... · •••. 2,700 2,664 (z) 0.1 500 200 5,398 -200 -3.4 500 400 -400 Miner. 0 ...... •• .. • ...... • ... •••• 5,200 -3,800 Minnehaha 92,500 86,575 5,900 6.9 14,300 4,600 *...... -600 Moody ...... 8,600 8,810 -200 -2.1 1,000 600 -13,800 Pennington .•••••••.••.••.••...••••••• 54,600 58,195 -.3)500 -6.1 12,BOO 2,500 Perkins ...... · .. .. 4,800 5,977 -1,200 -20.0 700 400 -1,500 -500 Potter ••••••••••••••••••..•••••..•... 5,000 4,926 100 1.6 800 300 -900 Roberts ...... 13 ,300 13,190 100 0.8 1,900 900 Sanborn...... 4,200 4,641 -500 -9.9 500 300 -700 300 Shannon •••..••....•••••.•••.••.• · •••• 8,000 6,000 2,000 33.7 2,300 500 -1,900 Spink •••••••••.•••.•••••••••••••••••• 110,300 11,706 _1,400 -11.6 1,300 700 Stanley ••• ; •..•.•.•••.•••••...••.••.••• 2,900 4,085 -1,200 -29.7 600 200 -1,700 -400 Sully ••••••.••.••••..•..•.•.••.•.•••• 2,500 2,607 -100 -2.7 400 100 Todd •••••.•••••••••••••••••••••.••.•• 5,200 4,661 600 12.6 1,200 300 -200 Tripp ...... B,700 8,761 -100 -0.9 1,300 500 -BOO -1,100 Turner ...... 10,400 11,159 -700 -6.4 1,100 800 Union •••••••.•.•.....•.•.••••••.••• • . 10,000 10,197 -200 -1.8 1,200 700 -700 Walworth ••.•.••••••••••.•.••••••••••• B,200 8,097 100 1.3 1,200 500 -700 Washabaugh •••••••••••••••.••••..••.•• 1,000 1,042 (z) -4.1 200 100 -200 yankton ••••••••••.•••••..••..•••••••• 18,300 17,551 700 4.0 2,400 1,000 -600 Ziebach •••.••••••••••••••.•••••• , ..•• 2,200 2,495 -300 -11.8 500 100 -700 +18,000 TENNESSEE •••••.••.•••..•.....•..• 3,866,000 3,567,089 +299,000 +8.4 495,000 214,000 1,700 2.8 7,900 2,400 -3,800 Anderson* ...... ,o ...... 0 ••• 61,700 60,032 Bedford •.•••••..•.•••.•.•••••.••..... 25,000 23,150 1,900 8.2 2,900 1,700 700 Benton •••••••••••••••••••.••••.••••.• 11,900 10,662 1,300 11.B 1,200 800 800 Bledsoe •.••••••••••.•••..•....•.••••. 7,800 7,811 (z) -0.6 1,000 400 -600 -1,400 Elount* ...... ·· .. 60,300 57,525 2,700 4.7 7,100 3,000 Bradley ...... 45,200 38,324 6,900 IB.O 6,100 2,100 2,900 CampbelL ••••.•..•...... •...•..•....• 27,600 27,936 -300 -1.2 3,700 1,800 -2,300

See footnotes at end of table. 16 ESTIMATES OF THE POPULATION OF COUNTIES, JULY 1, 1966, AND COMPONENTS OF POPULATION CHANGE SINCE APRIL 1, 1960--Continued (Asterisk (*) indicates metropolitan county. State estimates are shown to the nearest thousand, county estimates to the nearest hundred)

