
Fair, Shared and Sustainable Open Access for All That’s not too much to ask, is it? Update on Some ŵ Access Issues

1. River Wye Glasbury-Hay a) Fishery owner threatening legal action against hire company o Could become a test-case for Public Rights of Navigation o providing advice and standing by for further support… b) Powys County Council proposing to introduce ‘management measures’ for [commercial] groups launching at Glasbury o Awaiting decision following formal consultation Update on Some ŵ Access Issues 2. River Dee o Canal & Rivers Trust planning to install access steps below Horseshoe Falls following advice from Canoe Wales Update on Some ŵ Access Issues

3. Behaviour at Access Points o A few complaints from landowners / paddlers: ‒ Inconsiderate parking ‒ Inappropriate toileting ‒ Damaging crop ‒ Using private garden o Canoe Wales ‘reminders’ via signs & social media Update on Some ŵ Access Issues

4. Paying for Access o Fees should be fair, reasonable and proportionate to the costs o On private lakes, reservoirs & incurred in providing & maintaining canals – owners may charge access & facilities o On ‘regulated’ rivers, canals and harbours – may need licences • o On tidal waters – Public Right of o Exists to provide paddlesport on Navigation  no charges for the River Tryweryn o Costs of maintaining the facility o Along non-tidal rivers – may be a must be recovered PRN  charges would be  We charge paddlers a fee, not for inappropriate using the river, but for making use o To and from the water – may be of our land to access the river and appropriate for owners to charge to use the facilities that support this access water and/or use facilities o Other users are welcome to walk in our woods, eat in our café, or enjoy watching white-water action for free Update on Some ŵ Access Issues

5. Welsh Government Proposals for Access Reform

“Now is not the right time for substantive reform” Our New Access ŵ Campaign

Canoe Wales will work side by side with British

1. Champion legal clarity 2. Protect & enhance the health of our rivers 3. Inspire activity that connects with the environment & promotes well-being ŵ

Access for All Video https://youtu.be/njHU4LlDuP0 What Can You Do? ŵ

• Support our • Act Responsibly! Campaign! o Avoid Conflict! o Watch this space… o Park & change ‒ Website discreetly ‒ Blog o Consider permission ‒ Calls to Action to cross land… o Local events o Avoid environmental o Engage Assembly damage Members o Check-Clean-Dry River & Beach ŵ Clean-Ups

“Be part of a truly epic community response to plastic pollution on our beaches, rivers, streets and mountains” Organise your own clean with help from Surfers against Sewage https://www.sas.org.uk/our-work/beach-cleans/organise-beach-clean/ Spring 6-14 April, Autumn 20-27 October: or whenever you can! Let us know what and when so we can spread the word… ŵ

Fair, Shared and Sustainable Open Access for All That’s not too much to ask, is it?