





This thesis successful from Tinikan Sungsuwan, Ph.D. Principle Advisor Assistant Professor Sakchai Setarnawat, Ph.D. Co-Advisor please counseling guidance. As well as various bug fix with the exhaustive the researcher feels very much appreciate it. So I'm very thank you very much at this opportunity. Thank you Assistant Professor Apinya Ingard, Ph.D. Principle Examiner Please give knowledge, counseling, edited and criticism achievements make research work in a fully integrated. And experts all give the courtesy to check and advise edit tools used in research for quality. More than everything to my dear parents who always send me a very meaningful pray. Also to my lovely older sister and my friend in class Master degree for your sacrifice, perseverance, support, understanding and unconditional love. They have always been my source of strength at the time of difficulties. The value of this paper and throw the research offer filial gratitude upon teachers and parents, the patron of all present. That makes me a well-educated and successful today.

Tanawan Maion



The purpose of this research focuses on the comparative study of Thai tourists and Foreign tourists satisfaction towards Gastronomy Tourism in Thailand a case study of Pattaya Chonburi Province. Research objective to study comparative study of Thai tourists and foreign tourist satisfaction towards Gastronomy Tourism in Thailand a case study of Pattaya, Chonburi Province. And to study the 7Ps marketing factors that affect to satisfaction of Thai tourist and foreign tourist. The researchers surveyed the population of Thai tourist and Foreign tourists 800 respondents. The respondents are the Thai tourist and Foreign tourists satisfaction to Pattaya, Chonburi Province period May 1- August 30, 2018. The information gathered is analyzed using descriptive analysis, One way ANOVA and Regression linear through an SPSS program. The result performs Thai and foreigners were significantly different at the .05 level of significance. 1. Product 2. Place 3. Promotion 4. People and 5. Physical Evident There was no statistically significant difference at .05 level include 1. Price and 2. The process was found to have significant differences when comparing average between Thailand and foreign tourists can be seen clearly foreign tourists are satisfied with the individual tourists than Thailand. 1. Product 2. Place 3. Promotion and 4. Physical evident. It appears that foreign tourist satisfaction than Thai tourists.



Page ABSTRACT ...... iv CONTENTS ...... v LIST OF TABLES ...... vii LIST OF FIGURES ...... viii CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION ...... 1 Background of the study ...... 1 Research question ...... 7 Research objective ...... 7 The scope of the research ...... 7 Definitions of term ...... 8 2 LITERATURE REVIEWS ...... 9 Theory and concepts of satisfaction ...... 9 Theory and concepts of demographic characteristics ...... 13 Concepts consumer behavior ...... 15 Theory and concepts marketing factor (7Ps) ...... 16 Gastronomy (Street food) ...... 18 Street food in Pattaya, Chonburi ...... 20 Related research ...... 26 Conceptual framework ...... 33 The hypothesis of the research ...... 34 3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY...... 35 Research design ...... 35 Population and sampling design ...... 35 Research instrument ...... 36 Data collection ...... 37 Assessment of research tools ...... 37 Statistical analysis ...... 38 vi


Chapter Page 4 RESEARCH RESULT...... 41 Descriptive statistics ...... 41 Sea grass information ...... 13 Remote sensing ...... 19 Sensor ...... 27 5 CONCLUSION, RESEARCH RESULT AND DISCUSSIONS ...... 73 Conclusion ...... 73 Scope of research ...... 74 Research result ...... 74 Discussions ...... 80 Recommendations for research ...... 81 REFERENCES ...... 83 APPENDIX ...... 88 APPENDIX 1 ...... 89 APPENDIX 2 ...... 93 APPENDIX 3 ...... 100 BIOGRAPHY ...... 108 vii


Table Page 1 Related research ...... 26 2 Thai tourists of demographic information about of respondents ...... 41 3 Information about customer behavior uses service street food Pattaya, Chonburi Thai tourists ...... 43 4 Marketing factor (7Ps) affecting the satisfaction Gastronomy Tourism street food Pattaya, Chonburi of Thai tourist ...... 45 5 Average and standard deviation of level satisfaction of Thai tourists street food Pattaya, Chonburi ...... 52 6 Foreigner tourists of demographic information about of respondents 400 people ...... 55 7 Information about customer behavior uses service street food Pattaya, Chonburi foreigner tourists 400 people ...... 57 8 Marketing factor (7Ps) affecting the satisfaction Gastronomy Tourism street food Pattaya, Chonburi of foreigner tourists 400 people ...... 59 9 Average and standard deviation of level satisfaction of foreigner tourist street food Pattaya, Chonburi ...... 67 10 Multivariate analysis of statistically significant differences between Thai tourists and foreign tourists who have comments on the ingredients of the marketing of street food in Pattaya...... 70 11 Univariate analysis of statistically significant differences between Thai tourists and foreign tourists who have comments on the ingredients of the marketing of street food in Pattaya...... 71 12 The mean and standard deviation of the marketing mix factors services by type of tourists ...... 72 viii


Figure Page 1 Street food ...... 3 2 Tourist of Pattaya 2016-2017 ...... 4 3 Foreigner tourists 2017 ...... 5 4 Pattaya on map of Thailand ...... 6 5 The model of customer satisfaction ...... 12 6 Adding elements of the marketing factor is a traditional 4Ps to 7Ps ...... 16 7 ...... 19 8 Gong ...... 19 9 Fried mackerel with sauce...... 20 10 with pork and egg...... 20 11 Rice topped with crab-fried and basil ...... 22 12 Atmosphere inside the street food ...... 22 13 Stir fried rice noodle with chicken ...... 23 14 Atmosphere inside the street food ...... 23 15 Salt-crusted grilled fish with vegetable ...... 24 16 Atmosphere inside the street food ...... 24 17 Roasted duck ...... 25 18 Atmosphere inside the street food ...... 25 19 Pattaya street food guide ...... 26 20 Conceptual framework ...... 33



Background of the study At present, the development of the tourism industry has various and complex as process links and support local resources because of competition with more and more, including the factors that affect the environment. The tourism industry must adjust constantly. It is known to the openness of the world at present. Of course, tourists claim to want to experience the new. All the time, mostly the experience on the foundation. Its unique culture in the local tourists to visit. Later, in the past few years. The food has become important component support to learn about the culture and life of the people in each region. In addition, the food is also a collection point between cultural tradition and the trend of tourism in new due to tradition, culture, lifestyle and well-being, the unique demographic sustainability, experience, and the factors 4 human indispensable. The survey found that more than 1 in 3 of travel costs are all used in the matter of food, because of this, many. The country began to pay attention to the diet to use it as a tool to promote tourism including Thailand. Gastronomy Tourism or call it simply food tourism many people would think about eating only, but in fact, food tourism is more than that for the definition of food tourism. Research on several agreed that 'food tourism' is the journey to experience the experience in food in each area. The main purpose is entertainment and leisure besides dining experience, food tourism, including visiting places of cooking. The food festival, markets, fairs and cooking demonstration activities of various tourism related to food. The travel experience of this type also related to tourists like to try to learn the new culture in each area. The development of knowledge, understanding of quality and appearance. Which is related to the tourism product, including local in each region through the intake, so food tourism experience they can happen in a specific place, somewhere or occur for any purpose of all the above mentioned. (Anekpoonsuk, 2017) 2

The importance of Gastronomy Tourism in Thailand. The present government has significance to the economic development all creative to strengthen inside to Thailand policies 4.0 and information report from Economic Tourism Ministry of tourism and sports enter. In 2016 are foreign tourists traveling in the 32.588 million people 8.91 percent compared to last year, which was the result of the growth of the tourists almost every group. The tourists from China, Russia, South Asia, and ASEAN result in Thailand income from tourism, including the worth of the 2.52 million. (Income from foreign tourists around 1.64 trillion and the income from domestic tourists around 0.87 million) by exploring the attitude and satisfaction of foreign tourists who travel in Thailand years 2016 found that taste is the most popular activities for tourists. Reach as high as 87.6 from the direction of tourism in such form and behavior tendency of tourists that focus on food as the main elements of tourism activities The policy on the development of tourism by promoting tourism, food Gastronomy Tourism is an important part of the tourism industry can create the experience tourism. Complying with the trends and needs of the tourist market in the future. As the goods and services the chance and high potential in promoting quality standards and has been recognized in the world. The economy of the country developed by adding value to products and services, and the uniqueness of the cultural foundation this can create interesting and attract tourists market potential on the group who are interested in food to travel to learn and share the culture new in each area, causing income distribution led to stay exactly a better quality of life for the local people and the economy in general. As well as to promote the image as a popular destination for foreign tourists all over the world through culture and tourism food. (Bureau of Trade Services and Investment, 2017) Street food is ready to eat food or drink sold on the streets or public places such as markets or fairs, often from kiosks selling food or is a . The street food is local often with widely by region most street food is eaten with my fingers, and fast food. And cheaper than in a restaurant today, people could buy food on the street for various reasons, such as to food and flavors at reasonable prices in a friendly environment to try the food of the local food, and so on. Street food has existed since ancient China and to Turkey and other street food has a long history, about 2.5 billion people eat street food all day, especially in 3

Asian street food becomes part of the daily lives of people in the area. The Asians, many people buy food and drink on the way to work or during the lunch break, the food is cheap and easy access for business guest’s street food is small and requires the facilities of basic skills to prepare the food, which is not a lot of capital. In business it can bring income to the family and country are the poor less. (Winarno, 2017) Street food of Thailand Bangkok It is considered a paradise for the eating of people in Bangkok. Because there are stalls along the street to sell everything, which is considered Food Bangkok Street famous country CNN lift Bangkok Muang one in 23 city with street food delicious food such as chicken rice, soybean milk, pork (CNN, 2018) street food has a wide range of as the car moves the restaurant has tables 5-8 as things started to meet customer needs in terms of local food at that. This is not only a Bangkok street food from TerraBKK Research Pattaya is a city as a tourist attraction. The hotel is not far from Bangkok, about 3 hours, so investors interested in investing and tourists to travel more. TerraBKK.com (TerraBKK, 2018)

Figure 1 Street food Bangkok Source: Street food Bangkok (2015)

The researcher was interested in the study of street food at Pattaya province because of the statistics from the tourist’s attraction for both local and foreign. Since the year 2016-2017 number of tourists Thai and foreigners are becoming increasingly. 4

Tourist of Pattaya 2016-2017

Tourist of Pattaya

8,345,955 8,962,987

4,675,555 4,355,143

2016 2017

Thai Foreigners Column1

Figure 2 Tourist of Pattaya 2016-2017 Source: Ministry of Tourism & Sports (2018)

Pattaya is located in Banglamung district Chonburi province the current level is equivalent Municipality a tourist town with beaches and seaside, which is internationally renowned from Bangkok to the South East is located approximately 140 kilometers on the coast of the Eastern Gulf of Thailand. The division of the city into four parts: North Pattaya, Central Pattaya South Pattaya. (Information in Pattaya, 2016) During 2016-2017 has the number of foreigner tourists Pattaya, Chonburi 1. China 2. Russia 3. India


nationality China Russia India


Russia China

Figure 3 Foreigner tourists 2017 Source: Ministry of Tourism and Sports (2018)


North Pattaya

Central Pattaya

South Pattaya

Figure 4 Pattaya on map of Thailand Source: Pattaya on map of Thailand (2013)

Said that Pattaya is ready to welcome tourists throughout the year because Pattaya has many attractions. The beaches of white sand and there are other attractions. As well as natural attractions and tourist attraction built to give visitors a 7 good impression. And keep the good memories of visiting many of Pattaya. The nightlife at Pattaya, a tourist town perfectly. The food is also popular in Pattaya street food there are various types of food, such as food, seafood, sugary foods, with both sides. The small shop and restaurants big and market focused on selling only food seafood tourists can buy and eat and affordable prices. So the researcher interested in the importance of food tourism of Pattaya because can be considered as a major tourism income and interest to study comparative study of tourist satisfaction towards Gastronomy Tourism in Thailand a case study of Pattaya, Chonburi Province. This compares tourists both Thailand and foreign tourists to find satisfaction in food to contribute to the planning, development and other attractions. The revenue increase as well.

Research question Marketing factor how to effect comparative study of Thai tourists and foreign tourists satisfaction towards Gastronomy Tourism in Thailand a case study of Pattaya, Chonburi Province.

Research objective 1. To study comparative study of Thai tourists and foreign tourists satisfaction towards Gastronomy Tourism in Thailand a case study of Pattaya, Chonburi Province. 2. To study the 7Ps marketing factors that affect to satisfaction of Thai tourist and foreign tourist.

The scope of the research 1. Population scope: Thai tourists and foreign tourists in Pattaya, Chonburi Province. 2. Place: Pattaya city area at Chonburi Province. 3. Time scope: From May 1- August 30, 2018. 4. Source of data: Primary data, collected through questionnaires, and secondary data. 8

Definitions of term Comparative means comparable to an identical manner or two different things. However, in this study object to compare different Thai tourist and foreign tourists for study satisfaction toward to Gastronomy Tourism in Thailand a case study of Pattaya, Chonburi. Satisfaction means the satisfaction of each traveler towards the Gastronomy Tourism in various areas such as product price place promotion people process and physical evidence how satisfied are they with the service. Gastronomy Tourism means to travel to learn about food or food tourism it is a combination of nature, culture, lifestyle and unique space. The experience for tourists, especially the taste of food learn how to make and cook yourself. This is an impressive experience for travelers. Street food means food is cooked and ready to eat or beverages are sold at roadside markets or walk the streets for a food cart some shops may have to sit for about 5 tables or seats most street food is often eaten foods easy can go shopping and walk eat along the way along the way there are many kinds of food, such as food, grilled, fried, fried, or food boxes of food also cheap and can be purchased at all levels of the class.