Change, Components of change Population 1960 to 1966 I------~" State and county. April 1, Net July 1, 1960 Number perpent Births Deaths migration 1966 (census) ------~------4------+"------"----~"------~"----~----.. --- TENNES;SEi~-" n, ,"rt; TIn P" 100 1.6 1,000 600 -300 Cannon ...... ••.. ··.·· • 8,700 8,537 2,500 1,800 1,200 CarrolL ...... •..•...... 25,400 23,476 1,900 8.1 ',.,'700 2,200 -1,300 Carter ...... ',2,800 41,578 1,200 2.9 1,200 700 700 Cheatham ...... 10,700 9,428 1,300 13.6. 1,200 600 200 Chester •...... ••..•..•...... • · ... . 10,300 9,569 700 7.3 2,800 1,300 -1,900 Olaiborne ...... 18,700 19,067 -,,00 -2.0 -1.0 300 400 -500 Clay ...... ·· 7,200 7,289 -100 3,600 1,500 400 Cocke ...... 25,800 23,390 2,400 10.3 28,603 4,100 14.2 4,100 1,600 1,600 Coffee ...... 32,700 (z) 15,400 14,594 800 5.7 1,900 1,100 Crockett ...... •. ···•··•·· . 2,700 1,100 -300 Cumberland ...... 20,500 19,135 1,300 7.0 2,39,600 399,'7',) 39,900 10.0 57,400 23,200 5,700 Davidson-x.· •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••• • 500 9,200 8,324 900 10.6 900 500 Decatur ...... ··.·· . 1,1,00 700 -400 De Kalb .••.....•...••.•..••...•...... 11,000 10,77<\. 200 1.9 21,300 18,839 2,900 15.6 2,'700 1,400 1,600 Dickson .• ':,1 ...... ; .... , ..... ~ . -200 30,900 29,537 1,400 t+o ? 3,700 2,100 Dyer ...... -3,100 24,200 24,577 -400 -1.5 4,100 1,300 Fayette .•.•..•..•...•..••...••.••••.•. 800 -700 13,900 13,288 600 4.4 2,100 Fentress ...... ·· ... . -100 27,300 25,528 1,700 6.8 3,500 1,6CO Franklin ...... 3,200 50,200 44,699 5,500 12.3 5,700 3,400 Gibson ..•••••••••••••••.•••••..• · •••• -1,000 22,100 22,410 -300 -1.4 2,400 1,700 Gile~ .•..1 ••••..•••.• •· •. • ••• ••••••••• 12,506 1,400 11.3 1,800 700 400 Grainger~ .•...... •....•••.•.•...•.. 13,900 6,500 15.4 5,300 2,600 3,700 Greene .. ~ ...... " ... . 148,700 42,163 -<\00 -3.9 1,500 700 -1,300 Grundy.~ ...•...... •...... •...•..•.. 11,100 11,512 4,700 1,700 2,100 Hamblen ...... 38,100 33,092 5,000 15.2 3.3 31,800 14,700 -9,200 Hamilton* ...... ·· . 245,800 237,905 7,900 -3.1 900 400 -700 Hancock ••...... •.••••.•..•.••.•• · .•.• 7,500 7,757 -200 3,300 1,300 700 Hardeman ...•.•.•...•...... • - .•.....•. 24,200 21,517 2,700 12.6 900 19,200 17,397 1,800 10.5 2,100 1,100 Hardin ..••.••..•..•.•....•.••.. ·· .. · . -900 31,900 30,468 1,500 4.8 4,100 1,700 Hawkins .••.••.•...... •...... •....•.•. -3,900 22,000 23,393 -1,400 -6.0 3,900 1,400 Haywood ...... 600 17,700 16,115 1,600 9.8 2,000 1,000 Henderson ..•..