Peter C. John Department of Political Science Phone: +44 (0)203 3108 1145 or +44 (0)7780 983928 University College London Fax: +44 (0)207 679 4969 Gower Street E-mail:
[email protected] London WC1E 6BT Homepage: United Kingdom Personal Born December 11, 1960 United Kingdom Citizen Education B.Sci. Economics and Politics, University of Bath, 1983 M.Phil. Politics, Nuffield College, 1986 D. Phil. Politics, Nuffield College, 1992 Employment Professor of Political Science and Public Policy, University College London, 2011- Hallsworth Chair of Governance, University of Manchester, 2004-2011 Professor of Politics, Birkbeck, 2001-2004 Reader in Politics and Sociology, Birkbeck, 1999-2001 Reader in Politics, University of Southampton, 1998-1999 Lecturer in Politics, University of Southampton, 1995-1998 Lecturer in Politics, University of Keele, 1992-1995 Research Fellow, Policy Studies Institute, 1988-1992 Research Assistant, Nuffield College, Oxford University, 1987-1988 Publications Books Published Experimentation in Political Science and Public Policy: The Challenge and Promise of Field Trials, Routledge, 2017. Political Turbulence: How Social Media Shape Collective Action, Princeton University Press, 2015, with Helen Margetts, Scott Hale and Taha Yasseri. Peter C. John 2 Public Policy Investment: Priority-Setting and Conditional Representation In British Statecraft, Oxford Uni- versity Press, 2013, with Anthony Bertelli. Policy Agendas in British Politics, Palgrave, 2013, with Anthony Bertelli, William Jennings and Shaun Bevan. Exits, Voices and Social Investment: Citizens’ Reaction to Public Services, Cambridge University Press, 2012, with Keith Dowding. Handbook of Urban Politics, Oxford University Press, 2012, edited with Karen Mossberger and Susan Clarke.