To study and research “Comparative study of Thai tourists and foreign tourists satisfaction towards Gastronomy Tourism in Thailand a case study of Pattaya, Chonburi Province.” This time, follow the steps the researcher has studied the related documents and research on the following issues: 1. Theory and concepts of Satisfaction. 2. Theory and concepts of demographic characteristics. 3. Concepts consumer behavior. 4. Theory and concepts marketing factor (7Ps) 5. Gastronomy (Street Food) 6. Street food in Pattaya, Chonburi 7. Related research 8. Conceptual Framework

Theory and concepts of satisfaction The meaning of the word satisfaction, It is found that satisfaction means satisfying or pleasing feeling happy or satisfied with the success that we get what we want. Whether the product or service. (Royal Institute Dictionary, 1999, p. 775) as same as Wolman (1973, p. 384) that the meaning of satisfaction as follows. Is feeling happy when we get success according to motivation as we endeavor to do. Anton (1996) said customer satisfaction it is linked to success in the short term to grow and succeed in the long run. Business realizes that service to satisfy customers service will result in the re-use and is a key strategy to improve better profitability. Chawprasert (2004, p. 141) that the meaning of the satisfaction that satisfaction is a feeling of happiness and value to use the product or service by the feeling that the consumers will be needs to want to buy goods or services to come back again. Finally, what the impression and there shall be no need to use a product or service to the satisfaction that remains. 10

Satisfaction is the perception of customer service occurs in short term or long term for the quality of services in level about the services on the quality of services, such as responsibility, trust and the trust of provider service. (Kosay & Karnwong, 2013) In addition, Kotler (2016, p. 153) explained to describe the satisfaction that a sense that occurs after customers try the product or service. This is the result of a comparison between the perceptions about the performance of the product or service with expectations that customers have a product or service. If the results obtained from the product or service below the expectations of our customers. It makes the customer dissatisfaction. If the results match the expectations of its customers. It makes customer satisfaction or if the level of output that exceeds the expectations of our customers. It makes an impression on customers in your product or service. The expectations of the users of the product or service are more or less dependent on factors that vary based on the theory of Maslow's needs. (Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs) This has created by British psychologist needs theory based on hypothesis 3 reasons (Maslow, 1970, p. 35) following. 1. Human beings have always wanted and never ends. The demand is growing. Until that person will get to meet the demand, it may still go on. There has been little response, even as the demand fundamentals that are essential to life. 2. Demand response will not be incentives that cause human behavior any longer. 3. There is a hierarchy of human needs as a priority different. The first step needs to be responsive in order to meet the next stage in the human needs are divided into 5 stages. 1. Physiological needs 2. Safety and security need 3. Love and belonging needs 4. Self- esteem needs and 5. Self-actualization needs. Satisfaction is a process that arises from the perception. Assessment of quality of service as what the clients expect to receive from the service. The satisfaction of the client services are based on 2 factors 1. The perceived quality of service as the provider has promised. The clients will have expectations for the quality of service that will be available, at least according to the promise. The quality of much of what has been will determine the 11 level of satisfaction of the client itself. 2. The perceived quality of service offerings. This service will be offered through various expressions. In the service, the clients will assess whether the service provider has appropriate extent, including ease of access to services. The behavior of the carriers according to the role responsible for the use of language in communication and practice of service providers that are willing and able to do. In recognition of these services to help clients evaluate service quality has cause and effect. Which led to the satisfaction of the service. (Lertpairaud, 2011) From the data above, the researcher concluded that satisfied is feeling positive to receive services from the carrier. The service will be available as willing and attentive and make a good impression most and wanted to use the service again. The importance of satisfaction. Customer satisfaction is the goal of marketing services and other businesses it means satisfied customers come back to use service. However, maybe a customer of a competitor due to a promotional discount. (Charlprasert, 2004, p. 46) However, customer satisfaction with the goods and services. Satisfaction with the relationship with the customer loyalty, for example, a gauge of customer satisfaction is divided into five levels: 1 to 5 in satisfaction levels low 1) shows that customer not to buy the product and do not want to use that service. Levels 2-4 shows that customer satisfaction enough. And the level of satisfaction 5) indicates that customers who buy the products. Or consumption of goods and services and over again. (Kotler, 2003) For the model of the customer satisfaction levels were correlated with experience in obtaining or providing services to customers.


Customer Service Customer Perception Satisfaction Level

Better than expected Happy Service Experience As expected Satisfied

Lower than expected Not satisfied

Figure 5 The model of customer satisfaction. Source: Anton (1996).

Figure 5 Demonstrate that services to our customers more than equal to or less than the customer expected it will give customers the level of the relationship after each service and the overall score level at the customer relationship to this provider organizations, it will indicate that the customer will come back to shop service again in the future. (Anton, 1996) That is, if a customer service evaluation every time together discover that they feel are satisfied, it is possible that the customer will come back again in the future, but it can be changed to use a competitor's service. If you receive an offer that is better, but if they think the customers evaluate service every time that pleased because a service that was better than expected, that would be coming back in reverse. If a customer service evaluation and see that they have not been satisfied. It will not come back again, that is, customer satisfaction has brought the growth of revenue and profit of the enterprise business. In summary, The satisfaction of customers is the most important factor in the service business operations and success in the future because of customer satisfaction, enabling customers to use the service again. So all organizations need to focus and satisfaction to customers, continuously and forever.


Theory and concepts of demographic characteristics. Pimolsompong (2005, p. 22) said demographic factors refers to the characteristics of the population, such as sex, age, status, education level, income, occupation, or which affect the buying needs of the service. When referring to a form of communication that audience is a people-sized. A diverse and not necessarily in the same society ever known or experienced together before. Which allows the audience to look different in many aspects, especially the demographic characteristics including age, sex, education and the economy and society will behave differently interested in receiving information varies with the research has been collecting basic data on demographic characteristics to understand the relationship between demographic characteristics of the details are as follows: 1. Age Another aspect of the demographic is changing the age range of individuals. Age and seniority of the person it represents are said to have the ability to understand information and awareness are much different. Some will point to age interests on various issues and age is also an indication of the different emotions that result from the process is that younger people are liberal optimistic. The very idea conserves popular with careful lifestyle a pessimist, so when age gets older to convince the mind, it is difficult. 2. Gender Gender determines the roles and responsibilities of each. Females are more likely to demand and to send and receive more than males, while males do not have the need to send and receive messages, but only but there is a need to build a good relationship with the get news send and receive messages were also found to vary greatly in terms of ideas, values, attitudes, and attitudes because traditionally conservative culture and society has set the lifestyle and activities of the two sexes are different. (Punnathitanon, 1998) 3. Status The householder, which may be divided into singles married widowed divorced or separated. The difference in the characteristic traditions religious belief inevitably influences marital status, which directly affects recognition will imply freedom to make decisions and influence the process of data analysis, news, thoughts. 14

Women who married and unmarried also have the awareness process of different news to family and the influence of people around you. (Serirat et al., 1998) 4. Education In this study, the mean level of education received by the institution and that has been the experience of a lifetime. The study indicates that the ability to choose to receive news and literacy rates education will give people the knowledge, ideas, as well as extensive knowledge of things subtle differences out make people say can extract the appropriate content and examples that will be brought forward said. The study also causes different attitudes, values, and moral ideas. The different dietary habits people who are highly educated, it's an advantage because it has extensive knowledge of data understand the decisions that are better than people with less education. (Pannanuthitanont, 1998) 5. Occupation The career of the individual directly affect the needs of different goods and services. To decide what is of use that is necessary. For example, the Government will purchase the product and the necessary work. The President and his wife will buy. High-priced clothes which marketers are studying the products of the company are individual’s interest in a career is marketing factor, needs appropriate. (Ekaphachaisawat, 2008) 6. Income Economic security and family Income status of the economy, which is an important indication of the potential for self-care conveys authority spending in news consumption. Those with higher incomes would have a better chance of seeking what is useful for self-care people with lower incomes are less educated. Therefore, there is a restriction the perceived learning. As well as the pursuit of knowledge and experience to take care of ourselves. Those with high incomes can often get more media access and exposure to expensive publications or media abroad interested in content that is relatively heavy, rarely interested so much entertainment content. In addition, people who have a good chance as there is often a good education, reflecting the social and economic position. (Ekaphachaisawat, 2008)


Concepts consumer behavior Kardes, Cronley, and Cline (2011, p. 8) meaning of that behavior all activities of the consumer transaction related to the acquisition. Use of goods and services and behavioral response that occurs. And later it will come out in the form of satisfaction or dissatisfaction. Shiffman and Kanuk (2007, p. 3) meaning of that consumer behavior is expressed the purchase of this assessment to meet the expectations. It will have to decide on the use of resources such as money, time and effort to acquire. This includes what to buy, where to buy, when to buy, how to buy, why to buy and often to buy. Consumer behavior analysis Serirat (2007, p. 18) analysis of consumer behavior, says purchase behavior and consumer goods or services to know the different characteristics and needs, using the core questions and 1 H 6Ws. As follows: 1. Who is in the target market? Questions to know the characteristics of the target. 2. What does the consumer buy? The question is to know what you want from your product and service is the difference above the competitors. Take it to create the strategy, has more potential. 3. Why does the consumer buy? A question that is aware of the purpose of purchase. Consumers buy the products to meet the needs of both bodies. The internal factors or psychological factors and external factors. 4. Who participates in the buying? Are advertising and promotion strategies 5. When does the consumer buy? Like to buy products or services. What part of the month. What part of the year. 6. Where does the consumer buy? Consumers to buy the product or service, such as department stores, restaurants, hotels, etc. 7. How does the consumer buy? be asked to find out about the buying decision process consists of problem recognition, information search, evaluation, purchasing decisions and knowledge after purchase.


Theory and concepts marketing factor (7Ps) Wongmontha (1999, p. 11) said marketing factor means that business with products and service to meet the needs of the target groups to create customer satisfaction. The price of the goods and/or service levels. Consumers accept and agree to pay (Willing to pay) has the proper channels customers can reach comfortably. A lot of effort has an incentive to client's interests. Decided to buy goods and services properly. Kotler (1997, p. 92) said marketing factor represents a variable or a marketing tool that can be controlled organizations often used together to meet customer needs and satisfaction as the goal. Originally part of the marketing mix is only 4 variables only (4Ps) include Product, Price, Place, Promotion Later, with the additional variable up to 3 variables include People, Physical evidence, and Process. To comply with the important concept of modern marketing. Especially with businesses the service Thus, collectively known as the marketing mix model 7Ps

Figure 6 Adding elements of the marketing factor is a traditional 4Ps to 7Ps. Source: MaGrath (1986).

Marketing factor each component is as follows (MarGrath, 1986) 1. Product means the products or services were offered to the consumer and consumers would benefit and value of products such as product shape, size, color and beauty brand, quality and safety. Such as the food product to the consumer service must have a good and clean. 17

In defining the product strategy marketers should focus on the following factors. 1.1 The product differentiation is to make a product or service of the organization is different from its competitors in the market. 1.2 The elements or features of the product component such as the quality, packaging, branding, or benefits of the product, etc. 1.3 The positioning of the product is to design products that are different and valuable products to indicate that the organization is in a position of the market. 1.4 Product development is to improve and develop new products and make them better. In response to customer demand changes. 1.5 Product mix and product line (Armstrong & Kotler, 1996, p. 8) 2. Price mean value of the product is money, nominal the price consumers pay for in exchange for the goods or services offered for sale. Comparison of customer value Service to the prices of services, including the price of food that has been defined quality of food to fit the price set. 3. Place refers to a network which is a channel access to consumers. Easier access to convenient and build various facilities to meet the needs of consumers effectively, including the management of inventory, including facilities such as the dress shop, parking convenient, safe and adequate. 4. Promotion means the brand positioning, advertising media selection, and timing that propagate through the media. The creative thinking. In the promotion. Sales promotion, such as discount goods. Advertising through radio and television, a billboard, flyers, and social media whether it is the Facebook Instagram, Twitter. 5. People as the relationship to provide services directly to consumers. Businesses, therefore, need there must be support personnel to have knowledge, skills, and expertise to work with potential development training, coaching or personnel is an important factor that influenced its creation. Business image because of human relationships smiling and knowledge of advice to consumers dress appropriately and modestly interest and enthusiasm in the service. 6. Process means activity related methods and practice in terms of service presented to users to give properly fast quality. Customers and good impression 18 including queuing in good payment packing goods bag or packing of goods in order to facilitate the transport of the customers. 7. A physical mean is to create and present physical characteristics to the customer by trying to create the overall quality of the thread and the physical. Products and services to create value for customers. As factors contributing to facilitate the service and consumer services is effectively such as area have the right size clean to easy it using the service atmosphere is friendly and decoration of the product.