•...... ··•·•• • 1,800 100 22,800 22,275 500 2.5 2,200 Henry ...... 800 -500 11,900 11,862 100 0.7 1,400 Hickman .•..•.•.•...... •.••....••. 600 400 300 Houston ..•...••...... •....•.•...• 5,300 4,794 600 11.6 800 -900 11,300 11,511 -200 -2.1 1,/,00 Humphreys ...... -1,000 8,600 9,233 -700 -7.3 1,000 700 Jackson ..••.••.•.•••..••. ,...... ••·• . 3,200 26,300 21,493 4,800 22.2 2,900 1,300 Jefferson ....•.••...... •.••..• • .• · • 700 (z) 11,300 10,765 500 4.9 1,200 Johnson ...... · ... ·· .. · . 8.2 32,900 14,200 1,700 Knox* ...... 1271,000 250,523 20,500 -2.0 1,500 600 -1,100 Lake ...... 9,400 9,572 -200 0.4 3,400 1,600 -1,800 Lauderdale .•.••....•...... •.. 21,900 21,844 100 -900 29,700 28,049 1,600 5.9 4,200 1,700 Lawrence ....•..•....•... · .•. ····•••• . -300 6,500 6,269 200 3.0 800 400 J..Jewis ••• ~ .,.•••.••.•..••••••••••••••••• 700 26,100 23,829 2,200 9.4 3,200 1,700 Lincoln ....•..•..•...... •• ·····• . 0.4 3,000 1,500 -1,300 Loudon .•...••.••...•...••••••.••••..• 23,800 23,757 100 1,900 5.7 4,400 2,000 -500 McMinn ...•..•.•••.•.•••.•.•.•..•.•••. 35,600 33,662 (z) 19,000 18,085 900 5.0 2,100 1,200 McNairy .•.•....•...••...... •.• ·····• . 100 12,197 700 5.5 1,300 700 Macon •...... •....• · ••• ···•··•· • 12,900 -1,300 63,400 60,655 2,800 4.6 8,300 4,200 Madison .•....••.•.•...••.••...... · .. 1,200 -1,300 21,300 21,036 300 1.2 2,800 Marion ...•..•...... •..•..... ···.·· . 1,200 600 18,200 16,859 1,400 8.0 2,000 Marshall ...•...... •. · ..•• 2,800 300 44,800 41,699 3,100 7.5 5,700 Manry ...... 300 -300 5,100 5,160 (z) -0.6 600 Meigs ...... ··•· . 3.6 3,200 1,500 -900 Monroe ...... 24,200 23,316 800 7.9 7,000 2,600 (z) Montgomery •••.....••.....•..•.•..•.•. 60,000 55,64) 4,400 -13.9 300 200 -600 Moore •••...•...... •..•....•.•• ··· ••. 3,000 3,454 -500 14,304 -200 -1.1 1,800 800 -1,200 Morgan ...... •...... •...... 14,200 1,500 29,400 26,957 2,400 9.0 2,900 2,000 Obion ..••.•...•...... •.....•. ·.·· .• • . 10.5 1,800 1,000 700 Overton ...... ·· .•. · . 16,200 1<\,661 1,500 -4.2 500 400 -300 Perry ...... 5,000 5,273 -200 -1.4 500 200 -300 Pickett •...... •.•..•.....•. 4,400 4,431 -100 700 -500 12,600 12,160 400 3.5 1,600 Polk ..•.•.•...•.•.....•...•.. ···•··· . 5,200 17.8 3,800 1,700 3,100 Putnam .•...•...•...... •. ·.··· .••. 134,400 29,236 900 5.8 2,200 1,000 -300 Rhea ••..•.•..••..•...... •...... 16,800 15,863 (z) -0.1 5,000 2,000 -3,000 Roane ....••.•••....••.....•..• ·····• . 39,100 39,133 3,100 11.4 3,600 1,800 1,300 Robertson ...... •..•• ·.··•·• . 30,500 27,335 See footnotes at end of table. 17

