STP1166-EB/Mar. 1993

Subject Index

A ASTM Technical Committees D-0 I, 277 Access vocabulary, 97 D-06, 29 I Accuracy, 75, 82 D-10, 291 Acronyms, 348-349 D-I I, 291 AFNOR, Association Franqaise de D-13, 291 Normalisation, 3 I, I 13 D-20, 278, 282 AHCPR, Agency for Health Care Research, D-30, 29 I 153 D-34, 29 I AISI, 114 E-12, 276 Ambiguity (see also precision, in E-31, 153, 293 terminology), 39, 360-361 E-48, 29 I American spelling, 95 E-49, 158, 191,291 Analyte names, 293 ATIO, Association of Translators and ANSI, American National Standards Interpreters of Ontario, 27 Institute, I, 43, 54, 114 Atmosphere, 318-319 ANSI Standard ANSI Z 39.4-1984, 256 B Appearance, terminology of, 276, 361- 362 Bank, definition of, 298 Artificial terminologies (see documentation Bilingual standarization, 30 languages) Brick, definition, 374-375 ASHRAE, 309 British English, 107 ASME, 114 British spelling, 95 ASTM, indexing process, 259 BSI, British Standards Institute, 43, 55, ASTM, 43, 114, 171,217 344-345 ASTM, Compilation of Definitions (see Compilation of ASTM Standard C Definitions) ASTM, American Society for Testing and Canada, terminology work in, 233 Materials, I, 185, 202 Canonical data record, 217 ASTM Standards Capitalization, 95 D 883, 185,282 CD-ROM, 233 D 1314-89,220 China, P. R., 47, 270 D 1600-86a, 287 Chinese, 47 D 1972-91,287 CIE, Commission lnternationale de D 4000, 287 l'Fr.clairage, 277 D 5033, 286 Classaurus, 7 I E 284, 277 CODATA, 158 E 1238, 295 CODE, Conceptually Oriented Descriptive E 1384-90, 153, 203 Environment, 149 E 1284-89, 156 Color, 276 E 1239-90, 156 Committee on Terminology, 12, 114, 173, E ! 314-89, 220 185,291, 311-313, 318-319, 327- E 1443-92, 330

385 Copyright*1993 by ASTM lntcrnational 386 STANDARDIZATIONOF TERMINOLOGY

Comparative terminology, 233 Descriptor, 47 Compilation of ASTM Standard Dictionaries, 95 Definitions, 79, 96, 318, 354-355, Dictionaries (see Compilation of ASTM 363 Standard Definitions and Merriam- Computer-aided lexicography, 95 Webster) Computer-assisted terminology, 140, 17 l, DIN, Deutsches Institut ftir Normung, 43, 200 55, 116 Computerization, 6, 65, 217 Diversification, 113 Computerized data validation, 158 Documentation languages, 65, 71-2 Computerized materials data (see also Documentation, 65 materials), 156 Concept analysis, 122, 129, 140 E Concept, management (also see terminology management), 140, Electronic publishing, 233 365-366 Engineering data, 217 Concept, 22 Eponyms, 337-339, 340-42, 347-348 Concept networks, 149 EUCLIDES, European Clinical Laboratory Concept representation, 6 Data Exchange Standard, 294 Concept naming, 75 EURODICAUTOM, 202 Conceptual organization, 30 European Community, 347 Conciseness, 75, 88 Eurospeak, 346, 375-376 Context, 343-344 Controlled vocabulary (see also indexing), 72, 95, 242, 355-358 COT (see Committee on Terminology) Foreign language equivalents, 113 CTIC, Canadian Translators and Form and Style Guide, Part E, 171, 185, Interpreters Council, 27 276, 278, 319-320, 322, 324-326, CTINB, Corporation of Trasnslators, 327-330, 370-371 Terminologists, and Interpreters of Functional dependence (relation), 223 New Brunswick, 27 G D Gender, 334-336, 339-340 Data capture, 6, 217 Glass, 276 Data communication, 270 Glossaries, 6, 158 Data dictionary, 6, 270 GOST standard 28 806-90, 43 Data element attributes, 129, 152 Graded scales, 75 Data element use validation, 152 Graphs, representating, 226 Data elements, 129, 152 Groundwater, 314-315 Data structures, 129 Data validation, 156 H Database normalization, 171 Database, terminology (see term bank) Hall of Fame, The English Language (see Databases, 6, 129, 152, 156, 185, 217, 242, Eponyms) 270, 297, 350-351,353-354 Harmonization, 6, 42, 113, 158, 217, 369- Defeasibility, 76 370 Definition writing, 35, 129 Hierarchies, 198 Definitions, 158, 276, 376-380 Homonyms, 95 Degradable plastics, definitions, 290 Homography, 95, 113 Degradation of plastics, 282 Hypertext, 6, 185, 366 Density, 322, 368 Deprecation, 359-360 Descriptions of terms, 319-320; 324-326, 370-371 Idiomatic expressions, 106 Descriptiveness, 75 Idioms, 106 SUBJECT INDEX 387