Gastronomy (Street food) Gastronomy Tourism popular up significantly especially among the alternative tourism which tourist group often seek pleasure and real from tourism currents yearning for the past and the well-being, food tourism. In addition to the happiness to ourselves and can link with other substances, as well as an important part of the market competition with rivals. As the trade and services necessary to the tourists. As the elements of marketing, elements in agricultural development, and local economy. The tourists are aware of the importance of the local culture. As a measure of both the global and local country grows older, the influence of the tourism food that many people may not be familiar when you hear the word "Food tourism." but food tourism that is not something new in the tourism industry because there are experts in tourism activities. It discusses the food is the main topic in education because of the importance of food tourism more and more by that food tourism influences associated with cultural, social, environmental and economic. Gastronomy in Thailand A full Thai meal generally makes up of either a single dish or rice khao together with complimentary dishes such as , stir-frys, etc. Noodles, popularly known as kwaytiow, are also a favorite dish among the Thai such as the Pad Thai (Stir-fried) Tom Yum Goong (Spicy Shrimp Soup) and noodle soups. Every region in Thailand has its own version of an exceptional Thai dish called nam prik (Chili sauce or paste) fried mackerel with shrimp paste sauce. Popular Thai breakfast dishes inlcude the Jok (Rice porridge) and (Rice soup with pork). Other favorite Thai dishes are the Khao Pad (Fried rice usually mixed with beef, shrimp, pork or 19 chicken); Pad kee mao (Stir-fried noodles with Thai basil); Rad na (Rice noodles with gravy); Gai pad grapao (Pounded chicken mixed with garlic and chilies); and (Stir-fried noodles with thick soy sauce or ). (Country Guide, 2018)

Figure 7 Pad Thai Source: Padthaiexpress (2019)

Figure 8 Tom Yum Gong Source: Monkeytan (2016)


Figure 9 Fried mackerel with shrimp paste sauce Source: Cookpad (2017)

Figure 10 Fried rice with pork and egg Source: Teenee (2015)

Street food in Pattaya, Chonburi Street food Thailand is an excellent opportunity to generate income for the country's tourism. Thailand because the food has been recognized by many international tourists as a popular tourism street food or food in the top 5 includes China, Russia, Malaysia, the United Kingdom, Malaysia and the United States. It can 21 be seen that the promotion of tourism, food be helped push the country's economy as well as the street food in Bangkok news agency CNN has ranked Bangkok as a "haven of street food" or a street food (Street Food) in the world since last year ago visitors can buy a variety of food and stated that Chinatown is a neighborhood of eating at one of the best as the street food world (World street food Congress) give "Shellfish fried" is a 1 in 3 of the most famous place to eat along the way Bangkok (BLT Bangkok, 2017) Street food is ready-to-eat food or drink sold by a hawker, or vendor, in a street or other public place, such as at a market or fair. It is often sold from a portable , food cart, or food truck and meant for immediate consumption. Street food is it can be classified into 3 types according to the type of area. Ratnotopong (2011) 1. At the community, such as around the market. (Focus agglomeration) or bus terminal 2. Road and sidewalks (Street hawkers) the traders will set the goods and lined up along the road pavement. And likely caused traffic if traders too, and the narrow sidewalk 3. Bazaars is that traders have the right in the area. Street food Pattaya, Chonburi Province the eastern part of the beach is a tourist destination where tourists come on vacation and there are many restaurants in the area. Street food restaurant is a restaurant that is famous for its taste. Which will focus on selling seafood and foods that are quick and easy to cook and delicious taste for tourists. Travelers can recognize that there are street food from Social Media. This is another channel that tourists eat street food delicious and famous. For example street food of Pattaya Chonburi Province. 2. Keao-Kaprao Pu (Rice topped with crab-fried and basil) Located at the Soi next to the fish shop, Koh Si Chang, North Pattaya, about 200 meters. Restaurant on the right opposite the kitchen Somtum, Naklua, Banglamung, Chonburi. Contact number: 090 0831378 Opening hours Monday-Saturday: 09:00 AM-3:30 PM 22

Figure 11 Rice topped with crab-fried and basil

Figure 12 Atmosphere inside the street food Source: Wongnai (2019)

3. Stir Fried Rice Noodle with Chicken-Muang thong Located on Pratumnak Rd., opposite Nova Platinum Hotel Pattaya, Banglamung, Chonburi. Contact number: 099 4292465 23

Figure 13 Stir fried rice noodle with chicken

Figure 14 Atmosphere inside the street food Source: Wongnai (2019)

4. Hot pot 89 Located on Sukhumvit Road (Adjacent to Sukhumvit Road opposite Pang- ngan), Banglamung, Chonburi Contact number: 098 2901306 Open everyday: 6:00 PM-10:00 PM


Figure 15 Salt-crusted grilled fish with vegetable

Figure 16 Atmosphere inside the street food Source: Wongnai (2019)

5. Wat-roasted duck Located Banglamung 25 (Banglamung, 300 meters on the left), Banglamung, Chonburi Contact number: 081 6507262 Open everyday: 6.00 AM-3.00 PM 25

Figure 17 Roasted duck

Figure 18 Atmosphere inside the street food Source: Wongnai (2019)

In addition to the Wongnai website that reviews restaurants like the Thai people are well known. There are other websites. Who reviews food or brings food to street food that is also interesting for example https://traveltriangle.com 26

Figure 19 Pattaya street food guide Source: Traveltriangle (2018)

It talk about the interesting street food of Pattaya menu and can eat a lot which is a favorite of many foreign tourists.

Related research

Table 1 Related research

No Author/ Year Finding Contribution to the study published/ Title/ Place 1. Manassinee Thai tourists come to The promotion and Boonmeesrisa-nga, visit. Chatsila Market, marketing of the Chatsila Prapimon Pinkeaw, Amphur Hua-Hin market is on a high level and Palinee Prachuapkhirikhan it finds quality service in Sakultangmaneerat Province How do you trust and physical trust. (2013) think about marketing?


Table 1 (Cont.)

No Author/ Year Finding Contribution to the study published/ Title/ Place Factors affecting Thai tourists’ satisfaction and behavior toward Chatsila Market in Hua Hin district, Prachuap Khiri Khan province 2. Srisarakham (2016) KFC marketing Factors that affect customer Factors influencing strategies In order to satisfaction with 4 factors: KFC restaurant’s meet the needs of product, price, place customer satisfaction customers to create a promotions. in Bangkok and competitive advantage Vicinity to generate profit. 3. Lamsakulrat (2015) The study aimed to The analysis results found Factors influencing explore the factors of that factors of marketing consumer's marketing factors, factor, service quality, and satisfaction with service quality, brand image influenced International and brand image consumer’s satisfaction with Food in Bangkok influencing consumer's international food in satisfaction with Bangkok. international food in Bangkok.


Table 1 (Cont.)

No Author/ Year Finding Contribution to the study published/ Title/ Place 4. Kongdara (2016) What factors affect Customers are very satisfied The customer's customer satisfaction with the service more satisfaction on Fuji with products and satisfied than the expected Japanese restaurant’s services Zen Japanese Fuji restaurant. services and Zen restaurant’s Japanese restaurant’s services in Bangkok Metropolis 5. Suwannapirom Surveyed behavior and The factors most foreign (2017) satisfaction of Thai tourists satisfied service and Tourists' behavior and foreign tourists cultural tradition Thai and satisfaction visiting Koh Chang tourists like in products, toward traveling To Island. services and attractions. Koh Chang Trad province 6. Duangraksa (2015) The decision making Influence decisions most is Comparative study to use the services of to promote the market. This of factors and four-five-star hotels by makes a lot of tourists come behaviors affecting the Thai and to stay and affect the select service foreign tourists in profitability of the hotel. hotels 4 to 5 stars of Pattaya City, Chon Thai tourists and Buri Province, and to Foreign tourists in provide the guidelines Pattaya, Chonburi for hotel operators to province district improve their services.


Table 1 (Cont.)

No Author/ Year Finding Contribution to the published/ Title/ study Place 7. Sereetrakul (2012) 7Ps marketing mix Satisfaction of tourists A comparison of used to study compare varies in terms of service satisfaction with the satisfaction with and price strategy. Bangkok tourism Bangkok tourism marketing marketing of local and strategies of local foreign tourists. and Foreign tourist

8. Kaytunyaluck (2016) Starbucks to make Marketing factors affect Factors affecting informed decisions, consumer satisfaction of satisfaction with develop or improve Starbucks. service and beverage products and services consumption at as appropriate to Starbucks coffee define the policy or company in Thailand strategy to meet the needs of consumers, literally, by a variety of factors. 9. Supsong (2016) Demographic The relationship between Factors relating the attributes of decision making and use decision making of consumers, market mix of service 5-star restaurant the consumers in factors, and values in Bangkok. selecting the rooftop factor having a restaurant at 5 stars relationship with the hotels in Bangkok. decision-making to use


Table 1 (Cont.)

No Author/ Year Finding Contribution to the study published/ Title/ Place services of a five-star- hotels' rooftop restaurant in Bangkok. 10. Waramas Phetniam The information used Premium Coffee Shop have (2015) to analyze, plan, and 4 factors affect to the Factors affecting improve the company consumer behavior is consumer behavior marketing strategy. products, people, price and in Bangkok premium The population of this the coffee taste and the coffee shops. study is a group of factors of distribution consumers who live in channels and remember Bangkok that has been customers. used to study various factors. 11. Ying-Chuan Wang This study focuses on eWOM had relationship (2015) the extent to which with the image of A study on the electronic word-of- Macanese Gastronomy influence of mouth (eWOM) and Tourism suggests that both electronic word the image of are leading factors in of mouth and the Macanese attracting tourists; image of gastronomy Gastronomy Tourism therefore boosting the tourism on the infl uences tourists' travel industry in Macau. intentions of tourists intentions, based on visiting Macau samples of those who use them


Table 1 (Cont.)

No Author/ Year Finding Contribution to the study published/ Title/ Place Internet, to search for information about Macanese gastronomy. 12. Alvez, Lopez- This study is to Foreign tourists have Guzman, Buiza, and present the results of a different attitudes toward Medina-Viruel research conducted on the local gastronomy. (2017) the foreign tourists in Therefore, it shows that the Gastronomy as an the city of Lima, a foreign tourists have element of attraction World Heritage Site. different motivations in a tourist regarding gastronomy, destination: which we have the case of Lima, grouped into three Peru dimensions: new food experience, culture, and socialization. 13. Cankül1 and Demir This research was In the wake of the data (2018) made in order to show analysis, it was detected Travel agencies and to what extend IATA that travel agencies do not gastronomy tourism: Member A-Class Directly organize the case of IATA Travel Agencies, gastronomy tours and they member a- class which operate in organize the travels related travel agencies. Istanbul, how. to the Gastronomy Tourism under culture tours. Moreover, within the organized tours' content,


Table 1 (Cont.)

No Author/ Year Finding Contribution to the study published/ Title/ Place it was observed that the most distinguished gastronomic services are ‘tasting'. 14. Güzel (2016) Consumption Thus, food tourism should Gastronomy tourism: behaviors related to be considered as an Motivations and personal consumption important factor to develop destinations affect some factors, a region. such as cultural and religious factors, social factors, and population. The Personality, touch and past experience, and motivational factors. 15. Sormaza, Akmeseb, Research, studies, and Gastronomic tourism Gunesc, and Arasd projects about which supports regional (2016) Gastronomy gastronomy, development by setting the in Tourism gastronomic tourism link between food and and its development in beverages and tourism and Turkey Should be strengthens local identity carried out on a and culture, as well as nationwide and financial conditions, should international basis, be more active and National and maintained.


Table 1 (Cont.)

No Author/ Year Finding Contribution to the study published/ Title/ Place international food and gastronomy festivals should be arranged to introduce the gastronomy destinations of Turkey to tourists.

Conceptual framework Independent variable (IV) Dependent variable (DV)

Thai tourists Status Satisfaction of marketing Age factors (7Ps) Education Product Occupation Price Income Place


Foreigner tourists People

Status Process

Age Physical evidence Education

Occupation Income

Figure 20 Conceptual framework 34

The hypothesis of the research Hypothesis 1 Product factor effect to satisfaction Thai tourists and Foreigner tourist’s Street food. Hypothesis 2 Price factor effect to satisfaction Thai tourists and Foreigner tourist’s Street food. Hypothesis 3 Place factor effect to satisfaction Thai tourists and Foreigner tourist’s Street food. Hypothesis 4 Promotion factor effect to satisfaction Thai tourists and Foreigner tourist’s Street food. Hypothesis 5 People factor effect to satisfaction Thai tourists and Foreigner tourist’s Street food. Hypothesis 6 Process factor effect to satisfaction Thai tourists and Foreigner tourist’s Street food. Hypothesis 7 Physical evident factor effect to satisfaction Thai tourists and Foreigner tourist’s Street food.



Research design Comparative study of Thai tourists and foreigner tourists satisfaction towards Gastronomy Tourism in Thailand a case study of Pattaya, Chonburi Province. A quantitative research, which uses a questionnaire as a tool to collect information.

Population and sampling design For the population in this research is that tourists Thai and foreigners who travel Thailand in Chonburi Province. The search revealed that in the year 2017 with a total of 13,638,542 tourists in Chonburi Province all of which were intended to study the comparison, Thai tourists, and foreign tourists. The number of tourists from Thailand in 2017 all 4,675,555 people, and the number of foreign tourists in 2017 all 8,962,987 people. (Ministry of Tourism & Sports, 2018) To determine the size of the sample used in the research. Which is calculated from a sample of Taro Yamane formula determined by the confidence that the sample size of 95 has 800 samples using purposive sampling (Purposive Sampling), the details of the size of the sample.

N Formula n = 1+Ne2

Define provide N is the size of the sample group. N is the number of tourists, both foreign and Thailand travel in Chonburi Province. N is Discrepancy When the variables in the formula Yamane are as follows. Thai tourist


4,675,555 Substitute n = 1+4,675,555 (0.05)2 = 400 From the calculations will be appropriate sample size of Thai tourist is approximately 400 samples. Foreigner tourists 8,962,987 Substitute n = 1+8,962,987 (0.05)2 = 399.99 From the calculations will be an appropriate sample size of foreigner tourists is approximately 400 samples. The researcher collected the questionnaire Thai tourist 400 and foreign tourist 400 total 800 persons.

