A Review on the Risk Management Terminology for the Use in Standards)
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KR0101261 KAERI/TR-1782/2001 1 f (A Review on the Risk Management Terminology for the Use in Standards) 2001. 3 2001 \i 31 (MMIS (MMIS O Oj: ISO fl-^ draft* ^^^ KS X 0000 : 2001(ISO TBD : 1999) 'e| -§-<>| - ff-^^l •A>-§-*>7] ^t!: ^1^ (Risk management terminology - Guidelines for use in standards)' £.3. - 1 - Summary This technical report describes a result of reviews on the risk management terminology for the use in standards. Experiences in related technical fields and their definitions are reviewed according to the concepts and operational definitions of risk terminologies. It results into a draft standard for KS in the fields of product safety. Quality Assurance, Industrial and Occupational Safety, Financial Management and Risk Management, and others may show many different definitions for their own technical purpose. A draft KS standard for risk terminology must be revised and enhanced to be adopted to the product safety. However, this review does not provide a strict guide for use in the operational definitions of risk terms, but does provide a common base among application areas. The result of this review is submitted to Korea Standard Association in form of a draft KS standards, KS X 0000 : 2001 (ISO TBD : 1999), titled as " Risk management terminology - Guidelines for use in standards " . mm Summary Ml MB 4 1. 4 2. 5 3. 5 ^| 2 6 1. 6 2. o 8 3. v 15 ^ 44 A. £|^ B. E^ C. KS _ "3 _ 1 3 M 5! 'CE PL safety)'ofl 71 (risk management)^ KS f^A ™> (opportunity)^ - 4 - ^S] (definition)* KS 2. 2000. 8. 1 ~ 2001. 3. 31 (8 711-1) 3. MMIS ^ ^W^ °1 •%• MMIS ^ ^^J - 5 - , ISO, EEC, AS, BS 4 HI j7 Ol^ e) 71^^ a^srt- ^1*3*H # isos] -g-o] ^^i- ISO ISO/TMB WG on Risk Management Terminology °11^i 7]]1^:-fL°l Risk Management Terminology - Guideline for use in standards-!- nfs.JL <8,t\-. x%e\-X\, 5)iH -§-•§- - 6 - KS fl-^^. 2) _L- —| £ ^ *i asm 043-261-2462 o| # ©h 031-220-2157 s| 5 ^ Tj^-CH^JQI ^S^^^h 02-450-3530 0| •§. S| oj ^ U 042-868-2941 i S °! =^ -^-C[] "Sj- 777 cH Sj"-?j °h^"i "i"1 "^hjlt- oj ^ S 043-261-2457 & § i! ^•^- C|j ^t" Tjl CH ^h-^l °h^i •^2-<3l-Jl[. 043-261-2457 "a fl ^* 043-261-2457 - 7 - 2. ISO7> 7fl^-^<y 2^ M ^1 ^£4. CfnV, ^-^ -g-O}^ ^ o} o,| (l) e|^ SLg. <£*V ^^(loss) ^ H ^<^ 7>^^oil cfl^- ^-l-(probability)^- (combination)f!