On the size of Heyting Semi-Lattices and Equationally Linear Heyting Algebras ∗ Peter Freyd
[email protected] July 17, 2017 The theory of Heyting Semi-Lattices, Finitely generated hsls are finite. hsls for short, is obtained by adding to the theory of meet-semi-lattices-with-top a The proof takes a while. First, say that binary operation whose values are denoted an hsl is local if there's an element m < 1 x ! y characterized by such that for all x < 1 it is the case that x ≤ m. (The local hsls are the \subdi- x ≤ y ! z iff x ^ y ≤ z rectly irreducibles" of the subject for those who know what that ugly phrase means.) The The easiest equational treatment uses the eponymous example is obtained by starting symmetric version, the double arrow rather with the hsl of open sets of a space, choos- than the single. The binary operation x $ y ing a point, identifying two open sets iff they is characterized by agree when restricted to some neighborhood x ≤ y $ z iff x ^ y = x ^ z of the point. We'll call a local quotient a localization. Each may be defined in terms of the other: Every hsl is embedded into the product of x ! y = x $ (x ^ y) its localizations. x $ y = (x ! y) ^ (y ! x) For two elements a and b we need to find a The $ operation may be equationally localization in which a and b remain distinct. characterized by Define m = a $ b. It suffices to find a local- ization in which m remains different from 1.