Research instrument Part 1 Questionnaire about demographics of respondents Thai tourists and foreigner tourist in Pattaya, Chonburi, including sex, status, age, education, career, income. The nature of the questionnaire will be there are several answers (Multiple Choices), also known as Close-ended Question. Part 2 Information about behavior customer use service street food Pattaya, Chonburi. Part 3 The questions used in the assessment opinions about marketing mix (7Ps) affecting the satisfaction Gastronomy Tourism Thai and foreigners. The question in this section is the questionnaire rating scale have weight 5 configuration level (Five-point likert scales). Level satisfaction Score Very much satisfaction 5 Much satisfaction 4 Neutral satisfaction 3 Not much satisfaction 2 Not at all satisfaction 1 37

For evaluation criteria, the principle of division of Class Interval divided into 5 levels from the average scores received from the questionnaire. The maximum score is 5 points, the lowest score is 1, then take out the middle range. The formula for calculating the ratio of intervening class. (Srisarakham, 2016 cited in Rattanasomchok, 2015).

Highest value−Smallest values

Number of class 5−1 = 0.80 5

The average score 4.21-5.00 means is very much satisfaction. The average score 3.41-4.20 means is much satisfaction. The average score 2.61-3.40 means is neutral satisfaction. The average score 1.81-2.60 means is not much satisfaction. The average score 1.00-1.80 means is not at all satisfaction.

Data collection Study resources the researcher collected data from 2 sources as follows: 1. Primary data collected from the questionnaire of Thai tourists and foreign tourists age 20 age up to the Pattaya Chonburi 800 people. 2. Secondary data collected from the study of books, articles, documents or publications related.

Assessment of research tools The researcher has created a questionnaire. For the study, researchers conducted tests to determine the Validity and Reliability. 1. Determination of validity by questionnaire the researchers created to determine the content validity of 3 experts will then be for the IOC

∑ 푅 Formula IOC = 푁


When IOC means the index of congruence R refers to the opinions of the experts by the value + 1 refers to the questions can be directed to the exact measure. A value of 0 means not sure how to measure them, and-1 means the question cannot be measured exactly. N Refers to the number of experts. The study chooses the questions IOC than 0.5 using questions from experts both 3, which check the questionnaire that was all constructed in the stead of the content. Covered in each side covers were checked for the purpose Validity using IOC which not less than 0.5 in each research. The index has ranged from 0.67 to 1.00 means validity. The three experts are: - Asst. Prof. Acting Sub Lt. Tanaphon Nitichaowakul, Ph.D - Asst. Prof. Dr. Sombat Thamrogsinthaworn, D.B.A - Prof. Dr. Parameth Voraseyanon Check determination of validity total 0.99. 2. Reliability by the researchers to pretest test queries against a group with a similar group that will study the number of 60 people (Thai tourists least 30 people and foreign tourists least 30 people) by analyzing the find item confidence buoyed sentiment analysis using the method of Cronbach (1984, p.161) in order to provide this questionnaire has enough confidence, using the SPSS Program to calculate reliability. It test will be later.

Statistical analysis In this study, the researcher analyzes the data collected from questionnaires. Using the computer data processing program for research. Are analyzed by using descriptive statistics by the statistical analysis used in this study. Statistical data analysis and hypothesis test 2 types. Descriptive statistics 1. Analysis of data on the demographic characteristics of the sample, including gender, age, education level, occupation, income. It will make a presentation in the form of a distribution table frequency, Percentage, Mean. 39

2. Analysis of the data relating to the marketing factor (7Ps) that affect customer satisfaction in the Gastronomy Tourism of Thai tourists and foreign tourists. It will make a presentation in the form of a percentage, mean and standard deviation. The statistics used in this research are 3 types. 1. Percentage f 1 0 0 P = n P represents average score. f represents the sum of all scores. n represents the size of the sample. 2. Means x X = n X represents average score.  x represents the sum of all scores. n represents the size of the sample. 3. Standard deviation for descriptive statistics analysis to use the interpretation of data from the questionnaire.

n  x 2 − ( x 2 ) SD = n(n −1)

SD Standard deviation  x2 Sum of each squared score (x2 ) Sum of all points squared n Number of samples

Inferential statistics 1. Man NOVA Multivariate Analysis of Variance

푆푆퐻 = E-1 H 푆푆퐸


푠 휆푖 Pillai: V(S) = ∑ 푖=1 1+휆푖

푠 Lawley-Hotelling: U(S) = ∑푖=1 휆i 푠 1 Wilks’ lambad: ∧ = ∏ 푖=1 1+휆푖

휆1 Roy’s largest root: 휃 = 1+휆1



This research aims to “Comparative study of Thai tourists and foreign tourist’s satisfaction towards Gastronomy Tourism in Thailand a case study of Pattaya, Chonburi Province” In chapter 4, The researcher will past use the raw data obtained from the questionnaire to perform statistical processing. Then, statistical analysis was performed based on the objectives of the research. The research results are divided into the following 2 sections. The data collected from the questionnaire for this research could be collected with Thai tourists and foreign tourist by 800 readers at street food Pattaya, Chonburi during the 60-day period (1 June-31 August 2018). The demographic characteristics of the respondents can be processed as follows.

Descriptive statistics Part 1: The demographic characteristics of the respondents.

Table 2 Thai tourists of demographic information about of respondents.

Demographic Number of frequency Percent (%) characteristics (n = 400) 1. Gender Male 103 25.8 Female 297 74.3 Included 400 100 2. Status Single 374 93.5 Married 19 4.8 Divorced 7 1.8 Included 400 100 42

Table 2 (Cont.)

Demographic Number of frequency Percent (%) characteristics (n = 400) 3. Age Lower than 20 years 3 0.8 20-30 year 328 82.0 31-40 year 50 12.5 41-50 year 17 4.3 More than 51 year 2 0.5 Included 400 100 4. Education Lower than Bachelor 26 6.5 degree Bachelor degree 298 74.5 Master's degree 33 8.3 Doctoral degree 6 1.5 Other 37 9.3 Included 400 100 5. Occupation Student 110 27.5 Government officials 35 8.8 Private employees 144 36.0 Owner business 60 15.0 Other 51 12.8 Included 400 100 6. Income Lower than 5,000 Baht 46 11.5 5,000-9,999 Baht 41 10.3 10,000-14,999 Baht 79 19.8


Table 2 (Cont.)

Demographic Number of frequency Percent (%) characteristics (n = 400) 15,000-19,999 Baht 123 30.8 20,000-29,999 Baht 57 14.3 More than 30,000 Baht 54 13.5 Included 400 100

From table 2 above Thai tourist demographic characteristics of the sample can be divided into male percent 25.8 and female percent 74.3 mostly have single status percent 93.5 mostly have age 20-30 years percent 82.0 mostly of the sample had bachelor degree percent 74.5 private employees percent 36.0 and mostly of the income 15,000-19,999 baht percent 30.8 the sample of Thai tourists 400 people. Part 2: Information about customer behavior uses service street food Pattaya, Chonburi Thai tourists

Table 3 Information about customer behavior uses service street food Pattaya, Chonburi Thai tourists.

Behavior uses service Street food Number of Percent frequency (%) 1. How often to use the service of street food Pattaya, Chonburi. Less than 1 time per month 281 70.3 1-2 times per month 65 16.3 3-4 times per month 23 5.8 More than 4 times per month 31 7.8 Included 400 100


Table 3 (Cont.)

Behavior uses service Street food Number of Percent frequency (%) 2. The average costs per time to use the service of street food Pattaya, Chonburi. Lower than 200 Baht 98 24.5 201-500 Baht 188 47.0 501-800 Baht 64 16.0 More than 801 Baht 50 12.5 Included 400 100 3. The reason that you choose to use the service of street food Pattaya, Chonburi. Street food Pattaya, Chonburi has price not 88 22.0 expensive. Street food has a wide selection of local food. 169 42.3 Near the famous tourist attractions of Pattaya, 143 35.8 Chonburi. Included 400 100 4. The day that you choose to use the service of street food, Pattaya, Chonburi. Weekdays 86 21.5 Saturday-Sunday/ Public holiday 314 78.5 Included 400 100 5. Characteristics to use the service of street food, Pattaya, Chonburi. Alone 21 5.3 With friends 285 71.3 With family 85 21.3 With the tour company 9 2.3 Included 400 100


From table 3 above Information about Thai tourists customer behavior uses service street food Pattaya, Chonburi most of the samples used street food in Chonburi less than 1 time per month 281 people percent 70.3 The average costs per time to use the service of street food Pattaya, Chonburi is 201-500 baht per times 188 people percent 47.0 the reason that you choose to use the service of street food Pattaya, Chonburi most is street food has a wide selection of local food 169 people percent 42.3 the day that you choose to use the service of Street food, Pattaya, Chonburi most is Saturday-Sunday/ Public holiday is 314 people percent 78.5 and characteristics to use the service of Street food, Pattaya, Chonburi of most Thai tourists is with friends 285 people percent 71.3 the sample of 400 Thai tourists. Part 3: Marketing factor (7Ps) affecting the satisfaction Gastronomy Tourism street food Pattaya, Chonburi of Thai tourist

Table 4 Marketing factor (7Ps) affecting the satisfaction gastronomy tourism street food Pattaya, Chonburi of Thai tourist.

Level satisfaction Very Much Neutral Not Not Marketing factor much much at all Percent Product 1. The street food of 49 (12.3) 139 (34.8) 201 (44.4) 9 (2.3) 2 (0.5) Pattaya is a delicious. 2. The street food of 34 (8.5) 159 (35.1) 190 (47.5) 15 (3.8) 2 (0.5) Pattaya is a fresh. 3. The street food of 17 (4.3) 131 (32.8) 226 (49.9) 24 (5.3) 2 (0.5) Pattaya is a clean. 4. The street food of 23 (5.1) 138 (34.5) 203 (50.8) 28 (6.2) 8 (1.8) Pattaya is right amount.


Table 4 (Cont.)

Level satisfaction Very Much Neutral Not Not Marketing factor much much at all Percent Price 1. Price of street 38 (9.5) 139 (30.7) 191 (47.8) 31 (6.8) 1 (.3) food matches the quality of the food. 2. Price is proper 23 (5.8) 154 (38.5) 176 (44.0) 44 (11.0) 1 (.8) for the quantity of food for Street food. 3. There are details 19 (4.8) 164 (41.0) 173 (43.3) 42 (10.5) 2 (.5) about the price of street food properly. 4. Price of street 36 (7.9) 150 (37.5) 179 (44.8) 35 (7.7) - food are fixed and do not change often. Place 1. Location of the 52 (13.0) 242 (60.5) 97 (24.3) 5 (1.3) 4 (1.0) street food can be easily accessed. 2. The sign of street 50 (12.5) 224 (56.0) 108 (27.0) 16 (4.0) 2 (0.5) food is easy to see. 3. The area around 31 (7.8) 134 (33.5) 158 (39.5) 66 (16.5) 11 (2.8) the street food is adequate parking.


Table 4 (Cont.)

Level satisfaction Very Much Neutral Not Not Marketing Factor much much at all Percent 4. Street food has 30 (7.5) 163 (40.8) 152 (38.0) 45 (11.3) 10 (2.5) social channels to contact to order easily such as Facebook, Line. Promotion 1. Advertisement 47 (10.4) 144 (36.0) 169 (42.3) 33 (8.3) 7 (1.8) of street food is well known. 2. Advertisement 52 (13.0) 152 (38.0) 158 (34.9) 34 (8.5) 4 (1.0) of street food through multiple channels such as Facebook, a website about food (Wongnai.com) 3. Street food has 43 (9.5) 131 (32.8) 173 (38.2) 46 (11.5) 7 (1.8) promotion activities, such as discount the price of food.


Table 4 (Cont.)

Level Satisfaction Very Much Neutral Not Not at Marketing Factor much much all Percent People 1. The 35 (8.8) 176 (44.0) 178 (44.5) 9 (2.3) 2 (0.5) entrepreneurs/ employees of street food are willing to provide service 2. The entrepreneurs/ 37 (8.2) 174 (38.4) 170 (37.5) 15 (3.3) 4 (1.0) employees of street food are polite and friendly. 3. The entrepreneurs/ 39 (9.8) 168 (42.0) 175 (43.8) 14 (3.5) 4 (1.0) employees of street food have enthusiasm and attentive. 4. The dress of 26 (6.5) 182 (45.5) 163 (40.8) 18 (4.0) 11 (2.8) entrepreneurs/employe es of street food is appropriate and polite. Process 1. It is fast and 31 (7.8) 188 (47.0) 162 (40.5) 17 (4.3) 2 (.5) accurate for ordering and service of Street food.


Table 4 (Cont.)

Level Satisfaction Very Much Neutral Not Not at Marketing Factor much much all Percent 2. The payment of 29 (7.3) 191 (47.8) 155 (38.8) 23 (5.8) 2 (.5) food is convenient to fast and properly. 3. Street food has a 32 (8.0) 154 (38.5) 178 (44.5) 26 (6.5) 10 (2.5) delivery service nearby. Physical evident 1. Menus of street 41 (9.1) 217 (54.3) 134 (33.5) 6 (1.5) 2 (.5) food easily to see. 2. Tables and chairs 36 (9.8) 174 (43.8) 162 (40.5) 19 (4.8) 5 (1.3) are suitable for Street food. 3. The number of 35 (8.8) 163 (40.8) 160 (40.0) 33 (8.3) 9 (2.3) seats is enough for Street food. 4. The atmosphere of 28 (7.0) 166 (41.5) 167 (41.8) 30 (7.5) 9 (2.3) the street food is clean and not crowded.

