For more information or copies of AusRAP reports contact: Australian Road Assessment Program (AusRAP) C/O Australian Automobile Association (AAA) 103 Northbourne Avenue, Canberra ACT 2601 Email
[email protected] WEb or PhonE +61 2 6247 7311 Alternatively, contact the Automobile Club in your state or territory. Material in this publication may be reproduced or quoted provided AAA is acknowledged. © Australian Road Assessment Program (AusRAP) 2011 how Safe are our Roads? Rating Australia’s National Network for Risk benchmarking the performance of australia’s roads in the Decade of action 2 011 an average of four people are killed on Road crashes cost our community $74 million australia’s roads each day every day Engineering measures to improve safety don’t Everyday drivers making everyday mistakes have to be high cost ones and best of all - they should not die or be seriously injured as a last decades consequence of an unsafe road a road system where we have five star drivers ausRaP aspires to help australia become a in five star cars on five star roads should nation free of high risk roads. involve no deaths The roads assessed in this report represent just over 20,000 kms of australia’s highways have three per cent of australia’s road length, but been rated for risk recorded over 15 per cent of all fatalities 26 per cent of the roads assessed have shown Just nine per cent of roads assessed qualify as little or no improvement and are persistently a most improved road high risk Contents Why Road Safety is Important ..................................