- ^JAS ^"^^ ^]^a] SiPl7l- o}u|cf. ^. <g^oflA^ 5l^3.ofl cfl °1 ^l-1^^- ^-^-S. ^^-sf^cf. o]^ hazard, harm, injury, danger, safety ^ E]i -^, ^7>, ^^, tfl-g- ^ el^ ai^H (4.7) 4[« (4.1) ARj (4.3) SZF (4.2) (2) e)^ managment) <*|) nfl-f (hazard)* ^^(estimation) (analysis) )- ^ cf. - 9 - (5.7) t SAH (5.6) -2-.fcd —i u AL A] 3i|-g(lS0 60300-3-9) - 10 - significance)^- ^ ^7|-(risk assessment)e)- risk assessment^- 5} £- el^H. tfl-§-(treatment) ^-(acceptance) ^^r cfl -§-(treatment) *=• AJ * alia ii. —i 111! *• i « •SAI - 11 - ^3 ifl-g-(treatment)-i- al^H. ^a| (4.19) al^a. -g-^j % m?\ (4.10) E.|^3L §*1 (4.9) ea ^S (4.17) Z\±L3. ^9(4.15) E|>ia m?\ (4.16) a|^3 CH#(4.26) a|^a s|s| (4.11) B\±3. 3\zm (4.23) E|^a ^g- (4.22) a|^a g ^ (4.5) a|r^a *\7\ (4.25) a|^a fi^ (4.24) E.\±EL ^§ (4.8) a|r^H SMJUsI- (4.12) Sit)-. 12 - (3) el^ 5}>;3. ^rS]l- -g 38 all?] 5]^3L ^e| A] ^ (risk management system) ^7^1 ^(stakeholder) -c- °lsfl ^Tfl ^[(interested parties)^ 7]E|- e)i (4) ISO^flA^ 7]]1|H|1°1 Risk management terminology - 13 - Guidelines for use in standards •§- ^r 4 - 14 - 3. AH g _l_ —| ^ st ^ ol gj 7P 043-261-2462 oi # n 031-220-2157 Id 1- .in. Al- 02-450-3530 o| S si •a ^ s 042-868-2941 31 ^ S! ^ =?• s 043-261-2457 & « S ^t _fcji rll -g|- yp Ml jjfL.oj QLXH T1 "oKJTL 043-261-2457 £J id ¥ ^ b=J HI -g|- TTJ rll -5-j- oj o 1-XH .**^. "o}• Tl_[. 043-261-2457 (operational definition) - 15 - probability ISO event)o| y ISO 3534-1 A^ (random event)o]| AS/NZS A|- 4390 : 1999 SJ£S| X[o\ : ^#s j(long-term) ei£(relative frequency) o| l S£(degree of AS/NZS 3534-1,1.1 ij-^ 4390 : ^ uj i(frequency) 1999 eji£(frequency) : *>]?} -leh ^ feAH (likelihood): *r» #7|-fe(unlikely)/M#(moderate)/7^(likely)/>1 s| S)-^ (almost certain)", "S# ^ §l-&(incredible)/2i#^ S^-Bdrnprobable)/ >l 2-1 y \ el (remote)/^^(occasional)/^[^(probable)/&J ej (freque nt)"ah ^€- E^?l- Si^-cfl, ^#aj A^S| S^(ranks) o| L-F ^-^ (classes)oll *l|B|^fe 0, (ISO & AI-AI-, event)o| - 16 - ^3 #oi(eh) consequence ISO ^ Mil (*•& Ai-y-, event)2| AJ-S(outcome) - AS/NZS - ARj°| g^^AH ^^g £*Hloss), ^sB (injury), ^sH 4390 : (disadvantage), s^ o|°!(gain)# ^lalfi^. a^l-^ g^ 1999 - a^ -ISO - AlTjAH 3534-1 - °[ A^O^^E^ Sm ss n 0|Aj-o| ^j^7[ ^E^y. ^ o. as sia - 32f2| S|D|S|- 22^# X|t|*^ 3^011^ 'AJZ|AH'O| E(.^#. (ISO A^Tjo) AJ.g(outcome) 9 2|) - 17 - event ISO set of circumstances)s| ISO 3534-1 - £13 SS SO] : A|-2j AS/NZS 011 AH A^(incident) O|L[ 4390 : 1999 (ISO set of circumstances)£| ^-a. - 18 - interested party ISO/DIS - CHS! 2^js| ^gcni cflsH g^S o|§|j3.l-7i|-i- 7|-3 gel- 4s 9000: ISO ^ 2000 ISO 14000 1. iMI^Kstakeholder) as sia 2. *)l3XKthird party) - S.\±3L B&n^ o|§H &nxKinterested pany)o\^\°l, O.B]L.\- £M|X^ oisy a-Tiixi-Mci- ci sf^si S|D|O|DK oj^! 3£^js| -^goii c|j5j| g^sj o|sHS7)l# 7[g gg *€• (ISO - 19 - mitigation ISO fl^ s§t[ A|-7JO| «.S2H gn|.