From table 4 above marketing factor (7Ps) affecting the satisfaction Gastronomy Tourism street food Pattaya, Chonburi 400 people found Product 1. The street food of Pattaya is a delicious level satisfaction of Thai tourists neutral percent 44.4 second is the level much percent 34.8 and level very much percent 12.3 50

2. The street food of Pattaya is a fresh level satisfaction of Thai tourists neutral percent 47.5 second is the level much percent 35.1 and level very much percent 8.5 3. The street food of Pattaya is a clean level satisfaction of Thai tourists neutral percent 49.9 second is the level much percent 32.8 and level not much percent 5.3 4. The street food of Pattaya is right amount level satisfaction of Thai tourists neutral percent 50.8 second is the level much percent 34.5 and level not much percent 6.2 Price 1. Price of street food matches the quality of the food level satisfaction of Thai tourists neutral percent 47.8 second is the level much percent 30.7 and level very much percent 9.5 2. Price is proper for the quantity of food for street food level satisfaction of Thai tourists neutral percent 44.0 second is the level much percent 38.5 and level not much percent 11.0 3. There are details about the price of street food properly level satisfaction of Thai tourists neutral percent 43.3 second is the level much percent 41.0 and level not much percent 10.5 4. Price of street food are fixed and do not change often level satisfaction of Thai tourists neutral percent 44.8 second is the level much percent 37.5 and is the level very much percent 7.9 Place 1. Location of the street food can be easily accessed level satisfaction of Thai tourists much percent 60.5 second is the level neutral percent 24.3 and is the level vary much percent 13.0 2. The sign of street food is easy to see level satisfaction of Thai tourists much percent 56.0 second is the level neutral percent 27.0 and is the level vary much percent 12.5 3. The area around the street food is adequate parking level satisfaction of Thai tourists neutral percent 39.5 second is the level much percent 33.5 and is the level not much percent 16.5 51

4. Street food has social channels to contact to order easily such as Facebook, Line level satisfaction of Thai tourists much percent 40.8 second is the level neutral percent 38.0 and is the level much percent 7.5 Promotion 1. Advertisement of street food is well level satisfaction of Thai tourists neutral percent 42.3 second is the level much percent 36.0 and is the level very much percent 10.4 2. Advertisement of street food through multiple channels such as Facebook, a website about food (Wongnai.com) level satisfaction of Thai tourists neutral percent 34.9 second is the level much percent 38.0 and is the level very much percent 13.0 3. Street food has promotion activities, such as discount the price of food level satisfaction of Thai tourists neutral percent 38.2 second is the level much percent 32.8 and is the level not much percent 11.5 People 4. The entrepreneurs/employees of street food are willing to provide service level satisfaction of Thai tourists neutral percent 44.5 second is the level much percent 44.0 and is the level not much percent 8.8 5. The entrepreneurs/employees of street food are polite and friendly level satisfaction of Thai tourists much percent 38.4 second is the level neutral percent 37.5 and is the level very much percent 8.2 6. The entrepreneurs/employees of street food have enthusiasm and attentive level satisfaction of Thai tourists neutral percent 43.8 second is the level much percent 42.0 and is the level very much percent 9.8 7. The dress of entrepreneurs/employees of street food is appropriate and polite level satisfaction of Thai tourists much percent 45.5 second is the level neutral percent 40.8 and is the level very much percent 6.5 Process 1. It is fast and accurate for ordering and service of street food level satisfaction of Thai tourists much percent 47.0 second is the level neutral percent 40.5 and is the level very much percent 7.8 52

2. The payment of food is convenient to fast and properly level satisfaction of Thai tourists much percent 47.8 second is the level neutral percent 38.8 and is the level very much percent 7.3 3. Street food has a delivery service nearby level satisfaction of Thai tourists neutral percent 44.5 second is the level much percent 38.5 and is the level very much percent 8.0 Physical evident 1. Menus of street food easily to see level satisfaction of Thai tourists much percent 54.3 second is the level neutral percent 33.5 and is the level very much percent 9.1 2. Tables and chairs are suitable for street food level satisfaction of Thai tourists much percent 43.8 second is the level neutral percent 40.5 and is the level very much percent 9.8 3. The number of seats is enough for street food level satisfaction of Thai tourists much percent 40.8 second is the level neutral percent 40.0 and is the level very much percent 8.8 4. The atmosphere of the street food is clean and not crowded level satisfaction of Thai tourists neutral percent 41.8 second is the level much percent 41.5 and is the level not much percent 7.5 Part 4: Average and standard deviation of level satisfaction of Thai tourists street food Pattaya, Chonburi.

Table 5 Average and standard deviation of level satisfaction of Thai tourists street food Pattaya, Chonburi.

Marketing Factor 퐱̅ SD Mean Product 1. The street food of Pattaya is a delicious. 3.56 .75 Much 2. The street food of Pattaya is a fresh. 3.52 3.5 Much 3. The street food of Pattaya is a clean. 3.34 .67 Neutral 4. The street food of Pattaya is right amount. 3.35 .77 Neutral Included 3.44 .113 Much 53

Table 5 (Cont.)

Marketing Factor 퐱̅ SD Mean Price 1. Price of street food matches the quality of 3.46 .78 Much the food 2. Price is proper for the quantity of food for 3.38 .78 Neutral street food 3. There are details about the price of street 3.39 .75 Neutral food properly. 4. Price of street food are fixed and do not 3.47 .77 Much change often. Included 3.42 .04 Much Place 1. Location of the street food can be easily 3.83 .69 Much accessed. 2. The sign of street food is easy to see. 3.76 .73 Much 3. The area around the street food is adequate 3.27 .92 Neutral parking. 4. Street food has social channels to contact to 3.40 .87 Neutral order easily such as Facebook, Line. Included 3.56 .27 Much Promotion 1. Advertisement of street food is well known. 3.48 .87 Much 2. Advertisement of street food through 3.54 .86 Much multiple channels such as Facebook, a website about food (Wongnai.com) 3. Street food has promotion activities, such as 3.39 .88 Neutral discount the price of food. Included 3.47 .07 Much


Table 5 (Cont.)

Marketing Factor 퐱̅ SD Mean People 1. The entrepreneurs/ employees of street food 3.58 .70 Much are willing to provide service. 2. The entrepreneurs/ employees of street food 3.56 .75 Much are polite and friendly. 3. The entrepreneurs/ employees of street food 3.56 .75 Much have enthusiasm and attentive. 4. The dress of entrepreneurs/ employees of 3.49 .79 Much street food is appropriate and polite. Included 3.54 .03 Much Process 1. It is fast and accurate for ordering and 3.57 .71 Much service of street food. 2. The payment of food is convenient to fast 3.56 .73 Much and properly. 3. Street food has a delivery service nearby. 3.43 .82 Much Included 3.52 .07 Much Physical evident 1. Menus of street food easily to see. 3.72 .68 Much 2. Tables and chairs are suitable for street 3.56 .78 Much food. 3. The number of seats is enough for street 3.46 .85 Much food. 4. The atmosphere of the street food is clean 3.44 .82 Much and not crowded. Included 3.54 .12 Much


From table 5 above Average and standard deviation of level satisfaction of Thai tourists Street food Pattaya, Chonburi. Satisfaction of Thai tourists 1. Place the level of satisfaction of Thai tourists is much. (x̅ = 3.56, SD = .27) 2. People the level of satisfaction of Thai tourists is much. (x̅ = 3.54, SD = .03) 3. Physical evident the level of satisfaction of Thai tourists is much. (x̅ = 3.54, SD = .12) 4. Process the level of satisfaction of Thai tourists is much. (x̅ = 3.52, SD = .07) 5. Promotion the level of satisfaction of Thai tourists is much. (x̅ = 3.47, SD = .07) 6. Product the level of satisfaction of Thai tourists is much. (x̅ = 3.44, SD = .113) 7. Price the level of satisfaction of Thai tourists is much. (x̅ = 3.42, SD = .04) Part 5: The demographic characteristics of the respondents of foreigner tourists.

Table 6 Foreigner tourists of demographic information about of respondents 400 people.

Demographic Number of (People) Percent (%) characteristics 1. Gender Male 244 61.0 Female 156 39.0 Included 400 100


Table 6 (Cont.)

Demographic Number of (People) Percent (%) characteristics 2. Status Single 205 51.3 Married 183 45.8 Divorced 12 3.0 Included 400 100 3. Age Lower than 20 years 8 2.0 20-30 year 116 29.0 31-40 year 124 31.0 41-50 year 108 27.0 More than 51 year 44 11.0 Included 400 100 4. Education Lower than Bachelor 36 9.0 degree Bachelor degree 160 40.0 Master's degree 60 15.0 Doctoral degree 20 5.0 Other 124 30.8 Included 400 100 5. Occupation Student 16 4.0 Government officials 4 1.0 Private employees 16 4.0 Owner business 76 19.0 Other 288 72.0 Included 400 100


Table 6 (Cont.)

Demographic Number of (People) Percent (%) characteristics 6. Income Lower than 5,000 Baht 4 1.0 5,000-9,999 Baht 6 1.5 10,000-14,999 Baht 14 3.5 15,000-19,999 Baht 31 7.8 20,000-29,999 Baht 42 10.5 More than 30,000 Baht 303 75.8 Included 400 100

From table 6 above demographic characteristics of the sample can be divided into male percent 61.0 and female percent 39.0 3 mostly have single status percent 51.3 mostly have age 31-40 years percent 31.0 of the sample had education other percent 30.8 occupation other percent 72.0 and mostly of the income more than 30,000 baht percent 75.8 the sample of foreigner tourists 400 people. Part 6: Information about customer behavior uses service street food Pattaya, Chonburi foreigner tourists

Table 7 Information about customer behavior uses service street food Pattaya, Chonburi foreigner tourists 400 people.

Behavior uses service street food Number of Percent (People) (%) 1. How often to use the service of street food Pattaya, Chonburi. Less than 1 time per month 264 66.0 1-2 times per month 116 29.0 3-4 times per month 4 1.0


Table 7 (Cont.)

Behavior uses service Street food Number of Percent (People) (%) More than 4 times per month 16 4.0 Included 400 100 2. The average costs per time to use the service of street food Pattaya, Chonburi. Lower than 200 Baht 272 68.0 201-500 Baht 112 28.0 501-800 Baht 16 4.0 More than 801 Baht - - Included 400 100 3. The reason that you choose to use the service of street food Pattaya, Chonburi. Street food Pattaya, Chonburi has price not expensive. 112 28.0 Street food has a wide selection of local food. 280 70.0 Near the famous tourist attractions of Pattaya, Chonburi. 8 2.0 Included 400 100 4. The day that you choose to use the service of street food, Pattaya, Chonburi. Weekdays 76 19.0 Saturday-Sunday/ Public holiday 324 81.0 Included 400 100 5. Characteristics to use the service of street food, Pattaya, Chonburi. Alone 112 27.8 With friends 168 41.7 With family 120 29.8 With the tour company - - Included 400 100 59

From table 7 above Information about customer behavior uses service street food Pattaya, Chonburi most of the samples used street food in Chonburi less than 1 time per month 264 people percent 66.0 The average costs per time to use the service of street food Pattaya, Chonburi is lower than 200 baht 272 people percent 68.0 the reason that you choose to use the service of street food Pattaya, Chonburi most is street food has a wide selection of local food 280 people percent 70.0 the day that you choose to use the service of street food, Pattaya, Chonburi most is Saturday-Sunday/ Public holiday is 324 people percent 81.0 and characteristics to use the service of street food, Pattaya, Chonburi of most foreigner tourists is with friends 168 people percent 41.7 the sample of 400 foreign tourists. Part 7: Marketing factor (7Ps) affecting the satisfaction Gastronomy Tourism street food Pattaya, Chonburi of foreigner tourists.

Table 8 Marketing factor (7Ps) affecting the satisfaction Gastronomy Tourism street food Pattaya, Chonburi of foreigner tourists 400 people.

Level satisfaction Very Much Neutral Not Not Marketing factor much much at all Percent Product 1. The street food of 16 (4.0) 165 (41.3) 195 (48.8) 24 (6.0) - Pattaya is a delicious. 2. The street food of 23 (5.8) 126 (31.3) 231 (57.8) 20 (5.0) - Pattaya is a fresh. 3. The street food of 12 (3.0) 104 (26.0) 252 (63.0) 32 (8.0) - Pattaya is a clean. 4. The street food of 16 (4.0) 136 (34.0) 232 (58.0) 12 (3.0) 4 (1.0) Pattaya is right amount.


Table 8 (Cont.)

Level satisfaction Very Much Neutral Not much Not Marketing factor much at all Percent Price 5. Price of street food 28 (7.0) 113 (28.3) 227 (56.8) 28 (7.0) 4 (1.0) matches the quality of the food. 6. Price is proper for 28 (7.0) 130 (32.5) 227 (56.8) 15 (3.8) - the quantity of food for Street food. 7. There are details 20 (5.0) 117 (29.3) 231 (57.8) 28 (7.0) 4 (1.0) about the price of street food properly. 8. Price of street food 20 (5.0) 101 (25.3) 225 (63.8) 20 (5.0) 4 (1.0) are fixed and do not change often. Place 9. Location of the 20 (5.0) 168 (42.0) 184 (46.0) 28 (7.0) - street food can be easily accessed. 10. The sign of street 24 (6.0) 213 (53.3) 123 (30.8) 40 (9.9) - food is easy to see. 11. The area around 16 (4.0) 49 (12.3) 71 (17.8) 243 (61.0) 20 (5.0) the street food is adequate parking.


Table 8 (Cont.)

