Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1952-06-13

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Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1952-06-13 ~ s.m .. the State The Weather University of ~ e ......, fair, IlK U. h.­ Campus and . nale Wa,. Parll1 f ...., with lIWe fUU. III km­ Iowa. City Pfntare SaturUy. IIIIIt at today, ..: 1_, n. IIlaIt _______________________________~....;.. Bla" TbIInIIIay. flo ,"" ~------~---------------------------------------" . Eat. 1868 - AP Leased Wire - Five Centa .. Iowa City, Iowa, friday. June 13. 19S2-VoL 86. No. 180 Allied Forces Parliament Member Soviets Order Stop l C~inese 1 ~ S . L t Shoot-to-Kill Price, Wage," Rent Controls In Fierce Fight ~:, Do.l~!!!..~... er ec urer Around Berlin Britl3h parliament, wlll be the 1909. He practiced law in Com­ BERLIN (A') -The lhoot-tD-klll SEOUL, FRIDAY (JP) -Chinese Urst of a series uf summer se Ion mercial court, King's Bench di­ Red, were hurled fro,n a western lecturers to. appear on the SUI vision and Probate and Admlralt,­ security measurel tbe Soviet zone Approved" House Committee ,overnment Instituted on the tron­ By front hill Thursday by an on­ campus. div.lsions. Fur six years he was a slaught of Allied troops and tanks Davies. leader er the Liberal junior counsel to. the treasury. In tier between East anti West ~r­ many May 26 were urdered> ex­ In a battle as fierce as any since ~arty since 1945, will speak on 11126 he was made a King'S Coun­ Ute twilight war began last No­ 'World Gevernment," Monday lit sel. tended Thuraday to Include the border around West B.rlln. vember. 8 p.m. un the south campus of Fur many years he was presi­ Senate Also OKs . Bill, In the sixth stral~t day of the Iowa Memerial Unlen. In case dent of a local congr 11 of liter­ Deputy Prime Minister Walter savage fighting, the Chinese .t111 uf unfavurable weather the lec­ ary men et Wales, and In 11138 Ulbricht, MoscoW's most trusted clung to a ·nearby knub in • tem­ ture will be held In Macbride and 11139, uf the Royal National East ~rman aflellt. sillled the Urges Use Of T-H Law pest uf Allied artillery lind murtar auditorium. Eisteddfod, a yearly conventlen. order to the People'. police. al­ WASHINGTON (JP) - Th~ house banltlng committee ThuradU flre. Davies was born In 1884 and His work In parliament includes ready squeel.lnr hard upon the The scene was the hills west uf bepn his career as a barrister In membership en the commiJIlen en AllIed sectors with roadblocks. nI,ht approved by a 15-3 vote leglslatlen to extend until .Tune 30, 1853. Cborwon, which is .8 mUes north the dispatch of buslne at com­ cunplay Ind Irldnapinp. the &Qvernment's authority to control price., wag and rents. uf Seoul un one uf the ancleDt mun law, the British Broadcast­ It Wli another Communist meve Committee Chairman Spmce CD-Ky.) aid he expecls s1)eedy routes of invaslen. Ing Cerporatien Inquiry commis­ In open reprisal fo.r the slgnln, et huuse actiun en the bilL He s Id West ~rmany'l peace contract ,\1H~ Use Flame·Throwers sien, the committee en third party debate on the measure will prob­ Insurance, the committee en the and military amance with the Furious fighting also breke eut ably start next Wc<lne day and on the central tront southeast ef incidence ot tuberculosis In Wales Welt that Red leaders say will Taft Urges Kumsong. Allied troops with and the West African commission. mean civil war. finl h by the end ef th w Ie. flame-threwers drove about 100 The public Is Invited to aU Arnun, ethel' develepmentl ef Earller In the day the unllte Allied Forces Chinese frem bunkers. They re­ summer sesslen lectures. for the day: had puled by a 58 to IS vo e ported must uf the Redl were cas­ which no. tickets are required. The Western Big Three hl,h The next speaker in the series commissioners served notice here lelislatiun to extend threugh Feb. To PullOut ualUes. 