IEC, International Electrotechnical Commission, 31, 32, 66, 277 1EEE, Institute of Electrical and Keiretsu, 297 Electronic Engineers, 10, 43, Keyword identification, 255 296 Keyword selection, 255 Index terms, 255 Keyword tree, 242 Indexing, 65, 72, 95, 134, 255, 332 Keywords (see also thesauri), 72, 134, 242, Information technology, definitions, 255 257 Knowledge representation, 6 Information technology, 30, 65 Knowledge engineering, 140, 147, 365-367 Information management, 65, 242 KSU, Kent State University, 173 Information retrieval (see retrieval) KSUDC, Kent State University Data Interchange format, 200 Categories, 174, 202 International communication, 297 L International English (see also Eurospeak), 106 Languages, 65 International harmonization, 113 Languages for special purposes, LSP, 5 International trade law, 297 Lewis Carroll, 107 International System of Units (see SI) Lexical structure, 106 ISO Standards Lexicography, 95 ISO 1043, 287 Lexicography entry, 200 ISO 1087, 2, 31, 59, 144 Libraries, 373 ISO 1149, 59 Linguistic data bank (see term banks) ISO 1951, 31, 59 LSP, languages for special purposes, 30, 41 ISO 1987,201 ISO 31, 31 M ISO 3166, 31 ISO 472:1988, 287, 292 Machine-Aided Indexing, 96 ISO 5127 5,71 Markup language, 200 ISO 6156, 59 Materials, 47, 158, 217, 242, 270, 276, 282 ISO 639, 3 !, 59 Matrix effects, 293 ISO 704, 31,59 MEDSPELL, 101 ISO 7154, 31 Merriam-Webster, Third New International ISO 860, 31,59 Dictionary, 314-315 ISO 8879, 173 Metadata, ! 58 ISO 919, 59 Metadata database, 217 ISO DIS 10241, 2 Metadata, 6, 217 ISO DTR 7003, 219 MicroMATER, 173, 202, 239 ISO Technical Committees TC 37, 1, 54 N TC 61, 57, 290 TC 176, 45 Naming, 129 ISO, International Standards Organization, NASA, National Aeronautics and Space 1, 54, 66, 202 Administration, 96 IUPAC The International Union of Pure Neutralization, 113 and Applied Chemistry, 66, 311 Nomenclature, 326-327 NTRG, Nordic Terminological Record J Format, 202 Nuclear waste storage package, 242 Japanese business, 297 JISC, Japanese Industrial Standards O Committee, 55 JTC-I, ISO/IEC Joint Technical Onomantics, 76 Committee- 1, 31 Onometrics, 75 388 STANDARDIZATIONOF TERMINOLOGY

Standardization, term (see term ) Part E (see Form and Style Guide) Standardization News, 6 Perm, 317-318 Standards production, 65 Plastics, 282 Standards, 315-316 Polysemy, 77, 113 Synonyms, 95, 129 Precedent, 87 Precision, in terminology, 75, 83, 323-324, T 333-334, 342-343 Preferred terms, 293 TEAM, 202 Professional association, 22 Technical communication, 106 Professional terminologist, 22 Technical writing, 65 Property, definition, 219 TEl, Text Encoding Initiative, 200 Tensile strength, 353 Q Term bank, 2, 9, 32, 44, 140, 171,200, 217, 233, 297 Quality, definition of, 307 Term inventory, 255 Quality control in standards writing, 65, Term, definition of, 367-368 365, 367 Term evaluation, 75 Term, 47 R Term harmonization (see harmonization) Term flavor, 224 Recycling, 282 Term metrics, 75 Redundant definitions, 113 Term research, 22 Relational databases (see databases) Term standardization, 6 Relationships, between terms, 17 Term records, 158 Retrieval, 65, 71, 95, 134, 146, 174, 228, Term types, 158 242, 255 Term validation, 217 Review process, 242 Terminological process, 16, 24 Roofs, 309-310 Terminologist, 22 Round robin, 336-337 Terminologist's workstation, 40, 233 Terminology, a discipline, 9 S Terminology, a profession, 23 Terminology coordination, 54 SAE, Society of Automotive Engineers, Terminology databases (see also databases), 114,219 69, 171,200, 217 SAE standard J 1344, 287 Terminology harmonization (see Scanning, 22 harmonization) SCC, Standards Council of Canada, 31 Terminology interchange format, 200 Searching (see also indexing and retrieval), Terminology management, 315-316 364 Terminology principles, 54 Semantic address, 293 Terminology sharing, 200 SGML, 173, 200 Terminology standardization, 65, 270, SI, Le Systeme International d'Unites, 222, 297 308-9, 351-352, 371-373 Terminology standardization, I st ASTM Social concepts, transferring across Symposium, 1 linguistic and cultural boundaries, Terminology standardization, 2nd ASTM 297 symposium, 311, 313 STQ, Societ6 des traducteurs de Qu6bec, 27 Terminology standards, 17 I, 185 SOVTERM, 38 Terminology record, 30 Special language communication (see also Terminology, role in data capture and use, languages for special purposes), 30 227 Spelling, 95, 314-315 Terminology Updates Standard, definition of, 380-382 A Model for Other Committees, 315 Standard data element names, 152 A Controlled Vocabulary--I, 355 SUBJECT INDEX 389