Level satisfaction Very Much Neutral Not much Not Marketing factor much at all Percent 12. Street food has 8 (2.0) 64 (16.0) 168 (42.0) 119 (0.3) 41 (10.3) social channels to contact to order easily such as Facebook, Line. Promotion 13. Advertisement 24 (6.0) 73 (18.1) 207 (51.4) 92 (23.0) 4 (1.0) of street food is well known. 14. Advertisement 16 (4.0) 45 (11.3) 135 (33.8) 164 (41.0) 40 (10.0) of street food through multiple channels such as Facebook, a website about food (Wongnai.com) 15. Street food has 16 (4.0) 49 (12.3) 203 (50.8) 112 (28.0) 20 (5.0) promotion activities, such as discount the price of food.


Table 8 (Cont.)

Level satisfaction Very Much Neutral Not much Not Marketing factor much at all Percent People 16. The 76 (19.0) 128 (32.0) 184 (46.0) 12 (3.0) - entrepreneurs/ employees of street food are willing to provide service 17. The 92 (23.0) 121 (30.3) 171 (42.8) 16 (4.0) - entrepreneurs/ employees of street food are polite and friendly. 18. The 76 (19.0) 145 (36.3) 159 (39.8) 20 (5.0) - entrepreneurs/ employees of street food have enthusiasm and attentive. 19. The dress of 68 (17.0) 138 (34.5) 174 (43.5) 20 (5.0) - entrepreneurs/ employees of street food is appropriate and polite.


Table 8 (Cont.)

Level satisfaction Very Much Neutral Not much Not Marketing factor much at all Percent People 20. The 16 (4.0) 200 (50.0) 148 (36.7) 32 (8.0) 4 (1.0) entrepreneurs/ employees of street food are willing to provide service 21. The 36 (8.9) 192 (48.0) 136 (43.0) 32 (9.0) 4 (1.0) entrepreneurs/ employees of street food are polite and friendly. 22. The 12 (3.0) 181 (45.3) 151 (37.8) 48 (12.0) 8 (2.0) entrepreneurs/ employees of street food have enthusiasm and attentive. Physical evident 23. Menus of street 16 (4.0) 116 (29.0) 232 (58.0) 36 (9.0) - food easily to see. 24. Tables and 19 (4.8) 61 (15.3) 108 (27.0) 208 (52.0) 4 (1.0) chairs are suitable for street food.


Table 8 (Cont.)

Level satisfaction Very Much Neutral Not much Not Marketing factor much at all Percent 25. The number of 12 (3.0) 76 (19.0) 116 (45.0) 180 (45.0) 16 (4.0) seats is enough for street food. 26. The 12 (3.0) 92 (23.0) 236 (59.0) 56 (14.0) 4 (1.0) atmosphere of the street food is clean and not crowded.

From table 8 above marketing factor (7Ps) affecting the satisfaction Gastronomy Tourism street food Pattaya, Chonburi 400 people found Product 1. The street food of Pattaya is a delicious level satisfaction of foreigner tourists neutral percent 48.8 second is the level much percent 41.3 and level not much percent 6.0 2. The street food of Pattaya is a fresh level satisfaction of foreigner tourists neutral percent 57.8 second is the level much percent 31.3 and level very much percent 5.8 3. The street food of Pattaya is a clean level satisfaction of foreigner tourists neutral percent 63.0 second is the level much percent 26.0 and level not much percent 8.0 4. The street food of Pattaya is right amount level satisfaction of foreigner tourists neutral percent 58.0 second is the level much percent 34.0 and level very much percent 4.0


Price 1. Price of street food matches the quality of the food level satisfaction of foreigner tourists neutral percent 56.8 second is the level much percent 28.3 and level very much percent 7.0 2. Price is proper for the quantity of food for street food level satisfaction of foreigner tourists neutral percent 56.8 second is the level much percent 32.5 and level not much percent 3.8 3. There are details about the price of street food properly level satisfaction of foreigner tourists neutral percent 57.8 second is the level much percent 29.3 and level not much percent 7.0 4. Price of street food are fixed and do not change often level satisfaction of foreigner tourists neutral percent 63.8 second is the level much percent 25.3 and is the level very much percent 5.0 Place 1. Location of the street food can be easily accessed level satisfaction of foreigner tourists neutral percent 46.0 second is the level much percent 42.0 and is the level not much percent 7.0 2. The sign of street food is easy to see level satisfaction of foreigner tourists much percent 53. second is the level neutral percent 30.8 and is the level not much percent 9.9 3. The area around the street food is adequate parking level satisfaction of foreigner tourists not much percent 61.0 second is the level neutral percent 17.8 and is the level much percent 12.3 4. Street food has social channels to contact to order easily such as Facebook, Line level satisfaction of foreigner tourists neutral percent 42.0 second is the level not much percent.3 and is the level much percent 16.0 Promotion 1. Advertisement of street food is well level satisfaction of foreigner tourists neutral percent 51.4 second is the level not much percent 23.0 and is the level much percent 18.1 2. Advertisement of street food through multiple channels such as Facebook, a website about food (Wongnai.com) level satisfaction of foreigner tourists 66 not much percent 41.0 second is the level neutral percent 33.8 and is the level much percent 11.3 3. Street food has promotion activities, such as discount the price of food level satisfaction of foreigner tourists neutral percent 50.8 second is the level not much percent 28.0 and is the level much percent 12.3 People 1. The entrepreneurs/employees of street food are willing to provide service level satisfaction of foreigner tourists neutral percent 46.0 second is the level much percent 32.0 and is the level very much percent 19.0 2. The entrepreneurs/employees of street food are polite and friendly level satisfaction of foreigner tourists much percent 42.8 second is the level much percent 30.3 and is the level very much percent 23.0 3. The entrepreneurs/employees of street food have enthusiasm and attentive level satisfaction of foreigner tourists neutral percent 39.8 second is the level much percent 36.3 and is the level very much percent 19.0 4. The dress of entrepreneurs/employees of street food is appropriate and polite level satisfaction of Thai Foreigner neutral percent 43.5 second is the level much percent 34.5 and is the level very much percent 17.0 Process 1. It is fast and accurate for ordering and service of street food level satisfaction of foreigner tourists much percent 50.0 second is the level neutral percent 36.7 and is the level not much percent 8.0 2. The payment of food is convenient to fast and properly level satisfaction of foreigner tourists much percent 48.0 second is the level neutral percent 43.0 and is the level very much percent 8.9 3. Street food has a delivery service nearby level satisfaction of foreigner tourists much percent 45.3 second is the level neutral percent 37.8 and is the level not much percent 12.0 Physical evident 1. Menus of street food easily to see level satisfaction of foreigner tourists neutral percent 58.0 second is the level much percent 29.0 and is the level not much percent 9.0 67

2. Tables and chairs are suitable for street food level satisfaction of foreigner tourists not much percent 52.0 second is the level neutral percent 27.0 and is the level much percent 15.3 3. The number of seats is enough for street food level satisfaction of foreigner tourists not much percent 45.0 second is the level neutral percent 45.0 and is the level much percent 19.0 4. The atmosphere of the street food is clean and not crowded level satisfaction of foreigner tourists neutral percent 59.0 second is the level much percent 23.0 and is the level not much percent 14.0 Part 8: Average and standard deviation of level satisfaction of Foreigner tourist.

Table 9 Average and standard deviation of level satisfaction of Foreigner tourist street food Pattaya, Chonburi.

Marketing factor 퐱̅ SD Mean Product 1. The street food of Pattaya is a delicious. 3.43 .66 Much 2. The street food of Pattaya is a fresh. 3.38 .67 Neutral 3. The street food of Pattaya is a clean. 3.24 .66 Neutral 4. The street food of Pattaya is right amount. 3.37 .65 Neutral Included 3.35 .08 Neutral Price 1. Price of street food matches the quality of 3.33 .75 Neutral the food 2. Price is proper for the quantity of food for 3.43 .67 Much street food 3. There are details about the price of street 3.30 .71 Neutral food properly. 4. Price of street food are fixed and do not 3.28 .68 Neutral change often. 68

Table 9 (Cont.)

Marketing factor 퐱̅ SD Mean Included 3.33 .06 Neutral Place 1. Location of the street food can be easily 3.45 .69 Much accessed. 2. The sign of street food is easy to see. 3.55 .75 Much 3. The area around the street food is 2.49 .91 Not much adequate parking. 4. Street food has social channels to contact 2.70 .92 Neutral to order easily such as Facebook, Line. Included 3.04 .53 Neutral Promotion 1. Advertisement of street food is well 3.05 .83 Neutral known. 2. Advertisement of street food through 2.58 .95 Not much multiple channels such as Facebook, a website about food (Wongnai.com) 3. Street food has promotion activities, such 2.82 .85 Neutral as discount the price of food. Included 2.81 .23 Neutral People 1. The entrepreneurs/ employees of street 3.67 .81 Much food are willing to provide service. 2. The entrepreneurs/ employees of street 3.72 .86 Much food are polite and friendly. 3. The entrepreneurs/ employees of street 3.69 .83 Much food have enthusiasm and attentive. 4. The dress of entrepreneurs/ employees of 3.64 .82 Much street food is appropriate and polite. 69

Table 9 (Cont.)

Marketing factor 퐱̅ SD Mean Included 3.68 .03 Much Process 1. It is fast and accurate for ordering and 3.48 .74 Much service of street food. 2. The payment of food is convenient to fast 3.56 .80 Much and properly. 3. Street food has a delivery service nearby. 3.35 .80 Neutral Included 3.46 .10 Much Physical evident 1. Menus of street food easily to see. 3.28 .68 Neutral 2. Tables and chairs are suitable for street 2.71 .90 Neutral food. 3. The number of seats is enough for street 2.72 .91 Neutral food. 4. The atmosphere of the street food is clean 3.13 .71 Neutral and not crowded. Included 2.96 .28 Neutral

From table 9 above Average and standard deviation of level satisfaction of foreigner tourists street food Pattaya, Chonburi. Satisfaction of foreigner tourists 1. People the level of satisfaction of foreigner tourists is much. ( X = 3.68,

SD = .03) 2. Process the level of satisfaction of foreigner tourists is much. ( = 3.46,

SD = .10) 3. Product the level of satisfaction of foreigner tourists is neutral. ( = 3.35, SD = .08) 70

4. Price the level of satisfaction of foreigner tourists is neutral. ( X = 3.33,

SD = .06) 5. Place the level of satisfaction of foreigner tourists is neutral. ( = 3.04,

SD = . 53) 6. Physical evident the level of satisfaction of foreigner tourists is neutral. ( = 2.96, SD = . 28)

7. Promotion the level of satisfaction of foreigner tourists is neutral. ( = 2.81, SD =.23)

Inferential statistics Results of comparative satisfaction toward to Gastronomy Tourism in Thailand between Thai and foreign tourist: a case study of Pattaya, Chonburi Part 9: Multivariate analysis of statistically significant differences between Thai tourists and foreign tourists who have comments on the ingredients of the marketing of street food in Pattaya.

Table 10 Multivariate analysis of statistically significant differences between Thai tourists and foreign tourists who have comments on the ingredients of the marketing of street food in Pattaya.

Types of tourist value Multivariate F test Sig. Pillai's trace .347 59.945 .000* Wilks' lambda .653 59.945 .000* Hotelling's trace .531 59.945 .000* Roy's largest root .531 59.945 .000* * Significance at 0.05 level


From table 10 show that the marketing mix of Thai tourists and foreign tourists was significantly different at the .05 level and the difference in each factor of service marketing mix as shown in Table 11. Part 10: Univariate analysis of statistically significant differences between Thai tourists and foreign tourists who have comments on the ingredients of the marketing of street food in Pattaya.

Table 11 Univariate analysis of statistically significant differences between Thai tourists and foreign tourists who have comments on the ingredients of the marketing of street food in Pattaya.

Sum of Mean Marketing Mix Factors Squares df Square F Sig. Product Satisfaction Between 1.435 1 1.435 4.265 .039* Within 267.855 796 .337 Price Satisfaction Between 1.407 1 1.407 3.849 .050 Within 291.055 796 .366 Place Satisfaction Between 53.941 1 53.941 140.904 .000* Within 304.723 796 .383 Promotion Satisfaction Between 83.783 1 83.783 146.931 .000* Within 453.899 796 .570 People Satisfaction Between 3.427 1 3.427 6.913 .009* Within 394.678 796 .496 Process Satisfaction Between .642 1 .642 1.419 .234 Within 360.130 796 .452 Physical Evident Between 67.594 1 67.594 150.832 .000* Satisfaction Within 356.718 796 .448 * Significance at 0.05 level

From table 11 show that Thai and foreigners were significantly different at the .05 level of significance. 1. Product 2. Place 3. Promotion 4. People and 72

5. Physical Evident There was no statistically significant difference at .05 level include 1. Price and 2. Process The issue of the 5 were found to have significant differences when comparing average between Thailand and foreign tourists can be seen clearly foreign tourists are satisfied in the individual tourists than Thailand. 1. Product 2. Place

3. Promotion and 4. Physical evident. It appears that foreign tourist satisfaction than Thai tourists, as table 12. Part 11: The mean and standard deviation of the marketing mix factors services by type of tourists.

Table 12 The mean and standard deviation of the marketing mix factors services by type of tourists.

Type tourists Mean Std. Deviation Total satisfaction Thai 3.4408 .60508 with the product. Foreign 3.3560 .55424 Total satisfaction Thai 3.5661 .61817 with the place. Foreign 3.0461 .61927 Total satisfaction Thai 3.4677 .76128 with the promotion. Foreign 2.8196 .74899 Total satisfaction Thai 3.5472 .65723 with the people. Foreign 3.6783 .74771 Total satisfaction Thai 3.5416 .65893 with the Physical Foreign 2.9595 .67967 evident.