ESTIMATES OF THE POPULATION OF COUNTIES, JULY 1,1966, AND COMPONENTS OF POPULATION CHANGE SINCE APRIL 1, 1960··Continued (Asterisk (*) indicates metropolitan county. State estimates are shown to the nearest thousand, county estimates to the nearest hundred)

Change, Components of change Population 1960 to 1966

State and county Net July 1, Number Percent Births Deaths migration 1966

TENNESSEEE~-Continued 9,000 2,600 4,800 Hutherford...... "63,500 52,368 11,100 21.3 2,400 900 '-600 Scott...... 16,300 15,413 900 5.9 ,,00 800 300 -100 Sequatchie...... 6,300 5,915 6.2 12.8 3,200 1,300 1,200 Sevier.. .•...... 27,400 2', ,251 3,100 69,000 11.0 99,900 36,200 5,/1-00 1,000 7.9 1,500 900 400 ~~~~:'::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::: 6~;ggg 6i;;g;; 800 500 -500 Stewart...... 7,700 7,851 -200 -2.0 15,000 5200 3,300 Sullivan...... 127,300 1lL.,139 13,200 11.6 5/,00 2;500 7 900 SU1lU1er*...... 47,000 36,217 10,800 29.9 2,300 7.9 4,800 1,800 ~800 Tipton...... 30,800 28,564 600 400 -200 l'rousdale...... S , 000 " , 911" 100 1.5 (Z) 1,900 800 Unicoi...... IS 100 15,082 (Z) 800 9.3 1,200 500 Union...... 9;300 8,498 500 200 -300 Van Buren...... 3,600 3,671 -100 -1. 7 2,4,00 10.5 3,200 1,500 700 Warren ... ',' ...... •...... 1 2S ,SOO 23,102 8./, 8,600 4,000 800 Washingtoi):...... 70,200 64,832 5,400 (Z) (Z) 1,500 700 -800 Wayne...... 11,900 11,908 2,500 10.2 2,400 2,000 2,100 Weakley. . • ...... • . 26,700 24,227 2,000 1,100 -100 White...... 16,400 15,5'77 800 5.2 4,300 17.1 3,500 1,700 2,500 Williamson...... 29,600 25,267 3,900 2,100 3,700 Wilso:n*...... 33,200 27,668 5,500 19.9 UTAH. ~ .•..•••.....•.•..•.•....•.• 1-_:::.1L'0::.:0:.:7.2,.::,0:::.00::"-1-_-.::.8-'.9.::.0,-" 6::2:.:,7.-.+_-C.:+ 1::.:1::.:7.2.::.0.::.00::..-+-_+::;.13::...:.:1'--1 __,1:::S-'.7L, 0::.:0::0'-+ __-'.4::.:0z:.0::0:.:0-+-----'(=z ) Beaver .. ;~...... 4,200 ',,331 -100 -2.8 500 300 -400 Box Elder...... 28,100 25,061 3,000 12.1 4,900 1,100 -700 Cache...... '41,800 35,788 6,000 16.9 6,400 1,600 1,200 Carbon...... 16,600 21,135 -4,500 -21.4 2,300 1,000 -5,800 Daggett...... 700 1,164 _500 -41.7 200 (z) -600 Davis*...... 86,400 64,760 21,700 33.5 13,500 1,800 10,000 Duchesne...... 6,600 7,179 _500 -7.6 1,100 300 -1,300 Emery...... 6,100 5,546 500 9.5 700 300 100 Garfield...... 3,300 3,577 -300 -7.4 500 200 -500 Grand...... 6,600 6,345 200 3.3 1,300 300 -800 Iron...... 111,500 10,795 700 6.7 1,500 500 -300 Juab...... 4,300 4,597 -300 -7.0 600 300' -600 Kane...... 2,100 2,667 _600 -21.4 400 100 _900 Millard...... 6,800 7,866 -1,100 -13.9 1,000 400 -1,700 Morgan...... 3,600 2,837 700 25.9 400 100 400 Piute...... 1,300 1,436 _100 -8.3 200 100 -200 Rich...... 1,500 1,685 -200 -12.5 200 100 -300 Salt Lake*...... 438,400 383,035 55,400 14.5 70,000 17,800 3,200 San Juan...... 7,100 9,040 -1,900 -21.0 2,500 300 -4,000 Sanpete...... 11,000 11,053 (Z) -0.2 1,300 800 -500 Sevier...... 9,700 10,565 _800 -7.9 1,100 600 -1,400 Summit .... "...... 6,100 5,673 400 7.2 900 300 -100 Tooele...... 21,200 17,868 3,400 18.8 3,300 800 900 Uintah...... 12,200 11,582 600 4-.9 2,200 600 -1,000 Utah*...... '126,900 106,991 19,900 18.6 18,700 4,100 5,300 Wasatch...... 5,700 5,308 400 7.9 800 300 -100 Washington...... 12,700 10,271 2,400 23.6 1,600 600 1,400 Wayne...... 1,600 1,728 _200 -9.3 200 100 -300 Weber*...... '123,100 110,744 12,300 11.1 18,300 5,100 -900