28 the l~ral power to centrol In this £l'lm maneuvering fer wlII be Rubert A. Smith, editorial the United states, Britain and writer en the New York Tim France are rea<i.Y to. counter neW NEW YORK (JP) - Sen.. Robert better tactical positlens in the A. Tart aald Thur day the UnJted event ef a Chinese effensive, the who will speak en "What Makes cold war att.cks and ruah eco­ htellded I Yea.r Men Frce." June 23. nomic aid to the encircled city ef Natiuns shuuld pull I troop out AIllles called In the air ferce Under the s nate version, au­ oC K.1Jrea as soon a8 the South Ko­ trem Its majer task ef smashing June 30, Judge Harold C. Kes­ 2.2 mllLlen that lies 100 miles ~­ singer will talk on "How We Got hind the Soviet M'TYIY's (ront line therlty for credit curbs and ter rean can ~ outfitted. Cemmunlst supply Unes and allocatlun of Be rce materIals to. Meanwhile, hI' sugg ted we Our Presidents." Hal Bey Ie, a In Euruw. industry would be extended (or a bases. celumnlst, will speak en ''TIle "drag uur (eet" In the Koresn Allied piluts still teund time to The Ruulans rejected In Am-­ lull year, until .Tune SO. 19S5. Poor Man's Philosophy," July 7. erlcan pretest a,alnst the wound­ View Display at Colloquium truce talks until American arms sfage a heavy raid en a Red sup­ "This Changing World" wILl be inl of a U.S. military policeman. The bill ekaYed by the huu productlen ae rolUng at a speed ply billie en the nearby Haeju PTCTUREO ABOVE Is ~ full Iud model of an domle m~elo. It ~eup Thunda,y would de away ntc: 58T)' to. eutfit South Kerean the subject chu en by Harrlsen Pvt. WIlfl'f'd R. Chenevert of Ia a dem.onatraUoil wilt for cl room Ole alld Is Wlf!d 10 demo.trate peninsula. Piluts Q!ported they Wood, a radio. commentator, July North Gnfton. Mm., on the Ber­ with the guver-nmen!', pow r to ferc s. destreyed 34 sturage bulJdlnp and ltte a.cUOIl 01 aloms In .. map. U field. It the exhibl~ of Carl - Impose credit contrels. Taft old bombIng uf China 14. The pro£l'am will be cbanged Un border by a Communist pollce­ loft colle&'e, Nort.llllel., Mlnll., one of 33 collues Ind. uoJversliJet damaged 12 mere. the last scheduled dote, July The nate v rsion ef th' legis­ above the Yalu river would have fer man June 4. They declared the MP ~Un, for pria In experimental and. non.ellperl_... tal 1"'011", Attack WI. KAob 21. Nelsun and Neal will present a lation also cent. In, Illngu C! re­ werked a year ago when It was h,. penetrated East Getman ter­ at SlIJ'. 14th aJl.nual PhTlica colloqlUIII. Look~ al the -.nelo, The Allies won the knob west plane duet. ritory .nd th,t only • warning qucstinl Pre id~nt Truman to In­ {livered by G n.. DougJa MacAr­ (hln 10 riwbt) are Dr. f'nnk Vetbru&we, Carlelon colJewe, 'lie ex­ vuke the emeriency provisions ef thur. Now It'. too late, he added, uf Cho.rwo.n after H ' heurs et at­ This year's series ef lectures Is Shot was fired In the .Ir. Chene­ blbllor: Father J. V. Ben-el. t. Lou' IUllversltr: WeneleU Pha•. taek and Red ceunter attack. scheduled fer Menday evenlnas, vert was jfrazed on the len Ie, by the Taft-Hartley Act in th pr s­ becau the Reds have too much Clement Davies M;&Dehestn colJe~e, Incl., and Robert L. H~nry. Carl~lo" collere. The land and Ir .uperlorlty. Eighth. army headquarters m~de a change trom last year when a bullet that pBS5ed through bll "bibU _ deve.lo)J'td In the Quirion laboratory UDder a .,...,.t trom ent steel dlsput . Th e auth rlze First Summer Lecturer the Pre iden t to k 80-day no­ Th Ohio. Republican. In a no. estimate ef the number ef Chi­ they were on Frldl\Ys. jeep. Ule Researcll corporation of New York dly. nese casuaJt[es. strike injunctions In wurk atep­ whirlwlnrl Invaslen or g nerally Some Allied tjlnks which waded pages where the nation's security prv-E1senhower territory here, into. the sthligle In suppurt ef Is Involved. fellnd him .eU more or less In the Infantry ran In\o Cummunlst a!U' emenl with Gen. DwlJlht D. Y'Gung Gunmen Take Control sui:wiII Accept Con.gress Raises Snags P .......e 0._ IIVIfltJ' SI. enh\lwer on the Korean Issue. mine fields and were disabled. Senate pa ale of th controls At abeut the lame Ume Taft Tankl Ralll ~ extenslen came ,wlltly ThursdlY was outlining his vleWll In a re­ Allied tank and Intantry teams Of 16.Story New York Holel' . Sta~ium Repair Bids In Truman Seizure Bid acter those advocaUng alternallve corded radio interview for Friday raided. ether Chinese hill posl­ proposals to deal with the .teel mernlng. E1s nhower WI! SaylnR tlens a bdut a mile west of till' Until 25th of Month W ASHlNGTON (JP) - Cengres strlke ,av up th effort to attach much th same thing to. • visltLn. Cherwen battle. They reported NEW YOR K (IP}- Three braz­ raised new InaiS al.lnst Pr sl­ uri, brought up th seizure them to th bill, layilli they greup et New J r y GOP dele­ killing or wounding about 600 en yeung lIunmen took uver a 16- radio and teievlsion artist, corn­ SUI Is nuw acceptJn, bids for dent Truman's drive fer power to.
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