A Controlled Vocabulary--ll, 357 Textiles at the English Language Hall of A Tale of Two Spellings, 314 Fame, 340 Another Viewpoint on Descriptions of The ASTM Dictionary, 363 Terms, 324 The Term Perm, 317 Atmosphere, 318 The English Language Hall of Fame, "Brick" Definition Begets Controversy, 337 374 The International System of Units Means Clear Definitions, Thesauri, and Just That., 308 Communication, 330 The Saurus is Not a Reptile., 320 Concept Management for Terminology, The Term: Broad Term? Narrow Term? 365 Related Term?, 354 Descriptions of Terms, 370 The Trouble with Density, 322 Diary Shows the Consensus Process at To Deprecate or To Remonstrate, Work, 327 359 English Language Hall of Fame Salutes What Became of Nomenclature in EC 92, 347 ASTM's Book?, 326 Eurospeak, 346 What's in Meeting Place Names?, Future Hamlets Should Always Be Able 358 to Tell a Hawk from a Handsaw, Who Killed Round Robin?, 336 344 Why Can't We... ?, 364 Generic Gender, 339 Word Branching, 313 Good Close Harmony, 369 Words Versus Terms: Is There a Is Fiat on the Level?, 309 Difference?, 367 Let's Get Rid of Descriptions of Terms, Terminoiogy--USSR, 40 319 Terminotics, 140 Libraries as Standards Information Termium, 32 Sources, 373 TERMIUM, 202 Making a Definitive Statement--I, 376 Termnet, I, 43 Making a Definitive Statement--II, 378 Test names, 293 More Fun Than 0.1 m 3 of Monkeys, 351 Test-battery names, 293 Nominymics (GNOME-I-NIMIKS), 348 Text encoding, 171, 185 Opposites Attract, 323 Text management, 65 Opposites Attract--The Sequel, 333 Text retrieval (see retrieval) Opposites Attract--The Third Wave, Thesauri, 6, 47, 95, 217, 255,320-321, 343 330-333, 350-351,354-355 Planned Ambiguity, 360 Thesaurus, see thesauri Precision in Terminology, 342 TLSD, Terminology and Linguistic Services Searching ASTM Standards: Some Directorate (Canada), 233 Questions and Answers, 332 Translation (see also harmonization), 27, Second Symposium on Standardization 113 of Terminology, 31 i Translation, of social concepts, 297 Sex and the Single Pronoun, 334 Tribiology database, 270 Some Thoughts on the Term "Quality," 307 U Standard Terminology: Definitions Alternatives, 380 UNCITRAL, United Nations Comission on Terminology and Databasing, 350 International Trade Law, 297 Terminological Problems in Uniquivocainess, 75 Computerization, 353 United Nations, 297 Terminology and Tradition: the King's Updating terminology, 30 English, the Mother Tongue, and Usage harmonization, 30 Eurospeak!, 375 User interfaces, 185 Terminology of Appearance, 361 Using standard definitions in standards, Terminology of SI and the Nomenclature 288 of the 1857 Metrical System, 371 USSR (see terminology--USSR) 390 STANDARDIZATION OF TERMINOLOGY


VAMAS, 217 Warwick, C. L., 358 Variant terminology, 95 Webster, see Merriam-Webster VNIIKI, 38 Weight, 309 Vocabulary research, 22 WordPerfect(R), 237 Vocabulary, 255 Words, distinguished from terms, 367-368 Wordtree, 313-314