WASHINGIDN ...... f--C.:3~,'-'04'-"OL,0'-0:..0'-l_.-:::2"',:::.85:..:3'-',c:2.::14-'-+-_+...:1:::8'-7"',0'-0:..0-'-j--+:..6::..::.6-t_...::..37:..8:::,,-,0:.::0.:0-+_-=-17:.::1~,:.:0.:0.:.0+ __-.::.1:..:9!..,0.:.0::..:0 Adams...... 10,800 9,929 900 9.1 1,500 500 -100 Asotin...... 12,700 12,909 -200 -1.4 1,600 900 -800 Benton...... 63,400 62,070 1,400 2.2 8,400 2,200 -4,800 C'nelan...... 40,700 40,744 -100 -0.2 4,500 2,500 -2,100 Clallam...... 31,100 30,022 1,100 3.8 3,800 1,900 -800 Clark*...... 108,700 93,809 14,900 15.9 12,200 5,700 8,500 Columbia...... 4,800 4,569 300 6.0 500 400 200 -500 Cowlitz...... •...... 62,000 57,801 4,200 7.2 7,900 3,200 400 Douglas...... 16,200 14,890 1,300 8.6 1,400 600 -600 Ferry...... 3,500 3,889 -400 -9.2 500 200 -700 Franklin...... 24,800 23,342 1,400 6.0 3,100 1,000 -100 Garfield...... 3,000 2,976 (z) -0.6 300 200 -12,400 Grant...... 40,500 46,477 -6,000 -12.9 8,100 1,700 1,100 Grays Harbor...... 58,100 54,465 3,700 6.8 6,700 4,200 See footnotes at end of table. 18

ESTIMATES OF THE POPULATION OF COUNTIES, JULY 1, 1966, AND COMPONENTS OF POPULATION CHANGE SINCE APRIL 1, 1960--Continued (Asterisk (*) indicates metropolitan county. State estimates are shm,'U to the nearest thousand, county estimates to the nearest hundred)

Change, Population Components of change 1960 to 1966 State and C01.Ul'ty April 1, July 1, 1960 Number Percent Births Deaths Net 1966 migration (census)

Island ...... •...... •...... 22,900 19,63$ 3,300 16.7 3,600 900 600 Jefferson ....•...... ••...... 9,200 9,639 -500 -4.7 1,100 600 -900 King* ...... 1,014,100 935,014 79)100 8.5 125,100 56,300 10,200 Kitsap ...... ••...... ••...... •.• 90,500 84,176 6,300 7.5 10,100 5,000 1,200 Kittitas ...... •...... •....•.. 122,600 20/.67 2,200 10.6 2,400 1,400 1,100 Klickitat ...... 13,100 13,455 -400 -3.0 1,800 800 -1,400 Lewis ...... 42,700 ~1,858 900 2.1 4,800 3,300 -600 Lincoln ...... 9,500 10,919 -1,400 -12.6 1,100 600 -1,900 Mason ...... •...... •.....•.... 18,000 16,251 1,700 10.6 1,900 1,000 900 Okanogan ...... •. 2~,600 25,520 -1,000 -3.8 2,900 1,700 -2,200 Pacific ....•...... •..•...... 14,600 :U.,674 -100 -0.5 J.,300 ,1,100 -300 Pend Oreille ...... •.....•.•....•.... 7,500 6,914 600 9.0 900 400 200 Pierce-x· ...... 357,800 321,590 36,200 11.2 48,200 19,000 6,900 San Juan ..•...... •...... 3,000 2,$72 200 5.8 300 300 200

Skagit ...'~ " ...... 149,700 51,350 -1,700 -3.2 5,600 3,100 -~,100 Skamania.:, ...... 5,700 5,207 500 10.2 600 300 200 Snohomish* ...... I 207,200 172,199 35,000 20.3 25,400 10,200 19,900 Spokane* ...... 263,200 278,333 -15,100 -5.4 34,600 17,400 -32,300 Stevens ...... 16,500 17,884 -1,400 -7.8 1,900 1,200 -2,100 Thurston., ..•..•...... •..•...... 64,700 55,049 9,700 17.5 7,900 3,300 5,100 Wahkiakwh ...•.•...... •..•....•.... 3,300 3,426 -100 -2.4 400 300 -200 Walla Walla ..•.•.•...•....•.••..•.... 42,600 42,195 ,WO 0.$ 4,500 2,700 -1,400 Whatcom.,' ...... •...... ••.. 175,200 70,317 ~,800 6.9 7,600 4,800 2,100 Whitman •...•...... •.....•..•...•..... 132,500 31,263 1,300 4.1 3,800 1,600 -1,000 yakima •....•.....•...... ••...... 149,300 145,112 4,200 2.9 19,100 $,600 -6,,"00

