And Khvostof Islands Alaska G W
Geology of Segula, Davidof and Khvostof Islands Alaska g W. H. NELSON INVESTIGATIONS OF ALASKAN VOLCANOES - - GEOLOGICAL SURVEY BULLETIN 1028-K Pr~filzredis coweration with the Depa~e~tsof the Asmy, hwy, md Air Force UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON r 1959 UNITED STATES DEPARTMEW OF THE INTERIOR FRED A. SEATON, -my GIEOUK:ICAL SURVEY Thllmt.8 8. Noh, Dhctw PREFACE In Wbr2848 the War Deparbnent (now bpartment of the by)requad the GeologicaI Survey to undertake a program of volcano investiptions in the AIentim Islands-Alaska hninwls area. The field studies were made during the years 19M-1954. The re- sults of the first year's field, laboratoq, and library work were h&iIy assembled as two Bdministrative reports, and most of thesa data haw been revised for publication in Omlegiml Survey Bulletin 1028. Part of the early work was publish4 in 1950 in Bulletin 974-B, "Volcmic Activity in the Aleutian Arc," and in 1951 in Bulletin 989-A,UGeoro~ of Bd&r Island, Aleutian Islands, Alaskan both by Robert R Coats. Unpublished results of the early work and all of the later &dies are being incorporated as parta of Bulletin 1028. The ggolagical investi- gations covered by this report were reconnaismnm. The investigations of 1948 were supparted aIm& entirely by the Military Intelljpnae Division of the Mce, Chief of Engineers, U. S. Army* From 1947 until 1956 the Departments of the Axmy, Navy, and Air Form joined to furnish financial and lopistic tw&tmce. CONTENTS kbetraot,, ,, - - - - - - - - - - - -,,- - -,- - - -,,, , ,, , ,, - - -
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