Parliamentarians Royalists Glorious Revolution Whig Party Starts John Locke French Revolution Edmund Burke American Independence
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Parliamentarians Robert Devereux, 3rd Earl of Essex Royalists Thomas Fairfax Oliver Cromwell Edward Montagu, 2nd Earl of Manchester Edward Hyde John Hampden b. 1595 Earl of Rochester George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham John Lilburne Algernon Sidney Sir William Coventry Levellers Glorious Revolution 1st Earl of Shaftesbury Francis Wythens 1st Baron 'Judge' Jeffreys Whig party starts John Locke John Hampden b.1653 'Tories' William, Lord Russell Paul Foley (Country Whigs) * Earl Goldolphin* Founding fathers USA 2nd Earl of Shaftesbury Robert Harley (Country Whigs) * 3rd Earl of Shaftesbury Lord Cobham Lord Bolingbroke Sir Robert Walpole 2nd Viscount Townshend Adam James Stanhope Smith Henry Pelham 1st Duke of Newcastle Old Corps Whigs Duke of Devonshire George Grenville Earl of Bute William Pitt the Elder 2nd Marquess of Rockingham Lord North Rockingham Whigs David Hume French revolution Edmund Burke Duke of Portland Henry Fox Portland Whigs American independence Charles James Fox Foxites Richard Sheridan William Grenville William Pitt the Younger Grenvillites Lord Liverpool Great Reform Act Earl Grey George Canning Duke of Wellington Canningites Lords Melbourne and Palmerston Lord John Russell Lord Aberdeen Sir Robert Peel Earl of Derby Peelites Anti-Corn Laws Richard Cobden John Bright William Gladstone Benjamin Disraeli Radicals William Harcourt Lord Acton Duke of Devonshire Lord Salisbury (Hartington) Joseph Chamberlain Liberal Unionists John Morley Henry Campbell-Bannerman Lord Rosebery Arthur Balfour Rise of David Lloyd George Herbert Asquith Austen Chamberlain Socialism Stanley Baldwin Ramsay Sir Herbert Samuel Sir John Simon Winston Churchill Neville Chamberlain Macdonald National Liberals Archibald Sinclair Harold Macmillan Hayek Clement Davies Enoch Powell Rab Butler Labour advance Clement Attlee Ted Heath Jo Grimond Keith Joseph Tony Benn Margaret Thatcher Michael Heseltine Tony Blair Paddy Ashdown John Major Nick Clegg Impact of the EU Daniel Hannan David Cameron Jeremy Browne Douglas Carswell Mark Reckless Orange Book V2.0 @WhiteWednesday.