WYOMING ...... •....•..•..•...... 1--_....::c31:::;9:.<,.:.0-'-00=-i___ 3.c.3_.02.,"-06::.;6'-f __..c-l=1:.<,.:.00"-0=--1--_-.::.3.:;.3=--I1--_-'-4$=-z..;0;.;::0.:.0-l-_-"1c:.7L,0;:..:0::.:0'-+ __ -..c4c:;lLO:.;0:.:.0 Albany...... 123,300 21,290 2,000 9.3 3,500 1,000 -500 Big Horn...... 10,800 11,898 -1,100 -9.2 1,500 700 -1,900 CampbelL...... 7,600 5,861 1,700 29.0 1,100 300 900 Garbon...... 13,800 14,937 -1,100 -7.3 2,000 800 -2,200 Converse...... 6,000 6,366 -300 -S.3 800 400 -700 Crook...... 5,000 4,691 300 7.2 700 300 -100 Fremont...... 26,900 26,168 700 2.8 4,400 1,400 -2,300 Goshen...... 11,300 11,941 -700 -5.6 1,400 700 -1,400 Hot Springs...... 5,100 6,365 -1,200 -19.4 700 500 -1,400 Johnson...... 6,000 5,475 500 8.9 700 400 200 Laramie...... 59,500 60,149 -700 -1.2 10,200 2,600 -8,200 Lincoln...... 8,400 9,018 -600 -7.1 1,400 500 -1,600 Natrona...... 46,000 49,623 -3,600 -7.2 6,900 2,200 -8,300 Niobrara...... 3,500 3,750 -300 -7.3 500 300 -500 Park?...... 15,900 17,294 -1,400 -8.2 2/,00 800 -3,000 Platte ....••..•...•.•..•.•.••.•.•••.. 6,700 7,195 -500 -7.4 900 500 -900 Sheridan,. ," ....•...... ••.••.•..... 18,100 18,989 -900 -4.6 1,900 1,400 -1,300 Sublette ...•...... •••...•..•.. 3,000 3,778 -700 -19.5 600 200 -1,200 Sweetwater .•...•...... 17,500 17,920 -400 -2.2 2,500 1,100 -1,800 Teton .....••....•...•...... •••. 3,800 3,062 700 22.5 500 200 300 Uinta •...... •.•..•. '. 6,800 7,484 -600 -8.5 900 400 -1,200 Washakie ..•...... ••..•.... 7,800 8,883 -1,100 -12.1 1,200 400 -2,000 Weston ...... •..••.....•.••...... 6,500 7,929 -1,400 -17.9 1,200 400 -2,200

Z Less than 50 or 0.05 percent. lAdjusted to reflect changes in college and/or institutional population since 1960. 2Consistent with special census or State or county census taken since 1960. 'Adjusted for annexations from Arapahoe County to Denver County. 4Chattahoochee County included in Muscogee County. 'Kalawao County included in Maui County. 6Adjusted for annexation from Oconee Coun'Gy to Pickens County. ?Includes that part of Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming. APPENDIX


States as of July 1968. Asterisk (*) coordinating agency as opposed to agency carrying out technical program)

State Official agency State Official agency

Arizona.~~ ••. ~ ...•• Unemployment Division t1ichigan••.•.•••• " State Bureau of the Budget'· Employment Commission Division Post Office Box Cass Building Phoenix, Arizona 85005 Lansing, Michigan 48913 Center for Health Statistics Arkansas. . • • • • • . . . • Industrial Research and Extension Center Michigan of Public Health University of Arkansas 3500 North Little Rock, Arkansas 72203 Lansing,

