Annual Report 2013-2014
® $118$/5(3257 $FFHSWHGDVDFKDULW\E\+05HYHQXH &XVWRPVXQGHUUHIHUHQFH;5 ULSTER HISTORY CIRCLE ® ANNUAL REPORT 2013 - 2014 8/67(5+,6725<&,5&/( $118$/ 5(3257 Cover photograph: John Clarke plaque unveiling, 25 April 2013 Copyright © Ulster History Circle 2014 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, by any means; electronic, mechanical, recording or otherwise, without the express written permission of the publisher. Published by the Ulster History Circle ULSTER HISTORY CIRCLE ® ANNUAL REPORT 2012 - 2013 :LOOLH-RKQ.HOO\EURWKHURI7KRPDV5D\PRQG.HOO\*&DQGPHPEHUVRIWKHZLGHU.HOO\IDPLO\ZLWK 5D\PRQG¶V*HRUJH&URVVDQG/OR\GV¶*DOODQWU\0HGDOVDIWHUXQYHLOLQJWKHSODTXHRQ'HFHPEHULQ 1HZU\ ULSTER HISTORY CIRCLE ® ANNUAL REPORT 2013 - 2014 Foreword The past year has seen a total of seventeen plaques erected by the Ulster History Circle, a significant increase on the nine of the previous year. These latest plaques are spread across Ulster, from Newry in the south east, to the north west in Co Donegal. Apart from our busy plaque activities, the Circle has been hard at work enhancing the New Dictionary of Ulster Biography. All our work is unpaid, and Circle members meet regularly in committee every month, as fundraising and planning the plaques are always on-going activities, with the summer months often busy with events. I would like to thank my colleagues on the Circle committee for their support and their valued contributions throughout the year. A voluntary body like ours depends entirely on the continuing commitment of its committee members. On behalf of the Circle I would also like to record how much we appreciate the generosity of our funders: many of the City and District Councils, and those individuals, organisations, and businesses without whose help and support the Circle could not continue in its work commemorating and celebrating the many distinguished people from, or significantly connected with, Ulster, who are exemplified by those remembered this year.
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