^. xii3i-§[.^ 14 ^i^o|i-i- znmm as sia 18 8 Ah^oj «.g^ ^^S 3&3}?(i4 ?||om ^J|§M (ISO S»1 AH 7^711 ^. 20 - ^3 S<H(oh) Sol §cH residual risk ISO flzj AS/NZS - £|^a DH-§- zx]7[ ?|sHS o|*o)| yoF si-fe- a|^3. 4=^ 4390 : (level) 1999 as sja 1. Sl-a^S -S-Soilfe ISO/IEC Guide 51 £h^. (ISO §£|) - 21 - ^3 #ol(°!-) E|-El risk ISO fl^S a^i 5f. - AS/NZS 4390 : - JE2. XE Q]| O^ srt-S. ^. ^x o| Jbu 1999 - AS/NZS - ° HB141 E|- got §°| aS0|| ^ifS S ^ 2i^ ni i ^-ASft- 71si, a^i-21- a-a :1999 - 1. cHS Spoilt a|^a.5j- n[-°| g ^(deviation)* ^-gh 9 >)•& ISO/IEC 51 #S 3. 4. *^ ^|SH7F 2iS 4= ^- ^ll ^,£. £!-S^ d-SS c.\ ^ELS.\ §°|fe ISO/IEC 51 ij- (ISO SS|) 22 - risk acceptance iso |^ SS(decision to acccept). AS/NZS Sfi 4390:1999 oil s>\7-\-5[oi a o|o)| AS/NZS HB141 :1999 1 "uj-of-&o|cKaacept)"o|g- ^--g 4= S(acceptance)oI S o|D| 2. a|r^ 3. (ISO S(decision to accept). - 23 - risk analysis ISO W^ #-§-(systematic use). _ s§ A|-2dO| ^D[L[ X|-^- ^ Of L-hn^ 3 H^l-Sl -g-SS.71- 'H -AS/NZS 4360:1999 — 7 !••§•?[!• SS'E S-||7||5j2.S A|--§-o|-0^ -^--S A(-^d 0| "^J 0[-1 [- X|- -AS/NZA •?• ^''cS Sl-jH 3. -^Jll-Sl 3.7|7|- ^y a |-1 |- E|-tr-7(--g- 2 § ^J|"zEr HB141 ••1999 — 3 :T='§'(4.8)—1 7|^j 2. Sfiollt s^ tysx.(\istorical data), o|-g-5j ^M, SSL-^-F-E! 3 §H (informed opinions), a^ll^K4.28)s| a-^AKconcerns)» 3. SI'S aS H-1^3 TZ:± s| gsi-^- ISO/IEC Guide 51 U^ H|^5L# ^7\O[JL ?g§ T*g°h^- Sa(information)sJ (ISO iJ?||S|o} #§(systematic use). - 24 - 1 SOKSH risk assessment ISO fl^ ^H •«* E,^H , -AS/NZS 4360:1999 3. -g-^ (risk analysis)^ E-Ir^a. S7Krisk evaluation)s| - **; -AS/NZA HB141 :1999 s.i-2-i asi-soii^i ai^=l S-^KRisk Analysis)^ ilj-ol- (ISO Bl-a ^^ BJ^3 =j7h°j aei-£|°! 2fs. - 25 - E|^a s(5| goi #oi risk avoidance ISO ^2J e.§3} ai.A-n A^I-OII 7H°j«|-x| g,^ a§(decision) *€• US 4F«!-SS^E| gsmfe «!§(action). -AS/NZS 4360:1999 - gaoii gjztshoi ai>:H -y-a-oii ^oi£|x| SJ-S 5f as -AS/N2A HB141 :1999 1. El^a. S|s|s| 3§a a|^3 S^KRisk Evaluation)^ gzw\ 2. ^§S A^OII qsi-o^ ^cng SMoll ^7i«hoi E|^H# S as 2]a tw?i*i st£^- «ht as *e H-I^H ^--a ^&°S^EJ E. &cK sgih H|^3 4!-»ol| 7HSJ°I-*I &^ as (decision) *^ (ISO zisi ^-#O^^E| #BiL4^ g#(action). Sal) - 26 - risk communication ISO =fm s-\M as^at- ^.Mlxi- #2| EI^HOII && §MS| g^(sharing) SH| ^••E- J2l!-(exchange). -AS/NZA - 2^|x|-2|- 0|«HiJ-^X|-0)|7)| B.\±3.0\\ Si| §fif gSsf2 EF go* §s| HB141 :1999 1. al^a ga.ia#oi|Ai H#E|-^ gat§ a|^a.(4.7)a| 5^H(existence), ^-^(nature), SEH(form), Srit(probability), 7A E(severity), ^r-S-^(acceptability), ^#(treatment), y\^[ ^# °JA|- agx|^2f S7)|XF ^H| E)^3.0j| ?f& SfiLS] (ISO ijTf(sharing) :^TI: ia#(exchange).