Oalifornia& ••.•••• 0 Population Research Unit State Department of Finance Minnesota •••..•• " .. " Vita1 Statistics Division Sacramento, California 958]), State Department of Health St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 Colorado •.) ••.•..•. State Budget Office State Capitol Mississippi...... Department of Sociology and Rural l.i£'e Mississippi State University Denver, Colorado 80203 Drawer C State College, Mississippi 39762 Delaware .••.•.•.•.• State Planning Office Thomas Collins BUilding 530 South DuPont Highway Missouri ••••... " 0 ... Administrative Services Section Dover, Delaware 19901 Office of Oomptroller and Budget Director Post Office Box 809 Jefferson Oity, Missouri 65101 Florida •.••.•.•••••, Bureau of Economic and Business Research Oollege of Business Administration Universi ty of Florida Nebraska ...... Nebraska Dept. of Economic Development* Gainesville, Florida 32601 Division of State and Urban Affairs Post Office Box 94666, State Capitol Georgia ••.••..•.••• State Planning Bureau Lincoln, Nebraska 68508 116 Mitchell Street, S. W. Bureau of Business Research Atlanta, Georgia 30303 The Uni versi ty of Nebraska Lincoln, Nebraska 68508 Illinois •••.••••.•• Bureau of Public Health Statistics Department of Public Health 300 East Monroe Street Nevada ...... Bureau of Business and Economic Research University of Nevada Springfield, Illinois 62706 Reno, Nevada 89507 Iowa .•..••••••••.•• Office of State Planning and Programming State Capitol New Hampshire •••••• Office of Planning and Research Des Moines, Iowa 50219 Department of Resources and Economic Development Kansas ••••••••••••• Division of State Plans Coordination State House Annex State Department of Economic Development Concord, Nev, Hampshire 03301 State Office Building Topeka, Kansas 66612 New Jersey ...... Department of Conservation and Economic Development Kentucky ...... Kentucky Program Development Office Post Office Box 1889 Oapi tol Building Fran1{fort, Kentucky 4·0601 Trenton, New Jersey 08625

Louisiana ••.••••••. Division of Business and Economic Research New Mexico ...... Bureau of Business Research School of Business Administrat ion University of New Mexico Louisiana Polytechnic Institute Albuquerque, New Mexico 87106 Post Office Box 1796, Tech Station Ruston, Louisiana 71270 New york ...... Office of Planning Coordination* Room 229, State Capitol Maine •••••••••••••• State Department of Health and Welfare Albany, New York 12201 State House Augusta, Maine 04330 State Health Department 84 Holland Avenue Maryland.. • .• .• •••• Division of Biostatistics Albany, New York 12201 State Department of Health 301 West Preston Street Baltimore, Maryland 21201 North Carolina ••••• Budget Division* State Department of Administration Raleigh, North Carolina 27601 Massachusetts...... Bureau of Research and Statistics Department of Commerce and Development Carolina Population Center 150 Causeway Street Uni vers i ty of North Carolina Boston, Massachusetts 02202 Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27514


(Participating States as of July 1968. Asterisk (*) represents coordinating agency as opposed to agency carrying out technical ·phases of program)

Official agency Official agency

Oklahoma ..... ; ..... Bureau of Business Research Utah ...... Utah DAna·rt"oArlt of Development Services* '(~ University of Oklahoma State Norman, Oklahoma 73069 Salt J»ke , Utah 84114 Reports and Analysis Section Utah of Employment Security Oregon ...... $ ...... co ... e Center for Population Research and Census 174 Hall Avenue Portland State College Salt Lake City, Utah Ml1~· 614 Montgomery Street (P.O. Box 751) Portland, Oregon 97207 Vermont...... Division of Public Health Statistics State Department of Health Pennsylvania...... State Planning Board 115 Colchester Avenue Post Office Box 191 Burlington, Vermont 05401 Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17120

Virginia ••• ~ 0 ~ 0 ~. 0 Bureau of Population and Economic Hesearcb University of Virginia Rhode Statewide Planning Program Lambeth House Suite 300 Charlottesville, Virginia 22903 36 Kennedy Plaza Providence, Rhode Island 02903 Washington.... • • • • Population and Research Division Planning and Affairs Agency Olympia, Washington 98501 South Carolina..... Office of the State Auditor Post Office Box 11333 West Virginia. • ••• West Virginia Department of Commerce* Columbia, South Carolina 29211 Sta"Ge Capitol Charleston, West Virginia 25303 South Da)kota...... Division of Vital Statistics Agricultural Experiment Station State Department of Health West Virginia UniverSity Pierre, South Dakota 57501 Morgantown, West Virginia 26505

Wisconsin .•••••••• State Board of Health Tennessee •••••••••• Tennessee State Plarming Commission* State Office Building Division of State Planning Madison, Wisconsin 53701 C2-208 Central Services Building Nashville, Tennessee 37219 Wyoming ••••••••••• Division of Business and Economic Research College of Commerce and Industry Genter for Business and Economic Research Universi ty of Wyoming University of Tennessee Box 3925, University Station Knoxville, Termessee 37916 Laramie, Wyoming 83070

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