This research aims to “Comparative study of Thai tourists and foreigner tourist’s satisfaction towards to Gastronomy Tourism in Thailand a case study of Pattaya, Chonburi Province”

Conclusion Research objective 1. To study comparative study of Thai tourists and foreigner tourists satisfaction towards to Gastronomy Tourism in Thailand a case study of Pattaya, Chonburi Province. 2. To study the 7Ps marketing factors that affect to satisfaction of Thai tourist and foreigner tourist. The hypothesis of the research Hypothesis 1 Product factor effect to satisfaction Thai tourists and Foreigner tourist’s Street food. Hypothesis 2 Price factor effect to satisfaction Thai tourists and Foreigner tourist’s Street food. Hypothesis 3 Place factor effect to satisfaction Thai tourists and Foreigner tourist’s Street food. Hypothesis 4 Promotion factor effect to satisfaction Thai tourists and Foreigner tourist’s Street food. Hypothesis 5 People factor effect to satisfaction Thai tourists and Foreigner tourist’s Street food. Hypothesis 6 Process factor effect to satisfaction Thai tourists and Foreigner tourist’s Street food. Hypothesis 7 Physical evident factor effect to satisfaction Thai tourists and Foreigner tourist’s Street food.


Scope of research This research aims to comparative study of Thai tourists and foreigner tourist’s satisfaction toward to Gastronomy Tourism in Thailand a case study of Pattaya, Chonburi. The sample used in the research 400 Thai tourists, 400 foreign tourists The research instrument was an online questionnaire and a one-on-one questionnaire.

Research result This research aims to comparative study of Thai tourists and foreigner tourist’s satisfaction toward to Gastronomy Tourism in Thailand a case study of Pattaya, Chonburi. Part 1 Descriptive statistics Analyze the personal data of the respondents. Gender Thai tourists Gender most respondents were female more than male. Foreigner tourist’s Gender most respondents were male more than female. Status Thai tourists Status most respondents single secondly, those with marital status and divorced respectively. Foreigner tourist’s Status most respondents single secondly, those with marital status and divorced status respectively. Age Thai tourists Most respondents were 20-30 year secondly 31-40 year, age 41-50 year and age lower than 20 years respectively. Foreigner tourist’s Most respondents were 31-40 year secondly 20-30 year and age 41-50 year 75 more than 51 year and lower than 20 years respectively. Education Thai tourists Most respondents were bachelor degree, other, Master's degree, Lower than Bachelor degree, Doctoral degree respectively. Foreigner tourist’s Most respondents were bachelor degree, Other, Master's degree, Lower than Bachelor degree, Doctoral degree respectively. Occupation Thai tourists Most respondents were private employees, Student, Owner business, Other, Government Officials respectively. Foreigner tourist’s Most respondents were other, Owner business, Student, Private employees Government officials respectively. Income Thai tourists Most respondents were income 15,000-19,999 bath, Income 10,000-14,999 bath, Income 20,000-29,999 bath, Income more than 30,000 baht, Income lower than 5,000 baht, Income 5,000-9,999 baht 41 respectively. Foreigner tourist’s Most respondents were income more than 30,000 baht, Income 20,000-29,999 bath, income 15,000-19,999 bath, Income 10,000-14,999 bath, Income 5,000-9,999, Income lower than 5,000 baht respectively. 2. Information about customer behavior uses service street food Pattaya, Chonburi How often to use the service of street food Pattaya, Chonburi. Thai tourists use street food less than 1 time per month. Foreigner tourist’s use street food less than 1 time per month. The average costs per time to use the service of street food Pattaya, Chonburi Thai tourists 201-500 baht Foreigner tourist’s lower than 200 baht 76

The reason that you choose to use the service of street food Pattaya, Chonburi. Thai tourists street food has a wide selection of local food. Foreigner tourist’s street food has a wide selection of local food. The day that you choose to use the service of street food, Pattaya, Chonburi. Thai tourists and Foreigner tourist’s choose to use Saturday-Sunday/ Public holiday characteristics to use the service of street food, Pattaya, Chonburi. Thai tourists and Foreigner tourist’s use the service with friends 3. Marketing factor (7Ps) affecting the satisfaction Gastronomy Tourism street food Pattaya, Chonburi Product Thai tourists overall level was much The arrangement 1. The street food of Pattaya is a delicious level much 2. The street food of Pattaya is a fresh level much 3. The street food of Pattaya is right amount level neutral 4. The street food of Pattaya is a clean level neutral respectively. Foreigner tourist’s overall level was neutral The arrangement 1. The street food of Pattaya is a delicious level much 2. The street food of Pattaya is a fresh level neutral 3. The street food of Pattaya is right amount level neutral 4. The street food of Pattaya is a clean level neutral respectively. Price Thai tourists overall level was much The arrangement 1. Price of street food matches the quality of the food level much 2. Price is proper for the quantity of food for street food level much 3. There are details about the price of street food properly level neutral 4. Price of street food are fixed and do not change often level neutral respectively Foreigner tourist’s overall level was neutral 77

The arrangement 1. Price of street food matches the quality of the food level much 2. Price is proper for the quantity of food for street food level neutral 3. There are details about the price of street food properly level neutral 4. Price of street food are fixed and do not change often level neutral respectively. Place Thai tourists overall level was much The arrangement 1. Location of the street food can be easily accessed level much 2. The sign of street food is easy to see level much 3. Street food has social channels to contact to order easily such as Facebook, Line. level neutral 4. The area around the street food is adequate parking level neutral respectively. Foreigner tourist’s overall level was neutral The arrangement 1. The sign of street food is easy to see level much 2. Location of the street food can be easily accessed level much 3. Street food has social channels to contact to order easily such as Facebook, Line level neutral 4. The area around the street food is adequate parking level not much respectively. Promotion Thai tourists overall level was much The arrangement 1. Advertisement of street food through multiple channels such as Facebook, a website about food (Wongnai.com) level much 2. Advertisement of street food is well known level much 3. Street food has promotion activities, such as discount the price of food level neutral Foreigner tourist’s overall level was neutral 78

The arrangement 1. Advertisement of street food is well known level neutral 2. Street food has promotion activities, such as discount the price of food level neutral 3. Advertisement of street food through multiple channels such as Facebook, a website about food (Wongnai.com) level not much respectively. People Thai tourists overall level was much The arrangement 1. The entrepreneurs/ employees of street food are willing to provide service level much 2. The entrepreneurs/ employees of street food are polite and friendly level much 3. The entrepreneurs/ employees of street food have enthusiasm and attentive level much 4. The dress of entrepreneurs/ employees of street food is appropriate and polite level much respectively. Foreigner tourist’s overall level was much The arrangement 1. The entrepreneurs/employees of street food are polite and friendly. level much 2. The entrepreneurs/employees of street food have enthusiasm and attentive level much 3. The entrepreneurs/employees of street food are willing to provide service level much 4. The dress of entrepreneurs/employees of street food is appropriate and level much respectively. Process Thai tourists overall level was much The arrangement 1. It is fast and accurate for ordering and service of street food. level much 2. The payment of food is convenient to fast and properly level much 79 street food has a delivery service nearby level much respectively. - Foreigner tourist’s overall level was much The arrangement 1. The payment of food is convenient to fast and properly level much 2. It is fast and accurate for ordering and service of street food level much street food has a delivery service nearby level neutral respectively. Physical evidence Thai tourists overall level was much The arrangement 1. Menus of street food easily to see level much 2. Tables and chairs are suitable for street food level much 3. The number of seats is enough for street food level much 4. The atmosphere of the street food is clean and not crowded level much respectively. Foreigner tourist’s overall level was neutral The arrangement 1. Menus of street food easily to see level neutral 2. The atmosphere of the street food is clean and not crowded level neutral 3. The number of seats is enough for street food level neutral 4. Tables and chairs are suitable for street food level neutral respectively. Part 2 Inferential statistics analyze MANOVA Univariate analysis Thai and foreigners were significantly different at the .05 level of significance. 1. Product 2. Place 3. Promotion 4. People and 5. Physical evident, There was no statistically significant difference at .05 level include 1. Price and 2. Process were found to have significant differences when comparing average between Thailand and foreign tourists can be seen clearly foreign tourists are satisfied in the individual tourists than Thailand. 1. Product 2. Place 3. Promotion and 4. Physical evident. It appears that foreign tourist satisfaction than Thai tourists


Discussions Thai Tourists satisfaction in product more foreign tourists because product of street food Thailand and the food is spicy, which is bordered by Thailand's favorite already and then Thailand with a unique identity will correspond to the research article of Jedsarid Sangkapan, Kettawa Boonprakarn, Chutima Wangbenmat 2016 study to Tourist Satisfaction towards Klong Hae , Hat Yai District, Songkhla Province. That said, the quality of the product and the atmosphere of the tourist market has been satisfied by most tourists. Thai Tourists satisfaction in place more foreign tourists because tourists know directions include transportation and well location of street food it is widely known. The tourists know as well that the shop street food looks like this the sign and store, but also in Thailand. There may be quite a few foreign languages, including English, Russian. Will correspond to the research article of Natthanon Ratcharujithong 2015 study to Customers satisfaction on services of Burapa Samyod hotel said that the location factors are important especially in the store and the symbol of the store. Thai tourists satisfaction in promotion more foreign tourists because famous websita advertising Wongnai.com is advertising channel fast therefore, tourists can access the information of the restaurant increase. Will be consistent with the research of Jinda (2009) study to Market factors that affect the satisfaction of tourists from Thailand at the 4-star hotel in Pattaya municipality. That said, the marketing promotion, including advertising, discounts, and special services are important 5 level. Foreign tourists satisfaction in people more Thai tourists because Thailand is known as the Land of Smiles to make foreign visitors feel the hospitality of the people of Thailand. Will be consistent with the research journal of Prapaporn Phanom Phrai 2008 study to The need of foreign tourists towards the hospitality of Chiang Rai People said that the attitude of foreign tourists to the people of Thailand overall much levels. Including the friendly people of Thailand. Thai tourists satisfaction in physical evident more foreign tourists because Thai tourists are accustomed to Steed food which are common in the area. Will be consistent with the research of Wilaiwan Siriampai 2012 study to Factors influencing 81 buying behavior of visitors at Baan Sakae Krang Ancient market (Trok Rong Ya Walking Street), Uthai Thani Province said the process and physical and presentation is very important. And tourists satisfaction is at a high level.

Recommendations for research Thai Tourists Entrepreneur should plan strategies to target group is more suitable male including those who are divorced, aged much. That year, 51 holding bachelor's degree in occupational groups, government and income level, 999 baht, 5 000-9 journey in surfing. On street food, due to Pattaya Chonburi target mentioned above tend to travel more and more in the future. Foreign tourists Entrepreneurs should plan to market for foreign tourists to travel street food. Food detail because foreign tourists have different needs from tourists in Thailand as a sign that said the restaurant menu should be varied more languages. Entrepreneurs should promote the tourism market street food Pattaya, Chonburi in the provision of travel information to create value street food, to tourists, both foreign born and Thailand satisfaction. Entrepreneurs should offer exotic food street food to attract the attention of tourists, both foreign and Thailand. The fast service and quality. The equality of both tourists and foreign tourists in Thailand. Entrepreneurs should have adequate parking space for the needs of food tourists street food Pattaya Chonburi Suggestions for future research. 1. There should be a study to compare. Satisfaction with the behavior of tourists. In order to know the needs of tourists, both foreign and Thailand in depth. And to determine strategies and be managed in accordance with the target to increase capacity to meet the needs of tourists as much as possible. 2. There should be a study on hygiene of food street food to cleanliness and hygiene. And raise food Street food, Pattaya Chonburi is the internationally recognized more.


3. Study of the integrated marketing communications to develop a marketing communications to targeted high performance and maximum satisfaction.



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APPENDIX 1 Index Objectivity Congruence (IOC)


Index of Item Objectivity Congruence (IOC)

Part 1 Demographic information about of respondents.

Expert Evaluated 1 2 3 Total Demographic 1. Gender 1 1 1 1 2. Status 1 1 1 1 3. Age 1 1 1 1 4. Education 1 1 1 1 5. Occupation 1 1 1 1 6. Income 1 1 1 1

Part 2 Information about customer behavior use service street food Pattaya, Chonburi.

Expert Evaluated 1 2 3 Total Customer behavior 1. How often to use the service of street food Pattaya, 1 1 1 1 Chonburi. 2. The average costs per time to use the service of street 1 1 1 1 food Pattaya, Chonburi. 3. The reason that you choose to use the service of 1 1 1 1 street food Pattaya, Chonburi. 4. The day that you choose to use the service of street 1 1 1 1 food, Pattaya, Chonburi. 5. Characteristics to use the service of street food, 0 1 1 0.66 Pattaya, Chonburi.


Part 3 Factor marketing mix (7Ps) affecting the satisfaction Gastronomy Tourism (Street food). Expert Evaluated 1 2 3 Total Factor marketing Product 1. The street food of Pattaya has a delicious. 1 1 1 1 2. The street food of Pattaya has a fresh. 1 1 1 1 3. The street food of Pattaya has a clean. 1 1 1 1 4. The street food of Pattaya has right amount. 1 1 1 1 Price 1. Price of street food matches the quality of the food 1 1 1 1 2. Price is proper for the quantity of food for street food 1 1 1 1 3. There are details about the price of street food 1 1 1 1 properly. 4. Price of street food are fixed and do not change 1 1 1 1 often. Place 1. Location of the street food can be easily accessed. 1 1 1 1 2. The sign of street food is easy to see. 1 1 1 1 3. The area around the street food is adequate parking. 1 1 1 1 4. Street food has social channels to contact to order 1 1 1 1 easily such as Facebook, Line. Promotion 1. Advertisement of street food is well known. 1 1 1 1 2. Advertisement of street food through multiple 1 1 1 1 channels such as Facebook, a website about food (Wongnai.com) 3. Street food has promotion activities, such as discount 1 1 1 1 the price of food.


Expert Evaluated 1 2 3 Total Factor marketing Process 1. It is fast and accurate for ordering and service of 1 1 1 1 Street food. 2. The payment of food is convenient to fast and 1 1 1 1 properly. 3. Street food has a delivery service nearby. 1 1 1 1 Physical 1. Menus of street food easily to see. 1 1 1 1 2. Tables and chairs are suitable for street food. 1 1 1 1 3. The number of seats is enough for street food. 1 1 1 1 4. The atmosphere of the street food is clean and not 1 1 1 1 crowded.

Note: Result of IOC is formulated as (IOC = ∑ 푅/푁): Item number: 37 item N = 3 (Number of expert) Score from experts: R = 36+37+37 = 110 IOC = 110/3 = 36.66 Percentage: 36.66/37 *100% = 99.8%


APPENDIX 2 Questionnaire in Thai Version



การศึกษาเปรียบเทียบความพึงพอใจในการท่องเที่ยวกับคำว่าการท่องเที่ยวทางด้าน อาหารในประเทศไทยกรณีศึกษาเมืองพัทยา คำอธิบาย แบบสอบถามนี้เป็นส่วนหนึ่งของงานวิจัยของคณะการท่องเที่ยว มหาวิทยาลัยบูรพา การวิจัยครั้งนี้มีวัตถุประสงค์เพื่อศึกษาเปรียบเทียบความพึงพอใจในการท่องเที่ยวกับคำว่า การท่องเที่ยวทางด้านอาหารในประเทศไทยกรณีศึกษาเมืองพัทยา เพื่อศึกษาปัจจัยทางการตลาด 7Ps ที่มีผลต่อความพึงพอใจของนักท่องเที่ยวชาวไทยและนักท่องเที่ยวชาวต่างชาติในการนำเสนอ เพื่อพัฒนานำไปสู่การท่องเที่ยวในด้านการท่องเที่ยวพัทยา ชลบุรี แบบสอบถามประกอบด้วย 3 ส่วน ดังนี้ ส่วนที่ 1 ข้อมูลประชากรเกี่ยวกับผู้ตอบแบบสอบถาม ส่วนที่ 2 ข้อมูลเกี่ยวกับพฤติกรรมลูกค้าในการใช้บริการ Street food ส่วนที่ 3 ปัจจัยทางการตลาด (7Ps) ที่มีผลต่อการท่องเที่ยวทางด้านความพึงพอใจ ของนักท่องเที่ยวการท่องเที่ยวไทยและนักท่องเที่ยวต่างชาติ

ส่วนที่ 1 ข้อมูลประชากรเกี่ยวกับผู้ตอบแบบสอบถาม คำอธิบาย โปรดใส่เครื่องหมาย ✓ ในช่องว่าง  หน้าข้อความเกี่ยวกับตัวคุณ 1. เพศ  ชาย  หญิง 2. สถานะ  โสด  สมรส  หย่าร้าง 3. อายุ  ต่ำกว่า 20 ปี  20-30 ปี  31-40 ปี  41-50 ปี  มากกว่า 51 ปี 95

4. การศึกษา  ต่ำกว่าปริญญาตรี  ปริญญาตรี  ปริญญาโท  ปริญญาเอก  อื่น ๆ 5. อาชีพ  นักเรียน  ข้าราชการ  พนักงานภาคเอกชน  ธุรกิจเจ้าของ  อื่น ๆ 6. รายได้  ต่ำกว่า 5,000 บาท  5,000-9,999 บาท  10,000-14,999 บาท  15,000-19,999 บาท  20,000-29,999 บาท  มากกว่า 30,000 บาท


ส่วนที่ 2 ข้อมูลเกี่ยวกับพฤติกรรมลูกค้าใช้บริการ Street food Pattaya, Chonburi. คำอธิบาย โปรดใส่เครื่องหมาย ✓ ในช่องว่าง  หน้าข้อความเกี่ยวกับตัวคุณ

1. ต้องใช้บริการ Street food พัทยาชลบุรีบ่อยแค่ไหน  น้อยกว่า 1 ครั้งต่อเดือน  1-2 ครั้งต่อเดือน  3-4 ครั้งต่อเดือน  มากกว่า 4 ครั้งต่อเดือน 2. ค่าใช้จ่ายเฉลี่ยต่อครั้งในการใช้บริการ Street food Pattaya จังหวัดชลบุรี  ต่ำกว่า 200 บาท  201-500 บาท  501-800 บาท  มากกว่า 801 บาท 3. เหตุผลที่คุณเลือกใช้บริการ Street food Pattaya จังหวัดชลบุรี (คุณสามารถเลือกได้มากกว่า 1 รายการ)  ถนนพัทยา, ชลบุรีมีราคาไม่แพง  อาหารตามท้องถนนมีอาหารท้องถิ่นให้เลือกมากมาย  ใกล้สถานที่ท่องเที่ยวที่มีชื่อเสียงของพัทยาชลบุรี 4. วันที่คุณเลือกใช้บริการ Street food พัทยาชลบุรี  วันธรรมดา  วันเสาร์-อาทิตย์/ วันหยุดราชการ 5. ลักษณะการใช้บริการ Street food พัทยาชลบุรี  อยู่คนเดียว  กับเพื่อน  กับครอบครัว  กับ บริษัท ทัวร์


ส่วนที่ 3 ปัจจัยทางการตลาด (7Ps) ส่งผลต่อการท่องเที่ยวด้านอาหารที่พึงพอใจ (Street food) คำอธิบาย โปรดใส่เครื่องหมาย ✓

ระดับความพึงพอใจ ความพึงพอใจต่อการท่องเที่ยวทางอาหาร 5 4 3 2 1 (Street food) พัทยา ชลบุรี มาก มาก ปาน น้อย น้อย ที่สุด กลาง ที่สุด ปัจจัยทางการตลาด ด้านผลิตภัณฑ์ 1. อาหารของ Street food พัทยาอร่อย 2. อาหารของ Street food พัทยานั้นสดใหม่ 3. อาหารของ Street food พัทยาสะอาด 4. อาหารของ Street food ปริมาณที่เหมาะสม ด้านราคา 1. ราคาของ Street food ตรงกับคุณภาพของอาหาร 2. ราคาเหมาะสมกับปริมาณอาหารสำหรับ Street food 3. มีรายละเอียดเกี่ยวกับราคาของ Street food อย่างถูกต้อง 4. ราคาของ Street food ได้รับการแก้ไข และไม่เปลี่ยนแปลงบ่อย ด้านสถานที่ 1. สถานที่ตั้งของ Street food สามารถเข้าถึงได้ง่าย 2. ป้ายของ Street food ดูได้ง่าย 3. บริเวณรอบ ๆ Street food มีที่จอดรถเพียงพอ 4. Street food มีช่องทางในการติดต่อทางสังคมเพื่อ สั่งซื้อได้ง่ายเช่น Facebook, Line ด้านการส่งเสริมทางการตลาด 1. โฆษณา Street food เป็นที่รู้จักกันดี 98

ระดับความพึงพอใจ ความพึงพอใจต่อการท่องเที่ยวทางอาหาร 5 4 3 2 1 (Street food) พัทยา ชลบุรี มาก มาก ปาน น้อย น้อย ที่สุด กลาง ที่สุด 2. โฆษณา Street food ผ่านช่องทางต่าง ๆ เช่น Facebook, เว็บไซต์เกี่ยวกับอาหาร (Wongnai.com) 3. Street food มีกิจกรรมส่งเสริมการขายเช่นลดราคา อาหาร ปัจจัยทางการตลาด ด้านบุคคล 1. ผู้ประกอบการ/ พนักงานของ Street food ยินดีให้บริการ 2. ผู้ประกอบการ/ พนักงานของ Street food สุภาพและเป็นมิตร 3. ผู้ประกอบการ/ พนักงานของ Street food มีความกระตือรือร้นและใส่ใจ 4. การแต่งกายของผู้ประกอบการ/ พนักงาน ของ Street food มีความเหมาะสมและสุภาพ ด้านกระบวนการ 1. เป็นไปอย่างรวดเร็วและถูกต้องสำหรับการสั่งซื้อ และการบริการของ Street food 2. การจ่ายค่าอาหารทำได้สะดวกรวดเร็วและถูกต้อง 3. Street food มีบริการจัดส่งสินค้าใกล้เคียง ด้านลักษณะทางกายภาพ 1. เมนูอาหาร Street food สามารถมองเห็นได้ง่าย 2. โต๊ะและเก้าอี้เหมาะสำหรับ Street food 3. จำนวนที่นั่งเพียงพอสำหรับ Street food 4. บรรยากาศของ Street food สะอาดและไม่แออัด


ข้อเสนอแนะ ......


APPENDIX 3 Questionnaire in English Version



Comparative study of tourist satisfaction toward to Gastronomy Tourism in Thailand a case study of Pattaya, Chonburi.

Explanation This questionnaire is part of the research of faculty management of tourism Burapha University. Research objective to study comparative study of tourist satisfaction toward to Gastronomy Tourism in Thailand a case study of Pattaya, Chonburi, to study the 7Ps marketing factors that affect to satisfaction of Thai tourist and foreign tourist, to proposed for development lead to Gastronomy Tourism Pattaya, Chonburi. The questionnaire consists of 3 Part, as follows Part 1 Demographic information about respondents. Part 2 Information about customer behavior of use the service street food. Part 3 Marketing factor (7Ps) affecting the satisfaction Gastronomy Tourism Thai tourist and foreign tourist.


Part 1 Demographic information about of respondents. Explanation Please put a mark ✓into the box  text page actually about you.

1. Gender  Male  Female 2. Status  Single  Married  Divorced 3. Age  Lower than 20 years  20-30 year  31-40 year  41-50 year  More than 51 year 4. Education  Lower than Bachelor degree  Bachelor degree  Master's degree  Doctoral degree  Other 5. Occupation  Student  Government Officials  Private employees  Owner business 103

 Other 6. Income  Lower than 5,000 Baht

 5,000-9,999 Baht

 10,000-14,999 Baht  15,000-19,999 Baht  20,000-29,999 Baht  More than 30,000 Baht

Part 2 Information about customer behavior uses service street food Pattaya, Chonburi. Explanation please put a mark ✓into the box  text page actually about you.

1. How often to use the service of street food Pattaya, Chonburi.  Less than 1 time per month  1-2 times per month  3-4 times per month  more than 4 times per month 2. The average costs per time to use the service of street food Pattaya, Chonburi.  Lower than 200 Baht  201-500 Baht  501-800 Baht  More than 801 Baht 3. The reason that you choose to use the service of street food Pattaya, Chonburi. (You can choose more than 1 items).  Street food Pattaya, Chonburi has price not expensive.  Street food has a wide selection of local food.  Near the famous tourist attractions of Pattaya, Chonburi. 104

4. The day that you choose to use the service of street food, Pattaya, Chonburi.  Weekdays  Saturday-Sunday/ Public holiday 5. Characteristics to use the service of street food, Pattaya, Chonburi.  Alone  With friends  With family

 With the tour company

Part 3 Marketing factor (7Ps) affecting the satisfaction Gastronomy Tourism street food Pattaya, Chonburi. Explanation Please put a mark ✓

Level satisfaction Satisfaction toward to gastronomy 5 4 3 2 1 (Street food) tourism Very Much Neutral Not Not at Pattaya, Chonburi. much much all Marketing Factor Product 1. The street food of Pattaya is a delicious. 2. The street food of Pattaya is a fresh. 3. The street food of Pattaya is a clean. 4. The street food of Pattaya is right amount. Price 1. Price of street food matches the quality of the food 105

Level satisfaction Satisfaction toward to gastronomy 5 4 3 2 1 (Street food) tourism Very Much Neutral Not Not at Pattaya, Chonburi. much much all

2. Price is proper for the quantity of food for street food 3. There are details about the price of street food properly. 4. Price of street food are fixed and do not change often. Place 1. Location of the street food can be easily accessed. 2. The sign of street food is easy to see. 3. The area around the street food is adequate parking. 4. Street food has social channels to contact to order easily such as Facebook, Line. Promotion 1. Advertisement of street food is well known. 2. Advertisement of street food through multiple channels such as Facebook, a website about food (Wongnai.com) 3. Street food has promotion activities, such as discount the price of food.


Level satisfaction Satisfaction toward to gastronomy 5 4 3 2 1 (Street food) tourism Pattaya, Very Much Neutral Not Not at Chonburi. much much all Marketing factor People 1. The entrepreneurs/ employees of street food are willing to provide service. 2. The entrepreneurs/ employees of street food are polite and friendly. 3. The entrepreneurs/ employees of street food have enthusiasm and attentive. 4. The dress of entrepreneurs/ employees of street food is appropriate and polite. Process 1. It is fast and accurate for ordering and service of street food. 2. The payment of food is convenient to fast and properly. 3. Street food has a delivery service nearby. Physical evident 1. Menus of street food easily to see. 2. Tables and chairs are suitable for street food. 3. The number of seats is enough for street food. 107

Level satisfaction Satisfaction toward to gastronomy 5 4 3 2 1 (Street food) tourism Pattaya, Very Much Neutral Not Not at Chonburi. much much all 4. The atmosphere of the street food is clean and not crowded.
